T*ash of the Count’s Family


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When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel.

[The Birth of a Hero].

[The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent.

I became a part of that novel as the tr*sh of the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located.

The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, is destroyed by assassins.

The bigger problem is the fact that this s*upid tr*sh who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp.

“…This is going to be a headache.”

I feel like something serious has happened to me.

But it was worth trying to make this my new life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lout of Count's Family (Official)
قمامة عائلة الكونت
백작가의 망나니가 되었다
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Deja vu
Deja vu
July 9, 2022
Status: c776
This is my first time write a review, the reason being that some other reviews are misleading (not pointing fingers, just stating facts) and because this is a novel that actually had enough allure to compel me to write a review.

I'll start by writing my experience with reading this.

The author of the book Yu Ryeu Han has done a remarkable job at writing a story overflowing with forshadowing.

Another important thing to note is that there are no plot holes. Everything in some way is connected to some other event. So... more>> the only reason something that happened in the past has not been addressed yet is that the time is not right (again this is something that I've experienced).

Now for the misleading reviews; I'll clarify that quite a few of the reviews saying "the MC already knows what's going to happen" have read very few chapters and don't know how the plot will progress in the following chapters. In reality even the first 50 chapters can only be considered the beginning and as the writer setting up a base for the future events. So if you feel that the MC knows everything that is going to happen in the beginning chapters that is because the story requires it.

It should also be noted that this is one of the few stories in which not only does the MC but even the side/ supporting characters have remarkably complete background and character sketches.

Another very good quality of this story is that there is nothing op about the characters: nothing happens because of the 'power of trust' or 'belief' or 'willpower alone'. Everything happens for a logical reason and because the MC and his team worked their way towards it. I'm not saying that they're not lucky sometimes but that the amount of luck they have is just about as much as ours and that they mostly rely on strategy. Going back to the original point I'd like to say that (in my opinion) the plot can be this complete without using something op only if the author has built a diverse, detailed and complex world.

It will definitely be worth reading it if you're looking for a deep and complete plot! This is overall a very engaging story! <<less
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Silver Snake
Tycheri rated it
October 26, 2018
Status: c6
A lot of repetition. They say that the MC gets beat up by the story's protagonist four or five times before it actually could happen; and when mentioned it's completely unrelated to what's currently happening in the story. Seems as if the writer thinks the readers forgot about it the first two times.

Most of the story is telling the events of what already happened in another story. And the little that does happen is just the repeated surprise of people towards his changed behavior. The actual events of the story... more>> are boring because there is no risk or challenge since he already has knowledge of the world from reading about it. What's the point of isekai, of transporting to another world if you already know everything that's going to happen? Wouldn't that be boring?

Repeats that he can be shameless because everyone already has a low opinion of him and that that is supposed to be a great thing. He could still do that even if everyone thought he was great. The truly great thing about being shameless is not caring about what people think. I think the writer was trying to say that but wanted to be more original.

The first volume of death flags was interesting because the MC and his family were basically evil, so he had to right wrongs without being found out that he had changed. While the MC of this story revels in being lazy and staying out of the way. Which one sounds more interesting for a story and main character? <<less
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March 5, 2021
Status: c656
I've read many of the reviews for this novel both before and after reading it but felt like they didn't properly explain it. So here I am, writing my own, after having read almost the entire thing (it will probably end in a few months, the story is reaching a climax).

First off, addressing people's criticisms:

  1. Cale (MC) knowing the future makes the novel boring - I can see why some might think that. But, unfortunately for them, he stops being able to see the future around 200-250 chapters in. Be patient, people. This is a slower moving novel. Also around 250 chapters is when he completely stops being to know future events, with all the main events having happened. Things start to spiral out of his control much earlier, with events happening that he didn't know about.
  2. The novel did the typical nosedive - I'll be the first to admit, it did. It really did. It got really slow from around 250 to 350. I had to force myself to keep reading (only reason I powered through was because I heard there was a main villain coming up). But my god, did it pick up after. As you can see, I've read until c. 656 at the time of writing this review. Imo, the story is at an all time high right now.
  3. Some of the characters don't get development - This is another one I can see. Because a lot of development of the characters happens after the boring slump. For example:

    Beacrox (the assassin chef). You learn about his and his father's past and even why he fights with a greatsword. Or the two cats. You learn about their past with their clan.

