The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife


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At the feast of the Gluttonous House’s auction, there was a little girl with an exceptional furnace constitution for offer at a sky-high price. Everyone wanted to lay their hands on her. Suddenly, the little girl in the golden cage opened her eyes, radiating a cold gaze. She was no longer cowardly.

She was the gold medal assassin of the 21st century, transmigrating to become the good-for-nothing humiliation that everyone bullied, third miss Nalan Hexi of the genius doctor’s manor.

Meridians completely crippled, no innate skill to cultivate? What is she afraid of? She is the exceptional miracle doctor, and these injuries were nothing in her eyes.

Father doesn’t dote on her, mother doesn’t love her, everyone schemes against her? Humph, an alternate dimension in hand and an invincible spirit pet as well, she can destroy the small Nalan Manor with a flip of her hand!

Ugly complexion, malnourished and sickly in appearance, no one wants her? She recovered her unparalleled looks with the blink of an eye and gained a dozen good looking men as bodyguards!

That overbearing man who’d been sticking to her since the auction. Who said I was destined to be yours? I am my own, no one can decide my future!

A certain man: Then I am yours, will that do?

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Talented Doctor
Y Độc Song Tuyệt: Minh Vương Thiên Tài Sủng Phi
หัตถ์เทวะธิดาพญายม : ชายายอดรักทรราชไร้ใจ
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. That One CN Waste to Divine Doctor Reincarnation S...
  2. Cultivation beauties
  3. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  4. stories that caught my eye
  5. Gender Bender

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45 Reviews sorted by

bloggbigg rated it
June 19, 2017
Status: c102
I wanted to like this. It's not bad, but it's very mediocre. I have no idea why there are so many top ratings.

The Good:

You get to root for the MC, who is (in theory) the underdog. Bad things try to happen to her at the hands of others- results are mixed, but that's pretty much the story.

... more>> The Bad:

Even the title depreciates the MC- so take that as foreshadowing to the tone of at least the 1st 100 chapters. She's written as 'genius' and a 'skilled assassin'. Every so often, she shows off some examples of that supposed skill. Mostly though, she just gets victimized- and like it or not, it's very often pretty much her own incompetence. I hate to say it, but she's written as a pretty naive maiden type who also occasionally does more.

Lets get straight to it- this is one of those novels where the characters are props for the situations and plotting. Soooo many things happen that shouldn't due to her supposed skills and knowledge- but she frequently lacks the common sense and professional habits/mentality to stand up for herself (because the title and plot says she's destined to be with the king of Hell, who's a short-tempered, abusive, stalkery creeper).

Oh, yeah- that's the other point- The 'King of hell' is a bastard. When the MCs been kicked in the teeth by life, what she really needs is to be stalked and bullied by a one-sided love interest. I guess since he's handsome, powerful & rich it's ok, though-- and of course she (the powerful mind-control master assassin), puts up with it, because 'plot'.

The different:

Hmmm... nothing? I'd say this is predictable, except it isn't- since the MC seems to forget her own skills half the time, and she's pretty much controlled by the other MC and pop-up events.

This is very strongly a novel that tells you things that are supposed to be 'the way things are', but doesn't 'show' you half as much. I think some of the disparity between the people that like it and those that don't is seeing past the facade.


She kills a roomful of people right off, then second time around she just looks s*upid till she's knocked out by the s*ave spell. Shortly later she pretty much disassembles it &

knows it's inner workings since she does something similar. What you might not have thought is:

  1. If she's so familiar, why didn't she check if she was 's*ave-ified' soon as she woke up in an obvious 'you are now a s*ave' situation?
  2. Since the way she ens*aves people (without pulling out their souls) is so superior, and she was definitely ens*aved for some time, does that mean her soul was pulled out since the 'inferior' method was seemingly used on her? (Obviously it didn't affect her, but this is unexplained 'plot armor' or something)

The king of hell 'loves' her at first sight, but wouldn't even bid on her, and left her to suffer at the hands of the actual purchaser- but he assigned someone to watch what happened though... (true love)

She keeps getting tailed. How did she survive as an assassin before? Oh. Wait, she didn't...

The author talks about meridians and how hers have no power, then does things that should need _some_ sort of power (sensing/moving energy to start) - but doesn't explain it. I'm not saying I know the author's world- just they should explain it, or not use terms which cause confusion.

