Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf


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Lin Feilu, or better known by her nickname—Green Tea Princess, was the best of all the scheming b*tches that the world had ever seen. She was the Oscar-winning actress among the masses with real life as her stage. Acting coy, slandering, feigning innocence, or playing the saint, she aced it all. Simply put, she was the proverbial villainess.

Ah, but retribution came way too early for this malicious personage and she died on her 27th birthday.

In death, Lin Feilu reflected on her career of 20 years as the Green Tea Princess. She was full of regret and remorse over the life she once led. She vowed, if there was an afterlife, she would atone for her misdeeds and be a good person.

She transmigrated into a five-year-old princess of the Dalin Dynasty. In the name of family, she had a sickly mother disfavoured by the emperor, a mentally challenged and daft older brother.

Her life was constantly in danger, with having little to eat and trying to stay warm.

The living environment was very harsh.

Lin Feilu, who wanted to be a good person: … You forced me! Sorry, I can only activate my unique skill.

Harem fight? Striving for favor? Climbing the ranks?

Apologies, but let me show you what it means to be slaughtered by a maxed out player.

Note: “Green Tea” is a woman who presents herself as innocent, sweet, and kind but is very scheming and calculative in reality.

Associated Names
One entry per line
High Grade Green Tea Transmigrates into a Pitiful Little Girl
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Latest Release

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04/10/22 Fans Translations c277
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143 Reviews sorted by

tofuguru rated it
October 11, 2020
Status: --
OMG this novel was exciting, hilarious and sweet. I had to binge read from translated and mtl chapters.

The MC's sense of humor is so refreshing and I like how she made the connection with the OG mc's imperial family. She really tried to make up for the familial love that she was missing in her past life.


I truly enjoyed how she fan girls at everything, especially when she gushes about the ML e.g. "death by 10, 000 points" and the opponents in the palace are "NPCs". lol
The parts on how her other siblings found their respective significant others are super cute.
The MC was not trying too hard to be super hero that changes everything during that era, she tried to do her best of her abilities with her empress duties:
From the mtl version: Lin Feilu doesn't want to promote gender equality in this era, she just hopes to make women's status and life better within her ability.


The other characters like her imperial siblings are hilarious like the MC:


When her eldest imperial sister was choosing a husband among the portraits sent by the emperor father, "Why can't I keep all of them like father?"... palace full of eye candies..


I wish to read more novels like this, enjoyable, comedic and fluffy.
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lavendidi rated it
September 26, 2020
Status: c18
Very nice! Though I'm still not done with the novel, it's been a good read so far. I find the pranking of Concubine Xu funny and her foolish brother so cute <3. Gotta come back later after I'm done reading it. Ciao!
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K_araxx rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: Completed
This doesn't deserve a 3 but it doesn't deserve a 4 either. I would rate it 7/10.

Pretty cute! It was quite an enjoyable read, not much to say there. The female lead is pretty mary sue-ish but the story has plenty of good lighthearted moments. I also enjoyed how the fight for the throne played out. Most stories portray princes fighting for the throne as ruthless and unyielding. Yet, here, they are all closer because they grew up together (because the female lead brought them together). It talks a bit... more>> about how the pressures of obtaining the throne might affect the mental health and wellbeing of the princes. It shows that they aren't just unloving selfish people, but young adults in their 20s who didn't have much of a childhood. <<less
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Alyssandra rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: c114
This book is quite good : the characters have reals personality (for example the emperor is really smart but also arrogant and lonely, craving for the warmth of family), not every girl is s*upid and hateful.

the principals characters are really touching and I found them so cute together.

this novel is quick and easy to read when you need a funny and sweet story
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nimeaano rated it
June 10, 2023
Status: Completed
A 27-years old modern woman transmigrated into a 5-years old unfavorable princess. She who never experienced family love reborn with loving mother and brother, alas in environment where familial love is scarce.

... more>>

MC generally do what she must to survive. The green tea-ness is there but not enough face slapping. At the beginning it was fun following her interaction with the princes and princess.

Although coming from modern age, her invention mostly focused on new kind of dessert and really doesn't get focus. She is not OP, doesn't have golden finger but somehow everyone fall for her act, without much opposition.

Although it is quite uncomfortable for a 27-years-acting-as-a-5-years old to act green tea, manipulating her harem brother, it is still better than that later when she already grew up (again) but still acting like a 5 years old.

Romance really isn't there. To be honest ML is creepy, trying to kill someone for only wanting to marry MC (he didn't even force MC or anything like that). ML ruthlessness in killing even his father was downplayed so much and never explored.

