S*ave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (WN)


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A man was about to commit su*cide and decided to search for a way to die on the internet, but then he found an odd site that asked a lot of questions and had a point based system that allows you to create skills for a character. He took interest in it, and when he was done setting his character, he was asked, “You will now be transported to a world with the settings you chose. Coming back is not possible. Do you still accept?” Without thinking much of it, he pressed YES and found himself in another world with the skills he chose to have.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
Isekai Meikyuu De Dorei Harem wo
Related Series
S*ave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (LN) (Light Novel)
I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless (6)
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN) (4)
I’m a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World (LN) (2)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Re:Monster (1)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Plan to read v3
  2. hoott
  3. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)
  4. Dj's List of Fantasy, Adventure, Isekai, Harem, an...
  5. stuff 2022

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/07/16 Raising the Dead c166
03/06/16 Raising the Dead c165
03/05/16 Raising the Dead c164
03/01/16 Raising the Dead c163
02/29/16 Raising the Dead c162
02/28/16 Raising the Dead c161
02/27/16 Raising the Dead c160
02/22/16 Raising the Dead c159
02/20/16 Raising the Dead c158
02/19/16 Raising the Dead c157
02/15/16 Raising the Dead c156
02/14/16 Raising the Dead c155
02/13/16 Raising the Dead c154
02/08/16 Raising the Dead c153
02/07/16 Raising the Dead c152
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101 Reviews sorted by

Panda-Kun rated it
February 3, 2018
Status: --
This book revolves around s*x more than a set plot. It is a power trip of the author. MC wants to get some p***y and be 'cool'... If you think that a woman wants to sleep with you and be with you because you're a nice guy that OWNS them it's generally a delusion/power trip.

The MC is a scumbag who doesn't care about the girls a millionth of the way he acts in front of them. The only reason he even 'protects' them is that he likes taking them to... more>> bed.

This entire book seems like it's for a guy who can't talk to girls but feels like he deserves to sleep with whomever he wants to.

The characters are shallow and generally seem so much like a 2D cardboard cut out that the only pleasurable part of having them around it reading the bits where the MC beds them.

Besides the shallow characters and the nearly nonexistent plot and the needlessly wimpy MC, there isn't much else to talk about.

I read as much as I could before giving up on it. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone besides misogynistic pricks. <<less
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Raubtier rated it
February 3, 2018
Status: v7 illustrations
  • The story is well written with consistent characterization.
  • There are a variation of side/supporting characters. Each character is well developed with unique individual personalities.
    • Spoiler
      • Roxanne - The main heroine and the MC's first s*ave. Docile, talented and has 'great melons'. I have to emphasize the 'great melons' cause I'm sure you'll get sick of it once you start reading the story.
      • Sherry - Second s*ave, has 'small lemons', the rational voice of the party and a Master Smith.
      • Miria - It's the cat-eared character nyaa~. No! Why the f*ck does she not add nya~?! Simple minded onee-chan (self proclaimed) ?
      • Vesta - Dragonkin girl, she's supposed to be tall. And has massive melons.
      • Rutina - Elf-s*ave, of course you need the elf. It's a fantasy novel. You need an elf. An elf is a must in fantasy novels. All fantasy LN's that don't have elves must be purged by the inquisition! Die you heathens! Heretical non-elf lovers must be burned at the stake!
      • [collapse]
MC is strong but not to the point of being overpowered. Although story has slow overall development, it is detailed and descriptive enough not to make it look bland. -

  • Generic betaf*g MC, with pe*verted tendencies
  • I'd say 50% of the story of full of the MC's pe*verted thoughts, paranoia, cowardice and other annoying beta-like tendencies seen in most tr*sh LN/WN.
    • Spoiler

      Seriously, almost half of the story is filled with how the MC wants to grope either Roxanne or Vesta's melons. But the worst part is, it has no 'M' or 'Adult' written lemons or limes. Dang it! Useless!

  • There is no suspense/tension ('Action' and 'Adventured' tag has betrayed me!) in the story.
    • Spoiler

      Although the MC is strong enough to advance to higher floors, he is too cautious. I can deem it acceptable from the standpoint of a modern person. But seriously? His mentality should at least have change a little from continuously fighting against monsters in the labyrinth. Buuut nooo! He is being a fcking coward. When you compare it to a game it's like an ultrageared Lvl 99. Lunar Knight farming a level 21-24 instance dungeon. Who does that?

