Transmigrated as the Cannon Fodder Abandoned by the Movie Star


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Gu Qingchi transmigrated into an insignificant cannon fodder. The author didn’t set any of the details of the cannon fodder’s character settings, so everything was randomly generated.

Then, somehow, he ended up becoming the most beautiful person in the entire novel.

However, it didn’t matter. As a cannon fodder with two sentences in the book i.e. Marriage & Divorce, he is unable to leave the barest trace in the world till the divorce! His existence was forgotten & he was left completely isolated.

Gorgeous beyond measure, after finishing the cannon fodder storyline, Gu Qingchi could debut by relying on his face alone.

When the well-known movie star’s love affair was exposed, his fans were furious and ready to take this guy down, but ended up being captivated by his beauty.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Dropped
  2. My Novel Heaven (6)
  3. danmei novel i finished reading part 1
  4. Summery seems interesting
  5. Just another wife-chasing list

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107 Reviews sorted by

hxr10 rated it
February 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Tbh I felt extremely bad for the ML. Don't get me wrong MC got lots of abuse from the author and I wish his lot was at least a little bit better, but it just served to remind me that when someone is ill in your family it's not just them who suffers but it's also the people who care for that person suffer too. It's no one's fault, but it's allowed to feel bad for them too.

Anyways back to ML, the groveling he had to go through was disproportionate.... more>> Everyone's an adult and I don't think it's so sinful or unforgivable to dissolve a contractual marriage through a lawyer without making a personal contact. Sure, he could've shown more tact and responsibility during this sham of a marriage but then again he thought the other party was just enjoying their life and he didn't feel like he owed them anything. He indeed did make a thoughtless mistake but come on he doesn't deserve THAT much angst. And people are saying that he liked the MC only for his face but honestly what else except bewitchingly beautiful face and heaven defying acting skills has the author given him? <<less
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zoeyzoeyzoey rated it
January 2, 2024
Status: Completed
I really liked this novel but didn’t think it was that amazing of a depiction of depression, but for this type of novel it was best I’ve come across. Also appreciated that the trauma of loosing your previous life and loved ones would actually fck a person up, was covered. The majority of these type of stories have the MC act like it’s normal and not traumatizing which is just weird. Even if your previous life sucks, it’s going be ar best, scary & disorienting, and at worse, traumatizing. Like... more>> my life is really hard, but I think I’d prob end things if I woke up in another world and could never see my kid and my family again. So I really appreciated that was part of the plot. Also I love the MC’s fam. Him finding and g tying back to his real og fam was super touching. Overall love the MC and really liked the ML too. <<less
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tiaglory rated it
December 28, 2023
Status: Completed
i tell you what, this is no fluff nor romance. Simply torment

i cried so much reading this whole novel about depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, self harm

nevertheless I love how he survived, I love the way MC got love from around him and support him no matter what until he recovers

i completely agree on most of the reviews here

*worth to read
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Xantheosse rated it
December 4, 2023
Status: Completed
I’m going to rate it at full score mainly because of the realistic depiction of depression and mental illnesses. It’s always been my gripe with stories especially, with those leaning on the drama genre that they just gloss over how depression gets portrayed. That it can easily get someone out just by the power of love. It isn’t like that. Not at all. You can be the most loved person in the entire universe but still be stuck in that quagmire.
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Ginko Biloba
Ginko Biloba
October 23, 2023
Status: c138
This was a good read.... but would I read it again? The answer is NO. This novel fooled me I thought it was fluff based on the summary and the title but it isn't. Aside from that this novel could have been shortened if the author focused on the plot cause seriously there are a ton of chapters where more than half of it was just description of the MC beauty and people's reaction about it. It kept getting repeated again and again despite that matter being established already. Except... more>> for those parts, it is a good novel that one could try. <<less
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Scar21 rated it
October 15, 2023
Status: --
I actually like this novel, but it does have some flaws.

Let's talk about the good points first. Depression is very vividly shown and it is really heartbreaking. Coming from my own experience, I think that anyone who has the courage to live through this kind of life, is strong enough to be praised for simply continuing to live. I like both the MC and ML. I read a review that said the two are not compatible. In my opinion, it's the opposite.

