Stranger’s Handbook


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The main character is suddenly summoned to another world…..and the one who shows up next is a malicious and scheming noble…..obey or die. I’ll try to rise in this world and live on by any means! It’s the story of such a hero.

Comedy and serious scenes? I’m the type that won’t let his guard down even when my magical powers are at a cheat level, I take my medicine while scheming wickedly.

Was I only scared of my surroundings in the beginning? Well, I’ll do my best to become an indispensable hero!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Isekaijin no Tebikisho
Otherworlder’s Handbook
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. RomComs with completely translated arcs and "no dr...
  3. Easy-going stories
  4. I genuinely like these novels
  5. watilike

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/08/18 HikkiTr c156
07/12/18 HikkiTr c155
06/23/18 HikkiTr c154
03/31/18 HikkiTr c153
03/21/18 HikkiTr c152
03/14/18 HikkiTr c151
03/06/18 HikkiTr c150
02/27/18 HikkiTr c149
02/17/18 HikkiTr c148
02/11/18 HikkiTr c147
10/07/17 oyasumi reads c146
09/22/17 oyasumi reads c145
09/19/17 oyasumi reads c144
09/15/17 oyasumi reads c143
09/14/17 oyasumi reads c142
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32 Reviews sorted by

Clara_the_fish rated it
February 1, 2019
Status: c72
Well....I really wanted to read this to the end. It's not particularly great writing, since the MC is a wishy washy dude with no ambitions... like all the other MCs in isekai stuff, but it's still pretty cute. Unfortunately, Oyasumi, the old translator, stopped translating at chapter 72, and for some reason the new translator decided they would skip chapters 73---146 and start at chapter 147.

So I don't really recommend reading this until it's actually complete. If you like reading wishy washy isekai stuff, go for it. There is no... more>> harem or ecchi stuff, which is a plus. <<less
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orario rated it
November 6, 2016
Status: c40
It seemed ok at first but I just can't stomach the MC. He's cowardly and most of times scared shitless by everything.

The worst thing though is this:

MC is already engaged to the most beautiful and also the most powerful girl has ever seen in her life. A noble. And the girl herself is desperately in love it him....

Yet this waste of sperm of a MC always tries to look for a method to cheat on her without her finding about it. f*cking scum
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scriptor rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: c21
Was VERY tempted to give this a 5-star but there haven't been enough chapters out for me to make a conclusive judgment. It's a bit awkward in the beginning but after smoothing out past the somewhat forced-feeling comedy act in the summoning arrival room, it's actually quite a cute and funny series. The main character used to be a salesman so he's got high EQ and smarts. He has a really cheat-worthy talent at Light magic. Funnily enough, his fiancee's elemental affinity is darkness. The hijinx that occur with their respective talents clashing had me in stitches. XD


In case the mind-reading thing weirds anyone out, just know that he resorts to it because the girl's darkness affinity makes her every action seem like a villainess about to take his life. She's actually a very cute girl inside as he finds out. It's just that her brain-to-mouth filter is broken.

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ddinh25 rated it
June 3, 2016
Status: --
Hilarious and entertaining book. Beginning is slow and the story doesn't get into its groove right away so read to at least ch.11 before deciding. If you're a fan of My Death Flags Show no Signs of Ending, then you'll love this one. There's even a female Harold, and funny misunderstandings galore. A very entertaining book once it gets going
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Snowman256 rated it
February 6, 2022
Status: c156
It's not a great novel, but also doesn't possess many flaws. The author kinda just writes what they want, and since the story structure doesn't care too much for power levels or strictly defined rules it all kinda checks out. A nice novel for casual reading.
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Papapewds rated it
August 20, 2018
Status: c20
Way too boring to read tbh.

The novel is just confusing for me, first of all the way the translator has translated this novel is just kinda childish....i never felt like reading it more whenever I pick up this novel to read everyday.

second problem is the story... okay I got it that this guys is a pu*sy and everytime he thinks that he's gonna die even when he find about his power that are op. I hate novel like these where the MC acts like a pu*sy tbh, like comeon man... more>> do something expect then getting scared from all those people around u

Third problem is just the way this story progress and that is way too freaking slow....20 chapters and there is not a single chapter between chapter 1 to 20 that motivates the reader to stay addicted to the novel.... this novel is just progressing in a slwo pace where the MC is shitting his pants in front of everyone he sees first. <<less
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Silveus rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: --
I don't know why this doesn't have a slice of life tag. Sure, there are things going on in the story, there is some semblance of a plot, and that almost-plot does sort of progress. but it really is just a slice of life. The vast majority of the novel's content is banter amongst the characters.

