The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor


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The man forsaken by the world, the man a s*ave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined.

Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3 billion won, bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road.

This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family’s loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dalbic Jogaksa
Related Series
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor: Dad is a Legend (Sequel)
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194 Reviews sorted by

iToon rated it
August 30, 2023
Status: Completed
Wow I finally finish this, and I'm actually so proud of myself for not dropping it even after years went by.

Started reading sometime back in 2015, and I used to love this so much all the way up to Volume 12-15. Then the hiatus happened, and the translation was sometime bad that I decided to save it and moved on with other novels.

There are several pros and cons to this novel. At time, I even felt that the author was forced to drag this novel out by the editorial department... more>> due to its ranking. It could have been finished and remained a better plot around Volume 25-30.


- Good battles and team fights scenes

- Nice VR world building


- Focus way too much in the VR ~90%, even the ending was of him selling berries in the game.

- Super slow character development, and most of this developments occurred when the MC reflected on himself in real life... but scenes in real life was less than 10% of the whole novel.

- Too many names and alias, if decided to make this 90% in the VR world, then it was unnecessary to introduce so many real life names.

- Jokes are super repetitive trying to make fun of the MC cheapskates

Thank you for translating the novel. <<less
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Zlysium rated it
April 17, 2023
Status: c1
Literally came to write this review after only reading the first chapter. It was so frustratingly dumb that I felt the need to vent somewhere.

... more>>

So he gets the payday from selling his account and even before he tells his Grandma debt collectors come for it. Alright maybe they got a notification and also somehow had someone watching him so they knew where he was going and could intercept him in his grandmothers hospital room? Farfetched as hell already but whatever.

Next up they say that his debt accrued interest at 50% compounding. What. The. Absolute. F**k.

Not only does this number they've come up with magically bring them almost right up to how much he has but also the debt wasn't even his to begin with and oh wait if only he or his family member filed some paperwork he wouldn't be in debt in the first place. And somehow this didn't come up until 8 years later, and these debt collectors were apparently still watching his bank account closely for 8 years but never tried to collect until now.

Absolutely ridiculous. MC could just as easily say they won't get a penny over the amount that was borrowed and if they try for more he'll spend some of it to hire a lawyer that can easily get 50% compounding interest debt dismissed because what the f**k is that, also it was his dads and he was a minor when he inherited it.

That he just hands over his "bank book" and they somehow pull out all the money from his "bank book" whilst glaring at and threatening them.

Could there be a worse start to a book ever? Not only does this entire situation not make sense, they even threatened MC disabled grandmother and threatened to sell MC sister like a s*ave.


How do people read this first chapter and think yeah I'll keep reading this ought to be interesting? I seriously think it is in the running for worst introduction to a story there could possibly be. Might not be number 1 but its on the short list. It has gotten the nomination. <<less
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FrodosBeutel rated it
August 14, 2022
Status: Completed
The story was not bad, and I would give it a 5/5, especially since it was my first MMORPG and I read really far because of that.

But at one point I had to stop. The MC's personality doesn't change at all. He is a complete moneygrubber and will ever be. When doing something heroic? He just thinks about money. It got to that point that I got super annoyed and had to drop it. Wouldn't really recommend reading it.
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Inaho404 rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: v12c1
This... Is not a bad read. I wouldn't say it's a bad read. Many of the characters are interesting and the plot itself isn't half bad.

However, the author doesn't even know how to write about the MC. Sometimes he deeply distrusts people (he absolutely distrusts the female lead, despite all the support she has tried to give him because "misunderstanding is funny"), yet other times he exposes even the most important secrets to random strangers (He told the party he met like, 2 chapters ago about the top secret flying... more>> city). He has little to no character development, is greedy as hell (to the point of being extreme), and lacks depth.

The jokes also become unfunny after the 100th time. The same old " look how greedy the MC is" gets annoying after 5000+ pages. Romantic interactions, especially with the first romantic interest, are hastily shown and for some reason, Weed falls in love with the first romantic interest in the course of seven to ten pages.

