Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!


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Wu Jin, as a trainee from a certain entertainment company, had a peerless, stunning face. He was qualified to debut as a lead performer even if he just sat there and did nothing.

After signing up for a certain talent show, the shining path to stardom beckoned to him––

Wu Jin: Hold on, why is this show different from what we agreed on? Wasn’t it supposed to be about jumping around, dancing, and singing songs? Why do you have to send me out into the wilderness…

Program Producer: You’re a once-in-a-century high appearance value competitor! We’re relying on you to save the program’s ratings!

Wu Jin: … I seem to be on the wrong show. Wait a minute, this isn’t an idol show, it’s a fighting survival reality show ahhh!!

Ten months later, the little cutie who had been thrown into the show––

Turned into a human weapon.

Powering up through various instances, slight entertainment circle elements.

Extremely overpowered gong x little cutie who grows to become an overpowered shou.

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The surprising talent show
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145 Reviews sorted by

Ality rated it
April 8, 2022
Status: c1
This story is about love and guns.

It's wonderful and easy going. The MC is a youth without any combat experience in the beginning, but very hardworking and smart. He climbes up in the rankings with his own strengths and power (with his intelligence in particular, because the point that he can't just overbeat the contestants with more experience and strength is very realistic and well written). The ML is seems a bit OP, but it's not a minus, but a setting! He teachs MC, so he becomes a thoroughly sturdy... more>> survival player. Although ML's power is based on his history line, and he doesn't intervene in MC doings and fights when MC wants to do it himself, even if he can lose. MC isn't scared to force his own way to the top without ML help and even ready to fight against ML in future brawls! And I like that MC chooses not the same life way, that he knows,

instead of rising on the solid foundation of his idol skills he chooses the completely anknown pass as a survivol trainee, and I like it so much!

. There are also games-instanes that are like in quick transmigration novels, carefully designed and very interesting, with complicated rules. Other characters are different from each other and well written, some of them becomes a family and friends for MC, some of them not, but even opponents are interesting and do not fall in front of MC (except big evils that related to MC and ML histories. They just flip over like broken houses of cards when ML reaches them, and some of their moves are very predictable. But even so it's quite nice to watch these badass fall) There is some drama in heroes backstories, but overall this story is a comedy with fluff ending.

If you like harworking MC, fights, puzzles, guns and romance, you would enjoy "Surprise!...", the story is absolutely worth reading (ノ◕ヮ◕) ノ*.✧ <<less
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March 9, 2022
Status: c100
Leaving first a review here

There's twist in the storey. Our MC is so hardworking and loveable! ML also has his own struggles and slowlybeing melted by MC. Their past is tragic but fate connects them. May exciting scenes on the survival show. Although there's too much description sometimes I jjst browse it. I took a peek at the end and of course it's HE
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March 2, 2022
Status: c165
Won't rate yet but taking a break from the story as I've grown a bit bored with it. If I were to rate it right now would probably be 3.5 or 4. Just feel like this novel is trying to be too many things at once.

Also a warning for anyone who thinks this is fantasy

... more>>

This story is pure Sci-fi, he didn't transmigrate. The memories are from immersion therapy, MC is a genetically born and modified emotional support pet for the genetically modified human weapons. He was basically made for the ML (even though another "weapon" picked out his characteristics) so their initial attraction is due to this


Honestly not sure how I feel about this novel. Sometimes I think it's 5 star material and other times completely average (would not say it's bad though)

The history in the contest is a nice touch, even if some of it isn't completely accurate, but at the same time the rounds take too long. The rounds make up the bulk of the novel and are also sometimes needlessly complicated (this could be the translation, not sure) it's not that I couldn't follow them but it was just boring at times. Or I was so wrapped up in trying to figure out what was going on *cough* the dinosaur part, that reading became a chore. The flow in the novel doesn't work for me.

The MC isn't OP from the get go and his cute hardworking self is hard to dislike. I love that he pushed himself to get better and was growing by leaps and bounds... then nothing. ML still always has to come save him. ML is the standard cold CEO and is silent 99% of the time

it's explained that ML is this way because of the genetic modification and the lock... but even after MC helps with the lock he doesn't show much emotion, even to the MC. He is either kissing him, silently accompanying him or the 1 emotion he will show is anger when MC is taken away


The romance is barely there. If you took out all the contest parts the romance would be like 10 chapters, with the bulk being the memory parts

also don't exactly get the emotional lock thing and how they can go into a person's memories. It does remind me of a game I played called Psychonauts though 🤣


The side characters are fun and not deep by any means but provide some comedy.

though the whole part with Zoe in the French round was OOC, he was set up as the responsible team captain with experience in the show, then all of a sudden he is so immature and protective of MC in the middle of the game, didn't wait till after, nooo he pulled s*upid stunts during the round


The survival show is something new, though I don't get the debut thing.

white moonlight has a team and they are trainee's for it so why do they need to debut with the show? Only thing I can think of is it's like produce 101 temp group then they go back to their agency?