  4. The repetitive descriptions - Yes, they exist. But I find that they are really easy to ignore. The descriptions that repeat the most throughout the chapters are often only one sentence or even phrase. One of the descriptions (the children averaging X), I can very easily read over. And some of them become jokes in the comments.
  5. The transmigration is a trope that becomes unimportant after the beginning - You can tell just by me addressing this that transmigration will become important later on in the story. Very important. You will have to read it if you want to find out why.
  6. The unnatural dialogue - I'm very confused here. Where? If you're talking about the interactions between Choi Han and Cale, of course they are awkward. They barely know each other in the beginning. And from Choi Han's point of view, he is approached by a stranger. Think about how you would react in his situation then come and talk to me about unnatural dialogue. Cale is also thrown into a world that he barely knows, that he only read of in a novel. Of course there is going to be unnatural dialogue. He speaks and acts in a different way from the original, making even his interactions with family weird (sort of like an interaction with that one uncle that you see every 5 years). But the whole point is that this changes. The way they interact changes over the story to become more natural and friendly, with bickering and everything.
  7. There is no tension/romance: ??? The tension is the political strife (and the main villain that is introduced around c. 370) ??? And the romance? Why does a good story need romance? Someone put in the reviews about how they couldn't believe that there would be no s*x or marriges as Cale is a noble. Yes. That's makes sense. But it is also eventually explained

    his family's viewpoint in life is that the children are free to choose what they want.

    As for there being no manipulation or gossip... The entire relationship with the prince and more than half of the nobles is manipulation. And Cale is in the middle of it. Another point of said reviewer is why there was no funny moments where Raon encountered Cale j*cking off. You can't see my expression as I'm writing this, but I am unamused. Do you really think that most of the people reading the book want to read that? I can only assume that this reviewer is either younger or has very little social interactions to think that people would want to read anything like that in a book about political intrigue and manipulation. It doesn't even fit the humor style present in the book. Even if there is romance between characters in the future, I get the feeling that the author would choose not to include anything graphic. Stick to your hentai, please, if you wish to see someone j*cking off. There are genres made for that and this story isn't classified as one. As for the mention of there being no women creating problems.... Read the book. Some of the problems are made by physically strong women destroying things.
Now, my review.

  1. Character Development - 4/5: It has decent character development. If you know how to look for it, it is there. Only problem is that it isn't evenly spread throughout the story for all the characters, like it should be.
  2. MC - 5/5: Cale is an interesting MC. He is consistently contradictory and that is one of his main flaws. He refuses to acknowledge that he could be a good person, when everyone around him sees him as one. He says that he doesn't care about others but saves them when they are in danger because he can't handle the guilt. The author did a superb job revealing his past (what? a past? oh my. that never usually happens in transmigration novels... lol). Also, his past explains a lot about his contradictory character and why his friends view him as self-sacrificing, so although his character may be annoying at first, read to find out why he is like that.
  3. Plot - 4/5: As I said above, it sort of slowed down in the middle to an almost unbearable degree (at least for me). However, the rest is amazing. Just enough political intrigue, Cale's seemingly futile wish to become a slacker as he gets involved in everything and the interactions between characters are great. A reviewer said that they doubted the author's ability to craft a good plot, so they didn't read it. Hah. Jokes on them. The plot becomes something I would never had predicted at the beginning. And it got there in a very natural way. I disagree with the view that this novel breaks the "show, not tell" rule. It may feel that in the beginning, that author is spoiling everything and with Cale knowing the future, but trust me, it does not. Everything little thing is important and comes back much bigger. I would give an example, but that is a VERY big spoiler. The main plot becomes much, much bigger than just Cale's adventures, although he is one of the key figures. Also, if it feels like there is a lot of plot holes, continue reading. Most of them were on purpose and the author fills in the details later on in the story.
Overall 4.5/5. There are some cons, with the slow portions and uneven spread of the character development throughout the story. However, the pros vastly outweigh the cons, with the overall plot being absolutely amazing and the MC being interesting and the character development that is there being good.

I recommend this novel to someone with patience and an interest in problems being solved mostly without violence. I also want to stress the fact that this is all my opinion and the only way you will know if you actually enjoy it, is to read it yourself. So, happy reading!
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obsoletefactor rated it
November 8, 2019
Status: c106
*Warning* This is a pretty meaty review so here's a TL:DR for those who don't feel like reading all of it:

- The story has boring dialogues, and side characters that drink the kool aid from the MC's d*ck every moment they get. And most if not all of them are there to work as a fix-it-all for everything the MC might need, so he has no need to lift a finger himself.

