The Female Supporting Character Just Wants To Live A Good Life


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This is a story of an upright girl that transmigrated into the villainess in the novel where she isn’t aware of it and plans to live well.

Su Rui thought that she had transmigrated, but who knew that this was a novel.

Su Rui thought that she is a fair, rich and pretty lady, but who knew that she is just a cannon fodder.

Su Rui thought that she has found herself a reliable marriage partner, but who knew that he was the male lead.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. romance, romance and romance (Chinese novel)
  2. Romance
  3. Back to another Time + 70s Seventies | PART 2
  4. i like
  5. BG novels

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New ManuMada
May 10, 2024
Status: --
I will give this novel 4.5

The.5 is reduced because I didnt want the FL to become pregnant

Other than that I LOVE THIS NOVEL.

... more>> It is really refreshing. The FL is honestly a very healthy individual. She cares little for love and just wants a stable life with a reliable husband. It resonates with me really well.

There are no misunderstandings as far as I read. But I didnt like the fact that she got pregnant

The main thing I loved about the ML is that he "did not want to raise a daughter" in his wife. He explictly mention that he WANTS an equal partner, not a little girl. In fact he felt uncomfortable dating FL cuz of her age but acknowledged that she is mature emotionally.

There is no power imbalance in their dynamic.

So if you want a no drama smooth sailing novel with a realistic development of a relationship. Try this. <<less
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emmyazzy rated it
March 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Hi, I'm the translator of this novel. Therefore, this is going to be my short and biased review.

I enjoyed reading this novel mainly because I found the protagonist very pragmatic and the novel is rather realistic.

The female protagonist thinks rather maturely and I would agree to most of how she thought of stuff.

For example, she doesn't mind the idea of blind dating or matchmaking that is arranged by her parents. This is because even though it's a blind date, she knew that she can choose whether to continue getting to know the person or not as her parents won't force her.


The novel isn't too dramatic or has dramatic elements which would let some people feel that it's boring. The protagonist is a decisive person as well. Once she decides on something, she will make sure that she follows it. Another example would be:

After a few times of meeting the male lead and during the visit to the male lead's office, the female lead heard that the male lead isn't interested in dating nor marriage. She thought that she misunderstood him and immediately apologised to the male lead. After that, she left and she avoided him (in school when the male lead was a guest lecturer and on the phone where she blocked him).


I found that rather decisive which is funny at the same time since the poor guy got misunderstood as well. As for the transmigration part, honestly, there's not much to it in the novel. She technically has only possessed this new body and she lived on her life like what she would have wanted. With relevance to this, some may argue that it's selfish and such, I would think that yes it might be selfish but there's nothing she can do as a transmigrator.

With relevance to the transmigrating into the novel part mentioned in the summary, she has only realised it in the later chapters. It doesn't really affect her life and she carried on with her relationship with the male lead.

To conclude, I would list the pros and cons in this novel that I could think of.


    • Pragmatic protagonist, someone who thinks before she act
    • Rather realistic (other than transmigrating part) novel
    • Male lead is rather pragmatic and decisive as well. He is rather transparent to the female protagonist as well.
    • As mentioned earlier, they have a good communication between one another.
    • Female protagonist parents' love and understanding for the female protagonist. (Though it's not really a pro, but they were always supporting her choices in her decisions)

    • May be boring to some as there's not much drama (huge emphasis on this). It would be worth it though!! The romance is sweet and soothing especially after a long day in your real life.
    • people who hate the idea of transmigrating would dislike this novel since a person is technically possessing and living the life of someone that doesn't belong to the person. (Sort of)
    • a rather decisive female protagonist would mean that some actions that she has done would make her seems "heartless" to some.
Thank you so much for reading my review and I also hope that you will like my translation as well. I would also like to

*cough* to be thick-skinned

and apologise if I made any errors with relevance to my translations and mainly my grammar. I will do my best in translating it and improving my grammar as well. &Lt;3

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Kei-Em03 rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: Completed
Both M and ML are very mature. They know what they want.

Very smart and realistic thinking. ❤

The novel FL is reborn.



