World Defying Dan God


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Young Chen Xiang had a fateful encounter with a goddess & demoness and received their peerless heritage, divine pulses, ultimate martial arts, and transcendent alchemy techniques, which gave him an easy ride in his journey of cultivation.

When hungry, he refines some spirit pills to eat as snack, when lonely he flirts with the goddesses, when bored he teases those martial artists who came to beg for spirit pills, when tired he lets his beautiful wives massage him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ao Shi Dan Shen
Prideful Medicine God
Related Series
Emperor’s Domination (4)
Dragon-Marked War God (4)
Ancient Strengthening Technique (3)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
The Strongest Dan God (3)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (3)
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  1. My Journey into Webnovels: Discovering Wuxia
  2. Novels that I have read 2
  3. Novels I have read
  4. My Main Novels
  5. CN Harem

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Seregosa rated it
May 28, 2020
Status: c210
I started reading this after thoroughly going through the reviews and seeing the flaws and supposed pros of this novel and thought that I was fully prepared to enjoy it by turning of my brain and just reading. I believed I knew what I was getting into, that I knew just how bad it would be in some ways and that I would be able to handle it nonetheless because I've honestly not got so many good novels left to read after so many years.

Little did I know that I... more>> would be proven dead wrong.

Before starting my read, I thought the novel was going to be a light-hearted, s*upid power trip story with some decent comedy and lots of girls. Well, sadly, it didn't fulfill these promises, except for the s*upid and light hearted part. It all started off somewhat weirdly yet I felt it was interesting. It was weird, but a few chapters in I started to feel some serious warning bells ringing. His fighting and conversations with the people of his clan just made me cringe and felt like it was written by a juvenile teenager. Still, I kept on, telling myself that, okay, this author isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but that's fine, I wasn't looking for a deep story, I just wanted some comedy and a power trip. A few dozen chapters in, things were still somewhat interesting. Even 100 chapters in, it wasn't too bad. Yet I had, by this time, realized something. The comedy in this novel sucks way too much, it's so bad that I can barely even understand that the author is trying to be funny. Laughed 2-3 times in 210 chapters, not good as even non-comedy action/drama type novels tends to have comedic relief which makes me laugh at least every dozen chapters or so.

I was starting to doubt if this author had any talent whatsoever. I wasn't thinking of dropping it yet as I still find out decently enjoyable, the flaw of the author where he rushes things is also a good point for this particular novel as the writing and story sucks, it's just one big event after another, sometimes several big events happen in one chapter and just as he's done with one thing, another big revelation hits us in his face and the MC rushes off to another place, never any peace nor moment to deepen the plot or our immersion as readers. So I kept on reading. Around chapter 150, the flaws started to grate my mind more and more and I simply couldn't ignore them anymore, the author rapid fired bad developments and horrible plot along with logical fallacies 24/7. I was getting increasingly frustrated. After 210 chapters, I wanted to tell the author to go screw himself and stop writing novels if he has zero skill whatsoever and no desire to even remotely put in any effort into his own novel.

Now, all of this is very vague because I wanted to avoid spoilers, so I'll just put a bunch of things that are wrong with this novel in a spoiler bubble.


Okay, let's start with the MC. He's not only a rash moron, he's also illogical to a fault not to mention completely random, his personality is all over the place. He's a piece of sh*t in every way. He's incredibly lecherous, but he's more of a closet pe*vert than anything as he never dares to do anything, he'll just stare and have a hard time holding himself back against all the endless beauties shoving their privates in his face. Yet he dares to claim being loyal, at least to some extent, to his fiancée. By the way, by the end of the novel he's got around 30+ wives, incredible, and by that I mean incredibly bad. I love harems but everything has a freaking limit.

The MC will proactively seek death. It's like he's a braindead musclehead. He NEVER thinks before he acts, he only seems to move on basic instincts like libido and rage. Offend him at all and he'll proceed to rush into your house to mu*der you and everyone in your immediate vicinity. Lost count on the times where he offends people and then, with complete disregard for his own safety and the safety of everyone around him, rushes headfirst into the enemy camp to kill. Of course he almost dies a lot of times. Then he has the gall to just waltz around outside, getting ambushed repeatedly and almost killed, but this is just fuel for his nerdrage as he stares in indignation, a death glare so ferocious that it could only come from a toddler that had its lollipop stolen and eaten right in front of it or a chihuahua that had its tail pulled, before proclaiming loudly how he'll make you suffer 10 times, NO, 100 times worse! And he'll also slaughter your clan, family and sect as a bonus. Urgh. He's a brat who received powers he never deserved and shouldn't possess.

