The Novel’s Extra


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Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body.

A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished.

He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story.

The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline.

However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
소설 속 엑스트라
Related Series
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Transcendence Due To A System Error (17)
My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (16)
The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra (11)
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397 Reviews sorted by

November 1, 2023
Status: c316
The first half of the novel is crazy, a masterpiece, it has everything, a fantastically recreated world, characters with their own interests and personalities, consistent abilities and powers, mysteries, action, school life, romance, drama, adventures... Unfortunately the second part declines considerably, all the problems that are always criticized in light novels make their appearance, this completely damages the reading experience. Abandoned by chapter 316.
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Kowopandon rated it
August 25, 2023
Status: --
I love this novel so much.

My only complaints are the fact that the plot somewhat falls apart in the second half part of the novel and the fact that the ending is underwhelming.

I love the characters and the MC. If the novel was longer and had more time for development it would definetly be my favourite.
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Replica1184 rated it
July 8, 2023
Status: c378
Mild Spoilers Ahead

Started off great, the beginning was a 4.5/5. I really liked how logical the MC was and how everything that happened in the world had a cause and effect. The fall-out between Kim Hajin and Chae Nayun really saddened me, and how it affected Nayun tremendously. Truly a character to be pitied. I loved how well described emotions are, I found myself tearing up a little every once in a while, a very rare experience for me. The tower of wish arc was entertaining and well made, 4/5.... more>> After that the quality takes a slight dip, although the monster king arc wasn't terrible, I think it could've been a lot better, it felt rushed and much shorter than the Tower of Wish arc, 3/5. The start of the Devil war arc was great until Baal's castle was destroyed, after that the story became unbearable, I kept taking breaks between each chapter because of how annoyed I was by the illogical and rushed story, 2/5 (4/5 before Baal's descent). But after Baal's defeat, I enjoyed the conclusion, how the MC was stripped of his author's privilege, and how it's not your cliche happy ending, but not a sad one either as some of his closest companions remembered him eventually. But it's unfortunate that Suho, who was like a bro to Kim Hajin, to not remember him. I'd give the final conclusion a 4.5/5, it was really well made. The translation was great, but I kept finding errors here and there, not a big problem though, most of them were just typos and not incorrect grammar or lacking vocabulary, nothing proof-reading couldn't fix, 4/5.

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codu83 rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm torn because I think of it as a good webnovel but the characters can be really oblivious to things that seems obvious. I would've accepted if they had at least suspicions about some situations but they have not an ounce of it. It feels like it's like this to fit the script of the author, hence it feels unnatural and is a glaring flaw in the story.

Like with his other novel TVWtL I like how he handled relationships. My only complain regarding this side of the story is that... more>> the protagonist flirt openly, he would have to live in a cocoon to not realize what he is doing.

When you arrive at the last arc, you feel like the story run out of steam, the protagonist goes to the past for the third time, to a new universe for the third time, with more or less the same plot as the previous arc: merchants, quests, a big boss.

Big thumbs up for the conclusion which was satisfying. <<less
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Warner rated it
January 29, 2023
Status: --
Three hundred and sixty nine chapters. I read three hundred and sixty nine chapters, getting strung along as an event very early on never gets f*cking resolved, constantly getting annoyed as the author switches away from something exciting or interesting to another character's perspective, only for the author to do the most s*upid, nonsensical, anti-cathartic thing he could possibly do.

You know all those relationships I was waiting to see a resolution for? All the growth and abilities that the main character had? Poof. Gone. This as*hole of an author had... more>> the nerve to do that.

I don't f*cking care if this was a bait. I don't care if there's actually a good resolution that eventually comes out. I'm f*cking done.

tl;dr: Save yourself the time and pain, look for something else. This isn't something you understand until you're too deep into the story. Really, just don't read it. I warned you. <<less
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endzsi rated it
November 22, 2022
Status: c129
I would give a 3.5 maybe after reading ch129. But for now im dropping it.

First, I liked the MC and the plot, seemed interesting and after seeing this recommended for tr*sh of the count's family, I had high expectations... But after passing 80-100 I started to get bored. The MC could have done so much better or do something else to not end up where he got but... he kinda forced himself into the drama and suffering as of ch129.