Their son is so funny

'Just 8 months old, he was labeled "rebellious" by a teacher in the childcare center.'

What makes it funnier is that the son's personality is more like the mother ???


Plot twist:


If im reading MTL correctly. (MC) Su Rui is the real Su Rui but she died at the age of 13, then a soul transmigrated into her body that's why she became rebellious. Then due to the park accident, the soul died and the MC came back to the body.

'Su Rui before the age of 13 was actually very sensible and quiet.'

'However, when Su Rui was 13 years old, she drowned, after drowning while swimming and intermittently had a high fever for several days.

After the girl woke up and recovered completely, the personality of the whole person changed.'

-Father Su

'Actually, Su Rui died at the age of 13 and was replaced, and later transmigrated back again.'

-Author's Note

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Lemonade_566 rated it
March 20, 2021
Status: c22
I couldn't continue the story. It's too dull and pointless. The author tried so hard to portray MC as a "calm, mature" person by repeatedly telling us that she's calm and all. But her actions are contradictory, after finding out it was a "misunderstanding", she never gave ML any chance to explain himself, and just made assumptions on her own and blocked his number. How is this calm+mature? Also, she gets super anxious because she couldn't go home to change her dress before a dinner, doesn't know how to explain... more>> to her mother, and doesn't speak her concerns to ML. Again how is this mature?

Her interactions with her "friends" are also flat. Author tried to make Tang Xiao and Liu Ling seem like interesting people, yet all they seem to talk about with MC is about boring/cliche stuff. And sometimes similar conversations are repeated with no conclusion or any point jn them. Author also did not describe any of them, whether their appearances, or what style of clothes they like to wear, or what kind of atmosphere they give off. All these descriptions are important in giving an impression of a character yet none of this is described. In fact, none of the characters have any specific description to them even the MC. After 20 chapters, I still have no idea what the MC looks like, how long her hair is, what color her eyes are, what type of clothes she like etc. Also she keeps talking about liking art and stuff, yet we have not seen her drawing or doing anything that she likes. Author could've potentially made a scene of her painting something in order to keep herself calm, reminisce about her past life, or how she's grateful to be alive and is free to live as she want, and those could be how she expresses herself, but none of this happens.

The fact that she is in a novel is also irrelevant. If the MC doesn't know/care, why should the readers care? And don't get me started on the parents. The way her parents were introduced as caring and wanting her to be free of arranged marriage YET her mom keeps hinting and rushing to talk to her about blind dates every chance she gets. Also based on how her mom thinks, it seems as if she's treating her daughter as some sort of tool to impress people with.

This story is filled with flaws and has no slice-of-life healing factor at all. The premise seemed fine, yet the author basically has no idea how to execute a story, heck the author doesn't even seem like she/he wants to tell a story. At it's core, it's empty. <<less
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CrazyBaby rated it
December 30, 2021
Status: Completed
It's actually not bad, there's not much drama and the ML loves MC really a lot once they get together. However, what I couldn't stand was

  1. Spoiler

    the ML who was supposed to be very mature, responsible and competent became sex-crazed and got 20y/0 MC pregnant when he specifically vowed to MC's father that he would wait until MC graduates from uni before getting her pregnant/affecting her studies. It was extremely irresponsible of him and the only reason this story works is because MC is super rich, ML is super rich, MC has good parents who are willing to help take care of babies, MC had an easy pregnancy without any morning sickness/leg swelling/loss of apetite/dizziness etc, ML loves MC a lot and it didn't matter if MC actually dropped out of uni. Oh, and ML also helped MC to cheat in her practical assignments so that's why she could graduate.

    In real life, this wouldn't work so please don't emulate this. If you are already in uni, please study properly and graduate before getting pregnant. Pregnancy is not always as easy or as rosy like what novels depict. And you need an income to sustain your family. Unless you are as rich as MC and ML, then you don't have to worry about graduating or money or working etc and can just hire multiple nannies to take care of your child feeding every 2 hours. Please use contraceptives and if a guy says he loves you but doesn't want to use contraceptive because he "loves you so much that he can't hold back", it just means he actually doesn't love you nor care about your body or your future.
  2. The comments. If you decide to read this novel, don't read the comments. They hate her parents, hate her BFF, hate her roommate... is there anything that they don't hate?