The "future" will be very interesting 1 minute then very 21st century the next. For example the dinosaur world, the AI ghosts, of course flying cars then there are radios with FM station, books/handouts made of paper etc. The immersion in the story gets broken.

Lastly there are a few inconsistencies in the story, but since I can't be sure that isn't the translation I won't go to much into it.

Will probably pick this back up to finish but I don't think this will ever be a novel I would reread. <<less
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bloommingdays rated it
February 17, 2022
Status: Completed
I absolutely love this and the amount of research that is put into its world building. It has everything that I love in a novel. The plot and twists explains why this novel is as long as it is. The relationship of MC and ML progess well and its not out of place. I also adore the other characters and their relationship with the MC.

Thank you for translating this! Props to you guys for the links to additional info too, satisfying this curious curious me.
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Fate led me here
Fate led me here
November 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Thank you very much for writing such a heart warming novel. If there's a 6 I would definitely give it. It was entertaining and fluffy. It really has so many lessons
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xuevie rated it
October 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed reading this a lot! The 'survival games' here do have the option of 'solve the mystery to win', but do include a twist of actual survival against other humans equipped with guns - the topics revolving around these games are pretty interesting and some of them are real, historically or scientifically. Learning something new from reading novels is great :)

Besides the 'talent show' actually being gun-based survival games, the background stories behind the main characters are just great! This is another thing that makes the novel... more>> so fun to read. Super enticing! (Won't spoil it for you cuz it really is awwww and wowzie)

Also, MC and ML are very cute together - they're truly fated to be with each other!!! Actual power couples are the best! (The ones where both the MC and ML are depicted as equally powerful) Also, there's nothing wrong with a cute, adorable bunny-like MC!

So, go read it :) <<less
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Akame XiaoXiao
Akame XiaoXiao
September 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Rate: 4.5 (Not satisfying enough.)

This novel is good just like The Earth is Online. Though there were some boring chapters there were also many interesting and exciting scenarios.

I really like the MC (Little Witch). He's not really OP. He starts off from scratch and improves little by little. He works really hard just like how an idol works hard (but he's a survival show trainee). MC also didn't rely on ML, even though he was in a hard situation. Little Witch was cute and funny, but when he's fighting,... more>> he's cool and smart.

ML is OP, of course. A novel is not good without a powerful ML (for me). I don't know what to say about him. Just read the novel hahaha.

The supporting characters and side couples (potential CPs) were all funny and have their own characteristics. I like them all, also, the small villain.


I want him to be close to MC as an older brother. But it's also impossible after what he did. Still, he deserves a good life. It's a pity that the novel's already finished. I want more chapters for every character. Especially, for Jingyi double C, OrangeXDongqing, Wei Yan and his potential lover, and ZoeXLin! I also love our best mama fan, Vera! Unfortunately, I can only dream about it.


The instances were complex and hard to understand but you can just enjoy it without really understanding other things.

My favorite instance is the Palace of Versailles. It's really good. Even though some historical details were not relevant but it's still interesting and thrilling. Here, I saw our MC being a gentleman.


There were so many plot twists and the world-building was complex.

The translator did a good job translating this novel. I think I already read many of her translated novels. It must be hard for her to work on this. <<less
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MissJo47 rated it
September 23, 2021
Status: --
Ahhhh this one is sooo good! Fluffy, brainstorming, funny and hardcore! Meet Big Boss Wei Shie the King of Floating City and his Rabbit Little Witch Wu Jin a Entertainment Survival Trainee... After reading this novel I learned a lot about Science and History.. the instances is brainstorming. The translator did a great job translating it. I also love the other side characters.. I laugh so hard when it comes to Caesar, Red and Thin Fire interactions.. and love their pets, Rabbit, black Cat and Pterosaurs. A must read.. great... more>> novel in futuristic setting.. <<less
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Minty22 rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Well it's my first time reviewing, but this novel is soooo good. It's between fluffy and some mystery novel. At first you'll find it like "transmigration?" And later it'll revealed