There's a complete lack of personality in every character in the story, except for maybe the Crown Prince.

There's no... more>> crisis', no impending doom, no sense of loss, and nothing to drive the MC to improve himself or others. The MC is a weak 'slacker' who's entire (imo lack of) 'personality' is being indifferent and aloof in every single situation he finds himself in.

Even though he's supposed to be a normal human from our world, who's suddenly in a high fantasy setting with dragons, magic, beast people, elves, dwarves and all kinds of things that nobody 'normal' has ever experienced. And the MC is indifferent and bored throughout it all, he literally watches a fight with superhuman powers and finds it boring, which is just ridiculous.


A story about a completely indifferent MC who -no matter the situation- always stays cold and aloof. He literally watches superhuman battles being fought, sits through an entire 4 day long torture session, and speaks to royalty and basically everybody else; like he's not afraid of any repercussions for him speaking out of turn or being and arrogant piece of sh*t. All without it having ANY effect on him personally nor to his surrounding. And we learn absolutely nothing about his past, to make it even slightly realistic to have such a personality.


Every single character that is not the MC, are only in the story so they can suck the kool aid out of the MC's d*ck every time he does or says something. Everybody is filled with respect and almost undying loyalty for him, but he has literally not done anything to deserve such loyalty from them in the first place. He shows no respect for anybody, but earns it himself in spades. Yes he helps a few of the characters, but all of it is for his own gains. And they know he has an indifferent, cold and calculative personality -or at least it's supposed to be known, but he doesn't have much of a personality in the first place- but they still love him for no reason.

All the side characters have 1 of 2 purposes:

  1. Work as a fix-it-all for any shortcomings the MC might have, just so he doesn't need to improve or evolve as a character in any meaningful way.
  2. Sucking the MC's d*ck every time he stays indifferent and aloof, or does something that really isn't impressive at all. Just so we as readers get a feeling of how amazing and 'smart' he is, although he really isn't. Everything he does is based on his omniscience gained for free by reading 5 volumes of a book.
None of the side characters have any personality either, so there's not even a reason to write anything in depth about anybody but the MC in this review.


We know absolutely nothing about how or why the MC suddenly wakes up in the body of a character from a novel he's read 5 Vol. Of. There's no explanations, nothing about him having the memories of the count's tr*shy son, no mention about the body feeling odd, or weak. There's simply nothing for us to interpret on our own. It just IS, and then the MC goes on his merry way without a care in the world. I mean really? This is just so the MC can abuse his deus ex powers of insight (know it all) he's gained from reading the books. Which is an awful excuse to give him ridiculously OP knowledge he can abuse; right from the start. That's the only reason we learn it's a novel at all.

In the beginning I thought the premise was kind of interesting, I would've loved to see a calculative son of a count building up his fiefdom, and improving their county with out of box thinking, interesting ideas and well planned politic stratagems. That would've been very interesting when put into a fantasy world setting; but that's not how the story goes unfortunately.

It's basically the MC using his deus ex machina knowledge of every easy-to-get power-up he can, none of which takes any effort on his part. There's no sense of loss, no impending crisis, nor a feeling of impending doom and he doesn't lose anything important; his family is incredibly rich, and powerful so he doesn't have to change anything, nor improve himself or others in any way; which leads to him lacking any driving power at all.

Everybody else caters to his every need from the beginning of the story till were I currently got to. This just makes the story incredibly boring because he has no real goal, besides being a slacker, which is frankly not an enticing nor interesting character trait for a MC to have.

There's no threats looming in the background, no mysteries that sucks you in. The only antagonists in the story is some unknown organization which we know nothing about; we get no POV's of; we learn none of their goals, characters or anything which could've otherwise made the 'mystery' interesting. Also the MC knows about them from the beginning. So that also removes any intrigue we might've had.

Writing Style:

It's written quite poorly tbh, the conversations are boring because every character in the story lacks personality -MC included- and all of them worship the MC's every move. They keep giving him 'meaningful' looks when he doesn't see it, to showcase how much kool aid from his d*ck they like to drink. Even the cute 'animals' in the story have no 'cute' personalities either, and all of it shows in how it's written.

Closing words and thoughts:

Over hyped boring slogfest of a story, which had the potential to be something great and different. But instead feels lifeless, hollow, and uninspired. It has a theme that could've had amazing writing, well written dialogues; insightful and flavorful monologues. There could've been some very interesting character, and personality shaping POV's that gave us a reason to give a crap about the characters.

