Waiting For You Online


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At the age of 15, He Jin found himself a “husband” in an online game, their love was filled with loving affection and sweetness. However, because his study was being interfered with, his parent cut off the internet, he didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye and had to disappear from the game.

8 years later, the online game in the past was about to come out with a revised edition and turned into a virtual reality game. He Jin decided to login again and unexpectedly discovered that his “husband” had become a powerful player and ranked number one in the whole server, moreover, he had not divorced him!

However, the husband that was abandoned by He Jin for eight years, his initial impression of him was that of a pure boy, but now he seemed to somehow have become…….a little evil?

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127 Reviews sorted by

Boinkers rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: Completed
One of the best romance/comedy/drama novels ive ever read!!!!!

100% recommended for fujoshi lovers, like me~ (~_^) teehee~

Warning BL!!! Dont say I didnt warn ya

ฅ'ω'ฅ melting meng attack!~~
(mc's super secret attack)
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PotatoCakes rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: c124
You might wonder how good of friends MC and ML were for ML to wait 8 years for MC. They were casual friends who played together for 75 days. As a gamer myself, the level of interaction between MC and ML can't be considered to be anything other than normal online friend interaction. They have to be truly insane to wait 8 years and still be in love.

This entire story is based on that premise and the rest of the story is also as ridiculous. The MC is whiny and... more>> worthless and the ML is overbearing and clingy. The friends are all lackeys without much personality and takes abuse from the main couple, yet continues to be nothing but friendly to them. This entire novel has the worst part of every MMORPG trope. <<less
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Rutabaga rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: c26
It got recommended to be as a good BL sports novel, but I guess its just not my cup of tea.

There are sweet moments, and as far as I am in the story, I don't really see how the romance and the novel overall could be bad. So I don't think it's a bad novel, its just not suitable for my tastes.

1. The pace is a bit slow. I feel like for the 20+ chapters I've read, the romance is entirely one way, I'm actually not bad with slow romances,... more>> but this one is at a incredibly slow pace, and doesn't really suit my tastes.

2. The MC's character really makes me uncomfortable. The MC isn't actually really badly written. I can tell he's written rather 3d, and since I'm not far in the novel I'm sure he'll have character growth or be written more in-depth, but I don't really like cowardly or indecisive characters. I can sympathise with him, as I'm also from a rather traditional Chinese household, (Though I stopped getting punished for s*upid reasons after I was a teenager), but I just don't like to read characters who remind me of the bad side of myself.

3. The gaming? I actually quite like MMORPGs, and instead of the FPS battle royales or MOBA gaming novels I like to read, MMORPGs are the most frequent genre I play. But there isn't any of that sense of success, and it's just too peaceful. I don't seem to read any of that "phew" moments whenever I defeat a hard boss or places that make you excited, since the ML is too OP. Reminds me of those adventuring isekai novels where its fun to read at first but gets boring midway.

Of course, all of these things are really because of my own taste in novels and games, and the novel itself shouldn't be bad for people who are able to enjoy it. I also don't really see any tags warning me about the things I dislike in the novel, so I rated the novel as I saw fit. Well, I dropped it. Sorry for the bad English and have a nice day. <<less
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noizuit rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: c217
I finished this novel, so here is my review - Please be aware I may accidentally spoil details.

I finished this within two days. It started off really nice, I was very curious about the premise of the story. I thought it started off okay, though I would say, I somewhat agree with other readers in saying that the ML (Qin Yang/Qin Yu) was a little creepy in terms of finding out who MC (He Jin) is. He comes off a little forceful, but I don't dislike him.

... more>>

The whole parent ordeal with MC makes sense to me. I understand where he comes from, but I feel like it's also used for dramatics in the novel, as later on, it forces MC's mindset. MC's mindset seems to jump back and forth from "I'm free" to "I'm not free" very rapidly, or maybe because the chapters are short. It's a little strange to me.

I liked the beginning and I wished the novel focused a little more on the game world, since that world seemed really cool. I wanted to learn more about the characters and I felt like YiYi just got thrown aside. I don't mind that she didn't get any redemption, but it was just... strange to see her disappear from the story entirely, especially if she has met Qin Yang irl.


One thing that made me read this novel fast was the second translator. Their website is filled with ads so my phone kept overheating, so if you're reading this, use an ad block on your computer if you don't have an android phone to read on offline mode, or your phone is going to get wrecked so fast, haha...

