The Human Emperor


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Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and lived his life aimlessly.

However, when calamity struck and he saw his family and everything he cared for being torn apart, he felt regret.

Thus, he stood up and eventually became the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, leading an army against those who sought to destroy all he cherished.

Yet, despite all his efforts, it was already too late to reverse destiny.

But before his death, a shooting star, the same one which brought him to this world, appeared before him, and he was given another chance to undo his regrets.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fani İmparator
Nhân Hoàng Kỷ
Records of the Human Emperor
Ren Huang Ji
Related Series
I am the Monarch (12)
Reverend Insanity (10)
Zhanxian (9)
Transcending the Nine Heavens (9)
The Second Coming of Gluttony (9)
Cheeky Sword God (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  2. Male Protagonist (No CP)
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. Op Mc / simulation systems
  5. Novels I have read

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12/09/19 Hosted Novel c1315
12/08/19 Hosted Novel c1314
12/08/19 Hosted Novel c1313
12/08/19 Hosted Novel c1312
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12/07/19 Hosted Novel c1310
12/06/19 Hosted Novel c1309
12/06/19 Hosted Novel c1308
12/05/19 Hosted Novel c1307
12/05/19 Hosted Novel c1306
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172 Reviews sorted by

rapture_edge rated it
November 12, 2018
Status: c511
Read up to 511 (latest when I was reading this)

Five stars. Other reviews (negative ones) make this story sound too boring or too clique-ish but it's not. Its a unique spin to the second chance novel as it is mainly focused on army building (unlike others which emphasizes on MC growth)

Battles are well written. Especially the wars. Kind of like the manga/anime Kingdom. Uses actual Chinese history and adds an alternative world as a good spin to spice it up.

As several people "don't get" why this has high... more>> ratings... I don't get why people give this low rating... I enjoyed it. It gives the MC enough power to make you read in anticipation... enough knowledge to make you expect sure victory but at the same time enough opposition to keep you on the edge of your seat. <<less
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Face The Fact
Face The Fact rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: c364
This is a Chinese novel so the author have the right to emphasize much more on China, just like how hollywood movies ridiculously propagandize america.

Even though the protagonist has the advantage of memorizing his former life, he is not that powerful compared to not only his enemies but also to his own allies.

The story is also interesting since the author is able to mix history with fiction well enough, it's also full of political intrigues.

Some of the annoying things of this novel are the lack of variety of female characters... more>> (many of them are of dominatrix type), the protagonist's response to such females and some of the chapters are more of click-bait as compared to others which are better written.

In totality, this novel is definitely worth reading and is much better written than many other novels including non-Chinese ones too. <<less
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Cashew Farmer
Cashew Farmer rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c220
The premise of the story is very good. A man living in Ancient China experiences the Tang Dynasty crumble to foreign invaders. He then goes back in time when he was a young boy and retains his memory of future events. This story focuses on Wang Chong's efforts to strengthen China to prevent in from falling into ruin, using his position as a young master of a powerful noble clan. Sadly, the execution is very poor. This is due to several reasons:

1) Filler: There is far too much filler... more>> where arcs are stretched far too long even if they are about mundane things like selling one sword or walking in a palace. The descriptions, the dialogue and all the actions and reactions are terrible when the author does this, which unfortunately happens very often. The author probably is doing this to increase the word count to get more money. 2) Game system: There is a game system which powers up the protagonist, Wang Chong, however it's unnecessary and slightly ruins the story. I find it highly incompatible with the already established cultivation system. Furthermore the protagonist was supposed to be a great general in the past, however, he wins a major battle by using the game system instead of using strategies or clever tactics. 3) Protagonist: Wang Chong originally came from modern China and then lived one life in Ancient China before restarting. It doesn't make any sense why he would revere such an incompetent Emperor who brought his empire to ruin by firing competent members of the imperial court and prioritizing getting a consort. I've also never seen Wang Chong use any tactics or strategy apart from the author telling me that he used a battle formation from the future, without giving any details or advantages to using this particular formation.

