The Great Thief


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He had never invested in shares or bought a lottery ticket, and neither did he have any experience in the general business industry. Lu Li found that the only thing he could do was play games.

Luckily he had experienced rebirth, and was one step ahead of everyone else. Luckily, games had been developing extremely quickly, and there were many people who had become rich through playing games.

In his ‘past life’, he had spent countless nights awake, in grief and anguish. However, although all of this had been washed away, so what…? This life, he was determined to make a fierce counterattack against fate and stand at the very top!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World (12)
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (6)
Reign of the Hunters (5)
Emperor of Solo Play (5)
The King’s Avatar (4)
Godly Thief Incarnation (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  3. Ln/Wn without any harem
  4. Novels I've read, CN, KR, JAP, Power Fantasy Crap
  5. Everything I've Read (PART 1)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/08/17 Webnovel c47
04/07/17 Webnovel c46
04/06/17 Webnovel c45
04/05/17 Webnovel c44
04/04/17 Webnovel c43
04/03/17 Webnovel c42
04/02/17 Webnovel c41
04/01/17 Webnovel c40
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31 Reviews sorted by

jlkc rated it
April 18, 2017
Status: c127
This review is coming from someone who is heavily biased towards anything LitRPG. Anything Litrpg automatically gets +1 star from me. This novel is pretty damn terrible. Copying WoW's system and changing a few things here and there is a pretty good idea. However, this author decides to copy way more than that. Every single dungeon is copied from WoW, all the bosses have the same mechanics and skills. The story ends up becoming more like someone's edited WoW diary. This author is one of the most uninspired writers I've... more>> ever seen. You'd have more fun playing WoW instead of reading this.

The characters are one dimensional and get almost no development. This usually isn't too much of a problem in LitRPG's where the focus is on the game elements. However, the game elements are complete sh*t and the characters are completely boring.

The story is basically a XianXia with twists you see coming from a mile away, arrogant young masters who pick fights for the most ret*rded reasons, never-ending revenge chains, countless beauties who serve no purpose in the story and a main character who is nothing more than a plot puppet.

As crappy as Rebirth of the Thief and Zhan Long are, at least their game mechanics were more interesting.

TLDR: Even if you have time to waste, go waste it elsewhere. <<less
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Alexander Valdimir
Alexander Valdimir rated it
March 9, 2017
Status: c18
So currently there's 18 chapters that's been release and I can say that it isn't bad. The story is another Rebirth VRMMORPG type of novel however it's definitely more polish compare to others in this category. The story is simple as it gets, Someone who started the game after a year of its release however due to misfortune and betrayal, he lost his stable life and it got progressively worst when his younger sister was ill. So he travel back into time so that he can saved his sister, and... more>> also he hates union cause their a**holes that's all you need to know. So first I will definitely have to say something about the translation, Felt smooth and it felt like there wasn't any real inconsistency, only rare minor typos if you were really trying to search for them.

Second, the main character even when he got the knowledge of his past life, it doesn't feel like his overpower at all even though his called an expert, although that's only being said since it's was like two days since release. He switched into another class, his skills aren't overpowering, and when he actually started to play the game before the rebirth, there has been a lot of updates to the game so that means that even though he know the method of something, the results are different so it doesn't give as much benefits as when he does it. Overall, it gives you the impression that what he does can be consider impressive however isn't overbearing powerful to the point where he can solo a boss, fight a group of people by himself or go beating experts left and right. (At least not yet)

Third, the overall Virtual reality MMORPG isn't bad although I don't play much MMORPG so I can't really comment about this but it seems simple and straightforward. Can't really say much about the novel just yet since there's barely any release as only when around fifty chapters could you truly see if you wanna continue reading it or not and it's potential. Although I have to say that the main character isn't cruel however also isn't idiotically kind, simply level headed. He needs money for his younger sister future, so he won't get involved in things that aren't unnecessary. To maintain that quo, although his giving some good equipment to the other Union so, he could have a better relationship and have a stronger team for future raids as the Union his in right now is only necessary to play the game. Yeah so it's a pretty good casual read if anyone is interested. <<less
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marredme rated it
March 13, 2017
Status: c23
It's your typical vrmmorpg novel so far:

1. MC is poor
2. Has a family member who's sick
3. Rebirth advantages
4. Was able to get some sort of upgradeable artifact early in the game (because of no.3) which will probably be overpowered in the future.
5. Entitled rich kids who's out to get him.

