Stunning Edge


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When a cold and crafty girl travels into the body of a foolish, man-crazy, young female aristocrat, what will happen?

A young girl, Claire, falls off a horse while chasing his Royal Highness, the second prince, and falls unconscious. But when she finally opens her eyes, her gaze is ice cold.

Soon after, she shines a blinding light that astounds the whole kingdom.

In a world where power is based on magic and power, how would an airhead like her survive?

But, she soon stuns everyone by mastering both magic and Dou Qi, paving a new path for herself.

His Royal Highness, the second prince, was forced by the Emperor to go visit her but was told she was busy.

When he saw the “busy” miss drinking tea leisurely, ignoring him, the second prince’s handsome face twitched.

Her personal knight, Jean, had always looked down at her with disgust. But as he and many others watched her shine in glory and power, they couldn’t help but ask themselves, ‘Is this really the girl they knew?’

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jué Sè Fēng Máng
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133 Reviews sorted by

dysry rated it
April 3, 2016
Status: --

Reviewed at Chapter 39: Stunning Edge is a Chinese reincarnation story that differs from the norm due to its Western setting, lack of vengence and the absence of a strong male lead (for now). Waking up in the body of a man-chasing girl, the MC decides to train the body as her own and discovers she's been reborn with genius potential. Using the resources at her disposal she trains herself in magic, martial arts and with the knowledge of the world, to become a talent that can shock the world, drawing greater powers - both friend and foe - towards her.


The story develops really fast at first, with the MC meeting no resistance when she first reincarnates. Instead, her family pretty much falls over themselves to help her and she instantly comprehends the rules of the new world. Since she's still relatively weak, she spends most of her time training and developing the skills to protect herself before various forces and male leads turn towards her.

It's an interesting story and the plot can be compared to The Demonic King Chases His Wife and Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter, alternating between the two but with less flaws. Like DKC, the MC is a genius assassin with the skills and brains to survive no matter the circumstances. But unlike DKC, she doesn't need to protect herself from enemies from from the start, while the MC is also strong on her own and doesn't have to rely on an overbearing male lead to 'protect' her. It follows CSDD in disregarding petty vengence (not that the MC has any) and forms alliances towards a greater ambition. While both MCs are places in a very advantageous position, but the MC in SE doesn't rely on obnoxiously flaunting modern knowledge to prove her brilliance.


The MC is sensible, smart and calculating, spending most of her time training and the rest acting indifferent before retaliating. She hasn't faced many adversaries, with the greatest one being her 12 year old sister (><") so she hasn't been able to fully showcase her skills and cruelty. However she is the type to lay out traps and wait for others to come to her, rather than use a sharp tongue to court danger herself.

There aren't many side characters of importance - mostly family and teachers/allies who are supportive of her, as well as various male characters that are adopting the sit and wait approach as well (since the original Claire wasn't very likeable). The characters are quite interesting - more than the MC - and have their own quirks.
Overall, if you enjoy reincarnation and second chance stories, this one is quite promising, though the Western setting and names take a little getting used to. My greatest concern is, since she's developing so quickly, the story can't keep up with its current pace, and introducing other elements i.e. Political or romantic, would change the tone of the story as it alternates between scenes, making the story inconsistent. The other concern is, since the MC is somewhat OP, she'll never meet an opponent that can challenge her, or she'll just be picked on by groups of people generations older than her (i.e. In Doulou Dalu people literally send their grandfathers after the MC). But the story is still quite good and well worth a read.
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Dream Seeker rated it
June 17, 2016
Status: c52
My only regret is that I didn't calculate my time wisely. Who knew it would so great that I would try to engulf it one go. This is a shunning cast of characters will leave you adrift in their world, having only one regret when the next seems not to work.
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Vipe rated it
March 30, 2016
Status: --
Definitely loving it so far~ I'm loving the character and the general flow this story is gearing towards. I do hope the latter half of this novel is as good.
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Night Assissin
Night Assissin rated it
December 6, 2017
Status: c175
I enjoying reading this novel. I feel satisfied with every action and fight. I quite like MC she is cool strong and caring toward her mother. I like her mother and her master. I crying when they die by protected MC.

I recommend you guys to read this great novel. I like every chapter of this novel. I like MC strong word. She make people useless speechless with her word.
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Wawv rated it
July 27, 2016
Status: c50
Seing how everybody was praising this novel I can't help but be really disappointed.

The author doesn't know how to pace his story. Everything is happening too fast, so fast that sometimes the action is finished before I realised that it ever started.

For exemple just after being admitted to the magic school, *blank* she was already on her holiday killing monsters searching for the legacy of her teacher friend.