This novel can be best described as the "unfunny, miserable, somewhat talented older brother" of Overgeared, where almost EVERYTHING was the same in the beginning. Yet, just skimming through the first few volumes of Overgeared will make you realize how bad this novel is.

Anyhow, I'll keep reading because I don't have a habit of dropping series unless I am absolutely disgusted by them, but if you want character development, well-written MC, strong backstory and execution of the said story, memorable characters and moments, I'd suggest you go read Overgeared or Tomb Raider King or All Hail The Monarch, this just ain't it. <<less
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Roleris rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: v8c7
Writing this mostly for myself, to remember why I stopped reading this.

This series kinda feels like superhero movies are now - it's braindead entertainment, and if you try and dig deeper, you find just how inconsistent and nonsensical most things are, and get all the more frustrated.

The MC has a nasty personality, but somehow people always assume the best of him. He's always being portrayed as clever, but that's being done not by actually being clever, but making everyone else so dumb to the point where they seem to have... more>> no common sense.

There is also a bunch of things that seem so inconsistent that it feels like the author just mashed the ideas together without thinking about consequences, and then just chooses whichever way fits the current situation better. This makes me feel like the world has no common rules, and you cant really predict what kind of actions could be taken, because it is whatever the author think up on the spot, and just forces it to fit.

Like how the NPCs in the world can seem as intelligent as real people at times, but other times they spout the lines that you would expect to find in a 20 year old rpg game.

Also, the worldbuilding and the sidestories. There is a bunch of content that feels like it should be sidestories at the end of a volume or something, but they are randomly inserted trouought, and as they are more often then not completely irrelevant to the current plot (or irrelevant in general, just as a part of worldbuiding), it makes the pacing feel all out of whack.

But even without that, the pacing is all over the place, the MC just randomly jumps around from task to task, often times just having a cliffhanger in the middle of a chapter, and just f*cking off to do something else for no reason. The constant interruptions with side characters plot, sudden perspective changes, useless lore about something completely unrelated and not bringing it up again... Yeah, it's an absolute mess. It's like the author himself does not want the plot to progress sometimes, and just writes whatever pops into his mind in the middle of main plot.

The main reason why superhero movies work (at least in my mind) is that the spectacle and cinematography can overshadow anything that is currently happening, and make you less focused on what bs is actually happening. You don't have time to think because it looks cool, and you don't want to miss it.

But it doesn't work like that here, because there is no spectacle. Yes, some parts, where the action is happening are cool to read, but then you go back to reading some random lore about some kingdom you heard for the first time, and read like 10 new names that get introduced only to never be shown again. And that sometimes happens even in the middle of action here, and multiple times too.

This is why the manhwa of lms was just so much more enjoyable to read, because it cut down on a lot of unnecessary lore, and gave something to look at, especially when the sculpting scenes happen, because the descriptions sometimes are so generic that you can barely even imagine what it would look like.

Honestly im really disappointed since a lot of reviews were really praising this, and the manhwa was an enjoyable read. Maybe it's just not my kind of braindead entertainment, since do I quite enjoy the tr*sh isekai anime, but always get disappointed after a superhero movie... <<less
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Shaze rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: v10c9
First up, this is a series I had long awaited for completion, as I prefer to binge a series from start to finish in one go, rather than have to rely on my memory of one story a few novels back, which can be a struggle.

Whilst this was not as bad of a let down as Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God, it does come close. What starts out as watching a young kid rise up from a corrupted system to try and become something, becomes the birth of a... more>> villain. And not the interesting kind. Its understandable that the MC has suffered at such a young age, and as such scrambles to get even one penny/cent more, but the author seems to portray this at some point as overly comedic and laugh worthy. Too much humor is used I feel, which undermines the serious tone of what was originally a child seeking to better his life through hard work, into a sideshow that outsiders point and laugh at, whilst not truly understanding the motivation or deeper reason.

"Haha, look at that scrooge madly scrambling for a few coppers." "Oh my, so funny."

It forces the reader to look at things in a narrow, nasty minded way that left a bad taste in my mouth. Rather than see that the MC was like that due to having starved before and lived with almost nothing, we are made to see a bunch of ignorant fools that only know how to point and laugh at him. Or fawn at his achievements, without understanding, or appreciating the hard work behind it.

