The Novel’s Extra


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Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body.

A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished.

He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story.

The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline.

However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

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One entry per line
소설 속 엑스트라
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397 Reviews sorted by

HankyPanky2.0 rated it
January 6, 2020
Status: c378
For all the issues the latter half (especially near the end) of the novel had, I still enjoyed the ride. Especially during his cube days, Hajin has been an interesting character to watch develop. While I wouldn't recommend a new reader this novel because of the huge issues and poor ending, I had fun.
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littlemetaball rated it
December 9, 2019
Status: c308
so I know that there are people who condemn this as a shitty novel after chapter 100. Im here to tell you that they're wr- right. Kinda. Lololololololol. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but still, up until like chapter 230ish? Damn. Just, damn! It's a good read. I binge-read this for a couple hours for a week, and I do not regret it!!!! I've thoroughly read up to chapter 308, and I skipped/skimmed chapters until the epilogue, which I then read thoroughly as well.

tldr, super general structure: it's really great for the first half, I'd say it peaks and keeps peaking until chapter 165ish (like, the original premise is pretty good, but the way the character grows is REALLY great). Then it keeps peaking but kinda stagnant, kinda wrapping up some stuff around chapter 240ish. Then I'd say it kinda peaks a little again at around chapter 295ish. And from then on I skimmed because I wanted to quickly see how it ended. The ending was okay, but not the type I like. But it's still a happy ending, since the MC is happy, and it ends on a very wholesome note. So that's okay.

and now, onto the review!

this isn't a solid 5. It's more like a solid 4.5~4.6 so it rounds up to 5, but less than a 4.8~5 star in my opinion.

about our character/this is a great great great novel:

As you probably can tell from the summary, the mc's an author than transmigrates to his own novel. Except

1) he's not an MC or a supporting character, but an extra, nor does he inherit his character's abilities, 2) the novel doesn't play out exactly as he wrote it. And it isn't in a good way. For example, he'll get a notification saying something like "villain 1 was too weak bc of _ _ _. Villain 1 is now going to be pretty strong af." which means that, like, the villains are kinda too op for the author mc's characters, and he needs to step in and help at times.

However, despite all his difficulties, he gets a hack and becomes an op MC. The novel goes on a ride for the first 120 chapters in which the MC is chugging steadily to his destiny as an op MC and it's a lot of fun.

What's fun about this is that it's not like an instant "im the strongest" but sort of like solo leveling (at least in the novel), where there's still someone who is much stronger, and the MC is always trying to think ahead and steadily getting stronger. But there's also plenty of hacking and op moments. It's a good balance in the first couple of arcs, especially the one when he's in school.

After the school arc/s he goes on to become an op character and shows off lalalalala he's ahead of everyone~~~he's amazing~~~he's revered and feared by lots of people~~~kinda

beats up the supposed final boss character multiple times~~~~

one of the next arcs, it's a LOT of fun.

why the rating isn't higher:

so I got too emotionally invested in the chapter, and really wanted to know how it was gonna end. So I skipped the last 50~80ish chapters. Now, perhaps if they were super duper fun I would have read them, but they aren't the most intriguing, though they definitely open up the story more to the whole

the MC is an author and not the actual character and this world is a novel and not an actual world (they explain this by calling the novel a lower dimension than earth's, etc etc you'll see)

concept that seems to be what is supposed to drive the MC towards his question of transmigration.

so -0.2 stars for the last arc being sort of a drag.

another main issue I had was with the ending. I mean let me just say some good things happened

the ship I was supporting actually happened HUZZAH THANK YOU AUTHOR

. And it ends happily, in that the MC is happy.

but, *major spoilers! Please don't read unless you really really REALLY DON'T CARE*





LIKE, SERIOUSLY, BRO, SERIOUSLY. Ok next one is really it.