The MC also has teachers that are never really shown to teach anything except a few time were they project their teachings directly into her mind. I feel that all of her progress is due to the author saying "because that's how it is".
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daedalron rated it
May 25, 2019
Status: c260
The novel is pretty good, but suffers from terrible translation. The first half was pretty nice, but after chapter 212 and the change of team translating it, it becomes horrible. Quite frankly, I suggest to read only up to ch212 with the english translation, and then switch to MTL from the raw, as it is infinitely better than the crappy translation. Or at the very least, look at the MTL in parallel, to check for the many missing chapters.

After chapter 212, half of the names get changed, the new translator... more>> doesn't even understand the gender of the characters, and more than half of the time, refers to a woman with "he/his", and men with "she/her". There are many places where I even had to use MTL from the raw to understand what was actually written...

On top of that, and the worst of all, there are multiple places were they skip a lot from the raw, like sometimes half a chapter, or a complete chapter. And they do that in the middle of their chapter translation. So for example, there are places where a fight begins, and in the next sentence, half the fighters are injured... They also skipped one of the most important part, where it is explained why the MC's objective in her revenge changed !
Having those parts missing changes the whole story (or at least how you perceive the MC) ! <<less
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Washmeneyney rated it
April 22, 2018
Status: c70
I really had high hopes of this novel because at the start it was really good but then


The part when she goes to the Niya city because there was supposedly an epidemic spread out but was actually caused by a necromancer it started getting kinda boring?


I actually like the MC like really but the way the story is going it gets really boring why?

There she met the one she battled with the red haired boy (forgot his name) after being almost killed by the necromancer the MC actually found out white emperor was a really op character It killed the necromancer in one blow and she was actually the servant and whitey as the master then they meet the god of darkness blah blah she meets red haired boys friend joins her then she found a chinese book from a robber which will also join her then met a 3 headed black dragon who also joins her reason was because he wanted to be like her then her teacher camille also joins her then she found the Li siblings? Who also teamed up with her then she got another super op man like dude SERIOUSLY when will it stop? She got so many op pokemons already make it stop. My main point is I feel like the MC is really lucky SUPER LUCKY gaining a companion one after another to the point where I won't really be shocked if she gains another one. I don't really see any challenge anymore I just find it very boring to read now.


And the fact that she always had it easy made me dropped it. There is no struggle at all lol.

PS: Sorry if I have wrong grammar not really that confident in my english

PSS: I just made this account just to review this novel because I was that sad and disappointed at how things turned out. PSSS: Im actually shocked seeing 4-5 rates am I really the only one who found the novel really boring in the later chapters?
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Oweng rated it
March 26, 2017
Status: c142
Stunning edge is the catalyst for my addiction of Chinese novels. I could still remember how I would shake with excitement as I read how the Female lead gets her way even as she started from scratch. Or how people around her would be astonished at how greatly she changed, not just her personality but even her aura.

Sure, there's a lot of Chinese novels that include one's soul to reside in another, but this novel made me start to like reading Chinese novels. It was the start for me.
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meiberry rated it
March 12, 2017
Status: c30
Alright, I just wanted to leave a review so far even though I'm barely into the story. I have tried to start this several times but I could never bring myself to make it past the first chapter because 1) this transmigration thing is hella cliche by now 2) the western names and the golden hair and whitewashing!!! At first I kept thinking to myself, what the HELL were the translators thinking, trying to make up western names for Chinese names!!!

IT TURNS OUT: I was totally misled by the novel... more>> cover to think that it is supposed to be an ancient Chinese setting... ok, so this C-novel is kind of like those Japanese light novels or manga where they make up some European setting with vaguely western names. Think Fullmetal Alchemist or Baccano. When I looked up the Chinese version, the names in Chinese are really like the Chinese counterparts for "Claire" and "Jean" and "Nancy" and "Hill." The translators did a REALLY GOOD JOB.

That aside, so far I think it's a great story!!! This is very similar to Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss. There seems to be a very fast-paced and robust plot. In fact, I think SE might be even better than Genius Doctor: BBM so far... I'll update my review if my opinion changes. <<less
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September 24, 2016
Status: --
It started out alright. It was really interesting and all at first but the pacing is fast. The author skimped over plenty of things that should've been explained as the story goes.

Everything is a big jumble of mess when you get further into the story and "arcs" (There's 3 volumes total, near the end of volume 1 is a mess already)

*****The spoiler below is a GIANT SPOILER of the whole story. Please do not read this if you're not prepared at all and I'm not trying to discourage... more>> you from anything at all. I will try to not name anything as much as possible*****

There's too many plot twists that really feels like the author is just making things up as it goes (and it does), There's too many "arcs" and a crap ton of not explaining what the heck happened to other characters as the story move to different "arcs". It's pretty much like they're nonexistent, so are their relationships to the MC.

