The King’s Avatar


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In the online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the professional scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he who possesses ten years of gaming experience once again throws himself into the game. Bringing with him the memories of his past and an incomplete, self-made weapon, his return along the road to the summit begins!

After fighting and scheming, who snatched away my glory? Under the tossing of the wind and rain, my dreams shall still appear as though they had never been shattered. In all its splendor, the path shall never be lost. Before the gazes of millions, this is where I return!

*Under the Gaming category, The King’s Avatar received the title for Best Work in 2013 and is the first and only 1000 Pledged Work (千盟作品). It has 23 million hits on Qidian and has the 2nd most recommendations in its category with 4.6 million recommendations.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Quanzhi Gaoshou
Toàn chức cao thủ
マスターオブスキル [Masutāobusukiru] [master of skill]
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. 2024 Reads
  3. ALLCN+
  4. G. O. A. T
  5. The very best novels

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164 Reviews sorted by

eseul rated it
June 2, 2017
Status: c645
I originally rated this series with 4 stars, but after sticking with this story for so long I want to change my rate to 5 stars. Just stick with it until the end and you will be glad you did. The first arc might be a drag because it's similar to a lot of other novels. But, as the story builds there is a touch of magic you can't find in any other story. It's a very charming piece, I look forward to reading this until the end!
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Love4NovelGuy rated it
January 26, 2017
Status: c200
Even from the beginning, this novel has shown its potential time and time again. Making even the most insignificant gaming strategies seem like epic clashes between two strong opponents.

Some might think that the fact that it's not a virtual reality is a bad thing, but I disagree, it's really nice to see how this professional gamer is able to make a mess out of the new server of the game he played before forced retirement.

The characters are good and are developed as the story goes along while the action is... more>> something that most people would love to read.

The comedy is a little repetitive but the way it's handled is never boring or bad in the humorously.

All in all, it's a good story, one I hope which will open the eyes of those writers that seem to think gamers don't have a life in the real world. At least this MC doesn't spend a few days not eating or sleeping in order to play the game and is a responsible person who works for a living. <<less
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tidewbleach rated it
October 22, 2022
Status: c1036
As an eSports and gaming fan, and I am a sucker for any books about video games. TKA is my favorite out of all the eSports related books out there.

Some things I think stand out:

  1. Compared to other gaming novels, TKA includes so much about the scene outside of the MC. Commentators, team owners, reporters, the in world competitive league: all of these are represented and discussed. It feels like the author is a big fan of eSports and discussed parts that are generally glossed over or underrepresented in other similar novels. Also, no romance, so gaming is essentially the focus.
  2. For better or worse, this novel is about a game that doesn't exist. Obviously, the author has grand dreams about gaming and the amount of agency a player can have over a character that aren't exactly realistic to what exists in real life. It may require a suspension of disbelief if you compare to current real life MMOs or competitive games. Still, this isn't something that bothers me that much as the author makes an effort to create a set of rules and mechanics that are relatively internally consistent.
  3. The matches are well written and exciting with strategy as a main focus. Of course since the author made up the game, he has a much easier time of coming up with these things, but he also committed to fleshing it out with map advantages, class differences, and play style differences between teams. Even the characters that are known to be the top players are all very different and distinctive.
Things to think about:

  1. OP protagonist. While this is not false, for me, it's actually a plus point rather than a minus. As a fan of eSports, it hits such a satisfying story line of a legendary player who established a dynasty and represented an era returning to the peak. I feel like it actually parallels real life eSports in a lot of ways

    (Faker/SKT? Or is it just me..)

