The Spearmaster and the Black Cat


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After a tear in reality pulls Kagari Shuya into a white room he discovers a futuristic interface for reincarnating in a different world. After looking through the different races and skills he unlocks a new race, Lucivault, a type of vampire with none of its characteristic weaknesses. All set to start his life in a new world, Shuya is confused to discover that he is enveloped in darkness. As it turns out something went wrong when he was transported and instead of appearing where he was supposed to, he appeared in an underground cave. Shuya faces untold dangers, runs for his life, before finding his way out of the underground world. After escaping he meets his Shishou and begins to learn to fight with a spear. There is also a cute black cat named Rollo.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Stranger & Black Cat
Yaritsukai to, Kuroneko
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Giperman rated it
January 23, 2020
Status: c459
Oh boy, here we go!

Author manages to create absolutely unique world. Every ability, every race, every city, locations, enemy, artifacts, weapons, magic, everything seems unique, fresh, never used before by other authors. (For me at least)

I'm amazed by the sheer size of the world and by the imagination of author needed to build such world. Unfortunately, this come with the price of scattered story. The further story goes the less focused it became. He can set a goal and it would take 200 chapters, while it could be done... more>> in ten if only MC didn't create new goals. Yes, that's how life is, but not to that extent. This trend appears in every part of novel. The casual conversation would be cut in the middle. By the random thoughts of MC who saw his spirit dancing in bg. They can't go anywhere without casually play with something along the way. While it's vexing how long it could take, at the same time this add deepness to the story, where every character has their own personality, or gain it along the way.

Stroy showcasing how fantasy world should be if it's inhabited with armies of monsters. It answers with a lot of really strong people. With A LOT of strong people.

Fights described with a lot of details. Since most of the powers a basically unique they tend to be pretty interesting, and sometimes long, because MC use every chance to train (yes in the middle of the fight, he percieves mostfights as training.)

It's important to say that this stroy doesn't have any main goals anymore, only secondary that seems interesting to MC or dangers to his close ones.

All in all, really good stuff, chapters are pretty long, Rebecca is the best girl (the most complex personality IMO) 8/10 (why 8 reason down bellow)

Old long version down below

I really like this one, author manages to create world that never cease to be exciting. The world has inique atmosphere that's different from others isekai novels.

I'm in particular, didn't like certain characters behaviour, like Viine's total loyalty, or Eva's unquestionable friendliness, like they got no personalities themselves like paper sheet with word "Yes" written on it. Well later it's became less and less prominent.

What hook me up is this infinite development of story, of his strenght and his companions.

When they all became his kin, they also start to develop

Every time he get a new move, spell, skill, technique it looks sloppy and raw, but he continues to utilize and refine it, until it become more and more proper and powerful techniques. It's really cool that you see how he improves as stry progresses.

It was exciting when they already get to auction, where he made friends (and no only friends (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). But after auction author like didn't know what he wanted, so he litteraly started to throw one story route after another. Shuya came back to mist forest with Misty (the one with golems, and sister of Sol, the dude that tried to kill Shuya and Yui), leave her with Henkai, which he befrended after auction, and Viine and goes to Heckatrail (or whatever was his first city called) f*cks Nora (vampire hunter) check some stuff and immediately leaves. That's where the sh*t happened. He goes to the Quiche's village, which she rebuilded, and that's where the most messy, orderless arc started, the f*cking Evil forest.

He hadn't achieved not a single of his goal inside of this forest without starting a new goal and fight with few new enemies, that every time stretches story for the good 10 new chapters. Save the village kids from vampires, while the f*cking village is under a siege of orc army - leave Helme, skeletons, and another onein village, while he goes to help the kids. On a way found a fight between Nora vampire and Silver wolf clan's Princess, helps defeat vampire, say goodbye to Nora, take the princess with you and go to vampires lair, where he found that it's under attack of two Butterfly-human (i didn't really get it, it's like they a made from butterfly or they can control it, the main feature is their wings). The two girls are insanely strong, one fighting with Hoffman - vampire of Valmask family, and another isekai protagonist, another started fight with Shuya. After fight with Butterfly Shuya helps a bunch of captured by vampires people including childer from village, while Hoffman fights with another Butterfly. On a way to the village he encounter giant, which is a Hoffman summoned, beat his ass, learn new technique, then unseal a witch that was sealed in weapon of giant, beat her ass, than she swears loyalty. Then help village of Quiche with it's siege. Than start bulding houses, than encouner bunch of ghosts of elfs, that lived in this village, take a quest from one of the ghosts, than f*cking treant/demons army start attacking, and an army of silver wolves clan helped them, etc.

