The Spearmaster and the Black Cat


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After a tear in reality pulls Kagari Shuya into a white room he discovers a futuristic interface for reincarnating in a different world. After looking through the different races and skills he unlocks a new race, Lucivault, a type of vampire with none of its characteristic weaknesses. All set to start his life in a new world, Shuya is confused to discover that he is enveloped in darkness. As it turns out something went wrong when he was transported and instead of appearing where he was supposed to, he appeared in an underground cave. Shuya faces untold dangers, runs for his life, before finding his way out of the underground world. After escaping he meets his Shishou and begins to learn to fight with a spear. There is also a cute black cat named Rollo.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Stranger & Black Cat
Yaritsukai to, Kuroneko
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. New list
  3. Things I've Read pt 1
  4. Swordsmen and Spearmen
  5. 5/10s that I cannot forget

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/16/21 Infinite Novel... c290
08/13/21 Infinite Novel... c289
08/09/21 Infinite Novel... c288
08/06/21 Infinite Novel... c287
08/02/21 Infinite Novel... c286
07/30/21 Infinite Novel... c285
07/26/21 Infinite Novel... c284
07/23/21 Infinite Novel... c283
07/19/21 Infinite Novel... c282
07/16/21 Infinite Novel... c281
07/12/21 Infinite Novel... c280
07/09/21 Infinite Novel... c279
07/05/21 Infinite Novel... c278
07/02/21 Infinite Novel... c277
06/28/21 Infinite Novel... c276
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61 Reviews sorted by

Carmeops rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: c250
the story is interesting and the characters and the universe are well fleshed out, not too grim, not too silly

the MC is basically an immortal badass going around without fear, but at the very start of the serie he is so weak that he almost die a couple time and survive by luck, only after meeting his spearmaster mentor does he become overpowered

if you like complex world building, this is for you

as the serie goes on, the author spend a LOT of time fleshing out the world, constantly introducing new... more>> organisations, new dimensions, new people, each unique and interesting in their own way

... and that's why I stopped reading it...

for me, the author spend TOO MUCH TIME introducing stuff constantly, and doing NOTHING with it!

who cares about the names of the 13 most powerful groups from two countries over if you are NOT going to interact with them in the next 100 chapters? why do you need to spend and entire chapter describing in painfully elaborated details all the powers of the dozens of new artefacts and gears the team acquired if you are not going to fight with them for a few dozens chapters? also stop throwing names at us if we have no concept of what they mean!

normal stories introduce places and people and abilities when you encounter them or start using them, not dump them all on you at the start and hope you remember them when we finally see them for the first time, 50 chapters later!

the story is good! the fights are good! the constant painfully long dumps of expositions are HEAVY and BORING!

at first I could ignore that, but now I'm done, I quit, it's getting worse over time <<less
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DeirdreH rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: c162 part2
Author updates every 2.1 days.
Translator updates every 6.9 days.

Don't start this series unless you're ok with never being able to read to the end.

Other than that it's a reasonably good story. The cause of the MC's reincarnation has not yet been explained but there are potential clues that have shown up in recent chapters so maybe we'll learn the reason eventually.

One of the most refreshing aspects of this novel is the MC's willingness to not get involved in events that do not suit his interests. Early he learns about the kidnapping of a princess but since he has no connection to her, the kingdom, or the kidnappers he decides, "it has nothing to do with me" and moves on with life. Events are mentioned in tavern conversation and city announcement boards that sometimes affect the MC but frequently have nothing to do with him at all. Events happening in the world independently of the MC makes it seem more real.

The translation can be a bit annoying because the group that is translating it now is very inconsistent with the spelling of names. One character's name has been translated three different ways so far: Dalarl, Saril, Dollar... and that's just between chapters that group translated themselves. You can forget about any consistency between the group that's translating now and the group that translated the first 74 chapters. You'll spend a significant amount of time trying to figure out who the characters are rather than enjoying the story, especially right after the changeover between translators.

