I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible


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Not long after Ning Wan was ‘banished’ to a rural neighbourhood by Zhengyuan Law Firm headquarters, a second victim was exiled to join her.

Vivacious, tall, handsome, a complete gentleman, he exuded the unique aura…

…of a character likely to die off-screen in a historical drama. Were he to become a community lawyer, he would surely end up berated by middle-aged aunties until he cried a river and came to doubt life. He was a big, silly softie, a newbie easy to pick on!

Ning Wan decided that she would beat this poor neglected novice into shape—

“Fu Zheng, isn’t it? Newcomers here must be obedient and discerning.”

“When I dig a pit, you’ll fill it in. When I eat meat, you’ll drink the broth. When I head east, you can’t head west. In short, consider me your God in this remote wilderness beyond the reach of the government.”

Although a little silly, the newbie was handsome, obedient, and tactful. She developed a soft spot for him and decided to impart the ultimate skills she had cultivated for a lifetime: how to shift the blame; how to loaf on the job; how to pay lip service to the boss.

She was very sincere, holding nothing back—

“Truthfully, my unique skills are not without cost. I advise you to like me as soon as possible. Let me analyze the advantages and disadvantages of liking me…”

That big, silly softie, Fu Zheng, succumbed to her coercion and temptation. From that day on, he devoted himself to Ning Wan.

Half a year later, Ning Wan attended the annual meeting at headquarters. There, she was introduced to the new senior partner…

A vivacious, tall, handsome gentleman.

“Hello everyone, I’m Fu Zheng,” he grinned. “I joined this firm to get rid of the bad atmosphere, such as: shifting the blame, loafing on the job, and paying lip service to the boss…”

‘Fu Zheng, you—! Goddammit! This is fraud!’

Associated Names
One entry per line
Quàn Nǐ Chènzǎo Xǐhuān Wǒ
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Top Tier
  2. ~Enemy to lover~
  3. tbr for the ladiessss^-^
  4. to be read
  5. CN Novel with so much sugar.

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43 Reviews sorted by

New Snuffles_o9 rated it
February 7, 2025
Status: c75
The first half of the story is absolutely amazing and funny and fun but the last the half, for me personally was a complete let down. I was sure, in the beginning, this novel will be one of my favourites (like - YOU’RE MY GLORY; HE’S MINE, NO OBJECTIONS ALLOWED, etc.) but the ending ruined it for me. The way the misunderstanding was handled and dragged was honestly painful. When the misunderstanding was almost resolved we were given another one on top of the first one and that was frustrating... more>> as hell. But the way the FL’s character development was changed or destroyed was absolutely infuriating - she was great in the beginning but by the end, she was turned into a clown and ML - I just didn’t and couldn’t like him.

Long story short, the way the resolution between the leads and the ending was handled, it hurt me more than infuriating me because I genuinely liked the story and the premise and the FL but it was tuned into a sh*t show by the end of it. All of my emotional investment was paid back to me in the form of a bad joke. It was, for me personally, as if the author took dirt and smeared it all over her perfectly good work.

PS: the only good to come out it were the translations and the translators personal anecdotes about herself and her husband - which were genuinely fun and cute to read. <<less
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frostcrystal rated it
December 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm the translator for this Queen Thrushbeard lawyer romcom! :3 In summary...

Chapter 1: Ugh, yet another cold, arrogant, unbearably handsome, disgustingly wealthy male lead :<

Chapter 2: ML gets shat on by a chicken

The story is primarily a comedy, but it shows itself quite down-to-earth through the different law cases that the main characters handle. The first few are funny as the characters get introduced, but there are a couple later on that are sobering and emotional. The novel doesn't shy away from painful subjects (poverty, ab*se, s*xual harassment), and in... more>> my opinion it handles them very realistically and juggles comedy vs seriousness well as a whole.