It was explained that this forest was ancient battlefield of gods, and in some flashbacks they literally teared space, and detonate nuclear spells in this forest, so there is this much threats in the forest.

BUT THIS sh*t WAS SO STRETCHED, and that's not even a half of it, at least hundred more chapters until where I am, and he's still in the forest. Author just start throwing MC in one situation after another, of course every point in story than connected. That was mindblowing how such a mess of a story became one, I almost started shouting in monitor how cool was it. But I dropped two times, because when there is important story, Shuya's attention brings sh*t like some kid in the village eat a candy, than describe a candy, describe how cute Rolo is, describe a child, describe how Helme happily start splashing water from her tits, describe how somebody training on background, than back to the story. Author just pouring so called 'water' on reader to fill the gaps in chapter. There is his new goals, but auther still holds Shuya from going to them by creating ABSOLUTELY new situation, you could never predict what would pop up. Do you think they safely arrive in the village of the Silver wolf clan? Nah ah - here's fight which take ten chapters long. You think we go to the main event in the village (some ritual) ? Nah ah here another 30 chapters of events inside. His trip to this village was one of the first goals in this forest, and it take him more than 120 chapter to even start going here.

Despite being utterly annoying, all this adds considerable depth to the novel. The world-building is so massive, complicated, and interesting, that it's really hard to stop reading.

I don't want to rant any longer about how messy of a story it is. At least it really has it unique atmospehe to this world.

I read a lot of Japanese isekai, and that one is hardly comparable to any other. I can't say that it's the best one, no it isn't. But damn it's good read, it has a lot of cliches, but somehow auther managed to create them in that way, that they looks like totally new or unique.

All and all, I really enjoyed reading (I'm still reading this) this novel. Has a unique atmosphere and depth to the world, has hundreds of characters, with unique personalities, weapons, fighting styles, artifacts, spells. Never ending flow of imagination. There're so much of stuff that I lost a track of it already. Author has such a imagination to maintain a story with this much of characters, but has not enough capacity to tell the story with proper means, like not mixing ten arcs together.

Yeah. 8/10, not 10 becase I got burnt up few times reading this mess, but really enjoyed it afterwards. <<less
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Jasu321 rated it
November 24, 2019
Status: c179
Main Points

    • MC is OP
    • Overall storyline is fairly slow with a lot of unneeded dialogue and information
    • Detailed scenes and actions/ world building is on the lower side of the spectrum
So every review about the author describing the MC as a huge pe*vert is pretty spot on. However, I think I read somewhere in the beginning of the novel that he's like that because of his race traits. Not entirely sure as this would be a really small detail and one that isn't emphasized on. The action scenes are pretty detailed but also a little hard to follow.

While the author puts a lot of little details and goes into detail about small things, I think the author forgets to put detail in the process of how the MC obtains his OP'ness. I'd also like to point out that the author puts extreme details to things like guilds and stuff, but ends up not mentioning them for more than 2 chapters or completely annihilates them in 1 chapter.

When talking about the MC, he's completely overpowered and the author doesn't really explain or put emphasis on how he got his reincarnation chance or why he's able to learn things extremely quick. Basically the readers know that he trained really hard and got skills and such, and after eliminating some builds here and there, the author suddenly puts in a god in the story and the god is completely scared by him and this goes for every other god he encounters too. There really isn't anything that builds up to it because after the beginning chapters the author only trains in spearmanship and doesn't do anything with skills other than using them.

The author also basically gives the character extremely overpowered items that don't even make sense in my opinion. Another thing is the reincarnation method. This part really irks me because the world building is that typical isekai world with medieval themed buildings and such but the items he has are basically sci-fi items that makes no sense except for a way to let the author put in whatever type of weapon he wants. Also it doesn't even make sense because the item belonged to someone else in the first place but apparently the owner had a dead brain since it was basically left untouched until the MC got it into his hands.

I think it was really a unique way compared to most Isekai reincarnations. Although I forgot how the MC dies (before reincarnation) or even if the author put that in but the systems that the author makes are really interesting.

