The Eldest Daughter was Reborn


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In her previous life, Zhang Yansheng wasted her life because of her scumbag father and stepmother—smoking, drinking, getting tattoos, and drag racing. Reborn back to high school, Yansheng, a rebellious girl, looks at the luxurious mansion and million-dollar cars at home… What’s with being rebellious? Isn’t it better to inherit the family business instead?

Yansheng is now determined to study hard and be a qualified heir of the family.

What about the stepmother and half-brother who are actually devils? What she wasn’t able to do in her previous life was to win the fight. So, Yansheng puts an end to her bad demeanor and follows the right path this time.

Scumbag Father: I will listen to Yanyan!

Half-brother: Sister, I won’t dare!

Half-sister: My sister is the prettiest in the entire universe!

Grandmother: Yanyan is the heir of the family!

The stepmother, with her precious son, cries bitterly, “The eldest child is obviously a daughter, so why will she inherit the family’s property? I gave birth to a son!”

Everyone says that the prince of the Yue family, Yue Song, is a cold-hearted person, cold as winter. Until that day, someone has seen his gentleness to Yansheng, gentle as water. “I want to talk to you about marriage between heirs of powerful families.”

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102 Reviews sorted by

dramamonster rated it
April 10, 2022
Status: c128
The tr*shy rich FL is reborn into her younger self and she decides to live on the right path this time. Sounds like a trope, but the story is really well-written and the characters are deep, especially her dad.

The story is a slice of life with a lot of quiet drama, as the cold, kick-ass, clearheaded FL achieves her academic goals while surviving amongst the spoiled, messy lives of the rich and powerful. I've read other stories in this genre, but they were either too simple/vapid/fluffy or boring. This more complex story had a lot of character development for everyone, from the FL to the school bad boy to her little sister to the stepmother. Seeing her trying to fix her academic gaps, navigate adulthood, her serious talks with her dad and grandma, her domineering talks with her peers, and her kindness to her little sister, I really liked the FL. As she studies and matures, she learns the lessons she missed in her first life.

As for the brother, the FL

knew that if she didn't intervene he would grow up to be a s*x offender and ruin other people's lives. The FL put him on the straight and narrow and as long as he did his homework and didn't bully others, she let him be. She didn't have to like him, she just had to help him grow up well.

Also, during both lives, the FL witnessed the messy married relationships of the rich and powerful, and it affected her deeply. I think the ML and ending romance are needed to show that she was able to overcome her distrust of marriage and get her HE (unlike other married couples).

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Eeria rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: Completed
It’s a gem I quite like the whole story. The FL is badass and love how she turned tables in her rebirth life. It’s really an empowered leader strong female lead. There is a ML but his presence is faint which does not remove anything to the story as I. The story is not solely centered around him or the romance with him. There is romance but is not the main theme. Here the FL overcome challenges by herself there isn’t a miracle rescue from any males lead. The plot... more>> flows well and it was easy enough to follow even through mtl. <<less
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February 5, 2024
Status: c150
It was an interesting take on second chance but as many mentioned quite flawed once she is past the timeline that she should have died.

This is the feminism that I don't support where she was given so many opportunities but there is a lot of disregard for others. I don't think she made progress. All attempts to show that she has a higher mindset made the latter part of the novel sound idealistic and not grounded on reality. There's a kind of push for the MC to be a "Mary... more>> sue" and that lost her original uniqueness. In a sense, she is similar to her cousin, Zhang Qi, who is just pushing her weight around. Or putting it this way, her influence on the readers towards the last few chapter of the novel can be seen as pushing the agenda or idealism of modern feminism. It blatantly arrogant but very clueless. <<less
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kyrez rated it
January 20, 2024
Status: Completed
This has become one of my favourites! 💌

I won't write a long review, because I think you can only feel the satisfaction when you read the story~

In a nutshell, the story is about the FL's growth and emotional maturity. She embarks on a 'right path' after having a bad ending on her 'rebellious-bad-girl' path. She cherished her 2nd chance which was given by the blessing of a saviour, her future love aka the ML.