Now, speaking of the problems I gave with... more>> the novel.......

Firstly, the first half of the novel felt unnecessarily dragged out, namely the first 70 odd chapters. I feel like it could have been told in 40 chapters, while having more impact on the readers. It's to the point that I wanted to skip a few chapters at one point.

Secondly, in the first 70 chapters, the descriptions of MC's looks felt overwhelming. In fact, I'm actually the kind of person who loves reading long descriptions praising an MC. I always thought I'd never get tired of the trope. Facts proved, that if done too much, even you favorite trope would feel overwhelming.

Apart from that, the novel's great. Especially the second half. <<less
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Meds rated it
October 9, 2023
Status: c80
Im fooled by the ratings. I thought that it would be interesting because I love when the MC is a side character. It got me in the first half. I was really invested but then it went downhill. I couldnt even finish 5 chapters without feeling sleepy.

I dont get why everyone is shitting on the ml? I mean he is partly wrong that he ignores and neglect MC. But what was he suppose to do....... Was he that much of an as*hole conaidering his relationship with his family

The author digress... more>> too much from the main plot. He emphasised too much on the mc's beauty, I find it okay at first because I thought that just because he's a side character doesnt mean that he should be ugly or average, I thought that it would be a good change but then it became annoying in the later chapters because author keeps shoving it down our throat. And author is really trying to make MC multi talented and versatile. And the netizens comments! Cant we have just one one or three of those, why are some of those one page along. It was torturous.

The climax scene which I have been anticipated the most turns out to be quite ordinary and boring. I couldnt handle this anymore so I dropped. <<less
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Miami Ai
Miami Ai rated it
September 25, 2023
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed it!! The part that left most impression on that was how you could be really happy one moment and then depression hits you like a train and you're suddenly feeling terrible. I have had depression at one point and I kinda relate to that so yeah but don't worry it's really isn't that dark so go ahead and read it
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Tan Mo
Tan Mo rated it
July 26, 2023
Status: c1
This novel lets to know how many important is psychologic things. Nobody can't be sure that they won't have depression and other problem for their life.

And Im really happy, that novel' character could find a way free from his conditions
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En-Jay99 rated it
July 12, 2023
Status: Completed
  1. A story about healing. Beware the tags of depression and su*cide. Also, stopping midway just means you have no idea what actually happened. Just straight out. The story gives a legit reason for everything, there are hints right from the beginning and there's no point in leaving bad reviews when you don't even know anything.

    Seriously. If you see a review that goes 'I haven't read it all BUT', just ignore it.

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damnmei rated it
July 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I finished this so automatically at least 4 stars for readability. I feel like this is a very brainless enjoyable story, but if I think too hard then I find parts that I really just didn’t enjoy. The story flow can be a little strange at times and I feel like there were many parts that were introduced then glossed over. The MC is unbelievably beautiful and everyone falls in love with him, and the acting side hustle was kind of just a minor plot point at the end. ML... more>> made me fall in love though, I really liked his cheerful persona and fandom side, it was really cute and refreshing! <<less
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kafkatxt rated it
July 10, 2023
Status: c98
i haven't read the whole thing, but I wanted to leave a review containing my thoughts on this story. I have a lot of opinions on it and frankly, im shocked that it has such a high rating. I specifically made an account just to write this.


) this review is full of spoilers. idrk how to use spoilers since this is my first time writing a review here, my apologies.

1. I actually think that the author's depiction of gu qingchi was well thought out. my issue comes with the... more>> author.. forcing gu qingchi to smoke as a result of this? it's stated in the novel that qingchi doesn't like the smell of smoke/cigarettes, whatever.

how did he start smoking despite not liking the smell of them?

well, he started because of a role. it's really irritating for me that the director

straight up ENCOURAGED him to smoke even when qingchi said that he didn't. that type of "just give it a try" mentality is really harmful. he even asked qingchi if he drank but he REALLY had to make him smoke? qingchi may have been willing, but honestly he's really naive. the director should've felt more responsible for one of his actors.

my issue starts when in an interview, qingchi admitted that he also grew slight of an addiction to smoking. everyone has their own coping mechanisms and even he drinks as some sort of coping mechanism. but it's really implausible because it's showed that he had no energy to do anything. for someone who doesn't even like the smell of smoke, why would he bother with smoking as a coping mechanism? he already drinks as a form of that so I dont know why the author felt the need to add smoking on top of that.

also, the author has a weird obsession with writing about smoking. why is it addressed so frequently?

