The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor


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The man forsaken by the world, the man a s*ave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined.

Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3 billion won, bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road.

This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family’s loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him.

Associated Names
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Dalbic Jogaksa
Related Series
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194 Reviews sorted by

June 19, 2020
Status: v13
Its starting to get annoying. The MC's behavior is very uncommendable. The way how he torture his summoms specially the wyvers is getting in my nerve. He lacks emotion of sympathy even if its AI. He failed the Quest saving the princess because of neglecting. Sigh..
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enkiros rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: v55c1 part1
Took me like 3 whole weeks to read so many chapters, Jesus Christ.

The novel is pretty good overall, the plot always makes you want to know what happens next. The things that kinda drag it down are: first, the too many uselessly long POVs of characters that, although they sometimes play a big role in the culmination of the arc and become recurrent characters, more often than not they're just filler. This novel legit has more filler than naruto and boruto combined, it can be really annoying. Secondly, the author... more>> has been making the same joke for 12 years. Since volume 1 to 55, every 2 or 3 chapters we get the le funny moment where the supporting cast of characters misunderstand and think that the MC was super compassionate and selfless only to then be revealed that he was greedy all along, which has been his defining personality trait since chapter 1, rinse and repeat.

If I hadn't binge-read it all in one go, I would've probably dropped somewhere along the middle. <<less
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May 5, 2020
Status: c300
It's a good story I just can't take the tension seriously because I know it's a game they talk like is something serious but I just think of it as a game and I feel kinda disconnected.
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et Celestosapien
et Celestosapien rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: v49c6
My experience,

'My first novel ever.'

I started reading its manhwa and found it to be interesting enough to start my journey of reading novels. The way author describes the scenery and events is marvelous. The only other novel on par with this one is Overgeared.


    • Best of its genre
    • Solid VR system
    • Good story and relationship experience
    • Contains many ups and downs
    • Good mix of adventure, fantasy, romance, game, comedy and action.

    • I would say one biggest the only con is slow release of translations. I have been reading it for almost two years now. Every time I start from the very start and stop just a volume from the end.
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Atriedes rated it
January 4, 2020
Status: v54c7
Love how sly this darn weed is. He lives to his name, quite literally.

I wondered how the author is as a person. It is a pity the author ain't a politician. ? Well, if you are a straight arrow guy living in this world, you should probably read this to learn up a few sly tactics to survive.

Good for laughs too.
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August 3, 2019
Status: v53c9
I like seeing grinding. Seeing numbers and skills go up gives me a sense of satisfaction in a game and on a novel so that's not a downside for me.

It's a nice novel, surprised there was no harem then I remembered there isn't isekai involved in this technically.

The only down side is Weed's character, at around volume 6 I got tired of his money money money attitude. That's all this dude thinks about and yeah it's understandable considering his past but the thing is we don't know much about his... more>> past until later volumes when small stories are summarized. Just summarized, you get no emotional response from them so his greed just gets more annoying. Every time he looks at something/someone all he thinks about is how much can I sell it for? And honestly it's very annoying, what I first think of is is this item important? Will it be beneficial to me later by trading it and gaining favor or using it in a quest?

What's worse is when he starts having physical reactions to losing money like chest pain and tears, this is quite infuriating later when you know he already has made quite a lot of money already and most of this "lost" money are investments that will return a huge profit later.

Honestly I have a love/hate relationship with this character but it's still a nice gaming novel. <<less
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OriensXS rated it
July 28, 2019
Status: v53
You must read a lot about how the MC is greed or great, but let's do this from the beginning, first the novel is good, not great, just good but theres a reason for that.

Every main "must have" are in here, a greed underdog MC who is loyal to family and friends, some heroines with decent background, rivals that are not nuts or imbecile, interesting quests and events, the package is complete and full off nice things, and because of it you can get annoyed about how the MC even... more>> semi rich still act cautious about money and items, or how the first love interest got blasted, how side characters develop but still act/look like the same and all, well there is a reason for that, AGE