4) Lack of actual military strategy: I really need to emphasise the fact that Wang Chong was the supreme commander in his 2nd life (because he played strategy computer games) but cannot come up with any strategies to defeat the enemy. He instead has to rely on his game element/system cheats.

Overall pretty average story <<less
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rougeteddyz rated it
January 15, 2018
Status: c274
While much of the reincarnation 're-do over' concept is all but familiar, it is a nice change from the same generic novels out there. It is a story that focuses on history and politics, with martial arts coming second.

The lack of 'drama' allows the story to focus on the main plot, the fall of an empire. It allows the story to flow smoothly without having constantly repeated moments where small actions of the MC causes everyone to either hate or love him. The lack of romance (drama), although this may... more>> change in the future, allows its female characters allows each of them to have distinct personalities. There appearance isn't overly described causing situations, where the strongest is always better looking then the other. By not having these ladies falling 'head over hills' for the MC, the MC's personality stays constient and the 'impending doom' is the focus.

The MC doesn't start off overly OP, his main advantage is knowing future events. If your looking for a expontially growth in his martial arts, then this is not the novel of you. The MC knows his age and powers limit his ability to make 'true' changes, so he focuses on building up a foundation of connections to rely on others for support. He is not constantly battling peers of the same age (drama), but tackles difficult situations where he knows he may not get his way.

Overall, I personally enjoy this novel and understand it may not be for everyone. However if you are looking for something a little different to read, I do recommend. <<less
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RezieNovian rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: c58
I write this review at the same time I decided to drop this.

The story line is good. The Main Character is likeable, cunning, and kind-hearted. The grammar is fine.

My only problem is the pace is too slow for me. I have just entered 58th chapter but I feel that the current story (at 58th chapter) can be finished in only 30 chapters.

... more>> Some chapters are TOO MUCH in describing every single people's feeling. The slow-paced story with only a few chapters. What a perfect combination!.

I decided to drop this temporarily. I'll read it again when the chapter is more than 200 or 300.

I'm not professional reviewer or kinda, but I feel like to write it since I really like the story. I'm not saying this story is not good, for reader that like to have every single detailed-description, it is the best story for you. <<less
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Stop staring at my username
Stop staring at my username rated it
April 16, 2017
Status: --
It's pretty okay, I'm getting some TTNH vibes from this book. Well it certainly has its flaws and some failure in logic but compared to some other cultivation novels with mindless killing and power ups, this is not bad. I find the way he lived his life when he first transcended to be very believable, most MCs just seem to adapt so well after transcending so this is a nice change. I also like the fact that he has very normal relationships with women in the novel. (From what I've... more>> read so far)


Unlike TTNH where MC has physical reactions just by carrying a child qing wu... and even though she's the love of his life, he goes on to marry 3 other women.

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MangoGuy rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: c1714
This novel is Mango approved.

Now, before going into the details of my review, I will have to come clean: This novel has good bits of xenophobic and ultra-nationalistic elements to it. Personally, I had absolutely no issues. Why? Because they fit the setting. The morality of the present cannot be used to judge the past, and this novel is set into a mythical-yet-real past. This is further clear in a major arc of the series, where there is a philosophical clash between pro war and anti war factions. So, keeping... more>> these aspects aside, lets move on.

Initially, the series is reliant heavily on Wuxia elements of battle and tactical warfare, which is further reinforced by a plot which derives heavy inspiration from the real history of China. Ideally, this should have resulted in a tight plot which connects lucidly, and have exciting action and schemes in between. However, with the heavy Xuanhuan elements coming in later, these intelligent battles turn into just PvP fatality fights. That is where this series loses sheen, and terribly so.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the vast majority of the series, with some arcs being truly nail-biting in their suspense. Yet, the author lost steam at around c1400, when he realized that he had to bring in absolutely larger than life battles. That arc was exhausting, but it still remained plot relevant. But this is the issue. The more the author separates from the real history, the more shoddy the world turns into. This is because the characters lack oomph. Remove the historical background and they are pretty much marionettes.

The protagonist himself is wonderful at times and terrible at times, which is acceptable. His lackeys, who are originally supposed to be excellent figures in their own right, have constantly been less than off-screen NPCs throughout the series. They have flashes of brilliance, but they are definitely being pushed into the background. The antagonists range from null-dimensional to history-dimensional, with the in-between ones who pretty much ooze plot armour. However, the plots and schemes are genuinely thrilling to read through.

