The Lazy Swordmaster


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“I finally managed to kill the demon lord. Can’t I rest now? At least for a bit. Actually, just leave me alone. I’m not working anymore.”

In his past life, Riley Iphelleta was a hero who defeated the demon lord. Though he emerged victorious from his battles, the emotional strains from fighting all the time got the best of him.

After experiencing a rebirth in a powerful family who upheld their reputation through swordsmanship and didn’t lack the power to support his leisurely life, Riley decided to become House of Iphelleta’s lazy swordsman, but the course of the path he walked was never easy.

He’ll need to make a choice to bare his fangs or continue his naps…

Associated Names
One entry per line
나태한 소드마스터
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. my tbr
  2. Less talking, more punching
  3. KR Novels I'll Read When They Finish (and some CN)...
  4. bekhon
  5. Wow there's a manhwa version (ML)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/27/17 Light Novel Bastion c133
07/26/17 Light Novel Bastion c132
07/25/17 Light Novel Bastion c131
07/22/17 Light Novel Bastion c130
07/20/17 Light Novel Bastion c129
07/18/17 Light Novel Bastion c128
07/16/17 Light Novel Bastion c127
07/15/17 Light Novel Bastion c126
07/14/17 Light Novel Bastion c125
07/12/17 Light Novel Bastion c124
07/11/17 Light Novel Bastion c123
07/08/17 Light Novel Bastion c122
07/06/17 Light Novel Bastion c121
07/05/17 Light Novel Bastion c120
07/04/17 Light Novel Bastion c119
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89 Reviews sorted by

OnimeNoKyo rated it
November 23, 2017
Status: --
This novel is a total waste of time don't read it this MC is mentally ret*rded a f*cking lazy that doesn't want to do anything on his entire life except to sleep 24/7 if you want to be lazy forever then you might choose to rest in peace for Real kill your self instead of being nuisance to other that really care for you. Ret*rded baggage that wanted to live like a leech.
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Aure94100 rated it
July 22, 2017
Status: c130
It's a very interesting story.

Even though some aspects of a character who hides his strength all the time can lead to somewhat annoying situations, in the end the author writes well enough to introduce the necessarily unpleasant without reducing the interest of the story. On the contrary, this kind of scenes only gives more desire to see the continuation.

Riley's character isn't that peculiar but this little personality of his makes him interesting enough to unfold a well-thought-out story. There's something really satisfying in following these types of characters who act... more>> in the shadows but are always above everything that happens. It's like finally ending up on the side of those mysterious powerful individuals who always arrive in the hero story to give a push but never being affected by the consequences themselves.

The events that follow, the appearance of new characters always makes us hope for new twists and honestly, I rarely was disappointed by a chapter of this story. In short, it's a rather well thought-out novel.
The secondary characters are rather well incrusted in the story and have enough personnality to not annoy the reader. I will not lie about the fact that many of their thoughts frequently turn around the mystery of the MC but it isn't pushed to exaggeration because the author develops sufficiently well the scenario to preserve the interest. No deification !

The author really manipulates this Gary-Sue well (unlike some Japanese authors who can't get rid of their inexperience and easily fall into caricature and blandness). Afterwards, what is always difficult with this kind of characters is to develop interesting antagonists and it is often there that all authors fail. But for now, though Riley is still not struggling that much with his opponents, the story doesn't weaken its interest, especially considering the last unexpected twist between Riley's past life and a certain mysterious powerful opponent whose form isn't even asserted.

I really recommend this story to anyone who has developed a Gary-Sue phobia and need some healing with worthy MC, it's really refreshing. :) <<less
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June 21, 2017
Status: --
Quite good but the OPMC look more like a super edgy teen who pose as a super cool guy than a veteran from an horrible war...
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Rakkusu rated it
June 12, 2017
Status: c100
I like the MC and how he interacts with his surroundings. For those who don't like that he is lazy, it's an important part of his character. This get's explained further in the story, for why he hates priests and for everything he does there is a reason why. I personally love this kind of novel, it's interactions with interesting and diverse characters. Plus there seems to be an intersting plot going on, we just got the tip of it around c100. Also for you heartless bastards who don't love... more>> Nainiae I will find you and I will stab you, she is just so pitifull and just wants a normal life. <<less
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eyy bb
eyy bb rated it
May 12, 2017
Status: c84
It was pretty enjoyable the first 27 chapters until the MC just becomes brainless and starts showing off his skill for the dumbest reasons ever. He can easily become the laziest guy in the world if he just uses his OP power to end all the conflicts before it gets out of hand, but nooooooooooooo he wants to drag out all the conflicts and ends up putting more effort instead of just ending it in one shot. Sure, he's not doing anything until the situation get's too crazy because he's... more>> being lazy, but why get involved in the first place?