Yes my friend LMS IS OLD! You read all it in other VR novels, LMS started in 2007 +/- and keep it till now, but you, well you must have alread read a ton of vr novels like Overgeared, ARK, praise the orc, Haroon, etc. This is the problem, they all use the same "recipe" from LMS but wille LMS is still in VOL 53~56 (or 57?), OG who started in 2015 alread got more than 1000 chapters and develops way better and faster, Ark, Haroon and cia? Yeah the same, LMS is like Tales of gods and Demons, a aged novel with a nice setup but that become boring as hell because you read all whats happening in other novels so theres no surprise, though there are some nice moments like Seo Yoon rage when Weed is making the star, or how he pay the neighbors kids to spy hes sister, well that's it, most of the novel can be guessed to the point the author dont even try to write it if the cliche is too hard, Dain got chopped by a single mistake, the singer goes to the enemy lines after Weed go oficial with hes GF but then comes back as nothing happened later, hes biggest enemy is incompetent, like a LOT (cant win a necromancer in 1x1?!), the IRL trouble is cut because an AI erase it, you alread see it all in other novels but here they all happen again and again with a litle twist, so yeah its kinda sad, LMS is a great novel, but time and an author almost IET like release rate ruined it for most people, it is a good read but keep in mind that you will see a lot of famliliar places and characters here because you probably alread overdosed in vr novels, if not then enjoy it knowing you will be on the group that praise it a lot and with reason.

Good read! <<less
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pyramidhead rated it
May 18, 2019
Status: --
I've read most of the vrmmo novels worth reading on here and saw everyone of them compare to LMS in some way or another but I never read it because I thought "that must be the most overrated novel on this site". Finally decided to read it and I'm glad I did, I could go on for paragraphs about the characters and how real/great they are, how the world exists outside of the main people, the proper world building, the storylines etc but it's easier to just say if you... more>> like mmo novels then read this (also just quickly skip through the first 10 or 20 chapters because it's Like a prologue where he isn't playing the game and it's a bit boring but it picks up to 5/5 after that) <<less
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Xuen rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: v52c8 part3
I started off when I came across the manga version of LMS, and I couldn't help but be glued to it, tho there was only 5 chapters of LMS manga, so eventually it came to an end.

After browsing through the Internet for a while, I came to notice that there a light novel of LMS. I kept on reading despite some of the repetitive actions and the dense and dull character of weed towards females.

Im currently waiting for the chapters to update. Love this novel!
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ZeroBlink rated it
February 17, 2019
Status: --
Here to answer One Simple Question: Is it Shit? Absolutely NOT!

One of my gateway novels. It's definitely enjoyable.

It's the predecessor for many VRMMO titles, which often try to imitate this title.
There are some arcs that are AMAZING, in fact I am convinced that "Praise the orc" one of my favorite novels was written after one of the arcs of this novel.

The one thing that I don't like about this novel is how side-characters are completely useless and annoying.

I like it more when the MC interacts with npc's tries to win them over and build faction points instead of going around with generic sword noob56.
In other words I prefer the arcs that are solo adventures.
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KiNG_JCD777 rated it
June 5, 2018
Status: v22
This Novel is really the best so far that i've read for a VMMORPG genre. Weed's personality is kinda similar to Meng Hao From I Shall Seal The heavens. Money is hard to earn. I really like how the author shown to this novel the real life of hardships. I can relate to the novel. I met lots of people who earn money through hard work due to the reason of experiencing poverty. This novel shows the positive sides of every life. The main point is not only money but... more>> u must have deligent hardwork in order to gain something in life. This Novel gave me some hope in life. Being bad sometimes isnt bad. In life u must use ur experiences and put up some wise plan in order to gain something. What u give will eventually be given much more upon u. A splendid and magneficent novel trully awesome. They even include war strategies of Romance of the 3 kingdoms. <<less
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SnejZero rated it
May 15, 2018
Status: v51c2 part2
To summ it up: I enjoyed and colapsed to frustration at the same time while reading this Web-Novel.

First of all, I have to praise the characters and their development. It is nice that there are many characters even without deep involment in the main-story which show sings of develompent adn thinking (even if their way of thinking is sometimes rather unique...) and that characters reappear after more than 20 Chapters is nicely done as well.

Well, there are a lot of scarecrow-characters as well, but... I guess it is okay.

One thing... more>> that is to mention about characters in this novel is a rather unique psychologie that is used and runs through the whole novel, but if you are fine with accepting it, most actions make sense. (to tell the truth, the NPC seem more normale at times, than the humans with this psychological trait...)

Even better than the characters, is the development of the story with many threads spread out and always finding their way back in an interesting way, when you already forgot about them. A big thumbs-up from me for that.

A little pain for me however, is that "element coincidence" is working a bit too well for the MC in his off-screen achievments.