    Yes, sometimes her mother is a bit pushy but you can actually see that her parents really love her and cares for her which is why they are worried about her. On top of that, ML got MC pregnant even though he promised her father that he wouldn't get her pregnant until after she graduates. Obviously her dad wouldn't take kindly to this as it's his daughter's studies and future that is affected. Also, MC's mother walked in on them making love just a month after she gave birth. Giving birth is quite tasking on the body and she needs time to recover, not immediately become a s*x toy for her s*x starved husband. Of course her mum will disapprove of it.

    But by the comments from most of the readers on the translator's website, you can tell that they have never experienced familial love before which is why they can't understand her parents' actions. It's sad that there's so many people out there who aren't loved by their parents or have parents who don't give a sh*t about them whether they fail/suffer/get pregnant etc that when they are finally faced with parents showing concern and love in novels they immediately start dissing it. My advice, don't read the comments as they are plain toxic. Just read the novel.
If you want a ML who really REALLY cares about the MC and actually waits for MC to graduate/have a stable career before pursuing pregnancy, you can try Accidental Mark. It is an ABO omegaverse but I feel that the relationship is much healthier compared to the couple in this story. That ML actually waited 7 years before getting the MC pregnant, not like this story where the ML promised but then immediately broke that promise.
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honeytea rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: c18
This type of slice-of-life, slow stories, where there's very little plot happening, it is so important to have likable, interesting characters that can prop up the story.
Unfortunately, it doesn't deliver. The FL is as interesting as unbleached flour but is presented as the ideal woman of feminity. The ML is so wishy-washy and just randomly decided he likes her because she's a decent human being???

They have zero chemistry and their interactions are dull. I have to give this one up.
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gryffinpuff rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: c17
Hate to be the party-pooper amongst all glowing 5-star ratings, but so far, the story seems just 'ok' to me...

Feels a bit wierd that MC's barely 20, and her mother is so desperate, she's throwing guys in MC's way as marriage candidates. I understand that MC parents are very pampering towards her, but half the time they are discussing college as if she's going on the border for war or something... MC studies for few hours, her mother's heart breaks for her...

ML is ok, so far, a mature business tycoon,... more>> who is forced by his mother to attend blind dates. ML has a positive opinion on MC, but isn't interested in marriage yet, and told MC so... And now, she blocked him on phone, ignoring him on WeChat, it's a bit absurd behavior, not something one would expect from a 25 yr old office lady... <<less
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secret165 rated it
March 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I loved it so much ♥️♥️. This novel is really sweet. No blood dog drama, realistic and fluffyy.

The MC and ML is really realistic people. They didnt fall in love at first sight or feel the other was interesting and keep pestering shamelessly. But both of them slowly fall in love with each other and feels good over other person.

MC and ML starts from blind date, then slowly get to know each other, dating, engagement and next day.. Whoopss.. Straight to register marriage.

ML is so sweet for MC when he... more>> realized he starts to like her and loves her so much. MC might be a realistic person, but she also slowly falls for ML.

This novel teach you how the personality isnt matter. But what matters is the realibility, stability, decency, good feeling the other gives you.


I loves the part where ML straight ask MC to be his wife. He didnt say 'I love you' but shows his intention by straight out ask for marriage. The next day after engagement, ML ask MC to go out to register for marriage. He told her he already plan for this from the moment he ask her to be his wife.

There is also part where MC was pregnant and she mumbles 'how much I loves you to bear your child'. ML feels ectasy and never forget those words. He even willing to go out in midnight just to buy potato chip for his craving wife.

When he finds out his wife search engine over pregnancy, how ectasy he was to run to his wife. But still respect her wish whether to keep the child or not.

The part I loves so much is when ML straight out suprise proposal on MC graduation,

"Before I met you, love, marriage, and family were just vague concepts in my cognition. Thank you for showing up. I have a wonderful wife, and I have a wonderful family. Let me I realized my responsibility as a husband and my joy as a father".