Started off as a 5/5 but slowly just went down to a 3/5 for me. <<less
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Sephy rated it
February 25, 2017
Status: c54
I mean the premise is simply, he was a hero and then he got betrayed and now he wants a simple life. Unforunately it seems all he does is bring attention to himself (whether via being useless instead of average) or just going from easy going to yandere in a split-second. The beginning was okay and it did have promise so I'll continue reading it but the MC is doing exactly the opposite of what will get him an "easy-going" life that he wants and its kinda s*upid how his... more>> logic works. <<less
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Kawaii Panda
Kawaii Panda
May 7, 2022
Status: c1
I remember reading this years ago. Although I forgot most of this, the MC, He says he wants to live in peace and not reveal his powers and live a carefree life. He will kill anyone who will come in the way but bruh, that isn't what his actions is. Like he was fighting with those enemies and he was like, "oh im curious, I planned to make this fight longer." Then there would be people witnessing what they shouldn't be... It has potential but he keep doing those repetitive... more>> actions and im tired of it. <<less
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Nixolas_Zinn rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: c128
Right so a few years back I would rate this in the high 4 out of 5's, reading as much I did in a day... I can say I'm kinda disappointed. So the main gimmick of the novel is the MC is lazy and is sick of doing things due to his past life, which cool, I can get behind that, but the novel fails at delivering the story in a decent matter, important events happen with only a slight mention of them, the translation literally has 1 or more... more>> lines getting cut off mid sentence every chapter, and they do a terrible job of personalities. What I mean is, the MC doesn't follow what the author wants to describe him as, and various interactions feel forced/robotic. Honestly if it didn't have good moments or orginality, then I would have dropped this. But I don't, cause remember, this story was made awhile before "slow life isekai" became a trend. This story has some good bits that we can take from this. It is fairly original, even now it has some.

Tho saying it now the bbge, f that first interaction, thats some dnd bull right there

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ysaclr rated it
March 25, 2021
Status: c67
2.5 rounded to 3 stars.

I read this probably a month ago, but I think I gave it enough time. The beginning was great. I dig OP MCs who want to be lazy. The world-building was amazing and the character dynamics were properly explained, but I can't, for the life of me, get into it.

I don't know if it's the writing or the translation, but it's so... dull. I can literally feel how 2D the characters are simply because the writing style isn't up to my taste.
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Dazky rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: c151
We have a relatively good 70 or so chapters for those who like novels like tr*sh of the counts family or people who like to hide their abilities to live a good life.

But from 70 onwards it becomes one hella shit, we got people that use abilities from his past world and they "pray" to a creature that is the same like the Demon Lord from his past life so he gotta save the world again even tho he is already tired of all those shit.
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Grynthax rated it
February 4, 2020
Status: c31
First and foremost, this is not my cup of tea. The protagonist has literally no ambition whatsoever and wants to be lazy which is to be expected from the title. I gave it a chance and ultimately this does not seem like something I care to read any further. The grammar is fine but the premise of the story is very contradictory. Having a very bad background that he wants to escape from but he utilizes skills (not like Slash, just the general term skills) from his past which seems... more>> like a bad way to escape them. He doesn't want to fight and goes out of his way to not fight in front of his de facto nanny and Butler/Guard only to let his "habit" of coaching others to slip whilst he was hiding and then to show somewhat decent skills just in order to kill monsters so that he could get to town faster so he could drink Coke. I'm a very forgiving reader. Logic does not really matter to me as long as there is an interesting story direction, a good cheat, and ambition of some kind. But this does not complete that order. The rating I gave it is a kind one in all honesty. <<less
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porkbuns rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c88
A very biased review.