... more>>

The FL and ML got their romance the first time they met.. ML doesn't really get much screen time, but he was the FL's anchor in her 2nd life. So I really like reading about their interaction~

FL got a golden finger: strength. She was much stronger than any others, so she had no worries of being hit or beaten. She became a 'bursting A' with maximum bofyriend power. Luckily, ML is as strong as her~

What I like are the FL's painstaking effort in her studies, her dynamic with her half-siblings, her friendship brotherhood with her former suitor aka bestfriend, her relationship with her grandmother, and her thought processes which shows her growing of maturity (though I did find the repeated sentences of her regret in the last life a bit tiring, so I skipped some) .

ML is stable as a mountain, and his (small) family also became her support.


And the ending... is very very nice~ it really shows how she's grown, and becomes stronger and more confident (as well as how understanding, loyal, and steadfast the ML is to her) .

A really recommended reading! The translation is also very good~ 🌈🌥️ <<less
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January 13, 2024
Status: Completed
5 star but still I have to complain.

The story is really great. Very realistic events, good psychological characters setup, and a real cool FL.

Too bad for the awesome ML who doesn't get to appear much..

All is good, but the romance part is really missing..

Thanks to the Author and special thanks to the Translator for this incredible piece.
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Dracarya rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: --
really liked the ups and downs of this book but there is one glaring thing I can't ignore

... more>>

ML is giving a creep, pedo, stalker vibes. Lusting and drooling over a minor. Obsessing on an underaged girl cos she was pretty 🤢


what got me thru is that the characters that MC meets are ever-changing such is human nature


but the antagonists are so braindead and beyond saving lmao


but author still makes an effort to make you understand where they are coming from

I thought the title was misleading cos the first arc was just oozing of dog blood, but some arc are indeed slice of life ish which I enjoyed and multiple character povs drive the story forward

also love how MC learned from her lessons and truly applied herself, eager to not make the same mistakes but still accepts that she is not perfect or omnipotent and is willing to learn!! She is not super OP to the max but she is resourceful and maximises her strengths well


the arc/plot with her and her male bestfriend reminds me of an episode from the netflix shoe Nanno!!! Ahhhhh the fact that MC is a strong tough girl with a soft heart is reflected well and I actually like their relationship compared to the creep ML but I am also glad they splayed friends since their dynamics are indeed better that way


her half sibs are just kids and act like kids too, and love the authors stance that some ppl really don't deserve to be parents lol.

and how guidance, environment, nature, nurture, could really influence a child's growth!!! This can be seen from all the characters with references to how they were raised and to their present character <<less
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Loves_Translations rated it
December 31, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a decent "redemption" story. There are times where they really drill it into you just how "ignorant" and "bad" Yansheng was in the past life ad nauseam. She's the typical 2nd life try-hard studier. I like more how she decided to repair her relationship with her younger sister. Ending was a rushed wrap-up more or less, but you follow her from entering high school to her first year of college. The side characters best friend and little sister are particularly good in my opinion.

Is the romance sus? Red Flags?

In... more>> short, yes. But it doesn't really matter cause this man is the most vanilla ML with no real purpose. He's a vase and I was invested more in her top scholar classmate than him. Blandness incarnate, if he were a spice... maybe it'd be salt. The romance doesn't matter till the end anyway so I just skim and don't really lay attention.


The age gap is a bit uncomfortable. ML sees FL when she is 15, right before she is about to enter highschool. Our ML is a sophomore in college. Roughly 4-5 years depending and in the grand scheme of things, sure it might not matter. The timing is certainly terrible. As a person who is ML age, I f*ckin would never. The ML has an immediate interest. He recants it when he find out her age, but he kinda internet stalks her for a bit while she's still underage. Man is down bad and I have no idea why. Like, can I name a reason why he likes her? Well, she's pretty and her eyes show "experience" beyond her years and whatever. The author pulled a, "she's mature for her age" and said it in flowery words. She comes of age and they do it, and he says he's been wanting/waiting this since he saw her like 🤢. The author tries to write him as responsible and careful about their age, but like... sir... check yourself. He couldn't have just been a nice person she looks up to as an older brother and feels gratitude toward and she could have dated her top scholar, but then the author couldn't keep talking about fated people.