Unfortunately this story has none of that. So i'll give this a 2 star rating only because 1 star is for the truly horrible, and awful stories; which this story isn't quite. But it's not far from it either. <<less
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Chumchum rated it
June 27, 2019
Status: --
Repetitive. Everything is repetitive. The plot, the interactions, the misunderstandings... It gets tiring.. MC wants to have a slow life but still keeps meddling in everything. Still he keeps on harping that he wants to live a peaceful life. and all the interactions revolve around how the people view him as a Saint or a weakling. It really gets annoying when the side characters are all pitying him as a weak person.. Rubbing it in every time the author gets a chance to. It's not funny, it makes me cringe.... more>> As I see it he is a Just a doormat. A pushover with contradicting actions.

The premise and how it started was good... But it all goes downhill slowly. <<less
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Lucy666 rated it
February 9, 2020
Status: c443
I have read a lot of negative reviews about this web novel and I do agree that everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but future readers, do NOT let those negative reviews cloud your judgement.

Before I start, I ask for your consideration because this is the first time I am going to review anything, let alone a novel.

The first 10 or so chapters may seem a little slow to some (I didn't feel that way tho), but I promise that it's worth it. The translation is flawless. The plot... more>> is better than most web novels out there and the flow is smooth.

I don't know why people are saying that the side characters seem 2-d. Are we talking about the same novel? Because I found the character development to be more than satisfactory. Each one of them has some flaws and weaknesses. The MC is not overpowered. You actually have to use your brain to keep up with the story and that's what I loved the most about this story.

Throughout the story, the characters went through multiple power ups and the way this happens may seem very repeatitive and boring but it's also the most realistic way for power ups. Some things never change even if we want them to. How else are the characters supposed to grow in power if not by fighting stronger enemies? Sleeping? Eating weird stuff? Oh wait!

Many say that Cale Henituse is actually an idiot because he says that he wants to have a peaceful life but he meddles in everything. Well, ever heard of the quote "the safest place is closest to the disaster" ? Burying your head in the sand does not make you safe from disasters. You are just fooling yourself into a false sense of peace. Reading the novel, I felt like I would do the same things cale did (that is if I had the brains, which, unfortunately, I don't).

Cale is unlikable? Why? Because he doesn't act like a proper hero? Well maybe that's because he isn't a hero! He is an antihero protagonist. His thoughts lean more towards realism and maybe even pessimism. Yes he seems rude, lazy and weak, but that's because we are reading things from his perspective. The moment we read the book from other's pov, we see just how tsundere and hypocritical he is.

I love the fact that the world isn't black or white. Nothing is completely good or completely bad. I also love the fact that I wasn't overcome with a terrible feeling of helplessness when Cale and friends encountered the main villain even though the difference in power and experience was phenomenal (though with the people he adopted along the way, Cale's group seems almost evenly matched in power) I love the aura of mystery. But the best thing about this novel is the way characters interact with each other. (The misunderstandings are hilarious btw).

The dark humor in here is hilarious. And while I agree that many a times things get repeated, characters make mistakes, it gets boring sometimes and some things feel dry after execution, its a novel worth reading.

The details you think are just useless info suddenly become very important after a hundred chapters. I personally find that ingenious. This is a web novel. The writer cannot change anything in it after it's published. They have to make do with whatever they have published by far, whether they like it or not. On the other hand novelists and book writers revise their whole story many times and have the liberty of deleting some details or adding new ones before publishing their work. Thus I feel that every web novel has atleast one small plot hole. Don't let that stop you from enjoying this gem.

Now for the ratings:

Translation: 4.5/5 (there are some errors but they still try to rectify them)

Characters: 5/5

Plot: 5/5

Execution: 4/5 (only because of some drier parts)

Plot development: 4/5 (repetitions)

Overall : 5/5 (because I am biased)

Thank you for reading this long review.

Happy reading <<less
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AvERaGeNP rated it
September 9, 2019
Status: c450
The novels feels lifeless to me personally. Also the characters are bland and its as if they are created just to cater for the protagonist. They do not have a free will it seems nor their own life as every part of their existence seems to be revolving around the protagonist. Also I do not like the concept of 'ABC organization is the root of all evil' theme. This makes the plot too clichè and way too simple. The novel is a black and white with no grey in it... more>> and I hate the fact that all the black side is represented by just the ABC organization. The novel also faces thr problems with dialogues as most of them are too bland.