In the first 150 or so chapters the MC didn't have a lot of dialogue, or at least not to the point of having multiple conversations in the same chapter but in the recent chapters the MC and his harem have multiple dialogues with each other but at this points its a time waster to read them and is actually annoying to read how they interact with each other because they do that s*upid way of Japanese writing where everyone present with the MC has to chime in to a simple question using their weird way of talking to the MC. Moreover, the MC's way of talking is way too straightforward and it comes off bland and plain. Not to mention the fact that the MC talks about random stuff at random times but unsurprisingly everyone still likes the MC and seemingly doesn't think anything the MC does is wrong in any way.
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Hasenpfote rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: c17
Too bad I read the reviews on the novel too late. The story can be summed up as infodump and I cant sleep and all of a sudden I can do it again. Oh no I have OP abilities, lets not use them because I m s*upid.

Put your time into something else.
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January 22, 2019
Status: c115 part1
The writing style is actually quite unique, with an emphasis on world-building. It defies Chekhov's gun in an oddly refreshing way, mentioning events and characters in the world through the eyes of the protagonist, but he doesn't feel required to involve himself. Sometimes these events come back as plot-essential points, and sometimes they are simply setting the tone. Contrary to many novels on this site, you don't always know what is going to happen next due to flags and cliches, which is a major positive to me.
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bkwrm rated it
November 30, 2018
Status: c87
Has some interesting ideas, but in the end is pretty meh and I have no interest in reading further.

He's a vampire that has no downsides, especially after leaving the caves early on (the MONSTER being a virg*n counted... really?). It also barely comes up other than being able to regenerate all damage instantly. So why even make him a freaking vampire? Basically he's so OP that he's never in any danger and can just brute force his way through everything. And it's not a fun crazy OP it's a boring... more>> zero tension OP.

MC is the upfront pe*vert type. Which is fair enough I guess, but his willingness to do anything and forgive anything for a cute girl gets old after awhile. And like others have said he has a tendency to half ass everything until everyone is dead or dying, even the ones important to him, and than he actually uses his skills.

Author has a serious case of ADD. Tons of minor plot/quest threads are constantly scattered around or encountered and than ignored. Or one is suddenly followed while the something important gets put on the back burner (usually due to a cute girl being involved) and time stops for the important thing somehow. This isn't as noticeable early on, but once he's going between cities it gets pretty bad. <<less
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DyingBreed rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: c379
Roller coaster ups and down. Only thinks that I dont like much about is probably the cat love to much screen time and the skip s*x scenes sometimes. AND ALMOST I FORGET to say I understand the author and tittle of the MC character be a martial muscle brain action type but c mon his race and type is most advantageus like a wizard, magus o spell AoG no chant badass but almost never use magic to sweep the floor of noobs and nobodyes. Also always you need to cut... more>> his magic and spirit stats to create new useless family or gadget I understand sometimes but after a dozen it become a hassle. Apart never try to buy except onetime spells books in one store. Apart for that is far better that most of the other japanese light novel that I have see it have a lot of other rip tiittles here and there of for example forgotten realms star gate etc fun read I guess-

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Baabaablack rated it
March 11, 2018
Status: c35
This series starts out strong but starts getting structurally weak when the MC leaves the first village. What really did me in was the fog forest arc. What could have been an interesting story suffered from a bad case of in character exposition.
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Poison_Ice_Blade rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c28
it has an interesting concept that isn't well executed, even parts that should be interesting are just boring. In fact the more interesting parts of the story is when he interacts with monsters because it adds mystery to the world but for some reason once it starts to go into slice of life mod, it fails to hold my attention. The MC's personality isn't that great ether. Hes basically a gentleman pe*vert that won't r*pe you without permission but the fact that he obviously thirsty really freaks out all the... more>> female characters. As a female myself im also put off by the behavior. Oh and I forgot to mention the fact that he has no weaknesses, its like a cliche Mary Sue. Hes a vampire but he rarely needs blood and can eat normal human food without finding any wrong with it. Hes not weak to the sun nor does he feel a uncontrollable desire for human blood. In fact he able to store animal blood in water bottles without it going bad! Whats even the point of being a vampire if your just gonna negate all of its downsides?! <<less
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shiro rated it
August 28, 2017
Status: c30
I really want to like this novel but it is boring.

The pros :

The translation quality is good.

... more>> The adventure is here and the world building is full of good ideas.

Rollo (she is the most intersting character)

The chain ability is very cool (thought underused, it is cool).

The cons:

MC is really bland and boring. I just don't care about him. Beside completing his pact with Rollo and sleeping with every women he can find, he has no clear goal or desire and without that, there can't be character growth. He is so OP each time he fight there is zero tension. He is simply not interesting and for me the biggest drawback to this novel.

