Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!


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Wu Jin, as a trainee from a certain entertainment company, had a peerless, stunning face. He was qualified to debut as a lead performer even if he just sat there and did nothing.

After signing up for a certain talent show, the shining path to stardom beckoned to him––

Wu Jin: Hold on, why is this show different from what we agreed on? Wasn’t it supposed to be about jumping around, dancing, and singing songs? Why do you have to send me out into the wilderness…

Program Producer: You’re a once-in-a-century high appearance value competitor! We’re relying on you to save the program’s ratings!

Wu Jin: … I seem to be on the wrong show. Wait a minute, this isn’t an idol show, it’s a fighting survival reality show ahhh!!

Ten months later, the little cutie who had been thrown into the show––

Turned into a human weapon.

Powering up through various instances, slight entertainment circle elements.

Extremely overpowered gong x little cutie who grows to become an overpowered shou.

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Sốc! Sao Bảo Là Show Tài Năng Cơ Mà
The surprising talent show
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145 Reviews sorted by

Sadie Woods
Sadie Woods rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: c72
Hey, you! Yeah, you! Are you sick of novels where the MC is a damsel in distress? Do you want character growth and a MC and ML that support each other with their own strengths? And, most importantly, do you like rabbits?

If you answered yes to these questions, I can't recommend this novel enough! The basic plot is that an idol transmigrates into being a survival show contestant. There is realistic character growth (no immediately OP MCs here!), a slow build main ship that is all about letting the other... more>> stand on their own strengths while supporting each other, and more rabbit references than you can shake a carrot at. This novel is a perfect blend of action, fluff, humor, interesting side characters, and a seriously ideal relationship. This is a 5/5 for me! <<less
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thypsychotic rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: c71
Full out love for this here novel!

We got here:

  • an exceedingly cute and quick smart MC.
  • a genuinely caring for MC's holistic development and powerful tyrant ML.
  • really cool battle setting ideas and wonderful descriptions of fight scenes.
  • gives focus not just on the main couple but also fleshes out the characters around them.
Overall, it seems like a really cool story that makes you want to squee for the moments and also be totally invested for the people in it!
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moonrune rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: c71
It's a rare treat to find an MC who's both this sweet--kind, hardworking, and innocent--and this fiercely determined and intelligent at the same time. Little Witch is so good and so smart and absolutely the cutest thing ever and I just, love him. In addition, this is an action-packed, incredibly imaginative story that really gets your heart racing! The translation is excellent as well, smooth and charming, and the MC's relationship with the ML feels natural and balanced. They truly respect each other, and even when ML was carrying MC... more>> through the early stages he never talks down to or manhandles him unnecessarily. ML genuinely cares for MC and looks out for him in many ways without being controlling or overbearing, from leading him through the personalized training he needs to bloom to giving him pep talks on how he doesn't need to change to win to making sure the medical staff know to scale down the anesthetics making him loopy. There's just a lot I love about this story that places it proudly among my all-time favorite series.

I genuinely have no idea what reviewer agathe is talking about. I'm guessing they must have MTL'd chapters that have yet to be translated, because I'm caught up on the translation and they haven't even kissed yet. I have a lot of frustration with heteronormative gender roles in BL/danmei as well (as I've expressed in other reviews) so maybe my opinion of the story will be effected by later chapters, but at this point I can wholeheartedly say that I don't think the accusation of prescribed gender roles holds water, and that I do heartily recommend this story. <<less
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dday0425 rated it
April 12, 2023
Status: Completed
Rating : 4.5 ⭐

This novel is a mixed bag with some impressive aspects and disappointing ones.

While the idea behind the novel is innovative, fresh and cool, the science behind it is not entirely accurate.