I'd recommend you read this if you want a simple plot with good vs evil theme which doesnt tackle any of the complex traits of humans. <<less
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CoffeeHandShaky rated it
July 28, 2019
Status: c120
This is boring as hell, I thought it was a good novel based on the reviews but it is just your typical hero saving the weak with plot armors and deus ex machina. The side characters are all 1 dimensional just like a puppet with no character development, also the author tried so hard to be comedic but he failed terribly, who wants to laugh at the MC repeatedly saying he wants to live a slacker life blah blah blah, it was funny at first but It's just ridiculous how... more>> the author repeats this every few paragraphs. At first I'm kinda interested in this because of it's unique concept but the execution of it is just terrible. <<less
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hejikkk rated it
September 14, 2020
Status: c457
I'll try to cut this review short (Edit: ahahaha) bc if you ask me to describe my true sentiments about this series I will literally write an essay. Below are my (Objective : Subjective) reviews:

Characters: (4 : 5)

    • O: The MC is very likable and clever. His intelligence is shown in action with schemes rather than descriptive. Despite what he says and thinks, he has a heroic mindset in that he disregards his own health for the sake of others. The many characters in the MC's group are also fairly unique and have their own perks. The villains are not as descriptive; though the main antagonist is relatively written out, the rest are mostly bland characters whose only ambitions are to serve him.
    • S: Omg I love Cale sm. He's an absolute mastermind scammer and I respect him for that. I never thought I'd be religious one day but here I am as a devoted believer in ~OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, MASTER SILVER LIGHT SHIELD~ aLSO the people around cale are super cute too. Like, I LIVE to see Alberu and Cale interact and Raon is 100% bestboyTM
Plot: (4 : 4.5) (Edit: 4.5 : 5)

    • O: The plot revolves around the MC destroying a secret organization by scamming in order to live a peaceful life afterwards. He also takes action to scam get revenge on behalf of his companions and loot collect money for his goals. The story follows him as he gains influence/allies and sets schemes for his enemies. Unlike many transmigration novels, this story also eventually uncovers the truth behind the MC's past and present, and the reason for his current situation.
    • S: DUDE IT WAS SO GOOD IN THE BEGINNING. Cale was wrecking everything and hell ton of amazing action both physically and politically going on. Amazing to see all the plans eventually unfold. Loved that many of the previous details also play major roles in the story later on too. My only complaint is that after about 400~ chapters it kinda slows down. Like since the characters get more powerful, the fight scenes get longer and sometimes I just kinda skim them. I miss the previous feel tbh. Still, there are many occasions I still look forward to, especially the parts in relation to politics; those are epic :)
    • (Edit 490~: Yall I spoke too soon. The battle's over and the badass scheming is back at it again and somehow even more intense and addicting than before??? Idk how that works but it happened.)
    • (Edit 580~: bro just go read it)
Comment section...?: (5 : 5)

    • S: Alright everyone this novel definitely deserves top on my ranking of most interactive and hilarious comment sections ever. Lowkey like half of my enjoyment comes from just scanning the replies people put on the chapter. The teasers are also funny. The translator and editor are so cute and active too. IF YOU GUYS SEE THIS IM HERE TO SAY THAT I LOVE YOU GUYS AND THANKS FOR MAKING ME LAUGH SO MANY TIMES OVER LOL
For people still deciding whether to read this or not, you will like this if you...

    • Love fantasy and adventure types. It has AMAZING world building.
    • Read for the characters bc you WILL fall in love (trust me)
    • Enjoy scheming. I mean, the MC is basically a scammer.... so no getting out of that. Tbh I think this selling point of the series
However if you are looking for any of the below this is not the place for you:

    • Romance. nope. zero. (Contrary to those who complain about how there needs to be a love interest, I think its amazing the way it is. Ofc I still ship some people but like having them be in canon would ruin the vibe :p)
    • Tragedy elements. This is a lighthearted series, so if you're the type to get salty about it being not realistic that no one is dying after any battles or anything... yeah best avoid this
Personally though, this is definitively one of my all time favourite novels on this site. As long as you're not looking for romance, I would really recommend you give this one a try :)
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violetruby rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: c776
I'll be honest.. I don't like reading novels with lots of chapter. When I see a novel with more than 250+ chapters I really am reluctant even when the reviews are good.

but.. I read 776 chapter of this book TWICE. I spent most of my time reading this book for months.

that's just how good this book is. Cale Henituse, You truly are the best MC i've ever read.

the funny thing about this book is that from beginning to end it was all based on misunderstanding. I usually hate misunderstanding,... more>> it's make you feel unpleasant. BUT.. I have never enjoy such a great and lots of misunderstanding before. That's just how interesting this book is.