    and as a fan, it hits me just right. Still, it is true, and it will be very obvious from the beginning. It's not that there isn't growth either, but if that's something that puts you off, the novel doesn't try to hide it from you that MC is the best there is, in fact, that's the point.
  2. This book is long, and it does not ignore the game at all. There is grinding and dungeon clearing and all of the nuts and bolts of an MMO. There is an argument that a significant amount of these chapters can be skipped without significant detriment to the understanding of the plot. For me, these are very nostalgic, and just bring back memories from my own experiences in MMOs, so I didn't mind reading them.
Overall, this is a book about gaming and eSports, and it doesn't hide it. Probably the most important is whether you like these topics enough to read in depth about them, and if you can suspend your disbelief enough to read about a game that doesn't exist. I feel like this book is written by a gaming/eSports fan and for similar fans.
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Asphyxia778 rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: Completed
It's one of the best CN's I've read. This is an authentic e-sports novel and it portrays the game play well.

The plot is simple and straightforward but it's solid and the characters are likeable and written well. Side characters get screen time too and character relationship are great.

There's no romance but the brotherhood and understanding between the players is wonderful.

Honestly go read this. Really great novel. (I've watched the anime too but the novel gives a more immersive experience)
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FishCream rated it
November 25, 2020
Status: c602
At c75:

Absolutely love it so far. The author is clearly passionate about MMO-gaming and all it's aspects in itself rather than just power leveling and killing monsters of increasing strength in a fantasy setting (which seems to be the pattern for a lot of novels about gaming).

The MC has been trapped in a highly competitive and toxic environment for a long time and this novel is all about him taking a step back and start just enjoying the game instead. Many people around him is still pretty toxic and competitive... more>> but as he tries to be a genuinely nice guy while having fun (and still being better at the game than all the regular players) it mostly results in hilarity and a generally wholesome story.

What REALLY sets this novel apart from other MMORPGs is that it is (so far) not about rising to the top and being the best. It's all about playing his favourite game, finding friends, helping eachother and having fun together which makes it extremely relatable for a casual gamer like myself while still including the "power fantasy" of him in fact having all the skills of a top Esports ahtlete.

EDIT at c600:

The author makes a big point of the MC always having a plan and being a step ahead of everyone else in his grand strategy by making godly predictions of what his opponents will do. This has of course a major part in driving the plot forward but is incredibly poorly executed in my opinion. Most of the time this plays out as MC doing seemingly random stuff --> consequences happen --> explanation of what MC's plan actually was in a combination of opponents "realizing" and MC explaining to his team (who for some reason also has no idea what is happening most of the time). It's just tiresome when the suspense is relying on us not knowing what the current plan is just because MC doesn't want to tell anyone, instead of actually having unexpected situations or interruptions to the plans.

Eventually this planning derails even further by some expeditions and conflicts looking more or less completely improvised with next to no payoff and the MC simply never addressing what the plan actually was, which is just infuriating. Several tens of chapters looking like a messy, useless side-quest while not explaining what the MC's purpose in doing stuff is, just to... let us off assuming he probably had some kind of reason but neither explain to us nor his team why he wouldn't just continue strengthening himself and his team?? After he gets to the heavenly realm he is always complaining about his level being too low but he spends most of his time doing anything else to put off leveling. <<less
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Indelible Faith
Indelible Faith rated it
November 3, 2020
Status: Completed
One thousand seven hundred and twenty eight chapters.

By far the longest book I've ever read, and yet there was not a single moment where I wasn't excited while reading. The pace of the story did not lag at all, steady and gripping throughout from the start to the end.

It really feels like I had been dragged through the story, forced to experience what the characters did, and I've come out feeling exhilarated yet sad that it ended. (Really, I can read another 1000 chapters, no problem!)

Ye Xiu, as the... more>> top-tier player in the world renown esports game Glory, has numerous titles in his illustrious 7 year career. Glory Textbook, Master Tactian, Battle God, Captain of the only team to win 3 consecutive championships... yet for some reason, he is kicked out by that very team.

Even though he is nearing the end of his time as a professional player, Ye Xiu decides to restart from scratch to return to the professional scene - for the glory, for the victory, and for the promise to an old friend. And really, the whole journey from start to end is worth reading!