As someone with genetics and biology degrees, I couldn't help but noticed some of the doubtful or impossible subjects contained in the story, and it killed the fun for me. 🥲

Even though I understand that it's a novel and doesn't need to be 100% accurate, but at the very least, I wish the author could make it more convincing. Like the way the little witch's past and his transmigration were stitched up. That part is my absolute favorite. I feel like I even heard a click in my brain. It's so smooth and mind-blowing.
The logic chain behind the genetic modifications was also hard to believe in despite I kept reminding myself that the novel was mostly constructed based on the imagination of the future technologies. And because it is so full of exaggerated and inaccurate yet complicated theories, most of the instances appeared to be really hard to digest. At some point, I kind of wish the author could inject less information so that it wouldn't be as easy for a reader in a related field (like me) to find fault.

On the other hand, as someone who is really weak with history, I was blank the whole way from the evolutionary niche until the amus**ent arc. This is probably the first novel that has required me to look up terms and references so frequently; otherwise, I would still be struggling to understand the concepts and rules behind it. Orz

The main character, Little Witch, is adorable and bubbly. He's a good example of how to write an immature character without being too naive or s*upid. His quick acceptance of his sexuality is also refreshing. It's just hard not to like him when his adorableness is at the level of the national younger brother, lol. He's the reason I didn't give up despite being hit consecutively by all the dizzying instances.

Also, the male lead is really good. It's hard to find a novel where the ML's treatment of the MC and his subordinates are equally nice. He's cold, yet not the typical overpowered and aloof president type of cold. He's the boss, the captain, and the big brother who holds a life-long responsibility and silently works for his people—that's seriously cool. 🥲 Even with his lover, rather than spoiling Little Witch, he actually taught and allowed him to grow by himself, which is really wonderful.

Although I'm not normally into romance, the romances here were well-written and balanced. I sincerely enjoyed watching Little Witch's growth and Wei Shi's emotion unlocking journey and was really looking forward to their future.

The supporting characters was also amusing and delightful. At this point, I can say I am a fan of them all. I wish there could be more extras about the side characters, but overall, the novel is really enjoyable and worth reading.
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StarPhia rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: Completed
I honestly feel that most people here aren't giving the novel enough credit. I would like to argue that this novel, for what it is, did a superb job in many areas that other danmei novels lack.

First of all, despite the MC definitely being a shou on the cute side, he isn't weak. The gong doesn't need to protect him and do everything for him. The ML is there to support the MC but not there to win for him, I honestly really appreciate that it is the MC's own... more>> strength that puts him in the spotlight. The author wrote the MC in a way that he, despite having genius levels of ability to improve, does indeed act within the limitations of his own experience and what his skills are. Although he always performs very well in competitions which is not necessarily realistic, he doesn't win every time and is very much held back by his lack of combat knowledge. The choices that the MC makes towards the end of the novel in order to not be simply handed victories by our indominable ML are very commendable and truly show that he wants to stand on his own two feet even if it means an upward battle.

Admittedly, I went into the novel thinking it wouldn't be as fluffy as it was, but I don't think I can complain. The MC and ML have their troubling backstories, the story doesn't focus on this hardship but moving on from it, which is sweet. There isn't much conflict in terms of a bad guy, but there are certainly stakes. And there aren't many times of heart wrenching and exaggerated emotions, but there are certainly moments of emotional distress. The characters grow and develop through the story but don't completely stray from their core values. I can really appreciate the author's ability to make memorable characters. Personally, I usually forget the names of every not main character and honestly sometimes I forget the MCs' names as well, but I actually remembered the characters this time. It may be because the author used more Western names here and there and didn't use Chinese names with very similar english spellings that I was able to remember them though. Also, for once I didn't mind the side couple, which I usually hate because they distract from the story and usually aren't very well written. Props to the author for an amazing side couple.

I would argue that the setting of 3019 didn't feel how I would imagine the future to be, but I won't poo poo on the author's vision of the world. The plot is incredibly written, and the story is solid. There are reasons for the MC's personality if you read the story and actually think about it for more than two seconds. There was some foreshadowing to the big reveals, which is always nice. The author doesn't always spell things out for you, but if you really think about the reasons for various characters acting in certain ways you will likely find it explained to some extent in the story. Like really, just think about it for more than 20 seconds.

