Solo Swordmaster


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Times change, and nothing lasts forever. Dragons and magic became legends, and heroes faded into the pages of history.

It was now the age of players that were gifted immense power and skills by Constellations.

“But is this power really free? …I protected this world for centuries, and this is what I get in return?!”

I had all my assets seized and the only friend I had left killed.

But now, humanity’s last Swordmaster—a man out of time—must pick up the blade once again to fight against a new threat to mankind—the arrival of constellations that now seek to invade the world. Will his new alliance with the longtime enemies of humanity, the Seven Princesses of the Seven Dragons Association, be able to defeat the very Constellations that bestowed humanity with their powers?

Associated Names
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나 혼자 소드마스터
Related Series
How to Survive at the Academy (1)
Love Letter From The Future (1)
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (1)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (1)
Pseudo Resident’s Illegal Stay in Another World (1)
Kidnapped Dragons (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. everything ive read (part 1)
  2. Peak Hidden Gems Part 2
  3. ALLKR+
  4. KR MaleMC ~ Adventure Fantasy ver.
  5. The Absolute Master List

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/02/23 Reaper Scans c42
02/27/23 Reaper Scans c41
02/16/23 Reaper Scans c40
02/10/23 Reaper Scans c39
02/03/23 Reaper Scans c38
01/27/23 Reaper Scans c37
01/25/23 Reaper Scans c36
01/23/23 Reaper Scans c35
01/20/23 Reaper Scans c34
01/19/23 Reaper Scans c33
01/16/23 Reaper Scans c32
01/14/23 Reaper Scans c31
01/10/23 Reaper Scans c30
01/08/23 Reaper Scans c29
01/05/23 Reaper Scans c28
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13 Reviews sorted by

arcadios9929 rated it
April 15, 2023
Status: c43
Alright so I had to review this BS

... more>>

MC kills a friend he has known for years because she betrayed him. Of course she did it to save some children from her orphanage, this I can understand. MC then decides to f*cking mu*der her???? I kept trying to make excuses for why he might have done it. Maybe he couldn't protect her, or decided it was better for both of them. Nope. He could've easily saved her, I mean he even saves the children she wanted to protect, he also shows no remorse or regret for having killed her. And yet her death is pretty much the driving point of his revenge... This dude f*cking wants to get revenge for someone he killed for no reason. Now I could kinda forgive this, thinking maybe he just thinks betrayal is too much or that someone had to die. But then he fights the person supposedly behind all this, and NOW decides to find out exactly what's going on before killing. Well he finds out that this dude, even though he tried to kill MC and still had a hand in the friend's death, was just being controlled by someone behind the scenes.... And decides not to kill him....



Can't change star rating but it should be 2, after all I was still able to read till then, and if you can ignore that, I guess it ain't bad. <<less
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GrayMao rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: c18
You might say, I read few chapters to rate it highly but the reason for this is:

Flawless execution of the regression (It did not happen like ka-bam! I'm back in the past nor what date is it now) The regression is also not superficial like I came back when I was young or whatsoever. The timeline is perfe-ect!

Interesting storyline. I am captivated, craving for more chapters. I wanted more, and thus, the plot thickens.

Characters. The MC, I like his confidence equivalent to arrogance. There... more>> is a reason why he is a hero, and there is also a reason why you shouldn't mess with a hero. He is not an as*hole nor a f*cking ret*rd nor s*upid nor a goner. For the others - I'm sure more will be introduced but for now the present characters known are

6 ft below the ground

Don't click if you don't want to be spoiled. For fun, y'know.

World building. So far, I have the general idea but I'd love to be indulge more after several chapters more.

"No one can outrun the swordsmaster." - my fav line so far.

If this is TLTR: Read this. It is a very good story. I just listed the reasons to support my good review. Give it a try, mate. <<less
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dippityboppity rated it
September 25, 2023
Status: c48
This started edgy but somewhat interesting and then rapidly devolved into absolutely nothing but pure, intensely cringe edginess without any plot.

Author decided they'd rather just rant about random dumb sh*t than actually move the story along.
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Ihartkimchi rated it
January 6, 2023
Status: c50
Really interesting read with tons of world building and tension but is ruined by the horrible pacing. Author really likes dragging things on to the point of frustration esp with tons of introspective paragraphs that just ran in circles.