2. the mc's original family being included into this mess.

spoilers for the plot, basically the mc's original family is also in this world despite his transmigration. they don't remember anything about him but his mother has some.. mental issues herself (i dont remember what exactly but she also mistakes gu xie aka the older brother with how the MC acted as a kid, blending their personalities together in a way.) I will copy paste a comment that I made that gives my opinions on mrs. gu and their whole family's inclusion in the plot.

"it's so disappointing how mrs. gu had to find out in this way. is this really the best the author could think of in order for mrs. gu to visit him in the hospital? gu qingchi should've been the one to tell her, not the internet digging too much into TWO photos. I know that qingchi would be unwilling to tell her if we're thinking on how he'd act, but it's really a weird way for them to be able to meet. it's also odd, considering the fact that they dont even know that he's her son yet

it's good for him to meet his family again but why the hell did they meet at some random place? it doesn't feel like they've "known eachother for very long" either. we know from our perspective that mrs. gu regards qingchi as her son, but if qingqi didn't remember her as his mother, then she would seem TOO close for comfort. she lacks

maturity? in my opinion. she doesn't feel like his mother at all. it's weird how this is tolerated by mr. gu and gu xie even. they must instinctively think positively of gu qingchi but that doesn't change the fact that with what they know, he's just a relative of them. it's not.. polite for them to allow mrs. gu to fanatically chase after qingchi. at this point, she just feels like a fan of qingchi. I absolutely don't get the feeling that she's his mother because all she knows about qingchi is from the media.. it's really frustrating to me because I am aware that qingchi is trying to push away his family but I think this really could have been written in a better way."

my points in a more organized way? I think?:

- its weird how they met coincidentally at a market (?) when they're relatives in this world (well, as they know it now.) mrs. gu just meets him randomly, asks for his wechat, then that's how they met. the author could have made them meet in another way because they're already connected in some way in this world. the MC doesn't really keep contact with his family in this world, but they had more to work with in order for them to meet in a more natural way. it's not like they're complete strangers in this world.

-mrs. gu lacks maturity and doesn't have anyone to keep her accountable for her actions. despite being mc's real mother, at this point in the story, the MC is just one of their relatives with what they know. mr. gu and gu xie don't do anything to stop mrs. gu from always chasing MC around. they aren't even close at this point, all she knows about him are from the internet. seriously?

-at this point, (major spoiler) MC failed his attempted sv!cide and had to recover at the hospital. they had to post something on his weibo so they did a photoshoot at the hospital room. some netizens analyzed TWO PICTURES and concluded that he was at a hospital as well as which hospital he was at, in what room. mrs. gu discovers this and visits the MC. im really annoyed how this played out like tf? privacy? and this adds to the fact that all mrs. gu knows at this point comes from the media (she knows he plays the piano and stuff but it's not like they're close in this world.) MC SHOULD'VE BEEN THE ONE TO TELL HIS OWN MOTHER THAT HE WAS AT THE HOSPITAL (he wouldn't have been willing, but forcing this meeting using the media is not a good way of writing. I often feel that some of the parts of the story come off very forced.)

-mrs. gu feels more like a fan instead of a mother. there's no connection to them because MC wants to push his family away. mrs. gu should get to know MC from himself, with real interactions between them NOT as a fan. there's a very big difference.

