Stellar Transformation


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In a galaxy far away, there is a kid without innate ability to practice internal techniques. So, in order to gain the respect of his father, he resolutely chooses to follow the more difficult and painful path of practicing external techniques. As the years go by, he grows up, but what really changes his life is a mysterious meteoric crystal stone – the Meteoric Tear. This stone fuses with the young man’s body unnoticed, and he seems to undergo drastic transformations as a result. After that, everything is changed. Eventually his father knows that the son for whom he hasn’t really shown a lot of consideration possesses astonishing abilities. And there’s a lot more to come.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tinh thần biến
Xing Chen Bian
Related Series
Coiling Dragon (Prequel)
Coiling Dragon (14)
The Desolate Era (7)
Against the Gods (6)
Shen Yin Wang Zuo (3)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (2)
Tales of Demons and Gods (2)
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108 Reviews sorted by

Riveted rated it
June 30, 2016
Status: Completed

I finished reading it, but I probably shouldn't have. There are so many things missing at the end of the book. Important characters that we are introduced to who never even see another mention in the book, Long term characters that do nothing. Fights and reasons for fights that make little sense, and above all the MC doesn't even really do anything. He get lucky, he waits, he gets lucky again, he waits, and suddenly he's strong. After the first couple volumes, this guy attains nearly nothing on his own. Even his cultivation just goes off and does its own thing without him understanding why.

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Diedonetw rated it
May 23, 2016
Status: --
This is the first work that I Eat Tomatoes has written. When I compare it to the first work of Tang Jia San Shao (child of light) this is light years ahead. Now for the story it self:
It's a well written xianxia with quite a nice build up. The building speed that most of the reviews dared to call slow is actually quite moderate if you compare it to the classical development in wuxia/xianxia stories, it's just that the most recent works offer too much explosive power ups and rushed start which leads to repetition or plot holes/boring development in general. Even with the so called *slow* development the novel is almost fully translated and will be finished in the next weeks so the slow build up is just a good bonus at this point. The main character isn't perfect or anything but he is easily relate-able by the reader. No s*upid harems, and very very light romance, and a main character that fights his way to the top from absolute scratch.

Even if you do not take any of this into accounting this is the first XianXia to be translated to english and it in turn motivated and opened up a lot of translators to the xianxia genre. This is where it started, both for IEatTomatoes and for xianxia on the international level. 5/5 with no hesitation
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tux299 rated it
May 19, 2016
Status: v18c25
What can I say, this story has been a ride. About the story, it felt like a bunch of different books in a series rather than just a single publication, except even more coherent if that makes any sense. Like many books by this author, the time scale is much larger than other novels by exponential measures, and that's what one should expect when reading it. Its solely a tale of the most amazing person to exist in this universe and his friends and family around him, so if you... more>> end up not liking the main character, you may be in for a bad time.

I don't really know what else to say, sure it starts kind of slow, but really to me I only felt that way after I reread the beginning. At the time when less than 6 volumes had been translated on some forum, by some guy who just went missing (I hope they find him) It seemed exciting and fresh, to finally get a cultivation story where the main focus is cultivation

Really my review isn't well put together, so I'll just leave with this. Its solid, I could feel Qin Yu get stronger through means that made sense. No real "My speed technique is better than his by 2 levels, but his strength technique is better by 4, so I better use my super hidden forbidden strength technique to win this round" so the fights end up being less convoluted to some degree. Also, it felt like the story is focused on world exploration, and universe building rather than character work, but I prefer that considering the scale of the world. All in all 5/5 <<less
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yvkreddy rated it
March 27, 2022
Status: --
Lots of people telling to ignore the bad reviews. So I did and read around 5 books and basically wasted 2 days of my free time. My god this novel is bad. I am in general not a fan of IET novels and nor do I hate his works. I really liked desolate era and liked coiling dragon up to a certain point and then started hating it after the MC becomes batsh*t crazy for revenge. Stellar transformations on the other hand goes downhill quite early.

The initial part where the... more>> MC is a kid is bearable. The world felt fresh and the progression of the MC felt good. The good things end there. The family drama with the whole father/son thing doesn't work at all.

It's also very difficult to sympathise for the MC because he is a kid and he keeps doing the "kid's talk". It's difficult to connect with him during this period. And worst of all is that even though his father keeps ignoring him the MC keeps trying to bootlick him. It's somewhat irritating and the author drags this too much.