Side Characters are useless to the story. They aren't one dimentional and their interactions are sometimes interesting (mostly when they don't interact with MC) but the author spend a lot of time describing them and, in the end, they don't add much to the story. <<less
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Adastria Lillith
elhessan rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: c57
Nice story, quite pe*verted MC but at least he has balls to get what he wants. Detailed world, unfortunately the translation still has room for improvement, lots mistakes and sometimes I just skip some lines because they're too confusing, but despite everything I'd say good job for author and translator and also editor...
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LuciferMorningstar365 rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: c315
I rated this novel 3.0 not because I plan on dropping it, but because it is one of the more polarizing novels on my guilty pleasure list.

What I liked about it was the sprawling sense of adventure and great mystery that this novel has. If I could excise the central characters from the world and replace them with better ones, well...

I have a neutral attitude towards the wish-fulfillment isekai genre but, in general, they miss more than hit. In this case, the novel is too jumbled, in not only setting... more>> but tone (fantasy<->scifi, serious<->goofy, etc).

The reason why it misses in this case is that Shuuya comes off as a complete self-insert type protagonist. I would rather he be a walking cliche than a complete zero.

I choose not to acknowledge his h**ny behavior as being relevant because in this broken novel, he faces virtually no rejection.

That leads me to another issue which is the nature of his vampirism. Vampires classically have a natural elegance and charm, so I would forgive the fact that he appears to be irresistible to women post-transmigration. However this author is so determined to self-insert and shill for Japanese betas that he goes out of his way to emphasize how Shuuya has an average and unremarkable Japanese Male's face.

So he becomes a vampire who is charming despite appearing average? But subtracting this element from vampires to stroke the jp beta male ego is the least of the offenses.

The concept of daywalking vampires has been done before but the way it is depicted here is completely ridiculous. There are no real drawbacks to it at all. If this was a purely comedic wish-fulfillment novel then I wouldn't care. But this is a novel with a moderately serious tone, so to have such OP vampires exist should be an existential threat to the huge mortal/light-aligned kingdoms/Churches/factions.

Instead creating an interesting plot element where the protagonist is constantly in fear of being exposed and persecuted, he becomes a well-known, unexamined figure. The contrived manner in which he is bailed out when dealing church officials is so logic-defying that I stopped reading for a while.

Once he started making his lovers into bloodkin I stopped caring about the beyond fantastical nature of his harem. I'll just say that the inability to write reasonable relationships between men and women holds back a lot of the authors in this WN/LN space from reaching a higher level.

At the end of the day I still read this mess because I want to see if any of the early mysteries which hooked me initially are resolved but this doesn't deserve anything but a light-skimming. <<less
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bthnccklr rated it
April 18, 2021
Status: c60
this is tr*sh. Not very different from other isekai/litrpg novels. You can say this is kind of slow paced with long chapters but there is nothing interesting so far (chapter 60). At my current chapter, I read a lot of words but nothing significant happens, everything goes on MC's advantage. No clever enemy. Every girl being in love with him at first sight. Everyone praise MC. So what I am saying is this novel is same at other japanese litrpg or isekai novels which is author's mstbation. Strong MC amazes... more>> everyone, all women characters what his d*ck. Enemies is always s*upidier than him but they are smarter than everyone else. If you see that a person deceiving the MC then you should think like this "MC is aware and he is deveiving the deceiver" so you shouldn't suprise his comeback to deceiver.

I'm fooled by this novel's high rating. It doesnt deserve it. Dont recommend this. <<less
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lophis rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: c70
This is probably one of the worst isekai novel I have ever read. All the problems you typically see in a web novel including chapter long information dumps, bad world building, overpowered characters b/c of plot armor, undeveloped characters etc. I think the first volume is a big training montage and he finally gets into the world and travels he is basically does whatever he feels like with no consequences which is chase tail and kill whoever he wants.
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Fast_sec rated it
March 5, 2020
Status: c377
I enjoy reading this novel. I don't really care if the MC is OP as long as there are detailed explanations. Those that don't like the MC just doesn't understand or get him. I like it that the MC gets stuff done; isn't afraid to kill humans or any race, and think things through beforehand. If you can overlook that the MC is OP and hard to kill, and just focus on his adventures then you'll like this novel. Update 10/01/22, So far after getting to chaper 377, there has... more>> been a lot of fillers and I'm getting bored of it. Might come back to this novel after a couple of months. <<less
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ghendout rated it
April 2, 2019
Status: c62
theres nothing offensive about the novel... nothing remarkable either, i've read lot of "Isekai" trope LN/WN, but honestly, this is probably the first one that I feel extremely bored while read it....

