The Green Lotus Peasant Girl


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In her previous life, Li Qinghe married into the Xu family with pomp and splendor but was treated coldly and ignored by everyone in the household she married into. She eventually died of an illness to make way for her husband’s white moonlight.

However, she woke up again, this time with prior knowledge of herself being just a cannon fodder in a sweet romance novel. In the original novel, Qinghe had saved the male protagonist’s life and then asked him to marry her as repayment. She then made the lovers’ lifetime a hell because of her jealousy. Now that she had returned to the past and been given a second chance at life, Li Qinghe decided to change her way of living. She resolved to stay away from the male and female protagonists. It was still important to save his life for the story to continue, but that kindness would be exchanged for silver, and she would leave instead.

But unexpectedly, the original male protagonist was not reconciled to this and rushed to become entangled with her. She had a violent temper and rolled up her sleeves, intending to hit him. Another man beside her saw this and felt very distressed. Hurriedly taking her hand and squeezing it gently, he said, “Be good. If you’re not careful, your hand will hurt. You should stand aside and let me do such menial work.”

In his last life, Zhou Chengkang had built and maintained a large tombstone in front of Li Qinghe’s grave for his entire life after her death. He regretted not expressing the feelings in his heart to her many times. He then died, still carrying that regret.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was reborn and had returned to the time before she had gotten married to Xu Changjie. The beautiful lady was again alive and graceful, drawing at his heartstrings. He couldn’t help but want to take her into his arms.

This time, he won’t miss his chance again.

Double rebirth; a story of a husband and wife farming together and living with scums.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Peasant Girl Qinghe
Related Series
The Prestigious Family’s Young lady and the Farmer (3)
Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich (2)
Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight (2)
Greetings, Ninth Uncle (1)
Proud Farm Girl With A Space (1)
Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Complete novel 2
  2. My Favorite Farming Novels
  3. TBR Ancient
  4. Medium-Length Good Reads
  5. 60 - 80s love story

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/18/20 Konila c5
12/11/20 Konila c4
12/04/20 Konila c3
11/27/20 Konila c2
11/27/20 Konila c1
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58 Reviews sorted by

January 9, 2024
Status: Completed
I tolerated reading this, mostly because I could turn my brain off and not think too deeply. It wasn't well written or interesting. It was the bare minimum of slice of life with a plot that has been done a thousand times and others do it better.

The FL is a blank paper. She is reincarnated from modern times but only a few references are made to this. Only two or three, if you skimmed you might not notice it. The focus is on her rebirth after coming to ancient times... more>> and her tragic death.

The FL is largely apathetic and while I appreciated her bluntness the author could have explored a few more favorable aspects of her character.

Her few interactions with Yan Yan (don't remember her name, the embroidery girl) weren't enough for me to like her as a character.


She is the standard MC striving for a better life. At least the author spared me the cooking plot line. It started but stopped.

She sold a kimbap recipe. There were mentions of her having other things to make and sell but the author went in a different direction.


The romance was even more lack luster which is a skill in and of itself. The writer manages to make every interaction between the two feel either forced, childish, boring, or obligatory. I'm not even convinced the FL likes the ML. He was just the better choice in this life.


I don't even know why he liked her enough to guard her grave for a lifetime. The author did this to show his dedication, but without the proper justification it became a gimmick instead of a story line. The problem is that they don't have a getting to know you phase. When I analyzed it she married at 15 or 16 in her last life a she and the ML had passing interactions but weren't close. The segregation of male and female unless intending to marry was emphasized at the start. The she died and he guarded her tomb and she watched him do that. That's it. The have daily interactions but not a single frank conversation. I don't know anything about the ML because they don't talk. It would be different if the FL wasn't written as a bold and frank person, but she's like that with everyone but the ML. They even dance around the issue of them both being reborn for more than half the book for no reason. It was tedious instead of being interesting or sweet.


They did business, got rich. Enough said.

These novels usually have too large a cast and it's easy to forget them but this story had the opposite problem. When I heard about her half sister or slept mother I knew how the next fe chapter would go. No one in this story changes or shows any growth. They also lack intelligence, except for the ML, FL and her close friends of course. <<less
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Blacknevar rated it
November 2, 2023
Status: Completed
This book is actually good like damn good But to you all out there it's a slice of life like literally slice of life.

Lifestyle - they are not op I mean it!, they don't have any superpower or reincarnators system. They build their lifestyle slowly and through hardwork there's a bit of business details but not that super detailed not to the point where it would go boring.

