The Exorcist


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Death is only the beginning….
He is the boss of a small bar. Despite his gentle and amicable appearance, he is actually cold and detached. He was born with the ability to communicate with spirits but sealed it away, unwilling to get involved with the supernatural.
She is a rather unqualified lawyer. Timid as a mouse yet hates evil with a passion. Her birthdate is inauspicious but she’s also blessed by Buddha.
A weird and bloody case forced them together. Her cases grew more and more dangerous while his sealed abilities awakened and grew stronger. They were initially repulsed by each other, which turned to understanding, getting along, cooperating, and finally a mysterious yet fierce attraction. With the help of a friend, the two of them solve the city’s horror stories one after the other.

Associated Names
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Related Series
Jesus Heaven, Unbelief Hell (1)
Hegel’s Confession (1)
The Delicate Lady Coroner (1)
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Kneel to Me (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. horror [fmc]
  2. Some of the novels I've read so far 3.0
  3. My favourite
  4. fmcs with novel occupations
  5. Romance novels to be read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/24/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c25
07/20/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c24
07/03/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c22
06/20/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c20
06/19/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c19
06/16/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c18
05/01/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c17
04/11/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c14
04/03/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c12
03/30/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c9
03/29/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c8
03/29/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c7
03/29/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c6
03/29/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c5
03/29/24 Princess Capture Plan v8c4
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Empress0397 rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: v32c32
the FL was so annoying. She’s so busybody. I mean, I know that shes a lawyer but I just hate how she keeps meddling to the point of involving the ml. If she wants to “fight for justice”, she shouldn’t involve the ml. She should keep it herself so that even if she was in danger, no one will hurt but herself🙄
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gryffinpuff rated it
October 17, 2021
Status: v1c23
A well written story with appropriately placed tension and excitement - at times, the story gave me shivers.

FL is a bit childish and petty, and often times doesn't act as a mature lawyer that she's supposed to be - she's a bit like those optimistic, self righteous, high on justice etc FLs but also understands her limits - She'll be scared but would want to move forward for what she thinks is right thing to do...

ML is a cool guy with 'powers' to see and talk to ghosts - he... more>> really doesn't want to get involved with things on the other side, but is forced to help MC. First arc is all about MC-ML knowing each other, snarking at each other and solving the case. <<less
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