Transcending the Nine Heavens


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Chu Yang, the Ninth Master of the Nine Tribulations Sword, sacrificed almost everything he had for the sake of improving his martial arts, including the love of his life. After spending three years locating the fifth fragment of the Nine Tribulations Sword, he was ambushed by all sides at that very place. Mortally injured with no means of escape, Chu Yang executed a sacrificial technique by plunging the Nine Tribulations Sword into his very own heart. “With the blood of my heart, ten thousand tribulations will collapse!”

After witnessing the death of all his ambushers, Chu Yang’s vision began to darken. At a distance, moments before his death, he saw the mastermind who had plotted his downfall — Mo Tian Ji. With that, his eyes finally closed.

However, with a start, Chu Yang once again awoke to find that he had returned to when he was sixteen years of age! Furthermore, the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations Sword now resided within his Dantian, the energy center of his body! From that very moment, Chu Yang would then begin to right all of his past regrets, and carve his very own legend by fulfilling his destiny as the final Master of the Nine Tribulations Sword, and defeating the Heavenly Devils beyond the realm of the Nine Heavens Continent.

Associated Names
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Ao Shi Jiu Chong Tian
Dokuz Semayı Aşmak
Ngạo Thế Cửu Trọng Thiên
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150 Reviews sorted by

luckymorris rated it
October 22, 2019
Status: c1046
Alright, first, please keep in mind that it is 5 stars for a chinese cultivation novel, not as a novel in general.

This novel managed to do two things right that a lot of cultivation novel can't :

-Have good side characters that keep being revelant even after several arcs

... more>> -Having a good start, and keep the same level of quality over a thousand chapters

The novel manage to keep everything fresh, there is plenty foreshadowing and you never have the feeling that the author pull something out of his ass, you clearly see that the story line is already finished by the time he wrote these chapters, and oh boy, that is something that you will appreciate if you're used to steaming piles of sh*t such as martial god asura where the authors just keep adding layers to his universe when you never heard of that before.

The companions of the MC actually help him, never gets too much behind him in strength and they all have a relation between each other, it's not just how they like MC and how MC like them. Once again, for a cultivation novel, it's rare enough to be pointed out. You will like their interactions, and will laugh at their sillyness and truly believe in their bonds as brothers, the author maked the smart choice to introduce some slice of life in his novel to make us appreciate each of these characters, and they all have their own objectives that you will see being fullfilled in the story, they are actual being, with an actual personnality, with an actual story, not just some stepping stone for the MC to makes him look cool.

The pace of the story is just on point, a lot happens in a chapter and you won't get half a chapter where some random people say what they think about the fight between MC and young master n°995. In a thousand chapters, he went through 2 different world and is currently what I would say in the middle of the 3rd world arc. The story keeps bringing novelty, enough to clearly have favorite arcs as they are really different between each other not just some C/C of the previous arc with just different character in a different world (like martial god asura).

A great read, I'm sad that i've catched up! <<less
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Moxmox rated it
September 13, 2019
Status: Completed
Harem had 4 women.. But it was good. With only 4 women, it meant that the author kept them in focus for most of the novel, and he gave them great depth and character development.

The world building was pretty good.

Brotherhood. This is one of the few wuxia that centers around the bond between brothers. It had me wishing I had sworn brothers.

... more>> The adventure was fast paced.

My only negative was the two strategical army plots.. Those two plots were boring to me.

The ending was rushed. Sadly. There were 3 chapters towards the end that the author didn't have to write, and used that extra space for a grander ending. But.. What can you do?

This author does a great job writing tearjerker scenes. He had me in tears a few times during this read. He also did a good job of that with OEM. I'm going to check out this author's other two completed wuxia and see if they can give me an adventure also. <<less
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Oshibo rated it
June 10, 2019
Status: c698
I can't properly express how much I love this series but I'll give it a shot.