The female characters appear to be strong, but are basically all the same. Pretty much all of them. The game elements and the plot armour for the protagonist exist, but they are typically within acceptable ranges.

Bottomline? This is one of the really good series in the genre precisely because of how it attempts to mix xuanhuan with traditionally wuxia elements. The large-scale battles are well-written and this series definitely deserves a read. However, the power scales reach proportions that can no longer include armies at the later point, which makes the ending half of the novel quite uncertain. But for the first 1300 or so chapters, this is an absolute 5/5.

Overall, till c1714, it is a 4/5 for me. <<less
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p4inkiller rated it
March 19, 2020
Status: c500
It started good, but I cant handle the massive racism. The author seems to be a tool for the chinese goverment to spread racism. Every other nationality is inferior and only the chinese have morals and are good human beings. Srsly dont waste your time on this, basicly chinese propaganda.
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titan2028 rated it
January 18, 2020
Status: c1300
This novel starts off well and was quite promising. Even though the "cheat" system s**ked and was badly explained, it was tolerable. Everything was fine till the other-world invaders arc.

The whole story goes to sh*t and you finally realize that the entire world is just there to show how much of a god MC is. A god who can do no wrong. Every other character is literally just a cut and paste backdrop who's there to make the MC look good. The romance is also written relatively horrible.

Not worth the... more>> time you sink into it. <<less
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pipen53 rated it
December 15, 2019
Status: c1327
I am entirely in agreement with kkgoh's review of this novel.

Coming back to this novel after a long absence so that chapters could stockpile, I was left scratching my head and wondering how it could have gone so badly downhill. The Arabia war arc and everything beyond til the current translated chapter (1327) has been a load of nonsense and so full of plotholes and character inconsistencies that it made it hard to read.

I wont go into a rant but I advise all new readers to maybe wait until translated... more>> chapters get close to 2k before reading. <<less
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Mahiro9 rated it
October 10, 2019
Status: c446
Could have been great. It was actually almost deserving a 5 star but a lot of author's decisions made it mediocre.

First of all, all the personalities of the female characters are so bland. They all have the same character of being "a beautiful woman with a gorilla inside". The interactions with them are just so cringe-worthy.

Then there's the c*ckroach villain where the world itself literally stops the main character from killing. What the hell, why would you introduce the nemesis so soon if you'll just give him invincibility plot-armor and... more>> make your character look foolish and get into bad side of some people. (C446)

Really, it could have been great, but seriously, sometimes you'd think that the author is writing while drunk and writes s*upid drop-worthy twists. <<less
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Narcissist rated it
August 14, 2019
Status: c446
Great for the first 100 chapters.

Very grindy and average for those that follow but still a bit interesting, BUT there’s around 90% chance you WILL drop the novel in chapter 446, when the PLOT ARMOR becomes so thick that it reaches mythical levels of being a crime against writing because of how pathetic it was.

Around 70-80% of the comments on that chapter alone were of people complaining and announcing that they were dropping the novel.

On top of that, there are plenty of other writing issues you can find in other... more>> reviews...

Look... I know you badly want a new novel to read... but trust me, you shouldn’t waste your time. <<less
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readingbro rated it
February 13, 2019
Status: c710
Just got to the latest chapter!

I really enjoy how the novel is based around military exploits rather than just cultivation, and I love how he doesn't just search for power for himself but looks to empower those around him. It's different from the other novels I have read such as Coiling Dragon, I Shall Seal The Heavens, and Heavenly Jewel Change. The MC gathers a strong following of people who respect him, as he charmed them through carrying their best interest in mind! If there are any other novels similar... more>> to this, please recommend! <<less
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housyspecial rated it
January 15, 2019
Status: c1659
Political and military warfare novel.

I like the main character, he's extremely wise, intelligent, intuitive, tactical, and patriotic. The things he goes through makes me sad sometimes but mostly, inspiring, and my heart wants him to succeed so badly all the time. This novel gives me that kind of feeling.

