The E-Sports Circle’s Toxic Assembly Camp


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Chief tactician Lin Yan entered an e-sports novel. At this time, there was still a whole year to go before the original plot started.

The big devil who would frighten people in the future was still a thin-skinned little anchor; the disaster who once disturbed the e-sports circle was playing as an accompanying player; the best healer was sitting on the cold bench of a third-rate team; the strongest king at shooting his mouth off offending the media and his black materials were flying all over the place…

They would shine as the plot progressed but unfortunately, their teams weren’t strong enough. In the end, they couldn’t escape the fate of a cannon fodder.

Lin Yan couldn’t bear to see these talents being wasted. The e-sports professional reality show started and he spent money to set up the GH Club, moving from east to west to select his team.

The variety fans: ??? Is this ‘Go Home’ team picking up the junk?

This lasted until all the opponents were coughing up blood at GH’s tactics and could only watch GH get a ticket to the professional league.

The entire e-sports circle knew that apart from their captain Jing Yuanzhou, the entire GH team was a group of barely qualified variety show players not worth paying attention to. As a result, this toxic team swept through the field and reached the top in their first year of the league.

When the media interviewed GH: Captain Jing, why did you agree to Coach Lin’s proposal and join GH?

Jing Yuanzhou: He pestered me every day saying ‘I want you’. It was really difficult to turn down such great kindness.

Lin Yan: “???”

Check the salary deduction warning.

The entire Internet went crazy: Parental love is real!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The E-Sports Circle’s Assembly Camp of Demon Kings
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Simply_Strange rated it
April 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Wow, so good! Great tr*sh talk, great characters and development. Almost cried at the ending and a few other emotional moments. I love how everyone was OP and great. Just... love. I've also never thought much about the Ban and Pick stage or much of a coach's contribution, but the way it is handled here is awesome.

This is kind of an isekai, but it doesn't come up often since these events take place a year before the "novel" starts, so very minor isekai vibes. Mostly just there so we know... more>> how Lin knows who the best hidden gem players are.

Super fun read, highly recommend. <<less
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kim dokja fan
kim dokja fan rated it
March 20, 2022
Status: c194
more of a 4.5/5 than 5/5 (EDIT I LIED I LOVE IT ITS MY FAV DANMEI MAYBE..)

. Because the author didnt explore the past life of lin yan/the isekai genre enough!!!!

... more>>

jing yuanzhou clearly witnessed lin yan's panic at the finals (national, not world championship) when ly was sick and jyz wanted to go buy medicine. he saw the sorrow and stuff and he also knows that ly has ptsd n trauma. plus it was mentioned that lin yans dad was the same dad he had in his prev life! def not a coincidence!!!

but these were never developed even in the extras which is really such a pity! I was hoping since the start that jyz would ask abt his ptsd or ly wld tell him abt it. could confess abt his past life n just explain everything too. though that didnt happen : (was really looking forward to it since this was an isekai esports (first ISEKAI esports ive ever seen so yea)

other than that tho this is rly perfecttt I love it so much

chen yushen is also soo cute as well as gu luo etc but I feel like there wasnt much to see abt the team itself. they didnt really have much of a presence other than when gaming or when having to witness main cp dog food. like when they have holidays the first thing they do is go home. I dont really see them hang out outside of for the purpose of practice/celebrating TT though theyre stuck with each other all day long so I guess its normal. plus ofc I get that visiting home during the holidays is much more important but it wld have been nice to see an extra talking about one day theyre hanging out idk like at the beach or just going out and having fun yk! I also wish there were extras of the team members' daily lives... this part doesnt affect my rating tho, its just that I grew too attached to the team n want to see more haha.

ok 1 more thing but when

lin yan n jian ning came in to sub at the finals of world championship, it was more boring than expected. I thought there wld be more details esp since it was the finals but not rly. but yea still doesnt affect my enjoyment of the novel much. I just suddenly rmbed abt it aft seeing another review say the final was kinda boring lol

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Red Rose
Red Rose
January 12, 2022
Status: Completed

My first eSports novel was LOVE YOU 59 SECONDS and since I'm a little fan of this category. But I must say this is the only novel that gave me the "everything complete" feeling.

The author did a brilliant job describing every teams' and every players' emotions. Often authors tend to only focus on the main couples or things related to them. But here author actually described others as well and did it absolutely beautifully. The hardship behind the success also showed here.

The most loving fact about this novel is MC's... more>> character! He remember his grudges, encourage everyone, absolutely supportive, cunning, cheerful, all time confident about what he's doing, he's also confident to his team members, and sometimes naive (only for ML though).

