Strongly Pampered Male Wife


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How long would a marriage be able to sustain itself when it had nothing to do with love? Then how would a marriage based merely on power and a monetary transaction be able to last?

The person in Shang Yushang’s embrace was his male wife. A temporary wife that was bought to get rid of bad luck. But ever since the moment he had this person in his arms, he decided not to let go of him.

He Changning obeyed his so-called family’s decision and married himself off. Thinking that, when this transaction was over, he can live his own life happily ever after. But, little did he know that he had just stepped into a big net filled with warmth that was specially woven for him, and that he would never have a chance to get out of it.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Qiáng chǒng nán qī
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My Cup of Tea~
  2. Want to read
  3. To read 4
  4. Reading list of a Hopeless Romantic
  5. Will definitely want to re-read

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71 Reviews sorted by

justdoityoufucker rated it
April 12, 2023
Status: c64 part2
I enjoyed the first few chapters, as well as some of the face slapping but..... god, the sheer NUMBER of villains who come out of the woodwork and the morally abhorrent things the CP do to get revenge or get rid of those villains is, by the middle of the book, super irritating. Not to mention ... more>>

how the elders are all so obsessed with the CP's kids to the point of not even letting HCN even HOLD them after he nearly died giving birth to them. SYS is also really annoying, his character seems to lose all his memorable traits after the Yin family is dealt with and just bends to the whims of his grandmother and HCN's bio dad. The ending was just incredibly disappointing to me, it felt like HCN was completely forced out of everything he loved to do because those around him wanted him to do what THEY wanted, and SYS didn't even exist as himself anymore.


The one side CP I liked was

Bai Mo and Su Yang, though even with them they got together because they were basically drugged by SYS (≖、≖╬) the other side CP was just awful, their relationship was built on Ayin assaulting Xiaowu but it's ~ok~ because he loooooves him (‡▼益▼)


Sunk cost fallacy was why I finished it, I guess. <<less
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March 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Look I'm sorry the translation was good but the story was bad. It's just a series of face-slapping events one after another, and there isn't even any real climax since the ML takes care of things before anything even happens.

ALSO they go from strangers to madly in love with each other waaaayyyy too quick. The MC is supposed to be straight but out of nowhere, after the ML saves him he isn't? He is supposed to feel disgusted at the thought of having s*x with a man, can't imagine being... more>> a bottom and all of a sudden he's in love and willing? Make it make sense <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: c64 part2
The premise isn't bad, but the execution fails to deliver. The writing comes across as someone really young. It doesn't help that the story holds childbirth as a central theme and the author obviously has only superficial knowledge about pregnancy. The aristocratic family routine was exaggerated to an unrealistic degree. The author couldn't decide whether the foreign corporation that shows up later should be American or British. There were a lot of little details like this that brought down the quality of the entire story. Don't even get me started... more>> on the inconsistent descriptions of the main couple.


The actual birth scene had too many erroneous details. The author's attempt at drama only succeeded at showing off their own ignorance. I reasonably suspect that they waited too long to start the c-section and that all of those shots of adrenaline are what really stopped his heart. On one hand the author had the water break and didn't want to give the protagonist anesthetic like they were planning for a natural birth. On the other, they had prepared everything for the Caesarian and went straight for the scalpel after putting him under. Then he started hemorrhaging at the end of the operation? My best guess is that he had postpartum preeclampsia and that combined with a batched operation (cutting something they shouldn't or not closing things off properly) caused things to get so serious. Were these people really experts?? We never do hear Bai Mo's specialization.


I almost gave the story a 3 star for the sake of having a switch couple in the extra, but the extra was too short without anything nutritious inside. I might have still rated it higher if the story also had an extra for the MC's poor editor. It's short and brainless enough for an okay read, but I can't say it's an amazing piece of work in good conscience. <<less
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Allenair rated it
March 3, 2022
Status: c62
First of all, a huge thanks to the translators, you are very much appreciated, very superb translation. But the actual story *sigh* I.. Liked it, the start was really good, but I have to agree to some of the reviews here. I didn't mind the typical 2D villains with no brains and those extreme face slapping moments and major plotholes and no logic whatsoever scenes, what puts me off and made me decide not to finish the story despite having only 2 chapters left is my disappointment towards those elderlies... more>> in their family.


*cough* old madam shang and Father Gu *cough* First of all, Changming is the one who gave birth to those twins and nearly freaking died oKay?!