The main problem I felt during the few volumes that I have read is that the MC keeps taking s*upid risks and there are too many life threatening events that keep happening in very quick succession and the MC escapes only due to plot armor.

He goes through a grassland in wildlands but the monsters who are as powerful as out MC keeps avoiding the place like a plague. It's obvious that the place is a territory of a super powerful monster. What does our MC do? He acknowledges this but still proceeds to go through the area and gets into a life threatening situation. Another time he is travelling through the ocean. He knows that the ocean is very dangerous and cultivators don't go to the depths of the ocean. Infact as he is going through the depts he even hears monstera who are as powerful as him making bets when he will die. He still goes down and gets into a trap which leads into another life threatening situation which he has no reason to get into. After this the author tries to show that our MC is willing to sacrifice himself for his pet eagle. It would have been emotional had it not have been for the ridiculous setup in the first place. The MC himself leads both of them to danger and then tries to give up his life to save his eagle. It's s*upid.

. The MC in this part of the story is still on the lowest cultivation outside the "mortal" continent. But he acts as if he is invincible and keeps poking his hand into all kinds of s*upid situations creating artificial tension and dragging the story more than it needs to be.

I think the good reviews are basically because this was one of the earliest xianxia's and not many good web novels were out there when this came out. But I would say its not up to modern standards. There are much better web novels out there now. I would say skip this and may be look at some of the recent works of the author. <<less
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July 12, 2019
Status: Completed
I'll say it fast

--- Cool consept of cultivation but COMPLETELY FAILED CAUSE AUTHOR DOESNT KNOW ANYFKNGSHIT. He just gives MC powerup BECOUSE HE CAN and without some explanation at all. Also the stages are f*cked up. Cause NEBULA IS FKNG STAGE WHEN FIRST STAR CREATES THAN PLANETS! HIS CULTIVATION SHOUDL HAVE BEEN!

Nebula-Nebula with hot center-Almost formed sistem.

... more>> Sistem solar or whatever- sistem where sun is getting to big but not much-Very big sun.

Sun nearly toota expansion-At critical point-Dwarf.

Dwarf-Criticalmass dwarf-Black hole.

---The powers of stages ARE COMPLETE MESS AND f*ckED UP.

What you think MC has to have at star stage? Well at least ability to control gravity and really hot fire.... (He didnt used any of this), later on when he was on black stage what you think he must to have?... HE MUST HAVE ABILITY TO SHOT STUFF AT NEAR SPEED OF LIGHT and ultra gravity with distored space... He can just shoot some beams and no more.... And later onn he just sucks. All cool points are just un used.

--- Also MC is s*upid as f*ck, he just loves to court death. Instead of always use fake identy he just tells evryoeve who he is and all about his family. So his enemies can nicely use them. Also instead of making his enemies that just tryed to kill him but becouse they had to save face or cause group of other pple he decides that he has or to do nothing or just kill. Only at last stage he actually did something new.

But novel is acceptable to read. If youare bored as I am. <<less
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Universe creator
Universe creator rated it
January 20, 2019
Status: Completed
One of my earliest novel that I completed in 2014

Great for first time readers as it has great plot.

Some aspects that I still like about it that :

... more>> 1. MC stick to one girl till the end of novel.

2. Great and unique cultivation method.

3. Story is in continuation.

4. MC has a clear goal from the beginning

5. Character building of MC and others are good.

6. Story is not predictable in every corner like other shitty novels where MC always has to go through revenge plot for story to continue.

Always recommend for first time readers <<less
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Gorgeously Large Panda
Gorgeously Large Panda rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: v8c7
The MC did a 180 turn and became a completely different person (seems to be a recurring thing with IET). He was a kindhearted, filial kid in the beginning but became a mass mu*derer from chapter 7 and onwards.

The MC kills an entire school of 4000+ unrelated people as a revenge for his master’s death and his father’s and uncle’s injuries caused by the young master of that school during a freaking WAR. It’s fine when he killed people for his father to usurp the throne, but when people injured his father on a battlefield, they’re wrong and their entire family and clan need to be exterminated! Funny enough later when half of his family actually died he didn’t even care.

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afaerytale rated it
March 25, 2018
Status: v4c2
It's not a bad read if you're looking for the typical xianxia.

Note: There may be some minor spoilers up ahead.