ML only have feelings for MC. Even in the novel, ML only has indifference to the FL!novel until the end. It shows that only MC ever moved him


This novel really sweet and fluffy. The ML and MC daily dog food is to sweet. Both of them not only respect each other, they tried to be understanding and develop good feeling over each other. <<less
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Mar32 rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: c18 part8
It gets boring. Both of the parents have little to no characterization besides 'doting parents' which is fine and all until half the scenes are with them and every dialogue feels incredibly flat.

While it is a little refreshing seeing a reasonable MC who doesn't make a fool of herself in front of the male lead, having a Mary Sue is tiresome even if the author makes fun of other Mary Sue's. Especially with the 'not like other girls' narrative being pushed at us. After all, the MC is the perfect... more>> Chinese woman.

Oh, and yes the story does have the stereotypical typical views of woman. Women are vain and competitive and compare each other's husbands for their own vanity. Women must be respected to their elders. Women get fussy when they see another girl wearing a similar dress. There was a couple of more irritating instances but I won't list them. <<less
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TheLadyWhoLikesBoyLove rated it
March 22, 2020
Status: Completed
I agree with the translator. This one despitr having a cliche setting is a freash breath for transmigration considering the fact that we have a pragmatic, realistoc, and reasonable world setting in the novel without compressing too much cliche details and scenario which makes me a little bit uninterested since its been used all the time (so this one is really good since its not like that)

The characters doesnt immediately fall in love but mature enough not to act like teenage boys and girl. The fact that they... more>> started with an uninterested persona aitch each other makes it more good.

I definitely recommend this to everylne

5 stars

Fluffy, sweet and not boring <<less
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KichiX rated it
May 16, 2020
Status: c15 part2
So far it reminds me of Hello, Wife! Both female leads are very calm and almost calculative towards love and romance, though Su Rui has more of a human touch. I don't agree with the logic she and her mother apply to marriage and blind dates respectively, and it astonishes me that a 20 year old girl is being pushed to start thinking about (albeit future) marriage. The parents' attitude towards their daughter's studying and working hard is also mind-boggling.

The McGuffin of the world of the story actually being a... more>> novel is completely unnecessary and pointless. The author has to break the 4th wall to let us know that the "story" isn't going according to plan, or what "should" have happened. Let us see if things spice up when the "story's" FL makes her entrance. Much could be forgiven if she becomes a friend of our FL. Rather than being her enemy. The pacing is a mess, with static conversations between the FL and her parents taking up much of the time.

The ML is decent, though incredibly, and hilariously, dense. <<less
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madcat74 rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: c20
Despite all the glowing reviews, I really can't bring myself to complete this story. It's mature in the sense that both leads are pretty much commonsense people with good decision-making and rational thinking. The problem of the story lies right there as well because, even though both of them are genuinely good people, they don't have any chemistry at all. If anyone here has seen a Japanese show called "We got married as a job", that's exactly the vibe you will get from the main relationship in this story. It's... more>> rather bland and uninteresting, which you wouldn't want to have in a story focused on romance.

Another issue that I have with the story is the MC's mum who is always nagging her about getting married and teaching her how a woman needs to depend on someone else throughout her life. It might be a cultural/social status difference, but from the perspective of what is damaging to us as women, it's annoying to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of her mum springing dates on her and all the laminations about how obedient, patient, and "socially acceptable" she has to be.

Maybe the story gets better past this but I have neither the patience nor perseverance to put up with it. <<less
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Nanya rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: Completed
5/5 stars!! This book is an absolute breath of fresh air to me.

To start off, this novel's couple is the sweetest thing. They are both mature and level-headed individuals. At first you might think that this will be a 'boring' romance but it gets so fluffy in the novel. There's not a lot of drama, these two actually COMMUNICATE, and overall are very realistic.

This story is about finding these two individuals finding love with one another. Kind of a slice of live but more love story-ish. Needless to say I... more>> had a huge smile on my face reading the whole time.

Its definitely not your typical transmigrated into a novel type deal (since the MC isn't aware most of the novel) and the characters actually are real living beings. (Well maybe except for the O.G. FL she gets... unhinged to say the least.)