Hilarious, surprising, mind-blowing - the friendship dynamics in this story are beautiful to read, the rivalry keeps you on the edge of your seat and the battles? The battles take the cake!

If anyone can write action scenes the way Hudie Lan has, it will be the highest praise I could give them! Not a single moment of the action scenes feel dragged out or boring or lack luster. It packs a punch, it builds suspense, and it also knows when to pause to give the readers a break.

Really, for being so thoroughly entertaining from the beginning to the end, this one gets to be my favourite book of the year!

5🌟 <<less
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Pixeldrum rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: Completed
I cried.

Not because this novel was sad, but because of how relatable this novel was to me. All the characters' drive for victory felt so genuine that I couldn't help but empathize. Step by step, you see Ye Xiu and his team's progression as you go through the novel: it's magical how the novel culminates towards the ending. It's the ONLY webnovel that I have read that actually depicts a realistic professional e-sports player rise to fame.

And it hits hard. It's amazing because Ye Xiu's persistence towards victory and glory... more>> are authentic, and it shows in the novel. Millions of other kids in the world would love to be a professional e-sports player. I know for sure I did, at least, and it's pretty sad once you know that you're just not talented enough to make it. I gave up any hopes in going pro in League of Legends just a year ago. I was getting old, and I was in college, yet I was still only making it to Challenger, rank 100 at best, and regularly demoting to Grandmasters/masters. When a 14 year old kid was rank 12 and already in a pro team's training camp and was better than me, I knew I wasn't good enough. He was better than me even though I've been playing League since he was 6! I gave up my dream of going pro in League after persistently playing since season 2. It's... demoralizing. Hopeless.

Yet, Ye Xiu's feelings of fulfilling his thirst for the championship title transferred to me, and as a result, also left me fulfilled, as if I was on Happy, fighting with them for the championship title. All other webnovels pale in comparison.

Overgeared, Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World, and even Moonlight Sculptor all are utterly childish when compared to the world The King's Avatar presents. You'd really think that any sane game developer would make a cheat class and not patch it a day later? That you would steamroll competition because of some random buff you got? No. You're s*upid. That's not how it works. If something is broken, it gets patched. It pisses me off when I read some random VR novel or something that has a person stomping through competition with random stat titles, unique classes, amazing weapons, and whatnot. Even if you have a good class, you have to have pro mechanics to even have a shot at beating any other pro player, even with an advantage.

And yes, I'll be the first to admit it. Ye Xiu's umbrella is this "unique" class advantage that I was just talking about. But going back to my previous point, as if he's a bad player. He's got talent and skill to back it up. He's one of the best, and having the umbrella wouldn't do you any good if you weren't one of the best. Ye Xiu makes the umbrella look broken because its HIM playing the character and using the weapon. Him winning three championships on a standard battle mage isn't for show. It doesn't really matter what class he plays, because he's bound to be one of the best regardless of which one he chooses.

Lastly, of course, let's not forget that this novel has flaws. Despite my high praises, it's obviously not perfect. Honestly, for an online game's fighting mechanics to be more complicated than a Xianxia novel or just real life combat, you know that this game would never actually exist in real life. Let alone trying to make this game a reality, just patching something would be a nightmare. It'd be impossible. But honestly, this is more of an upside rather than a con for me, since it just makes the novel that much more immersive. You get to know the mechanics of the game step by step. You know when a maneuver is considered "amazing." You know the combos, skills, and the strengths of weaknesses of each class. You get to know the actual real life cast very well. The slow paced of the entire novel makes this so much of a better read. It's much better to have details than not have them at all.

Plus, there are quite a few unrealistic things going on.

Bad players don't get replaced by better players in Ye Xiu's team, but that would obviously never happen in an actual professional team setting.

Pro players get "too tired" after playing a match. Ok, I get it if you're playing football. But man, its an online game. A few days rest is certainly going to replenish your physical fatigue, of course, maybe not your mental fatigue.

