The Overlord of Blood and Iron


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The Overlord, Kang Chul-In. The man who was so strong that he had to be defeated. Having lost, he must now go back in time to take up the challenge of becoming The Emperor in the Continent of Pangaea. Will Kang Chul-In be able to overcome the 9 other Overlords in order to grasp the Continent of Pangaea within his hands?

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철혈의 오버로드
Related Series
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  2. completed translated korean novels with a male pro...
  3. Good Kingdom Building Novels
  4. Progression Fantasy
  5. Korean Worth List

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11/24/19 Myoniyoni Translations c94
11/23/19 Myoniyoni Translations c93
10/27/19 Myoniyoni Translations c92
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47 Reviews sorted by

Resutatto rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Initial review 3⭐, I'm 20 chapters in. I'm quite satisfied with it overall, gives similar impression to similar novels I've read (Seoul Station's Necromancer/Reincarnator/Sovereign Of judgement). But the only thing that really gets into my nerves is how annoying Lucia (the advisor) is. Seriously, I hope she changes in the future and I seriously hope she's not a harem member candidate. Her bootlicking and 'yes-sir' attitude is really... Plus her judgemental mindset is even worse, she's basically that typical extra character who looks & talks down on people.


40 chapters... more>> in, I think I got used to Lucia's character, her snobbish attitude still irks me, but plot keeps me busy and entertained enough to care about her whining. It also looks like she's gonna be in the harem, in that case, I'll just simp his other wvies, he's got '7 slots' for the spouse position in his status after all. That status is weird tbh, having slots for spouse? lol.

[edit - chapter 78]

The plot is consistent and satisfying. Lucia is getting better in terms of character, she's way less or not annoying now. and..


Oh... my god I did not expect that he'd have a child out of nowhere, with the lack of tags childcare/pregnancy, I didn't even expect remotely anything about a child. I hope she'd atleast get enough screen time and not just rot there story-wise, as if she's a rare item conveniently obtained.


[edit - chapter 219]

okay, plotwise, it's still consistent and entertaining. I just didn't expect that the whole atmosphere of the novel shifted from a darker reincarnator/Seoul Station's Necromancer aura into a more light-hearted SCOG/FFF-class tr*shero atmosphere. Also, wow, princess Arshelly is definitely significant plotwise, this, I also did not expect, though it goes or maybe even the catalyst for the light-hearted atmosphere shift. The MC's more hero-like now, though he's still anti-hero at his core.

[edit - completed]

rating. 4.5/5⭐

okay, I felt mixed feelings for that ending. epilogue-wise, it's better compared novels who ends right after the climax, atleast in this story, they've wrapped it all up nicely. The reason that's it's not full 5⭐ is because, the final battle, is kinda anti-climatic. It didn't really sit right with me, It felt lacking, but since I loved the middle part of tbe story, It's better than nothing. <<less
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chad001 rated it
December 8, 2020
Status: Completed
OBI, an interesting reversal of the villainous protagonist story blended with a returner story. In an inverse Breaking Bad scenario, the MC finds himself dying at the beginning, gunned down as a result of his own karmic actions, but thanks to his semi-typical Korean story beginning, finds himself transported back to day -3 of his adventure. The MC, begins this story at the through of the villainous hero's arc; he's irritable, bloodthirsty, merciless and quick-tempered, rushing to utilize violence and brutality to achieve his aims. But in a deviation from... more>> the standard, He ends up making some pretty big waves early on, and finds himself changed by his circumstances. Discovering the ineffectiveness of his attitude, he begins changing to become a better ruler; he commits more time and energy to internal affairs, he starts taking better care of his subordinates, he reconnects with people he'd left behind for his ambitions, while meeting new people and growing his circle. A circle that he find himself surprisingly becoming more attached to, which in turn changes him further. As a character study of a reverse-villainous-protagonist, this story certainly has some merits.