There are a lot of positive reviews though, its just on my first page I see a lot of more negative ones at the moment. I'd just say that they aren't completely worth considering since many of them don't really touch on what makes this story pretty great. Sure it isn't the best, but it isn't bad either. I would agree that the way women are treated in the story isn't exactly the best and there is a tiny bit of sexism, but it really isn't nearly as much as compared with other danmeis. The sexism is merely present in that men are naturally stronger than women, which technically isn't wrong, but it still is a little out of place to be occasionally mentioned in the story. It is also present in the slightly annoyingly straight assuming the story is, for whatever reason there is a lot of wife/girlfriend fans for the male characters and husband/boyfriend fans for the female characters but it considers the opposite very obscure even though it is a BL novel. It isn't that excessive, it is more just noticeable.

All in all, very solid novel. It lacks what often makes incredible novels in my opinion, which is often lots of emotions and darkness. But the world building is incredible, and the creativity is off the charts. It is a very entertaining novel to say the least, I would highly recommend it. <<less
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Shrike1978 rated it
February 2, 2022
Status: Completed
So this was a wonderfully fun story and I bow down to the author for doing so much research in so many different specialties!

I think there were several things that made this story work where other long stories and QT/Gaming stories fail.

  1. Not only was each arc/game world distinct, but what the MC and ML experienced and what they took from each arc was different. It wasn't a repeat or only slight difference for each arc. The different arcs contributed different pieces to the story.
  2. There were breaks in between the game arcs where the MC and ML interacted outside of the game and dealt with personal issues/ history/relationship things. This was a nice way to break up the arcs and change the rhythm, especially in such a long story.
  3. The side characters were well developed with different personalities, strengths and were also integral to the story. Two fleshed out characters and everyone else 2d can't carry a story this big.
I thought the author did a wonderful job interjecting lots of humor into a setting where many would lean towards straight drama. Also I appreciated the way the ML respected the MCs decisions - especially when the MC chose not to lean on the ML for extra help.

A great story with a lot of fun, humor and action. Enjoy!
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XianYiXi rated it
June 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Readers, get ready to stomp and fill your brain with information because the suppose to be talent show was actually~ all about science, history, geography, maths, fairytale. Those that doesn't like to study can use this as sleeping material too (not gonna lie, I end up sleeping in the arc with history/ancient time events).

The story is about an idol, ready to make debut, was suppose to participate in a talent show but during his registration he comes to whole different place and end up participating in Complete different talent show, Survival Show of 3019 (10 century ahead). The story look like a transmigration story, traveling to future but Surprise~ ... more>>

It was all science. There was no transmigration. It was all MC Dream or illusion where he believe he was an idol from 10 century ago (that is 2019). I totally didn't saw that comming.


Since it's a Survival show, no one dies but the anxiety and excitement is there, plus the whole novel is so fun with the Survival show with different theme in every round is really interesting. There's a lots of background detail, especially about history. The science is really amazing.

like all the fantasy things in here was all actually science. The transmigration was not a transmigration but just MC delusion, the ghost were just 4D art that look real as f*ck. Even the dinosaur, insect and human (MC) were science made (・᷄ὢ・᷅)


I personally love the last round with fairytale. I also like the dinosaur theme round, card theme round and the french war round. It was very interesting. The least I liked was the amus**ent park round.

I am a person that can have second lead syndrome even from main lead split personally, so you can see why I like it the least. Though it was just ML consciousness, I still didn't enjoy the moment and romance that people find cute. I don't dislike 16 years old ML, it just I could understand 27 years old ML feeling of jealousy. Not only this but even the story........ was kinda boring for me. I kinda understood the game but at the same time not. well, this one was confusing for me. It took me some time/day to complete this particular round since I felt asleep.


Love the character setting. I really enjoyed the process of our MC, from soft normal person to overpower person that can fight with guns and hands. You can see him develop slowly. He's also quite different from your usual OP MCs. He's OP but not Too OP. He still can't beat some people on 1vs1 and he's also not good at everything. He's still growing and training hard unlike other OP MC that is too OP just like that.