If you enjoy these qualities check this out!! If you're used to/like the usual dog blood dramatic novel story, this might not be exciting enough for you. <<less
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pandawithacause rated it
May 28, 2020
Status: c64
I usually like these kind of transmigration stories with the usual cliches. But this one, though it has plenty of fluff and a smart MC, it is kind of boring. I wasn’t able to finish it :/

The MC and ML are both perfect in every way. They get along really smoothly and their relationship progresses really fast. There is almost no obstacles for them.

... more>>

By the middle of the book the ML has “accidentally“ knocked up the MC even though he said that he would wait until she graduated from university before getting married and having kids, it all seemed a bit rushed. But still fluffy... but flat fluffy, you know what I mean?


Might come back to it later! <<less
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
July 16, 2020
Status: Completed
Fluffy and light.

I really like that the couple communicates and doesn't have s*upid misunderstandings just for the sake of plot, the romance is not super realistic.

... more>>

Even though they start dating with the intention of getting married, he proposes they get engaged within 2 months and she agrees. She's only 20. She refuses to move in with him yet she's okay with getting engaged. They haven't even done anything beyond kissing either. I just don't find this realistic at all and it ruins the portrayal of MC being smart and sensible.



I was also disappointed when she got pregnant. The ML always said he would wait until the MC has graduated from university and made promises to her father not to do anything... maybe it makes the ML more human but the entire time he gets praised for being considerate, mature and patient. This just ruins it all.


Additionally, this novel is quite old-fashioned in terms of value and gender stereotypes. This may be due to cultural differences, but it didn't endear me to the characters.

Overall, a shallow, but enjoyable read. Just don't expect too much in terms of plot / character development. <<less
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Brie_blue rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: c17
Usually I love this type of novel but it’s just so boring? That said the translation is pretty good, the male lead is not a scum and the female lead is good as well... it’s just other than them I don’t know any other character and I’m 17 chapters in....
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Jeez Louise
Jeez Louise rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: Completed
So much fluff and dog food being scattered! Can't believe it took me this long to find this gem. Welp better late than never 😆
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Vbee rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: --
I stopped reading halfway...

3 stars for the translation...

Personally I didn't like the story, it's boring. Their whole interactions are boring. It seemed forced and unreal. The dialogues are making my head ache. I feel like they're robots talking.

If you want a no suspense and predictable story then read
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Tattaro rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel has a lot of relatable relationship-related details. I wanted to celebrate the fact that most of the characters in this novel were realistically written. However, while most characters in this novel were portrayed realistically, the villain was written to act in a contrivedly dumb way. Maybe to create contrast? I dunno. But if so, it's just lame. If the FL could adapt to her transmigrated situation, why can't the transmigrated villain?

The problem lies with the whole "transmigrated" plot. It's totally unnecessary. Aside from reading novels when FL was... more>> still bedridden in her past life and her positive outlook in life, there's nothing from her past life that added much to her present transmigrated life's narrative. Also, what's the point of writing about a transmigrated person without this very person knowing she's in a novel's plot? In fact, the story does need transmigration for the villain to be so crazy about the ML. The author could have just written a realistically crazy villain and the story would still stand. <<less
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kiraikirei rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: c92 part2
I like this novel soo much.. It's kind of hard to find a transmigration novel with calm and steady FL, no dog-blood drama, and no unnecessary misunderstanding. It's pretty realistic too. That's why I feel it's a rare gem. Some people might find this novel boring cause of the lack of conflict, but I find this novel truly enjoyable.
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darkelf01 rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: c19
It makes for a rather boring read after you passed the phase of utter awe at how the author handled the romance with maturity and grace, revolving around the same old cookie-cutter mold. There's no spark in their romance because the CP is looking for both long-term security and stability.

At first, I do like this novel because it's so true to life and for once, you're presented with the very realistic vision of what a mature girl is looking for in a marriage, but sooner I'm yawning and skipping chapters... more>> in between because well, everything that happened in the novel didn't differ much from what other authors wrote about.

There's nothing wrong with it, but once you're past the 'refreshing' phase, it's just the usual run of the mill. Nothing new. <<less
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