The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML


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One morning, after being bound to the system, MC started his routine of always being captured/ attacked by the ML.

It doesn’t matter if he transmigrated into the ML’s little disciple brother or master or opponent, but in the end he is still forcibly taken by the ML.

After transmigrating to many worlds:

MC: Come out system!!! The heck?! Why do these MLs not love their female goddesses, but insist on doing it with me! Aaaaahh!!!

System: …. __(:3」∠)_ Don’t ask me, I also don’t know.

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Xuyên việt luôn bị nam chủ công lược
Zǒng shì bèi nán zhǔ gōnglüè de chuānyuè rìcháng
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Recommendation Lists
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  5. chinese novels 2

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115 Reviews sorted by

jasmin1028 rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: c4
i haven't read much to comment about the whole book but I'm going to drop this one bc I felt it was boring + I can't ignore the translation errors and I also don't like the MC that much, , 4chapters in and there's already ML kissing and touching MC while he was sleeping I read the tags so I didn't minus any stars bc of that.
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Zianthus rated it
December 28, 2020
Status: Completed
There aren't too many arcs or chapters, and even if the worlds mostly located in ancient China, but it's well written. The character development are steady, not too fast nor too slow and the storyline is coated with many layer of sugar ah, very sweet.

My only complaint is, ISN'T THE SYSTEM WAY TOO USELESS?!! Even the MC didn't have to use the system shop towards the end. Doesn't it seems like the system are being neglected here??

Well, anyway, beside this minor problem I don't have any problem in enjoying reading... more>> this novel. <<less
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Hakutaku x hoozuki
Hakutaku x hoozuki rated it
October 25, 2020
Status: Completed
I.....I don't like the novel. I'm sorry, but it's just not for me. I love the types of novels that have r*pe and such, but it would usually depend on the storyline. The story line for me felt dry. Sorry to the people who like this but it just feels too set and stones, I mean come on he didn't do much like come on people. Anyway I don't like it but you might so give it a try
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September 16, 2020
Status: c135
Before I start, yes, there's a lot of non-con elements with the ML's "over passionate" love overflows and he just wants to smother the MC.

It's not a bad read, I felt like the beginning arc was very interesting, mainly because I love any emperor-related stories. It was nice to see side characters, as I thought maybe it was just going to be about ML and MC. I felt like this was the "beginning" of what was to come.

... more>>

Personally, the fantasy one was a little out there, a little confusing, and maybe just a tad too long for my taste, but I powered through it. Especially since the ending seemed like of abrupt, and there isn't much explanation of ML and MC in the real world, except for a couple of chapters towards the end. Fantasy arc seemed way too long.


Overall, it wasn't bad. It wasn't the best novel I've ever read, but it wasn't bad. It was just strange at times, but MC is very likable and he isn't weak. <<less
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moira2912 rated it
August 21, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is full of contradictions.

It has four main arcs. Well, three arcs and main storyline. And for the people who are sensitive about the topic of forced relationship, the first arc will be quite a detergent. It sure was for me and I had to stop reading it for a while. Because I really don’t like unfinished stories which have potential, I tried it again.

Let me say: the second arc was everything that the first arc lacked. I even started to think if it was intentionally written like that.

The... more>> rest of the story then was quite good.

I really liked the idea of soul traveling of MC (s) and the reason why it happened.

The relationship in later arcs was great too. I liked it, it was kinda cute and sweet. And reasonable. And logical.

It was intentionally written in simpler tone most of the time, the plots were just background for the relationship of MC and ML, which was in spotlight.

It could be simple and non-complicated but let me say - I just loved the fact that there were nearly zero misunderstandings and author decisivelly avoided all the cliches and s*upid plot twists which would dragged the story into emotional swamp. I just loved the fact that the story was clean and straightforward in that way.

It has its shortcomings but I liked very much in the end. ^^ <<less
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August 14, 2020
Status: Completed
Warning that this will be a possibly spoilery review!

The first arc is the worst.

The system comes out of nowhere, doesn’t explain what’s in it for either of them in a understandable manner (only that he will win some kind if “package” that we never discover what it is) and the ML is a total creep dark side of the force r*pey bc I can’t live without my love.

In the second things start to get better. The MC seems to understand that he has feelings for ML (I thought it could... more>> be Stockholm Syndrome as well) and the ML seems to have learned not to force the MC and they get together after a mutual confession which is the greatest thing ever!

