The Fake Saint of a Reverse Harem Game


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She got stuck in the reverse harem that she used to play so well.

Not even as the main character, but as the villainess that she ridiculed every time.

“…What do I have to do to get back to reality?”

“*BEEP* and *BEEEEP* with the main characters? Or you can collect the endings by playing *BEEEEP*.”

Surprised by the helper’s explanation, she opened her mouth wide enough she didn’t even notice a bug went in.

‘*BEEP* and *BEEEEP*? It is a bit high-level, but it’s good,’ she thought.

It wasn’t surprising since the game was originally made to be women-oriented. But the problem was…

“Among the main characters, there isn’t one that even likes me! How do you *BEEP* when just by touching my fingertips they immediately wash their hands as if I am nothing but tr*sh?!”

The targeted characters of this game were male lead characters and villain haters at the same time. They didn’t like the character she was stuck in, but hated her to the core.

“That’s up to you.”

So, when they see her, should she hold on to men who were busy running away from her touch?

She thought it would’ve been better to die than be bothered with this level of difficulty.

Associated Names
One entry per line
역하렘 게임의 가짜 성녀
Related Series
Collecting the Male Leads’ First Nights (1)
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The Fake Wants To Leave (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. ~about saintess~
  2. not so saintly
  3. Reincarnated in a Game
  4. soapieyouka's other
  5. rofan novels stuck in my tabs pt. 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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09/17/23 Sleepy Translations c32 part2
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09/09/23 Sleepy Translations c31 part2
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09/06/23 Sleepy Translations c30 part2
09/05/23 Sleepy Translations c30 part1
09/02/23 Sleepy Translations c29 part2
09/01/23 Sleepy Translations c29 part1
08/31/23 Sleepy Translations c28 part2
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7 Reviews sorted by

jiafeistan57 rated it
August 25, 2023
Status: c50
UPDATED: Jan 17th, 2024

(Will update as it continues) (Current chapter: Ch. 50)

At this point in the story it's more about trying to leave than game than anything else. She is forced to complete quests to finish the game which includes the favor of the male leads. Pretty typical right? The biggest difference is this story is smutty. It isn't heavy with it, so if you want pure p*rn no plot then it isn't for you. I enjoy the spicy moments thrown in every once in awhile, and... more>> the author doesn't shy away from it. I really enjoy the female lead too. She's smart and sassy. (Old review)

not much has changed in terms of the goal of the protagonist but now we've met about 2-3 male love interests. Shes very crafty, and able to squirm her way out of scenarios. Still, not tons of s*x scenes. however, the translator has spoiled some of my enjoyment of this story. This doesn't really affect the story, but I need somewhere to rant.


The translator is insanely greedy. They want you to pay $75 a MONTH to read 40 chapters ahead. I highly doubt the own author of this series got that amount each month!! I totally believe in supporting translators, but ultimately they didn't write the story! Why are you so greedy! Not to mention they don't translate tons of content each upload. It takes 5 mins top to read each part. Shame on them.


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November 3, 2024
Status: prologue
It's a really good story, lot's of humor, a bit of mystery, well written smut that actually fits in with the story. The author is very good at making you "feel" for the MC, she is very emotionally relatable.

Unfortunately this story is being dragged down by the translator, it's almost impossible to stay interested in it. Not because the translation is bad but because it is so ridiculously slow. You are lucky if you get one chapter a month, then add the fact that Sleepy Translations cuts all chapters in... more>> half, and this story won't be fully translated till roughly 2053.

Just drop it if you can't handle it, then maybe someone else will pick it up and get it done. It really is a very good story. <<less
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Vroom vroom
Vroom vroom rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: c52

Best part about this is that plot is interesting!! Its not all about smut novel!!

Authors usually have hard time to put plot and smut together, because one usually gets ahead of the other. But this is, this is the perfect middle!
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XoXoX rated it
December 16, 2023
Status: c49.1
Love it! Such a good storyline and characters. Im very hooked and look forward to how its gonna develope. Thanks for the great translation!
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July 26, 2023
Status: c16.1
Immediately one of my fav spicy stories. The premise and characters bring all the spicy drama, and I am absolutely here for this yummy dessert. Thank you for a great translation!
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notyourcupid rated it
July 11, 2023
Status: prologue
An interesting premise to the start of a new story — the player who plays as the character ‘Edith’ becomes Edith (and one can draw some links within the first few chapters on how alike their backgrounds are: unloved).

So far at C10, we’ve been introduced to Jian who Edith tells the readers is the true saint, as well as two other characters who I believe to be potential male leads. Some interesting characters introduced too are Edith’s new maids (who I have more interest in than the MLs tbh.)

Looking... more>> forward to more, thank you translator (s) for picking this up and sharing it with us! <<less
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Tree101 rated it
September 11, 2024
Status: c54
I'm putting this at a 4 because of MC and Curtis's relationship. (I don't usually review, but I forgot to put the review at 4 stars but when I posted it, it was 3. I think I forgot to rate it for real💀💀)

I love MC, she's realistic and interesting. Also love the story, even though there is smut, the smut isn't too heavy to overshadow the plot. I really love this novel if it weren't for their weird dynamic. I hoped that Curtis wasn't a love interest but he... more>> is.

The thing is, I know people may not like Curtis due to how he acted in the first chapter but lets not forget that OG!Edith ab*sed him mentally and physically. Curtis was RIGHTFULLY acting like that towards Edith. Also OG!Edith was ab*sed mentally and physically


As well as sexually


Because of the ab*se that both characters went through, I sympathize with the both of them (both need extreme therapy). The relationship between MC and Curtis is toxic. Normally, I don't care about reading toxic relationships in fictional stories because its fiction. But as I ponder more on Curtis, I feel bad because the person who ab*sed him (OG!Edith) is gone and Curtis doesn't know that (he's the only one left with scars), not only that, having a victim fall in love with their ab*ser just rubs me wrong...

I know MC didn't actually ab*se Curtis, but she's in the body of his ab*ser. And when she sometimes brushes off Curtis's feelings, it ticks me off. Like girl, Curtis is acting like he has a stick in his ass because of Edith...


Chapter 54 pt2:

Curtis' eyes widen and become distorted in pain as if he suddenly couldn't breathe. He was fidgeting, his fists clenched in the air at my cold expression.

"I guess it's because His Highness has never felt sorry for me."

Since he turned away from Edith Abina, wouldn't it be fair for her to turn away from him too?

(That entire portion of that chapter had put me off like whyyyyyyyyyy, obviously he turned away first)

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