Every detail is described with reason and this thing makes everything complete!

But! I! Wanted! Side! CP!

And there were even so many options to pick from! But anyways I myself self-made some CP's! So yay! <<less
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Anjayewassleeping rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: Completed

the extras are cute too hehe overall, the story is really nice! I love every character's interactions!! I love them all pls TT they are so precious.

the translation is really good too! Easier for me to understand things hehe
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yellauraya rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: Completed
★★★★★ [4.5/5 stars]

Not gonna lie, I'm totally so into e-sports BL now. It's not surprising that I enjoyed this novel so much, just like how I enjoyed reading ICDI because they definitely have the same vibe, from the e-sports aspect to the humour, great teamwork and of course, the fluffy, fuzzy romance between the MC and the ML.

I would have given this a 5 star rating just like ICDI because I loved everything about this novel. The only thing that made me cut off a half point is because of... more>> the 'transmigration' part. I mean, you would have easily overlooked that the MC actually transmigrated because he was already in the 'other world' from the beginning and the mention of him transmigrating was only like a paragraph or two. There was no explanation about it, no 'how' and 'why' it happened and it was like the transmigration was there just for the sake of having it there, no explained reason. The flow of the story can be done without the transmigration part, but it's not unpleasant. I just feel like it's unnecessary.

But overall, there's nothing negative I can say. I loved how the author concluded the ending. The ML finally got the rest he deserved after playing (mistreated) for years, and how the MC fully supported him with his decision. The ending has the best retirement outcome he could have, and I can totally understand his softness towards the MC because if there's no MC, he could have stayed being wronged in his old team and retired with so much regret. He received the warmth he needed. I just love this couple so much, their distinct personalities and how their relationship progressed. The ambiguity of their relationship in the beginning was also so hilarious. I highly recommended this novel so much. It's just a light read, no angst and unnecessary drama, full of fluffy and heartwarming moments. You'll find yourself laughing so hard one moment, then suddenly stuffed with so much dog food a moment later. Go read this!!! <<less
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Lilo_panda rated it
January 1, 2022
Status: c194
*Fangirling* (*ノ・ω・) ノ♫ (つ≧▽≦) つ

It's so good omg like said by other ppl if you like esport genre you will definitely like this one. It has a good amount of comedy, fluff, and sarcastic humor. There were definitely some loopholes like the reason why the main character transmigrated. But, I really liked the ending ... more>>

I kinda wish that the author would give us a sneak peek of what would happen after the actual "main character" of the story arrived at the team to replace ML. I also liked the short stories, so ambiguous with the relationships with the other characters. Like DeMen (probs didn't spell right) and AI. AI is so adorable, the way he acted like a child and DeMen coaxing him was just too much fluff for me to take

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Kassandra rated it
December 29, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a very light and cute novel. I recommend this to you if you want to read E-Sports settings with a fluff, and a bit sprinkle of comedy.

The novel was really lighthearted. They mainly focused on hilarious interactions of the characters, GH's way to the World Championship, and the fluff (which is really cute).

Many times I became a mom fan while reading. I'm mainly a mom fan of Abyss/Chen Yusheng. Like, he's so precious, you know.

Another thing, I really like the way they ended the novel.

... more>>

They introduced the (I think) most crucial character at the end. It's the original protagonist, Spear. [Surprise_surprise. Jpg]


On talking about this. The Author was really vague of the details like, why did Lin Yan transmigrated? And in what manner or situation did he transmigrated? Did he die? Killed? Or aged?

Did he really transmigrated? Or did he wear the book? Is it really just a book? There's so many mysteries about his former life that didn't got concluded that I'm a bit unbalanced. This is one of the unsatisfactory points of CAMP. [Pout. Jpg]

And another thing. It's a character named Chen Jingxing (correct me if I'm wrong). His role in the story was really suspicious. He got specially named and even mentioned twice or thrice but after that he's gone. Poof! Like a bubble.

Lin Yan talked about 'stealing CJX's resources'. My question is, what is this resources? And why did he want to steal his resources? Was there a grudge or simply a competition? [Confused. Gif]

Due to fluff, I throw this on the back of my mind. Now that I'm doing a review, it winded back. That's just my thoughts but still a great read.

I shipped some characters, and I hope in another world, they successfully sailed. [Verge_of_crying. Jpg]

I'm officially saying,

Goodbye, CAMP. <<less
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thebadgirl05 rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: --
The story basically revolves around the turning point of the lives of the cannon fodders in the original novel at the appearance of MC.

