The First Hunter


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The world has changed, and so have the people.

December 31st, 2016, the day before New Years. Kim Taehoon was just casually shopping for groceries from the large store. But then, monsters suddenly appeared out of thin air. With his highly trained skills that he has gained from his previous occupation, he starts to hunt the monsters down and manages to win, saving countless people who were also in the mall.

But there are more, and they don’t stop coming.

Would he be able to survive till the end?

Would he be able to beat the countless amount of monsters that only seem to get stronger?

And would it just be monsters that he has to worry about?

This is the story of Kim Tae-Hoon, one of the first hunters to rise during an era when monsters first started to appear.

Associated Names
One entry per line
최초의 헌터
Related Series
Emperor of Solo Play (4)
Master Hunter K (4)
Everyone Else is a Returnee (4)
Evolution Theory of the Hunter (3)
M E M O R I Z E (3)
God and Devil World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Excellent Male Protagonists Novel
  2. Hunter/Player/Awakener-Gate/Tower/Dungeon/etc.
  3. Good novels adapted to webtoon
  4. No Romance or Harem, We want Quality Stories
  5. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/20/18 Webnovel c10
10/20/18 Webnovel c9
10/20/18 Webnovel c8
10/20/18 Webnovel c7
10/20/18 Webnovel c6
10/20/18 Webnovel c5
10/20/18 Webnovel c4
10/20/18 Webnovel c3
10/20/18 Webnovel c2
10/20/18 Webnovel c1
07/26/18 Gravity Tales c67
07/25/18 Gravity Tales c66
07/24/18 Gravity Tales c65
07/23/18 Gravity Tales c64
07/20/18 Gravity Tales c63
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26 Reviews sorted by

April 9, 2018
Status: c74
The MC is seriously awesome. He's not exactly an evil or good guy, and the best way to describe him is probably first and foremost as a soldier and a survivor. There's no illusion of him coming to someone's rescue unless it's part of a plan for his own benefit, but if it's not too out of his way, he'll lend a helping hand. And just reading about the way that he can act unrestrainedly no matter which situation he finds himself in, I can't help but excited whenever he's... more>> slaughtering anything that gets in his way. The premise is definitely interesting, but it's the MC who keeps me interested. <<less
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patrickgwalsh rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: c142
I spent 11 years as a soldier in the US Army Infantry, and I can say for sure that the author knows soldiering pretty goddamn well. The main character's mindset, tactics and techniques are exactly what a good soldier would use. How many of these 'world becomes a video game' type stories have you read where the main character conducts an after action review after killing a boss, and then uses what he learned to create an instruction manual so that others can do the same thing more efficiently? I... more>> don't know who this D-Dart guy was, but if he wrote this without either being a Korean Special Forces soldier or getting the help of one, I'll be very surprised. <<less
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Tyxhq rated it
July 9, 2023
Status: Completed
I'd say the start is good 5/5...

However after the first 30 chapters, the power system and items becomes complete garbage and just background stuff... most important power in this story is who screams louder lol wth??? & the dialogue just repeats, with same enemies and they made some items and characters seem important however became bland as hell cause its overused and just completely ignored.

I wouldn't recommend reading this if you want good story line, good ending with good plot and actual proper dialogue as well as fleshed out enemies... more>> with proper power or fighting system.

I give 3/5 cause I feel bad. If anything 1/5 for the plot and action scenes <<less
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LehmD rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Overall I quiet liked the Story. The characters are decent the Story is exciting and the ending isnt too rushed. Also there is no Romance/harem which is quiet rare. But the Fact that the reason the Monsters appeared is never explained coupled with the Fact they appear exactly once is really bothering me and lowered the final rating a lot. Also Fights are Skipped often or only described shortly Especially towards the end which is a bummer
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Mr. Disgruntle
Mr. Disgruntle rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: Completed
The writing style of The First Hunter is very rough. It was like the author wrote an outline with important plot points to hit and followed it exactly without adding any details. How some things are done is completely glossed over, leaving the reader with only the juicy bits of plot. There are quite a few plot holes in the story, but the author leaves it up to the reader's imagination to fill them in—which he can only do because he skips so many mundane details. For example, how did... more>> everyone in Europe get to Moscow in a single day, dig out a relic, and deliver it to the main character in four days? It's up to the reader to decide! How did the main character slay the final boss? Well, the fight began like this, and then... the rest is up for the reader to imagine!

Despite the above-mentioned complaints, the story was still enjoyable to read. Solid 4/5 stars. <<less
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Master10K rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Just another modern day in S. Korea, when monsters spawn out of nowhere coming to wreck sh*t up and of all the similar Korean WNs I've read, it's nice to find one that deals with the initial fallout. So instead of jumping in when all the monster hunting infrastructure is in place, the reader gets to witness such a society rebuild from the ashes of civilization.

Following the highly logical and somewhat sociopathic Kim Tae-Hoon, who initially comes across as a selfish prick. Nevertheless instead of remaining an anti-social a**hole, who... more>> monopolizes everything like a tyrant, he quickly learns that he can't do it all alone. Which helps in giving the story some stakes that actually matter. But I would like someone to explain to me... this author's obsession with COFFEE? <<less
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