At the start, I hated the female characters, they were just... more>> the usual cliche types. Then they got some nice background but I never actually liked them. It felt like the usual slice of life romance novel most of the time. They barely showed the original MC and the secondary guy. Kinda disappointed. <<less
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Practical_pH rated it
November 17, 2022
Status: c299
It's been a while since I read the first chapter so this will be pure memory as I don't have the motivation to write a thorough review after reading up to the 299th chapter of this rollercoaster.
So, characters...
Each have their flaws and pros that can overlap but they all have their own personality, wishes, drama, and events related to them. I understand how hard it is to keep up with all the characters and keep them involved in the storyline and yet the author did this beautifully. Even going as far as slightly cracking the fourth wall when Tomer was reintroduced in that one place because, let's be honest, she might be the saddest character among all, forsaking humanity, even when the main character had to die inside as he killed one of his precious characters. Chae Nayun's emotional breakdown is, if I had to find a word, powerful. And her emotions are wonderfully captured throughout the whole novel. Hajin, though, is very hard to grasp. He's not apathetic, that's for sure, his character is wholly suffering the whole second arc: him missing his parents, his killing of those he liked (obviously creating a hole in his heart), the desire to survive in a world he knew was on a straight line towards destruction and the newfound emotions towards what he realizes aren't ''characters'', but people. I really love his demeanor as he isn't like those characters that are extremes of an emotion (too hot blooded, too cold, too dense, overall s*upid), everyone in this novel, even the original main character feels real.

A WHOLE lot of drama occurs around the real identity of Hajin. His origins start as a mess. How did he get there? Why was he there? Whose body is he inhabiting? How far will his knowledge of the future get him? Those questions all arise throughout the novel which is proof of the constant world-building that is being forged by the Author the whole time. But even though the characters and story amount to an already good match, the mechanics and ideas that are being demonstrated in the duration of the story just don't let up. Starting from a seemingly all-powerful tattoo to a character being shown as an immortal being seeking death for his sake and the sake of everyone around him, there isn't a moment you don't stop and think ''Okay... That's kinda cool though.''

This novel can't be called cliché in my opinion as, even if there is something similar you've once seen, you can feel in the Author's writing that this was all a big idea jumbled up inside his brain. It turned out great.

In the end, here's my score for the seven core components of this novel;

- characters: 9.5/10;
- plot: 9/10;
- point of view: 6.5/10;
- setting: 9/10;
- style: 8/10
- theme: 9/10
- translation: 10/10

For a total of 8.71/10

Of course if I wanted to rate each and every character, I could but unfortunately it would come with dozens of spoilers and I kind of don't want that. Read for yourselves and see what I mean.
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d4rknezz rated it
October 26, 2022
Status: Completed
It took me a long time to finally decide to check this novel out, and that is because I read somewhere that it is the novel that Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint took notes from - and I hated that novel.

Anyway. I am so glad I gave this a try. It was so entertaining.

What I love about this :

    • MC isn't obviously overpowered. There is an ironman feel to this MC, where MC wins his combats, but it is always attributed to his gear, his equipment, etc. This keeps MC in a somewhat humble personality, where he sees other characters powers and knows that they are much more powerful than him.
    • Supporting characters - this novel has so many loveable supporting characters. Each one of them are fleshed out well, with the majority of the novel dedicated to their viewpoints.
    • Humour : This is the first novel I've read with Misunderstandings as part of the Tags, and it is quite funny. Because the author switches viewpoints from MC to supporting characters often, the author can freely show the thought processes of each characters and how misunderstanding forms. If you don't like a sitcom type drama where funny situations happen because of misunderstandings - then this novel is not for you. It is filled with misunderstandings...I love it.
    • Translation : I also have to give a nod to the translator here - the translation on this is top notch.
    • Story : The story is very well done. And the way it is written allows for an expansion of the universe. Honestly, the author could take any of the supporting character and write a book on them. The story properly hooks you soon as you start, build up to a nice climax - and then slams the reader down... and just when the reader start to despair, the story swings around and shows a light at the end of the tunnel.
The only negative I can say is that towards the ending, the novel becomes a bit campy. There is a lack of tension at the end, considering the catastrophe that is about to happen. And really, its because each of the supporting characters has grown too powerful. But ironically, there may be an explanation to this.


