Turn on the Love System


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Tao Yuan was willing to take the peach blossom system to go to different worlds to complete the tasks, and the most important task is to fall in love. And every relationship must be very sweet. He must be extremely pampered before the task is considered complete.

In short, after hopping, he must be spoilt in every world, spreading dog food (affectionate love).

White Lotus: I feel the deep malice from the world. If I am the protagonist, why did I end up a cannon fodder?

Slag Man: This slap in the face came too fast- like a tornado. If God gives me another chance to come back, I will love him for 10,000 years.

Onlookers: For God’s sake, take those two lovebirds away, we’re going to die of dog food!

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Related Series
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Quick Transmigration As A Cannon Fodder To Be The Winner In Life (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cotton Candy Stand
  2. My World Hopping/ QT
  3. The Good Stuff
  4. Chrysanthemun (Ongoing)
  5. No comment... Part. 5

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42 Reviews sorted by

darkelf01 rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: c19
I'm reading this story after dropping a QT with weak, pure white lotus MC who can do no wrong *rolls eyes*

So far, I'm pretty satisfied with this MC. His Destruction skill level was 100 but he wouldn't go out of his way to destroy people without being provoked first hohoho. I like his style of restrain that he'll only take back what he was due. The face-slappings and talk backs are great, he said things I wished that other MCs would say to their opponents. His 'sarcasm blade' alone was... more>> enough to choke people XD. For example, at chapter 19:


Tao Yuan sneered and said, "If the so-called respect for seniors is just flattery, then I really don't know how to respect them. The only thing is that those who love to listen to falsehoods, knowing full well that what others say is not true, still rely on listening to falsehoods to gain vanity and satisfaction."


Hoo boy do I wish that more MCs would pull aggro so openly like him rather than being a fake pacifist outwardly but is a petty guy inside. And I like that he doesn't rely entirely on the ML for revenge, even though it's true that ML helped him out at the beginning. Also, I kinda like that the leads' relationship is so outspoken. They're loud with the pursuit and PDA, despite starting their interaction as a flesh business. The give-and-take is also quite equal, which is also another plus for me.

Later on, the MC repaid everything he owed to the ML and then they began their relationship as a genuine couple. After the MC gained more wealth and power in his respective circles, he also supported the ML. And I also adore how the MC isn't an indifferent or emotionless one, he was still attached to the ML even after each world-hopping was done. After the first world, he was about to stay in the system space forever to guard their peach blossom before knowing that the ML in the next world would still be ML's soul so he quickly patted his bu*t and transmigrate again lolol <<less
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mikumiku_100 rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: Completed
This is my first time reading a QT novel that has mpreg in almost every arc lol. And as someone that is a sucker for mpreg and dog-feeding, I like it very much hahaha. This novel is very healing, you just sit-back and enjoy all the PDA that the MC and ML throws at your face in every arc.

Plotwise, not that unique and some plotholes here and there. Some ending are quite abrupt for me. But overall, I still enjoyed it.

... more>>

I'm actually quite touched at knowing the real purpose of the peach tree. Em like: "Awwww uuuu cuties <3~". Although, I still hope that the author should have elaborated more on their original world and why did the MC forgot his memories and all.

Edit: It seems that other commenters have pointed out the reason why MC world-hops lol I guess em just dumb and didn't quite get the whole picture xD.

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BeneathAHibiscusCanopysWarmth rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Just an average QT novel, although it is very sweet and I did enjoy it very much.

What I'm most happy about is the relationship with the MC and ML. At first, the reason why the ML falls in love with the MC so quickly is mainly because of the System's powers, but in the middle and final worlds, it is pretty much InstaLove between them. Still, I love how healthy their relationship is, especially compared to other novels.

MC isn't braindead. He's not an annoying IQ white lotus nor an annoying,... more>> overly edgy Strong Female Character but an Uke This Time archetype. He's just normal. He knows what he wants and thinks of ways how to get it. He's neither overly forgiving nor overly vindictive.

ML, for once, is NOT TOXIC. YEYYYYYYYY! But really. He never really forces the MC. Although he IS more demanding in bed, he stops when the MC wants so there's not really any dubcon or noncon encounters. He just respects and admires the MC so much and throughout the various worlds, we always get the feeling that he really DOES love MC very much

My problems are with the supporting characters. The good characters are nice enough, but all of the villains are just cannon fodders with one braincell and a negative IQ. Even when they ARE smart, they will eventually be dragged by a pig teammate or horrible bad luck (say hi, Dean from one of the interstellar arcs).


