This Marriage Will Surely Succeed


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Iona, the knight who was the loyal dog of the tyrant Emperor, gave her life for him. But her lord, whom she trusted, abandoned her in the end, and the person who stood by her side in her death was no other than her husband.

“I want to kiss you one last time.” Iona demanded on the verge of death.

“I’m telling you in advance… Just in case… You won’t die and this won’t be our last kiss.”

Satisfied with her non-lonely death, she closed her eyes.

When Iona woke up again, she realized that she had returned to the past and her husband was again chosen to be her partner.

Though her past wasn’t good, one thing she also didn’t want to change was her husband, the only success in her life. If so, she should at least turn this marriage into a ‘successful marriage’, she decided.

“Lord Leroy, I will formally propose to you; Please marry me. I will definitely make you happy.”

Iona was determined to repay her husband for his generosity. Just the way she wanted.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Beautifully heart wrenching angst <3
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  3. me, you, married (happy wife, happy life)
  4. Read!!!
  5. sign on the dotted line

Latest Release

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5 Reviews

Feb 25, 2023
Status: c61
This is very interesting because it's one of the few novels where the MC didn't have a strong desire to re-do her first life and the plot would have gone more smoothly if she just continued living rather than restarting from ten years ago. I'm very curious about her husband's actions and will be keeping an eye on this novel.

Thank you to the uploaders!

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but again it's one of those where her death suddenly gives her the ability to get revenge. It's satisfying to read but slightly unrealistic but I am not pursuing realism here so I still enjoyed reading it. For example suddenly being able to express her thoughts in front of the crown prince when she couldn't before. Why did she suddenly act on the fact that she is being wronged when she knew all along even in her first life? Maybe she formed a habit and couldn't escape but yea.

Also an extremely heartfelt f*ck you to the crown price. Man, f*ck you.

14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Bai wei wei
Bai wei wei
Feb 15, 2023
Status: --
Amazing female lead and very refreshing male lead. Both are smart, capable, kind, but still make mistakes. Making them feel more real.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 04, 2023
Status: c34
Its good.

There's a question why she suddenly got so brave that she could refute crown prince after rebirth. I can think of few reasons, because duke was with her at her death bed she understood that its not she was alone in the world rather she turned blind eye to everything
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 25, 2024
Status: c128
This is a slow burn romance done right!

Iona is knight who dedicated her life to a master who did not value her.

Her entire life she was a object with minimal sense of self; self respect and even self preservation.

The ML, Leroy, is a breath of fresh air. Instead of being a one dimensional figure who only exists for purpose of elevation of FL, he is a real human with his own goals and personality.

Now for the reason I gave 5 stars, I just loved the leads:

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First, there's Iona, her potrayal is done so well that I can't find a flaw yet.

She's a bit naive but definitely not s*upid.

Good example is the way she sees through her master's personality.

Him being horrible was not something she was unaware of in her last life. She was however extremely emotionally dependent on him.

She had been denied even the right to find worth in herself so she found worth in her loyalty to her master. When he abandoned her, he cut off the only connection between them. She could abandon him easily because he devalued their only connection to that point.

What she always wanted and wants in her current life is to be valued by someone who will treat her with respect and affection.

In last life she chose the crown prince, in this life she chose the ML.

Moving on to Leroy, the ML, he's really a good man. He was never cruel to Iona, even when he thought that she was the crown prince's mistress. One can say that he is a gentleman. But he is also a man who raised his house back after a disaster, and it shows. He's savvy, sassy, politically competent and a strategist who knows how to deal with hostility. The way he deals with the jealousy of Erich made me think highly of him and the way he deals with crown prince is pretty satisfying. He really plays the crown prince well.

His developing feelings for her in this life is also pretty slow, IMO currently he just likes her romantically while Iona has been in love with him for a while.

But since Iona is not as in touch with her emotions as Leroy that is not very obvious.

But it can be seen through their Povs. Leroy is always considerate but he is noticably lacking a romantic view of her in the first 50 chps. There's curiosity, sympathy and compassion, a little childish hope of reunion but not love and desire. Even his jealousy is a bit vague, hard to ascertain whether it comes bcuz he likes her or becuz she is his fiancee.

Not to say he doesn't care for her but I personally feel Iona may be right that the initial care for her were borne of guilt and sympathy.

Iona though is very clear. She once said that he was man so good that some ppl could only be envious. She admires him, (knowing him to be compassionate and trustworthy), she liked him even then, but, in previous life, his good was a shrap contrast to her bad (also they were on opposite sides) so she never dared approach him believing that he hated her and had a lover so she could keep her distance. But when he saved her she couldn't help but be greedy (hence the kiss in her dying moments) and wants to stay with him in her current life.

But she hasn't admitted to the depth of her feelings so if the author thinks differently and wants to make it so that Leroy is more deeply in love than Iona then I can't help it. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Best part though is that the miscommunication gets resolved once they start trusting each other. These two are well on their way to become a power couple to not mess with. 👏

Another great thing is the way Iona and Richard's relationship is shown:


Through Iona pov we can see exactly why Richard was never considered as love interest by her in her previous life.

His actions were filled with desire to control her life without any care for her suffering. He never helped her bcuz he wanted her to be only able to depend on him emotionally. He condoned her abuse to meet his own ends and manipulated her life from the shadows.

But Iona knew this. She, an abuse victim, may not have able to stop depending on him emotionally in her previous life but she also never invested feelings beyond loyalty in their relationship. Hence, as mentioned before, his abandonment completely ended their connection.

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 12, 2024
Status: c132



It was quite good, but in the later chapters it was quite slow, not gonna lie, the best part its the growing aspect of the protagonist, growing form a senseless and in all manners off words "dog" for the emperor to a quite cute wife after her first life, also, the characters are another highlight of the story, almost all of them were quite pitiful, but that doesn't stop them for being thrash. TTe best part is the growing relationship between the FMC and the MC, and the trope subversion... more>> that follows them.

ATM it hasn't ended, 132 just tell us what we already expected from twenty chapters before, if not for that quite obvious twist, a nice story, and fluffy romance <<less
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