Well, the most frustrating part of the whole novel has to be mentioned as well, which would be the jumping to past events during a scene which is hard to tell from happening and ending. Not so bad with the past events in RL, even thougth I sometimes have to really question why they are mentioned at this spot, but worse with cronology in-game, whichexplains relvant points and are important but rather forcefully implemented and hard to distinguish from present content and so confusing.

Another frustrating thing is the really, REALLY untrusty narrator. Espacially since there is often no reason for using him.

The partially rather bad translation is another point, but well... It is not like I had to pay for it and people do it for free and others... but it really is hard to read through these passages.

All in all it is a worthy story with some problems a good editor could easily correct. So I sincerly hope for a reappearance as a conventional novel.

By the way, the manga is made rather well as well, so for people interested in the story, they should skipp through this one, if they can not stand the bad points of the web-novel. <<less
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scarletsaber1120 rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: v51c1
This definitely won't disappoint you!

Some description and thoughts are a bit repetitive, would be better if author use some other way to make the repetitive parts better!
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Exodo rated it
February 24, 2018
Status: v50c7
Good novel, it gets some ups and downs, sometimes you kind of have this feeling that there is a lot that is forgotten in the background, characters you would like to know more about that are simply ignored and its centered on a MC that some can like but others would not, situations, items, skills are in my opinion not given enought timelight, and just barely showed. Either way its an interesting development but kind of slow in the MC personality evolution. Funny at times, and great battles to imagine.

I... more>> can just say, I read a lot of wuxia novels, and there is few that I cannot stop reading, this is one. Even if I wait a little to get more chapters and im not eager to read them, I didnt drop it, so... give it a try <<less
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HappyToaster rated it
October 4, 2017
Status: v49c4 part2
Entertaining, but needs editing. There are some plot and game rule inconsistencies where you can tell the author changed his mind, and a few bits seem overlooked due to lack of attention.

That said, it's been a fun read so far, and I burned through the chapters pretty quickly, which is a good sign.
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Lunitan rated it
September 26, 2017
Status: v49c3 part3
Many things are woefully and s*upidly exaggerated, the sword noobs mentality, weeds greediness, seoyoons ridiculous beauty, the grass porridge cult and the whole AI controlling the world stuff. Despite all the caricatures and rediculous and repetitive moments the story is carried by it's very original quests and battle scenes, for instance the final sculpting quest is the most well done and epic quest I've ever heard of, though way too long. Writing is mediocre to bad in that Korean web novel way and doesn't really get better. Junk food like... more>> most web novels, but a pretty unique one. Really I just want it to end though, it's gone on too long. <<less
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snsdforever rated it
August 22, 2017
Status: v48
Excellent world building but dull characters. There is no character development for characters other than MCs.


Hwaryeong and Da'in are totally ignored. I know that author doesn't want harem. But after proper introduction of both the characters, he totally ignored them


Nevertheless it is a good read
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Itz_Minh rated it
July 11, 2017
Status: v13c2
I like reading the moonlight sculptor but the only thing I kinda dont like is the way Weed acts. His character is pretty great and all but his thrifty ways are pretty extreme. That extremeness does make way for some funny stuff but I feel like it takes a bit away from the game he is playing himself. I do hope his character grows into a better one seeing that he wont have a deficit in money as he keeps on playing and selling then starts on doing bigger things... more>> like continental war while leading his own kingdom and the fact that he could a lot more money while he is the King. The side characters except for Weeds sister and maybe Seoyoon (hasn't made a major appearance yet so I cant determine anything) all the other characters arnt making much of a impact. I feel like they can do more but since im still technically in the early part of the novel they dont have much effect on the character. <<less
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Xellece rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: v48c8
Great read I binged read the hell outta this in January till late February this year.

There are a few twist here and there that pissed me off wit certain characters and the author seems to have a habit of not addressing certain plot points involving till many volumes later however this left me with a cliff hanger to keep reading when I was looking to put ti down after reaching certain points. There still is a character I'm waiting to come back that was continuously put to the side. Supposedly... more>> there will be a point where she does come back prob in volume 49 as I've read somewhere the person has a role again.

The biggest Con about this is for the first 23 volumes were done by multiple translators so there will be many variances. I had to really think hard to figure out who was who when the names kept switching eventually once it all went to Rainbow Turtle things cleared up a bit.

Pro: Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! Glass Porridge! <<less
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Zalpha rated it
September 21, 2016
Status: v44c6
One of the best stories I have ever read. I am glad I pushed my self through some places I felt were a bit boring because as to what came next was so worth it in the end. The world building, the setting and pacing are all really done well that makes for a fantastic story.
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