There's also a lot of character growth on both sides. Obviously, arrogant ML gets taken down a peg and learns to deal with messy people-focused issues rather than high-powered business deals, but the FL also learns to hone her own craft and come to terms with her past. ML is very palatable to us liberated ladies - his major flaws are being conceited and thinking that he's good at being black-belly when he is not (lol). Otherwise he's got a very progressive view of the world in regards to sensitive issues such as ab*se, divorce and women's rights, and is very appreciative of FL as a lawyer in her own right. And of course FL is clever and hilarious and very gullible. The chemistry between the leads is really amazing.

Downsides: It's really all about if the humour is your style. People tend to either love or hate this novel, so if you don't like it in the first 10 chapters, then you won't like it. Don't force yourself. Also, the story lags (in my humble opinion) between chapter 30 and 40. It feels like the author meandered around a bit and added filler before deciding which direction to go with the plot, and it starts to get a bit forced and slapstick. Luckily, the author seemed to get over her slump and some of the later arcs are very strong.

Anyway, give it a shot! I liked it. :) <<less
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decorum rated it
July 30, 2020
Status: Completed
This was a funny and hilarious story. I definitely recommend it. Main girl is a smart lawyer but has been stuck working in the backwaters after she has been sent by her mid-level boss to help the poor for 2 years, a job no one in the main office wants. The billing rate for these cases are low. Although she graduated from a 2nd rate university, she works hard and gives her heart out to help the people in the community. She also thinks outside of the box and in... more>> terms of dealing with clients in the poor community. Main guy just came back to China and just passed the bar exam but he was a licensed lawyer from the USA. He is required to intern with main girl for 3 months in the poor community before he can go back to the main office and take his role as Partner (top level boss) in the law firm. Main guy was originally stiff and straight when using the law to help the clients in the poor community and after encountering some trouble: flying chicken feathers, aunties chasing after him, main girl helps guide him. He is the typical gaofushuai (tall, wealthy, and handsome) so he it took him a while to get adjusted to the way things work in the poor community and didn't get along with main girl in the beginning. There's a lot of realistic/relatable cases they take on in the community like inheritance/will family disputes, domestic ab*se/violence, and noise disturbance. As you read the novel, you'll find out main girl's background and how she ended up here. <<less
58 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
September 5, 2020
Status: c29
Currently MTLing this and I can't count how many times the ML has been humiliated and this is because of his big fat lie in the first place. LMAO

The FL is really down to earth and relates well with the people, while ML is a big shot lawyer who came back to China to accompany his ailing mother. ML is such a good commercial lawyer that he wants new challenges thus he became a community lawyer for 3 months along with FL, their interactions are just gold. Their cases is... more>> really relatable, so far I'm enjoying the story and I can't wait when FL get to know MLs real identity, he'll surely pay for it HAHAHAHAHA <<less
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 10, 2021
Status: c28.2
Summary. Beating Fu Zheng's three views black and blue. Don't underestimate the influence power of Ning Wan. They both dumb (≧▽≦)

Ning Wan is intelligent and shrewd but at times, she can be a little bit dumb. With her background, it was not easy for her to climb up especially since the applications being prioritized were the ones with a prestigious affiliations. However, she was a person with principle. She was only supposed to come into the community office twice a week but seeing her colleagues forging their documents, she... more>> realized no one was helping the laymen. She stayed, not just because she got nowhere to go but along the way, Ning Wan more or less had felt sympathy. That lady is gullible, a bad thing for her is that she take things at face value that makes it easy for people to fool her. That's what is happening between Ning Wan and Fu Zheng. She also let her bias rule her judgement which is really a predicament in her line of work but eh-

Fu Zheng's a brat. I'm still a little bit complicated between choosing whether he's arrogant or just plain ignorant of other's typical plight as commoners. All the things he had done- lie, mock, and look down on people had come to bite his butt. Karma's pretty quick in this one. I think he's slowly realizing that all circumstances are not as privileged as his. It's kind of awful but at the same time, it was kind of realistic. I met some stuck up people like him too and they were not easily changed. Some were even misunderstood by us because of different social experience. Now, let's not forget his good sides. He also has his nice sides. Him going back to the country because he was worried about his mother, him getting angry because he thought Ning Wan was not taking the domestic ab*se that a woman complained about seriously, and that even though he could fire her due to his position- he only at most denied her the qualifications to join him in his new office. That's pretty normal- you can't just accept people if you know you won't get a long in the long run. It would damage and make things awkward for the rest of the team that might affect their performance. Another thing, let us light a candle for Fu Zheng for biting more than he can chew. If you ask me, he's quite dumb himself. He kept on digging holes for himself to trip on. Now? He's the highlight of his cousins' day.