I can guarantee the MC is not your typical MC. Ahh.. But my favorite is not the MC but Clopeh Sekka. I even signed up for Caleism.

Anyway I 100% recommend this book. It's a great and amazing book. <<less
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Clebry rated it
February 16, 2022
Status: c767
I recommend this. It would be better if you read it directly without seeing the negative comments. If you have read it, then you will understand what is meant by negative comments, please decide for yourself whether to continue or not.

Some things have been warned by other comments, but still;

    • No romance! There's a tale of the past, but not that kind of harem or anything like that.
    • It focuses on friends and family (which is very large).
    • The past of most of the characters is very sad and tearful. Bottom line, it's semi-angst.
    • Oh, and lots of blood and rant too. But not something obscene, disgusting, or anything like that. There are many more, but I'm running out of ideas for writing them.
About the boring plot; actually, when you read the whole novel for the first time, all the parts are very interesting. Reading it a second time, you'll realize the hidden plots, other meanings of some of the scenes, and feel like going through some of the scenes quickly. The third time, you will realize other meanings of various 'boring' scenes, laughing and crying more intensely. That's how it is.

The 'Show, don't tell' rule doesn't mean you have to always show. Sometimes there are things that just have to be said, you know. This novel does have a lot of 'tell', but that doesn't mean there is little or no 'show' element at all. This novel just has a lot to say rather than show. Well, this requires moderate imagination power, indeed.

But once you read and start to understand the protagonist, you will be addicted to this. Not that I'm forcing you to like it. It's up to you guys, just please don't be rude/negative in the comments. I often find comments on novels that offend readers and make new readers leave.

While reading some of the negative comments, I was a bit sad. Oh yeah, no novel is perfect. Depends on the taste, imagination, understanding and level of patience of each person. It's not that one person doesn't like then it all bad. There are some novels that are too cliche, the characters are annoying, there are lots of plot holes, the plot is very slow, etc. But so famous because it's a romantic, comedy genre.

Of course too slow a plot is bad; both for readers and authors. But the semi-slow plot with lots of fluff and humor always heals the heart.

Basically, just start reading, don't care about anything else!
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HentMas rated it
March 19, 2020
Status: c312
This author is an expert...

He follows all of the rules of story writing, and not only is this a very fresh look at the "Hero's Journey" but it also is a deconstruction of the trope and the clichés within it.

The author is an expert on "show, don't tell", "take everything to the ultimate consequence", "the tragic hero", "Deus Ex Machina"... every single tool there exists in story writing is present and done expertly, the characterizations are masterful, the world building is perfect, everything haves a pay off, even the little... more>> things that seem like just a side note on a particular description have meaning, the clichés are flipped on their head and then set up straight then flipped again he plays with them and makes them exciting again.

I have always said, all stories have already being told, people "complaining" about similarity on stories don't understand this, I've read this story a million times, it's a basic "Hero's Journey" but because it's just that, EVERYTHING ELSE shines.

The timing of the humor, the dark notes, the pacing, the world building... everything is expertly done and perfectly crafted, I can't believe someone that wrote this as a "web novel" which is considered low tier by book standards had the damn technique to bring to fruition everything... it's not that the story in itself is unique, it's that it's done masterfully and impeccably... there are no plot holes, the hero is not saved suddenly because of something that the author pulled out of his ass at the last minute... I cannot even begin to explain how masterfully everything is written... there is so much subtlety and subtext that even when you CAN see what's going to happen because you "know" how this kind of story is supposed to play out from experience, you can't help but feel excited.

I have shed tears, I have laughed, I've felt pissed, I've being intrigued, I've felt foreboding and fear at the unknown... this novel has managed to pull a whole lot of emotions out of me... I paused at chapter 312 because I wanted to write this review, but I've been reading this novel for the past week nonstop... it's that absorbing...

Read it... give it a go, it deserves better than just being a web novel...

I have only 2 complaints, but this are PERSONAL preferences, and have nothing to do with the rating of this fabulous work, and they could be considered spoilers even though I am not saying anything too specific...


1. There is no "romance" to be had anywhere, and there is not a single space for it within the story and the more and more things happen, the less and less space is there for romance, I love a good romance, and I wish I could see a romance portrayed by this author, I'll definitely be looking for more of his works.