The ML was born with a defective dantian and so cannot use internal energy to train in martial arts. He ends up choosing the unfavoured path of external training in order to get his father's attention and earn his praise (we've all been there). No one chooses external training because they cannot ascend to the second phase of martial arts (can't remember the exact term). ML is desperate and chooses it... more>> anyway. With his endless willpower and optimism, he produces exemplary results, but it still isn't good enough. ML gets depressed which is when, of course, he discovers a weird red crystal that super-boosts his training speed, enabling him to become the first external trainer in history to breakthrough to the second phase. Hurray! The story only really kicks-off at around this point. Our boy has a LONG way to go.

Although some parts are complete tropes and clichés (as you might expect), some parts are pretty OK. We see the ML experiencing a little growth with regards to his father. I was relieved to see there was no harem tag on this novel and it's thankfully living up to it, so far.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be continuing with this novel. Although it's mildly entertaining, nothing special or thrilling really stood out to me. It doesn't really grip or excite me, but if you're looking for a typical xianxia read to curl up with, you'll probably enjoy this.

I might pick it up again at a later date. <<less
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Nolkeg rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: v5c1
I have to dropped this as there is absolutely nothing to keep my interest in the story so far.
I have endure to read it through until volume 4. Still, there's no sign of development in plot.
things often forcefully/luckily happen to MC to make the story progress.
The emotional scene are okay. But it the same old revenge element you can expected from every xianxia.
Also, the story is very slow and I can see foreshadow of repetitiveness up ahead as well.
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clowred rated it
March 8, 2017
Status: Completed
The first ten volumes were a truly work of art. They are extremely well done and all the characters have depth and strong personalities. The protagonist has a lot of close encounters with death and he barely manages to escape death a few times. If the story only had ten volumes I would have praised IET as the best online fantasy author. But then he screwed it up. Power ups coming faster and faster, his uniqueness is brought to the surface each time there is some sort of conflict and... more>> his plot armor becomes as real as possible as he holds mansions that can be attacked by hundreds of practitioners and still be safe. Enemies appear everywhere, all of them are repeated with some sort of cliche personality, and even though they are strong only after spending billions of years in training, the protagonist finds cheats surpassing them faster and faster. In the end he becomes another Linley from C.D.. The love interest is an absolute disaster too. A damsel in distress from the strong practitioner presented in the first part. Weak and useless. Nothing special beside her good heart and calm nature. She is a goddess. I know that its not my place to say, but IET is a freaking idealist. What the f*ck is a love story where everything advances in one moment more than in ten years? Conclusion, read it, its a generic and yet good novel thanks to its first ten volumes. <<less
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strixflash rated it
June 9, 2016
Status: v18c45 part3
Enjoyable but the story is too dragged out. I skipped many volumes and just read the summary. Fun at times but s*upid as well. Exciting but sometimes too annoying. The ending wasn't really that good as well but it was much better than author's other series (Coiling Dragon).
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ZhaWarudo rated it
May 30, 2016
Status: v18c36
You all know that IET's works are a must read, and most will tell you CD is better but I disagree. CD has more likeable characters but ST has better action and is a classic which started this boom of translations. Now for the most frequently asked question : yes CD and ST are connected but it doesn't matter which you read first
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rapture_edge rated it
May 18, 2016
Status: v18c24
A brillian IET novel which birngs all the joys and fun seen in Coiling Dragon. I just had to put this extremely positive review so to balance out the negative ones near the top. I mean seriously, I know to some, this won't be your cup of tea, but a one or two star is just too much! This book ain't bad and if you do find it bad it ain't THAT bad. At least have the decency and rate it a three star! New readers would be turned off... more>> and would miss this amazing novel. Anyways, if you enjoyed Coiling Dragon or Desolate Era, this one will definitely fill your appetite. As the book nears its end with our main MC slowly reaching the already revealed spoiler in Coiling Dragon's end, this ismy most anticipated book beyond all LN I've been following. As is suggested by many, this book slowly progresses. But that is a normal element in IET books but the epic comebacks and awesome moments are definitely worth it. Read it <<less
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Kinky_ensalada rated it
September 30, 2023
Status: Completed
To begin with this review, I would like to discuss a little the supposed genres of this novel: "Romance"

Damn, I expected little from a love relationship in a Cultivation novel where they usually go to two extremes, having a harem or being obsessed for a girl they met 5 minutes and spent the entire rest of the novel reviving/searching for her, etc. And this falls precisely into the second trope, and needless to say that the romance in the mortal world where they met was not even romance,... more>> the MC was so lacking in any type of affection that he became emotionally attached with the first girl he spent time outside of the killing stuff.