The translation is another problem. Niflheim, nipalheim, naufalheim. Oh boy, where do I start. Whilst it was readable, in some places I am sure you just lifted the MTLs and pasted them sometimes. The first translator is decent for a few volumes, but then it went downhill when they left. Complete lack of consistency, that contributed to why I dropped this, for example, the three different spelling for the same word you see above, in the space of ten or twenty chapters. Another pet hate of mine is the currency. For the love of god, translate that into western currency too, or its being lazy. I live in the UK, and in all honesty, have no idea what 10, 000 won is. So my reading flow gets broken and I have to look it up, so if this translation is for westerners then it makes no sense not to translate that too.

Other words occasionally too, which I imagine the translator left in to be cute (you failed, badly) such as 'Geomchi'. That means nothing to me, and isn't likely to. Ever. So the use of these random untranslated words only served to annoy me, and further break my reading flow.

Honestly, I don't think any series which doesn't fully translate everything, including the names, should be listed as 'completed' in the fully translated column. For example, Coiling Dragon, probably the best wuxia series I've read partly due to this little detail.

So in summary, bad translation/consistency and the authors choice to focus more on the humorous side of things, rather than stay with a more serious tone, caused me to firmly drop this series. <<less
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Tretchdown rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: Completed
"Each to their own" I guess.

I've started with the manhwa and immeadiately fell in love with it. Then I began reading this novel from the beginning again after I've reached the last chapter on the manhwa. I'm currently on the latest chapter and I wanna cryofreeze myself so I can binge read this till the end. I like the humour of this series and honestly if you can't get into it midway, drop it. It gets a bit repetitive but I don't mind it. I view it as a way... more>> for the author to reaffirm the exaggerated (and funny) personalities of the characters.

Small Spoiler maybe??


The main character is living the best example of the saying : "Learn how to USE your enemies"



Yeah I know it's a cultural thing, but the joke about the dog thing is disgusting even if nothing happened. Guess you can't like everything, still 5 stars tho.

Ending Edit note:

I guess it's not easy to find a good end for a story. Could have been shorter.

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Mahesvara_ rated it
March 22, 2021
Status: v6c6
The novel is really great and I'm loving it, that even though it's full of plot holes and some poorly written parts it's still very engaging and enough for me to ignore the holes and just enjoy the story. I would give it 4 stars. I really wanted to read this but the grammar is just so bad, it worsen for every new volumes and on volume 6 idk where the fcuk I am. Still readable but my enjoyment is already gone by constant thoughts of what 'that' sentence supposed... more>> to be— what 'this' sentence supposed to be everytime I read. 8 out of 10 paragraphs there's always a sentence that doesn't make sense. <<less
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[email protected] rated it
March 21, 2021
Status: v10c3
It's shit. Seoyun won't show for the foreseeable future, and the community unilaterally agree that volume 10 is where they stopped. For a story to be immersive, there better be a lot of characters and personalities that reminds the reader of a fantasy filled with the unknown, and a memoir is not the way to do it. He sounded like a 1900th century professional housewife writing her "Dear John, if that letter took a decade to write." The world and the other characters doesn't actually exist at all from the... more>> reader's point of view. I'm not actually reading the book, I'm listening to him reading the book and explaining it to me like he's a genius for discovering what a triangle is, like it's the most amazing thing in the world. I guess his patience for mindless practice is just as bountiful as his patience to fap to his own amazing ideas for nearly 500 chapters. <<less
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Centrophy rated it
January 20, 2021
Status: --
Read Trent's review as it explains a lot of what is wrong in more detail than I'm willing to go into.

But in short, this is the web novel equivalent of the Simpsons or some other episodic show that has gone way past its "sell by" date. Each arc is essentially the same: we follow our greedy unchanging Gary Stu protagonist on one of his adventures which end almost identically. There is no overarching plot, no real villains, nothing to keep us interested other than to watch the author exclaim once... more>> again how greedy our protagonist is. Translation quality is a mess starting from V3 in which it looks like someone ran the raw Korean through a machine translator and then tried to edit it to make sense. If this wasn't NU I wouldn't understand the endless string of perfect scores but here we are. <<less
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Vern rated it
January 25, 2020
Status: v55
As opening statement I say The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is-- and foremost in mind of it's reader--one hell of Legendary work.

