Superstar Aspirations


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In his last life, he was a superstar that dominated the entertainment circle. In this life, he is a rebellious second generation wastrel.

Confronting the aunt and uncle who wants to seize the family property and getting rid of those slag friends who only know how to eat and drink…

Rong Xu: To not speak out means to perish in the silence!

From starting out as a third-rate celebrity, he had to rely on his own efforts to rise to the top of the entertainment circle, aspiring to once again sit on the throne!

Their first meeting —

Rong Xu: Hello, I’m Rong Xu. This would be our first time meeting, I would appreciate your guidance.

Qin Cheng: !!! (…Aahhh, He’s so cute! I really want to sleep with him!)

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71 Reviews sorted by

Psychoutre rated it
August 2, 2022
Status: c14
It's alright, the writing is really nice but I just can't stomach how every single paragraph has hailed the MC as this gorgeous, porcelain, beautiful being that walked on earth. The more he gets praised for his outward appearance, the more I lose interest in our MC. Wish I got to see more of him actually showing his character, or him reacting aside from just giving a smile here and there like a wallflower.. That bit where he threatened his aunt was good, but that was it.

I'm also not that... more>> interested in the movie plots but it gets shoved at you with a whole lot of detail. It's a shame that I just gloss over them to just get back to the main story. I would have preferred either the movie plots were integrated, e.g. MC studies up on how to act it out, or were summarised so I just get the main gist. I can tell that the author has a lot of ideas but it bombarded me. Couldn't focus on the novel as much as I wanted to.

The ML is also someone I don't get. He gets introduced to the MC for the first time and he's suddenly acting like an obsessed admirer.. Which is weird because there's all this rumours about him being unobtainable, etc. And he falls for the MC just like that. Let's also not forget the fact that MC is described as underaged, can't even drink alcohol, and ML crushes hard and would resort to shameless tactics. Just weird vibes.

I saw so many good reviews for this novel but I guess I just have different standards. <<less
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ralyks rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: --
The story itself is not bad. I know how people and scenarios are described in Chinese novel. And I don't have any problem with that. But the writing in this one makes me cringe. I thought I was reading too much Chinese novels and got overwhelmed so I stopped it for a while. But when I read this again I cannot stand it. I think the beautiful youth, old man and every other terms used to beautify the characters are too much. So I started reading by skipping those paragraphs... more>> and it got OK. But I still think it's too much of description every now and then that it starts to get annoying. <<less
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Rutabaga rated it
April 8, 2021
Status: Completed
It was a nice novel. It did get tiring for me to read it in the middle, but it’s not repetitive, I think, for the most parts. (This novel wasn’t really my thing though)

The ML and MC are fine and well-written for the most part, the romance isn’t horrible. Stuff get explained and isn’t annoying to read. There are some small plot holes, but the plot is quite smooth, and besides the “High box office! Lots of money! The MC is very kind and handsome!” The novel isn’t really... more>> repetitive, and the movies the MC acts in are all quite different and interesting to read.

The side characters have personalities! Wow! Seriously, besides some minor villains and s*upid dog blood family drama characters, the side characters do have some personality. Of course, it’s not as colourful (i hate my English) as the MC and ML, but it’s not 2d. (I don’t mean the s*upid villains. Seriously, I wonder how the author manages to make the villains so s*upid and 2d). The most important thing I want to complain about, is the extras. The extras were horrible. It’s not important, but I couldn’t stand the extras. Don’t recommend reading the extras.
It’s not a bad novel, so I think I’d recommend it. Anyways, sorry for the bad English and have a nice day. <<less
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timma rated it
January 31, 2021
Status: Completed
Updated: 2022 Jun 20

One of the few m/m pairings that has both characters acting like adults. A real relationship where they each build each other up instead of the normal toxic relationships found in yaoi/shounen ai type novels. No pushing or feminizing the other in the pairing is rare, so I always find that to be a treat. Plus it wasn't locked half behind a pay wall or anything so that was a plus. Worth giving a shot, if you don't like it, don't read it.
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judeiiro rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c80 part3
I don't know why I held off reading this for so long when it's such a treasure! So, you shouldn't make the same mistake I did and read this for best giggles!!!!!