The plot does have a few annoying aspects:


Helme's bu*t obsession


starts off funny, but quickly gets tiresome. Perhaps if the author keeps up with this joke it will push through the depths of "annoying" and wrap around to "ironically funny".
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MarutaDean rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: --
feels like china novel with a lot of clan and guild and drama and clan extermination. I dont know to where author bring this MC story. The goal is resurect his familiar and search something legendary. The pace is not slow and he plunge into one problem to other problem as well with a information gathering first to see his enemy

its really good to read
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Ajarn rated it
March 30, 2018
Status: c80
I quite like mc's attitude, he's not the typical weak dense protagonist often found in a lot of japanese web novels nor the overbearing and offending everyone of the chinese ones ; he's frank with himself and others & in particular concerning womens, there is no s*xual content, However it's stated when the deed is done. If he can avoid conflict he tries to.

About this story there is not a lot of the clichés of fantasy web/light novels. Another thing I like is the detailled explanation of the background and... more>> especially the magic system. And rollo is cute.

however I find the devellopement about the vampire race of shuya (mc) a little dissapointing.

I think I said all I wanted to say, I'd give it five stars if the whole 80 chapters I read where as good as the beginning (until fog forest) ; after that point i'd give it 3.5 stars I guess. Let's go for 4 stars as a whole then. <<less
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TimeVoid rated it
October 10, 2017
Status: c232
One of many novels that I enjoyed but then somehow it was not exciting anymore to read, let just say the early chapters were somehow trigger my curiosity and give some motivation on continuing reading the up coming translated chapters. However, upon progressing deep into the story somehow the motivation is kinda disappeared. The reason :

1. Too much side characters that cannot be remembered except the MC and his party

2. Too much world factions that makes story lose its balance

3. Predictable battle : MC wins by either plot armor... more>> or OP cheat. Or even Both

4. MC harem is kinda annoying except yui and vine

5. The black cat is a spoiled cat <<less
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ArgosYesu rated it
May 31, 2017
Status: c58
Hrm, how to say this... it's a bit hard to think highly of?

Ignoring the TL quality in the beginning and middle, the story itself is kinda... meh. MC is both serious yet always seems to think with his d*ck. This doesn't show much when he's training with his master, but once he leaves it's basically "She's beautiful, let's get acquainted and maybe spend the night." People seem to like this kind of thing, though, and I blame it on all the heavily dense/boring Japanese MCs out there. h**ny really isn't... more>> that nice a trait.

If you think I'm making a mountain out of an ant hill, then you just need to read. Whenever MC visits a place, the first thing to be noticed is any beautiful girl. He'll somehow be able to stare at her breast for some indescribable amount of time, and the other party rarely notices, or they have a disposition where they actually like the attention.

I'm kinda scared what will happen when the MC gets himself involved with the s*aves...

Overall it's a 3. I'm not that much of an ass to lower the score due to TL quality for this one since the TL does try and get editors and proofreaders, but it's still a very hard read... Meh. <<less
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jmuir rated it
October 7, 2022
Status: c300
Please do not waste your time like I did. I am writing this review in hopes that you do not read this novel.

The premise is interesting. That's about it. I read 300 some chapters because I know some Japanese novels are a slow burn and get really good. This one, not so much. If you want an "average looking" (mentioned at least once a chapter) protagonist, that has a harem of beautiful women and the MC himself is OP this might be the book for you.


This novel has every... more>> cliche of a typical Isekai fantasy novel has, it just does none of them well.

  • There's s*x scenes - over quickly and no real purpose besides wordy fanservice.
  • There's a mysterious mentor - doesn't stick around and only mentioned offhand and in passing.
  • There's battles and fights - dull and boring with 0 tension to them save for 1

    Where he fights the dragon

  • Strong confident protag. - So overpowered and little to no character development.
  • Side characters don't get a second mention besides their appearance (especially if they're women)

Only read this if you want a mediocre, incoherent story about a pe*vert who doesn't r*pe women

although he fondles and gropes Yui against her desires then Stockholm Syndromes her


Side note:


He's so cautious about being a vampire/demon/whatever but as soon as he gets 1 bloodkin that goes out the window and he introduces his harem as his bloodkin like declaring he's a vampire, like what?

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Dekeomi rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: c84
I enjoyed the first forty or so chapters because of the interesting and admittedly well done game elements but after that it just started to get painful to read, at a certain point almost anything the protagonist does is justified because he is somehow helping a girl. The characters and writing gets extremely bland and forgettable which quite frankly I can't blame because the author introduces new female character's for the protagonist to save at every chance they can get. In my opinion the best and most likeable character written... more>> in this novel so far is the cat and the most unique character is a minor character that only says variations of the word "enchant".