The third world things go a gray area. MC likes ML but because of not wanting to go too OOC with his character he can’t confess and ML decides to DRUG him and eat his tofu while he is UNCONSCIOUS!

It has a happy ending for the loving couple (because they love each other and were good friends in reality) but it is a very problematic relationship if you see it critically.

The author uses the excuse that the MC is too thick with feelings for us to agree with the relationship progress and the ML is black bellied, possessive and a total A. MC is always being eaten and although he gets everything he needs and is happy I feel bad for him (as for all the chinese novel bottoms out there) that he is always strong armed to do the topa wishes.

Not to say that is a bad story, it’s not, so much that I gave four stars, and didn’t give up reading even once, the worlds are interesting, reality is also interesting and MC is relatable (otaku, likes to eat, appreciates nice things). We even start to like the couple bc the MC also falls in love with the ML after a while.

So this is for the ones who don’t mind morally gray tops who do what they can to get their guy but in the end it’s all consented. <<less
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SpicaGG rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Actually I would gv this 3.5. The story was typical still enjoyable. It is quite similar to WTMT. Each story arc was just ok, what makes me read it is bcos the 1st arc.


The separation btw the MC & ML got me teary eyed. Dont worry they will meet again at the next arc


The ending was quite rush, I was just enjoying the story as it progressed wen sud boom it ended lol. Still a lot of loopholes.
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TiredIsAPersonality rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Not too many worlds or thousands or chapters so this is a quick read which I like.

Major turn offs rap*y stuff and also the 3rd arc has like a big plot hole where 2 characters are mentioned and then and then there is nothing not sure why they were mentioned. I thought maybe I skipped over a chapter or something.

One of those novels you want to read just because its QT. Final verdict Okay
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eidichan rated it
May 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Nicely woven romance across time and space that ultimately has a happy ending. I enjoyed it! Writing is a bit boring and repetitive at times, so I ended up skimming through some chapters.

If you don't like r*pe, the tag is there for a reason, kids! Don't read it. This story has heavy abuse that is not suited for the weaker minded.
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Seriously_Misspoken rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: c72
I am giving this four stars because of the interesting war strats, and character progression. Also because the translator who is working hard on this series did an incredible job, I really appreciate their efforts in providing us with this novel.

The arcs are LONG. I'm still in the second world and already on chapter 72. So if you're into long world building QT then you've come to the right place. For me, it wasn't my thing, when I think QT I think, quick world hopping. There's a lot of descriptive... more>> writing, war strats, fighting magical beasts, etc. That I couldn't really get into because it's just not for me, but I can recognize the efforts put forward.

As for the characters: MC is an otaku who goes to different worlds and meets the ML who is the protagonist of those worlds and basically "guides" him through them. I say guides lightly, although he is helpful and doesn't just lay around like a block of tofu, he is also not a story driver. Mainly he exists to be the object of affection for the ML.

First arc is hardcore yandere, with r*pe, so be warned. Second arc is consensual so far, so I can't tell you if it leads to r*pe or not because I'm dropping this story.

I really felt like dragging my heels through this, because of the long arcs. People compare this to FOD and I'm kinda laughing because the MC in this novel is NOTHING like the MC in FOD and the stories are NOTHING like the ones in FOD. It has its own charm but man, it was hard to read for me personally. Overall, I give the story three stars, and the fourth star to the translator for doing such a great job. <<less
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ChaneShriel rated it
December 30, 2019
Status: Completed
So yeah I just finished reading this in mtl yesterday.

It is quite a good read but sometimes the story in every arc just keeps on dragging on and on and I had the urge to skip some paragraphs.

All in all the story is good especially in the real world of our dear MC. It was kinda predictable but at the same time it made me curious.

... more>> There are many plot holes and many questions are still on my mind but anyway I would still recommend this book.