The cases were golden, I'm quite learning a lot with how lawyers work even if only a glimpse. Yes, not all disputes can be solved with the laws, that's why there's a separate course and testing for mediation between parties especially for community lawyers. The problem of the laymen and the law is that, there's no distinction between what is being streamed on the television and the reality. We have no knowledge about our rights our duties that we sometimes just put more effort on something that could be done easily with help. It's expensive too, that is why we made the keeping things silent prevail in face of injustice. There's just so many thing we can pick up from this story. If not for romance or humor, please stay for reflection and real probable situation you can find yourself on. <<less
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AetherRaid rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: Completed

This is probably the best chinese webnovel I have ever come across. I may never be able to lower my standards again after this. We have a smart and strong FL with a brain and she knows how to use it. She is a 3 dimensional character who has her own demons and biases, but she adopts a positive outlook on life and always goes out of her way to go above and beyond for her cases. She is not perfect, but she never backs down in the face of... more>> doing what’s right.

Her relationship with the ML starts off as you would expect in a typical novel— they absolutely can’t stand the other person. Although experienced and very capable, the ML is selfish and lacks empathy for others. For the first time in his life, he experiences happiness without having money and comes to enjoy the small things in life. As FL opens his eyes to resolving cases with more than just going by the the lawbooks, he finds meaning and purpose in his work.

There are no major frustrating misunderstandings, just hilarious ones that branch off of the ML hiding his true identity. I like that both FL/ML act like adults who do not beat around the bush with their feelings.

For example,


When FL decides to covertly confess to the ML, she arranges strawberries in the shape of a heart at his apartment, but he doesn’t see it or say anything about it, so she thinks he rejected her. She doesn’t get upset or act out, she just accepts that she one-sidedly still likes him and tries not to overanalyze his sweet gestures. Obviously this misunderstanding get cleared up very soon, but props to FL for being the first once to take initiative.


The full translations are not completed yet, but I enjoyed this story so much that I just finished it with MTL. When all the chapters are done, I’m definitely going back to reread every word. <<less
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Yujian rated it
December 8, 2021
Status: Completed
To FrostCrystal who has been translating this, not completed yet though, thank you very much. I do hope you won't abandon the novel and persevere till the last chapters.

I love most here is the hilarious conversation/relationship of the MC and ML in the community while serving the clients in legal aspects. Never in any chapters that there is no double dose of laughing moments. I like the plot. I like how the novel tackles the problem of people in the community. Although I know novel has a touch of exaggeration... more>> but still I learn some things here.

Regarding the characters of the ML and MC, I like their chemistry. The yandere attitude of the ML in some way is showing but it is easily snapped by the MC.