This novel is also obviously a "good guys win" sort of novel


Ye Xiu is able to find amazing rookies that even other scouting camps can't do. They actually get good enough to make it to professional league after a year of practice. They win championships after winning Challenger league.


Yet, just like how in Lord of the Rings where no one important dies and good guys win, this novel isn't bad because the ending is unrealistic. It's because the ending isn't really what you're there for. It's the journey there. Just like Lord of the Rings, the journey Ye Xiu makes towards the end is truly what you're there for.

The King's avatar is amazing novel, and no other VRMMORPG novel / e-sports novel comes close to what this novel will do. And if you disagree?

1v1 me in Arena. <<less
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ItsAlive rated it
March 17, 2019
Status: c244
A shounen e-sports novel with no depth.


    • characters and their interactions
    • the first few fights before it gets repetitive
cons (some) :

The MC is the best player in the game, don't expect any setbacks. You will pretty much follow the life of a no lifer. Besides that the author forces him into playing the strongest class of the game the "undecided" (able to use the basic skills of all classes). Why? Because he created a op weapon with a friend at the age of ~15-17? Seems legit, I also created crazy op stuff at that age for a game I didn't play too much and other people have entire teams to research those. Another ridiculous thing is, even though he has this play style he only uses a small pool of skills. Only once in a life time, at some random events he pulls the deus ex machina card, Look at this skill I use for the first time to get out of this specific situation!

The mechanics and depth of the novel are even worse. It seems like the author had the glorious idea, while beeing drunk, to mix moba with mmorpg but declined to use VR. The result? A game (first-person) in which the described mechanics and controls are impossible to achieve through mouse and keyboard (still used it). But at least every few chapters you will get the APM of the players thrown at you, which doesn't make any sense nor legitimize it. The skillsystem had potential but the author ignored it. The majority seems like to use cookie cutter builds (never stated) and the only "undecided" never mentions how much he upgraded his learned skills.

It's also a grindfest.

fun fact: The author describes the facial expression of some ingame characters (none vr novel.....)
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IOnlyReadGoodNovels rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: c1188
Well written. Well translated. Strong plot; original, flows nicely, and not riddled with holes. Realistic and interesting character growth and interaction. Subtle comedy. Occasionally pulls at your heartstrings.

One of the best reading experiences I've ever had. I only wish that I had a few thousand more chapters of this...

A real gem hidden among thousands of novels written for (and probably by) kids.
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OrderedChaos rated it
June 7, 2018
Status: c1784

Just finished reading the MTL, this story (while a bit too long imho) is a read well worth your while. (This review is gonna be biased towards the pro-arc b/c its my most recent read, so if you're reading this I mainly talk about the latter chapters, the chapters before challenge tournament is a simple, pro player has to start over, but he does it in a hilarious and entertaining way and eventually returns to the scene). Don't go into it like you would in any MMO based novel. Read like it you're going through a person's actual life. If you guys have ever watched the Rocky movies or any kind of sports story (building up from almost nothing, getting to the peak) those things are what this is the closest to. In addition to that, you also get the backstories of many other characters that make you feel for them, but at the same time you get the understanding that in the end, there can be only one winner. The story is also fairly well-written, but I have played the game it is based on, so imagining how fights go isn't too difficult (think vindictus + dungeon fighter online). Anyways, some aspects are certainly outlandish but it is a just story and it doesn't affect the story too much. My only gripe is that it is a tad bit long, but thats just the chinese style for you. The fact that they have an ordinary peanut gallery for us to have a grounded perspective of the story is also common in chinese novels, but this one is actually written properly for once, it gives the subtle feeling of "Pros are REALLY good" in a sports novels. Anyways, it deserves being one of the most popular webnovels in china.

P.S. To that guy who is talking about OT, you do realize that it is a chinese novel, not an english one, OT is likely a shortening of Off-the-tank and as with any other country who borrow words from other languages, their uses may be different than the ones we are commonly used to because the language they use is not the same as ours.