The characters are so great and I got heavily invested with them. For example, I get so worried whenever Qing Wu is in trouble I constantly go back to the NU page to make sure that there is no Tragedy tag even though I already know there isn't. Heck one time it seemed like she was in trouble (A person jealous of her talent) but it turned out someone wanted her as an apprentice, yet... more>> I kept going back to check until I found out she wasn't in danger. Every character has their struggles and it is heartwarming when they deal with it. Gu Xing wants to get powerful enough to free his lover, Wu Shang doesn't want to be clan lord and his brother is threatened by his potential but there is an internal power struggle and it isn't Wu Shang's choice as the current Clan Lord and elders will put him in that position if they want, Kei Di may seem like a playboy but it is a facade since he has ED and he doesn't want to marry a woman if she has to go her life w/o s*x or being a mother, Ji Mo's family is inherently lazy and he ruins his public image so he doesn't have to be clan lord even though he is the child of a concubine and his elder half-brother is a child of the clan lord's wife (both him and his half-brother fight over who is stuck as being the clan lord).

The world building is amazing and new facts are constantly learned about it. For example, people in the lower three heavens believe the world is less than 20k years old. Then we realize that it is at least 90k years old, and then we get a first-hand account of general details about 140k+ years ago to the 90k years ago, then we get some facts about some intervals of 10k years all the way to the present. Also, there was a case of mass extinction because one idiot thought of folding the continent like a paper fan.

The comedy is amazing, one example being where Chu Yang trains his new brother's bodies by having the second brother chase them around with his sweaty socks and whoever gets caught ends up with the sock in his mouth.

My complaint would be the minor antagonists. One example is one clan gets greedy and sends people to rob and kill the Chu Yang but when Chu Yang and his brothers end up killing the would-be killers, the clan then wants revenge on Chu Yang. It is like damn you want revenge because he didn't let himself be killed by your clan? <<less
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cute bird of sadness
cute bird of sadness rated it
April 4, 2019
Status: c799
This novel is the best.

I can safely say that this novel is the one that messes with my emotions and makes me laugh the most.

Although this may not be the best novel, and some people may even consider it as bad, but it's still the novel that makes me the happiest and most excited about. (Well maybe except for some novels that haven't really been translated yet)

The MC is the best and I love everything about him.

He's just so cool and awesome.

5/5 masterpiece.
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Konstantin rated it
February 26, 2019
Status: c2200
From reviews and rating you could see what it is definitely worth reading. But eventually this novel have some serious flaws later in the story, though most people read only translated chapters so for them it is hard to tell.

Main problem of this novel is, surprisingly, its cultivation system and power levels. They are inconsistent and rather random - author unreliable and he changes his mind after 100 chapters or so. If he tells you what "X" realm is rare and powerful in "Y" world, you could be sure what... more>> it is a BS because few hundred chapters later you will found out what in this same world there are countless masters of same power. It is fine when power levels changes after MC ascending higher realms, but here author change power levels without changing place, he just contradicts to his earlier words, the problem is he doing it each time.

MC arrived in higher world? Author tells you masters of "X" level are so powerful and rare. Then MC instead of training to become such master just get some random fast level up and now author tells you "actually you know, masters of this level means nothing in this realm, they aren't as rare as I said before". It happens each time. And you know what else? Author creates some special abilities for certain realms and then forget about them, for example King level masters supposed to have some cool "self-destruction" skill, but it was used (by enemy) only ONCE in this whole novel and then never mentioned again, lol.

For those who wants to read raws - the worst part of the novel starts after MC leaves Nine Heavens Continent. It adds bunch of power levels which are randomly skipped, it adds bunch of new characters which are underdeveloped and discarded soon. What else? The novel is actually incomplete and never would be. :)

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sneha rated it
May 18, 2018
Status: c1037
It's a good story, but the inconsistencies as the series progresses are a little serious. I've observed that all these wuxia are xianxia series develop these inconsistencies as the series grows longer. For example, in the beginning they say reaching so-and-so stage in cultivation is only possible for one in ten thousand or one in million even! Even in the upper three heavens, not more than one or two. So we think, aah our hero is really special. And then the story progresses, hero goes to the higher plane, and... more>> people of that stage are as common as cabbages. The author doesn't even explain it. It's basically like admitting, 'facts vary according to convenience'.