Also love the fact that he try to stand up and fight for himself and not depend on ML to save him or win the game (not that I hate that kind of MC). He's not a princess that need a shining armour knight to save him everytime, he's the prince that want to stand equally by his shining armour knight side.

And ML, he's one of the best ML. Though he's possessive, he's not overprotective or controlling and doesn't hold MC back and let him shine, develop and grow. He also listen to MC and respect MC's choice and decision. He let MC fight his own battle and doesn't interfere (letting MC shine)

like the french war round, where MC went 1vs1 with the sword fight, ML watched from Side and didn't try to interfere or rescue MC. Thought it sound cruel it's actually very respectful thing.


Plus he doesn't let MC just win against him in a battle, just because he loves MC.

And all the other character in this novel are all lovable. MC teammates, Zoe with his fatherly love and protectiveness toward MC, wen lin with his Motherly supportive action and care and Ceaser the dumb but entertaining big brother. They all can make a lovely family. There's also characters from the show like Thin (i love his and ceaser fight), Ming- equally adorable like MC and crazy fan of his captain, Zuo the captain that ming is crazy for, Lin and his nonsense babling and Rap.... something the one that got deceived by MC a lot, Vera the motherfan of MC. And finally character from Floating city, Red and his Joke that actually is not a joke, Red's Brother, cat ear guy, professor etc. I'll miss everyone of them.

The romance between MC and ML is so good. The way author manage to incorporate the cute moments and sneaky undertones of romance totally got me hooked. Didn't expected ML to be so romantic. I totally don't have regret that this is actually a shounen ai novel. The romance ad intimacy executed is so good, even better than some of yaoi tagged novel.

Plus there's are also side CP like Zou-Ming (I love there relationship too. They both are so sweet... especially Ming), Zoe-Wen (probably.... though this cp is not confirm but like the relationship between the two....... how are they not dating each other) and lastly our Maybe CP Mao-Orange (Though there wasn't much of them, it would be nice if Mao fall in love with Orange too)

I especially love the ending of the story. It didn't end right after MC and ML dealt with the bad guy. It ended at perfect moment you'll feel it needed to end. Even the extra the ending was so beautiful. One of the most satisfying ending novel.

Lastly, I really love how creative author was with his plot and with the plot twist of MC identity. But the way author executed some of the action and scene, it was weird and hard to imagine. Also, there were times when it started to get bit boring but I enjoyed most part.

Thanks to the translator for translating this novel. This was such an entertaining novel. I had lots of fun. <<less
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CherryBlossoms rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: --
Sooo after reading all these great reviews about this novel, I was really pumped up and my hopes were up really high, which was also why my disappointment was all the bigger, when I read this novel, expecting so many things that were promised in the other reviews. Some things may have been true, only that I didn't get that far to be able to judge those points.

Now what disappointed me?

I think the beginning was very interesting: Our MC almost immediately gets pushed out of a helicopter (?) - its... more>> been a while so excuse me if I got that wrong- and has to learn to fight against the other participants. It's supposed to be those Idol Survival Shows in the entertainment industry only in a futuristic concept.

What was very annoying for me:

-Our MC almost immediately meets our ML who shows him mercy and is godly, when it comes to such survival shows, MUCH TOO OP, he can evade surveillance and so much more, and it doesn't get explained. He just can and that's it.

-Our ML falls too fast for MC, or he like doesn't harm him and makes exceptions for him due to his appearance, since its mentioned very often that MC is sooo beautiful, very cute and pitiful. I personally prefer slowburn romance, where I can enjoy the journey and know why my MC and ML fall for each other and so on, which I don't get here. So yeah, not satisfied at all.

I was actually very happy, because in other reviews it was mentioned that our MC will get stronger and we get some character development, but too many things were not to my taste, so I could not endure reading the chapters leading up to that. <<less
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February 12, 2021
Status: c1
For me this story really understands how to describe "From Zero to Hero" meaning.

