The Obsessed Alpha Turned The Secretary Omega


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“Secretary Lee will never leave me.”

[You are a Regressive Omega]

It’s been 27 years since the secretary lived as a beta.

But he became an Omega just because spent one night with the President?

“Secretary Lee, your lover must be active. That’s a lot of marks on the back.”

‘You left it last week!’

He wanted to tell him to take responsibility right away, but President Kwon was so drunk that he completely forgot what happened that day.

But it may be rather fortunate.

If he finds out he became Omega, he’ll be fired as his secretary.

He was so relieved…….

“Didn’t I meet someone then? He has a great body, and he’s as tall as this secretary.”

While President Kwon begs the secretary to find the person that day, he also attacks him whenever he gets the chance.

“Secretary Lee, don’t you want to date at work?”

Isn’t he asking him to find the person he spent the night with?

Why is he hitting on him?!

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Omegaverse
  2. I think their just a little crazy from the head.
  3. Novels I would like to read part 4
  4. Omegaverse

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/06/24 System707 c34
09/04/24 System707 c33
08/28/24 System707 c32
08/26/24 System707 c31
08/23/24 System707 c30
08/19/24 System707 c28
08/16/24 System707 c27
08/14/24 System707 c26
08/12/24 System707 c25
08/09/24 System707 c24
08/07/24 System707 c23
08/05/24 System707 c22
08/02/24 System707 c21
07/31/24 System707 c20
07/28/24 System707 c19
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