The so called prophesy was also reduced into something significant very quickly as the author throw in a bunch of worlds. The author build up the god of darkness and light as someone really OP and super significant in the story line and that the MC had to go collect these pieces of the armor but that also got throw out too (as fast it came). So then the MC traveled to the world of the gods only to find out the "goddess of light" is just a name and that the previous goddess was already punished (the one that wanted the MC dead), so then the MC goes to rescue the current goddess as the god organization wants to replace her, because she found out the goddess that get replaced become uhh s*x toy/pet to these guys (the organization), but then that goddess got over her head and wanted more power, some "big" war happened in the god world between the goddess and the organization--which was around a couple of paragraph and it's over. The reason why the MC does that was to stop the God War which happens every eons or so she needs to stop each world from participating/starting the war.

Does it make sense? no? I don't understand either as the reason why she wanted the ancient armor and travelling to different places to get it was to kill that "goddess of light", she did all these things to overturned the goddess of light forces, such as putting out the real truth about how corrupted it is and such, but then BAM can't kill her, can't get armor, but managed to diminish the force, so then go to god world to kill her, but BAM she's already "dead" and it's only a name, found out about the ancient god war, goes to stop it, does all this stuff, but then BAM gotta save her prince--sorry god war, I'll stop you later. and so on...

The mother god and the father god also is just a big fat joke as they're "sister and brother", the mother god entered deep sleep ages ago because her brother r*ped her and she gave birth to a son, which she wanted to kill but let go, so to try and wake her up, the father god wants the strong spirit with power to feed into her so she can wake up or just keep existing.

Two of the main dudes that love the MC turned out to be a prince of Demon world and king of devil world. In which they're the reincarnated of the main MC (princess) 's guard in another dimension. Then the main MC is actually NOT the princess but a copy of the princess.. so pretty much near the end the main MC fought with princess. Also the fight ended very s*upidly with the princess' mother (who is the supreme supreme god) throw her into another dimension and put a seal on her until she understand what love is.

I did not list everything out but only SOME of what happened before the ending. I hope it makes sense. I don't exactly get it as I'm typing out or try to either. The author introduced a LOT, TON, CRAP LOAD of things but don't follow up on it and just pushed it aside and introduce more things. And everything is just a pile of joke despite all the "seriousness" and "hardwork" the MC had to go through and experienced. The end.

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Deltrus rated it
July 2, 2016
Status: c28
MC is just naturally good at everything. Very little plot. Boring environments. Boring magic system. Very generic. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure I can think of a single use of creativity in the novel up until where I read.

It would still be a decent novel for a person new to novels, that way these things wouldn't be so dull, and would seem a bit creative.
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Crystal777 rated it
August 18, 2018
Status: c211
The plot is very well written, and the characters in the story have very unique traits. The MC’s past (before she reincarnated) is not mentioned which makes the story more interesting. The romance is not very strong, but as the story progresses we see more of it. The MC can be considered as a mixture between good and evil, at first she is really cold, but as she spends more time with the other characters she starts to show that she truly cares for them, and will not tolerate for... more>> them to get hurt. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 26, 2018
Status: --
The novel is average. Interesting but bland. Many Plot holes and inconsistency.

Why bother begin the novel as a magic world if the focus is all about cultivation? Many companions is describe as strong at the beginning then become useless after becoming her companion.

Her sorcerer teacher who is supposed to protect her to the church become a useless character overtime. And many more character that become like his teacher.

Her harem is too force. Like duh I cannot even bring myself to ship anyone because every ML wanna be are like idiots... more>> and become useless just because our MC become overpowered all of the sudden.

No proper development and proper background, the author failed to co-exist magic and cultivation.

But still a good read. <<less
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Ming Lan
Ming Lan rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: c178

i love this novel and adored this very unique novel. I like how cunning shameless ruthless cold MC is. I like her caring part. She care her mother very much. She do anything for her mother. I crying when her mother die by protected MC from hand of her scum grandfather.

I like feng guy too. He is so funny and love how he chase MC and wanted marry her. I like his mother too. Very good story that hooked you up

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Fig pluckers son
Fig pluckers son rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: c75 part2
I honestly enjoyed this novel, the character builds strength without becoming massively OP, and having one power up after another. It also doesn't have the cliche of having to fight one guy after another that get procedingly stronger. The only problem I have is that the translators are having a flame war right now, and the novel will probably be dropped, I wish that they remembered that they were translating for enjoyment, and not fighting over who has the most leechers.
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IrisBay rated it
May 4, 2020
Status: Completed
At the beginning I like it, but when I finish reading it. I'm disappointed in the ending.

Well, one of the reason im annoyed because well it was tag as reverse harem but wasn't, im expecting something like that because of the flow but was not in the end.