TLDR: Protagonist is a h**ny f*ck whose only reason for doing anything is to help girls. <<less
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GrumpyWerebear rated it
March 10, 2017
Status: c53
I'm giving this five stars because I am one of the editors (currently the only one) for Birdy translations and I love it. Although I just picked up the position I enjoyed it before I started. (Working on editing the older chapters 6-30 as we speak, sadly my edits ended up being deleted so I am starting over again.)

Remember this review is my opinion and it should be taken as such. Please read the web novel and see for yourself whether you like it or not.

The MC is level headed (not when to comes to woman) and calm plus the reason why he was reincarnated is unknown and I like that. He is not the hero or anything. Honestly his luck plays a decent part in why he is where he is for being in the right place as the right time. He then trains to become better over time after meeting his master. He is NOT instantly Overpowered and works his way up. (Still kind of overpowered)

The authors obsession with the female body, how beautiful the females are and that the MC wants to do them them (all the time) is slightly annoying even coming from the editor standpoint. I am hoping for them to use their brain more after getting in trouble at some point. The story is good and the action is nice. I will update that later if is still feel the same way.
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xypha rated it
February 19, 2017
Status: c20
Kagari Shuuya found himself inside a white room where he was presented with a futuristic interface to assist in his reincarnation in a world of swords and magic. He chose extra skills and reincarnated as a brand new species that unites light and darkness, Seivalt. His destination was a very severe place that, even with his cheats, was not going to be easy to survive. He encounters a white giant winged beast, an apostle, which instantly overpowers him and starts consuming his flesh. They commence a life and death battle... more>> and amidst his flesh and blood, Shuuya meets a black cat. <<less
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Phiteros rated it
October 19, 2022
Status: c176
It really feels like the first part of this novel was just the author throwing things at the wall to decide what they wanted to do. The first few chapters of the MC surviving, then training were interesting. Then he sets off on his journey. But then he decides that he is going to settle down and get a house, even though he told multiple other characters that he wouldn't do something like that because he has a quest. The chapters are really long, and while that would normally be... more>> a good thing in my opinion, with this novel it means a lot of slogging through tangential stuff without really advancing the plot. The worldbuilding is interesting, but there are so many plot hooks which have not been followed up on that it starts to feel like the author doesn't really care. And don't get me started on the way that women just throw themselves at him because he is marginally nice to them.

Ultimately, I would say that this novel has really turned into a confusing jumble. You only really need to look at the MC's status to see how everything turns into a crazy mess of names and skills. The MC has so many items and abilities, and we've met so many characters and there are so many plots left unfinished that it becomes very difficult to keep track of it all. <<less
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TwoVillages rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: c184
So I actually do like this novel quite a bit. Yes, it's slow paced and has allot of stereotypical isekai tropes but it's done in a well enough way where the pace and tropes don't bother me (except for in one case). I enjoy the world he's in and the magic/abilities he has are interesting and fun to read about. He is pretty OP in most situations and, although they exist, he hasn't run into many enemies capable of threatening his life. It's been a casual but enjoyable reading experience... more>> for the most part.

The reason I'm giving it a 3, however, is because of the MC's excessive horniness. The guy has s*x on his mind 24/7. He could be facing off against the Demon Lord and still have the time to make in depth comments on some girls assets. It ruins what little tension some situations have and completely derails the story for me. I don't mind a little fan service here and there but it's become so excessive that I can't go more then a few chapters without stopping out of annoyance.

Overall, a pretty good read if you can get past his horniness. I'll probably pick it up again in the future but I have to take a break from reading it because it has become more frustrating than fun to read. <<less
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Temp950 rated it
April 2, 2022
Status: c103
Starts off very slow and almost made me give up reading it. The translations on the early chapters are also sometimes poor and the writing seems incoherent sometimes. But that changes past chapter 20 or 30, and the story picks up and gets interesting.

The MC is also pretty awful and unlikeable. He's an absurdly overpowered vampire subrace that has none of their traditional weakness. He constantly refuses to give reasons for his actions even when they would solve his problems, and it's clear that the author wants' to write a... more>> story of the MC sleeping around with various women while also being a good guy who cares about them, so female characters just seem to come and go. For example he claims to be in love with a girl, but upon hearing that she has to earn money to buy medicine to save her father, he just says "ok too bad" and leaves her with money but goes on his own way, forgetting about her. I swear I wouldn't be surprised if the MC's main love interest ends up being his cat... he already makes some weird comment about how cute it is when it pees.