Also, I don't really like the ending. The real nature of MC's transmigration as well as his real identity is disclosed in only two chapters. Not only is it too soon, the first chapter in their real world also weirdly gave me the feeling that the ML regards MC as more of a pet. He just... lets the MC float alone in this world that the MC is currently unfamiliar with. I don't understand why he couldn't have fetched him or greeted him. It's not like the MC would run away if he's the first thing that the MC sees.



Also, the MC was raised by the ML. The ML originally wanted the MC to be raised by others, but little baby MC insisted to be in the ML's presence. ML did his best to pamper and raise the MC, then they got together.

When they first meet, our peach spirit MC has already lived a thousand years as a peach, but he has only been a human for some years. He looks like a five year-old and is implied to also act like one. While I personally don't think that the ML groomed the MC, it's not really clear whether the MC had to convince ML to be with him or if the ML was super willing from the start. This may be a sticking point for other readers.

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1Sami rated it
April 8, 2021
Status: c21.1
I don't really like this novel that much. It was interesting at first but it feels boring. There's no tension or anything to drive the MC forward. Yes, he's in love but there were almost no problems at all in the first arc that the MC couldn't solve immediately. He was already OP from the start so I just don't see the point in continuing to read it.
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Night22 rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: --
I can't find words to describe what I'm feeling right now.

On one hand, the srorylines are good. I mostly just read it because it had mpreg because that's truly rare to find in many QT novels.

But here's where it gets weird. The stories get cut off abruptly. On one arc, at end, it said that the arc had an open ending, but it's not open at all. It just got cut of abruptly like the author was too lazy to finish it.

And the beginnings of each arc after the first... more>> one is really confusing. It gives a lot of descriprions about the setting while not giving a description at all. I dunno how to describe it.

Just that it was really confusing, so it often left me really disorientated and wondering things like who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?

Other than that, it was okay for a QT novel. <<less
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Lulula rated it
December 3, 2023
Status: --
Most of these reviews completely gloss over how in creepy arc 1 is, the original protagonist's first meeting of this male lead is when he was a child made to call this grown male lead his "godfather" by his dad. Second meeting in the present - is the main character selling his body to male lead who is 37 years old retelling the first meeting and then proceeds into them having s*x. Male lead asks the main character to call him daddy and the main character is referred to as... more>> his son. <<less
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User.948761 rated it
March 2, 2023
Status: Completed
September 25, 2023: Came back to reread. The arcs are interesting and everything goes smoothly for the MC so it's easy to read. Not much in terms of tension and fighting the antagonist. Also, the system isn't big in this story nor is the reason why and how the MC is traveling through worlds. This story is focused on romance and coming out on top. Because of this, the ending is rather abrupt and we don't really get a conclusion. I'm not sure if the author just lost steam tbh.... more>> Still enjoyable for scratching my QT itch.

March 2, 2023: It's decent qt story. It met my expectations based on the summary. The drama was very straightforward and MC is OP. If you're looking for that type of story, this is perfect. So it's not a fantastic piece but not bad either. If I'm bored I would reread. Just a warning, every arc has some bit of xenophobia/China nationalism - nothing that's crucial to the plot but definitely didn't need to be included. It's not super harshly in your face but not quite subtle either. If you can't skip this, then this story isn't for you.

I enjoyed the different arcs. I just wanted to read a story where MC was OP and the ML was doting lmao. <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: c69-137
It's really great so far. I'm Absolutely Enjoying this Novel.

MC's 'OP'ness came from the system. Though except the obvious part where his Abilities powered by the System, few his Badass action sometimes hard to tell if it came from his own ability or from System's help. Except of course the obvious; his Acting ability because he was a former Actor.

Why I say this? Because so far, unless the word System mentioned, when MC being so Cool, it was hard to tell where the Skill came from. The Author doesn't write... more>> in detail at few parts.

For reminder, maybe some of you chose to back down after only read Half the 1st arc, but unless it really that bothering you, I suggest you to KEEP GOING !!!

Beside the Faceslapping, other things are so Sweet and Full of Fluff between MC and ML. And even the barely mentioned of their Intimacy moments, it was still MUCH BETTER than the Usual Many Censored/Deleted Steamy scene in many other novel. ML being Possessive, but not a Yandere so far. He never forceful, and MC like to indulge him. MC also already fall for him since the First World, and only Continue the Mission after knowing all the ML is same soul. Both have such a Loving Relationship.

