This Omega is Fierce and Wild


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Transmigrating from the Apocalypse to a technologically developed, peaceful world, Qiu Yu’s killing skills cultivated through hundreds of life-and-death situations suddenly lost their use, and even his body turned into a weak, squeamish…

Qiu Yu’s world views shattered into pieces: What the heck is an Omega?!

Qiu Yu, who knows nothing but fighting, eventually decided to become an anchor for a full-dive game—not only could he use his battle techniques to make a living, but he also didn’t have to brave leaving the house and meeting people—it was the perfect job.

However, in his first-ever broadcast, he shot an arrow straight through the heart of the e-sport circle’s verified no.1 god of war.

Mu Feibai touched the place above his heart, the corner of his mouth hooking up: Interesting… Come play professionally.

Qiu Yu rejected him: social anxiety, not going, see ya.

…And then he was sold off by his live-streaming platform to play for a professional team.

Qiu Yu: This was different from my plan!

Mu Feibai: You shot an arrow straight into my heart… baby, you still want to run?

Associated Names
One entry per line
This Omega is Fierce and Wild [Full-Dive]
Related Series
After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase (Same Franchise)
This Omega is Sweet and Wild (3)
This Omega is Immune to All Abilities (2)
I Like Your Pheromones (2)
The Pheromones Say We Have No Chance (2)
Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas (2)
All-Round Mid Laner (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Absolutely Feral
  2. danmei e-spor
  3. Office romance goldmine
  4. Promising ABO
  5. Sassy Shous Can Get it Though

Latest Release

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01/04/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c5
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New Jiiemm
May 29, 2024
Status: Completed
Reading for the second time.
Yet again, somehow I can't find my comment here. So reread it, and here it is

Maybe because it's the second time, I think I found a different feeling then. I first read this story in early 2022/2023. One of my new E-sport reads.

One of the MCs that I think has the 'most stubborn' character, but the past explains and justifies it all, like, well, MC characters can only be like that if faced with a past life that is always full of death threats. Because of that 'stubbornness' I quite feel sorry for ML, like MC really doesn't have a 'sense of belonging' to the world he now lives in. But, I like how MC is quite consistent, even though he is hard, but if he decides, he really does it well 🫶

Our ML, our silly captain. As writers always have a tendency of pairing a 'silly' ML with a 'hard and cold' MC. Because that disparity really brings their romance together 🫶

The story isn't perfect, but the world building is quite unique even though oga's emancipation is almost the main conflict in this story...

Not a heavy read, but not quite light either. I enjoyed it!!! And the extras really complemented the story 🫶
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Decembery rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I love the decisive and assertive MC! 1st chapter after he transmigrates into the body, he says: "Since your intention to give up your life coincided with my arrival, from now on, how this body will continue to live will be up to me no objections allowed. Someone who gives up on life so easily isn't qualified to negotiate with me." How could you not swoon after that?!

Another swoon-worthy scene in chapter 5: ... more>>

While streaming, a commenter revealed the location of the ML during a ranked game when they were the last 2 and MC didn't take advantage of it, instead, he told ML "This wasn't a fair hunt, therefore, I'll give you two minutes to change positions. The next time we meet, one of us dies."


ML is very much a green flag, respectful, and not an alphahole. Super playful and teasing which is a very refreshing reverse. ML's pheromone scent is...


Ginger??? This is a new one for sure. Spicy and healing~


The romance is very natural and they have a lot of chemistry. The older MC and younger ML duo give us cute scenes like:

MC wants ML to call him gege but ML refuses until MC defeats him.


The antagonist is mainly MC's trauma. Acclimating to his new identity and world is difficult because of the apocalyptic world he came from. The author doesn't just brush this point over for the sake of romance. I like this aspect a lot because it gives us a realistic take on relationships. MC isn't perfect and he's learning which is why It makes the romance seem more genuine and very natural—giving MC so much more depth.

There's also the factor of equality and gender rights so it's a good balance of everything being covered.