She's super oblivious. From dying in the first place because she had no clue people had a problem with her, to later when she heals someone from an impossible injury and decides to keep that disguise that had no advantage.

Speaking of which- she can do disguises! She's an 'expert' who doesn't think to cover her apparently unique eye color- how 'expert' is that?

She needs to know things. Apparently talking to people/reading books isn't even worth trying. Even (snicker) disguised... Better deal with the 'King of Hell' for info! Must be under the king of hell's thumb!

We won't even get into her lack of interest in her 'own' family situation, but desire to stay in it despite the fact it'll only cause her random, unexpected trouble.


Crap like that.

I'm not going to 'pick apart' the whole thing- just saying that some foundation logic is completely overlooked. Not saying things should go a different way, but between 'overlooking the obvious', and not 'justifying the chosen (apparently bad) decisions', this novel has more than a few issues with common sense.

All that said I kinda like it anyway, and want to know where it will go, but the 'King' and his antics and her weakness to it completely ruins it for me. <<less
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Mou rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: --
First I would like to say that I like transmigration novels with strong female leads. BUT I COULD NOT BRING MYSELF TO READ THIS ONE. This novel is a detailed description of s*xual harassment and eve teasing and is moving towards much worse things. If teenage and other similar age groups are reading this novel, then it ts teaching the boys that harassing and sexually abusing a girl is an expression of love. And teaching the girls that if a handsome, strong and powerful guy, or any guy for that... more>> matter, should harass them, they should be all flattered instead of, at the least, running in the opposite direction, if they are not able to fight back. I don't know what kind of message the author is trying to send, but this is like a report on two people with psychological issues of the very twisted variety, not a novel.

Sorry if I offended someone. But I thought it better to be transperent on these matters.

Again I apologise. <<less
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haruhi91 rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: c130
I am surprised how volarenovels picked up such a novel full of the usual hateful clichès. I like reading transmigrated novel, so, although the beginning is similar to many other novels, as long as the plot or the characters are interesting, I would enjoy it. The first chapters were not bad, up until the first meeting with the ML where I pretty much lose hope for expecting a not mediocre novel. Can you guess what will happen? A breathtakingly handsome man emitting a cold aurea, immensely strong at martial art,... more>> who has never laid his eyes upon any woman, as soon as he sees the MC, he is inexplicably attracted to her. He will sneak on her, trying to hug her and threatening her if she does not comply. I had the illusion the MC could put up a bit of resistance, after all, the novel's description describes her as "I am my own, no one can decide my future", but we are quickly condemned to assist to a loop of encounters where the ML appears, grabs, kisses her, she tries to "resist" a couple of seconds and then she can only think "ooh, he is beautiful, I am melting". I understand that this type of scenario can be hot for teenager girls but, really, I can't stand it. Apart from these hot moments, the plot does not offer much, the ML is too OP and the MC becomes very OP quickly. She is another earth-breaking beauty, with an unlimited internal space, she has spent years learning how to cook nutricious dishes and, of course, she is hated by anyone. I dropped around 130 chapters without remorse. <<less
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Husby rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c261
I've read countless novels eerily similar to this one already. It brings nothing new and exciting to the table. Standard "face slapping" novel with a female MC that praises her to the heavens at any opportunities. She's supposed to be fair and strong of mind, but ends up being far too long winded and weak in most respects. I mean any supposedly respectable woman who can't even stand her ground due to being in the presence of a beautiful man is pathetic. She's not a cold and intelligent woman, she's... more>> a 12 year old girl who just met Justin Bieber.

The female MC despite what everyone else will tell you is not OP at all. She has great talent and progresses fast, but the way the story is written she will never be OP. The ones that antagonizes her will always be much stronger than her and only the servants of said person might be at the same level as her. Leaving it to the ML to be the one that's actually OP who has to save the day at the most important parts.

In any case that's just my personal issues with these stories which I always hope will finally bring a strong female MC with mature thinking, but always falls far too short. The issues with the author isn't anything new either. Bet I could pick out a random neighbor who writes just as good. The whole story hinges on misunderstanding which would not exist in any other universe than that which is this authors (and many others like it) novel. Tens of chapters of arguing like little children, one short sentence at a time. A good chapter is one where there are more than 4 lines of dialogue. Instead we get a couple of lines of talking and 20 lines describing this new beautiful dude or the ML. The little dialogue we get is abysmal as well considering those "conversations" that spans tens of chapters in the end leaves the people misunderstanding each other despite the situation being so damn easy to interpret just by looking that you didn't need to spend those tens of chapters speaking about this to begin with. These supposedly super strong, super intelligent people can make a discussion about apples turn into an entire arc that deals with yet another idiot that wants to kill MC over nothing, or the MC or ML starting god damn wars due to being jealous for no reason and refusing to act like god damn adults.