I MTLed this because I really wanted to read the rest of the chapters. 😉 <<less
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Eclat123 rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is HILARIOUS! And the thing is, even though the jokes are crazy funny, the main premise of this novel is brilliant. It's remarkable how the author managed to portray a fraction of common practices of major law firms in this novel. Although I personally think that the MC and ML are just too naive, warm-hearted, and perfect, this is still a very worthwhile read. The pacing is great, the logics are there, and it's super entertaining. I gave this a 4 star simply because the characters (especially ML... more>> who is your typical arrogant blinded by love domineering CEO-type mr perfect) need more depth. <<less
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Purple Lotus
Purple Lotus rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: c44
Very funny though you may want to take a break at around 30 chapters to better enjoy. You know~ good things must not be consumed in excess. Will update my review when I finish it.
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Jevanka926 rated it
July 16, 2020
Status: c4
Even though currently there are only four chapters, I do like it. It's a nice and refreshing story with a plot we rarely have. The comedy isn't awkward and will give you a good laugh. As someone who was 'exiled', teh FL is realistic af. She just wanted a job, and live her life (ofc she desired to be able to get out of her current position). It was said since she was not from a prestigious or some kind of top universities, she almost couldn't get a job, as... more>> her qualifications were low. Meanwhile our ML, he's the type of a young master (which he denied, but who is he lying to?) who never suffered and had a smooth journey since he were little--- until he decided to try out a new field. I really like the ML's growth as he slowly understood that he could barely implement the theories he had learned in his new job. I find that the FL is terribly relatable with our currents condition, ie. Like how your almamater could decide your entire life. You should definitely try it out if you want to read some character's growth <<less
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08phamann rated it
October 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Not sure why this has such a good rating. The writing was boring and mediocre. MC kept making herself out to be a teacher, and yes she did teach him some things, but a lot of the time she would stand on her soap box and lecture him. I know he fell in love with her, but that was later on and I'm not sure how he was able to stand it. I do like a good misunderstanding and when ML lied about who he was to get MC to... more>> be more friendly to him, I was all for it. Except MC became too friendly and s*upid. Her antics to "help" him out were not funny and if you had to look at it objectively it would be pushy and rude.

ML did develop a lot as a character. From arrogant and cold to more down to earth and humble. It's unfortunate that MC didn't also receive a make over as she was desperately in need of one. Instead of coming off as strong and smart, she is rather silly, gullible, emotional, judgemental and s*upid. <<less
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bluesonnet rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: c34
Reading MTL and it's very understandable (maybe it helps that I'm a lawyer myself). I feel bad for the ML but it's hilarious. I'm eagerly reading towards the big reveal. I just wish it didn't take so long, but the wait doesn't detract from the story. Surprisingly, I get the feeling that this novel is more ML-centric? Will update this review once I finish the whole story.
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masseyk rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: c7
I have a lot hope for this Novel!!! So far we have been introduce (in a relly funny way) to both MCs and can basically grasp their personalities. One of the reasons im really looking forward to the rest of this novel is that the dynamic between the MCs seems to be different than the typical norm. (I could be wrong about this since Translations are only on ch. 7) but I like that the FL is the mentor even tho she isnt the wealthy superstar and the ML is... more>> the one who will be struggling and being dependent on the FL. We get this dynamic so rarely that after reading the synopsis I immediately started on the novel! Seems like it'll be a fun read and depending on the cases will have a good amount of depth to it as well. Cant wait for more updates!! <<less
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Aco nite
Aco nite rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: c7 part2
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NovelforLife rated it
December 8, 2022
Status: --
it is frustrating. Irritating to read. I come from a financially well-off family, not like the ML's, but still good family. And one thing I cannot stand is someone constantly monitoring me, telling me what to do. And when I do something, they dislike I am given a f*cking sermon? Every single time, the FL does not understand the meaning of no. Because if the ML say so, he gets criticised. 30 chapters in, that is still what is happening. It's lost all its humour, rejects common sense, and just... more>> painful to read.

Quite frankly, I empathise with the ML. Think about it, if you have lived in a capitalist society like the US -for a majority of your life- how exactly can you be expected to deal with a new environment and field and succeed in it in one go. Like the author uses the ML to offset how kind, and savvy and pure-hearted and simple the FL is. What is going on with this woman? Why can she seem to be able to make reasonable deductions when solving cases, but the American major university graduate ML isn't? What happened to his intelligence? It's like the author decided to turn their IQ and EQ off when she is with the ML (not in a cute way) and when he is solving cases.

1 got really excited because of the high reviews, but this is one of those zenophobic, no research, plot-hole filled Chinese novel. I am being generous giving it a 2. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 24, 2022
Status: Completed
A light read that you'll quickly finish. I read the raws.

