Transcending the Nine Heavens


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Chu Yang, the Ninth Master of the Nine Tribulations Sword, sacrificed almost everything he had for the sake of improving his martial arts, including the love of his life. After spending three years locating the fifth fragment of the Nine Tribulations Sword, he was ambushed by all sides at that very place. Mortally injured with no means of escape, Chu Yang executed a sacrificial technique by plunging the Nine Tribulations Sword into his very own heart. “With the blood of my heart, ten thousand tribulations will collapse!”

After witnessing the death of all his ambushers, Chu Yang’s vision began to darken. At a distance, moments before his death, he saw the mastermind who had plotted his downfall — Mo Tian Ji. With that, his eyes finally closed.

However, with a start, Chu Yang once again awoke to find that he had returned to when he was sixteen years of age! Furthermore, the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations Sword now resided within his Dantian, the energy center of his body! From that very moment, Chu Yang would then begin to right all of his past regrets, and carve his very own legend by fulfilling his destiny as the final Master of the Nine Tribulations Sword, and defeating the Heavenly Devils beyond the realm of the Nine Heavens Continent.

Associated Names
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Ao Shi Jiu Chong Tian
Dokuz Semayı Aşmak
Ngạo Thế Cửu Trọng Thiên
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150 Reviews sorted by

Amaury1514 rated it
October 21, 2017
Status: c397
A novel that kills itself. The author is a sadistic bastard. I honestly feel this novel would be 10x better without romance. Or more specifically the MCs main love interest. It's really painful to read.

It's basically an old 40 year old man in love with a girl that's not even a pre teen and it is uncomfortable to read about.

There's literally not one reason I can think of that makes it enjoyable to read. It's like what purpose does it serve making her so young? NONE. She's literally nothing but... more>> empty space and annoyance as the story continues.

It would be alright if he wasn't so f*cking annoying about it there's women who like him left and right but it's the same annoying as bullsh*t of him throwing them away because of a f*cking nine year old.

The story itself is like a 4.5 but the romance is not even a 1 so Ima go with a 3.

I honestly don't think I can continue reading this. It's so painful and depressing to read. <<less
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ThisIsNotAGoodNovel337 rated it
October 3, 2017
Status: c769
The first arc is good, the MC is somewhatof a MaryTsu, somehow predicting everything, but it doesnt really make the story shitty.

The second arc is also somewhat good, not the best, but a nice timewaster.


... more>>


As is seemingly common in these types of novels, the MC is some princeling of someone who is a level higher than what you have seen until they are introduced. (Who was lost as a child/was ut somewhere to protect from evil/some s*upid reason.)

The MC met MoQingWu when he was 27-28, and seemed to have been with her for a while, and then lived for a while after she died, before timetravelling. This means MC should at least be 30 when he timetravelled. His apparent love for his biological family doesnt make any sense, while Im not a orphan, but from what my own experience with my family and other people who are adopted, the family loves is not genetic, its shared experienses.

So WHY THE f*ck does this goddamn MC who had a parental figure in his master for 22 years, living for over 30 years before meeting his biological parents seem like some lost kid finding his parents at the mall. It ruined the whole story for me, I cant see this magical familial love that apears from nowhere. I made this account JUST to went about this s*upid shit. A perfect timewaster pretty much ruined for me because this. Its irrational. A person dont magically feel a connection with people because they got the same blood in their veins, just look at all the dysfunctional families in the world.


Seriously the content of the spoiler pretty much made me forget the good things about this novel and I just cant continue, I dreaded this since the time he met the Emperor who was looking for the Chu crystal, and had problem reading the last 50ish chapeters because I suspected it was comming. I just cant identify with this feeling, it makes 0 sense to me, and in turn can no longer identify with the MC making his overall rational decision, but then this. <<less
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josh1002 rated it
September 11, 2016
Status: c20
If you squint, and skip PARAGRAPHS of useless text describing Heaven's gigantic posterior and Earth's shaggy testicles in miNUTE detail, you might see the story.

It has the problems of most Xianxia. Keeps info dumping where there shouldn't be one and repeating something endlessly until you want to puke blood.