This is just the first in a line of them, with him constantly being an ass to everyone except beautiful women whom he conveniently keeps running into when they are in dire trouble. then he helps them, sleeps with them, and then leaves.

Also, there are massive information dumps everywhere. I just skip through so much garbage at times, most of it pointless and contributing nothing towards the story. For instance, paragraph after paragraph on the makeup of some area's guilds and their activities, but none of that really matters since you aren't going to remember all the information anyway and it has little to do with the story. There are also giant blocks of text describing locations at times that are just boring to read. This is a web novel, so maybe this is how some authors are without an editor to keep them in check. Either way, it makes for terrible reading material at times. <<less
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Suola_ rated it
March 14, 2022
Status: c296
To keep it short and sweet:

25% of this WN is good. The author has planned future events early on, by leaving hints and bits behind. There's been more than one "Oh, that's the thing/person/etc!" moment, and I think that that's one of the selling points in this story. The MC isn't the typical saintly person either, but rather a "chaotic neutral".

Then there's the 75% that is godawful. Female extras (the harem) stroking MC's ego, the author blatantly writing out his fetishes... Chapters that are nothing but too detailed information about... more>> the fights and/or food. The fight scenes might be cool if animated, but when it's a long explanation of a massacre time after another, one just might end up skimming through like I'm tempted to do. <<less
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thero rated it
January 14, 2022
Status: c330
Most part of the novel (till c250) was real good, but then the author started to use heavy filler content which made reading the story boring af. I don't know how the author manages to write 330 chapters of cat content and why he does it.

Furthermore the MC never uses his broken skill which lets him drain souls. I mean he thought so many powerful enemies and even gods, but he doesn't even consider getting their power by draining their soul.

I think I will stop reading it now, because the... more>> last chapters where so boring with almost no real story progress, but just cat content, flash backs, training and more cat content. <<less
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ErikHarrison rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: c16
This is the 3d time I've tried to read this novel. Imo it has been objectively obliterated by the passing of time.

The chapters are long and tedious. Important info is hidden so it is difficult to skim. We no longer need entire chapters on how to use mana or adventurer systems. There is no motive/plot to incentivize readers. I've only tried so many times due to the 4 star reviews with 300 chapters read.

I like the powers system and some ideas. But I literally can't force myself to continue till... more>> it gets good. <<less
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figo141 rated it
December 3, 2021
Status: --
This series also suffers from extremities of 'Harem' genre, too many girls in this case.
With the series halfway, you would be hard pressed to remember any of the character's name except for the MC and his pets (and that's is being generous).
But it is wonderful world and lore building to explore if omit the glaring issues of unrecognizable characters.
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April 28, 2021
Status: c212
You need a lot of patience if you are going to read this novel. I am a huge fan of isekai but I really couldn't get into the story until after 100 chapters. The translation was pretty bad early too. I am at a point now where I an looking forward to the next chapter but don't expect some huge payoff for your patience either. I think selling point for this is that it is pretty long and you never say to yourself "That's it?" at the end of the... more>> chapter. It's a large bowl of miso soup. <<less
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November 27, 2020
Status: c200
The OP MC is ruthless and honest to his desires unlike some wimpy characters in typical jp novels. However, there are too many side stories and characters in the series. There aren't many surprises or twists while the harem building and comedy are too plain. The chapters are too lengthy perhaps.
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RagnMunkeez rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: c202
Loved it. Absolutely loved it. Great world building, grinding, etc. Was honestly one of my fave novels. Key word is "was".

... more>>

Once he gets Helme and she was a bit annoying since she sings his praises every time she talks, but I thought "every story has a character like that. It's cool.

Then once he starts making bloodkin, the women with a backbone that made the harem part of the story great started to get annoying too. It's nothing but everyone calling him "master" and "Your Excellency". No side characters really get any development besides wanting him to want them. They get more powers, but that's about it.

There are also potential plotlines with royalty and religions of three or four countries that just get forgotten about and interesting characters left by the wayside.


Had you asked me 6 months ago about this story, I would have happily recommended it. Now? Idk. <<less
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