3. I dont like the inclusion of romance in this story. the MC needs someone to share his burdens with, but the loss of the ML just intensified his depressive episodes. its not like he depended only on the ml, but he grew accustomed to it and didn't think that he had to give back in the relationship. which is a bit... of a turn-off. MC is simply not ready to be in a relationship. he needs someone to help him. he needs a companion.. but a relationship cannot go with the ML just helping out the MC all the time.

i have not read to the end so I dont know, but I am quite sure that they will end up with eachother. but I think they're better off as friends.. MC still needs time for himself and just needs a support system that can help him.

this may be weird to say for some people, but ML deserves better than the MC. not like being depressed makes him at fault, I just think they're not ready. I really believe that a relationship should go both ways and MC is just not ready for that.

their relationship as ex-husbands is really complicated because of the system. ML had no say in the marriage. it doesn't matter if he loves him now because it doesn't change that he was forced. he was already married before he found out about it. I dont think he should feel regret after divorcing.. its not like they ever interacted during their 2 year marriage.

the system really isolated the MC from everyone else and this loneliness for 2 years really took a toll on him. he needs time to recover and a relationship is more on his plate than he needs. perhaps with the ml, he can feel that he actually does matter after 2 years of isolation but I dont think it needs to be romantic.

i also forgot that this was a part of the story but the MC also had some sort of harem at some point and it just felt really unnecessary. kinda annoying how the people around the MC and ML just make things more complicated for the two of them. ML really needs a better wingman... people on the internet definitely cant be trusted to give advice especially on matters where they don't know th full story. you'll know who im referring to if you've read it...

4. its kind of annoying how the MC is just... always described as pretty. his character doesn't have much depth in my eyes. it's really sad how he got tangled up in the entertainment industry because that's not a good place for someone like him. but he's still popular just for his looks, and I appreciate that he's not good at everything because he struggles to with acting (with his role in nirvana which is not similar to him unlike his other role), singing, dancing, etc. so this story always shows his flaws, but still describes him as a godly figure which transcends beauty between femininity and masculinity. he shouldn't be put on some pedestal when he's clearly human as well. just a very, very, very... very pretty one apparently.

there's good in this novel, but honestly it's really boring to read about the MC being sad for 100 chapters. I appreciate it's depiction of depression and mental health, but I have too many faults with it. we'll see if I have the energy to continue but as of now, this story doesn't give me much reason to continue. (the characters aren't really that likable either...)

there was seriously so much potential but the writing falls short for me because of the forced situations in some parts and the way that they dont seem to fall into place correctly.. I really can't word it correctly lmfao.

    • 2/5. not my cup of tea but I appreciate the translator for translating this story because some people really enjoyed it and thats whats matters
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redfeathersgirl rated it
July 9, 2023
Status: c138
I love showbiz novels, no matter how cheezy it is. But this one.. I don't get.

The writing was bad. The pacing was bad. MC got mentioned pretty-out-of-this-world A LOT. ML was shallow. Overall, bad.

I powered through until chapter 70 and still read it with a straight face. I waited for something good/bad to happened, but got nothing. I didn't get why it got such a high rating.

I skipped a couple chapters and got into the ... more>>

attempted sui**de and finally reunited with MC's family scene

and felt nothing. It was written so bad, readers can't feel anything from it.

I usually like Chrysanthemum Garden's translation, but not this one. Sorry. Maybe they just got unlucky for selecting this novel :/ <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
July 8, 2023
Status: Completed
That was Truly a Journey of Emotions. The Heartaches and all. The Genuine Love and all. The Devotion and all.

It wasn't a Wild Ride, and yet Intense and Heavy but so Deep and Meaningful!!!

You can't hate nor blame ML and MC in this novel. They both Victims. And what I Love about this Novel, they acknowledge their flaws!

... more>> This is a story where both ML and MC are flawed living being, but written so well where we Love them and feel Heartaches for them.

Like we can't blame ML for the hardship MC had gone through, nor we can't hate MC for being 'mean/heartless-like' toward ML.

The Family plot was also the BEST PART in the story!!! Love them especially of course the Mother! The Loving Mother and her instinct is the Best!!!

Love how they want to protect MC from ML, but also don't stop MC when he's the one who want to reach ML. ML for not giving up but also won't force his way. And MC's family who also never force MC to stay away from ML.