It's a well-paced comedy that you'll most likely enjoy, which you can probably tell from the other reviews. I don't like misunderstandings much, but the MC is written in a way that you'll find the misunderstandings comedic instead of annoying. I feel like it's a bit of hit or miss, you either like the comedy or you don't, with the latter being the minority. I've seen at least a few people having extremely negative opinions (on jjwxc), and a lot... more>> with extremely positive opinions, and not much in between. So there's that, I guess.

The cases are pretty interesting, and you don't need to know anything about law to be able to laugh and understand it. Occasionally some terms come up that are entirely unknown to people who don't study law, aka me, but it doesn't affect the reading experience as it probably isn't important to the plot. If it is, it gets explained, and most law terms important to the plot are common terms in basic law that most people know. There are pretty serious topics that are handled in a mature way, and it tries to gather the perspective from different people, so you can understand the case and empathise with the people involved.

The romance isn't the most memorable part of the novel, but it's still nonetheless a pretty nice part of it. It isn't the best romance I've seen, but the MC and ML genuinely care and love each other, and they are both pretty mature in how they treat their relationship, despite being amateurs in romancing. They don't automatically drop IQ after dating each other, and they handle their work relationship professionally.

The part I liked the most was the character development. First let's give a round of applause to the ML, who has transformed from a snobby rich brat "old man" into a actually down-to-earth guy with a nice personality. And another round of applause to the MC, who learns how to lend a hand to her mother actively. To be honest, it wasn't the most well written character development in romance, but it sure was an enjoyable one. The MC and ML both have interesting personalities that make me enjoy the story as a whole.

(Out of context: I felt bad for the dude that got hurt by a falling dog.)


Yeah, I enjoyed this novel. The extras left a bit to be desired, but the main text itself was interesting and fun. Goodbye and have a nice day. <<less
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AllGoodNamesRGone rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: Completed
At Ch. 35 : Looks like Ning Wan (FL) is not very smart.

ML moved a lot of heavy-weight furniture the day before (FL was there with him when he did this) and isn't able to walk properly, but I don't know from where the FL gets the idea that this is due to "Hemorrhoids"! And this is the 3-4th time something like this has happened.


Will update the review once I have read till last.


Even though just 10 chapters were left but I couldn't complete it. The novel had a lot of plot holes!
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kafka6 rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: --
Funniest novel i've read on this site. Came for the romance stayed for the comedy. The FL is just so shameless and funny its ridiculous. Can't remember the last time I've laughed at loud due to a novel.

Highly recommend if you're looking for a light hearted ROMCOM

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Himawari rated it
April 17, 2023
Status: c44 part3
This novel is a great mix of serious, realistic cases and romantic or situational comedy. The main characters both have strengths and flaws, both actually have quite a bit of character development. The author's point of view is at the same time realistic and compassionate.

I can really recommend this novel and can see myself rereading it in the future.

PS: Having studied law myself, I actually disagree with another reviewer's opinion that the lawyering aspect was unrealistic. Sure, if you only do commercial law for big firms, the most important... more>> thing is to use the law brilliantly. But when it comes to normal people's lives, there are lots of practical obstacles to getting what you want or even deserve by using the proper law channels. Some things the law cannot solve. And in China a lot of people still see it as losing face or airing their dirty laundry in public if you go to court. A Chinese law professor told me in 2012 that it is still hard to convince people to go to court instead of solving everything privately.

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BowlFlower rated it
December 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Amazingly well written story. I advise you to read it lol.

The FL is very likable and the chemistry between the main characters are strong. The only setback was the misunderstandings but its also the source of comedy lol. But even so its so good and I've read a lot of Chinese novel and this one is one of the best. The translation is also good. But if you feel impatient like me, you could mtl it and it's still readable.
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Pristine Xia
Pristine Xia rated it
August 4, 2021
Status: c46
What a fun read so far. Ning Wan is really something hahaha. Despite his aloof persona, Fu Zheng actually has a kind-hearted nature. What a pair they make. Also, poor Gao Yang for being misunderstood quite some time in the story😂
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