The girls are all soulless, except for maybe the dragon girl and perhaps the two in his ring. They're copy-paste material that exist only for him to hit on as all of them are unrealistically beautiful, very powerful and somehow fall incredibly easily for the MC. Doesn't matter if it's a 14 year old girl, newborn dragon or 10000+ year old hag, all of them will blush as he perves on them, experiencing first love or whatever. Not a single one of the girls have any experience at all, even after having lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years, they're immature, acting like shy teenagers, as if they had no life experience at all in all those years. The MC will also somehow "coincidentally" meet them in very unlikely situations and save them or help them, this happens every time and I got seriously sick of it. Especially how he perves on all of them and how they quickly start loving him like there's no tomorrow. I absolutely hated it.

Oh, and the author makes it his job to proactively insult our, the reader's, intelligence. How? By pretending that something that doesn't make sense makes sense or ignoring previously established settings to fit his mood of the day. The MC will somehow think of "incredibly revolutionary and smart things that no one has ever thought of before" and these things are so freaking easy to think of and do that it's actually completely impossible that they haven't thought of it and that it isn't common sense already. But nope, the author, in all his glory, doesn't know how to write a story at all and has no brains to speak of so he thinks these simple, basic things are smart. Like fusing two powerful things or techniques or just planting a SEED of a fruit to get more fruits when the tree matures (seems no one in the entire universe tried that before). Of course the goddess and she-devil in the ring will praise him for his awesome skillz and talent. After all, no one has ever realized that 1+1=2.

I usually hate when a novel keeps enemies alive for too long, you know, the annoying twerps that just keeps on coming back to ruin the day and never seems to just die. But this author has taken it in the complete opposte extreme. No matter how OP the enemy is, they will die or get completely screwed over in a few chapters from offending the MC, no one ever stays alive for long. This leads to the other side of the spectrum where instead of being annoyed at the character never dying, we instead don't feel any satisfaction whatsoever when they die as they never left much of an impact on us. Of course this author wouldn't be capable of writing anything more complicated so that's likely why nothing ever seems to matter in this novel.

Later on, the MC also starts becoming s*upidly "kind" to his friends and all the females around him, going out of his way to give them stuff he has great use of himself and also creating some weird group with his so-called "friends" (who are just template idiot followers). I really can't get behind so many of the things happening after chapter 150.


That's just some of my grievances with this novel. At the end of the day, I never expected a masterpiece, I just wanted a novel to read that was decent enough and could make me laugh a bit, but this not only failed to make me laugh, it also ended up being everything I hate about other chinese novels fused into one. Hollow girls, no proper development, subpar and boring comedy, fights that doesn't matter, info dumps no one cares about, world building that hardly exists at all, a MC that can't think for sh*t, a harem that gets in the way and just plain illogical in every way. I would've done myself a great disservice if I continued reading it. I don't really recommend this to anyone unless you only want to read the first 100-150 chapters. 2/5 stars for being "readable" enough for me to even get to 200 chapters, but my opinion after chapter 150 is that it deserves more of a 1/5 seeing how it becomes a big train wreck. I wouldn't even really recommend this to someone who really has nothing else to read, instead I'd recommend going for some manga, anime or just playing some games instead and wait for more chapters from other novels. Even more so since it would be such a waste of time if you ever tried to read all the chapters. Would probably easily take more than a month, you might as well spend that time meditating and trying to start cultivating, at least you would perhaps get some inner peace at the end of the month. <<less
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April 3, 2020
Status: --
Just wanted to say this novel is fully translated (3820 chapters).

Update 20/09/21: Correction. This novel was fully translated with edited mtl up to 3820 but since then author picked it up and has added 800+ chapters and is ongoing.

Babelnovels has it as well as a few others. The key point is the unofficial translations start after 465 and are machine translations with FULL English editing so maybe that's why someone undid it when I marked novel as "completely translated".