At the very beginning of the novel - we found out that the MC wrote an incomplete book - and gave permission to a stranger to do a re-write of his novel. Soon, the MC found himself living inside his own book - which is being re-written by the stranger. Well, since the MC wrote an incomplete book - the ending is actually a brand new addition written by the stranger. I'll just say that this stranger's writing ability is not as good as the MC.


Some people complained about the romance, but there is a good reason for why the romance went the way it did, in my opinion :


Some did not like the girl the MC ended up with - especially because it feels like the MC kind of skipped the feelings from all the girls he met earlier. But the reality is:

    • MC never thought he'd stay in this world. As MC knew he was inside a novel, he knew since day one that his goal was to finish the novel and return to earth. That is why he never responded to other girls' feelings. Additionally, MC is the author of the book, and he knows that he is just an 'extra'. He knows who these girls were supposed to fall in love with - so obviously he did not even think of switching roles to a 'main character' and steal their supposed lovers.
    • MC is an adult writer. Having occupied the body of a teenager does not make MC attracted to a bunch of arrogant privileged highschool aged teenagers (they changed and matured as the novel progresses)
    • The girl MC fell in love with is older than MC... but in reality, she is of the appropriate age of maturity of MC's real body in earth.

Comparison to Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - WARNING the next section contains spoiler to Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


In my review of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (OMV) - I noted a few things that is in direct contrast to this novel:

    • unlikeable MC - OMV MC is unlikeable. He'd repeatedly plan to die and sacrifice himself to further the plot point - without letting his companions know, unnecessarily exposing them to the tragedy of watching their friend die. Only to find out later that it was all part of the plan, and he had ways to resurrect. Then - he does it again. It's almost like people can't communicate. Imagine your friend saving you at the cost of his life.... and you are struck by your helplessness, your gratitude, your guilt for having survived, etc etc... and then a few days/weeks later he walks in all good and told you that he knew what was going to happen and it was all part of the plan. Wouldn't you just wanna smack him? Well, imagine if he then proceeds to do it again.
    • nonsensical plot. OMV
      started out as a survival/squid game/battle royale story. however, 1/3 into the novel it switches the story to focus on the fact that this survival game is merely a gameshow for the divinities. New powers are introduced based on the strength of each person's story. Perhaps to be politically correct, the novel avoids ranking the power of each divinity. So in the one battle field, the gods of hindu may win the battle because their story is stronger in that particular battlefield. However, in the next battlefield, the angels of heaven may win because their story happens to be stronger. Because the rules are not set - reading OMV feels like as if the author simply makes things up as he goes along.
    • Nonsensical ending - well, I actually don't know if this is true. At the end, there has been too many things that the author simply makes up on the fly that I really didn't care to put too much thought into the logic of the universe. Though I was happy that the MC sacrificed himself again, for good. Finally, good riddance for real. Of course it didn't really happen as the epilogue works him back in, but really, I was totally hoping to get rid of this MC.
    • Not funny.
    • No romance.
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KimChundong rated it
August 22, 2022
Status: --
It a decent story but have a really disappointing ending I haven't red side stories yet as the story translated is until Chapter 398 Dream Flower (21) if anyone have Chapters 400+ please share.

I wanted to know what happened to Jin Sahyuk after going to Akatrina and there's a lot of plot haven't been closed like Kim Hajin meeting Kim Chundong again during Tower of Wish 21F arc.
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Calimyrna rated it
August 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Some Spoilers Ahead.

This novel is a rollercoaster, not of emotions but of how much I liked the novel. At certain points the novel is a 5, and at other points the novel is a 1.

To start it off I enjoyed the novel. As someone who's been reading novels for around 2 or so years, it was fun. The novel's premise wasn't incredibly unique but it was still enjoyable to read how Hajin (MC) reacted. However, I feel as if Hajin had more character in the beginning of the novel. Towards... more>> the middle and end, it felt like he became a blank slate of a character and barely had feelings. I really feel that after the misunderstandings with one of the female characters and her brother, his emotional scale dropped off by a lot and he became a one dimensional character.

Another gripe is the misunderstandings themselves. They could be so easily solved by a literal conversation, yet it never happens and is dragged on for hundreds of chapters. I could get more into my dislikes about the novel, but main character's lack of character and the s*upid romantic comedy drag + misunderstandings were the parts of the novel that really bothered me.