In the end it's a sh*t novel. If you like novels that hype up the female MC with her falling short in every way and introduces hot man children who interacts with this failure of a woman for some reason, and the gaggle of women who loves these man children so much that any other person (MC, always just MC) who gains their interest is put on the top of their list of people who will die TONIGHT! Also a plot that because of the ineptitude of the author not evolves to be more interesting, but instead becomes more and more complicated in idiotic turns of events that makes no sense...
Then go on and read it. You'll never finish it though, only a select few people are capable of that kind of seizure inducing task. Go read the spoilers on the forum when you get tired and end it. <<less
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Lydia rated it
April 22, 2019
Status: c468
If you’re an intelligent reader do not, I repeat, do NOT waste your time on this novel. The only reason I’m this far into the novel is because I had a few days off work and wanted to procrastinate, I’m a fast reader and the word count for each chapter really isn’t anything to write home about hence I was able to sift through it pretty quickly. Got to my current chapter in less than a day and have decidedly come to the relieving conclusion of dropping it. Here are... more>> some reasons why (most of which have already been mentioned by other reviewers) :

  • Lack of logical continuity. This is a sign of an incompetent writer who doesn’t take the time to develop his/her characters and a general outline of the story. I don’t respect such people. This author is very unprofessional with their plot ideas - a) skills which seemed to be a large part of the MC’s arsenal is quickly soon forgotten or conveniently discarded to create helpless situations which could otherwise have been easily solved; b) characters who are somewhat “important” in the beginning of the story disappear for hundreds of chapters only to be briefly mentioned again for the sake of carrying on with the plot. It’s not until somewhere in the late 300+ chapters that we hear about the MC’s biological brother who apparently has been missing and not dead all this while. Why bring him up again? So the MC can keep on hating her family, the Nalans, who cruelly abandoned her. Everything and anything can be “conveniently” plugged in for the sake of furthering an already lacklustre plot even if it makes absolutely no sense or was impossible literally 3 chapters ago.
  • The MC lacks presence. She has absolutely no redeeming qualities besides her beauty which is described in every single chapter. In fact, everything she knows is from this inheritance of hers - nothing to do with her past life or her own accumulated knowledge. New poison? She’s conveniently read about it from her inheritance. I’m sick of this over-used trope!
  • Male lead is another “cold-aura-hell-king-no one else can get close to except the MC- overbearing, narcissistic, psychotic and unhinged, guy with an abandonment complex. Will not let MC out of his sight and will handcuff and imprison her if he could- does not respect personal space, has zero ability to deal with rejection and on top of all this suffers from unreasonable childlike jealousy-inducing tantrums. He absolutely loses his sh*t just because the MC is treating some guy’s wounds - like, hello, she’s a medic. It’s her JOB?
  • It’s a harem with no credibility. There’s no viable reason why any of these guys are initially interested in the MC - including the male lead and one of the main antagonists. Things just happen because, once again, the MC is an unparalleled beauty with a jade face and bright, shiny eyes as deep as the constellations. Get real.
Why anyone has voted this a 5 star is beyond me. I don’t want to insult your intelligence but you’ve really not filled me with confidence after reading your 4/5 star reviews. <<less
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MondoX rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: c86
Chinese webnovels with female leads usually have forceful male leads. However, the male in this webnovel is the most forceful I have read. What made it worse is how weak the mc's character is compare to similar webnovels (she seemed to like the forcefulness). At least, other female MCs may be physically weak, but have strong characters that will not let the male lead force themselves without consequences. This story is literally telling us the females likes it when the male is being forceful.
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spectrearc rated it
February 10, 2017
Status: c1945

The novel is reasonably well written. Plot is cogent, and generally well developed. It's nice seeing an overarching plot unfold as the chapters flow on.


- Author likes to exaggerate the good points of the main character. Expect males the MC sees to fall in love with her at first sight.