Why are there some random wild things going on though?



To reclaim familial hierarchy she literally choke-holds her step-mother and also physically punished he little brother. Supposedly, she does it in a way where there are no injuries afterwards, but I'm a little uncomfortable with such methods. The little brother is a punk and apparently there's no other way to discipline him though so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Also father is a scumbag, but his character in the beginning and by the end are kinda crazily different. He basically gets infantilized as a horn dog, useless father who doesn't understand that money doesn't equal parenting.


Best Friend


It's nothing he does really, although he drops his interest in Yansheng a bit faster than I thought. Also, she takes him to an illegal underground boxing arena and he fights wins small cash, and then she calls the cops. Anyway, his mother kinda gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossed her husband outta everything by sending him to a mental institution like what 🤣




She has miraculous strength, it's how she gets out of a lot of tight spots. No explanation other than it being a regression side-effect. She was "tr*sh" in her last life so her only advantage was remembering a popular movie and investing in it. She doesn't know anything else and just keeps studying. Honestly, she becomes successful and everything, but that's more a result of her familial circumstances allowing so. She puts in effort, of course, but it would be impossible to separate how much effort actually mattered to her success when her family is uber rich.



I read it, finished it, and enjoyed it for what it was by turning my brain off: low-stakes time killer. I would not reread it. <<less
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scramsoup rated it
September 1, 2023
Status: c127
3.6 stars

i liked the growth & development of the fl's family, especially with her siblings becoming the opposite of what they were in her previous lives. I liked how there's no golden finger for the MC, as she had to work her way to getting good grades and learning more abt business. I liked her relationship with xu lichen (NOT THE ML) sooo much too; seeing them from one-sided love to 'brothers' is so funny and heartwarming to read.

but... BUT there's one thing that becomes more prevalent later on that... more>> makes my eye twitch. THE ML.


UGHHHH I hate how hypocritical he is: saying he won't be interested in the FL because she is "too young" and guess what? GUESS WHAT. with an age difference of 4 years, and from fl's age of 16-17. HE STARTS FALLING IN LOVE WITH HER?!?!??!?!? bro you haven't even officially met her yet and you're just as disgusting as those pe*verts you said you wouldn't be...


also around 90~ chapters, I felt the author was rushing things too quickly, and rarely gave plot points & situations to breathe... which perplexed me a bit as the first 50 or so chapters were MAINLY about the fl's family so why are you suddenly speeding through everything?

so, with all the good & bad things said, 3.6 stars seems feasible for a novel like this. pls avoid reading if you dislike older-younger (underage) relationship and LOOOOTS of family tensions spanning thru the whole novel. <<less
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HelaGoddess rated it
August 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I have always been generous with my reviews; after all, I always consider the authors who painstakingly try to put their imagination into words for the sake of readers who may or may not enjoy their works.

But this novel really had me bowing down to the author.

This is just the kind of rebirth story that truly satisfied me.

An MC who internally struggled not to let the grievances of her past life cloud her judgment of her new life... She changed herself and the people around her, and her character development... more>> wasn't forced. It came slowly, with the right reasons for such a change. Some novels would always introduce their newly-reborn MC as if thoroughly enlightened in the blink of an eye, like "I'm dead yesterday but now I'm reborn and so smart, let's do massive faceslapping this time" and although they're indeed enjoyable to read, I always end up thinking "oh, this is fiction anyway so why am I looking for a realistic character development again?"

But. This author gave me an MC whose struggles, thoughts, feelings and approach in every situation since being reborn were valid and reasonable, thus her development was gradual but stable. She slowly understood the diversity in the psychology of the people around her, so she learned to change what she can and adapt if she can't. She later flourished and so did everyone else, which for me is exactly what a rebirth should be: that no man is an island; if one is lucky enough to be reborn, then that variable means one can change not only one's self but others as well.

For those who seek a typical loveydovey story, this may not be for you. But for those who wish to read a mature take on a rebirth story, I urge you not to pass up on this one.