However, the narrative behind the novel and the end goal were consistent throughout the novel and every step of progress felt like it meant something. The power system is pretty straightforward but the author never actually explained it outright which, while positive for some due to lack of infodump, irked me. Basically the power scale is Grade 9-1 with 9 being the weakest and 1 being the strongest, with each level split up into 3 different parts, Low, Intermediate, and High. However, I feel like we only ever saw Grade 1-4 the entire novel so I didn't really see the point of the others.

The ending. Man the ending was really controversial because some people loved it some hated it. And although I have to agree that the novel was definitely weaker towards the back half, I personally liked the ending in the sense that it wasn't a typical everything goes perfect and MC ends up with massive harem of every woman he's ever interacted with. I liked it because what he sacrificed actually happened and didn't get deleted because he's the MC. What loopholes there were around the ending were there for a reason and explained.

Overall, the novel wasn't a literary masterpiece, but it was enjoyable, it was fun. Not just a time sink, but truly something I liked to read. Despite its flaws and some plot holes, it was still intriguing enough to avoid being a "turn off brain" kind of novel and was enjoyable even while thinking through the novel. <<less
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Concealed Chair
Concealed Chair rated it
August 11, 2022
Status: c378
Personally, I rate this novel as a 3.5. It certainly had the potential to do better but with its second half, all that potential went down the drain. And while it is a smaller issue, the romance was written extremely poorly, making it harder for me to read.

I'll begin by talking about the romance. I'm not going to lie, I full heartedly believe that without it, readers would have had a much more enjoyable time.

... more>>

Meaningless Conversations

Within the novel, these types of conversations are actually quite common. From the beginning to the end (though very few at the end), these just continue to pop out here and there. In the end, no matter how the female feels or whatever is slightly hinted, at some certain point, their relationship with the MC stagnates. And because of this, it creates the misconception that some of their conversations would lead to some romantic development but it doesn't, creating frustrating moments.


During the first arc (High School Arc), the MC has quite the number of relationships with females. Due to this, it creates the illusion that a harem may be formed. And yet again, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, their relationship with the MC stagnates, with the females having a certain degree of romantic affection while the MC doesn't feel any. This is extremely consistent throughout the entire story and in the end, he only ends up with 1 lover (And though I have a distaste for harem, I don't like how misleading it was).

Lack of Romance

While this novel centers are action and whatnot, there was literally no romance from the first to the third arc (High School Arc to Orden Arc). The MC only BEGINS to realize his feelings after the third arc ends (Chapter 314/378). That's right, after 300 chapters, the novel begins to talk about real romance. And as since this is more of an action novel, we still don't see much of it even when he starts to love someone. Out of the 64 chapters, only 10-14 chapters include a certain degree of romance. Truly disappointing, after the author created so many chances for it to happen before.


Now onto the more important part, the second part of the story. The quality in the story noticeably drops at this point and the Epilogue was especially disappointing.

Orden Arc

This arc was quite subpar. Though it wasn't bad, it wasn't that too interesting either.

Demon Arc

This arc was slightly above average. It was a bit interesting and probably the best out of the second half of the novel.


This part was the absolute worse. Basically, the MC is given two options both : to return home at the cost of the novel's world (which is revealed to be real) or stay in the novel's world and stay as a normal resident. The MC chooses the second option and due to this, he loses all but one of his Author Privileges and is no longer remembered. He is then only remembered by a couple of his friends due to special circumstances. With his only Author Privilege remaining, he is then degraded from an important hero to a pharmacist.

Like I said, this had to be the worst part of the story. Originally, I would have rated it 4 stars but after reading the Epilogue, it dropped my rating by 0.5 - 1 stars.