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Aho555 rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c200
Not the worst way to spend your time, if you've read all the outstanding novels and have got nothing else to read. At least it's better than those stories about 'cheat' protagonists.


-Lots of thought given to the battle system and strategy, author is good at narrating and describing those things

... more>> Cons:

-Novel feels cold, dull and lifeless, author is bad at writing character interactions. After 200 chapters, I don't feel any attachment to the characters, MC is charmless and uninteresting, his interactions with his 's*ave harem' is just as bad. Him and the girls (and that's about 80% of the interactions in this story) are permanently one-note characters.

-Yes MC has a physical 'relationship' with his s*ave harem but that is also so inconsequential, unexciting and poorly written, it might as well not be a thing.


Around the last few chapters, a girl from a fallen noble family joins his s*ave harem. Since her character had some spunk, I thought it would add some spice to the story...... nope. She too, eventually falls in line with the other s*aves and becomes robot-like.

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August 10, 2017
Status: --
Another generic game novel. Author is one pe*verted writer where the d*ck was used in writing instead of the brain.

The complexity of the game system cheat mechanics are similar to some other novel and games. The MC got a cheat like game system interface to gain advantages over other ppl who can't get otherwise. However, the writer made the MC into a whimpy character thus making the story less intricate.

Not sure if the writer has some loose marbles or just lacks common sense or never played games before but it's... more>> what made the cheat game system inefficient. If anyone ever played Pokemon and know of the cheat codes to use the X multiplier for experience cheats... they would know what I'm talking about. Google is always anybody best friend if they don't know. Thus my point is: if you can use a x64 experience cheat, why is the MC and his harem so underrated in levels. I can understand the point of the writer wanting to make the story longer by experimenting but it's needless to say it backfired with such cheats.

If you're not at least level 50 in a day with such cheats... obviously there's something wrong in the intelligence sector. <<less
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June 29, 2017
Status: c181
I'm from spain, so I'm sorry for my grammar. I'm reading here to learn and get fun at same time. And this novel doesn't deserve more of my attention.

The main point is that is boring, the 'harem girls' are just plain. They just have b**bs and no brain at all 'as expected of master' is all u will hear from them.

The novel is about class change and exploit the bug the MC have with it, and the idea is not bad at all. But the story and the Harem are... more>> a shit. <<less
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Fuxy rated it
December 6, 2016
Status: c81
This story and writing leaves a lot to be desired the witing is too repetitive and and has one of the slowest character developments ever. Hell even the first s*ave is not introduced until chapter 12 I believe.

... more>>

The MC is and ablsoled panzie that doesnt know how to handle a secret or trust his s*aves even after spending a lot of time with them and confirming that they won't leak it instead he is constantly woried about his image because of lack of information or other things even in the eyes of his s*aves that he has s*x with constantly and clearly trusts with his life.

The MC's inability or unwilingness to give a proper explanation when asked things that only he knows because of his otherworldly knowledge by the curious dwarf and dodging the question or purely lying is also quite annoying as well.

The constant experimentation is quite interesting but the game like world doesn't feel verry well grounded and leaves a lot to be desiered.


All in all it's horibly slow, tedious and boring but the constant experimentation and more interesting political and social developments make up for it and that's why I give it 3 stars. <<less
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naptime rated it
August 4, 2016
Status: c169
The MC is quite interesting and intelligent, and is aware that he can die which is rare for a MC, he does not take risks and takes things slow except for his s*ave girls, he does not take slow here and sleeps with them every night xD

The world is also interesting and the s*ave girls have distinct personalities and are interesting though they are unrealistically obedient. Unfortunately the way the leveling/skills/jobs are done are all over the place full of plot holes, and the MC spends a lot of time... more>> experimenting how stuff work and that is interesting but kinda losses it's meaning when things are so random. This is also supposed to be "slice of life" but they do only 2 things they are either in dungeon killing the same monsters over and over again or they are cooking, in fact they do so much cooking that after reading the 200 or so chapters you can open a Japanese restaurant. Also if u are looking for some action between MC and his harem, it happens only at the start of the novel, later they do it off screen.