With regards to the story of the game, it borrows heavily on the lore of the World of Warcraft franchise. I'm not sure about everything mentioned so far, but the artifact I mentioned on no.4 was made by Cenarius. Malfurion, Illidan, Ysera, and some other stuff were mentioned as well. I'm not really an expert on warcraft lore, so I'm not so sure if some other things he mentioned were from warcraft as well, some other game, or his original concept. Some people may not be bothered by this but I prefer things that are original.

With regards to the the game mechanics, it's like a modified version of WOW. That's pretty much it I guess. It's an ok vrmmorpg novel. Nothing really new so far that breaks the typical vrmmorpg trend but it's an ok read.
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
May 22, 2017
Status: c91
Sigh... The writing isn't very good. The Characters really feel one dimensional. The ideas are good but it feels very plain and not properly organize. You'll lose interest quickly. I'm just completely in a daze, trying to figure out what's going on.
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Sashimi14142 rated it
March 26, 2017
Status: --
A Classic VRMMORPG novel. There's a rush in introducing some of the characters in the first few chapters but I think this is better than Rebirth of the Thief who roamed the world.

The levelup of the character makes sense. Equipments are upgradeable. There are no special classes. Records in dungeons. This is a Slice of Life genre then the progress of the character is just right for every chapter.
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Deathlord rated it
November 1, 2017
Status: c217
I am a big fan of VRMMO stories and I must say I am disappointed with this work.

First of all I know nothing about WoW so even if it's direct copy of characters from the game doesn't make any difference to me. But what is so disappointing about this novel is that the progression of the story is linear. Even from the first few chapters till where I am now there isn't much progress in the actual story. All MC does is go on quests with the group of friends... more>> based on his memories of future, gets in fights with the opposite guilds who either have discovered the place before him or wanted the place themselves, rinse and repeat.

I mean with a name"The Great Thief" I expected it to be more exciting. Although expecting new things from VrMmo is not practical but still it would have been better if within the novel itself reading 2 chapters with same story theme is quite boring.

Another issue is his personality. He played the game once before but he isn't even using the knowledge of it properly. His skills were erratic heck of I were in his shoes the first thing I would do is hide my identity and waited for me to get stronger before antagonizing the big guilds. It's like watching a fool get hold of future knowledge but he doesn't even know if he reveals he would get hunted down. <<less
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Alquimista rated it
May 6, 2017
Status: c104
The Great Thief is lazy, uninspired writing at its finest. It is as though the author had the idea to sit down and write a fanfic after binging Sword Art Online while concurrently going on a World of Warcraft bender and reading atrocious chuuni reincarnation/cheat-skill manga.

That being said, The Great Thief is not entirely without merit or potential. It just needs to be rewritten. In its entirety. Remove the obvious WOW rip-offs. Focus on the development of the MC's primary motivations and over-arcing plot instead of getting caught up in... more>> the repetitive minutiae of an MMO. Dial back on the high levels of MC-infallibility. Et Cetera, ad nauseam.

The general scope of the future setting and social stratification seem a good backdrop, but feel supremely underwhelming due to their rather under-developed nature, making the setting feel incredibly generic.

Still, for what it's worth, I've enjoyed reading The Great Thief to some extent, thus far. It sets my imagination ablaze; primarily with images of what this story might read like if it were well-written. Also, the blatant rip-off's and cringe-inducing trope-y bullsh*t make me LMAO on a regular basis. <<less
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OmegaDion rated it
March 9, 2017
Status: c18
As of now, it has a Taming Master vibes of it or somewhere between Ark and Shura's Wrath and Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World. Story focuses mainly on the MC for now. There too few chapters to tell whether this shines or goes deeper into the rabbit hole. Will change the review until Chapters reached 100.
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bludvein rated it
July 13, 2017
Status: c1440
This is a decent story unfortunately crippled by the fact it's a complete ripoff of WoW. Like, it's not even a tiny bit subtle about it and just copies everything from classic and turns it into VR. The whole thing screams lack of effort and they could probably get a cease and desist from Blizzard.