The story in the end was a mess.
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xuexin rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: Completed
Ummmm. Honestly, it's not worth it to read it until the end. The author did a very bad job after the second half. I would have given this a 1 star if it wasn't for the first arc. This story has one of the most disappointing endings I've ever read (because of how bad the author ruined the story, how forced the plots were and how rushed the ending was). Run away before it's too late...

Okay, the first 200 chapters or so were good. However, towards chapter 280 until... more>> the end, especially around chapter 320 onwards, I just have to say... what the hell. The story made absolutely no sense onwards with the last chapter trying to wrap up the mess the author made.

Let me try to explain the plot this way. Let's say there's 3 arcs. The first arc is actually good. It focuses on Claire waking up from a fall with a different soul in her body who transmigrated. Claire changed from a useless man chaser to a genius who meets friends and people who fall in love with her, which we shall call ML 1 and ML 2. Suddenly the author makes a new arc which suddenly is a HUGE departure from the first storyline while still trying to recycle the 2 ML and 2 other persons. At this point the "twist" can still be acceptable, the story can still make sense. HOWEVER, the author suddenly makes ANOTHER arc with a whole different plot and settings with the same characters but adding a new twist. At this point... honestly the story makes absolutely no sense. The new twist seems so forced. Just... why? The author basically had a plot in arc 1 then arc 2 and 3 were afterthoughts because it was a HUGE departure from the original plot.


ML 1 in the 2nd arc "remembers" his memories that he is the son of the Demon King. ML 2 in the 2nd arc "remembers" that he is the Monster King. [How does this happen when they both have a family / relatives in the human world? Makes 0 sense.] AND THEN IN THE 3RD ARC, ML 2 remembers his PAST life before he was reborn that he was called 'Ice'. ML 1 also has past memories... -.- So suddenly they have 3 identities? Bruh. In fact, Camille's character makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. It is a super forced persona... especially after setting his personality / being in arc 1.


Don't even get me started on the ending. Honestly, just don't even bother with this.


The original owner / goddess of ML 1 and ML 2 appears and wants to reclaim her things and power. Or in other words, eliminate the soul of MC to reclaim her body and power. Of course she is wrong but she also has a point. MC is placed in a very unfair advantage. MC basically stole the original body of Claire. What right does she have to keep everything--part of the power of the goddess, ML 1, ML 2, etc. when she basically took over the body in the first place? Why can't the goddess do the same? -.- Tbh I started hating the MC when the goddess appeared even if the goddess was also wrong.

Also, wtf is with the author trying to make one last twist regarding who Camille is? It makes absolutely no sense.

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Shadaeron rated it
May 10, 2019
Status: c253
I quite enjoyed this novel up to chapter 200+. From then on the story was interesting enough but the translations are just terrible... They cannot even decide on the gender of the MC... I mean, they even keep changing it in the very same chapter!

I'll be giving it up for now until someone proofreads it.
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Tempesthorne rated it
March 18, 2019
Status: c307
At first, the novel was a great read. It was interesting and the plot, divine. But somewhere along 200+, the quality of the translation changed, it was a headache reading at it. The he/she identifiers are a mess, the names of the characters change. Like for example, the name Dittos, suddenly change into Debons, Detrins, Dettins... What a Mess! It was not a good translation.

I think there were some skipped chapters. The pacing was ok until an event happened. Which really, made me giveup reading because I can't follow through.

I... more>> hope someone would re-translate this. It's such a good novel <<less
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solyana116 rated it
October 20, 2018
Status: Completed
Stunning Edge is an enjoyable read.

... more>>

My review is based on reading the raws ahead and contains spoilers.

Stunning Edge is interesting in the sense that it is quite action-focused, however lacks the crucial plot needed to really make it engaging. The action comes with the flow of the novel, and you can not really anticipate it. It is like - all of a sudden an action requiring event occurs and then boom, MC shows off her OP abilities. The events are so ridiculously random and there is hardly any build up. The strongest villains are defeated in an instant and makes any hype fade instantly. Not only that, this novel really drags... there are usually two reasons why I spoil novels for myself:

  1. The first being I cannot wait for the translations as there is probably a big cliff hanger and I must know what happens NOW!! (Exception - for my favourite novels I resist this.)
  2. The second being the novel at this point is currently making me lose interest and I want to read ahead to see if there is anything good.

Unfortunately, Stunning Edge is the latter. There were many fillers packed with flat unlikeable characters. Sometimes they were so bland, that it made me laugh - why did author bother to include them?

Initially, I enjoyed reading about our Claire, our OP MC. However, a really big flaw I find in this novel is how strong the FL halo is. She is so ridiculously powerful, smart, beautiful, etc, that she shadows everyone else. Until reading over a hundred chapters in, I wasn't even sure who the ML was


it's Feng Yijust jokingdo you really want to know?okay's Ling Yun... his persistence pays of haha


because Claire shadows them so greatly.

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