... more>>

Story starts off w/ him at 15 yrs old after his rebirth. Although he sort of has a cheat, it's not easy to work with. For example, the main character has to complete certain tasks or clear obstacles to obtain them; however it makes me want to read it even more.

Lots of important side characters that play major roles in helping MC in completing his task of helping the empire. Good Friendships, subordinates, family members, that care & admire MC.


There is martial cultivation but not the immortal kind, however; it's still something unique & fits perfectly with the novel.

I've caught up with the releases & waiting for more. There's very little romance, but situations that MC gets into or takes initiative to enter are the stars of this novel. Sometimes, it's a bit funny. <<less
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isengoethe rated it
November 19, 2018
Status: c533
Story is good, kept me interested yet marred by the fact that minor supporting characters seem idiotic to highlight MC's flawlessness. Generals who are supposed to be veterans of numerous battles "panic" in front of insurmountable odds, then miraculously get mindblown by MC's keikaku (plan). Even characters that have been with the MC for 2-3 arcs, having seen MC's marvelous operations still doubt the MC when they see him do something dubious in their eyes. These characters have just become the backdrop for the MC. They can do nothing without... more>> the MC or if the MC didn't tell them what to do. Story is still good. It just irks me that I see these things happen over and over again, arc after arc, chapter after chapter. :V <<less
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earthdrake rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c393
This novel was good if you could ignore some details (completely s*upid gold managing and cash flows, as an example he pays the shindi monks 30k and then adds 80k more saying that he will buy the 300 ores at 400 each and the extra money should be used for the next batch, 30+80 is 110k, 300x400 is 120k so he should pay 10k more, at another point he asks for a deposit to be able to be at the auction, 20k each, later he has 600k. At no moment 30 people came to pay that, only 4 guys where there and paid, suddenly 600k) the story is good. Then you start to realize that author takes 3 chapters to explain why MC is a genius (author should read how to actually write smart characters, please read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality for an example) and why everything MC does is perfect.
At some point it becomes tedious to read a chapter filled with explanation and no story or character growth.
The good part is that it shows how the chinese culture was in several things.
The bad is almost all the rest.

THE is an excellent novel filled to the brim with details. It's an enjoyable novel with a lot of world building (most of it being true story of the Chinese) however there are a few issues.

Thanks to StarveCleric (TL) and the wonderful notations about history, customs and everything else you can really enjoy, understand and really appreciate the novel. Without StarveCleric this translation would be less because we would loose part of the understanding. Also this is an extremely VERBOSE novel (I'm guessing to increase the character count) there is a lot of text that doesn't really add to it (endless praise to MC, endless s*upid or worthless comments, etc) you could remove most of that text and the novel would be even better.

All in all thanks to the current (vanished) TL this novel is a solid 4.5. Without the proper knowledge about the setting this novel would be a 3.5.
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February 6, 2018
Status: c299
I'm so happy I could cry real tears. It's historical. It's wuxia. The MC has no romance interests. These days I don't like the romance because it means that there will be a girl in the way. Our MC is on a mission to 'save the world' and that's it, no girls. It's wuxia. I love cultivation, cultivation in this one is bit far fetched and unbelievable but, again, there isn't a girl or girls in the way so I'm happy anyway. It's historic. I know nothing of the history... more>> but it helps that the translator includes footnotes and links. I LOVE AND AM SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS NOVEL! If it isn't obvious, I love Kingdom. I love Kingdom because it's historical, action packed and there isn't a girl in the way lol. If you like Kingdom, maybe you'll like this. <<less
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BillionJellyfish rated it
February 3, 2018
Status: c490

If I could, I would actually change my rating to a 3 stars because as time went on, yes the MC becomes more OP or powers up, but it is also very annoying how the MC seems to be repressed by most of the female characters in this story. Repressed as in the MC is either too weak to fight back against the female characters or is content being bossed around by the female characters, like bro, you're a MC. The main character, meaning ya deserve some form of respect/pride/dignity/equality,... more>> no? It is honestly annoying how most of the female side characters tend to look down on the MC or tease him like a lil brother (more like treating him as a lowkey servant). So I'm really sick of these type of female side characters, hence I'll be taking a break from this novel. OLD REVIEW:


1. The MC is a transmigrator and a reincarnator at the same time! This is really interesting since the MC is trying to save his country while using info from his last life and some modern knowledge. Because the MC is so busy with prepping for the big war, he has no time for romance, which is a good thing because romance doesn't fit in with this plot at all.