I also felt like there were a lot of really hard to understand bits in the second translator's work, such as moments where there are sentences that make no sense given the context, such as, strange double negatives or just moments where people enter a room and the door is clearly opened, but it'd say stuff like, "the door is not opened". It was a little confusing.

I gave it 3 stars because it had potential to be more, but I just gave up on it and finished it for the sake of finishing. Honestly, I feel bad because it's a mixture of the second website + the plot that got me to give up. <<less
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Noxidian rated it
March 20, 2019
Status: c155
Sweet junior high love. MMORPGs. Blissful reunion in college.

Waiting For You Online is the enactment of the dream most of us had while playing games when we were younger. We probably met a playmate on MapleStory and got married, thinking that they were "the one." Time breaks people apart, unfortunately, and many people eventually grow out of games to confront reality. Initially, WFYO appears to be a simple, two-dimensional love story whose sole purpose is to fancy readers' fantasies of what could happen if a virtual couple met in real... more>> life. The whole premise of the ML faithfully waiting for the MC for many years was ridiculous to me at first. Some of you probably agree. Rest assured, the writing, characters, and development get exponentially better as the story hits the halfway point.

It's an injustice to say that WFYO is just a fluffy danmei, especially if you evaluate it based on its MMORPG genre. The author dives heavily into dissecting the main character's thoughts, identity, and conflicts--in fact, this entire novel is pretty much a character study of the MC. It addresses serious and pervasive problems of modern (Chinese) society: seeking an individualistic identity, rebelling against parents, fighting the stigma associated with homosexuality, grappling with (clinical) depression, anxiety, and OCD, finding one's purpose in life, and learning to love. The MC is a medium for readers to relate to much of the turmoil that goes on in the novel. In contrast, the ML is a lot more distant from us and we don't get to read into him as well as the MC. His character is still fleshed out pretty well, but I find that his personality is nothing out of the ordinary. He doesn't manage to break free from the archetypal overprotective, black-bellied role that plagues the BL genre. His behavior in the game made me cringe a bit, but there's some decent justification for that as the story progresses.

Nothing comes easy in life, especially with relationships. WFYO does not shy away from ugly and often awkward topics such as masculinity and emasculation, social ostracism, and the infamous honeymoon phase (seriously, how many BL novels actually address this? Most relationships in this genre don't even come close to being as plausible as the one in WFYO).

To be frank, a lot of the scenes that took place in the game kind of bored me. I mostly skimmed them, since the real juice happens in real life. The tone of the story takes a huge turn after the halfway point as it starts addressing some pretty legit issues with relationships. I personally didn't mind it, especially since the emotional scenes were so well-written. The author's command of imagery and usage of details is breathtaking.

There are a few things in this novel that might trigger some PC people, but I think they're pretty minuscule and can easily be overlooked. (What I'm referring to is pretty typical of this genre, so not much of a warning here) Also just wanted to give a disclaimer that I MTL'd from Chapters 78 onwards using Baidu + referring to the og text from time to time to read some lines in Chinese. The novel was still readable and easy to understand, though it's possible that I may have missed a few things due to translation errors.

Worth reading? Yep. <<less
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laeticia rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: c22
I don't even care this is one of the best out there, if your looking more towards the emotional interaction of the MC and ML. 100% recommend this.

I think I've fallen in love with the ML he so adorable, as we go further into detail about him I swear you'll agree with me, I am gushing with moe. Argggggghhhh.

And the main lead he is so shy, especially when he comes back to interact with our ML, I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters.

yours truly,

forever fujoshin, MWA
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chrissy987 rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: c22
incredibly adorable, a bit slow and fast in romance (you will get what I mean when you read it). Satisfying slice of life pace. With the MC who is a bit slow in romance, calm in personality and has a inferiority complex with feelings of having never lived his own life truly under the control of his parents. ML is black-belly, knows what he wants and goes after it. But emotionally intelligent, as in he doesn't try to force the other guy or pressures him, far far away from all... more>> those forceful arrogant r*pey tropes.

same brand like 59 seconds. But a different unique sweet flavor.