Satisfaction- well read it. The return of the karma is the best.

Romance - ML is super duper green flag, The ideal man and... more>> also the FL is good she knows how to set boundaries. She knows what she wants

Downhill- the only part I don't like is the ending. I was still enjoying reading it but after I clicked the next chapter it's already the ending. It's so rush like arrgghhh I STILL WANTS TO KNOW THE OTHER PEOPLE'S ENDING LIKE HER ELDEST SISTER-IN-LAW AND HER MOTHER IN LAW. <<less
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l8rose rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: Completed
While this story doesn't have a lot of problems for the MC and her ML, it's a fairly enjoyable read.

The MC regressed after dying in her previous life (while it's not said outright, the few references to her death make it clear that she was poisoned) but she did see the ML spending the rest of his life watching over her tombstone. The MC returns to the past just before she made the decision to marry the guy from her first life. This time, she chooses to have his family... more>> give her money instead of marrying him.

The ML is also a regressor (kind of assuming it's from the same point in the past life but never noticed it being said) who has been in love with the MC in both life times. In this life, he immediately begins with the idea of convincing the MC not to marry the scum-husband from the first life and quickly moves to pursuing the MC.


The ML outright states to her that everything he has will be the MC's. Land, money, himself. Whatever he has, he wants to give to her and make her happy. He even makes the point to learn how to feed and care for the fish she planned to raise before they were ever fully a couple. In the ML's mind, it's clear that she is the only one for him. The MC also realizes she doesn't love him in the beginning but also realizes that no one will ever love her like he will and she rather quickly falls in love with him.


Once the MC and ML get together, they generally don't let anything get in the way of their happy life together. Whether this is the MC's stepmother, the ML's idiotic older brother or the first-life-scum-hubby (and his rather promiscuous-but-without-cheating girlfriend/wife) ; the pair won't put up with anything. That being said, they don't do anything completely terrible to the people who mess with them. It's more or less just each antagonist getting karma for the things they've done.

Neither the MC and ML seek out revenge for the MC's death in the first timeline.


But the MC does admit that she enjoys the fate of the people who wronged her even if she didn't have a hand in it.


There are two extra story chapters at the end but they don't really add much to the story (the second one was really weird but did give us a glimpse into the ML in the previous timeline).

Overall, I enjoyed this. It's pretty much a slice of life and watching karma hit everyone where the sun doesn't shine. <<less
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sonrisa rated it
August 21, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a simple novel, not bad. The MC couple were reborn but the only thing significant that changed was that they married each other this time. They had zero advantage from their past life, which was kinda ridiculous. In the current life they lived well & happy. Most of the characters were trying to take advantage of others, which was really annoying. The plot stayed in the country side, they didn't get rich & move to the capital. I don't know about any king or princes either. It had some... more>> random drama at end and the end seemed abrupt. Translation read like a MTL to me, they were errors and sometimes the sentences didn't make sense, <<less
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August 19, 2023
Status: c83
An enjoyable slice of life fic. Nice to meet a believable character who doesn’t jump into every situation willynilly, or offer her opinion when it’s not related to her, and tries to think of others POV. Definitely going in my Favourites list.
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Megan0926 rated it
August 15, 2023
Status: Completed
So, a couple of the reviews mention MTL, but the chapters that are currently available are not MTL, so ignore that.

Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this. Yes, it was a little bit dull, but that's slice of life for you. I agree with others that the FL is not really a green lotus, rather she is somewhat cold. However, I think that's due to her suffering in her past life.

There's some drama, but the ML and FL maintain a strong relationship throughout it all. This led to some sweet moments,... more>> but there isn't much romance going on.

Despite that, I would recommend this story! <<less
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August 2, 2023
Status: Completed
I enjoyed this (very) slice of life farm rebirth offering. A realistic rags to a little riches.

The character motivations made sense imho - for good or ill- for a patriarchal, hard scrabble society. One petty NPC came back and pleasantly surprised me :)

It’s not super romance-y if that’s what you’re looking for. More high level than daily minutiae - spanning a decade or so by the end of the novel. I enjoyed that as wealth is not acquired (generally) in one month.

I did have issues sometimes in telling everyone... more>> apart because everyone had the same two last names...