Let's talk about our MC, Rong Rong aka Rong Xu. He's your OP, transmigrated MC with very useful skills in his new life. He's likeable and gets things done but that's like a lot of the usual transmigrated MCs! As he rises higher in showbiz, it got a bit boring since it's pretty smooth sailing. However, the author counters... more>> this with great stories/snippets of each of Rong Xu's works. They're all great little plots and I enjoy them very much.

I don't know if the following paragraph would count as a spoiler but you've been warned!

Honestly the one that makes this whole novel is Qin Cheng and his Rong Rong exclusive trumpet account, Lotus Seed Paste and Orange Stuffing! Whenever I read an update and can't recall which novel this is, I see his username and boom instant recall! Iconic stan account, would love to listen a TEDtalk about how to obsessively gush about my man by this 'sister'!!!! His excitement is contagious and the gap moe is too moe, I am d e v a s t a t e d. I can't wait to suffer from secondhand embarrassment once, or if, his trumpet gets revealed. His effort in battling CP stans and antis are 2000% all for his family's Rong Rong and I think that's really admirable lol his behaviour might come off as creepy to some, especially those who don't reciprocate the same feelings but hey! This is a novel and Rong Rong loves Cheng Cheng!

Their relationship is awkwardly adorable. MC is out there testing the waters of our ML when ML has already tripped and fallen head over heels in love. One of the best kinds of couples, imo! I love reading the ML's POV because he's just an adorable man. The romance took a while to break through (just before c80?)

and most of it was ML using his mother as an excuse to help MC. Such an indirect baby, let me push into Rong Rong's arms!

The side characters and world setting is great too. Not too informative to the point of signing up a crash course into behind the showbiz but also just enough to get the gist and remember them for the story. Overall, definitely would recommend reading this for a great time!!!! <<less
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hejikkk rated it
June 20, 2020
Status: c65
Likable MC and cast. Pretty clear storyline with funny moments. Chapters are interesting to follow and aren't filler.

Some critics:

    • MC is described to be clever and liked by others but he doesn't really show this in his dialog. His conversations with the characters are respectful but really plain to read.
    • The ML isn't anything special. The kind that's super cold and hard to talk to with no friends.
    • ML immediately falls in love for no reason
    • The ML's second personality is kinda cringe...
Overall, it's a good entertainment circle story about a star who rises to the top. However, although I enjoyed it, I wouldn't say that it has any extraordinary must-read qualities or anything unique that makes it stand out from the rest of its kind.
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earlgreyt rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: Completed
There were some pretty good moments in this one.

The ML has a surprisingly cute side (a surprisingly cute alternate ego) and isn't your super typical chauvinist/possessive/CEO-type personality (though he's definitely pretty much perfect in everything else, including being the heir to a very top rich wealthy family or some such). His only weakness is that... ... more>>

he can't sing (which is actually pretty nice because the MC is great at singing).


MC is pretty good: independent, strong, and isn't outclassed by the ML in everything, also a rare find.

Other than that, it's fun overall and very fluffy, without a lot of braindead cannon fodders waiting to die. Some things are definitely dramatic (and definitely wouldn't happen in real life) but a lot of things are pretty believable and fun.

The film plots described are pretty engaging as well. I could definitely see some of them turned into real movies. I really enjoyed the historical Jinjiwei one (with the prince) and the futuristic Law Zero had a pretty good plot too.

My only gripe with the acting is that the MC is always described as pure/clean/gentle etc and almost all his movie roles are like that (even though the author would say stuff like "he had never played a character like that before"... total lies).


My absolute favorite thing is actually the side character romance in the extras. Seriously, it made a bigger impact on me than the main storyline because it felt very original and realistic... and one of the reasons this is rated 4 stars.