All in all the story is interesting, to bad we will never get to read it with all those terribly done slice of life fillers. <<less
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Aricatos rated it
March 12, 2016
Status: --
Too slow. I get it, you want a leisurely lifestyle with your harem s*aves. But this is like a f*cking journal where nothing changes “I wake up, have sex/kisses with my s*aves, eat meal and go to grind in dungeon. Then I go back home with my magic and sleep”.

It’s like purely filler chapters. It started off ok, I kept reading up to chapter 136 then decided to put it on hold. Because the formula for the chapters is pretty much the same. 1st chapter “Wake up, kisses, move off... more>> to dungeon” 2nd chapter “Dungeon monster drops, interesting. I wonder if also applies? Back home to sleep” and repeat this cycle after chapter 30 or whatever the thing started at.

Translators are great, just that the story doesn’t have much spice in terms of action. It’s like reading about somebody grinding in a dungeon (which it is).

Edit: Skimmed up a few chapters, chapters consist of eating food, the s*aves inevitably saying "oh wow, master is so great", MC playing with the s*aves, and a lot of filler about how the game mechanics work. "Oh, I need to get, and getting requires to be level "

Filler novel, that's all this is. Good for time wasting, not good if you want to read about action like ISSTH. <<less
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Zones rated it
March 6, 2016
Status: --
This a series I have decided to drop. It's not "bad" it's just boring. The pacing is very slow. The fights lack any tension and are basically just counting how many attacks are executed.

I don't think there is a single interesting or developed character in this series.

MC is your typical beta harem protagonist but now that he has s*aves he takes advantage of them.

The "romance" isn't even explicit if you would want to read for that. It just isn't for me.
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raploh rated it
December 17, 2015
Status: --
Very boring. Bordering on "Extremely boring". Despite saying that, I've read till chp 110 (I think). I'll elaborate more in my simple review below. I don't know how the star system works. If I can, I'll give 1 star.

The starting is rather interesting. The idea is rather interesting. Being able to change your specs (sorta) whenever you want is rather interesting. The main character (mc) only got a limited amt.
But by the time it gets to the point where he's acquiring the first girl (1st s*ave), the whole story slows down to an epic crawl. The novel doesn't really live up to its title of "s*ave Harem"
Short short short summary - contains mild spoiler

It's currently chp110 that I have read until. And the MC has just recently acquired a 3rd s*ave into his harem. Considering the title, I would expect a lot more and much faster acquisition.


FIRST. I want to apologize for a long review. If you don't wanna read it, just read the above short summary with very mild spoiler.

The author only writes about daily level grinding in order to raise. Even though the MC is told that bounty hunting is a much faster way to raise money (MC has a time limit). But he goes grinding anyway (make money by getting monster drops while leveling up).

By the 3rd day (MC only has 10 days), the MC has decided that conquering the dungeon is gonna be impossible to raise the money needed. But still does it anyway.

If I remember correctly, it was 3 chapters worth of level grinding. It was so boring I fell asleep a few times. But I press on...
An event then happened that cause the MC to be unable to raise any money

heavy rain, to the point of not being able to go out.

. And so finally the author pulled a "deus ex machina" on the last day and thus the MC was able to raise the require money and then some.
Timeline (contains spoiler)

The MC has 10 days to raise the money. Noon of the 10th day is the actual deadline.
Day 1-7: Spent mostly level grinding even though he has started to realise that it's gonna be impossible to raise the required money.
Day 8-9: Heavy rain. Supposedly so heavy that he can't get out. Really? I haven't seen anyone getting killed by rain in real life. Just to be clear, there is no flooding (it wasn't stated in the novel).
Day 9, midnight: He happened to find a thief with a probable bounty on his head. Follows that guy and finally enters their hut in the dead of the night and proceeds to assassinate all 4 of them. It was all going well (he was using his OP sword to slice of the heads 1 by 1) till the 3rd guy when the MC decides to (for some unknown reason) use a magic fireball and failed to kill his in a single blow. And of course 3rd guy raises the alarm and the MC is faced with fighting the 3rd and 4th guy. Of course MC wins. But I question the mc/author's decision to use fireball when his sword is working perfectly fine.
Day 10 noon: MC completes getting the bounty on the 4 thieves and goes to get his 1st s*ave.