This kind of thing is even more aggravating in this story. In the beginning our boy is 16 years of age and all his brothers twenty or twenty-two or even higher. Later when he goes to the middle heavens, they're all of uniform age. This 'under twenty' label is applied over and over to them. This is just to showcase high talent, I understand author, but don't do it at your reader's expense. The fact that the hero is a lot younger than his brothers is highlighted more than once in the previous chapters with all his sworn brothers lamenting over his achievements for his age, but suddenly three or so years, when he's 18-19, the rest five are also 'under twenty'! What kind of lame storytelling is this? If a person is over twenty and he has achievements, are they really not worth speaking about? Is that why it is so compulsory to keep their ages under twenty? You dumb as******

Another example


In the lower three heavens, when the hero's origin is discussed, Chu family is depicted as a strong influence in the Upper three heavens. Not one of the nine great clans, but still pretty powerful sort of. Unfortunately, when the story actually shifts to the upper three heavens setting, this family becomes a small family, a minor dot on the map that no one takes notice of, and can be exterminated by the little finger of any major clan.


Of course, I complain so much only because I care. This is one of the good stories out there. If only the story ethics have been followed, and the author were loyal to the readers by maintaining the facts over time, it would've been perfect. The book is very much deserving of all the good reviews out there.

Settings are imaginative. Literary style is captivating (but this is only maintained for three hundred chapters or so. After that, the author's unique flair is gone and resembles the ubiquitous mass literature style. Still, considering the story is good and having been drunk on the prose for nearly three hundred chapters, I quite forgave). Characters are innumerable, yet not a single one seems redundant. For once, you are not impatient when the story deviates from the main character and the side character story lines are being covered instead. Why? Because those story lines are equally important, perhaps without them, this hero's story will be incomplete. The main character is witty, dedicated and quite likeable. He might come off as a hypocrite once or twice, but I blame the author for that, coz it's another one of the 'inconsistencies' I mentioned before.

For eg. In the lower three heavens, King of Hell Chu destroyed innmerable families, 'killed male and female, young and old, dogs and chickens' as they say. But after he reunites with his own family and starts a life in Upper three heavens, he also comes across these kind of characters who kill indiscriminately, and then thinks 'Oh I might kill the rivals, but I wouldn't harm the innocents - namely the females, etc. I'm like... err... author, King of Hell has a tremendous reputation, you know? You just destroyed it with this single sentence. f*ck, are you brain damaged? Or suffering from memory loss or something?


Ha ha, so that's all I guess. I'm a writer too. I once wanted to write one of these long... really long stories... These chinese guys follow a well developed format, but it is really hard to draw inspiration from them. a. the characters are very ruthless and the world settings are chaotic, without any great meaning. b. The thoughts of these Chinese authors and their true audiences are really different, hard to connect with despite everything. I have read tons of these novels, yet couldn't find a single trace of inspiration from them regarding format. It's really tiring to read so much, but I want to develop a format of my own that is not repetitive, so I have to keep searching for ideas. This story and another, I am Supreme, have nominally given me some hope. Like seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Still a long way to go though... ha ha

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fahad1148 rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: c1494
My first review ever, In the beginning, I expected this novel to be similar to other reincarnation novels, but as I read I realized I was wrong, Things start to really take off after the lower realm story ends. The things move at a slower pace as compared to other novels but honestly, I don't mind it,

For me personally, this novel has everything action, comedy, romance.

I would say it is a must-read for anyone if you can deal with the slowness of it.
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Cashew Farmer
Cashew Farmer rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c300
The beginning of the story was pretty good, however it decayed as the chapters went on.

The fights were kind of bland and confusing, since I'm not sure what Chu Yang's special sword moves are? Are they a beam? A slash? All I know is the name of the move.

I was very disappointed by the huge war with between Iron Cloud and the other country. There was a lot of build up towards this war, however the main antagonist Diwu Qing Rou, one of the most intelligent characters, just gave up... more>> because the stars weren't right. Also the strategy in the was pretty meh. Chu Yang was able to determine that Diwu was going to all out in a battle because he was using some s*upid dragon formation where the soldiers were literally arranged in the shape of a dragon for no reason. <<less
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Alucard98 rated it
March 12, 2018
Status: c537
I've read many kinds of these typical novel but others were never as astonishing as this one.

If you can accept the fact that he was being reborn, and why everyone around him treasure 13yo boy without questioning why, then I can make sure u will enjoy this novel.

Story is pretty well written so do the translate.