That being said it is certainly not without some glaring flaws and some turnoffs for some. For one, it's a Korean power fantasy novel with all that entails; returner protagonist with arrogance and a 'practical' personality (kinda), he ends up married 7 times over, and the early-middle portion is very materialistic at times. The stratagems are also a little basic, when he even bothers to employ them. There's also one short arc where he shows a fair amount of racism to his Japanese opponent (as a taunt apparently), and the major early-antagonist is a member of the Rothschild family, who Korean fantasy novels really dont like for some reason. On the other hand he also calls out his own country's lacking veteran-support system, when compared to the States at least, so at least the author likes the USA? And finally, I feel that the novel could've used at least another 50-100 chapters, as the final arc feels a bit rushed compared to the rest of the novel, with several major plot threads introduced at once and finished quickly, but that seems like a staple of webnovels.

All in all, a decent enough story with an interesting take on the MC's character. Enjoyable enough. <<less
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Technez rated it
September 16, 2020
Status: c62
It had potential, the world is interesting and it could’ve been built on in a great way... They do say that the writing of a characters intelligence is dependent on the author.

God, the MC says obvious stuff but since he has to seek like a genius and amazing, the author makes everyone around him absolute dumbasses so that his normal ass sub par thinking seems like it’s amazing.

The MC resorts to violence, he has a thing against thugs because apparently they’re all dumb af and don’t know how to add... more>> 1+1. This huge ass overlord of a city wants to deal with him to get into the light? Wtf??? Bro if this guy really has control over Seoul, he won’t be scared by some measly ass corrupted cops.

Honestly it had a good direction going, the author f*cked it up. <<less
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November 18, 2019
Status: --
What I hate the most is his pride that all, because of his pride he was defeated by the ant that he defeated many times. He's so angry to the point of being idiot you can just act friendly in front of him then stab him in the back that's the way for basic revenge but when they choosing land he intentionally make him he's enemy did he not know that it's feel so good if make your enemy work for you then make him get stab with his own... more>> friend and subordinate, And the girl that need his help why don't you just make her a vassal or you spouse you can take all her land if you do it but no because of pride he just take 30%. Being an overlord is being schemer or a thief you want to be strong then take them all your a lord if you want no betrayal then make them yours, Alliance is for weak or benefits then crumbles Prideful ruler is good if you use a schemer ruler because pride just for a powerful being his a powerful being and the people he talk with is useful but he don't make them his, Alliance or friends of you make them yours then you can focus your attention to your land I like the way "King of the worlds" MC steal the power and technology to make his land stronger

it's just pride that I hate from the MC I'm just complaining here peaceout ✌!!!!! <<less
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February 25, 2021
Status: --
Very inteesting novel at beginning. But after 60th chapter it became boring and common novel.

I suspect author run out of idea and making it longer and longer by spamming same things. Some hints even key points become forgetten just because author changed his mind.

And the ending it was just disappointing to me.

... more>> Tip for readers:

- if you already read past 100th skip mid and just read ending cuz it doesn't deserve that much time

-else, skip this novel for your time😄

I believe your time is more precious than reading.

"No offensive to author and this novel" <<less
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Alexom rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: epilogue 2
Had potential, good plot, some interesting characters, but typical korean isekai hero setting.

Poor writing, writer keeps on kissing heroes’ ass and the plot development felt a bit cliched and forced, character development felt forced too. I wanted to see more kingdom building like release that witch because the story is centered around conquest and kingdom building.

so why a 3 instead of 1 or 2?

It had its moments of greatness and plot twists. Didn’t put in excess or unnecessary information. The plot was decent and didn’t make me feel that I... more>> wasted my time. It was a story, was it memorable? No. Was it s*upid? No.

dont expect too much and you will enjoy it. <<less
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deathmine31 rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: Completed
I was planning on rating this novel early on, as I didn't expect things to change much after what I read in the first 50~ chapters. I was right. MC is busted from the start, over-powered as heck. Any conflict is just resolved by him being so strong that the conflict is resolved. The novel always seems to lack a sense of crisis. The ending is just a joke. MC goes to sleep for a bit, comes out strong enough to handle everybody in the universe. Plot armor is everywhere.... more>> All situations end up benefiting the MC. No matter what, it always helps out the MC. Its bad. Guilty pleasure pretty much. <<less
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