I find the MC is extremely insecure to the point of being unrealistic. I really don't think a high school kid (16-18 in Japan) is that insecure and immature. It's mentioned in the prologue that he learnt 2 martial arts to the point that the bullies in his school stopped bothering him. I would think that means the MC is rather strong physically and proficient in dealing with threats. And I would expect a person well verse in martial arts would be somewhat mentally strong and have some self-confidence in himself.
But while in the new world he moved and acted as if he has no training in martial arts. Slow initiative, always doubt himself. I can understand that he came from a modern peaceful country (Japan). But as before, I think a person who has learnt martial arts would hesitate that much. Especially a person who has learnt 2 martial arts.

As of now, I have only written about the bad stuff. The good parts is that, as a story using the "can change specs anytime" to me is interesting. And because of that, I've read till more than 100 chapters.
The way I'm reading it is, IMO, rather sad.
There is simply too much level grinding (even now a 100+ chapters), the mc's doubt, hesitation (all in his monologue) and the author's need/want to keep using analogies (almost 3 for Every. Single. Thing.)
eg. this is so bad that it's like walking on nails. like putting your hand into fire. picking up soap in boiling oil.
That type of analogies is pretty much overflowing all over the place.
So the trick I'm using is, skim/skip thru all the level grinding.
Every time the MC starts his internal monologue, I skim & skip thru.

So, read it if you're ok with reading about daily dungeon level grinding and a MC that doesn't have b*lls.
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Jaded rated it
November 29, 2015
Status: --
There isn’t any progress in the story. There’s no suspense or feeling of adventure/danger when the MC goes into dungeon. The fights are monotonous. There’s no thrill in the fighting. The only change in fight scenes would be the number of spells the MC needs to use to defeat monsters. The harem story is pretty boring as well. Not really interesting. I accidentally rated it 3 instead of 2. Wish we could change that.
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Ai chan
Ai chan rated it
November 27, 2015
Status: --
I remember being very hyped when people requested the people anime-tsuki (I think) to translate this title. I mean, it's isekai, harem, s*x s*ave, dungeons and magic, what's not to like, right? Totally wrong. I translated it myself last time, as it was a very easy project. However, I stopped at chapter 8 and dropped it completely. The story relies on the hype of harem, magic and transportation to another world genres that are currently popular, but it has nothing new to offer. It doesn't help that the style of... more>> writing and the plot itself is nothing special. It's not the translator's fault, the raw itself is no good (I won't go so far as to say it's bad). So it's a cool story if you're into something slow, but if you are looking for 's*x s*ave harem' in a labyrinth setting, you'll be sorely disappointed. 2/5 since it's only alive because of the tags, but there's nothing special about the story. <<less
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FunnyFear rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: c211
Zero plot. Nothing happens in the entire novel that leads to long-lasting consequences.

The fanservice slips into a repetitive pattern and the girls' one-syllable phrases only become annoying. In general, the girls are completely unrevealing.

... more>>

Roxanne's family - not seen even after MC destroys the warring wolf clan. Cherie's family - once wealthy, but forced to sell her out when she achieved nothing to somehow secure her brother's future - won't show anything. Miria - a completely flat character with jokes about wanting fish and lack of language skills is literally everything. Vesta is the daughter of s*aves with low self-esteem who also repeats the identical phrase. And at the end, an elf girl is added who is practically r*ped by MC and her repeating phrase becomes about the Lords' meeting (the most annoying one).


A little business with Duke leads to

a secret society

, but in the end it's all about grind in the labyrinth again. The macro economy of his party can be engaging, but without a global plot it becomes pointless.

There were some fun moments, but you have to endure a lot to get to them. <<less
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cosme7 rated it
September 16, 2021
Status: c224
The story is very honest, it's a Japanese going to an isekai and building his harem while exploring the maze so far without any problems BUT...