Here, MC and the other characters can be seemingly OP when working together but there are no gains without losses. It was entertaining but later on---how to say--- things became somewhat predictable? I don't know why but I was expecting more. And ending the novel with the mention of the original protagonist and cutting it off from there, seemed to abrupt. It's somewhat like a cliffhanger off... more>> to which we we'll never know the plot progress to. And even then, there's no mention off it in the extras when I'm more vested in it than what the extras contain.

It just left me with question marks. <<less
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Tuzi rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: Completed
I love the story, the plot, the leads and the side characters. I don't even hate the bad characters here for some reason.

Actually, the MC tortured them enough. No hate for them haha. Anyway love this novel.
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Kitix rated it
October 6, 2021
Status: Completed
A very wholesome and heartwarming E-Sports novel. I am in love with all characters 💕

There are some troubles, but these are resolved quickly by our MC Coach “Mama” Lin. It’s a comfortable read, not too much drama and no angst, if you need break from other heavy novels read this one.
Some E-Sports novels tend to have overly detailed matches and skills, but this one doesn’t, I find matches descriptions enjoyable and satisfying to read. All teammates are lovely ‘children’ and main couple is just ♥️.
Their romance is not too fast and also not too slow, it happened naturally and “Papa” Jing was so smooth with it >w<.

P.S. Last three extras were like cherry on top ✨
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Asphyxia778 rated it
October 1, 2021
Status: Completed
This is super fun to read. Since I've no idea about MOBA games some of the terms and gaming details go over my head. The translator did provide info about the gaming terms so it was smooth to read.

Our MC is fun and ML is devoted lol. The romance is well paced and the cast members all get their moments to shine. The MC and ML parent ship is the best.

I finished it all in 2 days. Really kept me hooked from the first moment till the end. I truly... more>> enjoyed this novel. Would definitely recommend to all.

Edit on Oct 19: I actually downloaded a moba game and played it so that I can actually understand what is actually going on in the game fight scenes. MOBA games are tough ngl. I did have fun though and I now understand a lot more about the story and thus did a re read. It's much more fun if you know what moba game is like. (I better stop soon or I'll become addicted to this game genre yikes)

(Anyways it's quite fun and definitely go read this novel) <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: c143
Edit (Oct 2021) :

AHHH the novel is finally done!!! I love this story so so much. The main couple is so adorable and dog food filled and shameless and I love them. I wish we could have had more of the extras talking about their future and how spear is faring in their team, besides just a parallel universe rendition. One of my top novels for sure.


I enjoyed this. You can feel that the characters in this story are more mature than most other esports BLs, which is a nice... more>> change of pace. The romance is basically attraction at first sight, but in a pretty realistic way. The MC and ML approach this attraction like adults, the ML is very gentle and pampers the MC so much. Love Jing Yuanzhou! Probably one of my favorite MLs ever.

It was also quite interesting reading esports from the coach's perspective. I enjoyed having all the different tactics and outsmarting the other teams. Wanted to keep reading so that I could get to the world series and then see if the MC tells the ML about his past, but got a little tired of MTL'ing. Will come back when it gets translated. Looking forward to it! <<less
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Yumeru rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Ok our MC is a firstly a coach here on the world that he transmigrated. There's a reason why he can't play fully professionally. My first Noval was King's Avatar and Your slight smile is very beautiful. So I love stories about esports/gaming.

The novel is about Esports and how our MC find his players. Their Journey from bottom to the top. Their team is really a combination of different personalities haha. Their are times that I quick read the novel like long paragraph by the host of the game bla... more>> bla. There is also a parallel world that the author wrote after the Novel End. Well I got bored somtimes but I did laughed more during reading it. Slice of life was shown on some characters. <<less
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tricksyness rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: c194
I couldn't resist and MTLed the rest of the chapters. (If you want to do so yourself, Google the title in Chinese plus the chapter number :)) Definitely worth it though! Probably my favorite BL novel at the moment.

That chat developments were hilarious, and I loved how good MC and ML were to each other. The hurt/comfort parts were so good! Parents ship is definitely OTP, and their double queue are always something to look forward to.

MC is also so badass, making this novel an easy read. Also BB's influence... more>> in the team is awesome and hilarious. If only I can have his mentality lol. <<less
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October 3, 2020
Status: c96
Good novel any plot line is worth to read game or love line it is. Hope to see more chapters with the parent love team haha and more background of gh players.