Compared to the author's other novel [Rebirth of a Supermodel] I do like this one better. ML is more original and story had more emotional/memorable points through the film plots, though character development is pretty non-existent until the extras I mentioned. <<less
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September 21, 2018
Status: Completed
I really like this story, especially the socially awkward seme, so cuteee~~ He was like "I love you so freaking much!!" -> in the inside, and went "........ ok" -> on the outside, kyaaaahO (≧∇≦) O. Anyhow, let's go through the story a little bit. The main theme in this novel is transmigration and showbiz theme, the uke (Rong Xu) are able to ... more>>

act, sing and even become a magazine model (for promoting his movie/drama)



there are several parts that I really like, such as, when second male lead was jealous towards Rong Xu, he purposely make the props (this prop is for ceiling, I think (?) made from cement and steel) collapse towards him and Rong Xu, Qin Sheng was at the scene during that time. He was so panic, that when he found Rong Xu, he immediately carry him (Princess-carry) to the infirmary that he didn't realize that Rong Xu was not hurt at all (he was able to duck below the table). And I really love the way Rong Xu propose to Qin Sheng, it was so romantic~


This novel tells a story of how the MC gain population step-by-step and it worth to read. <<less
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Mehmeh713 rated it
May 25, 2022
Status: c87
Very boring and draggy... some parts feel repetitive or unnecessary. The MC is ok but he feels a little bit too chill/ unable to handle the antagonists... ? It’s kind of weird that in his past he was some big superstar, but he can’t even properly deal with someone trying repeatedly to hit on him.

also it’s annoying that the ML is so ridiculously OP and it’s repeated over and over and over and over again. Like every 5 chapters, there’s some random description about how OP and famous and legendary... more>> the ML’s career is. It gets tiresome. Plus it’s so OP it’s ridiculous, like he somehow became an a lister from one film where he immediately played the lead even tho he didn’t have any experience acting before that. He’s won countless awards and is so at the top of his game that he doesn’t have competition to the point where he’s lost interest in filming until he meets MC... does that sound real for any field?? Does he even like acting?

Some parts of the filming or the film plot itself are repeated. Like they talk about the plot in one chapter then 20 chapters later they have to describe it actually being filmed and basically repeat the story again. and it’s like some parts are totally unexplained and inexplicable? I don’t even know what that part is there for.


like when he’s acting as the psychologist/ killer, some of his lines are about horoscope and personality. But they don’t actually explain how the psychologist can tell something about that person he’s describing. It’s just left hanging there. And as the psychologist/ killer, these scenes are repeated like 3 or 4 times. After a while, it’s just like... huh? ok and? What’s the point of writing this again??


boring. The MC and ML are boring, the romance is boring, the acting is boring, the side characters are boring and the antagonists are just inexplicable c*ckroaches that never go away. <<less
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WallEyeKnee rated it
March 29, 2022
Status: c95
I am really turn off by the ML?

Love at first sight? I am sure him as A global film Emperor have seen beautiful people through his career and some more beautiful than MC

He keep listing after the MC! I find his duo personality on weibo cute until he got really creepy. He does the support the MC but besides his body can he talk about some other qualities? Not everytime time lasting after him seeing him. Plus can't he hold back at all? MC and ML status are clear still... more>> different yet he still trying to act intimate infront of public. I find that very selfish. MC is a great MC. Just the ML let me down by cringing me to death. <<less
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BeneathAHibiscusCanopysWarmth rated it
June 3, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a very sweet and entertaining novel. This baby really enjoyed it~

I rate this a 3/5 for Story Quality and a 4/5 for Entertainment Value.

Plot-wise, its quality doesn't really differ greatly from any other rebirth novels.


... more>>

Villains are basically mere stumbling blocks with IQs that somehow hit the negative levels. They're cannonfodders whose brains have been melted by fate so that they can go on their merry way and fulfill the purpose of their existence: be a one-dimensional antagonist who unthinkingly seeks death by being mean to MC and then be hopelessly kicked down by the ML.