- Expect everything the MC does to be perfect, every female character (barring a few) to hate her for her beauty etc., the cliches are everywhere.

- Chapters are extremely short.

General comments

- There will be some tragedy within the novel; this is used in a way that it sometimes seems the author ran out of ideas and just wants to demolish the current plot setting.

- The antagonists will tarry on - the author will make you loathe them, and they won't be easily killed off.

As at 1900+ we're in the midst of the 2nd (?) arc, and the story is still developing.

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Kittybear rated it
January 6, 2017
Status: c5
Pretty good in my opinion. Don't read this if your wanting serious or dark kind of plot. This is a typical Xuanhuan novel with a super OP female lead. I happen to love her because she is my favorite type of character. The type that has no bullsh*t threats that never come to be and actually lives up to the name of being a super assassin instead of just the usual "gotta cultivate first to kill people the normal way." She actually kills people without cultivation in a way a... more>> super gold medal assassin should. <<less
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meepdesu rated it
July 10, 2017
Status: c2737
I felt like I really needed to make an account and post a review for this novel haha. I think I've started reading probably 20+ novels in this genre. I didn't finish all of them, but I've often read 1000+ chs by going to the raws. I'm pretty much caught up to the current raws of this novel. I like to wait like 3-4 days before I binge read 20 chs at a time.

I have to say that this is literally my favorite web novel of this genre (op girl... more>> gets reborn into tr*sh and etc).

I noticed that a lot of people feel like there's many plot holes such as why the ML randomly falls in love at first sight and stuff... well it's all explained in the later chapters. THERE IS A REASON!! Idk if the author got backlash for not explaining and added it in later or w/e, but I'm pretty sure those little details were necessary to the development of the novel. I love how this author keeps you guessing with each new chapter, cuz you'll never know what's coming next lol!



... so the ML (NanGongYu) is actually a 分身 like an avatar/ split body of the real person (JiMingYu) who's in an upper plane... who's lived for tens of thousands of years.. he's op af but not the strongest in existence.. yet... (I think the author kinda foreshadowed that he might have been the strongest in a past life with the MC (so the MC def has an op past life in his world just no memory of it), but not sure at this point)

and he's got some thousand year ice poison in his body which only has 1 antidote which the MC has in her body... so the reason why he falls in love at first sight is cuz someone put a soul imprint in him (without his knowledge) to search for the person with the solution to his problem and fall in love with them (cuz apparently the antidote will only work if the girl willingly does "it" with him but then she'll probably die lol)

whenever he sends his soul off to his avatar, he loses all memories and starts life anew until he dies (always at the age of 20) and his soul returns back to his original body... He also never retains the memories of his avatar when his soul returns either!! He forgot the MC!! /cry but don't worry, they get back together <3.. after going through a lot of misunderstandings ofc

I feel like the story might end "soon" (maybe 500- 1000 more chapters?) cuz they're getting close to discovering their real identities, and I can't think of anything else that the author could write about... But hey, I'm not very creative, so maybe she'll still think of more trials to include.

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Liyu rated it
March 9, 2020
Status: --
Guys, I couldn't even last for more than 36 chapters.

This is goddamn AWFUL.

Potential spoiler alert !

From the very start, you'll notice the problem, the background of the MC is a 19 years old assassin in a modern world affiliated with an organization; she also is an expert at medical knowledge and mind control. BUT she was deceived by her friend who stabbed her with a MERE knife. And why ? because of a prophecy from... GOD. This is the modern world and JUST her backgroud story AND it is filled... more>> with so many world inconsistencies. They should at least have made it in a zombie apocalyptic world, the readers would have then swallowed the pill better and excused her young age.

After that, we have her waking up in the cultivation world and defeating qi and foundation practitionners without a shred of cultivation in her body. If we can forcefully accept her using her needles in the fight, we absolutely cannot do so for her physical battle. Because even if she has the skills, the body she was currently possessing was that of nalan hexi who was frail and wasn't able to match such speed and certainly does'nt have the strenght to send someone flying by her mere punch.

The interaction between characters is so soooo cartoonish and ridiculous. It reminds you of those theatrical pieces for children who exaggerates too much to make the public understand; where the villains even make songs saying "we are the villains". Even more so with insults like " little ruthless girl" "vicious girl" or their "wuwuwu".