I have read LMS for 7 years, that is 2013, when all the hype of LMS scanlations only translated till vol 13--mind you, seven years ago there are much less LNs available, and LMS fanbase-- oh boi, one LMS fanbase eventually expand and create a medium for writing LNs (royalroadlegend), nevertheless one can say it simply:popular.

A slice of history, the author admit the work does not do well (i open... more>> for your interpretation) and plan to end before vol 50, and if you read till this volume, yes, at this point Hermes Guild was already lost the war, but fortunate events to other and support of his fan let LMS continues till now. This is the reason why after defeating Hermes Guild the LN does not end, fan begs it;one does not simply enough of it.

There is a reason why my review include this "internet history". LMS fan loves it, the same starwars fans love the series:they grow up read it.

Yet there exist a certain charm to read LMS, a story about a young man too poor to live, his sister and sick granma suddenly change for better in wake of good fortune when sold his account.

One may find it tingling, some satire from weed view point like "Only artist with full stomach may gain inspiration", yet there are many philosophical lines (words) he spoke hidden in greedy actions--yet hilarious-- of weed which one may find hard to not agree. Nevertheless weed has warm heart, I argue 1 copper sculpture, is such one masterpiece chapter that many reader simply don't (or won't) find in other lightnovel.

I also point many agreeable buildup that lead to wonderful climax, like having facing a seems impenetrable embinyu fortress, Weed calls 3 (three) legendary monsters and create five pronged battle, in mind of readers simply wonderful. <<less
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June 25, 2019
Status: v9
Okay, I LITERALY made an account just to review this novel.

Okay, the only and BIIIIG problem the history has is the protagonists. In fact, everything else is great, and there are some hard feelings in the late moments. The problem is the scarcity of development from the MC. The MC learns about the protagonist girl (idr her name XD), and in the long run learns about a portion of her personality, and even made a sculpture of her because of that. This has feelings which I really love, but the... more>> problem doesn’t lye here.

THE PROBLEMS BEGINS WHEN THE MC DOESN’T REMEMBER SHIT. It’s f*cking inconsistent. He later thinks all the time she will steal everything from him even so he learnt about her personality. It’s f*cking incoherent. I don’t know if later he develops a bit more, but it’s more of like a regression: everything he developed throwed it to the tr*sh, like it never existed. It infiurated me so much that I almost droped the novel. Even so, I insisted, but the problem still lied there, so I droped.

I don’t recommend the novel for anyone that likes MC personality development, being good or bad. This here has Character inconsistent regresion. Disapointing after seeing the great beginning. <<less
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March 13, 2019
Status: v21c4
This Webnovel is easy to enjoy early on, but later, I do see where most readers complaints come from.

First is how the MC is rather plain and his defining characteristics hardly change, his core being Greed and Family, the Greed is notorious and easy to perceive, and being so strong as a point of this Protagonist, the Writer painted himsleh in a corner because of it, he cannot make any huge character development on the MC that's easy to sense within the Story progression without causing harm to his Core.

Second... more>> is how 99% of everyone he knows is rather incapable of seeing through all his faults, his qualities being put on show, but easily his faults would make them moot, one example is how he Scams players and NPCs all the time.

Third is that his build on his game character can be easily put as the most capable of all simply because of it being greater on late game, but mediocre on early levels. His super hardworking nature all for profit (Uncle Scrooge levels of hard work), and willingness for grind (which realistically speaking, should have ended with him being sent to hospitals quite often, since he stays 12+ hours inside the game, with his body barely moving, and his exercise routine wouldn't prevent issues with such ridiculously long game sessions), but he keeps complaining of how he always need to work hard for it to stay powerful and how Sculpting isn't worth the effort (he does diss ALL art, profit is what he wants, maybe IF he because a Black market Art dealer he would rethink of such ideas; he fails to notice that the only types of jobs that would cover his desire for money would be ones that require acute skills and experience to gamble at (Action papers market/Investors), or be outright gray area if not 100% illicit, which even the creator of the Unicorn AI dabbled into real deep for his megalomaniac dream), he got a combination that synergizes completely with him, but money is all he wants, that's what piss most people off.