dunno why tho, theres just something about it that keep me disinterested, probably because of how the MC complete pe*vert and can't go 5 paragraph without mentioning b**bs or butts, or its also can be because how the author wrote it, theres tons of exposition and the author do nothing with it, "oh hey lets do exposition with how... more>> MC talking with himself while reading exposition book"...i meant c'mon...

theres also problem on translator part, while its not THAT bad, but still lot of paragraph feel disconected and doesn't make any sense. <<less
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Aho555 rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: --
I remember reading up to somewhere past the intro arc a long time ago, but I just wanted to write this before continuing to read this again. It's pretty much hard to fault this when it comes to the writing, technically. It's immersive and the beginning was pretty intense in terms of what the MC experiences in his first steps into a different world.

Outside of that, it's just a matter of whether the story and characters are to your liking, so it's definitely worth a read to get an idea... more>> of that. <<less
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Viessa rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: c305
I give this novel 4 stars.


First the MC if you like OP mc's that the novel is for you, in the beginning, he was really weak and nearly died several times but he worked hard under his Master to achieve a unique Spearmaster class and he still grows my personal opinion he is already like a Demigod or low-level god in terms of raw power. His personality is not the Typical Good boy MC he is neither bad nor good he slaughters without problem thousands of people without worrying much... more>> about that. Even with his higher power level he is not so s*upid and thinks he can defeat anything well "worthly" opponents are most like not humans they are demons or evil gods etc.

The world-building is great although I think the author introduced some areas too early since there is no interaction with them until like 100 chapters later or more.

The "Harem" has actually personality and is not like puppets every girl has his own story some backgrounds are not so well written as the others but it's still good.

Other characters there a several characters that interact here and then with the MC I would say they are built okay nothing special.

The Fighting scenes are quite good when it comes to the Spear fights the other fights are medium I would say if he uses magic etc is just to op he can wipe enemies out in a second without a problem.

If you like a lot of details you will like this the author put a lot of effort into the details.


When it comes to women the MC is just tr*sh I get that he likes women but that is beyond everything an assassin is trying to kill him and the only thing he thinks is that she should follow him on his journey...

As I said in pros the author love details but sometimes it's really unnecessary he spends 2 or 3 chapters to tell what the artifacts do but you later never see 80% of the artifacts again in my opinion it's wasted time to spend 3 chapters full with details when you don't use them later...

The Story in the early chapters is like non existing there is no red string that goes through the arcs we jump from place to place until he arrives in the Labyrinth city where he builds his harem and stays there for 1 or 2 years there we have Labyrinth action and more with dark guides etc.

There is no real explanation why he is transported to this world and that bother me a bit the gods that are living in this universe or world can not see through the MC which leads me to the point that some really High God that watches all worlds is the reason for the transport the current world because if a god reincarnated him that is living in this world should have contacted him or something well that is only my thinking and it's not so important for others maybe but it just pisses me a bit off. <<less
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bonjovisxs rated it
July 25, 2020
Status: c166
I want to give it a higher score, it does really pull you in. However it has a bad case of carrot on a stick. The novel will outline the plot, then spend 10+ chapters procrastinating and doing different things before finally coming back to the original plot. This really hurts the pacing.

This is a great read if you got time to kill, but if you get drawn in, expect to have to wait a considerable amount of time before you can reach the climax of any situation. You will... more>> likely find your self wishing it would just hurry up and get on with it at times and almost consider skipping chapters since the title alone might indicate the plot is not going anywhere. <<less
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joc693 rated it
September 7, 2019
Status: c101 part1
Honestly one of the best isekais I've read here, but the one drawback for me is the fact that the writing feels oversaturated. There's such a thing as too much depth and this is an example of it. We don't need every little detail of every event, but unfortunately that's what the author gives us and I often find myself skipping parts (not even skimming at this point) because he draws out the most menial things as though he's just trying to hit a word count.
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Aharlequin rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: --
The only words I want to describe about this novel is "disappoint". This novel has solid storyline and about magic and world is very interesting. That only things that make this novel worse is MC. MC is new race and use damm your new race power or you are pe*verted MC so try building Harem. Sh*t Harem. If assassin is Women, MC will definitely fall in love with that ones. May be MC is M. If you love solo adventuring, you should read this one. MC is so pe*verted that... more>> you guys gonna hate type. Other than MC, everything about this novel is first class and writing is very good. Translator and Editor made great job.

First, I thought I should rate 3 stars but author tries to fix MC characters little by little so I rated 4 stars. <<less
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