Other characters are well-written and super adorable too. Du Chen who is a lovely alpha teammate is a dynamic support character that contributes to the ABO world-building. The gaming setting is a unique combination of League/PUBG/APEX, very fun!

p.s. The summary is silly but the events mentioned are more seriously written out. There are still very funny moments, enjoy~~ <<less
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YoriMei rated it
August 16, 2023
I desperately wanted to finish this one but alas, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Make no mistake, this is a pretty good story that really focuses on the struggles of omegas and Omega rights. I really do like this MC and I appreciate that at the end the MC

... more>>

sticks with his plan of removing his gland until the end, becoming a beta even after falling in love with ML.


my sole problem, and the sheer reason why I can't finish this story is because I despise ML's sister-in-law for

getting bonded to an alpha (ML's brother) behind his beta lover's back. He didn't even have the decency to break up with the beta first but is continuously depicted as a victim of circumstance and never faces the consequences of his actions, just goes off to live a happy life with his new alpha.

genuinely and wholeheartedly, f*ck that bit*h I hate him. I truly don't even know why I feel so strongly about the sister in law, considering he is literally JUST a background character in another character's backstory but I simply can't get over it and even just thinking about him makes me angry every single time. Because of this, he single handedly ruined the entire story for me and I must begrudgingly stop here. <<less
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Kyrindia rated it
May 8, 2023
Status: c25
Good Story, it makes you keep coming back for more.

MC struggles between his weak body and the strong skills/instincts he learned in his previous life.

(This is something I deal with every day with my disability - so I can relate. I think it is portrayed well.)

There is an interesting backdrop as the MC makes waves in society and breaks barriers for Omegas. You can see the different attitudes within the team itself between conservative to wholly acceptive. (That said, none of his teammates are negative, so far.)... more>> It is an interesting social commentary, similar to what women went through upon first entering (and sometimes still go through) in different career fields. <<less
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Amethyst rated it
February 27, 2023
Status: Completed
A cute story with action and fluff. I seldom like ABO novels because they most of the times are very r*pey/no consent which rubs me the wrong way.

But this story didn't have that bs. I really liked the male lead and the MC was just so badass. Highly recommend.
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yuyuu rated it
October 17, 2023
Status: c23
The entire premise of the story fails me. MC is an omega, he's very physically weak and can't play more than 1 game at a time, he's considered old for an unmated Omega meaning that his heat period can come randomly and wreak havoc even in the middle of a game... like literally everything about this man is a negative and the pro team still decides to invest in him?

Anyone who's ever looked into esports pro play will understand that what happens in soloq is not what happens in pro... more>> play. There are some people who can absolutely dunk in ranked mode but who can't keep up in pro play. Which is why pros start young and peak at around 23.

MC is 25. There's also the issue of sexism. Like... I seriously can't logically believe the premise of this. Maybe if he were younger, maybe 17-18, this would be more believable. But just putting it point blank: there's no way a 25 year old can debut as a position as a professional player. Not to mention that MC can and will go into random heat at any time even in the middle of a competition. And oh yeah its so obvious this is a plot point so that ML will give him a temporary mark omg so cute so sweet. No.

Its just inconceivable that money and hopes will be set onto a player who has so many negatives and so many things that people need to work around.

And lets just say we disregard all of this... there is no logic. These are professional players and yet they're falling over because of his collarbone, his sexy sexy thin white body, and constantly thinking about s*x and constantly asking if the team captain has the hots for MC. Literally some of the team members will just start monologuing about him in their minds. Even the opposing team will suddenly lose all their professional reason and just disregard the map and chase after MC in game to kill him.


What? Like... what???

The only reason I'm still reading is because I love esports novels with OP MC who overcomes everything. But to be completely honest, the premise and logic of this novel is completely sideways. <<less
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Wynnfield rated it
May 14, 2023
Status: Completed
I actually teared up reading the end because it was so heartwarming. Them finding each other and the MC getting a family, a safe place makes me so happy for them.

I don't usually finish reading Competitive Esports because I don't understand most PVP gaming terms at the later chapters, so I prefer those that have character interactions outside of the games, and this novel definitely had a healthy dose of both aspects.

I dived in thinking the MC would be hot tempered, easy to rile up, but was pleasantly surprised to... more>> find out MC is someone who is very calm, apathetic and thinks before he comments. The wild and fierce part is due to his past nature as a soldier and strong aura when fighting. He don't comform to stereotypical omega types (based on this novel's omegaverse scenario), and I love that he is strong both mentally and physically.

I love the ML as well. He was super respectful and endearing. Very mature for his age (MC is the older one) and have really good leadership skills.

The relationships between the characters were well written and one thing I took note was when the author added in subtle misogynist (but omega) comments to address them later on.

I realise when writing about certain dynamics' power hierachy, some authors tend to fall into their own traps of making some characters' personality all about going against or for a certain rights. This tend to make a text uncomfortable to read long term if not written well since writing about real political issues is like writing a thesis, you have to write it well with good research. I like that the author addresses some issues through her characters even if the readers might bypass the subtle discriminations. I especially like the build up written to combat discrimination, from a small spark to them ending up changing policies and rules. It was not an immediate thing, but you could see the slow changes surrounding people's opinions on omega through MC.