So why did I give it 3 stars? Mostly because it's nostalgic and also because it doesn't turn into a wankfest. The MC's back to the past does not offer him a significant advantage in the... more>> long run, and he's aware that he's really not as good as many of the top players at the start. It's basically his climb from average joe to owner of an e-sports team rather than a constant cheating using his memories, which automatically makes it better than many of the VR novels out there.

Not really something I would recommend to others, but not bad if your bored. <<less
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Zeikfried rated it
July 5, 2017
Status: c135
After more than a hundred chapters, I kept hoping that some semblance of a plot would form soon, but you are better off watching a lore let's play of WoW. I have completely forgotten the protagonist's situation at home (reincarnation doesn't even matter - you might as well have had this guy sneak into the beta or something and the story would be the same), I have forgotten what is important about his equipment because they are sold off as quickly as actual loot, I have forgotten any detail about... more>> the peripheral characters except their most surface personalities; by the time you reach chapter 130 you'll find yourself skimming through the meat of this story, the fights and loot, to look for anything that looks important to the narrative. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 31, 2019
Status: c349
The translation quality is good enough to figure out what is going on, but each chapter has errors of some kind. Not great but not terrible either. There are some face-palming lines like “The MC is so persistent, he is persistent” and something about Easter eggs in games being a term that originated in China rather than Europe. If people in China don’t celebrate Easter, how does it makes sense the term would originate from there... ? The MC can transform into a big cat, but the translation is inconsistent... more>> about whether it is a panther, leopard, or cheetah, which drives me a little bonkers. Which one is it, dammit?!

The story development is weak. The plot is that the MC’s sister is sick, and he has to earn money to save her. He failed the first time and was then sent back into the past. He gets his sister diagnosed and earns a bunch of money. Although he dies in dungeon raids several times, he never loses anything significant. He never faces any true setbacks. Although he said people cheated him out of money in his past life, no one has tried to do so in this life, which is actually quite shocking, considering his terrible sense of money and extraordinary naivette.

Also, never pay attention to the numbers. Although numbers are an important part of this story, it’s best to turn a blind eye to them. If the MC can’t equip a weapon because he has to be level 10 to equip it, he will still equip it a few chapters later, even though his level is too low. If there are fifty monsters in front of him, and he kills all fifty, somehow there will still be several dozen left behind. If he lists the Seven Great Thieves, only six will be given. The same goes for other numbers or lists. Percentages of a boost or something will also change from one chapter to the next, although this may be a translation error instead of the author’s fault.

The MC’s personality is contradictory and inconsistent. He wants to earn money for his sister. At the same time, he refuses donations from his rich roommates, bails a person he hates out of jail, spends millions of dollars for jewelry his sister might not like in both the game and reality, gives away 20% of his stocks to other guild members, and lets a merchant handle all the money for their schemes with absolute trust. Several people have rage quit in the comments section for chapters because of his foolish money-handling. Honestly, I kind of want to see him get swindled, so he can learn a lesson. Is he a greedy money-grubber or a generous person with dough to spare? The author can’t seem to make up his/her mind. Other than the sister-plot, the MC’s personality is rather shallow and guarded. I am over 300 chapters in, and he still hasn’t undergone any character development.

Speaking of which, why does he team up with people he regards as weak when his plan is to become strong and make a lot of money? Since he’s supposed to have such a ruthless nature, shouldn’t he coldly throw some of them away and then learn from his mistakes? Given his past and betrayals, it doesn’t make sense for him to value friendship so much except from one person who was always with him.

The sister only exists as a plot device, not as a character of her own. She is fourteen but treated like a little kid. She doesn’t appear much at all in the beginning of the series and hardly does anything of consequence other than motivating the MC. Most of the other characters are also quite flat in their character depth and development, too. They each have one defining character trait, and that is that.