This is the story for a former "hero" who was given a magical sword and chosen by a random goddess to kill the demon lord; he ended up killing the demon lord, but died in the process. He goes on to be resurrected into an alternate world where he now suffers from withdrawal symptoms from his coke addiction (and I'm not talking about cocaine) and PTSD, because being chosen as a "hero" wasn't as bright and glorious as he thought it would be (seems he got a... more>> lot of hate on his journey to kill the demon lord, due to all the collateral damage).

He now lazies about doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and b*tching about how everyone won't just leave him alone or how his vacations keep being ruined, because sh*t always seems to hit the fan wherever he seems to go.

If you don't mind the MC's personality, then this isn't that bad of a read; however, I find the MC's personality to be pretty goddamn annoying! <<less
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Ferlur rated it
August 3, 2017
Status: c135
Not a bad story, a MC that work his ass to the dead, killed the bad guy, died, reincarnates and, something new I have to say, he takes the "fu** it all!, this time I'm just gonna enjoy my life" route, he has money, status and well he is really strong. I say, why not? I like it.
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Drake888 rated it
July 28, 2017
Status: c133
Pretty good "cold main character hides his strength" story. If you like that, you'll like this. My only complaint is that the author favors a slow story developments rather than brief events that occur over a couple chapters. As a result, the story is fun to binge-read but a little frustrating once you start waiting for updates. I'm not saying that the author does a bad job with the long-term pacing, just that it isn't the best style for this sort of episodic translation.
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June 27, 2017
Status: c111
This novel understandably is not a master piece. There is a lack of uniqueness to the world, shown by the authors lack of descriptiveness to the surroundings and places in general. There is also a lack of creative story telling imo. Very poor build up of climax, lack of depth to the story and inconsistency in the writing (the way the author sometimes forgets things or how sometimes it is difficult to follow conversations) makes me wonder if the author is suited for this genre of writing.

Although I talk... more>> a lot of **** on this novel, there are also many good points to the story. Not all but some of the characters in the story are well developed. It doesnt take much for your imagination to form an image of them in your mind. The romance is slow (almost none in the beginning) which makes it much easier to read.

The translator has also done a great job, especially with the korean proverbs which can be hard to translate and explained.

If you are looking for a masterpiece, this isnt it. However, if you are fine with mediocre story telling and more interested in how each unique character grows, this is probably a good novel for you. <<less
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Aldebaran273 rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c64
It's OP MC story trying his best to be avoided by the eyes of 'potentially interested party'. All that saving the world from demon business: been there, done that and utterly left disappointed and dead which ultimately brought him to his new life i.e. This story. What I like is so far the progression of the story is unhurried and done with some very good abridged expositions. The MC character sure is quirky, but ain't s*upid and so far it doesn't show vanity. His lack of motivation is what ironically... more>> drives this series progression. I like his passivity but I am a little bit conflicted about how he doesn't actually show hesitation to eliminate anyone who might threatens his peace even his closest subordinates, even though so far all of such thoughts in the end ceased and resolved without escalation. I like the other characters as well, the least interesting perhaps be Sera the maid. So far she exist just for the sake of it. So far I like the story, I have some ideas where this might go and most of them are interesting. I wish the writer will finish this story and the translators are motivated enough to deliver until the last chapter. Thank you very much btw. <<less
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June 7, 2023
Status: c109
This was interesting, but what I read had a depressing ambiance - more of a general apathy type feeling than soul crushing, but I could only handle so much exposure to that feeling before it became too much.

I say worth giving a shot? I may come back once it's completely translated.
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February 3, 2023
Status: c200
Boring and uninteresting.

It started great, it had potential, but the moment that killed it for me was the cola part.

I understand its hard to find a way to show off an OP MC's power but you know its s*upid when the MC does so because of cola. I mean he just secretly killed off his second mother and her entire family of assasins secretly but now shows off because of cola?

We could go on a book about PTSD and trauma all day but the fact remains. The MC becomes s*upid... more>> for no reason constantly. This is because cola was not the last but only the first thing that was s*upid.

Overall would not recommend, the intro was interesting but that's it. <<less
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Kurai Oji-Sama
Kurai Oji-Sama rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: c198
Protag is a tsundere. Like he says he wont and he will glare at people, but he still helps them out. Personality is pretty bland.
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Jasthebas rated it
May 4, 2021
Status: c209
Its pretty boring and the story is kinda aimless. Its a good read if you just want to waste some time. Mediocre novel.
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