Later ML character can be summarized as "those who dote MC" so that it become the trope of "she can't be wrong, let wife do whatever", or "loving wife more than child" to the extent of sterilize himself so the wife won't be pregnant again, eventually early abdicated to accompany wife.

The writing really feels immature, but I think the biggest problem is that it become a narrative. No action whatsoever. Instead of telling a story, it feels more like a stating summary of the fact.

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tpw16 rated it
February 24, 2023
Status: Completed
At first I was hesitant to read a story about kids. But wow the story was put together really well!

It surely drifts readers emotion: most of the time it made readers feel warm, and the kids antics are funny. But there are also time where it is heart breaking.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend this read.
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trash_generalist rated it
August 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Most fun before the timeskip. TBH reads like a Mary Sue Novel after the timeskip *sneezing face* — But! Well, I really enjoyed that first half, so— Anyway, the premise is that a very self-aware FL transmigrates into ancient times as a 5yo Princess. Said Princess is the 5th daughter of the emperor, but because her mother was unfavored for giving birth to a "fool", she didn't lead an easy life an died early, giving the FL the opportunity to take her place.

This has a lot of scheming, but not... more>> usually the darker kind cause the character being played is so young. Most of her "opponents" are her older brothers and sisters (who are kids themselves). The FL is forced to increase favorability from them to lead w more comfortable life in the fraught-with-dangers imperial harem.

Overall, the tone is very light and comedic — it has certain dark moments, but usually things end well and are handle cleanly. Romance wise, I do like that the author built up their chemistry but the ending was a bit depressing cause are there were definitely a lot of loose ends.


Anyway— Definitely highly recommended! Check out the TL — it is a bit annoying since the chapters are cut so short, I personally prefer longer chapters and less frequent updates, but the quality is good! <<less
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February 12, 2022
Status: c245
It is well written and translation is also great.

If I have any issue, than it will be slow release rate.

There is a lot of sweet and comedic moment but there is also a lot of bitter-sweetness and realism. Her father remains a true ancient ruler (don't expect his harem to disappear). The harem fights show a certain depth and dimension, these women aren't trying to just monopolize the emperor's favour, they are also seeking connections and pushing each other forward in order to strengthen their own factions. The fights aren't... more>> just because of jealousy or s*upid romanticism. <<less
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Wildez rated it
January 16, 2022
Status: c229
Cute and funny story💕 love the MC and her adorable brother🥺 always waiting for new updates impatiently 😭
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GGbookluver rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: c198
You know what. I really enjoyed this.

I've read very few imperial harem novels, so I'm not sure if this is how they all are. But what thing I noticed in this that the others don't have is familial bonding. From what I've read, everyone hates each other, and only the MC is good while the ML is pretty much a jerk.

But with this one, the two boys who the MC has gotten to know that aren't family, are very kind and don't overstep bounderies. And the MC makes connections with... more>> her family in a sort-of sincere way. Only making enemies with people who provoke her or she doesn't like. And leaving alone those she doesn't care for. The MC doesn't seem to have a goal of ruining the lives of everyone who ignored her. But rather only those who intend to harm her. The familial bonding is a completely new concept to me, her brothers also do not step over the line with the MC. While they do adore her, they aren't obsessive wacko's. And the MC even bonded with her sister, which is suprising since all females other than the MC (and her maid and mom) in these types of novels are evil. Plus the place servants are actually depicted as normal people trying to live their lives, some of them are cruel others aren't. Not everybody is against the MC. Nor did people go out of their way to harm her for no reason. Pretty much the true evil bosses were the concubines and maybe the emperor.

Plus all the children act like children, playing around and trying to be acknowledged. I could sympathize with them, because they are kind of like real kids.

I particular love the MC's full blood brother who is mentally hindered. I'm interested in how the author is going to depict this character as he grows up and his mental state will be more obvious. Anyways, the MC never looks down on her brother and her siblings who come to know her brother start to accept him. And the author doesn't glorify nor insult the character's state. Some characters in the novel despise it others accept it.

The MC is very fun, she's a face-con (loves pretty faces), and a very scheming actress. She has a good heart, but also is cold and cruel when she needs to be. Very fun to watch her put people in their place.

There were many plotholes and questionable moments, but since this story does not focus on these things it's easy to forget about them.

I know this is not a very good review, but I personally loved this. Sometimes, it's stories as simple as this that end up being my favourite.

[ 4/5 ] Definitely give it a try.

- Peace <<less
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NEKO_PLANET rated it
October 22, 2021
Status: c185
I really really really love this!!

Thank you so much for translating it. I'll be waiting till the end. Hope you will not give it up in the middle.

Xiao Lu is very cute. This story is rather refreshing. I've been quite bored lately and this story helps me quite lot.