Thank you to the author and translator for introducting this novel. Love ya!

At the moment rate: 4.5
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MyLadyShip rated it
January 24, 2024
Status: Completed
I've read this book a couple of times, and I still feel a bit bitter after the main story ended. It ended with a lot of suspense and expectancy ┬┴┬┴┤_ಥ).

I come back here after I read other E-sport books and so far, one of the BEST because I like strategically smart protagonists that drive the whole plot with their abilities, dynamic 3D characters that are just as entertaining and strong, and last but not least, main couple's hot chemistry.

The way the technical games were explained made an inexperienced person like... more>> me get interested, and with a little touch of BL? Perfect. Translation? Amazing work. Thank you.

A similar book to this one is 'My teammates are all crazy' (I wish someone would pick up this book from where it was left off at chapter 93) and 'God level summoner' (Another awesome book with dynamic and strong side characters with a strategically smart MC). <<less
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merinnan rated it
January 15, 2024
Status: Completed
Absolutely loved it. I know nothing about e-sports, but was still able to follow along with all the match descriptions. Really liked the MC and ML, and utterly adored the supporting characters.
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November 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Reread twice already! It’s such a good esport novel! Loving the chemistry between MC ML, other characters also have diverse background story. Some knowledge on how MOBA games work might be needed to understand this novel since it really stays true to being an esport novel.

MC - Cunning fox, calm and rational, shameless, knows what he wants

ML - Cool and mature for his age, shameless when needed, occasionally shows the vulnerability suitable for his age.

There’s no angst, just wholesome. I wish there’s a little more of emotional rollercoaster but this... more>> wholesomeness of competitions through leagues and everyone trying their best is good too! Will reread it again after I forgot the story! <<less
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Mello reading danmei
Mello reading danmei rated it
August 19, 2023
Status: Completed
I loved it. The romance was slowly burning my mind with all that tension. By the end of the novel, I decided (once again) that I'll stay single for the rest of my life. My standards are way too high now 📈.

Mood: Currently searching for a new e-sports book to fill the void 😭
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August 8, 2023
Status: c1
I read it at Rainbow Translations, probably my favourite translations at this point!

My thoughts while reading (Spoilers)


CHAPTWR 42, LAN MIN IS BRAVEEE HAHAHAHA he fr said "It is like a second wife watching her husband closely to prevent him from getting involved with his previous wife!" HAHAHAHA AND LIN YAN (LY) BEING LIKE JING YUANZHOU (JY) IS MINE FOR LIFE AHAHAHAH Lin Yan admitted he's Jing Yuanzhou's wife 🤭

They truly are a parent CP, LY is definitely the mum and JY is deffo the dad. LY always drags JY to comment so the kids are reassured.

Chapter 52, Bi Yaohua (BY) deffo thinks JY and LY are together HAUAHHA AND HAD s*x AHHAHAHA

JY is so handsome


JY is so gentle yet dominant with LY! I love it. I love how JY has such a vivid personality and isn't like the typical cold and non expressive MLs. So cute. LY does tend to overwork himself.

Jian Ye (JIA) is such a gentle giant, although he's not giant, his ex delinquent days and his scarred face with the gentle inside makes him look adorable! He fr wanted to grab a chair thinking hes going into a fight 😂😂, QOG group gonna have it

Chapter 113, date Hehehe


Just love BY's character 😂




Final thoughts
I can't lie it was a good novel, however it's lacking compared to many other E-Sports novels like I can do it and God Level Summoner. I didn't like that the main couple wasn't very much developed. I wish they had more cute parts.

The last extras was annoying me because this novel would be so much better if there was other couples. Ai and DeMen would have made a great couple and it would have a contrast to the main couple.

I like the characters and how they are. But I wish it had more character development for the other teams. I wish their relationships were more involved.

Furthermore, the world champions didn't feel like it at all! There was only mention of America 🧍‍♀️. Like what about European countries, they're so much more developed and have better skills. There wasn't a mention of other countries, only Korea and America.

I did like LY and JY, they were cute. JY had a legit personality and wasn't them stone cold hearted gongs. I did like that they did have intimacy and weren't abstinent during the whole thing. It gave a bit of spark to the whole thing.

Overall, I would give this a 6/10. Decent but as I've said before very lacking in development and details compared to novels like I can do it and God level summoner. (Read Die Zhilling's novels, they're legit 10/10. She never misses and the slow yet natural romance is to die for. Recommendations are 'Escape the library', 'Card Room', 'God Level Summoner' and etc.)
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