However, don't be misled, the translations quality are solid and easy... more>> to understand and no one will confuse them for machine translations. The only issue is some cultural jokes are lost.

The point of this post is that many people only want to read completed stories and will overlook this one thinking only 10% of the novel is available (like I first did).

If you are looking for a complete alchemy and harem (more harem than alchemy) novel then this one is highly recommended but it's more a guilty pleasure read. <<less
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Hydropoop rated it
January 22, 2016
Status: --
Interesting enough for me to start reading, but just about 10+- chapters in I lost interest, and could only skim through the chapters.

The usual build up of shame and humiliation onto the MC because of MC weakness which happens at the start of the novel is really thin in this one, MC gained power up too easily, too OP, there’s no challenge and the story failed to have me emotionally invest/relate into the character, therefore losing my interest.

Though it is only a few chapters into the story, and the... more>> story might be really good later on, it already has lost my interest so quickly. Thus, I give it a low rating, 2/5 <<less
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Moxmox rated it
July 1, 2019
Status: Completed
What a great adventure. The ending was rushed, but it didn't take away from the 3800 chapters of entertainment.

The harem is grand, and I loved how they leveled up parallel to the MC.

The plots were streamlined.

... more>> The fight scenes were quick. So those that like fight scenes that last 4 or more chapters, may not like this. For me it was perfect. I hate drawn out fight scenes.

The MC is a grounded individual for most of the Novel. He doesn't have any personality flaws that so many MCs in other novels have.

In all 3820 chapters, I never felt the urge to skip a single one. <<less
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DubZer0 rated it
February 23, 2017
Status: c14
This is worse than even generic, cliched Xianxia. Everything is bad in this novel, the world building, characters, logic, everything. Powerful adult cultivators (middle aged to old) are only at the 7-8th level, while teenagers are already at the 4-6th level. MC keeps his powers hidden (for no real reason, it's just the cool thing to do apparently) but shows it off the moment somebody calls him a waste. MC and his father are scared ppl might try to assassinate him (again, tons of other geniuses out there but apparently... more>> ppl are going to pick just on him) so they keep his powers secret and then show it off in front of the entire clan literally the next chapter. He's so skilled in alchemy that he skips a decade of work and just manages to figure it out in one day, even when his teacher (his fateful encounter) who is a super cultivator said it would take him at least 1.5 years. I couldn't make it to chapter 20, it was that bad. <<less
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DiazXavier rated it
May 31, 2016
Status: c90
I recommend this to those looking for a good read. A not so OP MC but not so weak either. A good balance and let's you be thrilled while reading hoping for the best and praying for the worst not to happen. It has a good character development and even thou there are many love interest as on chapter 90 no note worthy progress on it while in my part is logical specially on the flow of the story. A good nice read, looking for more chapters to come.
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Mkill rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: c24
On behalf of the 4.2 score on NU, I managed to endure 24 chapters of this novel.

However, it's not for me. It's extremely rushed, the MC gets OP overnight without having to sacrifice anything and basically gets the most supreme things falling from the sky all the time.

There is basically no development and I honestly couldn't feel one bit excited reading this novel, only plain indifference. Characters are just not likeable.

IMO, one should stay away from this novel, unless you like novels like MGA, Imperial God Emperor, PMG and the... more>> likes. <<less
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February 13, 2016
Status: --
I'm quite tired of xianxias and wuxias taking their time on being bullied, and beating them up over and over again. So, I actually find this one's pace more to my taste. It has my attention, for now xD
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AutumnSnowz rated it
August 9, 2016
Status: c182
Update: so I got really bored and gave this novel another chance. I started from the beginning and the story is okay but the romance is still horribly written. And he has no self control losing himself everytime he seen a beautiful woman and gets in a daze. And every single one of those woman has the intelligence of a 10 year meeting a guy for the first time when they suppose to be hundreds if not thousand years old. The romance/force romance is so cringy and dumb that I... more>> have to pause for a miunte or 2 to even continue reading the novel. That's just how bad the romance and interaction between the MC and female in this novel is.