The audacity of those two for not letting our MC hold his children and even gave more work to him although he hasn't even recovered enough yet is just plain annoying and frustrating for me. And to think that Changming can only see his sons personally every 6 months a year?! I don't even know what to say and feel and I don't want to finish and read more of it. I'll just give them another ending in my head. 3 stars is the most I can give to them with respect to Changming and Yushang, their interactions what made me stay.

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iamblair rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: Completed
It really lived up to its name, the MC was truly strongly pampered by the ML especially when he (MC) got pregnant.

I thought that this would be interesting, well, the start was but the middle towards the end was meh. It was the same old plot wherein all the canon fodders causing trouble lost their power and wealth. The MC was bullied and the ML was that very powerful and smart chairman who will punish everyone that antagonize the MC. It was plain and boring. The family drama was excessive.... more>> The antagonists were just too s*upid and all the confrontations were just illogical and annoying. I feel like I've lost too much brain cells reading this. I would have given this one star but I was entertained by the translators' comments so I gave it two. <<less
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monokuma_xd rated it
November 2, 2021
Status: Completed
It was a really nice and pleasant read but I personally can’t like Gu cheng. Yes he was forgiven but then the next second is dumping all his company baggage on his newly United son. I just didn’t like how changning’s writing career was thrown away like that never to be mentioned again
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historicalbean rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: c61 part1
I couldn’t finish it because


the fact that the elderly are doing the exact same thing as the he family tried to do & only making it look nicer really got on my nerves. So I’m dropping it here.

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Suyo rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: --
if you are looking for a story full of fluff with no story then this novel is for you.
The novel is so-so. I like the couple. Both of them have good personalities. No one is naive. But I feel like they fall in love quickly even though I understand why. As the story goes by the MC have no role at all. He just sleeps, eats, and has s*x. The villains in the story are so brainless. They have no depth at all.
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Exraww.KO rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Someone suggested to leave your logic out while reading this novel, and I'm telling you to listen to that suggestion. God damn, it's too chaotic but still acceptable. Every now and then I keep reminding myself to not think too much.

Fate always in favor to MC and ML, like you know it didn't make any sense but it happened anyway. Even if there's a problem, it would easily be solve and the author wrote it in such a grand event of the story.

At the last few chapters, the story reach... more>> a part where it became super nonsensical.


No, it's not the part where the MC has the ability to gave birth, but the part where the kid from him is a holy child. It's funny how I lose my brain cells without even using them. So yeah, there's a battle between those who wants the holy child. In short the whole argument is "you're my grandchild, I did abandon your mom and didn't give a f*ck when you were a child; but still, you have my blood, therefore you're child is mine. Now give me your child!!" LOL


After the whole story is almost done, I finally reach the ending, and I hate it.


The MC forgave his biological father; the man that watch his son being neglected after the mother su*cide, and didn't do anything even when the son got awfully treated by the Yin family. The father act very remorseful but if I was the MC, I would forgive him but I don't want him in my life. But yeah, the MC accepted the father back, and the father gave the MC his company to -idk- apologize?? The MC just gave birth and he chose to leave his children "for a short amount of time" where he could probably meet them for 6 months every year just to manage the company. The MC is an author, and he already successful in that. He already said that he just wanna have a peaceful life and write a book, yet he still chose other way of life for a reason of "gratitude" because his father gave him the company. I hate it. He already done so much for himself and still chose to leave it because being successful in business is better I guess. So in the end, the MC seems to change way too fast and I hate it π_π


The story is so-so, the characters is nothing special, the ending is a disappointment (for me). There's some side CP but I didn't get much attachment to them; their purpose is just for "ha-ha" and more "sexy time".

Well, yeah, I think it's readable. <<less
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secondthots rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this to distract myself from cleaning my room & it worked. To sum it up: this is a quick-burn, dog-blood-filled plot that happens to involve mpreg. Just when you thought things couldn't get any crazier, you have the whole "sacred twins" phenomenon & that was when my brain cells shriveled up completely. Don't think with this novel... just don't. I'm doing you a favor by warning you beforehand. This novel throws just about anything & everything into a giant melting pot, crossing fingers that it'll be palatable in... more>> 63 chapters. Well it blew up in my face. Is it the worst thing? Probably not, but it definitely is something you have to be mentally prepared for.. to not use logic at all. ML reminds me of the male lead from Wolfish Silk Pants Bottom... take that as you will <<less
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Ale50679 rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Just wanna say, I dunno how the hell I finished this, it's gets borind.

The plot repites the same damn thing with all the "villians" and to the end I was like wtf? The "elders" didn't even let the MC hold his babies and put on him a resposability in the form of a company that he didn't want it and had to bear with, that's a no, no for me.