And this is where the story fails. Not because the vast majority of the story is that simple banter, but because there is actually an almost-plot. The banter is... cute, lets call it cute. The... more>> characters are sort of interesting in a, no person ever in the history of the world has acted like this, but hey, it is kinda unique and interesting. So seeing them interact with each other, is where the fun comes from. There isn't a lot of fun because as I mentioned, the characters seem almost immersion breakingly illogical. Their traits, personality, interactions, are so odd, that it's hard to really believe it's happening. Once you get past that, once you suspend your disbelief, it's an acceptable story.

But beyond the fun, if silly banter, there is a plot, that steadily progresses. Slowly, boringly, but steadily. The problem is, while the slice of life stuff is boring, the plot is vastly more boring. And also illogical now that I think about it.

Like a lot of slice of novels, not a lot happens in each chapter, which is fine, in a slice of life novel. It is not fine, when you are trying to progress a story line.

All in all, it's just boring. <<less
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storybookknight rated it
August 6, 2017
Status: c60
This story masquerades as a edgy transmigration story to begin with, but it's actually a saccharine-sweet wish-fulfillment fantasy full of unrealistic characters and 'gap-moe'. Not bad if you like that sort of thing, but not high literature by any stretch of the imagination.
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Silvertin rated it
October 21, 2016
Status: c14
Somewhat enjoying it so far, honestly its not entirely my thing since the protagonist seems too scared and cowardly. He seems to think of all the characters who summoned him as malicious, evil, worst type of people (beastkin). It isn't until around chapter 10 we learn that it is all actually just a misconception because of both culture and their "dark magic affinity" which makes them come off with completely different meanings than they intend (basically it warps people's perception of them.

Though keep in mind, much of the humor is... more>> based along those misunderstandings!


The character gains a mind reading ability early on, which is how he finds out that they actually mean well, though he can only read one character's thoughts... so far [/url]

Funny and explanatory things below Chapter 11 talks about the way they actually perceive the main character, which is essentially a bold, fearless, ladykiller with monstrous magic power, which the magic power part is true, but the MC thinks he is pathetically weak. I honestly find the way the character thinks he is going to die after just about every pov chapter of his, is funny. Mostly because its like "your over exaggerating arent you?" kind of way.


I will update this when I catch up to the chapters. <<less
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promet rated it
April 15, 2022
Status: c100
A story that left me with a bit of mixed feelings, with many things I didn't really expect. Before I proceed to the review, however, let me note that the earlier chapters (1-150) are available on the internet as long as you can use a search engine, and are pretty easy to find (on the other hand, the last 1/4 of the novel doesn't seem to be translated anywhere).

So, the first thing I want to say about this novel is that it is something amazing. Why? Because while it has... more>> a lot of that "men afraid of women" trope where women are scary, and men keep on doing dogeza (okay, seiza in this novel, but that's the only difference) and apologizing or undergoing punishment every now and then, sometimes even preemptively even if they aren't aware of what exactly they did wrong to anger a woman, this author actually managed to pull it off.

Normally, this trope is so much cringe I tend to drop such stories or at least fast-forward those scenes when reading, but this novel actually is funny despite that. The reason for this is that the protagonist is quite well written and very suitable for this trope without making it too cringy.

Basically, the protagonist is a coward. He's so afraid of dying he can piss himself, and really did in the story, but at the same time he's capable of doing ANYTHING to survive, including undergoing hell training and killing people after adjusting to a somewhat cruel isekai society. I really like this protagonist because he feels quite realistic (though his I-will-do-anything-to-survive attitude weakened with time), and is so much better than those beta fags that not only p**syfoot around women, but are also lame weak-willed tards in other aspects of the story. At the same time, there are many hilarious misunderstandings due to cultural differences, which makes me glad that the author put effort into that aspect of the story... since many authors don't even bother.

I won't say much about the plot. The summary pretty much says it all. The only thing worth noting is that it becomes more wholesome later because MC works hard to improve, and he's acknowledged for his efforts.

On the other hand, plot progression is a weak point of this novel. If you like slice-of-life stories, then it's fine, but if you want more action, then it's boring after a few tens of chapters. There's no real antagonist or villain (unless MC's in-laws count as he is still scared shitless of them sometimes), the events are pretty bland, and I stopped looking forward to what future chapters will bring, which is why I'm taking a break as I leave a review.