11/10. <<less
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July 15, 2022
Status: Completed
I really love this danmei. I read it on a whim and its the first esport danmei ive ever read. I was not disappointed. I almost dropped novel after reading the reviews on NU. Big mistake! Most complained about how the MC let himself get manipulated by his mother blah blah blah. Im guessing most of the those who say that are western readers, filial piety is such a big thing in Asian countries and you just cant get rid of it overnight. I loved how the author dealt with... more>> it. I know MC's parents esp the mother is an abusive ass*ole but from the MCs perspective it'd be hella diffcult to just leave his mum and go live his life.

So, dont listen to the reviews, read it for yourself <<less
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YueLan rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: c155
(temporarily stopping)

i really do love this type of concept and it made me feel really nostalgic, wanting to play a similar type of game again called laplace m/tales of wind. MC is so realistic and his relationship with his mother really hit home for me, I related to how he felt like going to uni would be his path to freedom. ... more>>

it's just that ML does a lot of non-consensual things to MC and MC ends up not being able to refuse him. he literally pressured MC to be intimate with him, taking advantage of when he's completely drunk. he was also trying to make MC financially dependent on him and admitted that he would do anything to keep MC with him. I don't get why his mindset is so twisted, he always tries to cover up what he does by acting cute or something. it just feels toxic and abusive, not very romantic... like yeah ML did wait for him for 8 years but MC does not owe him anything and it's not his fault that they lost communication. another thing is that all the female characters are written to be pretty shallow most of the times and barely have any defining characteristics... they're literally all just ml's fans. female character in their team has barely any presence in the story and was just abruptly added on.

it's just really triggering and disappointing to me right now.

here are some trigger warnings in case anyone needs them (may not be all of them) :

  • abusive parent
  • child abuse
  • mention of death (not in the game world)
  • non-consensual [intimacy]
  • manipulation
  • borderline stalker behaviour from ml
  • h*mophobia
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Yuiheron rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: c140
qMaybe it's just not my cup of tea, maybe this novel is just not made for me but GOD this novel made me so frustrated that it made me drop the novel.

The beginning is great and hooked me up. The MC is relatable and so realistic (I am an asian so I can relate to his struggles).

The main issue for me? The ML, He is a clown. At first his behavior towards the MC was tolerable but a little creepy but in the middle it just got so overbearing. The... more>> ML act so obsessive towards the MC and it's creepy and overbearing that I can't handle anymore... <<less
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CloudyPanda rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: c217
The beginning of the story was okay but about halfway through it just went downhill. It has a good plot and the characters were not that bad, but I personally did not like the ML, and the MC was also annoying at times, the MC and ML were both so dramatic and lacked communication, I dont like the overbearing type of ML, but thats just me personally, if you enjoy that type characterization then I guess this isn't that bad. The side characters were okay, and there were funny parts... more>> of the novel that I enjoyed.

It's an okay read but I wouldn't read it again.

It had a good ending, but I think that it was dragged on a bit at the end. If you enjoy drama and a bit of angst then this would be what you're looking for. <<less
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secondthots rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: Completed
I have used up all my energy reserves trying to avoid reading this novel, but I am DESPERATE for something to read! The amount of times I've looked at the synopsis & skimmed thru the reviews have totaled up to more than 10x. Red flags sighted: indecisive MC, noncon, a very possessive ML, toxic parenting, intense h*mophobia. It didn't seem palatable during the 10 times I've passed by, but considering at this point I have read numerous garbo novels, I thought it was time for me to set... more>> aside my biases & attempt it. The real push was when I found out it was the same author as Assistant Architect & since then I was SOLD!

I enjoy the premise; the idea of meeting your online partner is pretty enticing to me, especially when they're hot. It's very reminiscent of Guide to Online Dating, so I was into it. The plot, overall, isn't anything new or unique. I think it mirrors a standard BL manga plot, consisting of misunderstandings, obstacles, family drama, & needless time skips. If you're looking for something that stands out, this may not be up your alley. But if you enjoy some suffering amidst the sweetness, you might just like this!

The characters--in which case I will be only addressing MC & ML--are frustrating. That's me putting it lightly. If people aren't dropping this novel because of plot, then surely it's because of these two controversial figures. MC is indecisive, timid, extremely unsure of his life. He has no control over his life & for me, he's learned to sacrifice his happiness at an early age. ML, on the other hand, is wild & unreserved. Once he's set on something, he'll put in 1000%. However, just like MC, he is also a child-adult but with power. It may seem like an opposites-attract dynamic, but at the very core they're quite similar. The relationship is not ideal; there's a lot of communication issues, unfair power balances, alongside some other toxic misconceptions. The resolution ended up being really weak too; no amount of cute AI babies will make me forgive & forget! Main CP is not my favorite pairing in my vast shelves of CPs, but I'm just glad it's a HE.