Don't let Yourself hook up for the m-preg tag like me.
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richarddixonriddle rated it
December 6, 2020
Status: c61
I've stuck with this author through some ridiculous and shaky reasoning... and I appreciate the translators hard work... but I'm dropping it. It's totally Fing BS for the great and powerful Seme to

suddenly have no control over his family or children.

Like... from a story coherency point... like this was my last straw. So frustrating. Should have stopped sooner... honestly. WTF. T R A S H author.
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jasmin1028 rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: c45
forced pregnancy - MC was unaware that he could get pregnant but ML knew it but still had unprotected s*x with MC, hoping that MC will give birth to his children.

ML also hid the fact from MC that MC was pregnant with twins for a long time. is MC that dumb? He never thought about getting a health check-up for his tiredness and vomiting??

r*pe -

... more>>

ML took revenge on their enemies by asking other men to r*pe them. Cause those enemies planned to r*pe MC.


film emperor's death seeking fiance is so much better than this. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
July 30, 2020
Status: c50
The plot at the beginning is quite good. Eventhough the villain is dumb but still quite interesting.

I start to lose interest when MC just easily accept he could get pregnant and ignore the fact that ML conceal the truth and one of the reason in the beginning ML and his family choose MC is because MC could give birth.

The author just make the protagonist couple story look too smooth that I kinda lost interest to read till the end. But it's recommended for people who wants to read story with full of fluff
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roquelg rated it
April 10, 2019
Status: c35
Is light reading.


-A lot of fluff, many sweet moments
-Cute characters
-Easy plot to follow


-Dumb villains
-Instant love although the MC didn't want the marriage at first
-A little predictable

Until ch35 there hasn't been a serious conflict, the ML shows off every time and the MC lets himself be pampered, so if you want a soft story with a dotting couple go ahead.
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Donutts rated it
September 10, 2018
Status: c23
I was roped in by the mpreg tag. The first few chapters were really interesting, the MC was sassy and cunning, but it gets disappointing as the chapter goes.

I'm totally clueless as to how the MC that has kept his pure facade for seventeen whole years and had to fend for himself for five years turned into a completely spoiled little young master with no brain in front of the ML. He was just there for the ML to dote and show his gentle side to. When the author tried to show his 'oppressive' manner, I just can't help but see him as whining. Every single character from the ML side seemed to have some kind of sixth-sense to see through a person's personality as they keep praising the MC's good temperament and intelligence. Though the sixth-sense doesn't seem to be that accurate, as I can't find the MC being smart beside those in the first chapters.

The story narrated the ML as an expressionless and cold legendary businessman, and that's it. You would only see him being cold from the narration and a few of the background character's monologue. The rest of the time he would be an old man in love.

Side characters:
The cannon fodders are just plain hateful and one dimensional. I was kinda hoping the father would be the one normal person in the Yin family..

The story in itself is not that bad though, its mpreg afterall. You can read it in your free time, just don't expect to find satisfying face slapping and beautiful revenge by sassy MC. I might just have set my expectation too high after the amazing summary and the first few chapters. The only thing you'd get is cute interactions between idiotically in-love couple. I believe the author has more surprise in store though, so it might turned out to be great later on.
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paputsza rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: --
It's kind of generic to me. The ML is a writer, which seems unoriginal and disjointed. At least if the guy was an assassin I'd have battles to look forward to. He's generally strong and irl would have a bit of a victim complex. His family is forcing him to be married for a year, but he's vowing to destroy them even though he could move out at any point. I just don't like what I've seen of him. Then there's the love interest who is totally captivated by this... more>> adult male who shows up to a dinner party wearing jeans and a t shirt because he's secretly a writer. This screams mary sue. <<less
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Yuuz rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: c1

I rated this novel 5 stars because I don't like to rate low unless it's really egregious (I've only read until chapter 20 at this point and plan on completing it), but make no mistake - I had to rest my eyes after every 'romance' scene, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find the will to go on. I don't think I'll point out anything ground breaking that other review haven't already mentioned but -

The plot itself (for the first half) is cookie cutter - forced arranged marriage goes better... more>> than expected and the neglectful family gets face-slapped. Story-wise I don't hate it. I thought the ninja bodyguards were funny and I liked how Aunt Qin and Father Yin had good feelings for the MC, unlike other novels where the father/blood related family somehow can't stand the MC simply because they appreciate the new wife/mistress.

That's where the compliments end.

The writing is the real killer. Aside from the unnatural 'Hm' and 'Hn'-ing the characters hum with nearly every sentence, the author has a tendency to over explain. There is no need to portray how every character is feeling individually every single time. There's no need to reiterate information during a conversation. It's unnatural and makes the characters sound childish. Sometimes characters ask questions that serve no purpose, like when the MC asks ML "Why are you so nice to me?" after only meeting two times.