What I actually liked in this book is after the goal is finished and they already know the truth along with the ML, the MC can still use the system to travel to different worlds and it's just so cute, in my opinion at least. <<less
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Macabre74 rated it
September 18, 2018
Status: c2
I'm sorry,

While the premise is vaguely interesting, the poor editing and strange sentence structure make this more of a chore than a pleasure to read when there are so many other options available. While I appreciate the effort of every translator, there is a certain expectation of readability your readers will expect at a bare minimum. Unfortunately, this translation does not meet even those lax requirements.
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Recklings rated it
September 17, 2018
Status: c35
Usually I'm pretty relaxed with content in these kind of books but I really hated both the MC and ML. MC didn't care about or was attracted to ML at all and ML just grossed me out in the later chapters. I like possessive characters but... yikes. Also any time they got to a plot point that could have been interesting its just skimmed over or MC is given some OP item to get through it easily.
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RAGA rated it
June 2, 2018
Status: c37
After reading this far, I read spoilers:

... more>>

Finished the 1st arc and it made me really feel sad for both MC and ML. Although it was non-con, it actually played out the tragedy of the lost of friendship and unrequited love, which made the non-con aspect easier to read than if the MC just accepted everything. (But with my reading preferences, non-cons aren't exactly a challenge for me to get through either). However, I couldn't stand it if all the arcs were like this, so I went ahead and read spoilers. Luckily, the ending makes up for it and I'm told that the 2nd arc is really sweet.

Further spoilers about arcs and ML: There's only 4 arcs and they're really long. I'm told the 2nd arc and 4th arc make the relationship worth reading. The relationship focuses on consent in the 2nd arc and it's mutual by the 4th. The 3rd arc's description is kind of weird though. And yes, ML is the same person for all arcs


After being spoiled, I definitely want to read the next arc and will see how I feel about it afterwords. <<less
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Crayonchii rated it
April 7, 2024
Status: Completed
Just a sweet love story between MC n ml. The journey of how MC got bent~ read the tag tho~ I honestly don't think it's Stockholm syndrome but everyone got their own opinions on this. If someone love u as much as Qin Yu in frst world how can ur heart not moved?

It just can be very boring sometime. What happen to the old man on last arc his appearance just mentioned briefly n then forgotten?? Also there's no retribution for those who betray them on the last arc it's... more>> very unsatisfying. Last arc rlly full of plothole. And not to mention the whole plot there's glaring plothole about the system appearance n motive n origin. In the end what does it try to achieve ?

But what bored me most probably the lack of dialogue. It's almost non-existent. When there's no dialogue a story feels dead boring to me. However the almost borderline smut moment still attracts me to this story. <<less
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March 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Why is it that everytime I read this kind of novels I realize someone will never give me love as abundant as Jin Chenji does to Li Luo, but then I'm like 'so?' he's a literal psycho frfr they're good together, let them stay together jsjsjsjsjs.

Good ass hell kind of novel, it is NOT all romancy at the start, like I said ML is a big psycho (but you should know already if your here babes 😉) but Li Luo eventually falls in loveeee 🤭 interesting arcs to be honest,... more>> they were good good. Liked the author writing and the flow, the end was kinda... abrupt? def would have liked more extras 😭.

Read it sweeties It's good 15/10 👍🏻 <<less
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trash_generalist rated it
January 24, 2023
Status: c47.2
This novel, I tried very hard to like it, but in the end, I ended up losing interest DX. It's fine if you're interested in plot-driven short stories where the MC is super dense and the ML makes appearances in various Yandere forms. That sounds a bit bad, but I know that it's pretty fun to read tr*shy novels like this when one is in the mood for it. It just so happens that I'm in the wrong mood, and the whole time, I couldn't help but focus on the... more>> bad aspects.

Summary: The MC of this novel is an author facing writer's block. One day, he finds a system inside of his head urging him to start hopping from world to world (the world of his novels) in order to ensure that the protagonist achieves his destined ending. This sounds pretty interesting in theory, but the MC becomes a completely passive observer in both the arcs I've read. His only contribution to moving the plot along is subconsciously seducing the ML, while completely being unaware of it LMAO.

Thoughts: If the MC participated in the progression of the plot a bit more, I think I would have found the story more interesting. As it was, he really does practically nothing. Although he has free reign so long as the ML gets his destined ending, he doesn't try to make use of his knowledge to ease the progress. He just goes along with it all. Making the whole quick transmigration experience seem utterly pointless in my eyes. I'm the kind of person that dislike passive MCs like this. I enjoy character-driven novels where the characters are actively driving the story forward. So yeah. It ended up not being my kind of story. However, if you enjoy plot-driven stories and just want to indulge in experiencing multiple worlds in the POVs of the same characters, this is not a bad read. So, it all depends on what you like!