Translators, thank you very much. <<less
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July 26, 2023
Status: Completed
What I liked, I really liked. But what I didn't really bugs me, and puts my rating right in the middle of the road.

Things I liked:

  • the FL is wiser and sees the truth more clearly, but only to the point of being a more mature teenager
  • when the FL took control of her half-siblings to make them better people (very satisfying)
  • the FL and ML don't have a "fated encounter" as soon as she regresses!
  • LOVED when the ML straight up says "raising a high school girl for romance is weird and gross"!!!
  • the FL's friend becomes an interesting character with his own background subplot
  • how the FL and ML didn't have super crazily illegal families just for the Drama
Things I didn't:

  • how anti-climatic the FL and ML's true first meeting was
  • the story vaguely describes the FL's last years of high school and college as "they happened" before skipping to the next thing
  • Spoiler

    the FL and ML's decision to not get married felt really unique to me, so even though it's part of the FL's character growth to face her fears of marriage, I still kind of wanted to see how their future would go even without a certificate

Honestly, I think most of my dislikes come from the fact that I did enjoy this story and so I wanted to see more of it. I wanted more of the main couple dating, wanted more of the FL going to classes and becoming a better businessman. Not saying the author should have stretched it for thousands of chapters, but exploring those "they happened" years would have probably brought the chapter count up by a few hundred and not made the latter half of the story feel so rushed.
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July 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Girl goes back in time after dying due to an allergic reaction to a drug. Now she's going to do better with her life.


The plot was ok. It was the usual reincarnation story so I suppose the only thing I can praise are the characters.


    • MC: Zang Yansheng

    1. She doesnt use her past knowledge indiscriminately. The moment she does, she learns from her mistakes and grows from there, wanting to build herself up with her own will.

Regarding her smarts, I suppose she's op in the way these characters usually are. They're dumb the past life and the moment they reincarnate, they immediately knew what to or not to do/act like.
    • ML: Yue Song
Supportive bf. Not really much to say. He's just the usual perfect bf without flaws. He understands the mc's struggles with marriage and other things and takes it in stride.
    • Side characters:
This author has a real good talent at building up their scummy characters and making them 3 dimensional. They don't only show the bad sides but also the good. Ex: MC's father. Not everything is displayed as black and white.

Story Cons:

ML (21) starts to notice MC when she's 16. She's mentally 21 but thats beyond the point. Highschool freshman vs college sophomore. Hmmm. They officially meet when she's 17 and get together. Sleep together when she's 18.


Good translation other than constant pronoun and name mixups.

Here's a character list I made for anyone who needs it.


Zhang Yansheng: MC

Yue Song: ML

Huan: MC's father

Liang Yingying: MC's stepmother

Zhang Shuocheng: MC's half brother

Zhang Heling: MC's half sister

Liang Zhen: MC's pe*vert cousin

Xu Lichen: MC's old friend

Wang Qian: MC's old fake friend

Zhang Qi: MC's cousin who inherited grandma's assets in previous life.

Zhang Lin: Zhang Qi's younger brother

Zhang Yu: MC's uncle. Zhang Qi and Zhang Li's father.

Zhao Lanfen: MC's aunt. Zhang Yu's wife.

Zhang Zhiyuan: Future top student. Helped MC with studying and had crush on her.

Xue Xintong: ML's cousin. Rich woman worth 10 billion yuan.

Huang Zhe: Gave MC drugs that killed her in her past life.

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strangeraeons rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm quite fond of this one!

First of all, huge kudos to the translator who did an excellent job.

Second of all, this is definitely not focused on the romance, which I think people wanting to read should keep in mind. It's hinted and built up to throughout but it's more than two thirds through before the main pairing even really meets properly.

Thirdly, this is a novel that feels grounded and straightforward. Most of the drama is low-key, there isn't a huge focus on face slapping or revenge. The FL is trying... more>> to live life as a reasonable person. And the relationships are reasonable too! The FL and her half-siblings aren't enemies, and even her villainous stepmother is really only kind of a bit*h and not a psycho mu*derer or something.