The girls in this series are written really weirdly, too. They are supposed to be good gamers, but they are scared of things that aren’t that creepy and are seriously fixated on being cute. I thought they were supposed to be obsessive gamers? It’s not hard to write female characters. You just write them the same way you would a male character but use female pronouns instead. Then again, with this series, the male characters don’t have much depth either. They only benefit from not being written as weird as the women. Also, when women win the MVP awards for the classes they play, they only win because they are beautiful or cute, not because they crushed they crushed the competition and made it to the semi-finals or won the biggest tournament of the year. Their strength and contributions are completely disregarded. While one of the female characters appears to genuinely be mentally handicapped, the others just act extremely childishly for no reason at all. Men don’t have this problem.

The MC looks down on everyone in his team, especially the women. Even for his male comrades, he doesn’t seem to regard them too highly.

None of the characters are particularly memorable. The only thing going for this series is the action, but there isn't much of a world to develop any setting on. When more characters are introduced, the quality drops quickly.

The setting is a slightly dystopic sci-fi setting with an immense gap between the poor and the rich. Although this is an interesting set-up and could be developed out further and elaborated on, barely any attention is given to this issue. The story could have gone into what defines a poor home in this era but didn’t. Do they have running water? Hot water? Access to food? Air conditioning? Are they living on straw mats in an adobe house and waging war against bed bugs? Unfortunately, nothing is given. This could have been a significant point to develop the novel around, but it has been completely disregarded instead.

What does the world look like 200 years in the future? There is hardly any imagery in the novel, so the readers have no clue. Furthermore, none of the monsters or types of people in this World of Warcraft-based novel are described. As a person who has never played that game, I had no idea what things looked like until I Googled them and hoped the interpretation from WoW fansites matched what the author had in mind. I pictured the Night Elves like Dark Elves or Drow and expected them to have grayish-blue or brown skin... Their skin is purple. I imagined things wrong from the start. It’d also be nice if the races of other characters were mentioned at least once or more than once. I picture most of the MC’s team as elves or Night Elves since they met early in the game, but that’s all I’ve got to go off of.

The series doesn’t dive into the numerous medical problems the MC and other major gamers must be suffering from. The most obvious things are bed sores, blood clots, and malnutrition. Although he sits around playing games all day, he’s built so well that women gawk at him when he goes jogging. What kind of fantasy is this?!

Although this has action that can be fun for a couple of hundred chapters, the foundation of the world, characters, and plot is too weak to continue carrying the story and keeping it engaging at the same time. Furthermore, there's no description for any of the monsters, which makes it incredibly weak... If the readers have to lookup the reviews to find out this series is based on World of Warcraft and then visit those sites just to find visualize the scenes here, that is a sign of poor writing. <<less
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wedrifid rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c400
An MC that becomes progressively more unlikable. He tries to make a guild based on a 'family' or commune where everyone is treated equally, while simultaneously enabling encouraging blatant corruption and mistreatment of core team members. It makes me want to read LMS to see examples of more benevolent and trustworthy leadership. (And if someone who is unashamedly greedy and leads through beating his subordinates is a better leader than the one who tries to be fair then there is a problem!)
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rhianirory rated it
December 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Better than RotSSG but nowhere near as good as RotTWRtW. I've never played WoW so I can't comment on that aspect, but I did like that the story delved into the worlds lore and there were a few adventures in between the normal guild crap, first clears, wars, and the eternal pro competitions. It also lost steam once they hit the first level cap and I got bored and eventually skipped to the last twenty chapters and am calling it done. this story might have gotten another star from me... more>> if the MC had played the actual character class that he was familiar with, rather than magically becoming god-like in a class he'd never played before; especially considering how difficult the manuals are. If they wanted him to be a believable god thief than the author should have just made him a thief to begin with. It would have been interesting to see a druid MC. Then again, 3/4 of the story is repetitive, instance dungeons and competitions, so maybe the score would have been the same.