His scamming is something that should be outright enough to make him suffer a lawsuit or end suffering endless PK attempts, if he ever met Scrooge MC Scrooge, both would end being good friends with how much they want profit over everything else (or end up becoming EA's CEO or executive, or go to Activision Blizzard, either one would welcome his greed).

All in all, the Story goes well and flows decently, the sore spot being a Character with horrible core issue covered by a partially justifiable reason, if it's not family or well known friends, his actions are basically Sociopathic to a T, and he keeps with such behavior always, I do wonder how even the Psychiatrist that's helping Seoyoon's treatment CANNOT perceive the subtle signs of such issues (it's a psychological issue, not sociopath/Antisocial behavior issues, but something that can reek of such).

Some things I saw rather annoying but samll were how the Unicorn corporation meeting board acted openly xenophobic to the possibility of having a foreigner achieving the end reward; and how the guy who spent 40 damn years to create his dream device, the AI that controls the Game AND the dirty crap he has done to achieve his desire, hasn't even perceived WHY he got dumped by his ONE love, he's a WORKAHOLIC and one that's probably would be diagnosed with NARCISSISTIC disorder, these two issues while small for the Story end up being rather clear signs on how some characters and the narrative is rather flawed like most Webnovels and light novels that are published on Asia (all tend to overly inflate their Nation's power to absurd levels, LMS having an AI and one guy near death housing enough power and influence to cause an economic crash globally in case any Nation's tries to defend their interests, just look at the Gate novel of Japanese source).

Yes, I can enjoy the novel, but some of these issues are issues from the core of it, any fix is probably a bleak future for the novel, so I think the writer ought to see the world more and do more in depth research to avoid some of these traps he set to himself from the start. <<less
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General Tanya
General Tanya
March 1, 2019
Status: v45
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor was one of those novels who you love when just started, but grow to hate overtime. You could say this novel was one of the reason why there is such a large fan base to read Game novels. It has inspired many authors. The game settings were great, characters background interesting and the world building was pretty nice. But just like any great novels it couldn't live up to it's potential the longer the story drag on. Many other writers manage to use it as a... more>> base setting to write their own kind of Game novel and there were many hidden gems and even surpassing LMS when it comes to story telling. The biggest problem with the author is that because of it's popularity he doesn't want to end the novel and keep writing repetitive stuff and drag the story on. Like the story is freaking 50+ volumes already. First 10 volumes people can tolerate MC grinding levels, but if you try to use the same old jokes and ways, then it get pretty boring. Too much boasting how great the MC is and way too much side characters pov over how awesome MC is. The thing I most dislike about the novel is the MC personality when it comes to girls. He is pretty dense.

I started losing interest after vol30. Got boring pretty quickly and after v40+ I already lost most of motivation to continue. In fact I don't even remember much of the earlier volumes anymore concerning the game settings, characters and whatever.

Maybe my view has been broaden over the years, because of the ridiculous amount of novels I had read including many great ones, so my expectation of LMS has become a little too high. Truthfully this novels is most suited for teenagers and new readers who had just started reading novels. Is the best experience for readers who rarely read Game novels. But if you are a veteran reader that has read a large amount of novels from this site recommendation, then this novel is just rated decent in my opinion. Is a good memory from my youth but I stop after spending so many years on it while the novel still has no ending. Maybe one day when it end, I would bother to read the ending to at least satisfied my curiosity. <<less
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turbilance rated it
September 16, 2018
Status: v51c2 part1
Tbh, like any novel it has its pros and cons but note this novel should not lightly due to some cons. Well to elaborate the cons I guess its basically what most people lowly rate this novel for ? 1) mc’s personality is not the most likable due to his obsession with saving money (debatable) though the severity lessens in the further chapters 2) plot holes (still dont know what happened to that 1 character*girl) and basically bad antagonist (though in comparison to most novel this can be quiet good... more>> tbh) 3) repetitiveness (if I were to say, this would most likely be the reason for low ratings though its debatableas well as it may look that way if your reading it by chapters as its better if you look at it by volumes instead)