Many plot twist and good scheming, tactic, MC think about this and that before decision making, not an overpower MC who thoughtlessly massacre everyone in his way with unreasonable power. Atlhough some luckiness and illogical... more>> things exist here and there But still acceptable. <<less
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whosays25 rated it
December 14, 2017
Status: c128
It's a good novel. Even the plot seems not original, I find it unique because it has depth yet the strategies and war talks didn't bore the heck out of me. Of course, there are still many annoying filler chapters and tons of forced comedy, but the MC's moments with his sworn brothers are real gold so that can pass. Romance is not as good as I imagine but there are many touching scenes here. The two other female leads are quite pitiful because the MC is very dense (actually... more>> not only dense but a helpless pe*ophile, well, I know that it's only for the meantime but I still feel weird to read his obsession over a lolita so...) As for cultivation, his progress is quite acceptable, though sometimes his plot armour stands out so much. <<less
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Kuroh143 rated it
October 17, 2017
Status: v14c13
Review & spoilers that might catch your interest in this story!

... more>>

Edit:<renewed review>

What I love about this series (this novel) other than those typical wuxia/xianxia novel is the heavy character development on this one, be it the enemies/villains has their own characteristics, goals to achieve and why are they doing all of those or this stuffs also there is almost no villain here that you would actually hate that much, you might even love some of them if you ask me, to hell if you asked about Chu Yang's HAREM, all of them is so top notch, high quality women with their own unique characteristics, personality, background and development (Honestly I f*cking love them all... even the Elf Queen... :' (did she lived? I still didn't finished it because I'm still too busy.. sigh...) (btw Wu QIan Quan is my fave because of how she really loves Chu Yang that she's just ok to live her whole life without a husband for the MC, if she can only just see MC be happy she is also happy too, she will be contented to watch/PROTECC MC from the sidelines/background [welp that's what I saw to her character after they've reunited on the higher three heavens.])



Edit: <old review>

This one is too good to describe! It's a harem (it will starts at between chapter 1000+) Sh!t
Wu Quan Quan♡ (lnmt) "Chu Yang, Wu Quan Quan likes you." Sniff... ? I cried many many times because of this novel especially when it's about the brothers or the other side stories about the other people, I love almost all the characters in this novel be it the MC, the harem, the brothers, the side characters or even the enemies (except Hong Wulian I hate this guy) it's so f@cking great the best wuxia out there! No plot holes and you can see the inside story of the enemy, friends and the MC and even the harem are likeable and they all have their own personalities not like some harem story that the girls will just fall to the MC and done! No no this one is not like that! I will only say this! This novel is almost perfect! A masterpiece! No plot holes or whatsoever and one of the best novel that I read I can easily put it on my top 1 or 2 on my best novels that I read!I also like all the brothers they are all very funny (haha my favorite is Ji Mo)

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Bierno rated it
September 19, 2017
Status: c399
I would say the story was amazing but after reaching around chapter 350 the story start to drag and try to put multiple of silly setback for the main character making it longer.

The issue with the novel they introduce lots of characters and information where main character should of already left the Lower realm already and before the war really start author have him running from the enemies for like 50 chapters alone.

I find there lots of flaw how the story progress with these recent chapters and this whole war... more>> seem like a joke now. This whole time you think enemy is just a genius and doesn't have much martial abilities then find out he stronger than King Level which kind of make the whole thing silly since its the lower realm.

Just sad since I basically caught up with the translated chapter and this war arc seem to be forever. I really want him to leave the Lower Realm already <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
July 6, 2017
Status: c372
This author's novels are funny. They don't disappoint in humor.

MC's a schemer, but he's not the best. The antagonist is actually fairly flawless, but his subordinates keep getting tricked.

MC's buddies are interesting and varied. They all have various backgrounds and family issues.

Romance is okay. The love interest is currently young, but she's cool. The other girls are pretty good too.

MC's master is really awesome and cool.

Lots of politics. I kinda felt bad for MC's enemies... second-hand embarrassment...