Premise still seems interesting so I'm still willing to soldier on. However, I still pray to the translation gods that someone out there translate the story to make it more "western" friendly but still keep its original eastern vibe.


As of 20 I'm dropping this. If you haven't, I suggest you reread what little you've read and see the glaring mistakes there is. It was starting to look up but then quickly came crashing down again.

Writing style just keeps getting worse. Info dumps keep popping out. The flow is not smooth. A "quick" action scene takes PARAGRAPHS and you'll feel too much time has passed from the "quick" action. Not to mention the endless repetition to "bloat" each chapter needlessly. Right there should tell you the author doesn't have an actual clue as to how to write a good, interesting, and lengthy novel.

Then the characters. Ugh.
Yes, the villains are as s*upid and arrogant like all other Xianxia. Then let's get to the MCs master. At first, he tells MC not to harbor such intent to kill, but then allows another of his discipline to scheme to KILL the MC and put blame on the MC's friend. Such a blatant double standard just brought my reading to a complete halt.

After that, I'm looking at all the characters the author has written and I can safely say they're all terribly written. I'm willing to bet money the love interest of the MC will also come out to be terribly written and that's the main reason why I decided give this a try.

This just reads like some self inset story written like some fanfic!

F**k, I've read BETTER fanfiction than this!

Certainly not the worst I've read, but I'm most likely not touching the authors other works.
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StopREADING rated it
July 12, 2016
Status: --
Story was pretty fkin awesome but started to get suuuuuper boring and dull at chapter 120+. When he met that girl, MC became very s*upid and blind. He forgets his own cultivation, wastes precious materials he needs for increasing his strength just so he could give them to a useless person and most importantly the mission he was supposed to accomplish. All gone. WTF. Don't get your hopes up for this guys.
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lord_ark rated it
April 21, 2016
Status: --
I'm already following a lot of novels (like ATG/MGA/PMG and so on) but its my first ever review because this novel deserves it.

Read up to 167. Its absolute read novel. Was quite bored after reading novels with almost same story lineup but this novel is quite amazing. After 10-20 chapters there is not even a single chapter where you will not be laughing while holding stomach and it keeps on getting interesting and the tactics used is OP too.
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Lolita rated it
September 20, 2016
Status: c249
Wow, just wow! 5/5

We follow the MC Chu Yang who are ends up being betrayed and hunted down and eventually killed, all alone without any friends, family or lovers by his side at the end. Being reincarnated into his 17-18 year past self, with his memories of a sad, unfulfilling life filled with selfishness, loneliness and carnage, on his unsuccessful path to reach the top. Now he has the chance to live again and make up for his previous mistakes. Sounds a bit generic I admit, but don't worry, it's... more>> as far from being generic as it can be for the genre. This is easily the best xianxia I've ever read, and I've read a lot of during the past few years! This novel stands out in every single way. It's funny, it's sad, it's brilliant, it's poignant, the language is top notch, the women are not relegated to being good looking background characters, the plot is absolutely amazing as is the world building, the characters in this novel are pretty much all great and unique. The romance so far is great and far from being rushed, where the women falls for the MC just by looking at him. I really hope that the author can keep every single women from fading to the background in the story and at the same keep them unique, since this is supposed to be a harem of sorts. The villains are some of the best I've ever seen, each with their own goals, agendas, loved ones, friends, whom too experience the sadness of loss and failure with their own unique ambitions, all this without falling into the trap of being just evil clowns. No, in this novel they are just opponents, not the common super powerful and super evil overlords who just wants to destroy everything and anyone. Last but not least, the novel is absolutely hilarious at times. This is just from reading roughly 1/10 of the whole series, which leaves me wondering where the story will go from here. From what I've seen (and by reading the authors other novels) so far though, I have no doubts that it will end up being just as epic as the start. More things have happen in these 250 chapters than in 1000+ in other novels. While I am not a fan of the transported to another world, deus ex like powerful artifacts (in fact I hate those tropes) that helps the MC overcome anything and everything in his or her way, this novel implements the reincarnated/artifact trope in a truly great way. As of chapter 249, the MC haven't gained that much from being reincarnated and having the most powerful weapon known to man. Verdict, easily the best xianxia I've ever read. Compared to printed novels, it's still top notch and if this was to be released as a proper printed novel, it would still be amongst one of the best fantasy novels I've ever read. <<less
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craBebe rated it
May 18, 2016
Status: c192
Very good series. A lot of comedy, psychological manipulation and tactical maneuvering involved in this series that makes for a very enjoyable read.