The story is okay but the dialogue seem so 2 dimension and childish sometime. The interaction between the male and female is so lame and and childish sometime that it doesn't seem like adult but little 14 year old kids having there first love. I honestly don't know if the author just doesn't know how to write romance or he never experience it so he has written it in such a childish way. And the male lead is okay but sometime he such a douche bag taking advantage of all the female. That is call s*xual harassment in most case. There a difference between teasing and s*xual harassment and he cross the line to s*xual harassment which make it not funny at all. Overall the story is something you should read if you have time and is bored but in no way will you miss out on anything if you don't read this. To me its at best a 3 to 3.5 out of 5. <<less
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kingtape rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: --
This novel is probably one of the worst webnovels I've ever read. It fits all of the tropes of xianxia without any originality, and that makes it ridiculously boring. Also, the characters are all 1-dimensional af. Waste of time.
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January 6, 2021
Status: c3300
I've got to be honest. I enjoyed it quite a bit at the start. When it seemed like protagonist was half decently written at least. He worked hard, had a sense of humor, toughed his way through torturous training and got strong for fights, e.t.c. As for the harem aspect at least they are individual people with somewhat different personalities at the start of the novel.

But as the story goes on you start to notice something. It gets more repetitive over time. Attention to detail becomes less and less important.... more>> A bunch of useless timeskips are thrown in. There's less focus on his fighting skills. I understand that he's an alchemist first. But at the beginning of the novel he invested quite a lot into fighting techniques at least, not just barely enough to for use. And the harem, it's essentially an abstract concept at this point. The females will rarely appear as individuals. From naming their names, they eventually become 'my women'. Which sort of makes sense if every other significant character he encounters is some pretty thing (With near identical personality/way of doing things with all the rest). Also his original buddies are practically forgotten.

So in short, from my original enjoyment as something great to binge read, it became tiresome to keep up. I'm even surprised I've held on this long. <<less
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kieleich rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: c250
From zero to hero. Clap your hands and be strong. Succeed refining medicine first try. Beat your peers in 10 chapters and your seniors in 20 chapters. No arduous cultivation necessary. At the same time there is nothing else: no comedy, no face slapping, no plot, nothing to look forward to.

This is one of the webnovels that simply suck in every single aspect, yet people give good ratings anyway.

Other novels (like ISSTH) so good you forget they're webnovels and people criticize them on published novel standards.

So bad novels get good... more>> ratings and good novels get bad ratings. Don't read reviews, read the novel to find out for yourself. <<less
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ColdFrontDM rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: c750
This story is so repetitive, I made an account just to review it and suggest people don't. I enjoyed MGA, BTTH, ISSTH, DD, CD, etc. Many novels in the thousands of chapters that can become a bit repetitive. But this is next level.

story starts off ok, around 200 chapters then it repeats itself. Tournaments are all the same. Villains are all the same. Someone super OP? Well don't worry a secret realm will open up and their cultivation will be stripped away, but MC will figure out how to use... more>> his in their and win. <<less
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Fattysdie rated it
July 2, 2019
Status: c75
As soon as they introduced a fatty I dropped it the cliche fatty best friend who's the funny arrogant one is tiring to me I've read too many damn light novels with fat annoying side characters to ever consider another one with such a cliche

It was a decent story so far kinda fast paced imo and it seems like everything goes MCs way looks so far to be your typical op character but I'd recommend reading if you don't mind the usual from light novels like this one
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Poppy Palais
Poppy Palais rated it
August 3, 2018
Status: c408
It's a very, very stereotypical Xianxia story, with a plot, or rather situations, that you can find in a hundred other tales. Not terrible, but not particularly well done. I don't mind the repetitive nature, it's just that there's pretty much no tension, with everything going the hero's way, whether it's resources, "fortunate encounters", or training. There's never the smallest indication that he's going to fail or even have a setback.

The villains that appear have so little character and back-story that there's no satisfaction or interest when they're defeated.

The alchemy... more>> contests are probably the best parts, but even then, he so easily crushes and overwhelms opponents that it's all a bit flat.

The worst part is decidedly the Harem aspect, not because he has so many, but because they're so one-dimensional, and have no characteristics other than devoting themselves to the hero.

It's one to read when you're waiting for chapters from other, better books.