lastly, the side characters, especially the females, are very 2 dimensional and not well written; some of the important ones like Blackie and the MCs sister disappear for long stretches of time, (he does at least mention his sister from time to time, Backie just fades away). and I really don't like how misogynistic the MC (author) is. He treats his sister like shes 5 and makes comments about how women care more about appearance than stats when it comes to gear (not true) and that 'woman just want to buy makeup and clothes so they can lure a man while independent woman work so that they can buy makeup and clothes to lure a man.' seriously?wtf?! I was really tempted to drop this to a 2 because of all the authors bitter little comments, assumptions, and asides. <<less
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orario rated it
July 8, 2018
Status: c638
I don't know about others but I am reading this exactly because it's a World of Warcraft ripoff. Yep, I love WoW that much.

The MC acts like a decent human being and the characters around him are not there just to show off how badass he is like in most novels. Each one has their own special characteristics and they fill the gaps in the MC's abilities.

The MC isn't an all-knowing god. Sure, in terms of knowledge related to gaming, he is the best. But in other aspects such as... more>> how to manage a guild, how to make business and so on, he has no skill. This is why he relies on other chracters such as Wandering and Square Root to take care of those things.

Even in gaming, some instances would have not been completed had it not been for one of his party members - for example, had it not been for Hachi-chan being the "system's daughter", the party would have not completed Blackfathom Deeps.

Lastly, I'm glad that there is no harem. A certain character that has the potential to become a love interest has long since appeared but the MC doesn't think about her that way. Or any other women. He is focused only on getting enough money to cure his sister's terminal illness. Furthermore, he is aware that while in the game he is possibly among the top 10, in real life, he is just an ordinary guy. In comparison, that girl is millionaire. He admitted it to his sister that people like that woman live in a world different than their own.

Personally, I dropped LMS and Ark. They were way too long (tens of volumes) and the plot moved way too slow. Plus, Weed and Ark were too extreme. I mean for a modern world setting, they didn't feel like normal people. They were more like Xianxia MCs.

To me, Lu Li feels more human... closer and more relatable. Plus, as I said at the beginning, that the story is a WoW ripoff is actually a great plus for me.

It's almost like reading fanfiction <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: c251
Initially, I thought 4 stars, but now I give it a 5.

Don't get me wrong: it's still generic. However, it's a stable, well-written story that doesn't leave me feeling bored. For some reason, even though there isn't anything super interesting, I don't get bored.

After reading other reviews, I found it was a ripoff of WoW. I haven't played the game, so this review is from the perspective of someone who isn't bothered by that.

Characterization was initially lacking (all flat. Like: this dude's the whiny arrogant dude, that's the ditzy one,... more>> etc.), but as the chapters progressed, the author seemed to add and focus a bit more on side characters. MC isn't the most fleshed out MC ever, but he has enough color to not be flat. He's the calm (almost invincible seeming) type.

The females in the story aren't really annoying. There might some negativity to women, but there are strong female characters in the novel too. Romance though... the MC's like a rock. Besides his little sister (more like a background driving force than an important in-game member), women aren't that important to the MC. Sure, he has female friends and stuff, but no romance yet. At all. I don't mind that though.

The thief class in this novel is more like assassin/thief. Stealing hasn't been that important. The skills and world aren't boring (but they're ripoffs of WoW.... uh okay).

For a VRRMO, this novel might not be the most hype, but it's a stable novel that isn't boring. The little funny moments make me smile. <<less
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acoleman2 rated it
March 12, 2017
Status: c22
Entertaining. About what you expect from a VRMMORPG novel. Not unique in the genre, but a good, classic example of this type of story.

EDIT 3/23/17: no change in stars, still 4 stars. I am starting to get annoyed though. It feels like tons of characters are being introduced, but among each group of say 10 or 20 characters, only 1 matters. Same with unions. Also, the whole idea of unions annoys me, it should be guilds. A lot of the terminology doesn't make sense. I think that this is probably... more>> a good novel to binge, but reading it day to day is killing me. <<less
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dustyacer rated it
February 20, 2018
Status: c390
Okay, writing this review I have never played WOW before. The ripoff did not affect my score in anyway.