Then we have the ML who made his appearence and nearly r*ped her... with the standard "nobody in the city dared to talk to me like this" and the "nobody was able to injure me like this"YEAH of course!! WHILE she did NOT have any cultivation...

Sorry for the author, but I feel like this was written by a child; like REALLY. Maybe it may seem slightly better in chinese but still the plot is absolutely garbage. <<less
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Land of The Fallen
Fallen231312 rated it
January 10, 2017
Status: c9
Really nice to read. The MC who was an assassin before she transmigrated, actually uses her skills unlike some other novels. It's quite a good read and I would recommend it. Though I'll have to read further to say more.
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Ananya verma
Ananya verma rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: c28
I have just read till 28 chapters and I am both disgusted in ML and MC..... ML is literally a scumbag according to me and FL is an idiot.....I just read the comments section and I felt like I should leave this novel because this will literally make me 'burn my blood' because of anger because I am a feminist....

And I want to ask a question chinese author what are you trying to prove by there abusive novels?..... in 99% of the chinese novel males are abusive..... if a male... more>> is MC in a chinese novel then he will have at least 5 to 6 wifes ; and if a female is the MC then she will only have one husband (and that husband will be very overbearing, force her to have s*x, and will not allow other men to even look at 'his women' ; and after all that the female MC should be grateful that the ML only has her as a wife)...... man it feels like chinese authors only like there dog blood stories and think that they are still in ancient China with males having many wifes and concubines 😂😂😂

There is also a thing about the name of the novels.... for every chinese novel in which MC is male the names will always be like eg the great alchemist, the king of hell, king of the world, etc ; but if it a female MC then the names will be like eg. overload love me tender, king of hell's genius pampered wife, evil wang pampers his ghost doctor fei, etc.... it feels like according to Chinese author females are incomplete without there husband and child ; and I sometimes feel that female MC has no more identity than just being a wife and a mother......I am deeply disappointed in chinese authors..😔😔😔

In chinese novels I read till now I just liked 'poison doctor's cute baby'.... this novel is really good and I feel that there is at least one normal chinese author. <<less
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alyrose rated it
February 8, 2017
Status: c1000
I'm started reading the translated version of this novel and continued reading in Chinese. I'm at about chapter 1000 as of this review.

The plot is pretty standard, so I would deduct half a point for that. However, I really like the author's interpretation of a standard plot and the delivery of the story. The writing is coherent, the action is extremely well-paced and its a an enjoyable leisurely read. The story itself a bit on the slow side (in terms of time progression) but it doesn't feel draggy to me. The author always transitions to a new sub-act before things get tedious. As someone who has read/skimmed upwards of 20 in this genre, my interest in these sorts of novels generally fizzles out at about this character length but I find myself still captivated by this one.

I really like how she fleshes out the side characters-- not to the point of inundating you with details but just enough so that you care about them. Its a common problem in these sorts of stories for authors to chuck around side characters left and right like disposable napkins.

The main guy is a bit too perfect but I kind of like that. He's a bit cute and sappy with the MC but cold to others. With him, and with all the other characters, I appreciate how the author doesn't simply tell us how great or clever someone is but shows us with actions.

The MC couple is a bit ruthless but retain quite a bit of humanity vs the villains. Some of the punishments they mete out are quite creative and the author is a bit detailed with gruesome scenes. There are a few cringe-worthy child-related heinous crimes enacted by the villains...

As of chapter ~1000, the MC has is not too powerful. She can deal with the little henchmen but her true enemies are far stronger than she is. She has needed to be saved on many occasions-- in rather coincidental and a bit too fortuitous manner but that's par for course.

Overall, I'd recommend this one. I've read a lot of these transmigration-type web novels, and this is one of the most engaging I've come across.

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chibiheaven rated it
January 24, 2017
Status: c390

With a few more chapters under my belt now, I think I can conclude that I absolutely hate the male lead and honestly can't see how any remarkable relationship could possibly form with the way the male lead acts. I realize that it's a common trend for the male lead to think themselves above others and believe females should prostrate themselves and be at their beck and call. It's just unsettling to me, and a bit forced.