The MC is so cute, fluffy, and smart at first it seems he's really dont know anything (imagine he's at first want to go to idol variety but suddenly he's in survival show w/o any knowledge about weapon) but in the game he's developing from 0 he's really look up to the ML and want to able stand beside him

The ML... more>> is cold but he's really care to the MC, he's OP but hidden his strenght, he's really respect the mc's decision and both of them really understand each other

Andd the most I like is every elimination stage. The author is really creative. Like I dont find it in other novel. And the instance, some of it I went googling to have an image about it

So it really worth try to read <<less
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September 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Love it!! The story is very interesting & funny. Both MC & ML is very loveable, other characters also very cute & lovely, lots of side pairing (or potential side pairing). All potential plot hole is wonderfully explained as the story progress. I think the author is kinda obsessed with Pokemon, there's some references here and there, it's cute tho LoL. Anyway, a wonderful story that doesn't emphasize on the villains.
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Solunter rated it
August 28, 2021
Status: Completed
I really thought that I was supposed to read a bloody story filled with deaths, but I guess I was wrong. The story made me laugh, smile, gave me knowledge and also delivered me lots of dog food. The setting is quite intriguing and unique. Others should read it completely first before commenting as to how and why things happened or else they will really miss the answers. I don't really get others that just read a few chapters from the beginning then skip to the very end.

The characters are... more>> fun, they seem alive with how the author described them. And I really think that the author did their best to give the characters their well-deserved ending. I could walk away freely from the story with just one regret.

I want Zoe x WL. <<less
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cherryb379 rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Brilliant!!! Very lovable characters superb storyline, amazing support characters... there is no negative according gto me for this book. It's amazing and a very very superb read. Tha king the author and the translator for this gem 💎🙌.
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gr4y rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: Completed
It's everything that I could have asked for!! Other than the fact that I liked how the author is lowkey a pokemon fan, I absolutely love everything that this novel offered!! Especially the characters growth and development. Don't miss out on life and read this precious gem immediately!!
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May 7, 2021
Status: Completed
When I first started reading this I wasn't sure what to expect becuase of all the mixed reviews, but it seemed to have a slight gaming theme to it, and the premise seemed interesting enough to give it a shot.

I am SOOO happy I went with my gut and decided to read this novel. There were some people who didn't seem to think that the characters were explained well, or the story was tied up, but I can only guess that they might not have actually finished reading the story... more>> all the way through at the time of their review. I can assure you that the characters backgrounds are fully explained, and despite the surface appearance of the "love at first sight" trope


once you actually read about their history, you will see that not only is there a reason for their attraction to each other, but their love has actually been slow burning for many years already, they just didn't know it yet.


I loved that the auther was able to give so many characters in the story full and rich personalities, I also appreciated the time and effort the author put in to researching and learning so much about other civilizations and cultures. The puzzles in this story are sick, and even though they take a lot of logic to figure them out, you actually get to hear some of the thought process to solving these intricate puzzles, it's not just something that for no understandable reason popped into the MC's head.

Honestly the first half of the story is about meeting, making friends, building a new family, solving puzzles, and falling in love, you won't get to the mystery solving of the past until the second half of the story I'd say. This isn't just a fluff piece, this story really makes you think and you really get a sense of watching the MC grow up right in front of your eyes while reading.


I'm stating this isn't just a fluff story, but to be clear at no point do you feel any real fear for the characters involved. There are definitely some ups and downs when the MC is kidnapped, but it's quickly resolved. One statement that remains true throughout the story... the ML is undefeatable!


The technology is more advanced in this story due to the intergallactic setting, but that's not a real focus of the story, more just supplemental in order to support the story line.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story, and since each puzzle was unique I didn't get overly tired of walking through them with the MC. I feel no hesitation is recommending this story!


Side Note: There is no NSFW in this story, lots of implications, but that's where it ends. Take it as good or bad, just figured I would share.

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izayaYY rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: Completed
An excellent nerdy bl, by a science nerdy author no doubt lol... I like author's intelligence and meticulous attention to detail... I especially enjoyed the dinosaur arc a lot and I loved all the ML and MC's sweet and funny interactions together... I also loved the zoomorphic descriptions of bunny WuJin, especially from ML's POV... of course there are a few flaws but nothing serious... the only thing I disliked about this novel was that the author focused more on the survival instances rather than romance so there was not... more>> enough fluff and interactions between the 2 protags <<less
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Hibye rated it
February 28, 2021
Status: Completed
This is one of my favourite book!!!!!!