The MC is the typical Xianxia protagonist who still has the f*cking emotional intelligence and character of a 15 year old even though he has lived and experienced thousands of years of life. At no time will you have "adulthood problems" as the novelupdates tag explains.

In fact this second is what infuriating me up the most about the novel in general, the MC is literally an idiot, who never learns from his mistakes and continues to involve anyone he has the misfortune to interact with in all his bullsh*t. For this I am going to explain it with 4 instances that happened in the novel and each one is more s*upid than the previous one.


In book 5 our smart MC didn't even try to hide his name, background or family location when he started making powerful enemies who with a single breath could annihilate his entire "dear" family. And surprise, it went incredibly wrong, 3 times, it was no more for the simple fact that the MC left that plane lmao.


Book 7, our intelligent MC gets 1 of 3 items needed to open a special place, something that all the experts in his world were looking for and would clearly do anything to get it, plus the MC didn't need it, he already had something better that fit the same function. Of course then, what will our big brain MC do with it?

Readers might be reasoning things like: "He's going to use it as a card to incite to the antagonistic factions to fight!"; "He is going to get the most out of it and sell it to the highest bidder!"; "Well

The MC isn't that smart either, maybe he'll just give it to the first person who asks for it or give it to someone as a gift".

HAHAHAHAHAAH well no, among all the intelligent or not so actions that he could perform, he came up with the MOST ST*PID one, he gave it to his brother, a normal person, to take care of it and to give it to whoever asked for it

. WHAT COULD GO WRONG!!!!??! Well, I can only say that half the imperial capital and

90% of the children and concubines of the MC's "dear" older brother died.


        • And then the MC gets angry about how they could possibly do that to mere mortals? They are not afraid of heaven >: (??. I will take revenge on my nephews and sisters-in-law!

In book 11, our intelligent and mature MC arrives in a new World, in which, given the events of the previous book, THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS LOOKING FOR HIM, to kill him and steal what he got. And what does our rational MC decide? Well, not changing his appearance or his name... In a few years they discovered him and

his "dear" first disciple died because of his bullsh*t


        • And then the MC gets angry about how they could possibly do that to their lil' disciple? They are not afraid of heaven >: (??. I will take revenge on my disciple!

In book 13, our intelligent, mature and rational MC discovers that the sister-in-law of one of his sworn brothers is being held hostage. What did the MC think? Maybe "This is clearly a trap, an ambush!"; "Ah wait, she is living very well, how about we cultivate for a few years or look for more allies to plan a rescue?".

HAHA, of course not. They just decide to go with pure brute force thinking that no one was smarter than their peanut sized brains. The hostage ends up dying.

        • And then the MC gets angry about how they could possibly do that to his sister-in-law? They are not afraid of heaven >: (??. I will take revenge on my sworn brother!
In conclusion, the universe is interesting but the MC and his sworn brothers are completely useless, idiots, with the mentality of teenagers even with 10 thousand + years of life and without learning sh*t from their previous experiences. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: v5c7
This starts very well, but unfortunately takes the "boring route" very fast. The struggles of the MC against his fate (no dantian, abandoned by his father) get overshadowed by golden fingers quickly.. One can only have that much luck before one gets unlikable, y'know?

The worst of it is the c*ckiness. In the beginning the MC gets painted as this "smart, sympathetic and humble" kid that saves everyone and their dog out of the goodness of his heart, but very soon (after a few bullsh*t lucky encounters) all that is left... more>> is the typical third-grade brainless tyrant commonly seen in Chinese novels: "Out of my way, I have nothing to fear!" --> "Why am I in danger? The heaves are unfair!". Shocked-Pikachu. Png.

Especially the brainlessness of the MC hurts. I really loved to read about the smart and hard-working child.

Repetitive and boring. 3* <<less
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PoSunBanYi rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I just cant deal with it.

IET novels; the npc syndrome id call it.

Why¿ Simple, all lines if not practically most of all of them are expositions of information to you, the reader, yes that of 4th wall. Nothing feels normal, like a guard dude talking to a guard dude or disciples of a sect dudes; its all the same npc, just different scenario, it could literally be the biggest thingy of IET that all characters that TALK with each other that arent talking to the MC or in the same... more>> conversation, are the same dudes, names, just different place and job/status.

Surprise, is not.