My one issue with this series is:

that after the MC revives he simply "decides" he'll become a tactical genius the likes of which the world has never seen, as if that's something you can just make a decision about doing. Just because he has a lifetime of experience and happened to be friends with a master tactition does not mean he can all of a sudden become one.


The fact that most of the plot hinges on this one plot point is somewhat bothersome, but if you can suspend your disbelief to get past this point then it's a fantastic read. Still worth 5 stars, highly recommended.
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Th3Reader rated it
August 16, 2022
Status: c488
Made an account with this site just to review this novel after years of lurking. I'm not adding spoiler tags because I believe you should see this review before wasting your time on this crap. I was lured into reading it by the rave reviews on the plot and the manner in which the MC was able to use his brains against his enemies. While this is true (hence 2 stars), a significant aspect of this novel that people don't seem to mention in this novel is just how young... more>> his main love interest is. This girl is 11 fking years old. I mean come on. The author justifies this by stating that they were adult lovers in their past lives, but as far as I am concerned, he starts g*ooming this 11 year old girl to fall in love with him. The pe*ophilia really starts getting unbearable when this 11 year old girl constantly thinks about him, and in one scene is constantly reaching to the mirror to check herself when she has to reunite with him, and the author describes the reunion with the MC holding her "soft body". I mean wtf. Author justifies this by stating that she's mature for her age (she's not), and even if she is, this girl is 11 years old.

Another scene she sits on his lap and starts feeding him food and he moans with pleasure. This is an 11 year old girl, and MC is 18 at this point. If you don't have a problem with this, then you should seek help. Mind you she's still in her teens at the end of this novel so no significant time skip

Skip this tr*sh, and I am very suspicious about the people who rated this so highly without any mention of this. Absolutely disgusting novel <<less
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RarestProGamer rated it
July 8, 2018
Status: c621
As you can see from the rest of the reviews here, but much every reviewer gave it 5/5 around 200-300 chapters which I whole-heartily agree with. The first arc which lasts for almost 350 chapters its just so good, its like reading one of the finest top-notch quality writing, feels like you are watching Death Note (if not familiar with that then Games Of Thrones/Lords Of The Rings). Yes, the whole lower realm arc is just simply too good, so many twists and turns, mind-boggling strategies, smart and capable protagonist... more>> and the best of all a never seen before antagonist personality and character in a Chinese novel and believe me, at this point I have read hundreds of Chinese and Japanese novels. The reason why I said that because he is not there for just to be a stepping stone for the main protagonist neither he is some easily offended young master nor he is out for blood because he is jealous of the main character. He is ambitious and relatable who wants to join and rule all places under Heaven.

-But that's all, the story quickly falls apart as soon as the protagonist enters the 2nd Major arc which is Middle Three Realms. You can quickly see that the author is reaching his limit with his creativity because of so much filler chapters, annoying characters, mind-numbing romance drama that might put even Shoujo novels to shame, but probable the worst offender that put the final nail in the coffin for me is there's character called "Tian Tian" who is like the 2nd coming of Jar Jar Binks, whenever the story goes back to focusing him it just quickly drops in quality. He's like this comedy relief character done to extreme levels of cringeworthy material that you can't help yourself, but skip through chapters and then, you finally hit a core point as a reader when the author decides to give this specific character a major boost in power that even rivals the protagonist, and it just goes on and on, it never stops, now that he has permanently join MC's gang. I can really see why he died so early in MC's previous life!