The sword is really epic. The world building is too.
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Danzerus rated it
September 10, 2016
Status: Completed
One of the most favorite novels to date. I finished this novel a while and suffered sleep deprivation and couldn't go to work properly. One of the thing I like about this novel is that it has good bromance; very rarely seen in most novels nowadays, great massive casts. Overall, very consistent and fun to read.
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Magnas rated it
September 8, 2016
Status: c244
More focus on events and character interaction than most other stories that are laden with hundreds of irrational bad guys. The antagonists are mentioned frequently are are actually characters with back stories and aspirations in the story unlike most Xuanhuan bad guys. The difference between levels isn't 'between heaven and earth' as much as it is in other novels. So far the laws and powers of the world have not been expounded upon much yet. Looking like it is going to be a harem, 3 girls already can't live without... more>> him, but it is done in a somewhat tasteful way compared to most other stories of this genre. Also unlike other such novels there is not nearly as much finding good fortune under every rock, everything stems from aforementioned treasures or sword parts. I will say that the MC is unreasonably crafty when he supposedly is supposed to be a solitary person without much scheming ability. He has unbeatable planning and deductive prowess with no background or training for it, the novel actually mentions that he is supposed to be that way, it is a bit contradictory. Good bit of comedy, both schadenfreude and like you would laugh at your friends, makes you feel like you are part of the group. <<less
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ZhaWarudo rated it
January 15, 2016
Status: --
MC seems to pull out new skills out of a hat. Also dat sword spirit doesn't fit the expected image, I feel it should be more serious. Another thing.. He is now power uping too fast which is lame, though I said some negative things about this novel it's still worth reading for now. Expecting political schemes :D
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the_cheater17 rated it
November 24, 2015
Status: --
One of the nice stories. Not inferior than other xianxia.
If you like xianxia, you'll like this.
I don;t know about next chapter, but for now (ch. 40), I'm eagerly waiting for the next.
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drago44dd rated it
April 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Love reading Fengling Tianxia's novels. 9/10 of his novels are very well written. TTNH in my opinion is his best work till this date.

For this novel the term 'brotherhood' is the core principle of the story. MC with his brothers transcends the nine heavens supporting each other in every turn which is quite heart warming and interesting to read. There's comedy and there's scheming.

The romance is hit or miss among his harem members.

The cultivation is strong but mild. There are no destroying stars with a single punch or stuff. It's... more>> just strong enough to destroy the mountains or rivers. This doesn't feel that bad and it fits the story quite well.

It's like people chasing higher strength rather than immortality or godhood. <<less
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March 19, 2024
Status: Completed
First things first: I enjoyed it. It was a typical verbose translated Xianxia with lots of fights and cultivation.

Some specifics: I could only find a part of it translated, and had to read the last 1000+ chapters in decent machine translation, which is still not great, so overall not too bad, but it's a challenge.

There is a small harem, but it's pretty much set at the beginning and the women stay with the MC to the end, and get strong and fight along with the MC. There are even a... more>> couple of supporting characters whose wives are also their comrades. Overall, not bad. Except for the four women, there is no flirting with other women. There was an unfortunate use of aphrodisiac early in the plot.

Some of humor is very funny, but unfortunately some of it is very juvenile; up to (down to?) bathroom joke. In the beginning it might be appropriate since the MC and his friends are teen/early twenties boys, but still annoying.

A lot of friendly interactions are clumsy. People express friendliness by beating each other up (without cultivation), even a woman does that at times. Husbands are periodically shown as very henpecked; showing intimacy is apparently is a challenge for this author (as it is for his characters).

Cultivation levels are okay in the beginnings, but very fuzzy and confusing towards the end. The MC sometimes can jump levels to fight, and other times cannot.

The usual Xianxia exaggerated numbers. World-building is sometimes quite inconsistent. Plot armor is uneven -- sometimes the MC gets the benefit of incredible luck, but once in a while, everything (deliberately) goes against him.

A bunch of things are unexplained at the end, but the major plot conflicts are resolved.

Despite its flaws and period treatment of supporting characters an cannon fodder, the MC shows quite a bit of decency in his relationship with family, sworn brothers, his love interest (4 women), and generally avoiding mass slaughter. <<less
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May 25, 2023
Status: --
glad I checked the comments before reading forgot I read up to the point he was dealing with some ridiculous unfolded world or reality nonsense some kinda spacew principles shit. It bad the english translation f*cked it up so bad. Just use google translate on chrome and youll have a better time. They do his best friend so f*cking dirty its not funny.
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