Again, Thank you and keep up the great work!
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lynhsk rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: c134
Absolutely love this book. Was hooked from the start to the finish. Recommended 100%
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Lalali rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: --
This is my new favorite novel (T^T). The journey MC went through from childhood along with ML and her sibling are fun and heartbreaking. I kinda cried when the siblings grow up and has their own family while MC remembering that they are still like how they used to as a child when she look at them.

MC brother was the best character for me he was a victim and when evwryone else grew up he was still the same. His time stop tho Im happy that he enjoys his life😭
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SilentWatch83 rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: c1

Meng attacks.

Adorable siblings.

Enjoy the fluff. Highly recommended for the sweet reading.
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April 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I like that the premise of the story and I think it was executed well. I don't think she's a bad person in her previous life, more like she can't stand injustice and takes revenge, and her transmigrated personality is also like this. I quite like Feilu. She uses Meng and flattery to rope "NPC" to her team. Although her main reason is to get some backers to make life more comfortable for herself, her mom and brother, she is very sincere and love her siblings. This is one of... more>> the royalty family where the kids are close with each other and she's one of the reasons for their closeness. The romance is not the center of the story, but it's still engaging. The characters are humane and the bad ones are dealt with their own medicine. Everyone has their happy endings, although I fee, bad for xingjang not to get the girl, but he really don't hold a candle to how jinglan treated our MC. <<less
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Honey B
Honey B rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: Completed
I laughed. I cried. I swooned.

The MC was like a super hero taking down harem b*tches like playing a video game. She even called them NPCs!

And while she thought she was bad, I thought she was awesome because she used her green tea "powers" to make the harem a safer place.

... more>> No seriously, that harem was deadly before she worked her green tea mojo.

And she grew as a person, not just using these people but learning to care about them. I learned to care about them right along with her. So when


her brother tried to kill himself because he couldn't stand the demand of fighting for the throne


I cried. He was just so sad and so was I.

And the romance was sweet. It took a minute to get to it but it was worth it.

I felt bad for the boy who had a crush on her... would have liked to know what happened to him. Otherwise, I was very satisfied. <<less
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erynalu rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: c92
Love this novel!

The story follows Lin Feilu, a modern era woman who got transmigrated as a child in ancient era. Her character is very likeable, and throughout the series I kept thinking 'good thing she is the MC!' because of how max-leveled she is. Her acting skills, shamelessness, resourcefulness, and also cuteness is truly first rate!

What I really appreciate about this novel is how the side characters are written. Sure, some of them are cannon fodders, but the side characters are vivid, nicely integrated to the stories. They are not... more>> simply just background characters. Reading MC's interaction with her siblings makes me smile.


I particularly enjoy Lin Ting arc and couldn't stop smiling when they visited the Thousand Blade sect mountain with Yan Xin. And I cried a ton too before that when


Lin Ting was suffering depression and attempted to su*cide.


Throughout the novel we see everyone's character development, whether for better or for worse, or something in between.

The first part of the novel is about imperial harem fight and the second is more about politic/romance.

Other things that I like about this novel writing style is that sometimes we cannot tell if MC is acting or not as quite a lot of the scenarios are show don't tell. Sometimes I found myself getting tricked too lol~

Definitely a light read so I wouldn't get too hung up on the plausibility.
Overall totally recommended!

For MTLers, I would suggest reading with the raw side by side as there are a lot of terms that got mistranslated, especially titles. Some sentence (or paragraph) might also get skipped. I think the translator for this novel does a really great job, I also referred to their glossary quite a lot when reading this with MTL. Definitely would be easier if you understand the ancient era titles, culture, and stuff like that. <<less
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Kaylee rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: Completed
MC died and transmigrated into a child princess of 5year old, and continued to updo her title as the best green tea aka miss manipulator.

Since this is the ancient china palace intrique story, I presumed we'd be served with the best face slapng going on until the end. But it's not like that at all.

With few time jump here and there, she dealt with the female villains around her, conquer her brothers, dowager even the big boss emperor and managed to steal a future husband.

All in all, this is a... more>> story that made me forgot that MC is a transmigrrated person. Though, for me, the story was pretty boring since the author didnt dwell too much on schemes and plot. <<less
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jingjing53 rated it
February 27, 2021
Status: --
Sweet and cute. The story itself is not that deep but it will leave you happy and satisfied.
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Meisheme rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: Completed
I have never feel so contented reading a light novel. The MC is so satisfying. This is totally recommended to anyone who loves good story without scheming.
All the bad guys are totally destroyed

Its hard to say goodbye to the characters!!!
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