To be fair, there IS this one singer/actress who tries to seduce MC and ISN'T subjected to a horrible fate, but her subplot's villain is another woman who tries to sabotage the singer/actress's career because of pettiness, so the singer/actress might not be a victim-of-fate's-bias-towards-MC Cannonfodder, but her subplot's villain certainly is.


Side Characters


Side Characters are funny and fun to read about, but their existence is mainly to either provide comedic relief for the story or help for the MC/ML. They're just as one-dimensional as the cannonfodders, the only reason they're not called dumb is because their screen time is so little and so focused on either being funny/supportive/impressed by one member of the main pairing that they don't really do anything else that can be used to measure their intelligence.


Main Characters


To preface, the Main Pairing ACTUALLY HAS A HEALTHY, NON-TOXIC RELATIONSHIP! WOOHOOOOO! NO RAPIST ML'S HERE! Seriously though, both the MC and ML are very fun to read about. The problem is that both of their characters have neither progression nor development. None of their background, motives, hobbies, and the likes are fleshed out, nor do their personality, behavior, or way of thinking ever change.

MC is a Mary Sue—or a Gary Stu, since he's a guy. You may think that he isn't because unlike other Mary Sues, the MC is thankfully not a pure little White Lotus who is too good for this world, but that doesn't change the fact that he's perfect—which is what a Mary Sue is. He can act and sing, his rebirth gave him talents that have been cultivated to their peak in his past life, his luck is so tremendous that he can rise to the top of the industry in three years—not only because he is SO talented, but also because the ML pretty much ensures that he'll never encounter roadblocks to his career.

Why does he meet so many cannonfodders with despairingly low IQs? Because the world revolves around him, therefore fate robs the characters of their intelligence so that the MC's road to fame wouldn't feel TOO smooth and so the ML can show his love for the MC by taking care of the cannonfodders—because we all know outside from that, it'll basically take a million years for then to get together.

At first, I liked the attitude he has towards the cannonfodders: indifference. He's an experienced star. He knows how he should act and behave in order to survive in the entertainment industry. But then, I realized that it doesn't really matter how his attitude is, because his golden finger—our ML—will take care of everything for him anyway.

Speaking of the ML, he honestly can be replaced with a sentient s*x doll and nothing in the story will be affected. He basically has no clear personality, no motives, no hobbies, no likes outside of MC.

Most of the time, ML is cold, like an iceberg that feels nothing. Why? The story says it's because his dad is like that, but let's face it: it's probably because of his neglectful, absentee parents. This reason behind his character is never acknowledged and is instead excused as a hereditary trait. Why does he turn into a cutesy Bai Fu Mei online? Is it because he finally feels free to express his true emotions when he is incognito and therefore free from the restrictions of his identity? No. It's another hereditary trait, this time from his mother. The ML obviously has problems with expressing emotions. It's not that he can't feel them, he just can't let them out. And the story never acknowledges this problem past presenting it as a cute pet peeve that at first kind of gets in the way of our main pairing getting together.

And this is what I mean by no development and no progression. As characters, we know virtually nothing about the main pairing's background aside from a brief description of their parents, wgo are either dead or absent from their life because of work. We never know how they got this way.

We never even know what kind of people they really are. MC does a lot of charity, but he seems to just do it casually. He never says anything about how he sympathizes with or cares about the plight of others. It's never addressed how his past led him to develop this sense of empathy, or why the ML's own past led him to not develop a similar attitude. ML only really does charity because that's what the MC wants—and the MC is also the reason why the ML does anything.

You may be confused why I said that the ML doesn't have hobbies. After all, isn't he a super famous actor? It's because he doesn't really like acting. And neither does the MC, to be honest. They never say anything about the craft, about how nor why they like the process of acting, or reading scripts, or the fame and money that comes with the profession. They seem to do it just because if they're not actors, then this story wouldn't really exist.

Lastly, I said that neither of their characters progress—which is true. They never change nor improve as people. They're perfect cardboard cut-outs in the beginning of the story, and they stay that way until the end. They try to jam in some drama with the MC being unable to come out publicly in an awards show, but that gets resolved quickly. The ML has a nightmare about losing stardom, but it's not because he loves acting nor because he doesn't want to lose the career he worked so hard for—he just doesn't want to break up with the MC.