ok so basically at the very end, the MC meets the person who made this all happen - some "co-author" guy who had at first asked MC if he could rewrite the novel that the MC had written (MC was in a slump and didn't know how to continue/conclude the story), and the MC had said that he could. So when coauthor meets the MC, he says congrats on completing story, you now have two options, stay or leave the novel world. If MC leaves the novel, that's good for him, because he'd get to see his family and friends again. But if he does, he is told that the novel world will collapse because his apparently "higher-tiered soul from earth" won't be there to maintain it as a dimension. That means everyone he's grown affection for will then disappear. If he stays, however, his higher-tier soul will keep the novel world running, but he will be just like any of the other characters in the novel. He will eventually die in the novel world, and his soul won't return to earth. Instead, it will stay reside in the novel world and keep the dimension running. The worst part (for me) : all the power and points he has accumulated will be erased, and all records of him will disappear from the novel's world. So that means people he knows won't remember him. Also, he loses everything, his op-ness (!), his friends and family, his weapons, his money, etc.

the MC ends up staying in the novel and loses any chance of returning back to his original world.

and as expected, he loses everything except what the mc's original body used to have at first - his small apartment room. So I almost cried, because the MC loses everything, but stays for the sake of everyone. BUT THEN. The co-author sends him some of the stuff he once had, like weapons, etc. It's not the same, but the MC is grateful, and at some point, some of the people he knew start to remember him again, etc etc bleahbleah and then happily ever after.


so, I had two problems with the ending. It gives the MC a choice, and the MC chooses the choice that I think a hero would choose, in a sense, sacrificing himself for everyone, and losing everything. I did not like this, because it meant that he lost

his op-ness and his mark on the world. I thought he deserved more than what he got.

a lot. (Lol trying not to spoil sorry.)

BUT THEN he kinda gets some of the stuff he lost back. And then it's like, bRuh. Like, to the person who basically made the MC author lose everything. Why did you give him back just a portion? This doesn't make him super op it's just more of a consolation gift, and that is NOT cool. It also seemed like the author's way of trying to quickly wrap things up while still trying to satisfy the readers with an "emotional ending." now THAT was what left a bitter taste in my mouth.

and that's where 0.3 stars were plucked off.

now, I can see why the ending was the way it was. Perhaps the author was trying to write a novel that showed the vulnerability of our MC. But I still felt sorry for this MC, because I thought he deserved more recognition and reward. but still! It was a good read! Will probably go back and re-read the first two~three arcs again when I have time.

overall, a very good read! Thank you author and translator!
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SevenLife rated it
November 26, 2019
Status: Completed
Highly recommended for reading.

Quite a typical korean setting with status windows and skills and stuff. But the plot is quite unique and engaging.
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xchronicles rated it
October 18, 2019
Status: c179
I was wondering why this novel is rated so high and decided to try it.

TBH, I don't like the writing style, pretty bland and monotonous for me.

As I read, the story is okay, still wondering why it is rated so highly.

I kept reading and become invested thinking no wonder this is rated so highly and it peaked when... CAUTION: MAJOR SPOILER

... more>>

Hajin killed Nayun's brother


That chapter is a masterpiece! The tension, the emotion... it was written to beautifully.

I was expecting more after that, and I was bound to be disappointed. CAUTION: MAJOR SPOILER


After Nayun discovered Hajin is her brother's killer it is so emotional but then I think author failed to deliver the same for Hanjin, they're not just in sync.

And after that, everything is just a mess. Hajin become super OP after leaving cube, edit his stat. yada yada


Currently it become a mish-mash of Tutorial is too Hard and Hajin just become similar to Everyone Else is a Returnee's MC with all his crafting and cooking *rolls eye* <<less
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Lakios rated it
October 13, 2019
Status: Completed
I enjoyed the story, so it gets 5 stars from me, I recommend it to anyone that's looking for a new novel.

note: if you hate drama I suppose it can be tedious for you to read it.
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Sordahon rated it
October 13, 2019
Status: Completed
It was 5/5 for first half as amazing story and then it went down to about 3 toward the end, I also feel conficted about the ending, and how fake and artificial ending of the girl whom loved MC the most was, sad thing. There were some loose ends, but nothing too significant I guess. It wasn't harem ending, but still the love interests had astounding development compared to other stories, excluding the one who saw her ship sailed. The girl who won in my opinion doesn't really deserve it... more>> more than others and her romance felt the worst. Also the thing about that one important person failing to remember the time spent is painful to me without giving spoilers. At least that person ended up happy. MC himself had really hard time developing his personality, and didn't learn from mistakes/misunderstandings, everything would be simpler if he had just explained it to people close to him.