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January 20, 2018
Status: c889
I think The king's avatar is not good for only 3 types of person:

1. Gamers who can't close eyes for unrealistic thing about games.

2. Impatient people.

... more>> 3. People who generally don't like ligth novels.

Rest can be sure that they'll enjoy. I haven't still finished the story but I can for sure give The king's avatar 5 -. Why minus I would explain at the end.

First coins:

Storytelling: Tempo of the story is a little slow but we know from the beginning to the end where it heads towards. I prefer stories that way because we know for sure that author would not forget about main hero's goals. Also story is very logical.

Translation: pretty good.

Setting: it's quite orginal for light novel to set up story in proffessional gaming society. It's very refreshing to read about people who can be sometimes childish but most of them are or become proffessional. They fight for real but when game ends they can shake hands. No hard feeling really. The author really well show us the world of proffesional gaming, we pretty well can get to know all of his aspects: not only sporting but also commercial, financial, technological advances, psychological.

Characters: I would say that it's the best part of story. All characters who plays bigger part are distinguished, likeable but they also have some flaws. They aren't unrealistic. Author pretty well potrayed them from psychological point of view. Ye Xiu is great main hero. He is mature, calm, expierienced player who knows his value. Everything he did in game even tr*sh talking, has purpose. He is all-round but he knows that he can't win alone really. I love his sense of humour.

Rest of the team are just important as Ye Xiu when plot proceeds. They sometimes shine, sometimes lose but have his part in the story. We get to know rest of the teams in alliance and they aren't potrayed as villain. They are just rivals and they respect everyone's skills.

Even villains have advantages and their main purpose isn't destroying Ye Xiu but winning. If they see that their vendetta against Ye Xiu interfere with their proffessional activity, they stops immediately. Because for everyone there are only 3 important thing: Glory, clubs and their individual perfomances. And that's it.

So why minus:

I think initial setup is a little illogical what it's strange for me because the king's avatar's story is one of the most logical which I read.

All conflict with excellent doesn't add up really.

First thing, I don't believe that Ye Xiu couldn't have commercial value. Nobody knows how he looks but everyone knows how good he is it. How many theories about him would be in the web. People would all the time wonder how he looks like, why he doesn't want to show his face etc. Some netizens could also identify with him becaue many of them support movements like anonymous. He wouldn't have to show his face in adds because his avatar could advertise things. I think author never heard about someone like Banksy.

Second thing, The excellent era' s politics. Author repeats many times that even if managers and CEO of excellent era are hostile to Ye Xiu, they are still proffessional. If they are proffessional why they didn't do anything with weak perfomance for 4 seasons. It's obvious that team needed some changes. Why excellent club couldn't buy another great player ? They have money to buy Sun Xiang or Zhang Jiaxing, why they didn't buy them earlier?

Why club which is one of the oldest have only one talent among trainies? For example blue rain could train 3 talented-god players for all this years.

I know that author mention that many players who played with Ye Xiu at the beginning retired but where are others? If excellent club was great team, they had to attract many pretty good players. I could imagine that it isn't easy to live in the shadow of Ye Xiu but still many players could come, learn and say good bye,

just like Yu Feng did with Blue Rain.


The same come with Ye Xiu's behaviour. He said himself that he loves excellent era. If he loved his club, why he couldn't compromise with them about his commercial activity. If he could make winning team from the scratch, why he couldn't make changes in his excellent era team. He said himself that he loves winning so how he could only watch when his old team was still losing. If he can find talents on the street, why he only found one big talent in excellent era?

Facts, which author give us just doesn't add up. He just took the easy way out. He made excellent era to be quite s*upid villain who just threw away the best player for free and really without thoughts, halway throught the season. The proffessional clubs can be ruthless but not s*upid. That's why they are proffessional. I don't get it why excellent era should be different than others clubs in the same novel.