Also, in general, it really feels as if the ML loves the MC more than the MC loves him. This is because the ML's life is fully centered around the MC. The author says he has friends who he has good relationships with, but he never interacts with them. Because he doesn't seem to take any enjoyment from his job as an actor, it really does come across as if the ML's life revolves around our MC who, to be honest, just isn't THAT into him.

MC actually has friends (despite how poorly fleshed out they are) and we actually see him interacting with others, unlike the ML who pretty much only interacts with a handful of characters, mainly Xu Jin and his family—and those interactions are primarily due to the MC.

It's good that the MC has his own life, but he also sometimes does things that kind of contradicts his affection for the ML. He joins the ML is Crazy Club for no reason aside from he just wants to make more friends, I guess?

It would have been fine if the members of that club are actually presented as ML's friends, so that we have their friendly interactions to prove the lightheartedness of the ML is Crazy Club member's constant badmouthing of him, but we don't. So it seems as if the MC is just letting these people talk badly about ML because the author says that the ML and those people have a great relationship so their teasing is all fun and good anyway


When we speak of how entertaining it was, though, it really does have a special place in this baby's heart~

I know I bashed the plot, but it really was a good, relaxing turn-your-brain off novel. The main pairing is truly greater than the sum of its parts. As one-dimensional as the MC and ML are, they do share a cute dynamic together and are genuinely funny and adorable. The side characters are good comic relief too. The poor managers really do need a break.


This novel is a bonafide yaoi with detailed R-18 scenes. They're just like any other smut part in other BL novels, so don't worry about them being too extreme if you're not into that.

Although, this author does write the misinformation that a person's back hole can self-lubricate—which is, unfortunately for people who like doing it that way, false. Lube is important, everyone.


So yeah, plot is just like any typical BL novel. MC is a Gary Stu, but who says those stories can't be fun? The cannonfodders may be dumb as rocks, but the MC and ML aren't! They actually do have a healthy relationship most of the time!

If you're someone like me who views the quality of the plot as entirely separate from how much the novel as a whole can entertain you, then you'll most likely also love this despite its flaws!

Anyone looking for a funny, light-hearted story filled with romance, smut, and mild face-slapping of cannonfodders should definitely not miss this!

It's super cute, super fluffy, super enjoyable for those who likes those two things! <<less
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May 21, 2021
Status: Completed
A story of how MC uses his prior cultivated talents to rise up quickly and ferociously in the entertainment world of the new world he'd transmigrated into~~ It's a really enjoyable read with a calm and mature MC, his entire path is incredibly smooth and doesn't face any setbacks. Although many tears were had from the movie he acts in hahaha.

ML is the absolute cutest. He has one of the largest moe gaps ever and is incredibly doting on MC.

I was so excited seeing 13 extras but 10 of those... more>> are of a side couple... Tried to get into it but just couldn't as I really don't like the shou. The shou was a great friend in the main story but in his own romance story... Yea I just don't like his character type <<less
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Erudite.Cielo rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This is another celebrity transmigration that I've read and I love it. The love story bet Qin Cheng and Rong Xu is a journey of growth and discovery. ⊂ (ο・㉨・ο)⊃ It is full of fluffs and the ML with cold face and soft heart is so cute. I'm glad I'm part of this journey.. (♥ó㉨ò) ノ♡ And the extras..I absolutely didn't expect that it will be a love story bet Lin Xuan and Clemens Holt. (^_^)all I can say is that it's a bittersweet flavor of love. I cried a... more>> lot while reading about their past.. But it is a good story nevertheless. (●♡∀♡) <<less
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Oleander DF21
Oleander DF21 rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is great for your light reading. The interaction of the two characters, MC and ML is very interesting and funny, especially ML who often sells meng 😂 Overall this novel is good for you to read. It's just that, MC's journey to the top is a bit bland because it's a bit too smooth and quite a lot of help from ML. However, I still recommend this novel for you to read.
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Melange rated it
September 18, 2020
Status: Completed
This is pretty decent showbiz fluff. It's pretty similar to the author's other work Rebirth of a Supermodel, minus the xenophobia that plagued the other novel.