In fact, I started reading it for harem, but not much of one by chapter 100. On the other hand, the main love interest is not bad. She could honestly use some more personality, but then most characters could use more of it as they're hardly fleshed out. Well, it's pretty much a comedy, so complicated characters aren't really necessary. Going back to the female lead, she's a bit boring (if you can call a yandere boring, though she's only a mild case compared to some batsh*t crazy b*tches in some novels and anime), but one thing I really liked was the setting explanation for why she was a tsundere (at least at the start, and while there was no real explanation why she was more straightforward later, it actually makes sense if you think of the previous setting and draw conclusions). Well, I won't spoil the details.

So, other characters were pretty bland, but at least they were sufficient as far as comedy is concerned (and I have a feeling that the comedic aspect is the only they should really be considered from). Some were quite funny, in fact. The MC's "daughter" character was a bit annoying (all those Jap authors and random "daughters" male MCs get, right?), but the author at least didn't waste her comedic potential, and MC does have his own children (at least one) later on, so she doesn't put me off too much.

Hmm, is there anything else to mention? The narrator is MC himself, so he's a bit of an unreliable narrator, but that's fine. It also fits the style of the novel and works well for comedy. The translation I found wasn't stellar, with petty mistakes here and there, but was much better than your average English-is-my-nth-language amateur translations, and I found it almost passable (but I'm an actual editor who has worked on thousands of chapters, so I'm stricter than an average reader when it comes to such things).

Alright, so to sum up, I thought it'd be a much worse novel than it seems, but is actually makes a lot of annoying tropes palatable, and is a decent comedy. On the other hand, don't expect any depth from the plot and the characters. Maybe the protagonist is an exception, but he must be as he's the narrator - we can read a lot between the lines to find out more about him.

I recommend this novel as a casual, comedic read if you want to take a break from more serious novels. <<less
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MystiqueReader rated it
December 24, 2020
Status: c155
One of my favorite summoned to another world novels. At first I thought it would be a complex conspiracy type novel but it was quite straightforward. The romance is incredibly fluffy and the world building was decent. Though they didnt put enough details if you ask me. The story was refreshing compared to the other hero summoning where the hero is op without training, gets a harem of s*aves, wants revenge, betrayal from comrades, gets a harem by just being powerful, this novel does avoid all that.

The story even included... more>> the recently popular tag 'Misunderstandings'. The story wasn't dark but rather a light comedy. It is something you should read to lift up your mood or just for a good laugh. The comedy is pretty good. The Machine Translation requires you to get used to it though but it was understandable. The only complaint I would have would be on the word building which I believe required more details and should have been more intricate. Most of the characters are unique and they have unique personalities. The straightforwardness may cause some readers to get tired at times though.

Other than expecting a high level complex conspiracy story, I was expecting a survival thriller or something of the sort, I was more than happy to see that it wasnt.

Well for the reason I gave it 5/5 stars would be because it was unique in the isekai genre. From beginning to ending I was either laughing, worried, or had a variety of emotions o my face.

For those who like light comedies with a strong MC and a strong fl, with unique characters and few hidden surprises but dislike complex conspiracies in it this is your novel. Highly recommended for you guys.

Hope this review helps you guys. This is one of the few novels I have read more than once, it became a fond memory of mine now.

Hope you like this novel <<less
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MillyTHECHAOS rated it
July 25, 2017
Status: c135
4.6 / 5

Not uselessly complicated / Funny / Good atmoshere / A bit inexpereenced writer / Slow translation

  1. They were summoned in country A by country B so country A didnt kidnap them
  2. Men who were killed tried to assault a woman in a second after they got summoned (Unknown situation / unknown room / unknown people... your first idea? To assault a woman!)
  3. People summoned with MC (who are still alive.. some got mad and tried to kill sivils) are now under the protection of 2nd strongest race and they are living comfortably
  4. Female lead is 16 she misunderstood her family and built an emotional wall (after meeting with MC her emotional wall was destroyed by his Famale-lead-mind-reading-cheat) which with high darkness element affinity twisted her speech also FL cant control her enormous magic power properly then she gets emotional so she isnt hurting anyone on purpose
  5. Noble pig was killed in a duel and its ok because it was a duel not a spar
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