Of course I can also tell few imperfection in the novel. Like things that mentioned in the beginning and ending of the first arc, but stopped and doesn't mentioned again in 3 and half arcs. MAYBE only Temporary flaw or is it Intentional Mystery? Anyway yeah, so far still so good. Would update the review if needed. And DEFINITELY would update the review when the Translation Completed. Pray this Novel won't dissapoint us! 🙏🙏🙏 Updated at 29 March 2024:

The 6th arc was unique. Showing Flawed Characters. I hope after the others start a new, they would get their HEA. <<less
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.moondance rated it
October 30, 2021
Status: c54
I had to bail at arc 3. Even from the beginning, some things made me uncomfortable - the absolute lack of any meaningful backstory, the OP-ness, the fall in love at first sight - but arc 3 takes the cake. In my view:

  • the face-slapping is overdone
  • brainless antagonists latch onto the MC/ML for unreasonable reasons
  • no reason whatsoever is given for why the MC is so OP, not even a hint
  • fall in love at first sight, okay, but if MC's whole task is to fall in love then where's the stakes?
  • relatedly, MC and ML become lovey-dovey within days/weeks of meeting and no one finds it strange
... more>>

So far MC's unexplained skills include playing guqin, acting (edit: I'll give a free pass for acting since c2 mentioned MC's backstory as an actor who just won Best Newcomer), mounted archery, (TCM) medicine, crossbow shooting, and cooking. His reasons for knowing all this aren't even handwaved away, which I could reluctantly accept, it's just not brought up at all!


And specifically for arc 3:

MEDICINE DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT! MC promotes traditional Chinese medicine over western medicine to the point it's a miracle drug, fine, whatever. I don't like it but it's not like other authors haven't been aggressively pro-China to the point of putting down the West before. But it's not even in the realm of reality anymore. For a story set in a 20th century Republic of China equivalent, herbs cannot cure muscle atrophy, heal disfiguring scars until they disappear, give sudden bursts of energy, and heal paralysis in the limbs. MC's not even a miracle doctor or anything.


Maybe these things improve in later chapters, but I feel my time is better spent elsewhere. <<less
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May 21, 2021
Status: c1
Ah this doesn't vibe with me, not discouraging anyone to read this or anything, just wanna put this out so I can remember that I've read this before. I don't really like the MC in the beginning. I might misjudge this book because I'm only reading a bit. Tbh I read this expecting to see some fluff, wholesome romance and some satisfying face slapping, but In the end, the story annoys me more and more that I can't take it anymore..-. No offense If you're a fan of this, everyone... more>> have different tastes. Gg. ^^ <<less
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AmethystSc rated it
April 27, 2024
Status: c1
Basic BL novel but basic does not necessarily mean bad. It's good for some light hearted reading. The face slapping is hilarious and satisfying. MC is pampered and spoiled by ML. All elements of a simple but satisfying to read novel. Don't expect to read some literary masterpiece, this is a novel to destress and relax.
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Keshij rated it
June 20, 2023
Status: Completed
It’s a good QT novel.

full of fluff.

my only complaint would be the endings being so bland. A little bit more explanations would have done wonders.

but it’s still a good story to pass time with no stress involved. Just fluff and some face slapping.
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Xiu_er rated it
September 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5/5

I debated whether to give this four stars or five stars as I was aware of some issues that would usually drag my rating down. But when looking back at the whole reading experience, these issued seemed minor and didn't take away much from my enjoyment.

Those minor issues included:

  • occasional lack of logic

    For example how they started broadcasting right after filming the first episode of a weekly tv drama. And the actors even had the time to take days off to do other things in between filming. Even with dramas that are broadcasted while still being filmed, they usually film a few episodes ahead to keep a buffer. Besides that they need content for the intro music sequence and trailer after all. Common sense, no?

  • semi-open endings at times which may or may not be an issue at all. It depends on your preference, I guess.
  • the author likes to summarize a lot to skip over events that they feel are less important. But then again, at least the events were mentioned so the reading flow isn't broken and the plot is kept coherent.
As you can see, the issues were really minor or I am just good at excusing them.

I can't really say what exactly I enjoyed when reading this, mainly because I have already forgotten a lot of the story arcs. But my overall impression was positive. I remember having silently laughed a few times.

One time was because the ML's name in one arc was f***ing Donald. The comments on that chapter reflected my emotions splendidly. Didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.


I was also positively surprised by the MC. He showed a good amount of self awareness, understanding of human differences and how to handle those without going against his three views. But he is not without flaws either. I found that he often went ooc pretty sloppily considering how he used to be an actor. But then again, most of the time when he went ooc was when he was with the ML with whom he felt at ease and could relax. The ML never really questioned him either and just took his words at face value.

So to sum up, while this novel was in no way the best of its genre it was still an entertaining read. And that's what counts after all.
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Adelina92 rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: Completed
this novel is pretty much straightforward without much entanglements. although mc's journey across different worlds are smoothsailing.. the sites (plots) are still interesting to see.. so if you are looking for qt without too much stress with some face slapping.. this is for u.