-Now, let's talk about why I truly gave this novel 2 starts, remember I mentioned above about the novel having so much drama is because

There's a character who gets pregnant with MC's child early into the story, but she decides to hide that fact from the said protagonist because she doesn't want him to know, hell our brilliant protagonist doesn't even know that she is a woman. Anyhow, later into the story when the character gives birth to his Child, MC's mother who is actually the senior sister of the woman does quick math and realize its actually her grandson because of how much similar they look, but the woman even tells MC's parents to hide this fact because she loves MC so much, she doesn't want him to feel guilty where in fact in the end, she is just trying to hurt MC and make him relive his past trauma because how his parents abandoned him too as a toddler because of some grave circumstances. BTW, I forgot to mention that MC's parents too realize that the MC is their kid in the same arc. Honestly, at this point the only redeemable thing the protagonist can do is that if he becomes so furious realizing that the person he trusted so much is actually woman all along and at the same time pregnant with his Child and even gave birth to it without his knowledge and even told his parents not to tell him about it. Look, I am not telling the guy to mu*der everyone, but a even little rant would do like the woman's action that she took on the behalf of him deeply hurt him, as to realize my pent up frustration as a reader, but I know how author writes, he won't do that. In fact, I bet that MC easily forgives her and blames himself for not realizing


-Now that you have realize what readers have to deal with as soon as much the protagonist enters the middle realm. Its like reading a completely different novel, but what the hell, I am even with romance/harem as long as it is done properly, but why create so many series of misunderstandings and drama? Just clear it, and be done with it.

Final Conclusion:- No other novel has disappointed me this much because I really had high hopes from this novel as it looked like it breaks every other stereotypes of your typical Chinese novel at first, but if only I realized earlier how much wrong I was. <<less
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lozlo rated it
January 7, 2018
Status: c395
I really liked this at first. Sure it's a little generic, but if you think you can name a novel in the last 5-10 years that isn't then you haven't read much.

But since the author betrayed the premise the whole story was based on, I don't want to read it anymore. It's still not a bad story if you don't mind that, but that's a fatal flaw for me. One of his biggest regrets, the thing he focused on when dying, was Qing Wu. Now that he's had a chance... more>> to go back in time, he wants to make it up to her... By creating a harem? f*ck that. The author basically sh*t on his own story at that point in my eyes. All the thing he spouted about his feelings for Qing Wu, instantly became a pile of horseshit.

It's a failing of the author. He could have easily had those women fall for different people, and created the same story. But, instead, he sh*t on his own basis for the story. <<less
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Promethean rated it
May 27, 2016
Status: c700
One of the better series (so far).


It's not a story of complete mu*der.
The main character is not a psychopath in the way that he couldn't careless about anyone else than himself.
He doesn't become a million times worse than his worst bullies.
He doesn't act like an arrogant dick... well most of the time.
He is cunning and smart, in the way that his strategies aren't contrived and rely on deus ex machina to win.
NO HAREM (So far), And anything without one automatically gets +1 stars, especially if it is a xian xia harem (because we all know how terrible those are). I'll re-rate this later on if a harem ever develops.
It isn't a one man show. The side characters actually do stuff and have some worth.
He actually has some morals and ethics, and falls by them.
There is no f*cking dungeon diving (oh god, do I fking hate xian xia dungeon diving. They are some of the most boring arcs in any xian xia series).
Its not 100% fighting all the times, where the MC barely escapes by deus ex machina, and there is no danger; or that he is so op, there is never any danger in the first place.
MC barely fights. There is maybe one battle (where he personally fights) every 50-60 chapters.
His McGuffin crystal (also known as the cheat item), actually talks to him and has a real personality, other than just being a s*ave cheat item where there would have been no point in having a personality in the first place.
No ret*rded s*x cultivation bull crap furnace thing, where the MC r*pes a female to get stronger and sh*t like that, because that is the most misogynistic, sexist, and disgusting concept in any thing ever.
Fights are more than just aura clashes and screaming skill names, they actually do stuff, like cross swords, dodge, block, slash.
No underdog peanut gallery (when side characters or people who don't matter comment on a fight or situation to "exacerbate" or show the significance of the situation, so that to increase the "shock" factor when the hero does something they don't expect; otherwise known as one of the cheapest and laziest ways to show how "good" the MC is).