My final rating is 4

5/5 first half

3/5 second half

4/5 most of characters are very well done while small number are not as mentioned above

4/5 story

3/5 ending <<less
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October 4, 2019
Status: c320
The novel started out really good. The MC is not too OP. The side characters are great. But it suffer from the same problem with all the other webnovel. The story started going downhill in the middle. Author keep on sending the MC to a new dungeon, new world, new memory fragment world, new vr world and etc. Basically the author will just send the MC into another isekai whenever he run out of idea.
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ridoux2000 rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: c289
it takes me two weeks to keep with the author, it so good that I don't know what to say and it have all genres that u can thinks of, there is reincarnation, time travell skill, reviving skill, game-like leveling towers, crafting, space-ships, fantasy, magic, heros, monsters, demons, organisations, mordern era, scfi, romance, drama, one-shot characters, school-live, Realistic MC, and not OP from the start, the most interisting thing is that the MC can create any skill or magic/art/gift using some points he get when he get famous, so it's... more>> like if you bluff today that you can fly and get points from the people you're bluffing at, tomorrow you use those point to create a skill that can let you fly for real.
So you better read this one :D <<less
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tdw1992 rated it
March 18, 2019
Status: c269
Wow.. this novel is just wow... It’s so good that I can’t believe I’m writing a review for it.

It has so many things that I look forward in a good read.

  1. Lovable characters;
  2. Plot that makes you wait in anticipation;
  3. Creative settings;
  4. Relatable moments;
  5. Great romance (seriously, maybe one of the best ever written in a light novel that I read).
Definitely a 5/5 for me, totally reccommended.
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Kuzero rated it
February 23, 2019
Status: c250
At first, I didn't understand what was so great about this novel. The beginning is rather boring and it takes some time to get going. Actually, even after it gets going, the author takes too often the 'easy way out' which makes it seem like lazy writing.

The 'power up' system is quite bad. Also, I don't know how to say it, but there is kind of a lack of consistency in how powerful people are.

Regarding characters... My problem is that there are too much misunderstanding, especially in the beginning. It's... more>> like every character misunderstand each other and it gets annoying.

Still. Despite all that, it's a great novel.

Good writing, good characters, interesting enough plot. What I found incredible was how everything was so cliche at first (by at first I mean in the first 30 - 50 chapters) but then it slowly but surely grows out of them. <<less
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January 16, 2019
Status: c216
One of the best novels to binge read.

The MC is likeable without being forced to play the central hero/villain in his story

the girls don’t instantly fall in love with he protagonist

... more>> personally I think all the main girls a very entertaining and unique (seriously how many novels have you read where you don’t know who is who because they’re all bland)

Sure there are a few annoying things about the novel (no novel is 100% perfect all the time) but I believe The Novels Extra deserves its #1 spot on NU because it’s just so darn fun to read <<less
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juniorjawz rated it
January 16, 2019
Status: c175
I finally found the novel for me.

It has all the good little stuff that I enjoy along the way while having a continuous main plot going slowly.

It's hard for me to describe it but it has the enjoyment factor one gets from Death March while still having a enjoyable run from Chapter 1 to 100+. Almost every chapter are a treat to read.

I can see myself rereading this and I plan to.
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December 8, 2018
Status: c4
I hate guns in a magical world as they almost always ends up wasting the worlds' potential. The execution of the power ststem and the general vision are also bad.

I don't care how realistic characters there, or how realistic chit-chats and interactions they have as the base of the plot is already crooked.
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RubYerMeat rated it
December 3, 2018
Status: c175
One of my favourite novel, due to it's fresh idea and detailed emotion explanation for its characters.

The MC isn't op with a boring gift, but the MC is knowledgable, thus finding new ways to tackle a problem.

Romance isn't forced where they bump and make babies. Romance is realistic and can be understood by readers.

All in all, it's a good novel. Try it out!
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Imortal ZoD
Imortal ZoD rated it
November 13, 2018
Status: c181
Just a personal opinion here - This novel is so good I can't read anything else (well, I can, but with reluctance).

This novel is so good that I keep looking for similar works to get my fix between releases. It's frightening how similar to cocaine that sounds.... If you've read the good stuff before, you know what I mean.