MC is op because the story started wherein our MC has already travelled across different worlds... so the novel is like the last 10 worlds. I have confirmed this after completing the story.. I thought it will just be one of the major plothole of this novel... more>> that im not reluctant to ignore.. well at least by the end of the novel some plot holes has been filled. so overall im quite satisfied. :) <<less
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Ouryuu Zeno
Ouryuu Zeno rated it
September 8, 2021
Status: c25
Reading the first arc and the other reviews I've decided to drop this. The first 3 chapters were interesting and while I believed (and hoped) our actor MC would be able to act his way for his task and just like dump the fool of a ML after he gets his love, he gets attached to the sugar daddy. Tf

... more>>

I didn't see any romantic sparks between the two and with the system buff of a one time s*x infatuation, I couldn't feel the dog food the author was trying to feed us, just more of a benefits relationship. The story of the first world was solved easily with MC being just amazing at anything he wants to do and everyone has such a predictable reaction to it.


Kinda lackluster but if you have the energy and time to read this it's alright ig. <<less
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FanGirlNoha rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: c57 (v3)
I always love QT stories, especially QT BL. So, this one is right up my alley. There's lots of dog food (fluff) in all the arcs that I've read. The stories might be a bit repetitive, but I enjoyed them so far. As a typical QT BL, it has certain tropes that it follows, as well as its share of loopholes. What I liked was that some of the antagonists in the novel (the ones in arc3 for example), weren't brainless evil people. I felt like it was possible to... more>> see such people in real life (even if they seem scummy). I liked how these villains were given certain depth of character. Rather than complete black and white portrayals, we get more grayish villains. Props to the author for doing that. The biggest negative for me would be the ending of each arc. I feel like the author becomes impatient by the end of each arc and just stops abruptly by giving us 1 or 2 perfunctory lines about the livea of the characters. I hope this improves later on.

The translation quality is pretty ok, but sometimes you will feel confused about who's saying what because of the misuse of pronouns or grammatical errors. (I found this especially true for the current translation, but I believe the problems can be easily solved by employing a proper proofreader or editor. I'm still grateful for the translation though. So, I hope translator-sama doesn't feel offended by my comment. Kudos to you for continuing the translation splendidly)

Tl;dr : a typical QT BL, enjoyable but not mindblowing. RECOMMENDED for a light read. <<less
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Stefh rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: c188
I liked it a lot, the only problem I saw was that at the end of each arc it was strange. I would have liked to know more. But only that the rest I liked a lot.
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Regra rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: ct
The first 2 arc was good after that it was really torturing to read, cause the same genre repeated itself with other world backgrounds. Even the ending was flat and unromantic.

The writing itself is good and as a stand alone story all arcs would be good but as a quick transmigration its a failure. I thought if the ending was good then I didn't suffer for nothing. However it was a disappointment.

The writer's ability is pretty good and all the story was written beautifully, but the idea after the 3rd... more>> arc run into oblivion. I can only say that there was not much imagination in work. If it gets turned into separated short novels that would have been better. <<less
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DemiUchiha rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: Completed
It was okay. I skipped an arc or two tho. Some of the stuff really annoyed me which is why it's not worth more than 3 stars.

While I do like smut, I feel like there may have been a little too much.

It's not a bad story overall.

4/10 would maybe recommend.
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Pandablackeyes rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Although not unique but this is quite good. If you want to read QT novels just give it a try.

The arcs seems repetitive but still enjoyable to read because MC deal things differently.

I also kinda like him cause each arc you can see his effort to make his lover/ML fall inlove with him again.. He doesn't give the vibe that shows "he is my lover what ever I do he will still fall for me". Oh well if you just forget the fact that it's related to his mission.. but... more>> as you read you will somewhat forgot this main point

cause after the first arc MC doesn't have any motivation to continue world hopping cause he said he already has a lover.


About the characters? I don't understand how to explain this. It's kind of diffficult for me to integrate with the characters. They somewhat bland. Maybe because what I read is MTL version only.

In all arcs I really like arc3... I could somewhat feel that they are real people.

the insecure injured ML and the very supporting MC.

really touching.

I'am also interested about the second couples (villains). Especially the seme (s). Most of them happened to love the wrong person. They became slag seme (s) because of the temptation of the shou (s) but the shou (s) are not worth it. The seme regreted it afterwards as they only want to experience pure and real love like how the MC treat the ML.

It's a little bit lacking. Things left unexplained only focussing about their life in each world.

I want to know more about the ML and MC before transmigration. This left me hanging.

All in all. It's a good read☺ <<less
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