2. The only one who suffers and loses anything on the POV (aside the bad guys) is the MC... everything else he hears or knows about it third hand... this work is incredibly masochistic, from start to finish, everything he's willing to give up he gives it up willingly... I get that it's consistent, I understand it, and I know that it's supposed to be that way because the MC is carrying everyone's burden by himself from the moment he meets them... but this makes it so that the MC isn't really growing... I know that growth isn't needed... I know it's not supposed to be part of the story, still I can just wonder... how would our beloved MC react to actually looking at the loss of someone he's trying to protect... how could he face someone losing something that HE couldn't protect...

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GingerMessiah rated it
May 16, 2019
Status: --
I was initially looking forward to this story given how well received it is. Unfortunately it was bitterly disappointing.

The premise of the story was good but the author failed to give reasonable and logical explanation for the main character’s actions.

If we read some of the positive reviews on here stating how it was “half good” and “half weird” you would realise the problem. The author forcefully created plot and illogical reasoning in the main character to make everything click.

Ancient powers for example, why would the initial novel talk about the... more>> ancient powers of it does not serve a purpose in the initial novel. Considering the fact the main character only read 5 volumes of the novel and not all of it. How could there possibly be enough content to detail how to obtain the power?

When rescuing the Black Dragon, which was never rescued in the initial novel, how could the main character think of using that world’s numerous magical tools to jam magic, create invisibility etc. I would buy the idea if he was the one who wrote the novel and created the world but he did not.

The most annoying and contradicting fact was he wants to live a carefree life but his actions/logic did the opposite. There was no reason for him to visit the capital city and put his life at risk. The main character had set his own life as priority. The naivety of the author and main character was beyond bound - how could his stepmother and step siblings be on good terms with him when vying for the inheritance?

Main character’s objective would have been reached if he simply allowed the initial novel’s protagonist kick his ass once. He would have lived in peace but author says no... <<less
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Vesper00 rated it
April 17, 2019
Status: c25
"I want to live a carefree life and know what will happen which is why..." *MC proceeds to change timeline, get involved into all sorts of trouble and do everything to NOT live a carefree life*. Stopped reading around c25 (I think it was c28) as it was too boring reading s*upid sh*t of MC who was busy climbing Gary Stu path while author was stroking himself over his awesome and unique his main character is.
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Reimdesu rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c750
this novel is the STANDARD

Cale Henituse is the ideal MC, he doesn't spout nonsense and cringe lines to attract others in order to follow him. But instead, he doesn't say much that's why there are always misunderstandings that cause interesting comical situations. He isn't strong, even weak as f*ck that people pity him, but he's strong in other ways too and his mind is so fcking sexy.

Everywhere he went there is Chaos! Destruction! War! Kahahahaha and ends up being a LEGEND even though he just wants to live a slacker... more>> life.

  • The BAD SIDE is, it will make you obsessed with it.... If you've read this, I WELCOME YOU TO CALEISM <3
This is so fcking good. READ THIS OR YOU WILL REGRET <<less
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Tatara rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: --
MC is some sort of a character collector. So characters tends to pile up by his side but there's no chemistry between him and the characters. Usually if the MC changes his entourage you'll feel kinda unwilling or you'll miss someone from the previous group. Then you'll feel hype up when they come back but there is no such things in this novel. Which is kinda wasteful. Strangely enough if you digest it pretty hard, MC really is alone deep inside, no one knows him and no one knows what... more>> he's thinking (character perspective) and he doesn't have any emotion that says human that we can see. He's either lazy or annoyed. Like, boy, where is the compassion? 9 out of 10 characters are collected so his domain will be safe for the incoming war, so he can sleep. Peacefully. I feel like he is still not comprehending the fact that the book is now his life. MC feels like a one man show. There's no character interaction that I'm looking forward to and it's 100++ chapt already. Staying only so I can see what he'll do on the part he have not read yet, maybe the story will pick itself up there. Not looking forward to the war really. His team will just probably bulldoze through the whole ordeal. <<less
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Binge rated it
November 30, 2018
Status: c74
I will be honest and say that the premise of the story isn't exactly a one of a kind nor is it the best of it's kind, but it is enjoyable to read, which could be argued by others, and the the character development isn't completely dull. One thing it lacks, NOT a negative just something I wish it had, is that I want to what goes on in the other characters minds, but not too much pov just at certain moments. I believe this would help give the characters... more>> more character and lay a foundation on how the characters behave. The only problem to this is that a lot of the authors that i've read that have done this seem to jumble the characters personalities making all the characters have similar personalities or just make all of them inner pe*verts to make up for the lack of character. I am not saying the characters are dull in this story, but rather just a small curiosity on what and how the other characters think. Also, having characters show a different side to themselves, without them breaking out of character would be a nice touch. Other than that there aren't really too many complaints, the way the setting is introduced to the different abilities are displayed are something to be admired. Power in this world can't be explained through simple math because it isn't a game world nor does the MC have some heaven defying game element, which is a plus sense it allows the readers to challenge their imagination, but it would be much better if the MC has some way of measuring a person's power instead of using powers that "might" be able to destroy a continent when the person could only just destroy a building. If you've read this far than please do read this and support this novel, I might have criticized it, but that's just to help other curious readers to know what to expect and help them get over the bitter feeling that his novel is missing something and instead actually enjoy the positives in this novel because it certainly is a good novel to try and read. <<less
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Alderi rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: c712
'Hooked' doesn't even begin to describe my obsession with this novel. There are many reasons to love it, but the main reason for me is that The Lout of the Count's Family is very heartwarming. It's like a balm for a battered heart. In addition to that, we have the following:

    • A strategist MC, shrewd and cunning yet extremely worn out emotionally. It's fun to watch him plan things out brilliantly, and it's touching to see him slowly develop relationships with people who he had tried to keep at a distance.
    • A plot to make your head spin, full of adventures and mischief.
    • Lovable side characters with their own backstories and personalities (yay!). Not all of them, but still many.
    • Beautiful and diverse platonic relationships ('parent to child', 'sibling to sibling', 'friend to friend', 'grandfather to grandchild', 'stepparent to stepchild', and more).

      Did you note the last one? No evil stepmother here! No evil family members of the MC whatsoever (yay #2) !

    • Important issues are paid attention to, including classism, discrimination, the value of family and friendships, the implications of self-sacrifice, etc.
    • A lot of epic battles and badassery.
    • A lot of heart-rending moments. I didn't expect them when I started reading. I wasn't ready.
    • A lot of funny banter and misunderstandings. Yes, these may not be to everybody's taste, and they do get repetitive.
    • Chekhov's guns abound, and they fire without fail. The smallest details matter. I remember only one instance of a lack of explanation for something in 700+ chapters. Even the original owner of Cale's body isn't forgotten (a rare case, isn't it?).
    • The worldbuilding is impressive.
I originally started reading The Lout of the Count's Family to get distracted from another novel, and my expectations were quite low. Maybe that's the key. The first 150-160 chapters were just a moderately fun read, but I wasn't able to put this book down after reaching that point: the plot gets only better when the MC no longer knows what's supposed to happen based on what he learned from The Birth of a Hero. Now I'm hopelessly addicted and don't know what to do other than learn Korean just so I can read the original.
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Thecomicgeek rated it
November 1, 2019
Status: c382
My favorite webnovel so far, updates regularly. No hiatus (so far) filler chapters are very rare as opposed to most chinese novels.

It takes awhile before the context of the story reveals itself of which there are many. One example is that the main character is a Tsundere (like) person. Something I admire about the novel is that it doesnt try and explain every single detail to the reader instead integrating the information with each chapter. The touching moments are amazing.

Best thing? No s*upid idiotic harem

Worst thing? After about a few... more>> chapters (20 or so) it becomes an addiction <<less
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Valven rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: c511
Not much of a review, but I'd like to point out something.

Notice how the reviews with 5* tend to be made 300-500 chapters in. Although this doesn't prove anything, the reviews with 1-3* tend to have read from 1-200 chapters in.

I know this is utterly pointless, but as a reader who has read far in, you could see the improvement from the author and the impeccable story curated. He masterfully engineered it and as I read so far in, I could only agree with these other reviewers whos read as... more>> much as I. It's disappointing that a lot of readers drop a novel early on because of something they dislike; which the author fixes through grammar, character and plot later on.

I understand that this isn't exactly a book for everyone, but if you review, read a lot of it *or make it to the current chapter* before you make a review (EDIT:) of this webnovel. This creates a misunderstanding for new readers and probably won't pick up the book because of it; which bothers me.

Other than that, the tr*sh of The Counts Family is a masterpiece.

EDIT 2: The review done by HentMas is amazing and literally expresses how I feel. Truly happy someone can make a review that well. <<less
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