I am incredible fascinated and fan boy of some anime, anime like Drifters, Code Geass... so on... But I get so damn bored and dizzy, if I keep watching (90% of other animes) them the best is I get just dizzy all day, the worst is a horrible headache or stomach ache. Because they go all the episodes: "HUH, UH UH EH KUH KHKHKAAGH U UU UDD" and doing explanations, explanations non-stop; in the middle of a fight¿ boom half chapter.

Heres another thing, assassins, it isnt very hard to imagine how they work, in ALL his novels, there is tons of them, and very concentrated fights on them, but the thing is... they are ACTUALLY NOT assassins, who wouldve thought, because if you think about it, which kind of high-grade assassins talk nonsense non-stop before, during, the fight, I repeat NONSTOP, and while fleeing they have the ability of stop time and talk a few lines and a big ass paragraph of c*ck-sucking from nowhere to MC abilities, then they do their move and keep going with the nonsense. This. Is. Everywhere. IET. Novels.

So thats the thing, I feel like the worst, what I dislike and bores me to disgust, is the unending explanations upon mountains and mountains of explanations, whole thing that should last like 3 very short chapters or 1 and a half long chapters last from 6 to 20 chapters, and when something crucial and JUICE DRAMA occurs... WHYNOT LET HUNDRED CHAPTERS (minimum) GO AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED. Also, could never feel tension through any of his novels. I hereby anounce IET are, to my liking, tr*sh novel quality. Only a kid could enjoy them.

Not bad, lazy, low or MGA quality, just tr*sh, fail to immerse, connect, to anything thatll make me feel im reading a story and not a random essay of my 14yo (oh, the time) classmates would write when they obviously just dont give a f*ck a damn bout.

By the way, he becomes the most pitiful, agonizing, emotional, intelligent, righteous (bit*h HOE THOT) son in the world, ofc, according to IET poor and lacking of emotions and human heart knowledge.

In truth, its just, as in the parentheses a s*upid bit*h who thinks have the right to talk, but has its biggest simp, its own author. Cant deal with it man. <<less
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Cardman001 rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: Completed
This was a solid novel, I would highly recommend it if you're looking for a standard Xianxia experience. People often compare this to Coiling Dragon (which I have not read) and Desolate Era (which I have read), but Stellar Transformations (ST) was written before either of them, so in reality, both of the later works by IET should be strictly better anyway, right? Thus, it's an unfair comparison. That being said, ST is quite good as a standalone story, even if it does have many tropes that are common to... more>> the genre. I'll give a bit of a summary along with my thoughts first, then a pros/cons list.


The story follows our main character Qin Yu, who could only cultivate "external techniques" in order to gain more power. Over time, his reasons and goals change, but the overarching purpose for him is 1) gain more power; and, 2) find the girl he loves and protect his loved ones. The plot basically has 3 phases due to how the world/universe is introduced. The first phase is the stereotypical "get stronger, fall in love, make lifelong friends" saga. The one after that is the real meat of the story - Qin Yu finally figures out his martial path and clears up what he has to do in his life. The final phase is basically just implementing everything and some explanations about what we just read. Overall, the first phase was solid toward the middle/end, but very slow during the first few volumes. The second phase was my favorite, while the third was a decent end to the story as a whole. So, if you get past the first 5 volumes or so, I think you'll enjoy the rest of the novel.



  • The world/universe is quite expansive and entertaining; it's fairly unique, especially if you consider it was 2007 when the novel was written.
  • The MC is pretty reasonable in the way he acts: he's not overly arrogant, not overly scheming, and not purposefully dumb (so you won't get mad at him too much for the things he does).
  • The supporting characters are interesting on their own; most have their own personalities and stories, and something that makes them special in the story.
  • The romance is done well: there is no harem but the feeling of love and care is exhibited by various characters in a good way throughout the story.

  • The power levels/systems are janky and pretty terrible in the beginning (first phase of the novel).

    Basically, there really is no good way to tell who is stronger than whom. For example, there are regular demon beasts throughout the world, and they can be weak or strong. But there are also divine beasts, which have 4 different classes amongst them. At any given power level, the divine beasts are stronger than humans by one major power level. But then, divine beasts can also be variation divine beasts, which makes them stronger. Furthermore, beasts from the Divine Realm are simply stronger than divine beasts from lower realms, so where do they stand? The point is that the whole power level system is pointless, and everything is relative to others.