Overall, if you’re a fan of the farming genre, this is worth a read. <<less
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bookmunchies rated it
August 1, 2023
Status: c124
Not a bad one, just the tl is a pity. I gotta warn that at first the tl is bad, but after a few ch it gets better, it'd be good to edit those because they do make a person opt out of reading. As for the plot, it's nice enough, just not really what the summery says. There's not really a reversal in behavior on the OG ML side, and the plot is just MC living. I liked that human development was nicely done, and the change that is... more>> inevitable is shown, as well as stubbornness of hardheaded people. All in all, if you can't handle bad tl or porridge type of novel skip, if you can hold on until the tl gets better and you like reading porridge that I recc it. <<less
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chasingcars2 rated it
July 20, 2023
Status: c124
It was a very calm story. FL was not out for revenge, but they did get their karma, and she wasn't mad about it. Haha I really liked it. It was a story about farming, healing, resilience. The focus was not on face slapping, or even their romance, it was about farming and building a life together. They had their protagonist halo protecting them but who cares? I did want more fluffy moments between them tho.
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nouhr99 rated it
June 29, 2023
Status: Completed
This story was realistic on so many levels; it did a good job portraying the complex human relations in the rural setting and the human heart in general, family quarrels, growth and wealth development etc. They had no fancy ability nor space nor knowledge of the future but took baby steps towards making a better life for themselves.

At the same time, the MCs were not hypocrites and l loved they didn't go out of their way to make the lives of their foes miserable and didn’t get revenge for events... more>> that didn’t even occur in the life they were currently living.

All in all it as really enjoyable and oddly peaceful to read. I’ve grown quite tired of face slapping and all that. Though there were elements of face slapping, that wasn’t the central theme and I personally just saw that all they did was prevent people from taking advantage of them. <<less
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Kez Lynx
Kez Lynx
June 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Worth the read. This is a very sweet story and not too long. The extra chapters didn't annoy you; there were only two. It is a basic slice-of-life story. So the everyday life can seem a bit boring, but not to the point of not continuing to read the novel.
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fakeluff rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: Completed
This is really well done for a rebirth novel. No histrionics, just a wistful kind of realistic warmth. So, it really brings out what rebirth novels essentially want to say: don't waste this one life you actually have.
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chande rated it
June 9, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a very slice of novel about farmers family in the village. Both MC and ML were given a second chance after missing each other in their previous life. MC was actually also a transmigrator but it didn't affect her life much since she didn't rely on her previous life's knowledge to make a living. It made her far from being OP and it also made her wasn't like a transmigrator at all. But it's fine though since I like hardworking MC.

Another thing that I like about MC was... more>> she wasn't a pushover. She could stand up for herself and didn't give much face to people who wronged her but she was also quite forgiving to people who sincerely repented. As for people who got along with her, she was quite generous and treated them well.

Meanwhile, ML was more like a puppy who wholeheartedly devoted to MC. He was always supportive of decision and never contradicted her even once. Perhaps because he already experienced losing MC once so he really tried hard to treat her well in their second life.

It actually went well for both of them in this lifetime. They both got together almost in no time and then their lifes after that revolved around farming and making money. Of course there were some conflicts throughout the story, mostly came from the annoying family members but since MC wasn't pushover, she never suffered any lose and even gained a lot.

The ending was also considered satisfactory.


I'm happy that they didn't try to become a bigshot in the capital and still retained their current lifestyle in the village, living simple and peaceful life.

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June 7, 2023
Status: Completed
I enjoy it, this is simple story with no cheat ability although the setting was transmigration with rebirth it just excuse for MC and ML together, when I read this it's not pour me with excitement but tranquility, our perspective made us not linked with our MC and her story.. We will feel like bystander
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sketchy333 rated it
April 19, 2023
Status: c116
Completely middling story. I rate it a 4 even though it is more like a 3.5 for me. Rounding will help the rating lean towards what I consider reasonable.

Nothing big happens. The closest thing to a big event is the main character showing off her skills in ... more>>

growing sweet potatoes, even to the point that government officials sought her advice.

This affects the rest of the village, but in terms of emotional impact and character development? It's completely meaningless. A character or two may have commented on it in the presence of the main character, but it provides zero drama.

The conceit of both the main character and the romantic male lead being reincarnated adds very little to the overall story IMHO. They could have both had a fever dream and it would have resulted in much the same. Eh.

If you ever wanted to be a middle-aged or senior citizen who loves to gossip, and only ever gossips, read this novel. This is exactly the kind of experience you will get from reading this. Pretty non-offensive. <<less
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zerotosiki rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: Completed
It's good. Not a lot of dramas and but there's little romance there. I mean we don't know why ML love FL in their previous timeline in the first place. It's like FL is so lucky to have someone who love her so much. I would like to give this 3 or 4 🌟
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