This is one of the few novels which wraps up the plot holes rather nicely. Amidst too many books of

random transmigration/rebirth, this is a gem.


the MC actually didnt time travel!!]


These are some points which made me fall with this book

    • Cute MC (actually we see lots and lots of this species, I still like them)
    • Smart and caring MC. (but too dumb sometimes. Like I wondered where his iq ran off to)
    • Very funny and sweet interactions.
    • This novel has AMAZING instances. It literally blows your mind with how well thought it was. Like it touches everything from tissues to evolution to history.
    • Cheerful characters and a bucket full of pets to brighten your day. (You may also cry somewhere sometimes. like me.)
    • I also really like ML. He is very caring and supports the MC all the way. He is not someone who first saw the MC and think 'I wanna POSSESS HIM!!'. (

      The MC is the one who fell in first sight]

      . One of the best book boyfriend!
    • But there are too many animal comparisons. If you are not a fan of it consider this a headsup.
Sooooo....I highly recommend this to everyone who needs some fluffy sugars for your heart and thriller for your brain.

please forgive my broken english. Have a nice reading!!!!

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Magz84 rated it
February 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I quite enjoyed the novel, reading it long passed my bed time, which left me too concerned and active to fall asleep. Couldn't help trying to predict what would happen next. In other words, what I'm trying to say is that the plot was interesting and absorbing, it wad fun to read as I found myself laughing out loud on occasions.

The characters are likable and I liked the plot twist or the truth about the main. It wasnt predictable. I loved wei shi too. So domineering, yet caring. OP... more>> but not to the point of being a showy annoying person, quite the opposite I think.

The only thing I found a bit monotonous about this was the random educational runts the author would go on in middle of one of the arcs... Just too much info too many dates. I mean it supposed to be survival show, not a lesson in history... Having said that I wouldn't discourage anyone from reading. It was good and fun read. The translators did good job too. I appreciate that and recommend the novel. <<less
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January 17, 2021
Status: --
I haven't finished it yet, and I really hope this bunny cringe thing will ease up because I can't handle this cringe okay, can I go one chapter without the author explaining HOW CUTE LOVELY SOMETHING SOMETHING the MC is or without ANYONE mentioning how beautiful cute something something about him? He's a guy, okay? Sure, a guy can be cute but you don't need to go that far. Basically you can change the MC's gender into a woman and NOTHING gonna change. I like reading BL because it's boy... more>> love boy, but why would you beautify a boy to such an extent I have no idea. And why would who top and bottom really important in a yaoi novels????

Well anyway, I quite like this novel for the plot and the characters, though I still can't read MC and ML together without skipping some paraghraps here and there.

Will persist reading this because the plot setting is really interesting and the translation is superb, but I need to take a break from this novel for now. <<less
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Krisan1004 rated it
January 7, 2021
Status: Completed
It's fun to find a good novel, this is a gem, an amazing plot twist by the author, MC and ML they support each other, really like the MC who has its own strengths not depending on ML, it would be perfect if there was a side story from Sou yu, I don't think I'll ever get bored of reading this novel over and over again 😘
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January 5, 2021
Status: Completed
  • The MC is adorable. Is a fact in the novel, similar to how the sun rising in the East is a fact. Accept it.
  • The ML is very 'masculine' but not buff. He's also a 'bit' emotionally redundant.
  • The plot... isn't really heavy honestly. That doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it hasn't got a billion twists and turns. It's relatively simple and direct. Emphasis on 'relatively'.
  • All the characters (including MC and ml) are pretty well rounded. They aren't 2D. There are one or two who are flat but they aren't part of the main story at all so it doesn't matter.
  • The novel has the weak to strong tag but it isn't exaggerated at all. Which was surprising. The cause and effect is all pretty reasonable.
  • The ML isn't a huge golden thigh, at least not in the way you expect him to be, which is refreshing.
  • You at first think the romance to be a bit abrupt but as the plot progresses you realise that it's not.
  • Spoiler

    The MC is not who you think he is.

  • The translation is of good quality too. You won't have any problems with the translation.
  • 100% would recommend. Go check it out. (◍•ᴗ•◍) ✧*。
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