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almondmatchalatte rated it
July 6, 2023
Status: Completed
In a nutshell, this novel is a somewhat moving but very crude piece of work. I tried giving the author a chance to fix the plot holes I’ve come across here and there, hoping they’d tie up all the loose ends by the last chapter, but I was in for a major disappointment. I strongly do NOT recommend reading this if you are struggling with mental health issues and are prone to being triggered by mentions of su*cide and depression.

... more>>

I still don’t understand how the author thinks it was possible for them to get married when ML wasn’t present with MC at the civil affairs bureau. Surely, the civil officials would check the identities of those getting married before issuing the marriage certificate, right? From the moment they got divorced, I never wanted MC and ML to get back together because ML of the way he handled things with regards to their marriage. No matter how hard the author tried to give him his redemption arc, he was a red flag through and through. Also, I feel like MC being raised as an illegitimate son of his biological uncle in the current timeline without being noticed by his biological family is puzzling since they were so close in proximity to the point that his stepmother was literally afraid of his brother. The fact that he bears so much resemblance to his mother yet his brother and father didn’t bat an eye until a random nurse pointed out the fact had me rolling my eyes. What truly irks me is the way the author tried to end this novel by saying ML was some god who walked this earth and fell in love with MC only to trap him within his grasp... it becomes an endless loop of plot holes at that point tbh

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Natural_Sapphire rated it
February 28, 2023
Status: c73
Gosh how come this story has very high rating (above 4???). Out of hundred or so stories I've read there's only two or three stories where I hate MC and this is one of them. Author praise MC too much to the point where I can't stand it anymore and all the love I felt for MC from the start disappear. And, it's coming from me who love op MCs!!!!
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Give.Me.A.Piece.Of.Cake rated it
October 28, 2022
Status: c63
I actually quite like the MC in this novel because the fact that he does not fall in love with the ML until much later... ML is just crazily chasing his ex-husband that he forced to divorce him. The MC tendency to be depressed was also set up early in the novel so it doesn't feel abrupt. I can understand why the MC is depressed when his existence was ignored and forgotten in those two years.

My problems for deducting 1 star are:

I hate the ML. He's old like 27 and... more>> married MC like when he's 25 but he's more of a kid than the MC. He's spoiled, selfish, and feel like he is the only person entitled to being wrong so in those two years he never considered the fact that the MC could have been in the same shoe as him, namely MC was also forced to marry him. He only fall in love at first sight with the MC because of the MC's beauty. His character did have some developments later as he realized that MC never had him (ML) in his (MC) eyes and did not love him (ML).

ALSO, The author spent way too much times explaining how BEAUIFUL the MC is that it's a waste of words, lol. I sometimes get bored with these descriptions that I skim through it to get the gist that 'okay MC is godly beautiful'... get to the plot already, author! <<less
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moon17lover rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: --
It was a big mistake reading this I warn anyone thinking of reading this you will regret it big time, love you all and wish you all the goodness in the world
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DemonKing49 rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: Completed
I'm writing a review as I'm here for rereading now. I loved the novel. The main character, gu qingchi is a really special MC. Like he's not a rare type Pokemon MC but it's unusual to see this type of tropes in this genre. Most people just take him as silent and serene natured, but it's a a big conflict going inside him. He seems tough to others but he's really vulnerable and fragile. I love the relationship between the MC and ml, they are really cute. I'm writing this... more>> review purely by memory. Gonna go refresh the memory right now by rereading!! <<less
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Yoya rated it
December 1, 2023
Status: c64

I can’t stand the writing anymore. Each time a new character meets MC the author spends half a chapter going on and on about his beauty and it’s just so damn repetitive. MC’s personality isn’t developed either, it’s just like cardboard, being obedient and etc to everyone. He spends more time interacting with all these people enamored with his beauty than with ML. Granted, literally everyone is shallow af and just sees his beauty and it’s just getting mad annoying. I skipped ahead to see if there’s any redemption for... more>> the story and was baffled by the random appearance of the Gu family and Gu corporation, like wow how convenient to make MC into this pitiful white lotus and have literally everyone bending over backwards for him. <<less
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