MC is a major pe*ophile. Like huge pe*ophile. And its really awkward; and most of the time, creepy, instead of funny.
Rebirth/Time rewind story cliche.
OP MC with major cheat cliche.
Too much talking about brotherhood, like... way too much.
Sometimes uses lazy fight descriptions; like "many slashes in a second", instead of describing a fight.
3 different layers of "realms" cliche (you know, the "mortal", "immortal", and "god/divine") realm thing, except in this word, they are all mortal realms (so far).

In other words, its quite an interesting and fun story. The writing style is unique enough to separate it from the common rabble.
It is definitely not generic, and is interesting enough to keep you reading. The world is fresh and different, and even if you have read many other series, this one will give you something new.

5/5, I wouldn't read again, but I would definitely recommend reading it once.
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Premonition rated it
April 27, 2016
Status: --
This is a story that can give many many good laughs! The politics in the story are very interesting, and the MC's aim is clear from the start, to protect the girl he loved from his past life. It is also fun to read about the adventures of him and his subordinates (brothers) and their immaturity/humour. The main drawback to me is how often the author likes to repeat himself about things like "brothers!!!" Where it feels more and more dry everytime he explains it, to the point he decides... more>> to make their "brothers bond" turn into a kind of plot armor, where they all survive only because they tried to tank an attack for one another. I would vote 4.5 just because of this annoying repetitive point but I don't have that choice so a 5 it is. <<less
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Dusk rated it
February 4, 2016
Status: c213
Transcending The Nine Heavens, a masterpiece among masterpieces is my favorite novel in NU and is the only novel so far that has been able to make me put my whole focus into the novel for almost every chapter released. I can read past chapters from time to time, perhaps even 2-4 times a chapter and I wouldn't feel bored.

Beforehand, TTNH is a harem novel in a moderate size. However, it is one of the very few novels that their harems are done very well, the love between Chu Yang... more>> and his future partners are all very clear and maintained throughout the book.

Instead of the usual Xianxia, Transcending The Nine Heavens also focuses on other factors such as kingdom war & politics in the first book. Brotherhood, manipulating people (in a funny way), jokes and funny, refreshing moments.

I don't know about others but in fact a few of them are detered by this, which is such a shame I must say. If all they did was fight I would say that they are loosing so much and TTNH clearly demonstrates what the other battle-hardened MCs are losing.

The best thing about TTNH is in it's very deep characters, refreshing jokes, style of writing and moments of profoundness. The Characters are all VERY deep. The MC, heroine, protagonists, antagonists all the way to the side characters and not very important side characters, all of them has a unique personality of their own that is very refreshing, human-like and can also bring us laughs from time to time. If you see someone mentioning Chu Yang as a pe*ophile or something else close to it, I will straightforwardly say please don't listen to them at all. Chu Yang's err pedoness is used more as a light joke in the story instead of real pedoness. He is not a pe*ophile and he likes adult woman kay?

The very first chapters of the novel is also causing some readers to back out in reading it, all I can say is that they are not patient at all. The very first parts are his life in the clan and even if some may say it's boring, I would actually say it's quite promising at the time, and when he eventually leave it, the story starts on progressing and begins Chu Yang's journey in retaliation against fate.

If you look at my other reviews, you would see that I do not give a 9 very easily and TTNH is the only one I would give a skyrocketing rating like 9.9/10, this shows just how much I truly love this one of a kind piece of art. If you like TTNH you should also check out great author Feng Lin Tian Xia's other works. <<less
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Arafell rated it
March 3, 2019
Status: c503
It starts off mediocre, and gets worse from there. It's like the author ran out of ideas, and his only recourse was to stretch what he has over a hundred more chapters. If you're looking for character development and a strong plot, move on; you won't find it here.
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LlamaKing rated it
August 5, 2016
Status: c225
[No Spoilers] [Comprehensive review]

Transcending the the Nine Heavens is like a breath of fresh air in the whole Chinese webnovel industry. It is very different from other novels you may be used to in a few different ways that come together to make the read very satisfying.