The MC is really overbearing. Some people might be into that, I... more>> suppose. Technically I shouldn't have rated yet since it's still a bit too early for me to judge how I feel about the story in generally. So far, it's started off pretty stereotypical with the female assassin transmigrating into a previously useless female's body and arousing the interest of the intended male interest. I will continue to read and change my rating accordingly. <<less
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chrissssssstine rated it
October 2, 2019
Status: c234
I managed to get to this chapter cause it is interesting. Also, the characters weren't so bad. By the time I got here though, the issues of the main character and male lead got more evident. The main character is very stubborn, not at all flexible. The way she reacts to the ML is also very immature. It's one thing to say that a normal person who has never had a relationship would have no experience, but if that person is a professional assassin, then it's totally different. I can't... more>> imagine a pro who has been exposed to so much darkness reacting like this to ROMANCE. Also, she is just so stubborn and not in a good way. Overall, she seems very immature and I high-key don't like her. The couple doesn't really try to express their emotions in a healthy way. It all seems very off, almost toxic. <<less
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Avalanche Fall
Avalanche Fall rated it
May 28, 2018
Status: c239
I really like this novel and waiting for update everyday. This novel is interesting. Mostly from the chapter that I currently reading. I want to know what happen to MC next.
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 22, 2020
Status: c260
Cannot finish this book because the ML is a disgusting and rapish pig. Our fML is a strong willed and awesome assassin from the 21st century, she is formidable, powerful, clever and quick witted. Yet every time she meets the ML she becomes a s*upid and slow woman, having already been betrayed by her previous partner, she's sworn off men yet is attracted to this disgusting example of a male character. He forces himself on her, nearly r*pes her and does all sort of despicable things to keep her around... more>> like she's an object, her opinion means nothing to him. He constantly manipulates her emotionally and physically as well as acting like a spoiled 3 year old child. Gross. <<less
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Imokon rated it
December 30, 2020
Status: c3000
What to say...

I avoided this novel for a long time because of the s*upid title and the negative reviews.

After inhaling all 3000+ chapters plus bonus chapters I have to say this is a novel that will sit in my internal top shelf for years to come.

... more>> The reality is this novel consciously explores gaslighting, abusive relationships of all kinds, the hypocrisy of self sacrifice, and the disillusionment with righteousness.

The ending satisfies questions of the OP of the MC and the ridiculous behavior of the ML (as well as the 2nd ML). The obsessiveness is part of the main story so if you can, stick with it.

There is growth and there is consistent story telling. So much world building it's worth the initial cinderella trope in the beginning.

This novel is the story of a woman who takes destiny and tells it to go f itself. She doesn't need a man to help her either. Don't let the first few hundred chapters with her overbearing ML fool you. This is a very deep and dark novel that provides insanely detailed backstories for a lot of side characters and they all impact her life in some way, even several hundred (even thousand) chapters later they won't be forgotten, they all play critical roles in her ascent. You will resent the good guys and pity the bad guys. You will feel a range of emotions and that's when you know you're reading a good story.

There are some points where you wonder if she was more of a military medic than an assassin but that is my only gripe. Compared to the joy I got out of reading this novel I forgive the author for this oversight.

The MC still shows a lot of intelligence and ruthlessness to navigate this world she transmigrated to and all of it lends to her growing personality. She is a woman and she is human and she's allowed to be soft at times but it's not the cliche damsel in distress you're worrying about.


She and the ML "die" on their wedding day after several hundred chapters and that's where the real story begins, it's all about her ascending through the heavens, building a following, slaying gods, and flipping everything on its head along the way. This was a legend 10, 000 years in the making.

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MyRAMEN rated it
June 25, 2019
Status: c412
Personally I like the story and the romance but unless u r a fan u will not like this. There are many plot holes, cliches, predictablity, lack of emotion towards things not ML FL or PET. Plus she is WAY2OP, is there a problem? Oh she even brought thedead back to life at one part... Theres also other stuff but u get the idea. Also dead links for (next button) staeted to appear 300+ chapters ruining the flow. It felt like after C250-300 ish the author started writing fillers as... more>> he or she started runing out of ideas. The interactions between ML FL and PETS was what made me like the book though. <<less
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pink1268 rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c187
I love the female lead because she is the classic OP lead who ends up in a tr*sh's body but then grows incredibly strong and does much face slapping.

In a way it is quite similar to the demonic king chases his wife as the ML is a bit frustrating ... more>>

So far up to what I've read the male lead gives the female lead overbearing doting but then this 'childhood sweetheart' comes also purposefully driving a wedge between them so at the point I am at I think both leads are misunderstanding each other leading to lots of tension in their relationship.

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