now to the pros well.. The creativity of the author is no joke like when I think that about wraps up the adventures BAAM ?another awesome one appears because as the volumes increase you will start to realise how it gets increasingly more engaging with introductions to new worlds in the game from war arcs to hidden gem arcs its basically amazing in itself actually. Really would love to tell you more but that just beats the fun of experiencing it yourself?

overall, if you’re more into the actual story its very good and ill highly recommend it but if your that type of person that needs everything to be perfect then well idk what novels are you reading cuz I would love to know and read it as well?. If you look at the big picture its incredible and I just dont get why people are whining so much over little things as the severity of the cons that I wrote is not actually that detremental to the story I get that it may be kinda annoying that the MC like gets all the good quests and that everything revolves around him but well.. He is the MC and the side characters are a lot better compared to most LN’s plus if your argueing about the love interest beats the fact that 1) no romantic plotline tp begin with 2) harem cuz this wasnt a romance genre

to conclude lol ? If you get past that mindset youll be able to enjoy the adventourous journey this novel has to offer. ?✌? <<less
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Phantom-Paradox rated it
September 20, 2017
Status: v48c8
There are like 5 pages of reviews so i'll just state that I feel is most important to me about this series.

Having read a quite worrying amount of novels, I don't know where I find the time, of all of them you can count the number I have read more than once once on 1 hand and this is one of them.
The novel fails in some aspects such as the development of some characters but masks it well as the MC seems to pull you along just as much as he does with the other characters.

The romance of this novel is by no means the main focus but at the same time it's done much better than honestly the majority of novels, it starts so small you can't call it starting, a long time later it goes slowly, it takes its time to develop. It gives the feel of a more realistic and sweet romance, one far more sturdy than one that is rushed into.
A great blend into a mainly adventure novel. A great romance isn't about what they do once in a relationship, that's just slice of life, it's the journey to get there.
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April 24, 2017
Status: --
This is the ONE. Epic novel which started it all for me. The character development was brilliant and the plot was incredible. This lasted for about Volume 21/22 and after that it got a little repetitive. Still it is quite good even after that with a lot of effort being put to keep the story fresh and surprising. I would advise everyone to keep it in their reading list. Also its ending is getting closer in another two volumes or so.
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Alioptak rated it
June 22, 2016
Status: v9c1
Plot pretty interresting because it diverges a lot compared to the others VRMMORPG novels. And the mix between IRL and IG is really good and refreshing
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May 20, 2016
Status: --
I made it through about 7 volumes before I lost interest in this novel as everything essentially became filler. The beginning was fantastic, I enjoyed the characters and the world, but at a certain point the entire novel lost any direction. It felt like the author had ADD and would pick the next shiny thing for the story to head off to try and grab without any real reasoning behind it. It basically became a series of interchangeable mini-arcs that felt overly episodic. The story lost its momentum for me... more>> and just became the character doing things as opposed to advancing the plot in any meaningful way.

This isn't even a novel I would consider picking back up in the future like some others that I have dropped. <<less
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EndlessSloth1 rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: --
The story was entertaining for a while but kinda got old as time went on. The main character Weed often got annoying with the lengths he'd go to for even a single penny more. At first, it made sense since he needed money, but even after making millions regularly this never changed. Honestly, HE never changes either no matter how much time passed.

What really ticked me off was when his sister and his grandma went behind his back to trick him into joining a university. Sent an application under his... more>> name without telling him, kept it a secret until the day of the meeting. Emotionally manipulated him by suggesting his sister wouldn't go if he didn't. They tried to say this was the best way for him to make money, but Weed literally took them out of poverty, bought them a new house, and was able to pay for 4 years of university expenses all because of the game he plays. That logic was completely skipped over. <<less
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