I think more probable and logical plot would be like that. Ye Xiu won with his team 3 championship but lost in final in 4th season. Many players of the team retired and for 2 seasons team' s performance was weak. That's why club decided to buy new promising talent or maybe they took new rookie from their trainies. This young player turned out to be just good at fighting as Ye Xiu and he had more value from commercial point of view than him. But both of them had different vision of the team that's why this young player gave excellent club ultimatum: me or Ye Xiu and also he wanted his avatar. Club chose him because of money from commercial and Ye Xiu's age. But they couldn't just transfer Ye Xiu without his permission. That's why they started to sabotage him and didn't let him play. For Ye Xiu it was too much that's why he agree to terminate his contract halway throught the season but club gave him condition that he had to retire....

But overall it's really great light novel, and only one which I'm sure I' ll finish. For all people who haven't started reading it yet, I recommend to take it easy and read every day few chapters. Thanks to that they would not get tired of it. <<less
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aqavelon rated it
January 17, 2018
Status: c889
TL:DR - Definitely worth reading. Great for MMO lovers. Good comedy and story. None of those dumb and useless plot-armours. None of those got OP through endlessly good luck BS.

I won't repeat the plot because there are countless others in the comment. Here are my opinions;

  • Even though it comes with the usual OP MC just like every other Chinese series you don't really feel like smashing the MC because of his arrogance. MC's personality is very engaging and adds to the comedy. Good character building spread through the series.
  • MC's OP-ness don't come from s*upid luck or plot-holes/plot-armours or pure vigor (hint hint friend power/emotions/... u get the idea) but as a result of his dedication towards the game, training, knowledge, passion and experience. (Anyone who plays long lasting games like MMO would realise how players who's played the game since the game first launched/closed beta with passion comes with greater knowledge and skill-set compared to those that have less playtime/experience)
  • Side characters are not always shallow as they seem.
  • Good story
  • Comedy are not forced (i.e. not dumb funny but actually funny)
  • Slow start but comes with a very good foundation for later part of the series. As a Chinese series they can afford the start to be slow and build good foundation (compared to many Japanese series which gets cut easily)
  • Since I also game a lot and I mainly play MMORPG I can't speak for those that do not but... I think for people that are not used to MMORPG they might not be able to fully appreciate or understand why there are so many chapters spent on stuff like dungeons, classes, skills, skill points, crafting, materials, weapon grades, trading, bosses and many other common MMORPG stuff. Having said that, anyone who plays MMORPG would be able to tell you those "needless" chapters are what defines MMORPG (as well as become a foundation for character and world building in later chapters). Likewise anyone who plays MMORPG would really be able to relate to them and feel like you are the MC playing his character. Definitely worth the read for anyone who plays games (esp MMO's) and are want to show others what MMORPG is.
  • Original is already completed and the translators are putting out 1-2 chapters per day (and the quality of translation is great).
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procrastination_day rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: c840
If your not into gaming and know nothing about this, then you might still like this novel.

When I started this I didn't know anything about e-sports. Sure I'd played MMORPGs before, but never got past lv 40 and could never win a PvP. My typing was so slow I couldn't even finish a greeting in the chat before other players had moved on to the next topic. I was in other words a noob, and didn't even know to what extent I was one until I started reading this. I've... more>> learned so much about gaming and e-sports from this novel, in a way that I never could from all the VRMMORPG novels. For the educational value alone I give a thumbs up.

The premise is not unusual, a top player falling to the bottom and slowly tries to make their way up again. The main character is as expected very proficient in both his knowledge of PvP and Professional players. He's also got a mysterious background, and there's a hint of a tragedy in the past. He is also confident and can shock people with his shamelessness, however, he somehow manages to pull this off as being professional and he has enough modesty not to ever be overconfident. A balance rarely seen in many of these novels.