Honestly, I am extremely disappointed. It definitely could have turned out much better and after seeing reviews on the Side Stories, I can't even force myself to read them. For those who are debating on whether to pick this up or not, I think you should although it should only be limited to the 1st and 2nd arc. It's not really worth reading after those arcs. <<less
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Choon rated it
August 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Giving it a 2 star for the short phase of enjoyment from the first half of the story. A lot of people has said this already, but MC is shallow and is basically a self insert character. The one good thing about this novel is how the author utilizes misunderstandings to the MC's advantage. Sadly, said misunderstandings become stale really fast, and is just used as a convenient way to make other characters react to the MC and jerk him off about how amazing he is. The ending, you either... more>> are fine with it or hate it, personally I'm fine with it

just a shame that he spent years in the world only to lose all his powers. I know the side stories exist but I'm not gonna even get into it, as I just don't like them, and can't be bothered enough to talk about them

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demonking69 rated it
July 24, 2022
Status: c250
I have not read the acclaimed bad ending yet the novel has been very good till now with most criticisms I heard and read about not being much of a big deal, the only bad parts about this series is that its not very beginner friendly and doesnt give you a proper power system explanation when introducing a new thing and builds it up with arbitary lines later on like the author realises that more explanation is needed and adds it later or thinks that the readers wouldnt care about... more>> it when a new thing is introduced, it leaves room for speculation honestly and makes me uncomfortable that I dont know what the max or min power of a thing is when it comes, secondly a lot of sudden events happen distracting the MC from the thing he was going to do and takes away the tension of anticipation for things you wish would happen if the surprise events didnt happen, things get delayed a LOT when such events happen but like checkovs gun they normally appear and get resolved later, there is little unconsisteny in the plot and no major plot holes, just kinda wish more expanation were given to things <<less
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Kaiser88 rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: --
Now that I look back at this story, it had such a great start and slightly gone down hill in the middle due to the time skip and it felt rushed too rushed, and the ending really wasn't ight, I liked the last chap, just hoped that actually only a couple would be able to remember the MC and he'd just live his life quietly in the mountains. It's not bad I enjoyed it. It would be 3.7 due to what felt like a rushed story but the characters are... more>> great and not ret*rded unlike other story the MC also uses a gun so this would be a decent 4.3 for me <<less
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kiraiqa89 rated it
July 5, 2022
Status: c378
Very interesting read from start to finish. Great plot and characters, the world building and story flow was good.

Plotwise, there's many interesting arcs and the misunderstandings between the MC Hajin and others is hilarious at times with Hajin confused most of the times.

The character development of all the characters are really great. Relatable and very human with noticeable growth for most of them.

Only one thing I have to complain about is the ending. It was just OK but not satisfying at all. There are so many things that I want... more>> to find out that is not answered.

Like if Hajin will get back his lost powers or if Nayun will use the regressor stone or if Sahyuk will revive her kingdom or if Suho will remember Hajin.

Haizzz... <<less
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Ray Crimson
Ray Crimson rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I read this after I caught up with "The Author's POV".

Well it was a good.

It's plot setting etc

First 100 chapter were pure gold.

School Life, misunderstanding, romance, slice of life Elements I like it very much.

First 100 chapters were good but it just run down the hill.

Things become overdramatic

The only reason I was reading this even though I was kinda feeling bored is for the sake of finishing it.

Overall it was a good : 3.99999999/5
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yeah2xuhuh rated it
April 2, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is true to its title. He was an extra.

First off, the only similarity of this novel and Omniscient RV is that they read/write the novel their living, so that means they knew parts of the story; like arcs, items, characters, etc.

I said that the MC was an extra because he did not try to be the MC of this world (although the story revolves around him), he just sticks to the main characters of his novel for SP. Though with the MC's knowledge of various parts of the... more>> novel would make him quite OP, he did not gain most of that and left it all to the original owners of his novel. At least that was what happened in the first half of the novel (then some of the latter half)

The school life of this novel until before

the tower of wish

is a 5-star for me.

I can't help but see the connection to HxH, it was obvious. And it kinda affects my read because of this.


The Chameleon Troupe = Spider Troupe, Humanoid Monsters = Chimera Ant, Orden = Meruem (even their personality is quite similar), at some point the 'ressurected daughter of some big character = the blind kid in HxH. And this may be a reach but the Tower of Wish = the game arc in HxH (which for me is a better arc than the Chimera ant arc)

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Ligma Balls
Ligma Balls rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: c377
This is my first time reviewing and im not that good in writing in english so bear with my english.

First of all the overall plot is good. It's not your typical Overpowered MC, the MC have a rational thinking. And his not that handsome and the girls in the story are not attracted to him at first sight, they gradually getting know each other. And the ending is very good, I haven't read yet the after story. So overall I reccoment it, this is my first novel that I read... more>> until end without getting bored or dropped. I really don't know what to say anymore so thats it. You will also love the story. Stay safe everyone. <<less
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vivavera rated it
February 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I registered to this website just now so I can write a review!