I cheered when the CP got together and I teared when the story ended. I did not read the extras because it was a AU that I felt was rather disconnected to the main story, and I'm happy concluding my reading with just the main text.

This novel definitely made me have a breathe of fresh air from other omegaverse novels so I really reccomend it to people who likes esports and a huge dash of fluff. <<less
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Shimozuki Yue
Shimozuki Yue rated it
January 5, 2023
Status: Completed
Tbh, the story is more of MC slowly integrating himself into the world rather than winning games. MC as a soldier trained in the harshest apocalypse was already so OP for everyone that except from the drag given by his gender, there's really no one that have the chance to beat him. Also, this story have a lot of serious issue beyond what the story shows in the surface. Just the MC, he have so many phycological factors. Like he's definitely suffering from PTSD and can't wash his blood lust.... more>> Although it's very subtle, you could see that it took a while for MC to adjust his mentality. And I like it. Because he's really someone that came from wars and suddenly put in a peaceful era. What's more, the world is indeed cruel to his now gender.

There's plenty of issue going in the current world that's beyond physical war but just as bloody. The author will give you a glimpse of these but would dig it up after. Although it feels like the author neglecting plot points, I also kinda understand it in a way that MC, while our protagonist, was just one of the many components of that world. And I like it, he's just like one of us. Yes, he gave inspiration to others, a ripple in silent suffering, but he isn't the solution and it's still the work of many that will solve this generations of injustice.

As for the romance, the ML is a major puppy dog and very very green flag. In fact, sometimes I feel like MC doesn't deserve ML. As I said, MC have too many personal issue. MC is indeed mature outwardly and decisive as a person, but as I said, he have many personal issue. It's beyond just him accepting his gender, it's more of him slowly integrating himself in a peaceful world. In all this time, he can't give priority to ML. ML fall in love first, and fall in love hard. He worm his way to MC and MC may seem like he simply tolerate and is helpless with this much younger lover but in fact, it's ML that have been very understanding. ML goes along with MC pace, accept many things because he understands that MC is different from others. He controls himself too much and never demand MC to understand his side as an alpha, he just really give way to MC way too much. He really proved to MC that he loved him regardless of their gender. Sometimes I even feel wrong for him and for me, he's very mature about the relationship, regardless of how he acted. Imagine having the chance of being stabbed to dead if he went way too intimate, and still joke about it? And no, he never hold it against MC that he still carried a blade to the bed or even in the hot springs. He did ask if MC don't trust him but never ask MC to change.

The story have three extra, showing different endings. Though I feel like the third one was actually a prologue to the story.


The first one where MC have the operation. I like this ending more as both MC and ML were free. Though I did feel sorry that ML can no longer smell MC. They retired, ML went to the army as he wanted, and MC finally let go of his shackles (the mentality of being a soldier in previous life and the constraint of his omega gender). MC followed ML in the army as a relative. ML as a soldier have to explore new planets (cause there's no external wars) and MC goes around to do stream sports. I'm happy with them here.



The second extra is where MC didn't do the operation and start omega movement groups. As a result, when ML retired, he didn't go into the army and followed MC as a camera man because MC needed him. I feel like he still didn't fully mark MC here as MC regularly needed him. Although I did like MC not to have the operation so that ML can still smell him, I don't like this ending. MC still couldn't let go of his 'sacrificing' mentality and as a result, ML had to sacrifice as well. In here, MC confessed his background to ML and ML felt that MC was morally kidnapped to be sacrificed so ML went to fight with his 'mother'. I laughed that his mom was so confused and the father had to go in rescue with a ruler ahahahaha.



In the third extra, ML while asleep, transmigrated into an 11-yrs old picked up by the MC in the previous world. He cling to the MC and MC had no choice but to raise him. Dude I really feel sorry for this ML, he had to very ferocious as the world in the apocalypse is very open, he had to be shameless and cling to the MC no matter what as the chances of them being separated is high and MC was constantly being hit on and ML is still a kid. It's funny how ML still carries his morals from the previous world that he sometimes missed how morally crooked people here. ML worries about being raised by MC while MC just asked him why didn't he jumped him earlier.

ML really guard MC hard and he eventually got MC stuck with him. The reason I said this is probably a prologue kind of extra was because in the main story, MC indeed have dreams of a man similar to ML in the main timeline (there are times in the main timeline that he sorted out his feelings for ML after dreaming of a man. He thought it's just wet dreams). I kinda just wondered how MC forgot all of this and think he's still single when they're literally together for like 10-15yrs and died together. Also, I feel like this is the past of the federation rather than another world. The game maps are too much like the destroyed apocalypse world. Also it's mutation type of apocalypse.