Now for the family drama... now I have A LOT to say about this because this is one of the factors that will offend people aside from the intense h*mophobia vibes. For fear of rambling, I will put it in a spoilers box!


I thought it wasn't exaggerated at all; people like MC's mother exist, especially in traditional eastern families. I strongly believe that if you come from a background similar to MC's, you'll definitely be able to relate. My family's Chinese & pretty traditional, but we're trying to conform to America's more lax (but messy) ways of upbringing. So, the elders in my family aren't as narrow-minded as they were in the past. MC's family situation triggered a lot of negative memories & emotions. My mother has never gone as far as to control my finances, but she does have a firm grasp on a lot of other things, so I fully understand how much that implicates the child. For those who are fed up with MC's indecisiveness, weaknesses, & incapability to be honest with his feelings- Y'ALL DON'T GET IT. Love can be an incredible catalyst to change, but that's not realistic for everyone. For MC, it took a lot for him to get out of his heavily engrained toxic mindset. The poor guy's been mentally abused all his life & I'm not surprised he's quick to revert back to his insecurities & pessimism. It's realistic & emphasizes the fact that love is not all fluff. The author did mention she wanted to try writing about a main character who was depressed, timid & she really was able to create a pretty complex character. His thought processes & actions fall in line with the consequences of his stifling childhood. It takes three years of pure misery & repression to finally break free from his shackles. I actually support the idea of a time skip (tho not everyone shares the same sentiment) because I think everyone needed space. By everyone, I mean MC & his family; they needed time to heal & patch things up, but I do not condone MC's breakup with ML. It was uncalled for, heartless even, & I think that no one should ever be dumped in that manner (unless they were a real ass). I'm pretty surprised that his parents, in the end, worms their way into being neutral about his sexuality. Although not entirely accepting of the fact, they still want their child's happiness. I thought that was really sweet tbh



    • Lovers-reuniting theme. I am a pure sucker for a partner that's not only loyal to the bone, but one that's willing to wait 8+ years for his beloved. The dedication (that borderlines if not already is complete obsession), the fervent passion- I love it. Though this may just be me seeing it thru a colored lens; y'all may be seeing him as an insistent stalker, but hey- he's hot so my brain cells are malfunctioning!
    • Crack friends. I love their online friends; they're all quirky & charming. Love how they're all very supportive of each other & they're always to quick to lend a hand if needed. Shoutout to MC's roommate for being a trooper this entire time; sad that he didn't get much screen time after the time skip SMH!
    • AI babies! Just like in Guide to Online Dating, there are instances of child-raising & it leaves room for many fluffy moments. AHHH I LOVE LITTLE BUNS
    • There is light at the end of the tunnel. Our couple chooses to take many detours in their relationship, often getting stranded or lost in their attempts to find happiness. There are many obstacles, but in the end they receive their happy (?) ending. It's not the best conclusion, but it's something!
Cons: ehhhh they're strewn up all over this review lol it should be obvious by now. The TL took a massive hit midway. Qin Yu turned into Qin Yang & I think I lost it at that point.

TL;DR if you can take the angst, go read it! <<less
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Tyarena rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: c155
It's a light and fluffy novel, not much angst that I had expected compared with other novels.

The ML is a bit pushy and selfish, however he's better than the scum man from the Man from the Wild South who r*ped the MC at their first meeting. The ML might have taken advantage of the MC when he was drunk but at no stage did the MC say no or seemed reluctant, otherwise I believe the ML wouldn't have continued with it. Anyway that's my opinion.

The character development and world background... more>> is good. But the romance is a bit lacklustre and boring.
I can understand the MC's family background as I also had a similar experience. My parents used to give me only $2 for lunch in high school (this was back in the very late 90s and early 2000s) and I wasn't given any other pocket money at all. As a result all my classmates thought I was very stingy as I didn't have any money to go out with them or buy birthday presents. Anyway it was a dark history and this novel struck a cord.
The MC seem unreasonable sometimes and short tempered to ML's sweet gestures.