The depiction of MC in this story is simply perfect, and unlike other MCs who get everything instantaneously in their story, MC in this story has to crawl from the bottom to reach the target he wants.

For the ML, even though he has great strength and strong power he never used it directly to MC, because he always respected MC's decision to grow and have the same strength so that he could stand beside him.

And if we... more>> talk about the antagonist (Shou Yu) Well I dont know how do I explain my feel for him. Because on the one side he was the character that really makes you want to beat him up until death. But on the other side you know that he was a victim too, and he was also suffering a lot.

For the plot, the author is kind of using Cliffhanger ending??? But for me personally the way the author make the ending was not Cliffhanger.


Because from the beginning of the story if we just focus on MC career plot. The event that he does in the story is just an event for her debut. While the event that author keep continues discuss about in the story was not MC debut event, but other event that more biggest rather than MC doing now.

But instead of finish it when the MC was already at the level of bigger event (I forget the name event). The author just ended the story until the MC getting her debut, which mean the author was left a quite holes in this story


Last Note : This story has a really bad synopsis, Because the synopsis I have to keep on preventing my self for reading this story so many times. <<less
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MCH10 rated it
December 13, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is so good. The varying emotions felt while reading this made me appreciate how the author thought and wrote the novel. Also, the translation was impeccable. The characters were unique on their own and the development really made this such a satisfying read. There may be parts that are hard to comprehend because the elimination rounds rely on analysis and understanding of certain subjects. However, that made me learn so much and see how much research the author did to make the story well-written. Kudos as well to... more>> the translators since I'm sure they also studied to understand every sentence. Sadly, I wanted to read more of the main couple's life but still very recommend this to anyone that wants to read a good BL novel. <<less
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m0rph3uS rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: Completed
The translation was good. The story setting was interesting. The characters were also fleshed out although there were some aspects that could have been more developed. Honestly though, I loved how the story's build up of momentum was and how the mysteries in the plot were slowly resolved. Loved the extras as well and how everyone found some sense of closure and happy ending.

I love the relationship dynamics between the MC and the ML. The ML is possessive but he also respects the decision and choices of the MC without... more>> being too yandere or restricting and it's a sort of breath of fresh air as most of the MLs I've encountered are almost always on the yandere side, or maybe that's just my luck with choosing a story to read. I also love the relationship among the different characters and how even the minor characters were not forgotten and still played a part in the story as a whole.

This story is some parts fluff, some parts mystery and thriller, some parts comedy (Caesar and Red and Thin Fire's antics are really funny). It's a good read though and would recommend it. <<less
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sapphireader.weeb rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c225
Read. R e a d I t. This is definitely one of my top favorite novels and I registered an account, just for the purpose of writing this review, that means something OwO

Characters: The characters are all throughly developed, including the side characters, secondary characters, etc. The MC is adorable and precious QAQ Personality-wise I mean :) He's also very clever and independent, not to mention hardworking. He doesn't rely on the ML when it matters and goes from being a total noob to holding his own ground against any... more>> fight, whereas the ML is kinda your standard cold, reserved, and OP ML (along with protective and prone to drinking vinegar), but dw! There's character development and plot explaining why, and he respects the MC's decisions as well ^o^

Plot: Holy heck the plot was extremely well-developed, everything is explained and plot development is steady throughout the chapters, every chapter was interesting and none were bland or made me feel like the story was dragging on at all. At first, the plot seems pretty straightforward, based on the summary, but it soon delves in much deeper and there are quite some plot twists.

