The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils


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Her original self was a powerful jiangshi who had cultivated for innumerable years. However, when she attempted to unlawfully enter the world of the immortals, she was discovered by the Jade Emperor and thrown into the mortal world as punishment. Her soul then left her corpse, fusing with the body of the Motian Dynasty’s sixth princess. She didn’t even have a chance to fully comprehend her current circumstances before her maid unexpectedly ignored her mistress, even publicly provoking her!

“What? That weak and cowardly idiot who has neither her father’s love or mother’s favor actually mistook her older sister as her maid?! All the royal princes in the world loathe her?”

“Damn you! This old lady will let all of you understand why the flowers are so red!”

“Hey! Did you hear? That cowardly sixth princess unexpectedly snatched away the man that the eldest princess favored today!”

“How is that interesting news? That fourth princess who ran always ran amuck in the capital city is now confined to her bed now!”

The good-for-nothing counterattacks! The previously cowardly and incompetent sixth princess suddenly reveals her exceptional talents! She is full of radiant elegance, and unparalleled disdain!

She is driven by the desire to shed no more tears! However, if she had known what would happen later, she would have been better off acting s*upid! She had calculated thousands, tens of thousands of scenarios, but had never calculated one where one day, her own prey would unexpectedly turn around, and ruthlessly bully her instead! Damn it, she still hasn’t s**ked any blood yet!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shi Wang Huo Tian Xia, Qi Fu Jie Yao
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that drive me crazy!
  2. Reverse harem/ 2 or more men
  3. Historical Romance BG
  4. Historical/revenge novels
  5. Recommend Matriarchy, M-preg Novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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01/03/18 Hiohbye v1c30
12/31/17 Hiohbye v1c29
12/30/17 Hiohbye v1c28
12/29/17 Hiohbye v1c27
12/28/17 Hiohbye v1c26
12/27/17 Hiohbye v1c25
06/15/17 Hiohbye v1c24
06/11/17 Hiohbye v1c23
06/09/17 Hiohbye v1c22
06/07/17 Hiohbye v1c21
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06/05/17 Hiohbye v1c18
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25 Reviews sorted by

Ming Lan
Ming Lan rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: c24
One of best female dominant story that hooked up. I like how protected and caring toward her concubine. I like how strong MC is.

i hope someone pickup this very unique novel. I strongly recommend you guys to read this very good story.
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Yandere Devil
Yandere Devil rated it
December 4, 2017
Status: c24
Awesome novel. This was one of my fav novel. This novel has dominant women. MC is zombie she is strong and cool. I like her the way she protected her concubine husband.

This is reverse harem where MC end up with lots of guys. Unique story with interested character.
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ecaaa. rated it
September 14, 2022
Status: v2c26
I don't usually write reviews. It is very rare for me to do so. If I did. It is because the novel has done a great job for me. First, great job for SHARING SUCH A MASTERPIECE THAT I WAS SO MOVED. Or, great job for f*ckING PISSING ME OFF AND WASTING MY DAMN TIME.

In this case, it was the latter. If I could give this novel a negative five rating. I would. Don't get me wrong, it's my fault for reading an absolute tr*sh of a piece. Wasted my... more>> time. I had to skim through a lot of chapters, still hoping to find that one TURNING POINT in the story that will make me feel anything other than ANNOYED. Never found it.

All of the characters are annoying because each one of them are dumbasses and their characteristics and personalities are f*cking bland. I had a high expectation in this novel as reading the summary, the tags, and even the "positive" reviews. I am so sure this is my cup of the tea. But GOD do the characters want me to rip my hair off for their s*upidity. Even the so called "OP" MC are f*cking pathetic and can't make a wise decision for once. Don't even get me started with her so-called "sisters" and that dumbass s*upid brainless Empress mother. Really disappointed me a lot to the point of writing this review just to warn future readers of what they're getting into. All characters and the plot of this novel are bland, outrageous, and f*cking cringeworthy. NOT RECOMMENDED. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE FRUSTRATED, DO NOT PROCEED FURTHER. <<less
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Tabemono7227 rated it
February 25, 2021
Status: v1c59
This is my first time writing a review, sad to see that it's about how frustrating this novel is.

I have no qualms with how the story has no depth whatsoever. I've read lots of stories like that but most of them I still enjoyed. My problem with this one lies mostly with the MC. Contrary to how she is described, she is such a freaking pushover the further the story goes, and sooo weak too. (I'm not gonna bother reading until the last chapter cause frankly it's just not worth... more>> it.) She's so damn powerful right? Well-


she wasn't even able to protect herself against a dove, yup that's right---A DOVE. Also, in the same chapter she gets knocked out by a hand chop from a mere mortal. Fck.


My next problem is with the ML


He supposedly fell for the MC but he actually slammed his door to her and assumed that she bullied this prince guy whom he just met. He just keeps on taking the bastard's side. He even has the nerve to talk back to her and make unreasonable demands aaaand of course the pushover MC we have just goes along with whatever the hell that is. Tr*sh go with tr*sh so I guess they're a perfect couple.


Alas my rant is going on too long, so this one is the last problem I'm gonna point out.


MC who?

Side characters get more screentime than her. The more chapters I read the more I see her as just an annoying canon fodder character. At first, the story had potential but then everything just turns to sh*t. I read fluffs ang light-hearted novels so I didn't really care with the amount of plotholes but having this type of MC and ML is just a big turnoff. We even get like 4 continuous chapters where she is barely mentioned and the chapters are 99% about her 4th sister, reading these chapters you'd assume the 4th sister is the MC.


Anyway rant over, if you wanna give this story a chance like I did, I hope you won't be as disappointed as me.

Ciao~ <<less
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Clarimel7 rated it
October 26, 2023
Status: Completed
There are some interesting points about this novel: matriarchal society, political changes in other countries without the involvement of MC, devoted male lovers appearing out of nowhere... Do not expect great enlightenment on the political arena. I almost dropped it, but each chapter is fairly short, so the sudden shift of the plot might draw you in. Give it a try. Good luck!
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