Rating: 3.12/5

Although I didn't get far, I think I won't be picking this novel up again, so I've decided to rate it early. In my opinion, its not a bad read, but it doesn't suit my taste at all. Furthermore, the writing is a bit amateurish (IDK if part of that was the TL = the TL starts off pretty incomprehensible. It gets better after a while, but I'm not sure if the content is being translated directly or not.) <<less
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seasaltxx rated it
August 23, 2022
Status: Completed
Tbh I don't really understand the purpose of him quick transmigrating.

i read a lot (a lot) of QTs and the MC always has a goal given to them by the system like revenge or fulfilling the og body's wishes, but this one didn't. Like the only thing he has to do is to accompany the ML of the story who, even if he's not there according to the original trajectory of the plot would succeed.

of course you would understand later that he was put in there to ... more>>

stimulate the real life ML who was in a coma

, but before knowing that as a reader of a QT u just get confused.

aside from that, I still loved it that's why I rated it 5 stars lmao. Every arc was so different for me (not the story or plot, but how the MC interacts with the ML) how he was so in denial in the first and then realizes and regrets afterwards and how he accepts his feelings in the second. And on the third! He spends some time doing the chasing. It was cute <<less
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Yumiko9864 rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay I was iffy about this novel but I went ahead and read it. In fact I like it, it not the best novel out there. But I like the fast pace of this novel.

FYI I read this novel because I read all the novel I can think about and find lol so I picked this to read 😂

I gave it a 3 stars because this novel tbh there is a lot of things I wish it can be change and could of done better in. But the... more>> ending and the idea behind it the novel is beautiful.

This further review is more of a complaint and praise that contains spoilers.


I love the idea of having the MC travel different world by being transmitted into it and meeting the ML in all those world as someone different.

there is 3 world total MC traveled to.

the 1st world is like ancient China, like Wuxia, ML conquering countries and fighting in war and MC transmigrated as his a fellow older brother but not blood related but just someone who saved him and end up following him. This world was interesting until it got to the r*pe part. I wish the author would of made ML doing things that makes the MC starting to having feelings and MC running away because it can't accept those feeling and work from there. But no, it went into ML being obsessed with MC and raping him and MC ran away and so on.

2nd world was a western historical fantasy world like with mage and knights. I find this 2nd world the most unnecessary arc. I mean I know the author made this to have MC realize his feeling toward ML in this world because of what happened in the 1st world. FYI MC Transmigrated as a magic cat beast that follows ML as his pet but MC eventually is able to turn into human form. I feel like the events that happen in here would of been better. I also felt that confessing their love to each other it turn into them having s*x all the time.

3rd and last world was ancient China Xianxia. this was more interesting and the event in this arc was so much better. I love this arc the most. Not gonna say much lol 😂 Because a lot of OMG happen here that made me have a heart attack.

So... at the end is Happy but the purpose of traveling through these world wasn't made clearly and I wish the author would of done a better job in have the MC realize what's going on why he doing this world transmission. Like all of a sudden, MC know this main dude in these world that he always follow is the ML and they are all the same soul. I mean yeah to us reader it's obvious but at least add something to make it MC to have a OMG moment of having his guess being correct. But yes the idea behind it is beautiful and I like it really much and that's also why I enjoyed reading this novel.

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December 14, 2021
Status: Completed
The novel is okay, not a masterpiece but also not a disaster. The main character do not have any reason to transmigrate/world hopping into any of these worlds but I'm guessing maybe ... more>>

to wake the male lead up/witnessing/helping the male lead reached the peak ig

The male lead in each world have some improvement and by that I mean ;-

male lead 1 : is the cliché type of male lead who captures and kidnapped the main characther. In the end, the main protagonist run away but was captured again and was forced to have s*x ig. When it was time to leave MC realises that he do have feelings toward the ML and can return and reciprocate ml's feelings in return of him not kidnapping him and so on.

But the second ML have a character improvement. He didn't want to captured the MC, and want to confirm mc's feeling towards him first before making the first move.

Overall, it a good story and thinking back, maybe the MC have some reason and probably helping the ML reached the peak, but as was stated in other reviews, the male lead can still reached the peak without the MC help so its probably for motivation lol. <<less
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