I like isekai/ regressor/ time travel, reincarnation, transmigration novels, and this on is right up my alley. And Kim Hajin is so cool like u won't believe!!

This novel has 3 arcs in general. 1st arc is school life, 2nd arc is life post-school & tower, 3rd arc is leading up to ending & epilogue.

1st arc is the best for me. It's fresh, it's young, fluff, safe, and light. One particular point in the story perfectly shattered all that... more>> as we're almost 'forced' to move on to the second arc. 2nd arc felt more mature as the characters also grow, more gritty too, yet smart. As for the last arc... well. It's just felt more convoluted and distracting with the numerous characters involved...

Don't be discouraged by the number of chapters, 370+ may seem very few, compared to other novels with 1000+ engaging chapters, u might doubt how well the story can be conveyed with only so few chapters, but it's actually WELL ENOUGH. The few chapters happened because several time skips, and the writer style who skips on some detail. I.e, the writer will show A and B going face to face with a monster, and next time we hear from TV "the monster has been annihilated by A and B" but it by no means distract u from the plot. So worry not! <<less
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articulum rated it
January 24, 2022
Status: c242
This was the second "fell into a novel MC knows all about" type of novel that I've read, but it far surpasses others that I can think of, with it only not being able to surpass "tr*sh of the Count's Family, " the first one I've read.

Basically, an author is in writer's block when he's s**ked into his own novel, where the strange unknown being who s**ked him in in the first place is changing the story, pointing out plot holes and poor writing to the author. The author starts... more>> off in a school for heroes, where he took over the body of an average student, an "extra."

If you like Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, tr*sh of the Count's Family, Regressor's Instruction Manual, The Editor is the Novel's Extra, etc., you're gonna like this, with the only huge difference in dynamic being that the MC in this novel works alone, while in the novel's I just mentioned they usually work in a team. The dude's a straight-up loner turned sigma male, except for the fact that he lets women get to him too much.

I can confidently say that this novel has been a read that I've enjoyed so far, it's fairly original, and I enjoy how much focus the story puts on other characters. There were some parts that I really liked (like the whole exploration of the morality of taking over another's body), and some I didn't really like anything having to do with Chae Nayun) ; however, I'd say it's mostly good writing and plot.

Some things you're gonna want to know about this novel:

    1. It's a harem, but not in the classic sense. Harems may put some people off immediately, and that's fine. Just know that it's tolerable, because women aren't fighting over the MC, and their relationships vary. One woman is his boss, one just a friend with a busy life, one who actually has a crush on him, an "ex" that broke up for events you'll come to see, and one who's actively trying to kill him (so much so idk whether I should include her). What I'm getting at is that it's not annoying, and they're not a main focus in the novel, as in part of a group together or something, they all live separate lives. I actually find his relationships with most of them well-written and wholesome (except that "ex, " screw her.)
    2. There are a couple of "misunderstandings" that happen, and it can be kind of annoying for people who hate those, but that happens only for comedic relief, and rarely is central to the plot.
    3. There are conspiracy theories that still haven't been unraveled 200 chapters in the novel, this thing is COMPLEX, and I find it very interesting.
    4. A high-quality translation, no problems really with reading it.
    5. MC is overpowered, or as I should say, "overgeared, " but he still does go up against hard opponents, as the main "struggle" in the novel is that the one who's made the author's novel tangible made the scenarios significantly harder than what the author had originally written it, to the point where the MC (author) is forced to intervene to prevent characters important to the plot from getting demolished.
    6. It's very original and diverse in the events that happen. It's got its fair share of over-used and under-used aspects, which I find refreshing. There are no gates, no necromancer classes, no medieval-like world with Counts and Princes and stuff, and thus no god-forbid dragons. All of these are great things, but just overused in the world of web novels.
    7. I'm giving it a 4/5 just because it could have been revised more, and because there's one character I just can't stand that really ruins my mood, although she becomes less central to the story later on so I'm able to tolerate her now.
All in all, I'd say read the first 5-10 chapters, and if you like the writing and the characters, I'd stick with it. <<less
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