Before the ending, the leads found a place with green plants that didn't mutate. The place made humans cause mutations though despite the immunity injected to them. ML developed some fever similar to suspective period of alphas as it made him very h0rny and only subside after doing the deed with MC. The two died before there's any results and the author didn't really explore this anymore. Though I do believe that the world eventually had humans mutate into ABOs.

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T1t4n14 rated it
March 10, 2023
Status: Completed
The romance is brilliant. MC stays true to his character and ML is so adorable. Loving this couple.
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Neleothesze rated it
April 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Due to MTL, I can't comment on the quality of the writing, only on the content. That said, this is the first transmigration ABO story I've found that deals with gender identity issues stemming from transmigrating into a body incompatible with one's original self with such respect and consideration!

Mu Feibai's attitude was gentle & supportive, recognising Qiu Yu's personal strength and not hidering his development due to traditional ABO bias.

In turn, Qiu Yu aknowledged his PTSD (from the apocalyptic era) and his omega-gender-disconnect, and still tried to integrate into this... more>> new society while staying true to his personal identity.

There are some plot-holes and unfinished plot-lines but I'm giving this 5/5 for the beautifully developed emotional line between the MC & the ML. <<less
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everydaydanmei rated it
February 9, 2023
Status: c66
The story is cute and fun to read even tho I have zero knowledge about pubg game stuff or whatever.

MC is the ruthless, cold but confident type. He's very sexy for that. ML is respectful and sweet, he's the friendly, playful, and flirty type of gong. He's younger than MC too. One of the nicest and nonsexist people in the story. I was quite angered by how sexist the people in interstellar era are. I usually dislike romance story where the protagonists are controlled by pheromones but I think the... more>> author wrote the romance in this quite well. ML is respectful and not forceful, I like that in a male lead. <<less
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Honefuusen rated it
June 4, 2023
Status: c29
It's one of the best ABO without any of those r*pey or dubious consent moments. Thank God. And the story line is pretty good. It's kinda vanilla but I enjoyed it anyway.
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adoring rated it
January 20, 2023
Status: c128
I finished mtling this in a few days, and all I can say was that I couldn't stop reading. The MC, Qiu Yu, was so charismatic and cool. He is the first to take action when facing danger and is ruthless when he needs to be. Qiu Yu had such good chemistry with the ML and all of their interactions were endearing. The ML is funny, charming, and is the first to support MC in everything he does even if his own personal wishes differ. He was so respectful I... more>> swooned lmao. He's an ideal lover.

This novel delves more into the world setting besides e-sports, which I liked. There is a clear sexist undertone when it comes to omegas and their voice in society, so don't expect something like All Round Mid Laner where they just game the whole time without much trouble. MC is in a world where omega's aren't respected and is biologically in a disadvantage, and this is emphasized repeatedly throughout the novel (some might find this repetitive, but I didn't mind). You get to see MC navigate this new, technologically advanced world in his perspective at the bottom of society. So while MC does play e-sports as the main thing, he also gets involved with the world's politics, omega's rights, and other issues.

Overall this is a really enjoyable read. The e-sports element was cool, while the world setting and drama was compelling. The main couple is one of the best in terms of compatability, chemistry, and just plain likeability that I've read so far, and they're both such fun chars to read about. The extra chapters was also an A+ in my book, I absolutely loved it. If you're interested, please give it a go! <<less
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ylial rated it
January 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Though the story is a little bit cliche, I like it!! 💕 Instead of writing it with extra chapters with 2 different endings, I wish that the author makes a sequel book containing MC entering the military and using mech XD

I will continue reading the doomsday extra story when I have lots of time
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nagisa._. rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I like that they're an actual power couple - each with their own unique strengths and personalities while also working together seamlessly. I really like the MC, he's super super cool and the ML is totally a walking green flag!

Also, the MC actually trains himself to get stronger, and doesn't just receive some plot-generated power-up that hardly makes sense, which was really a plus for me! The training scenes themselves are a total laugh, especially his interactions with everyone else on a team, ... more>>

defeating them in battles, in the full-dive world and in reality as an omega too!


Overall, the romance was super cute, and the side characters also had plenty of personality and backstories. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report rated it
March 17, 2024
Status: --
Wow, this is so different from your normal ABO transmigration stories. Whenever a straight man from a world where men don't give birth transmigrates into a world where men do (e.g. Gers, orcs, ABO), the straight man always ends up experiencing extreme body dysmorphia, dub/non-con, and eventually giving birth even if he was vehemently opposed to it in the beginning. I love that this doesn't happen. China is a country where giving birth to a child is considered a duty for women and fertility is part of a woman's identity,... more>> so I am so impressed that this perspective is in an danmei. MC is a former soldier from an apocalyptic world who transmigrates into the body of an Omega. The sexism in the ABO world is very realistic and uncomfortable to read at times but it is HE in the end. There's some pretty enlightened stuff on gender politics and the different ways an oppressed group and the privileged can contribute to progress. Also, MC is stoic and gentle and ML is playful but always supportive.