The supporting characters and even the random characters brought in from the side are however this most amusing part of this story. They are very human, they make convincing mistakes (like getting stuck while jumping over something, or accidentally typing "sldf:;, :k" in the chat when they're in stressful situations.) and mistaken assumptions, yet in other times show moments of applaudable brilliance weather they be the current friend or foe.

ugh detail is put into the battling in the games, and this is both engaging and can - in time become rather heavy to read - yet soon after their'll be a new arc that will grab your attention and have you screaming for the next chapter.

Absolutely worth a try. <<less
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Suoh95 rated it
January 24, 2017
Status: c551
Action ️
Comedy ️
Characters ️
On Going Development ️
Story ️
Worldbuilding ️

A fun MMORPG story that has almost everything you could ask for and more, great rivals, support cast, story and everything connects very easily, you can't really tell when an arc ends as it flows on to next effortlessly. Almost every character, rival & support cast debut or appear for a period of time then leave but they still have a role in some form or in the near future.


Only con imo is the side character Chen Guo. She literally overreacts to everything when its not really a big deal, she constantly asks s*upid/obvious questions and gets mad at every answer the MC gives then she storms of angry. She does this a lot. -_- Luckily her role isn't important, sure she becomes the team owner but her importance is in name only, she will appear a lot but in all honesty you can ignore her as she doesn't do much except overreact, ask s*upid questions and get angry. Maybe she was meant to be comic relief but it kind of failed.


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thocon rated it
December 20, 2016
Status: c522
One of my most favorite novels! I really enjoy the story involving to gaming concept as I play game a lot. I guess if you don't like game or is familiar with it, the story is not that appealing. The conversation is funny, MC is OP in a realistic way (he's gosu so his gaming skill is godly but in real life, he's just a ordinary one). Besides, there is no harem and adult stuff which is good, it makes the story relaxing and fresh (don't get me wrong, I... more>> also love the harem/adult stuff but I think it fits apocalypse/survival theme).

If you are a gamer, give it a try :) <<less
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DeathFrown rated it
October 25, 2016
Status: c482
A very simple way to give the people an idea of what this light is about would be to take SAO, an anime which incorporates a game that offers infinite freedom with movement and body control to freely use skills in between combat, only to be accomplished with nothing as fancy as VR. The setting takes place in Korea, more specifically, a gaming center. In a game that is so very popular at this moment that most of Korea knows about it and most play it, so popular that it... more>> has an Esports scene where thousands gather if not millions online to watch on, as these players in their God-tier characters play, duking it out for the ultimate goal, that is the championship! Well, for the members of the gaming community, regardless of MMO or not, I'm sure you'll see the various nods directed at you. But really getting down to the heart of why I say this is worth 5 stars. The MC is interesting and his motivation is simple and easy to get into. "I love the game and I'm good at it." What self-respecting person wouldn't empathize with feeling? The simplicity of his actions are good and bad. It's good because we are left watching and imagining his journey as he lives it, but bad cause it provides little content to really think about. Currently, I'm at the latest chapter and his actions are far too straight forward and when I'm not reading it, my thoughts are rarely going back to the King's Avatar. Well, this is bound to change from person to person. As others may very well enjoy imaging their character in such a world. The game itself is rather interesting in the fact that very closely resembles a very polished and expanded on version of Blade and Soul. Yes, that very popular Asian MMO that incorporates reflexive action and instantaneous decision making as a base for it's combat. Unlike, BnS, this game, as I mentioned at the start, is a lot more like SAO, in which each hit itself is capable of changing the flow of the fight, but draws heavily on the Asian MMO factor where skills are quite essential but not unavoidable if you have high enough skill. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised to hear it has drawn a bit of inspiration from both these games. Getting further along, there will be times when you are left to puzzle about as you are given the actions of the top guild quite plainly, they may seem over the top and at times, s*upid, but still, upon closer inspection, is the only action they are capable of taking. So, this para is mostly there to remind and help you understand that there will be times when you don't need deep thought or complicated thinking into the Why of things and are only there to embrace the character and the world that is, King's Avatar. There are illustrious characters present all through out the story, from the fun and lovable MC to the many small characters that are portrayed so well, and the wonderful interactions with the MC that are so plentifully dropped into the narrative that makes it quite easy to remember all of them even though there are plenty of names given to us. The author does a wonderful job giving us easy to remember "landmarks" or memories of fun events to remember each personality and character. But I cannot stretch it enough that the author has done a marvelous job keeping the names easy to remember and giving them their own amount of time for us to sympathize with their plot. Getting to the over-arching plot, it's about our MC, due to unmentioned circumstances has been thrown out by his team and is left to slowly build up to his Grand re-entry into the World of Esports, in the game that is to be the rage of Korean MMO E-sports gaming. And that's all. Like I've said, the author is pretty much in it to give you the ride of a lifetime as pass the various landscapes that are events well done and grand architecture that slowly falls into place. This para can be skipped, it's mostly to highlight a certain tr*sh review.