Last of all, Xu Lichen is hands down the funniest character I've ever seen in a webnovel. He's such a sh*t disturber in the best way and I love it. His growth is actually quite good. <<less
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Anna_Tiashe rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I was a bit sceptical once I read the title. It'll be the usual revenge story, but I was proven wrong. Both the main characters are not omnipotent, and they do act their age (without being annoying), goofing around with friends. The story is quite straightforward with minimal complications on the characters' relationships. And I assure you that this read is as real as it can get. Although the female lead gets a chance to relive her life, it teaches about making the right choice to lead a fulfilling life.... more>> I don't know whether the author wanted to convey this message, but I'm thankful for the free lesson. Also, thank you to the translator too. <<less
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LonelyReader_7 rated it
March 31, 2023
Status: Completed
Alert. English is not my first language.

This story is one of the minory with reborn who don't have a plot exclusively for face slapses. Zhang Yansheng reborn but she don't starts taking revenge about everybody have hurt her. She knows part of her problems were because she can't saw objectively the situation she was on and take bad decisions. Later all she have done take her to his own death.

After she reborn she regretted of ruin herself because of her family. When she open her eyes having fifteen years old... more>> again with the option of change it all she takes the decision of change her own life for one she don't regretted.

One of the things I have most like was that her change wasn't instantly. She knows what to do or not do but in occasions her feelings are in desagree with the best option. Is a constant change knowing more about her family and the people around her. Why of their actions and actitudes and how to response them.

The romance is late and isn't a slow burn. Both know about the others exsistance but they haven't a conversation face to face with the other until after the chapter one hundred. Their relationship is cute, both are respectfull and pacient and knows what they want.

Towards the end there're some time jumps of years and probably because of that I felt fast the ends story.


Even then I really like the end. The negative of Zhang Yansheng of get married is understandable because of all the couples she have seen with a bad ending and I found it very cute the fact Song Yue understand that. Her change of opinion seems a little bit random but I thought is an epiphany of all the years they have been together and her understanding that the wedding rings aren't chains.

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HiddenHermit rated it
March 19, 2023
Status: Completed
It was an okay read. Expected it to be more exciting since it is a second chance novel. MC did turn her life around and that of her siblings for the better. She eventually got with the ML but it was kind of anti-climatic. Novel has a slice of life feel with a dose of indifference. I never felt emotionally attached to MC.
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Mystiqueeee rated it
March 14, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a love story with a different twist. Well, let's talk about the main plot first.

Tbh, it's actually fine that there's not much face slapping because there's really no need for intense hatred and revenge because the faults in her past life were indeed because of her and no one else, albeit her family situation played a part but it's basically her choice. And then when she's reborn, I like that she didn't blame anyone but just changed her attitude, correct her path, and have a goal for herself. She... more>> learned to accept her half-siblings and be more calm that her words became important in her own house. It's actually more satisfying than scheming to kick the mistress out.

She's neither OP nor a genius. But she's willing to work hard and it's fine. I think it must make sense. Just like she said, it's illogical to just be reborn then suddenly becoming a study god when she's not good in studying in her past life. Anyway, although I don't despise FLs who got reborn with golden fingers, I actually like the story's FL this way as well.

Regarding about the ML. It cannot really be said as slow romance because their "spark" flew everywhere the moment they met in their present life and then immediately got together after that. But the ML only appeared at the first chapter in her past life then around a hundred chapter in the story so we can say it is late romance but fast paced instead. I actually understand the FL's view about marriage since she experienced the consequences of having her parent's failed marriage but somehow, I can't find sense to it as well. After all, they have a child, they love each other, etc. And marriage certificate is just a paper that can give both of them an assurance and for them to be legally recognized as a couple by the law, so why not get it? I mean, I don't give much much importance to that piece of paper but for me, it's still important. I don't know. Maybe I and the FL just experienced two different things so we have a different opinion but nevertheless, I admit that I'm kinda dissatisfied with that aspect. I'll understand her dislike for marriage if she doesn't have anyone she loves or the likes, but— haaah. Whatever.