Yes I can understand that he wanted to be independent and didn't want to rely on the ML financially, however the ML just wanted to spoil and makes the MC happy. It's his first time and has no idea on what he should do and so he is just fumbling through with what he thinks a boyfriend should do. Instead of just getting pissed off at ML and shutting the ML out without even explaining what the ML did wrong, he should reiterate again that he would prefer to earn his own money. After all the MC is supposed to be a patient and mature person? To me, his tempers seem out of character and immature. Being a homos*xual in a country that is mostly homophobic is very challenging and I know the MC is uneasy to have their relationship known to others, that doesn't mean he should take it out on the ML. The ML is also on the same boat but he isn't afraid of the stigmatisation from it. The MC is more timid and cowardly, probably from his years of abuse from his mother. Still doesn't make it ok to throw his temper on the ML though, 2 wrongs doesn't make a right. The ML also have feelings.

Overall it's a good novel, just that the romance is lacking and unnecessarily dragged out to fill more chapters. <<less
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sangwoo_444 rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: c100
Its... ok. The story starts out pretty nice and the characters are good too, cute interactions, lovey-dovey in game, blah, blah. Then, it suddenly goes downhill.
I read this about a month or two ago and since I still remember most of the characters from another book I read over 5 months ago, it goes to say something that I barely remember anything other than some 3-4 characters from here. Mainly I remember dropping this because the ML. Its not like I haven't read about more obsessive and kind of mentally unstable MLs but this one just gives me totally creepy stalker vibes.

I still don't feel comfortable that the ML just rigged? the fcking lottery? just to find out MC's real life info. Like, no. Please. While it was kinda necessary to, um, let him know MC's real identity, maybe not in such a creepy way? I mean, even if I act cute and excited with someone in the internet, that doesn't really mean I want to be associated with them in real life. Especially if its like this and involves them finding out my real life identity without me knowing.

The MC is a normal character, has normal family problems that comes from being gay in an Asian background,

has an overly-controlling, vicious manipulator of a mom, feels obligated to her (and I totally understand him. Because I also know that if I was in his situation, I would feel the same. Its just like, no matter what, she's my mom, okay? I grew up with her, she took care of me, even if she hurts me, I deserve it. Not a healthy attitude, sure, but I get it and I don't really blame him.)

The ML is kinda obsessive and a lot of his actions come across as plainly creepy, considering that MC doesn't yet know his identity.

Like, he got angry because the MC ran away or smth during a kiss IN THE GAME and then he proceeds to torment the MC IN REAL LIFE through a tennis game. It was obvious the MC was feeling guilty about his in-game actions but nope, the ML clearly doesn't care about it.

He's also pretty selfish in what he does and doesn't give much thought to MC's feelings (which you know, not really a good thing in a relation.)
The other characters also fall pretty flat and the only one I remember is the Flower Yiyi girl or something, only because, like in other stories, she was the villainous female character who likes the ML and hates the MC and proceeds to destroy the relation. Meh.
Overall, its ok, not great but not bad as well, you might like it, who knows?
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qpzmal rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: c217
This was the first web novel that I read, probably 3 years ago, but I'm finally writing a review now. I love this novel. The gaming aspect is really interesting and their interactions and love story in general is really cute and heartwarming. It started off really strong with great character and plot building, but it kind of degraded once they got together. There were some parts once the 'big reveal' happened that you would have to read without a brain since I was literally thinking wtf, why would you... more>> do that. It wasn't exactly s*upid, since I understand why they did that, but there were just certain people that I wanted to punch in the face. I really enjoyed the angst though and the overbearing CEO type ML. <<less
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dday0425 rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Honestly, I've exhausted all my energy into reading this. 😂 My moods keep swinging between frustrated, annoyed and sad throughout the story. I'm tired, I will need a rest after this.

The story is very good, though. Normally, the inferiority complex of the protagonists always annoys me to death, however, in this one, I sympathize with MC more. His family situation is freaking realistic, including his psycho mother.

I was born in an asian family with this type of overprotective parents too, albeit not as severe as MC's family, it's indeed very uncomfortable. Seriously, even after I graduated, I still have to report to my parents where I am going, and who I am going with. They also took cake of my scholarship when I'm in college. However, I can't hate them for their care at all. MC's life is so relatable. 😭

I totally understand where MC's insecurity and meek personality came from. He has been working hard to meet his mother's requirements his whole life. It's not easy, and I admire him a lot (since I can't do the same, and the number of times me and my mom argue probably already reached the sky since I was young 😂). His character setting is very reasonable.