2. The strategy, mind games, and underhanded dealings are all very well thought out, written, and initiated. There is little to no flaw in the plot in the sense that it is logical and flows smoothly.

3. The cultivation of the MC catches up quickly so the readers don't need to read hundreds of useless cultivation bs/jargon. Even though the MC is not OP, his schemes/strategic planning makes up for his lack of strength.

4. The fact that the MC is slowly building up a group of strong followers/friends is really amusing and fun to read about. I like how the MC straight out finds all the strong/loyal people from his previous life either by hook or by crook so as to change the destiny of the country.

Overall, this novel is interesting and amusing to read about. The plot may come off as a bit stale/bland since there is no big obstacle that the MC is facing other than the big war, hence the MC's plans all fall into place like a puzzle. Since the MC's plans are almost never interrupted, the story moves along at a pretty quick pace. There are no annoying small fries or undying c*ckroaches for the MC to stomp on which saves time for the actual story. This novel is a good way to pass time, so I recommend coming in with a light heart and low expectations so if any flaws are detected, the disappointment won't be too huge. <<less
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Noahjeno rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: c683
This is my first review for a novel. I am just writing to address some of the dissatisfaction other reviewers written about. This is my opinion that's all.

First of all, this story is mainly about wars, strategy, politics and kingdom building. So people who don't like this stuff, stay away.

Personally I feel this MC is very desperate. He has lots of regrets. He watched his family, friends, followers and his country got destroyed and he truly feels if he could worked better from the beginning at least somethings could have... more>> changed. So that's why our MC behaves selfless. He was the grand marshal so it's his job to protect the nation.

Regarding blacksmithing, he doesn't know it. Only basic ideas. As a marshal trying to save his country he having considerable knowledge about wootz steel and its making is well within acceptable range. He only does the last two steps in making it which according to the novel was easy and could be done by anyone with basic knowledge in smithing.

Many feel that this weapon arc was unnecessarily big. But it is his wealth and the foundation with which his all future works are to be done. So I feel it is necessary, readers should know how important it is.

Some said that MC who was a marshal in past life, is scared of many of elders and superiors. As I said he feels he was responsible for his family's destruction in the past life. So he is just being humble to them and wish for their wells being.

Wang chong has mixed feelings about the emperor who was said to be the strongest person, greatest emperor in the history who in his later part of life became addicted to riches and wine. It was said that many felt when the catostrophe struck the nation, if the emperot was alive, the country could have been saved. Understand that our MC never attained his strength through hard work. It was given to him. Even then he never reached the heights emperor currently in. This strength is what truly makes the MC to feel awe about him and the emperor slightly shows he is foresighted than others in recent releases.

About emperor taking his daughter in law, why the people are so angry with mc? Clearly author stated there is bigger mystery in it which will be later revealed. MC knows emperor won't listen to anyone and the concubine will become powerful so why would he stand against her? He has bigger problems to solve and he need strong backings for it.

Next something about author throwing problems one after other and many works done by MC are halfway left for others. A powerful dynasty how can it be destroyed by few problems. It was riddled with both many internal and external problems that our MC can only solve it one at a time. Mc's each actions are well planned and wil be used in the future. It is never half done we just have to look forward for it.

Finally about romance, story possibly lead to harem but for now only girls are showing some interest but not our MC. He is not dense. He realises others feelings. But he is simply too busy. Females are strong and smart but so far not enough to make any impact in the story or MC. So our MC is still clearheaded and progressing towards his goal slowly but steadily <<less
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rodadevil rated it
July 8, 2017
Status: --
This novel is quite good, a usual standard MC reincarnated plot as well as trying correct the mistakes of his previous life but to compare the other novel, this one is much more interesting. The MC well describe and the transation is excellent
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