This line is cringe. But it is an interesting question - why does ML fall in love so quickly? It's literally love at first sight, with the ML acting way too familiar with the MC to the point it made me, as the reader, uncomfortable. There needs to be a reason for the attraction, it can't be instantaneous. I would have loved to see them get to know one another after marriage and transition from strangers to lovers, instead of this quasi arranged marriage where they fall in love before they even say their vows.

Funniest moment of the novel: MC: "I'm straight."

Suure. In this case, it's used by the author as an excuse for the push and pull between MC and ML, rather than a breakthrough moment for MC's sexuality or even a "I'm not gay but I'm gay for you" relationship. Otherwise, why wouldn't the MC get with the uber-powerful rich handsome and s*upidly in love with him ML? It's all contrived. There's no tension to the revelation because MC instantly doesn't act like someone uninterested in men.



I would have to declare the current ultimate cringe inducing scene as the moment where MC gets drugged by his half brother. When ML pulls up to MC's bedside (after knocking everyone in the house out) he goes, "Changning, Changning... it's me, wake up. I'm here. Changning, Changning... " [...] "Changning, Changning, you're awake? Look at me, I'm here, I'm here."

Dude, he's only been drugged with sedatives. He's not dying, he's sleeping. Why the dramatics? Then everyone around him is in awe of his deep feelings, but it's just weird.

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Somefoolishgirl rated it
April 20, 2023
Status: c50
So I normally don't write a review until I'm really far, or finished with a book, but I'm probably not going to finish this one. I'll share my thoughts in case someone is using reviews to pull the trigger on reading this book.

First, thank you to the translators,

The book isn't bad but it is a bit of a chimera. It starts off as though it's going a story about a strong uke, neglected and abused by his greedy family, who uses his intelligence and good looks to turn the... more>> tables on them. The story is centered on him, and you get a sense that he's capable and clever and that he has an inner strength that he'll use to his advantage. But that peters out quickly, at about a quarter of the way through.

The story flops over to the MC now, who is a straight, stoic, undefeatable archetype, that falls for the Uke for, well, no believable reason. Then he becomes his Knight in Shining Armor and the Uke becomes a 2D damsel in distress. That would still be fine, I don't require perfection and I can suspend my disbelief. But the promise of defeating the villains becomes useless. It seems everyone is a villain, and with their level of schadenfreude, they also fall into that category too. And the author has nothing beyond that except some lovely fluff, but that's still not a big enough life raft. I never go strictly on reviews but after Chapter 35 I started reading them and I'm seeing the same thing as most of the other people so I'll check something else out. I would give it 2 1/2 stars. Again, it's not bad, it's just that it's been done too much and much better. I'm bored. I only have so much free time and I can't waste it.

Hope this helps someone who's on the fence. <<less
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DeiStarr rated it
December 26, 2022
Status: Completed
The translation is excellent; the story itself... I didn't have too high expectations for the quality of the work, since I'd read some of the reviews on here and understood that it was just a feel-good novel without much realism or character development, etc. I was reading it because I wanted something fluffy and mindlessly sweet with a bit of face-slapping to make me feel good. And for the most part, it delivered.

Up until after the babies are born; when it made me so angry I got sick to my... more>> stomach.


After the kids are born, CYN isn't allowed to hold his own babies. In the beginning, I could - barely - accept it; because he was still so weak and injured. But after he starts recovering, the elderlies still refuse to allow the parents to hold or even touch their own children, and chase them out of the room whenever they want to spend time with them. He almost died giving birth to them and he can barely see them and not touch them. He's very distressed about it, but apparently there's "nothing they can do about it". If they don't want to have their bodyguards throw those bastards out, they could always take the kids in the middle of the night and go to one of their other residences so the elderlies don't know where they went. But nooooooooo. All he can do is cry and his hubby doesn't man up and stand up to them.

It was honestly triggering and just didn't stop. I actually want grandma Shang and GC to just die. THAT would have made me feel better. They aren't any different from the villains in the end; except that THEY get what they want and the MC and ML are inexplicably incapable of standing up to them despite having dealt with villains decisively for trying to do THE EXACT SAME THING.


I think the author did it to be humorous, but it wasn't even slightly funny; especially considering the prior plot. It was very, very upsetting and even triggering for some readers. It completely eliminated any good feelings from the rest of the novel.

Talk about brainless. That s*upid author completely, utterly ruined her own story beyond salvaging. <<less
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