Might be an enjoyable read for others but not for me. I really tried to enjoy this and go further than the 50s but I'm just not enjoying it so I dropped it
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logitechf1f4 rated it
November 22, 2023
Status: c81
Maybe this MC is the most s*upid OP character that I've read. Not his fault tho. It's the author's fault make him s*upid. The plot hole was so obvious in 30-40 chapters.

How can the MC forgive a woman who clearly plotting his downfall and rulling the world disguised as keeping world peace shamelessly admit her doing in front of him? Worst the MC reaction was like: "you're the one who plotted my downfall?? Aww suck. I lost b*tch!" The hell??!!

Even she dare to use MC when all her plot turn... more>> to shambles because of the Constellation. Trully maddening.

Oh not forgetting the rambling about nonsese that didn't actually progresing the story at all. <<less
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CapybarasOKIPULLUP rated it
September 29, 2022
Status: c13
Very promising novel, highly recommend trying the first few chapters and see if you like it or not, if you do I suggest doing what the other review says and waiting till this novel gets a lot of chapters as this story is one that is hard to put down.
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colorless3t rated it
September 21, 2022
Status: c10
Only read 10 chapters as of now, but let me tell you what the synopsis and the tags don't. This is a "Regression" novel. Just that it takes 10 chapters to properly show that to us.

The author does a really good job at keeping my interest in the novel. There's some mystery which makes you think what's going to happen next so you keep reading, the plot like is said is regression but executed nicely, the MC has just somewhat realized that he has done this before. The MC is... more>> also OP from the start, not because he regressed but because he is a 100+ years old monster who saved the world before. Everyone knows that but think the new players are stronger, so he is undermined.

Translation wise, as of 10 chapters, I think the TL's are doing a great job, the flow of the novel isn't lost (it doesn't feel bland), I've read some manhwa and novels which are grammatically correct but reading the translation is frustrating (you can't feel what's wrong but you know something is). Sometimes the TL does mix up present and past tenses but eh it's passable.

I'm giving it a 5/5 rn since only 11 chapters are released. What I'd like to say is that don't read it now and let it stockpile. As of now it's one of those stories which you want to read more and more. <<less
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JesusHawkeye rated it
February 9, 2024
Status: c99
This novel is by far one of my favorites so far, I'm on chapter 99 and every arc and interaction, whether it be a fight or conversation has been interesting, well-paced and established the characters very well.

The world in this novel is pretty interesting, and not one that is common among novels. In this world, we are living in the Iron Age, an age in which dungeons and players exist, with constellations who give them powers. This is all pretty generic, the twist is that magic is something that has... more>> always existed in this world. As another commenter put it; The ages were primarily dominated by primordials, then came the gods, who were killed and succeeded by by dragons, who were killed and succeeded by swordmasters... and then the era of swordmasters was succeeded by players who can enter dungeons and level up.

Whats pretty interesting, is that swordmasters and Limon in particular have such a history behind them, and we learn around chapter 40 why despite being so god-like, he is still treated poorly. Swordmasters are beings who reached immortality through the studying the blade alone, and the first swordmaster was powerful enough to kill a dragon who swallowed a god. Yet we the main character in this novel is the being who killed all of the remaining swordmasters and won the war of the swordmasters. Whats better is that unlike other novels in which old OP characters act like maniacs or dumbasses, Limon actually acts like a man who cut down the demon god with a sword. He is wise, and also very restrained. The characterization of Limon is very well done.

Furthermore the side characters are also interesting and fun to read about in their own right, the interactions with Limon and the Black Dragon Princess and the bluebird are some of the most fun parts of the novel. There are some commenters talking about how dumb it is that he didnt kill the black dragon princess, but I can only assume that these people either didn't use a single brain cell to realize how s*upid it would have been if he had.


The reason people think he should have killed her is because she was plotting his downfall. But the way she did plot his downfall is BY ACHIEVING WORLD PEACE (to an extent). She prevented wars from breaking out and malicious groups of taking action. She never directly harmed the MC. The Seven Dragons Association merely understood that Limon was a man who only took action when he felt that action needed to be taken, and would gratuitously kill for the sake of killing like some edgelord. If he had killer her, because she maintained world peace, then it would have made him the non-sensical MC on the planet.

Their plan was basically to have Limon not have a reason to exert power, and in a society where people gain power like its a video game, people started treating him like a goner.


