Tower of Blooming West Wind


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For a long time, many creatures could only catch a glimpse of the mysteries of magic through the generosity of dragons and gods. When these creatures who were fortunate enough to have magic in their lives were in a good mood, they might tell humans a couple of magical wonders. Most creatures that use magic simply repeat these limited spells.

Only a few exceptionally talented sages are able to invent their own spells, and they are called “Magic Weavers.”

“Fundamentals of Magic” is a book that delves into theories of magic, discussing the conversion of energy between magical energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, and thermal energy. The first author of this book, Magic Weaver Sylas, was the first Magic Weaver among humans. The corresponding author of the book is Sylas’s teacher, Elemental Archmage Xerath.

It was just a mistake in the library’s search system, as it mistook “Sylas” and “Xerath” as content keywords instead of author keywords. But why did it bring up a book called “Tower of Blossoming Desires”?

Out of curiosity, I followed the sign and found this book in a bookcase that was as big as a whole wall, filled with third-rate romance novels.

Sylas, the first human Magic Weaver, is well-known, but almost nobody knows about her background. Perhaps this book doesn’t completely tell nonsense…

Content tags: Fantasy, Magic, Serendipity, Waterfront Pavilion, Sweet Story, Girl’s Love

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