In this novel, MC was a superstar who died tragically in a plane accident, only to find himself transmigrated into another world a rich kid. And naturally, he chooses the same career he'd previously had. Along the way, he meets ML, who falls in love at first sight and instantly loses his brain. ML's antics are quite silly and at times, entirely outrageous.

... more>>

These included:

Giving away his house key on their first meeting.

Making an alt Weibo account to spew fangirlish declarations of love to MC without his knowing.

Purchasing millions worth of MC's merchandise.

Renting out theaters just to show MC's movies.

Attending MC's concerts in a panda outfit...


Although MC doesn't have the strongest personality, he is level headed and adaptable. He doesn't face many challenges and is capable of solving his own problems, although ML attempts to solve them in the background.

The strongest point in this novel is actually the movies themselves. Within the novel, MC acts in a variety of movies and the plot of the movies are actually very compelling and though provoking, riddled with drama, angst, romance, and philosophy. On the contrary, MC and ML's reality is far more tame than any of the characters they have to play, which is just as well because none of their movies have happy endings.

My favorite character actually isn't MC or ML but one of the side characters with a CP in the extras.


Lin Xuan is such a little cutie and his gong deserves to be punished a little for everything he's done. Let him chase for another 14 months? That's right! Let him suffer!

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BLisLife rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This is the second Mo Chen Huan novel that I've finished and I can say that this is one of my favorite novel ever. The story has similar settings as Rebirth of Supermodel and also has similar flow of the story, and it's was a good journey even I finished this novel by MTL.

One thing that I love the most is this story actually brought me to tears several times.... more>>

although it's not entirely about our MC and ML but it's partly because of them. I really cried a few times but the ones that I feel the pain in my heart the most is :1. The whole Law Zero (MTL name) movie

2. The last chapter of extra especially when Kerry (MTL) thought that Lin Xuan died. I literally also got fooled by the author at this part and I was ready to skip the rest of chapter and cried my heart out?

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Regra rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: CT
Finished reading!
Can't change the rating but it gets an extra star ✴️

After skipping some unrelated text I reached the start if fluff and papapapa and showing dog blood all over the internetd.🤭

Around ch80 begins the best part of the story! Truth is I can get by without the main story BECAUSE the extra is the best part and I don't need the whole thing!😚😚😚

I wish the extra ch got a continuation🤔😍

Recommending recommending!!!


Sorry I read to around 56ch but my patience with the story run out so I dropped it for now.

It is still a good novel and I like the closet fan ML cause he is such a cutie.

If you like reading slow progress stories with more Background and work explanations then this is for you. Maybe I will continue when I finish gathering my patience again...
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Shieldrich rated it
December 11, 2019
Status: c64
I found this thru Rebirth of Supermodel since I kindly hooked with that kind of story and I might as well read this novel. And guess what, I also liked this, hehehe! Though the romance was some kind of slow pace but still interesting since the MC is a clever one. And for those still reading this story, you can still try to check the "novelbear translation or noveltom". Good luck comrades.?
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Chrysanthemum Kiss
Chrysanthemum Kiss rated it
May 11, 2019
Status: c32
I wish that the translations flow in everyday or at least every week. Well it's a wish, and will never be granted. ??? Story wise, one of the best in the yaoi genre focusing in the entertainment circle. Tasteful and believable.
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GoldenTiger0 rated it
February 25, 2019
Status: Completed
First of all, all the movie plots are enough to be separately turned into novels. Each has its own unique flair. In fact I even cried in one of them - 'Silent'. Liked that one, especially its ending.. The boy wasn't silent because he won't speak but once he did, he will lose his obsession and disappear from the girl's life. ??

As for this whole story plot, there's not much to say... Other reviews have already declared how awesome is this novel. Worth a read! ? ?????
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