The premise sounds somewhat lame but it will be everything you never expected, trust me
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sunkenpanda rated it
November 9, 2018
Status: c317
It's a bit difficult to get into and the misunderstanding between characters seems a bit forced, however that's just all nitpicking. Overall a great story with well-fleshed out characters that are actually consistent. Basically our MC here is like if Hachiman was tossed into a fantasy world. The pacing is actually similar to that story as well now that I think about it. You're given time to see the majority of characters fleshed out, names/roles/interactions and then the drama gets cranked up from a 3 to a 9.


Well... I tried... more>> to continue through with this but at this point I'm dropping it. I could care less about what the ending is and the author botched the characters up. First Review was at Chapter 130, 4 stars. Now dropping to two thanks to the continual disappointment this novel has become. <<less
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connoisseur of garbage
connoisseur of garbage rated it
October 27, 2018
Status: --
Starts out strong for a web novel but after things get set up, the entire thing falls flat. Everything ends up relying on 1 in a trillion coincidences that the narrative just takes in stride. The plot grinds to a halt and no new ideas are added in favor of setting up a repetitive loop so that an infinite number of chapters can be written without effort. The focus becomes a potential, not even real, love pentagon and just sits there, forever. Stop reading once you start getting bored because... more>> it's not going to get better. <<less
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Toketsu rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: c80
A promising work, I'm still waiting for the latest one. Never knew a guy neither MC or an Antagonist but an extra character, LOL! I highly recommend it!
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March 25, 2024
Status: Completed
Very good. There's a lot of angst in the relationships so if pining and loving people who you can't be with is not your cup of tea you might want to avoid. Most everything was very well done and I only have a few complaints.

Vague spoiler about the type of ending:

... more>>

Not everyone gets a happy ending, though a few characters get a slightly better or much better ending in the epilogue/side story chapters (which total 100 chapters on their own, though only the first 80-some are canon and the final story is a what-if, fanfic-style story).


The only thing I really disliked was there were a few schemer villains that popped up and really made you feel like whatever progress was made by the characters and MC was pointless for a while. Gave me the feeling that the author was turning the world to the ending they wanted while limiting the efficacy of the characters.

Also, there was an "unavoidable" plot point in the first half that really made no sense as to why it was unavoidable. The author covered in-universe by having the Book of Truth thing saying there was no other way, but I don't understand why the MC couldn't just focus on getting enough SP to use his Setting Intervention power to fix everything. Made for more angst, but easily could have been accomplished more naturally.

Anyway, pretty much all the "good" characters were extremely well crafted and easy to love. All the female leads were beautiful, effective, and armed with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies to round them off. The romances were extremely understandable (though Yoo Yeonha liking Shin Jonghak went on a bit too long for me). The male leads were also charming with their own depth and character that was refreshing to see. I do think the male characters were a bit too easily able to resist the affection of the female characters, but I think that was planned. <<less
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Kheta rated it
February 11, 2024
Status: c378
This was literally the first ever webnovel I had read and it was so anticlimatic.

There were so many strings in the end that were left unanswered, so many relationships that had absolutely no closure.

It started fun. It was engaging and the power progression and situations were originally fun but. It just experienced some major jumps around the half-way mark, moving through arcs without actually resolving anything. Showing us characters without giving them depth. Changing main characters and their motivations for very little reason.

And the harem? It like. Wasn't the worst... more>> harem I've read, all these characters had a bit of emotional ties leading to their affection for one another but. It also wasn't an emotionally compelling harem, the depth of affection these characters had for one another was not at all a match for what they were saying. It was a lot of "I love you!" for someone they had only really interacted with in their respective arc. It was like all the female characters acted as if they had a crush on MC and were in that innocent, just beginning to like someone phase and then they would just blurt out, mostly internally, "I love you! You're my soulmate!" but like. The words/internal monologue weren't matching their actions? It kinda cheapened their emotions tbh. Like they didn't know what love was but here's this guy they like, who is the whole package, so let's just call this affection love.

Don't get me wrong, this story did get me into webnovels and it was perfectly adequate to read. It does have a bit of charm to it, it just. Doesn't hold up to its potential. <<less
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