Overall 10/10, I love almost everything about this series (so far atleast) <<less
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torchghost rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: c18
It has an interesting premise with a decent amount of world building behind it.

Though the regression side of it consists of travelling a couple days into the past, and only realising it (his memory’s finally coming back to him about the ‘future’) a few moments before the events of the first chapter.

The overall story so far is relatively consistent with a classic op protag who idiots try to screw over type story.
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12334567890 rated it
January 14, 2024
Status: c107
It's simply the best. No dumb shit, the power system isn't there so that the MC can use it as a plot armor.

The MC just pounds people into the ground 6ft under and doesn't overcomplicate things. Doesn't hesitate to mu*der doesn't have f*cked up hero complex and morales like "oh for the good of the world" or sh*t like that.

It's simply a masterpiece.
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Visser rated it
March 19, 2023
Status: c70
Interesting story here, MC is an overpowered protag and also kinda a sh*t person?
He doesn't act his age, and responds very awkwardly for certain things... but it does make him feel like a unique person instead of a generic angsty piece of shit... but its close.....
The world is somewhat Earth, a lot of myths and legends are probably realish in the story. Main character is a hundreds of years old super warrior who earned the title "sword master". Only 13 of them in the history of the planet. One of them essentially took on the Titans and won? Our Main character killed the Demon King and won a bunch of wars? But thats all in the past.
Somehow someway he let the modern civilization steal all his wealth and prestige and has been working as a low level criminal hunter....
Oh yeah and at some point a dungeon opened on the planet and people can sign contracts with constellations for super powers.
Somehow the world has created a new world that is based off this dungeon and super powers, while still being kinda like our own modern world. This doesnt make a ton of sense, until you find out that's actually part of the plot. Which was a decent thought, I appreciate the concept the author is going for... but it definitely feels weird in several scenes.

Overall the protag is pretty overpowered, if you like that stuff, and his character is pretty fcking unlikeable. Most of the other characters are horrible scum, and the world is actually intentionally written broken.... and I kinda really like it. It really depends on where the story goes from here. The main character still might be the make or break though, just doesnt feel or sound like a hundreds of years old super warrior of legend... but thats hard to do I guess?

*Well, I got to chapter 70 ish..... dropping it. Story peaks around his fight with a monarch and then just death spirals into infinite boredom driven by an unlikable main character and fairly empty side characters...
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March 8, 2024
Status: --
More than half of the chapters are fillers. It's no wonder this has 1000+chapters. It's more like Chinese novel than Korean novel. The author really likes to stretch things out. He even stretchs conversations to an extent that u will quit the novel. This novel deserves 3.5 ratings.... if it didn't have those fillers chapters then it would have been good. It's more about MC becoming a musician, actor or other non combat related things than MC fighting constellations lol.
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June 15, 2023
Status: c62
a great premise, you could say it even has good execution, but it falls short due to one simple problem, author don goofed, author made a major f*ckup at the very core of the novel, and rolled with it, some chapters are so good it makes me wonder how the f*ck did author f*ck it up so bad, anyway, the novel is 900+ chapters long, how could something that happens in the first 40 chapters be that bad? Because the f*ckup carries on through the entire novel, author f*cked up... more>> so bad he literally made a retcon within the first 50 chapters, author knew he don goofed, but the part he f*cked up was at the very core of the novel, the alliance between MC and seven dragon princesses, MC was supposed to kill the first princess he met, but he didn't, and to show that MC was not going to kill her author literally retconned another persons death at MC hands, just to make it more "likely" and "persuasive" the fact that MC would not kill the black dragon princess. Some might even say that the reason between enmity between MC and black princess, the death of MC subordinate, was retconned as well, seeing how that subordinate got reincarnated, possible, author seems to be too good to f*ck up after all, so leaving themselves some leeway and predicting readers outrage to then deal out a reverse uno card in case thing went too bad seems reasonable enough.

if you can stomach the bs author sometimes throws your way, it's a great novel, if it didn't have that bs i'd rate it somewhere above 4 and below 5 stars just because only perfection deserves 5, but the major f*ckup is a fundamental problem with the entire novel that will always stay with you, unless of course you are too s*upid to understand it, and it will always remind you what a great novel it could have been.

too bad the novel was basically dropped, reaperscans seem to have stopped functioning or sth, several of their translated novels I had interest are months unupdated. I was even prepared to shell out money in support smh <<less
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