Anyway, overall, the story is good and so is the translation. 8/10! <<less
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March 13, 2023
Status: c150
Really enjoyed this-- not quite face slapping, but very much if someone messes with the FL she does NOT take it lightly. The romance between the leads is very starstruck, but they're cute together. I'm definitely going to reread this some time
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Fathom rated it
February 22, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the rare Rebirth-Do-Over series where the FL doesn't come back with OP skills like IQ, Future Knowledge, and etc. She is slightly stronger, but it's mostly due to her additional 6 years of street fighting skills.

The FL is reborn during the summer she before she starts High School. She did as a "bad girl" at 21 in her previous life, full of dyed hair, tattoos, and the stereotypical rebellious girl. After her original mother died, her father quickly remarried and brought in his mistress along with his 2... more>> illegitimate children. After going wrong to the bad side for 6 years, she dies due to forced drugs in a bad crowd. As she dies in the arms of her savior, she begins to regret her life.

Once reborn, she begins to calmly approach her life again in a more mature way. She doesn't instantly know anything, and she's not out to get revenge on everyone either. Because the one truly at fault was her s*upid self in her previous life. I really like this attitude of the FL. If you're not willing to fight for yourself, how do you expect others to fight for you. So throughout this novel, she begins by retaking her life through sheer hard work like studying as a child is expected.

Unlike other rebirth/reborn series, she doesn't have high IQ and has to start restudying from scratch because she doesn't remember anything about studies because she was too busy rebelling and skipping school in her former life. She's average person with average skills, but willing to work hard through sheer determination. Nothing is easy and she has to really work hard at it.

As for all her family drama, she ends up inadvertently approaching it in an amazingly unique way. In her previous life, the only one who cared and cried at her funeral was the half sister she ignored, so in this life she can't help it in this new life to be a little softer in her treatment to her in this life (more like tsundere). While her half brother who later became a mol*ster and rapist, she takes him in to prevent his future evils and trains him from a spoiled bear child to a normal child that hopefully won't become a future criminal.

Although, there's a evil step-mother and step-children. What's interesting is that unlike other vile scheming step-mothers, this step-mother didn't ever do anything directly to the FL. It was only because the original FL was too s*upid to deal with her, and approached the whole family drama in a self-defeating method instead.

She doesn't plan her whole life in revenge and takes each day by day to get her life on the normal tracks without any real ambition at first. So most of the story is about her dealing with studying, coming to terms with her philandering scum of her father who just uses money to answer all real family support, and learning to co-exist with her half-siblings since it's not the children's fault for their mother's scheming ways.

The romance doesn't come until much later, and of course because of her father's love habits, the FL is traumatized against the institution of marriage. The relationship between the FL and ML is pretty instantaneous and it's quite intriguing how they were drawn to each other constantly by fate.

Overall, the story wasn't focused on the romance. It was mostly about the FL in accepting her situation and dealing with it calmly in her new life. If you can't fight it, learn to deal or accept it calmly while working around it. The only thing I don't agree with her is when she chocked her step-mother or brother as a warning, so it was a shocking point in the plot. However, I really enjoyed this story and highly recommend it. <<less
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February 21, 2023
Status: Completed
a short, yet beautiful story about MC learning and becoming a better version of herself. the story heavily focuses on MC as she goes back in time and improves herself, influencing everyone around her.

rather than romance, I’d say it focuses more on family and “brotherhood” which is kind of expected as it has been tagged as romance subplot

if you’re here for romance (like I am)... well, you can give it a try. Although the romance between FL and ML has been hinted since the early chapters, the romance is both... more>> frustratingly slow and fast.

for the whole 3/4, the romance gives an illusion of fate where ML and FL are always coincidentally around each other

no complaints tho, since it is already tagged as romance subplot...

If your focus is not the romance, then this is a good read <<less
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elliepot rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: c150
I really enjoyed it, quite different from the typical modern Chinese novels. I enjoyed the character development of the female lead. Until the very end, she can stand on her own even without the ML. Her beliefs were justifiable given the environment she grew up in.
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