*Cough* SlightNovelFan *Cough*

Please don't take his review seriously, it is indeed a troll review. For every point he disliked, I felt a lump forming in my chest that came from the fact that if what he says is true (him, actually being a gamer/player), I'm quite ashamed to be apart of any community that he has mentioned. That aside, if you are looking for a light novel to get into and drop out whenever you want. King's Avatar is most definitely for you. <<less
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null rated it
June 21, 2016
Status: --
One of the best Chinese novel in gaming genre. Focusing more on the story rather than numbers (stats and items).
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Our Lady of Order
Our Lady of Order rated it
October 15, 2022
Status: Completed
It's nice but I'm not a fan of overly detailed battle. So I just skimmed after the challenger arc until the last chapter lmao. I skimmed but I still understood the story, which is weird.
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write rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: c1326
This might be the first thing I have read on here and told myself it's too long. Usually when I like something I want more, this is not one of them. This novel game-wise is slightly sketchy in how some times characters seem to react more realistic and sometimes they don't. One minute people's control over the game feels like they're playing some vr game and next minute they're back in a keyboard and mouse game. Otherwise inconsistency is ignoble.

While because the novel is too long I found myself skipping parts, there are some description that speaks of holograms. This part I skimmed through but because of some of the inconsistencies in lifelike nature of the game characters, leads me to believe its afar more realistic game with a more advanced game system that is similar to bdo. Where if you say something in chat it will cause your character to react in a certain way, IE: lol makes your character laugh. This is from skimming and might be completely different than how I read it so take with a grain of salt, let alone this is further into the novel therefore the game inconsistencies start before this.


Though the amount of hate the author gets for not hands down creating their own game before bringing it to A WORK OF FICTION is understandable. Clearly reviews are right in judging fantasy as real, which is a common trait of reviewers on NU, ie: putting 21 century moral constraints on characters in a year 500 to 1500 fantasy setting.

It is said that Pi continues infinitely therefore at one point of time a certain strings of numbers will repeat. This novel follows the same path. While I am sure if I went through the novel with a fine tooth comb I would find the novel repeating itself early it for the most part is enjoyable. Yet because the story drags on way too long it is way too hard to keep yourself engaged. Which brings the biggest flaw for me in this novel. If you put it down the chances of picking it back up unless done within a short interval is unlikely, they're just way too many characters. Therefore this novel is worth reading but unless you can stomach the entire thing its inadvisable to read if you're not okay with stopping midway.
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apsisodia rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: Completed
(Rating:- 4.5/5 stars)

Highly recommended! One of the best Chinese novel on this site. Amazing MC, lovable side characters and simple plot but with solid writing.

I love the tr*sh talks in the story, MC's one liners were way too sassy. First 700 chapters (approx) were about grinding in the game, then the tournaments arcs starts, that's where the fun begins.

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