The main difference is that, so far, Chu Yang, the MC, doesn't fight often. If you're here looking for another perpetual cycle of humiliation and satisfaction, you're at the wrong place. You know, the typical crowd going: "No way [protag name]'ll be able to... more>> beat [rival name], the peerless son of heaven who is seen only every [big number] years!" And after the rival is killed, *gasp* *silence* "The crowd looked at [protag name] with fear and respect."

When the MC meets a stronger opponent, he doesn't piss them off, survive with his 500-mile thick plot armor that every Chinese MC has, and come back 150 chapters later and somehow crush them. Instead, he uses his intelligence to cleverly manipulate or get out of the situation, still having the last laugh, but not over their dead bodies.

It's not that the MC does not have plot armor. He does, of course, have something that gives him the potential to become strong, but it's not used merely to slaughter anyone in his way. Instead, the author uses the MC's plot armor to develop characters, something that other authors tend to overlook. The people in this book actually feel like real people, instead of automated killing machines or s*upid robots who can't "recognize Mt. Tai."

This novel also has the common "going back into time" concept, but it's used very well here. His knowledge from his past "life" does not automatically make him an invincible character, putting him above everyone he meets. In fact, he meets people who are stronger than he ever was in his past life. This is good, because neither Chu Yang nor the readers look down on a stronger character. Instead, they serve as proper "seniors" that the MC can learn from.

All of these come together to make an enjoyable read, a book that you'll feel is very different from others, but is still very interesting. <<less
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Scaethys rated it
July 1, 2016
Status: c197
Absolute masterpiece. As someone mentioned before, the premise is really similar to TDG. However, unlike TDG, the execution of the story is beyond words. With an MC who can actually think for once and come up with some pretty mind blowing strategies, TTNH is looking to be a really good read out of the myriad of xianxias that are out there currently.

the aphrodisiac was savage AF, rip assassins

Excited for more chapters, and from the reviews it seems like it won't be another repetitive xianxia. Fingers crossed for that.
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acematter rated it
June 5, 2016
Status: c200
So far its one of my favourite novels and I seriously don't know why its rated so low (RELATIVELY low anyway). The writing quality is superb and there is also a good mix of comedy in the (very interesting) plot. For the first ~200 chaps so far, its mainly about politics and subtle mind-games which is a good break from the usual mindless cultivation that you see in a lot of novels.

Also, really like the MC, while he is kinda lucky some of the time, he relies on his wits... more>> and deviousness to get himself out of sticky situations. Romance is also pretty solid and looks promising so far. Definitely recommend this novel to basically anyone. <<less
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rapture_edge rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c203
Take TDG basic premise. But instead of ultimate knowledge you get extreme cunning. Instead of "going with what you know" you get an MC who does things that his past life never did.

Aside from this, the MC RARELY fights. I mean, the MC has basically fought less than 10 times and that is up to chapter 203. The story is more about cunning, deception, a face-off between Sherlock Holmes and Prof. Moriarty. It has its generic xuanhuan elements but the setting is just different to the point that you feel... more>> you aren't reading a Xuanhuan or Xianxia novel.

As for comedy, I find the authors humor briliant. A very sarcastic and intellectual type at times (similar to the kind you find in the movie Burn After Reading) and very base and crude on the other. (Think of the moive 21, 22 Jump Street)

All in all, this Novel ROCKS!!!! Had to stop and drop everything else I was reading as I can't help but read this. An easy 5 star novel. Read it <<less
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Ashura rated it
April 8, 2016
Status: --
I have read this story up to the currently translated chapters and I couldn't resist and began reading the raws as well. This has truly been one of the only stories that has been able to make me laugh out loud and at the same time make me truly engrossed in the characters. It's amazing how a lot of the supporting characters are also not one dimensional, yet nothing is explicitly stated. However just by actions and emotions, the author has been able to describe a great deal. Definitely worth... more>> reading! <<less
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luckyman89 rated it
April 5, 2016
Status: --
One of the best novels being translated today. Not your usual xianxa with everyone just arrogant and courting death, this one actually has plot development and characterization. MC does not solve everything through some OP power but with cunning and strategy. It also has humor injected in the chapters.
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