  • There are lots of tiny issues and inconsistencies in the writing itself. These include: people having information they shouldn't, numbers being way off what was previously mentioned, and people saying one thing and then doing another.
  • The beginning of the story, as well as certain chapters, are slow and seem to have lots of fluff that isn't necessary for the story. While world building and explanations are important, lumping it all together to get it over with is not the right way to do it.
  • The ending (and the ending portion of the story itself) seemed like it was being rushed. The ending of the story (the last few chapters) basically just resolved some issues one after another and made each thing work itself out in a sentence or two. The story was even left with a possible cliffhanger/sequel setup in an unsatisfying manner.
  • If you read ST nowadays, it does feel a bit generic because of how many novels are out that do the Xianxia stuff better or in a special way.
ST is a good novel, but it has its problems too, so I can only give it a 4/5. Still, because it only has 680ish chapters, I think it's a nice read if you're looking for something fairly short with a pretty good story. <<less
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Bobdean rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: Completed
One of the best. This will keep you enthralled until the end. Those who complain either didn't understand the interpretation of the novel or missed something in its meaning. Everything in the novel is clever. This novel may end up proving to be one of the "originals" that will also be considered as one of the best. After you read this, there is a chance that you will reflect not only on "how" the MC became lucky in those few critical moments, but also "WHY". When comparing this novel to... more>> some of the other xanxia novels, you may notice the MC doing less extreme Sun Tzu forms of resolution (meaning the MC doesn't get to violently act out every time and win), instead, though, in this novel, there is an added level of emotional depth, meaning, and clever resolution that the other novels can only dream of. Prepare to be mysticized! <<less
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Uncle Secco
Uncle Secco rated it
March 22, 2017
Status: v18c45 part3
One of the most beautiful novel I've ever read. The story talks about a young boy who can't cultivate like his brothers. His father stops caring about him due to this and thus the young boy decides to become strong because he wants to help his father. The plot is wonderful and only at the end we will know why this story is connected to Coiling Dragon. The MC has good ideals and the romance plays an important role in all the story. I really loved how the author has... more>> written this story and I recommend it to all of you!! <<less
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metazoxan rated it
February 13, 2017
Status: v18c45 part3
I see a lot of mix reviews tr*shing this and praising it. I'm here to say it's great especially compared to some other stuff but it's got it's fair share of flaws and I'll put them in categories so it's easier to read.

Cultivation: The method of cultivation is too messy and doesn't follow clear rules. There are vague divisons between immortals, devils, and demons and that isn't even counting the MC and his special path. There are also loose immortals which are thrown in and divine tribulations which is basically... more>> the universe trying to kill you before you're allowed to progress further. The rules dividing and governing all these things are too vague. But even if the ignore all that the base method of cultivation is far too plain and is just building up energy to the next level. Laws of Universe:This gets even worse when the story reaches the divine realms and it all becomes about the Spacial and Temporal law cultivation. At this point any techniques the MC or anyone else learned before becomes meaningless because all that matters is who can freeze time or break space so that everything dies. There is no meaningful variation in peoples skills it's just who has the best gear and the most raw power. Except the MC because he's so damn special.

Characters: The MC himself is enjoyable and his two brothers aren't bad. His woman though felt a bit generic to me and too much like an accessory. The romance is great and is more important than in some other series like this where it's just a side note. But it's a bit frustrating how their reunion is so drawn out and ends so anti climatically. Plot progression: This is honestly just as much of a mess as the cultivation. It starts out pretty good but the author has the tendancy to just drop things and go somewhere else too much. Like after he helps reach the Nebula stage? Well time to go into the ocean! Done with that? Well time to go into a trial ground to get treasure! Okay now on to the immortal realm! Okay how about the Dark Star realm for a bit? Okay now lets go to the divine realm! See the picture? It doesn't feel like a gradual progression of a journey it feels more like the author just uses a location until he's done with it then only goes back to it to show off how things have changed since the MC has been gone. This jumping of locations causes a LOT of stuff to just get dropped and forgotten because each area jump comes with a mega power up so even if problems from back then were to re-appear they wouldn't mean much.

Final Thoughts:
This was written before Coiling Dragon and it shows. A lot of things feel similar to the style of Coiling Dragon but less refined like the messy culvtivation style. The Brokenness that is controlling time and space that ruins combat. The over use of jumping to new areas instead of a gradual journey.

Overall this is NOT a bad series and the fact it was written by the same guy as coiling dragon means if you like one you'll like the other. But if you read Coiling Dragon first then you'll notice a drop in quality with this one. <<less
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