Story: It was Okay. Pretty typical reborn things, although doesn't take advantage of too many things compared to other novels. There is too much useless lore that we dont care about (probably more so if you've played WOW). Other than that its mostly him giving commands during boss raids, really gets repetitive and boring. Should incorporate more PVP and conflicts with other guilds. Like they are always hinting that there will be... more>> conflicts but their rarely is! Also many times aspects are not explained in the story.

Main Character: God damn it, I hate him, he is terribly written. He is way to idealistic, he says he is selfish but it wayyy to generous to other people. He contridicts himself way too much, like one moment he says he wants to obtain all the loot, but the next he decides to give up on looting probably the best bow in the game ATM for his team b/c of a sad NPC story... He is also the leader of the group but doesnt follow the legit ways of doing things and instead does his idealistic crap.

Side Characters: I got the say this is actually better than most other stories. The players of his team all have somewhat decent personalities, most avoiding any standard tropes. No ones personality is too one-dimensional, like the supposed "narcissistic" guy, isnt really that narcisstic, but has plenty of other characteristics.

Conclusion:Ignoring somewhat annoying MC, copied setting, random useless lore, repetition you get a decent story with OK side characters. <<less
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Fulek rated it
March 28, 2022
Status: c169
Chapter 169

I was thinking about dropping this story once every 30/40 chapters, here is where I give up.

At the very start MC (author) tells us who were the best players in his previous life, so I lost all sense of mystery about future powerful characters since now I know every single one of them now... TY SO MUCH AUTHOR-SAN!

World building sucks ass! The only thing I could imagine is map with borders, I usually have no problem with imagining, but holy crap I had to look up so many things.... more>> At some point, I thought that author thinks everybody played WoW and have basic knowledge about all sorts of stuff, but the problem is I NEVER PLAYED THAT GAME!

I hate like half of his teammates, especially Hunter girl that MC took into his "PRO-TEAM" just because he felt a little bad for her, every time she would be mentioned I would lose all my gained up excitement and ask my self "Why the heck is she still there?". She is useless and just lags behind others, MC has to constantly give her op and expensive equipment otherwise she would lag behind even more.

3/4 of the story is copied from game called World of Warcraft, author is a lazy truck that have 0 original ideas for his novel and the result is this crap.

Everything that "ResidentialPsycho" said is true, and I relate to a lot of his points, there is no reason to waste time on this VRMMO novel, you're better off reading RotSSG because this story is basically the same, it's just written in a more boring way.

3'4* rating for this novel is way too much in my opinion, maybe it gets better, I don't know, and I don't feel like ever finding out my self. <<less
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LehmD rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: c120
This novel Takes the same ideas as rebirth of the thief who roamed the world and reincarnation of the strongest sword god and presents them in a more boring way.

If that was all It would only be a bit worse than average and get 2-3 stars. But the author based the novel on world of Warcraft, which is fine, but then he was so lazy that he didn't even change anything. All the places have the same names as in the game, skill names are the same, races are the... more>> same etc. I feel like the author just assumes you have played wow before because half the stuff isn't properly explained.

To top it all off the author reminds us every few chapters that the game is a job for the MC and is not there for fun because he really needs money. Immediately after that MC will drop pretty much the best gear in the server and give it to his friends for free even if they are average players and not of much help. At one point his friends even sell the gear instead of wearing it and don't give MC any money? Why???? <<less
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mommmonn rated it
December 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a decent read. The writing is a bit confusing sometimes but its overall really good. The story itself is quite good and I like that the story ended with the wedding rather than the tournament which ahows that the MC really thinks that the game is just a means to meat the end and not the most important part in his life. The only thing that confuses me is the part where they keep struggling with funding. The guild he made although not big is still one of... more>> the best performing once in the game and he also owns quite a bit of land, how is it that there guild's income is so low that they having a hard time even though they have less thing to manage and employees to pay for than the other guilds (that are at least 10 times bigger than there's) but has shown better results. How the hell does the other guilds even earn a living if the guild with the most land and least maintenance cost is barely living. <<less
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