The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine ~Fight!~


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Belfreya Alunst is a typical villainous lady. She is now entering the school with the soul of an ultimate rival for the sake of the battle towards the summit with the heroine. This is basically what this story is all about.

This is the sequel of the short story [The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine].

Associated Names
One entry per line
悪役令嬢は、打倒ヒロインを目指す ~Fight!~
Related Series
The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine (Prequel)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My Novel Haven (7)
  2. Read It
  3. short stories
  4. Japanese
  5. Not my cup of tea

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/29/16 Incarose Jealousy MTL c4
11/28/16 Incarose Jealousy MTL c3
11/26/16 Incarose Jealousy MTL c2
11/26/16 Incarose Jealousy MTL c1
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11 Reviews sorted by

Red.Gamer rated it
November 26, 2016
Status: --
This novel is the sequel of the story "The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine". The prequel is short, thus, I suggest readers to read it since it will add more quality to this story. Now for this story, it is very enjoyable to read. It is also quite different from its 'otome game'-tagged novels counter parts wherein the protagonist ain't dense as a black hole (lol, bakarina!). The protagonist is reincarnated as a villainess in an otome game, but, fun fact here is that she is very obsessed... more>> with rivaling the Heroine of the game. It's still early but I'm leaving this here for others to consider reading this great work. <<less
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BlancFrost rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c4
A wonderful follow up to the prequel. The MC really is cute when she and the heroine finally meet. They are both obsessed with the thought of each other being rivals. Both commit to doing the most hilarious things like a competition. Enjoyable read that doesn't take long at all. Recommend reading the prequel before this as they are both rather short and to the point.
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isecai rated it
December 2, 2016
Status: c4
It's short but really satisfying. The development is well written, the absurdity is your daily japanese joke, and the romance is just straightforward out of a shoujo manga, my guilty pleasure. It's a breathe of fresh air due to the whole different route from the other typical stories. I love the hero (prince) as well. He's not depicted as someone who just got along and be stolen by the "heroine" and throw a typical villainness MC into despair. Especially after the whole 4 chapters are translated, give it a read.... more>> :) <<less
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Anastrisha rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: Completed
A nice sequel to the series. It's a bit cringe but the comedic aspect is very nice. XD

Once more not much fluff but I'm glad there's an end to the series.
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wintia_blue08 rated it
June 17, 2018
Status: --
After reading the first part, I headed here for the 2nd part.

It's a refreshing read; while I do like the stereotypical villainess stories of avoiding their destruction or steadfastly hurrying towards it, it's nice to read something different once in a while.

... more>>

1. the villainess seriously challenges the heroine instead of helping her for her own sake or avoiding/sidestepping destruction.

2. the heroine is neither bad nor good, she's not the annoying girl who interferes/acts pitiful/somewhat harasses the villainess nor is she the direct buddy bff girl.

3. The villainess is still herself, and though she changed, and got her previous memories, she's still the old Belfreya - although she now has a different personality.



1. I know she's so filled with fighting spirit and that's her whole life from the start of this story (9 year old her) to the future, but she's so filled with it that everything else feels secondary. Her parents? Her actual likes and dislikes unrelated to this? Her hobbies?

2. The prince feels like... he's just there. I get that she's the focus, but his life is only glossed over.


Those are just my opinions regarding the story; overall, it's very nice to read. <<less
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Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver rated it
March 17, 2023
Status: c4
A short, comedic read. Definetely not the best. Don't read this if you're looking for romance or you'll be disappointed.

... more>>

At some point, it felt like this was actually aimed at boys because both girls (MC and her rival) where trying to court favor with the ML.

Also, the ML's the type that's just there and doesn't really do much to make the girl he likes notice his feelings and, for someone who claims to really know the MC, he's really slow in noticing her feelings for him.


Anyways, the highlight of the story's the relationship between the MC and her rival. It's a refreshing take, to be fair.



the fact that the heroine watches them from afar stalker, cough and falls in love with someone because he's sweet to the person he likes is really weird. I mean, she doesn't even know him.

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chande rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Right after reading the first part, I immediately read the second part of this story. And I'm very satisfied with the ending.

The plot is very refreshing. The villainess and the heroine are not hostile to each other, instead they compete in a fair way to be the best and also to attract ML's attention (although I feel bad about the heroine because she exerts herself to meet MC's expectation).

And of course it's happy ending for our MC.
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ArielsAwesome rated it
June 26, 2020
Status: Completed
If you want a similar but longer series, I'd recommend "Fiance's Observation Log of A Self-Proclaimed Villainess."
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LordMaou97 rated it
September 1, 2019
Status: Completed
This is the 2nd part of the story The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine.

I really enjoy this story ??

After regaining her past memories and realised that she is in an otome game as a villainess that is fated for ruin,

... more>> the 9 year old villainess started to relentlessly work hard in order to fight against her fate & her beloved fiance.

She never stop working hard to improve her self be it personality, beauty, academics, sports, social skills, life skills & others so that she could at least rival the heroine who she believe to be a goddess who is perfect in everything & overpowered.

It really is enjoyable to read on how the villainess work hard in polishing herself and fights with the heroine for her beloved fiance.

Well all ends well in the end


I actually pity the Heroine who was actually just a normal girl but had to put up with the overly delusions of the fMC of her.

She even been frequently admitted to the hospital due to overwork herself to meet fMC overly expectations ?.


There's a bit filler in the middle but I don't think it's a problem bcos it's just a short story anyway. <<less
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Megzie Ssyk
Megzie Ssyk rated it
April 12, 2017
Status: c4
It was funny, lighthearted, interesting and a full of misunderstanding short story. A very short read (sadly) yet kept you laughing throughout the story. It keeps you wanting more, cheering for every single character and waiting to see just what would happen. Another otome themed story, but it didn't have elements of harem or reverse harem (well not exactly). It was brilliant none the less, especially the main character (who is so lovable).
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slay_mithos rated it
January 14, 2017
Status: c4
Very nice short story to follow up the prequel.

All of the characters have their own motivation (I love the guy's friend purposely spicing things up for his own amusement), and even the two that have knowledge from the game's setting did their best without falling into the easy way out that is hatred and violence.
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