However, I do have opinions about ML. He's cute, yes, but considering how insecured MC is, he's pushing way too hard. He also becomes super whiny and unreasonable when his feelings are not reciprocated, like a little child. I personally don't like this kind of person. He's doting on the MC (in order to get him), yet he has no real consideration for him at all. For the people as timid as MC to accept him this much is already so hard (with all the hugs and kisses in game), yet he's still pushing for more. It's Homosexuality! It's going to change his whole f*cking life! And he even know MC's family situation for god sake. Can't he just wait a bit longer? If I'm the MC at that time, I would be stressed to death with all those pressure. I will immediately cut him off tbh. Romantic online relationship sucks.

The above review was posted after I read c108 and I stopped reading it for 2 years at c161 and now that I completed it, this story definitely deserves a better rating! I don't know if it's because I also grown up, but this novel isn't so hard to read anymore and, although there are a lot of bitterness, they're very sweet together. 😭 The ending is pretty good too, I'm really happy that they survived the years of separation and all the family pressures. Besides, the extras are extremely cute. The little dumpling stole my heart. 🥺❤️
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iam4pril rated it
July 2, 2019
Status: c124
I recommend this novel for you who looking for rolling coaster emotions story. The MC is cute and tsundere type, and the ML is funny and loyal type. This is my favorite novel rn. I wait for the updates everyday ??
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VitaB rated it
February 27, 2024
Status: --
Looking at these bad reviews, I can't understand other people at all. It's incomprehensible...

This is one of my absolute favorite BL of all time. I can't tell you how many times I've read it!

Why is it so very good? Because unlike most BL it treats seriously the crushing pressure of being Asian and gay, having to fulfill your parents expectations and be filial.

A fantasy of courageous bravery and autonomy is great, sure. Stories where no one ever opposes the couple, where everyone always rejects the opinions of others, or chooses... more>> to just live for themselves and their partner, who doesn't like them! We all love BL right?

But stories like this one... Stories where you feel how real it is to struggle with your obligations to others, that challenge our modern idea that life *should* only be lived selfishly, how rare they are!

I like this story because it's not just the normal, excessive BL dog blood and knives. The characters are in real pain for good reasons, and it is beautiful to watch them work through it. <<less
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Zeizenhaha rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: c1
i really like these type of novel, the start was very good it was so cute between MC and ML at the start and it kept getting more and more interesting and I really like the development between MC and ml, it's not really a stereotypical romance nor insta love it just eels realistic and sweet. but... in chapter 90 and so on ML just got irritating for me. he became impulsive, inconsiderate and forceful :/ idk why he changed after about 90 chapters bruh

... more>>

the argument at about 90 chapters, where MC knows about ml's real identity and ML told MC about his real identity, in the car scene where MC is about to run away ML forcefully kissed MC which is basically adding fuel to the fire all for the excuse that he can't help it. after that scene and days later MC is mad at ML because he feels used and played while ML here is being like "why can't he forgive me? is it so hard to forgive me" and that line just pisses me off so much. after about chapter 100 ML made an arrangement where he and MC are taking a flight for vacation but what bothers me is that ML didn't even consider what mc's opinion about it, he just impulsively arranged it man. didn't even bother telling MC about it when they're at the airport. and yeah ik MC liked it but what if he didn't? im surprised MC didn't even feel mad about being deceived AGAIN :/


anyways this was really good at the start but downhilled for me after 90 chapters.

about the translation, it's mostly decent. there are some missing words sometimes but you can look at the comment section for it. the translation is pretty bearble imo 👍 <<less
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FabiolAAA rated it
August 7, 2021
Status: --

f*ck this novel for making me cry with all that angst, my god...

It was such a nice story, the gaming/battle elements were nicely written and quite entertaining to read.

... more>> Without going into spoilers territory, I have to say I was impressed with the angst that was given.

It was a mature type of angst that hit to close to home. It was really good.

The last few chapters were very cute and repaired my broken heart.

At first I thought this story would have a BE but my worries were misplaced.

The dynamics with the MC and ML may seem off but I like them none the less, it's quite interesting really.

The translation was nicely done with close to no grammatical errors. However the second site scrambled a few chapters? It was really annoying but the later chapters were put in correctly it seems. So a bit annoying but bearable at least!

I definitely recommend you read this if you like angst with a HP!

(Excuse me rambling, it's almost 4 am) <<less
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