And the ML isn't just attracted to MC because he's an Omega. In the extras, ML dreams of MC's previous life and spends several years in the apocalyptic era. The MC is a manly man in his original body and ML is still attracted to him!

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han seonggi
han seonggi rated it
November 1, 2023
Status: c49
This novel really set my standards up HIGH. Like, this novel is literally what got me into e-sports and sport novels in general.

Sure, the MC is weak and can only play once every game, he's too old to play, there are many people disapproving of MC because of his gender; but is that not realistic? (I expected it though because this is a ABO novel.)

I loved it because the MC is strong, and isn't focused on anything but his career. And instead of accepting that he is weak, he... more>> trains himself to get stronger, and builds up endurance.

Even though the MC isn't focused on love (yet), the ML is a GREEN FLAG and doesn't force him and patiently waits (which is rare for an ABO novel.) . I really like it because it's not r*pey sh*t that is very common in these types of novels.

To be honest, the part I really loved was the relationships, like MC's omega friend, his teammates, (especially Du Chen, bro is just so cute and is just worried for our MC 😭) it really shows that MC has family and friends around him now. <<less
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imnotchaerimjump rated it
June 22, 2023
Status: Completed
I think the main thing this novel did a fantastic job of is the relationship between the MC and his teammates. Not only does the author excels in writing the relationship between the ML and MC, (which is adorable and ML is one of the few greenest flags of MLs that I see around), but also familial and maternal too, which I would say bravo!

The novel is also excellent and consistent with MC's personality pre and post-transmigration (?).

... more>>

I also love it when the author made the extra chapters an overview of what it would be like if ML's the one who transmigrated to MC's original world ;)


Though I do wish that:


The author would dive deeper into MC's initial skills; painting and stuff, though they did explain that MC didn't inherit the skills initial MC skills... but it's unfortunate.

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February 6, 2023
Status: Completed
I like this type of transmigration from Apocalypse to a modern Era where MC can use his skills and have a good life.

MC and ML are both adorable too together. Younger ML is always welcome to act as a conquetish Alpha calling for Big Brother hehe.

This is more about gender equality than the actual game. We see how the MC fight for Omegas in his own way.

... more>> The MC is so op, this game is totally made for him. He himself is basically a hack.

ML is such a big adorable dog love him

Very worth to read, it has good feelings, and has hidden messages to tell you to always do what you want. Gender isn't a problem. <<less
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shounce rated it
January 14, 2023
Status: Completed
MC is mature and a little dense. ML is supportive and protective. There's more about pheromones and trying to understand this.

A lot of chapters is about game, even I could understand what's going on, and I never player, it is explained understandable and quite funny

About family

... more>>

i like ml's family, tang mom is smart and understanding, nephew is michevious. Quite curious about brother romance, wants to know more


His teammates are recognizable

curious about doctor, if he ever find hapinness, but I like his interactions with mc


Story (some explanations about MC and ml)


Story is about MC who is captain, and protect people, there almost everything is mutated, which cause illness and can change people in crazy killing machine (like zombie, only killing). He died in fight and not willing to give up, so I think he believe that what can't kill him make him stronger, so his pain tolerance is in sky. There were no law, no ethicts, only own morals. He lived up to his thirties when he died. He wake during heat time in Interstellar as omega, he has memory original owner, but can't understand them, he didnt read omegaverse, so how could he knew? But his trauma of losing control of himself create him some problems and his understanding of couple matters are still from his past. So omega attack!! ;D

ML is cute, he support MC in everything and is person with thin skin ;3 so his contact with MC is niceee

Oh and their first night


IT was only a little said but enough, they had misunderstanding but happy one, also the story is focusing on their pheromones.


About child


MC can't stand giving birth, so there's none.





with extra chapters I wonder if MC actually forget about person in his past life that's why he quickly falls for ml, their romance is so pleasing to read, maybe they both changed worlds and the dream could be memory which he remember though dream


Nice to read, in future to read again

some moments make me cry

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dailily rated it
January 7, 2023
Status: Completed
I love that the ML respected and supported the MC in every way he can despite the burden of the so called pheromones. Man, just like what the other reviewer's said, the ML is really a walking green flag. He took the second place in my top 5 ML with an ABO world setting.
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