Romance: Yes, this is a BL web novel if u haven't realized already, also note that it is BL, not yaoi. It is slow-burn between the MC and ML at first, but it's very steady and rational on their interactions and changing feelings, the ML does not force the MC or anything either. The ML doesn't appear too much in the beginning of the story, but he transitions to a main character as well soon enough, especially after the plot/character development :D

Summary: The plot, characters, and translation are all 10/10, so if you're reading this, wondering if u should read it or not, go on alr *^* the main story just finished too, so perfect timing :)))) and if u alr read the novel and are just reading reviews, then hiiii- (u share my opinions too, right? :3) <<less
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qpzmal rated it
October 28, 2020
Status: Completed
I understand why some people gave this low reviews since I got close to dropping it in the middle because of the repetitive plot, but I pulled through. This is more of a story of cuteness, fluffiness, healing from past trauma etc., so it's a pretty light novel compared to the other ones I've read. How Many Tomorrows There Are have the same Hunger Games troupe, but it is much heavier in terms of their psychology and the mature aspects of the novel. Wu Jin is a typical Mary Sue... more>> shou, with pinnacle looks, an ethereal voice, hair that makes everyone want to pet him, cuteness overload, somehow a genius in escape rooms and puzzles even though he is an idol (if you read far enough you get what I'm implying), excessive bouncing (like bruh I don't think you have ADHD), and the oh-so-common flexible and malleable waist. Wei Shi is also pretty basic: sword eyebrows, broad shoulders, OP, cold, extremely rich, and falls in love first (why can't it be mutual). But my favorite CPs and bro-ships were actually Red and Thin Fire, and Wen Lin and Ming Yao.

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Nanya rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: c71
Y'all, y'alllll. If you haven't started this novel yet, get to it! This novel is about our MC, Wu Jin, who's an idol trainee about to debut being thrust into the future where he accidentally enters a survival entertainment show. It's such a cool premise, since not only do we have to see this cute lil bunny rabbit have to grow stronger in order to perform well in these games but the instances or arenas are so intense and enthralling. The CP in this is very cute and you'll have... more>> a smile on your face whenever you read this story.

I give this 5/5 stars. I absolutely adore this book. <<less
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January 2, 2024
Status: c207
I like the MC, I like the ml, I like the science, history and reasoning behind everything that happen but somehow I feel like all the gameplay and storyline especially the later parts are kinda dragy and make me lose interest. Im at chapter 200+ right now and struggling to keep my interest to finish the novel. Overall interesting but a tad boring.
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December 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly, I was blown away by the author's big brain. The puzzles were amazing to experience, well written and well translated!

Not too bothered by the author saying MC is cute etc, because the characters feel like real people and you get to see him grow over the course of the book.

Love a transmigration story that's not just a transmigration story too.
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June 14, 2021
Status: --
3.5 round up to 4 ⭐️

the novel was good but I found some parts boring and dragged on a lot especially during the competitions. After ch 100 I skipped a few chapters. Overall I liked both the MC and ML along with the side characters 😊. Definitely recommend.
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twobada rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: --
Oh my god this was really creative, entertaining, and cute!!!!!

The game arcs are so creative and engaging, even readers like me who aren't too interested wouldn't feel like skipping! (Unlike in VEN... definitely skipped several chapters there...)

And the CPs are so!!!!! cute and healthy!!!! The only con is that there aren't enough of the side CPs (੭ु ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅) ੭ु⁾⁾

Other than that, this is really well-written. You can easily tell the amount of effort and heart that the author put into it.
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SpicaGG rated it
December 18, 2020
Status: Completed
Rating?It's a 7star I tell u!!!This us the 2nd 7star I gv to a novel. A must read, dont miss this masterpiece. This is a 2nd novel that made my brain buzz aside from Little Mushroom lol.

The story is really well thought and written. It's funny, romantic, smart, and really touching!I dont know how many times I got teary eyed. And It's a good tears!

It almost ticks all the genres u cN think of; romance, adventure, thriller, horro, etc etc. Not gonna ramble anymore.U guys, just read it!
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Sisithatlikestoread rated it
December 5, 2020
Status: Completed
I would honestly call this a masterpiece? I love it sooo much!!!

First: the characters are beautiful and fun. Second: the plot is really well made! Third: the love between the main characters is so cute and I love it smm!!!! Fourth: the translation is amazing! You should totally check Chrysanthemum Garden and their translators and novels! They also have original novels there!

....i swear I'm not advertising them on purpose... just a fan here~

In conclusion: go read it!!
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