Just passed the 400+ chapter and the translator has changed and the translation quality has plummeted, becoming pidgin English, with tenses all over the place. Hopefully it will improve, otherwise it will cease to even reach the "better than nothing" standard. <<less
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valzione rated it
November 21, 2017
Status: --
I made it just few chaps in, honest impressions;

  1. writing or translation style on first tl site feels childish, not sure if so originally, or due to translator.
  2. Really generic setting, crippled MC, fiancee about to be stolen yadda yadda etc. good encounter -> MC gets op
  3. Everyone is like in generic cultivation novels, everyone in family is a d*ck aside MC's immediate family and people who are obviously MC's friends villains are extra generic and 2 dimensional (although this can't be judged properly since all the bad points piling up made me drop this in like first few chaps in)
  4. The other generic villain challenges MC to alchemy and martial duel (why would you challenge a cripple to also match on alchemy? readers know he isn't a cripple but why would this generic villain make himself look like ret*rd by challenging someone who obviously shouldn't know alchemy into alchemy match when he should already win the martial fight easily?)
  5. This was last straw for me, MC encounters generic villain who insults him in really weak manner, MC first accompanies the generic villain in arguing like little kids (says MC is way more mature than others right after???), reveals he is op (like in every other novel) and then MC proceeds to go all HAhaa and act like little kid who beat the other little kid for a toy (despite being said to be so mature...)
TL;DR Premise seems really interesting but story itself suffers from many faults, some of which are generic and can be ignored and others just being dumb.
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ss_zeklord rated it
July 15, 2017
Status: c377
Honestly, let me start by saying I made an account just to write a review for this book. I've read almost all of the popular novels on this website and most of the low key ones as well. I have to say this takes number 1 by far in terms of romance and character growth and just an overall happy story. There are no really sad tragedies and I just absolutely love this story and I wish it was picked up by another translator since it has stopped for three... more>> months now. <<less
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meebs rated it
July 24, 2016
Status: c20
After reading 20 chapters I don't know how this got any over 4/5 ratings. I don't mind stories that are rushed if its writing well with interesting characters and dialog but this has none of that. The MC is more One-dimensional than a straight line with no witty dialog or emotions. For example in good novel a author will describe the emotions or movtive of the main characters as they commit an action that they never done before or has a moral impact. This story the MC is a 16... more>> year old who grew up as a cripple with no real life combat experience or killed anyone but when he meets 5 robe assassins he crushed the first guys skull without even a flicker of emotion or even a internal dialog of how it had impacted our MC. This just shows lazy writing, the MC didn't reincarnate so he has no life experience he was a weak cripple growing up so he has no proper fight or combat experience yet when he dose his first kill the author didn't use this opportunity to give him more character and emotions but instead just pisses over it and continues the story.

if you are looking for a good harem this is not even worth your time. Just by the pacing and the lazy writing you can tell the girls in this novel will barely have any characters to them and are probably easier to get than STD in Thailand. Overall if you like peerless marshal god you would prob enjoy this since the pacing and writing quality looks almost the exact same tr*sh. <<less
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ejemss rated it
July 15, 2016
Status: --
Not as bad as those 1 star novels, not as good as Douluo Dalu as well. I'd say 4 for now. There has been a time where the MC suffers loss but he's too lucky most of the time. I like these kinds of novels where the MCs are lucky but in my opinion; the story should be improved. I recommend this novel to those who like lucky and instantly strong protagonists.

Read it, you'll lose nothing if you don't have anything to do anyway. It's a matter of preference.
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Ardavix rated it
July 9, 2016
Status: --
Truth be told, it's not a bad story; it's a trope story but so what ~ the premise, which you've likely read in the summary/description, is interesting and it has a lot of translated chapters out [as of July 2016]... that said, although it's not perfect, it suffers from one very cringy and very noticeable setback ~ it often feels like it was written by chimps... yep... as they were randomly smashing their keyboard keys into oblivion ~ (especially the first few chapters).

Indeed, it's not so much that the... more>> author can't write, it's more like he just doesn't give a shit... and it shows. Then again, maybe he's just a bad writer. Maybe his demographics are young teens... if not then he must've had super tight chapter-to-chapter deadlines back when he was still writing this story.

Well whatever, I still give it a three because it feeds my Xianxia addiction.

EDIT: I'm sorry but it's just getting really really dumb... a bit too dumb even... 2.5 stars <<less
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