1) History: It's very weak, and has little character development, besides the MC is TOO DENSE, at various times it's exaggerated, the combat showcasing in WN is almost a copy and paste of other combats that occur in the history itself, so, if you skip them, it makes no difference.

2) World Building: It's interesting when you start talking about other elements, like Jobs, passive skills,... more>> etc... But is it all very simple? Jobs do not have active skills, only passive skills that at the same group buff, one or the other has active type skills, like the Wizards and other Jobs, but it's little, of course it's not WN's main proposal, but I believe that, if he introduced this, he could have a better job, and besides, it takes a while for the MC to start experimenting with the elements of the cards that he is inserted in that world, it's even sad.


3) Characters: Sherry and Roxanne are the best shot, the other girls don't even have a right development, and the last one that came in, any random moment in history she pulls the Conference of Lords, and as I said up there the MC is extremely dense at various times in history.


Note: ☆, the story when the proposal starts is interesting, and as you progress, it gets extremely repetitive, especially when they are fighting in the Maze, except when the MC wants to test something and the line of reasoning he has to acquire Some Job, outside the Labyrinth, there is only variation later in the story, but it's little, apparently LN can be better at this by cutting these excesses, since in LN's Vol.11 it has already reached WN's 224, practically, in this case just wait and see, anyway, I don't recommend reading WN and if you want to give the work a chance, go to LN or manga. <<less
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Fast_sec rated it
December 28, 2020
Status: c149
Like others have mentioned this novel gets very repetitive. If ur bored u can give this novel a try, but if ur looking for constant plot changes and MC fighting interesting and strong foes then look somewhere else. The MC can sometimes be an idiot and I mean like in those life or death situations where u cant afford to be. I might eventually end up dropping this novel as well.
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diejob rated it
August 7, 2020
Status: c224
overall, this is the best op MC with game elements I saw till today [typical cave man scenario] (including every manga and anime in it). You can expect that more than anything (even tho there's few let-downs, like how gay he become near nobles, wtf is that + how he can't see his own reality and have fear and uncertainty of undeveloped ape).

the harem is lovely, not fully developed, and the s*aves are s*aves through&through. No lie. No truth. This is a s*ave harem, word for word, for the good... more>> and the bad.

the game elements are less than expected, but are well-versed in the plot, show a lot of color and meaning to the plot, but also the biggest mystery (why that MC isn't even trying to read 1 book about them? Because he never learnt to read. Super lol).

if I had to explain 'what is this MC thinking?!' I would say: "New Unknown world, I have the option to be the strongest, and I'm doing it. Never mind anything else! Except s*x, s*ave harem daily s*x".

I read this novel few times, mainly after reading other failed novels and coming back. If I could wish something from the author is that he game elements will comeback, after the late vol. Downfall in it, and more colors (go somewhere new mostly, and deepen the world basic nature understanding).

ty. <<less
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zioming rated it
March 30, 2020
Status: c223
Short Version: Guy gets transported into am Isekai world with a game-like skill system, as a superpower he gets 100 points he can freely redistribute between a list of various cheat powers, and, upon finding out the world he now lives in revolves around dungeons, he decides to get a party of s*ave demi-human girls to support him at day and enjoy at night.

Long Version: This story is kind of a contradiction. On one hand the world has a lot of "don't worry about it" aspects to it. Many things... more>> are simplified with no real explanation. For example there are only 13 kinds of monsters worldwide (plus one special) that reappear in random order on the first 13 floors of each dungeon, with higher versions of them repeating on each following 13 floors, and each monster has a single item they always drop when they disappear (like a stick from a tree monster or a pocket knife from a kobolt, both serve as mats, some monsters have a unique rare drop). There are only 5 types of swords, and no one tries to make other weapons because they wouldn't work within the existing systems. On the other hand the author does try some new things, like people falling more and more into depression the closer they come to running out of MP until they have to will themself into making every single move, which can prove deadly in combat, which makes for quite an interesting and innovative system I haven't seem anywhere else.

As for the story there isn't much to talk about. The MC delving into the dungeon every day, using his income to buy more girls and improve their gear, and performing some tests to try and figure out the detail values of each attack and monster strength constitutes 95% percent of the story (he's the only one with an identify skill so there is no prior knowledge on that topic). If you like that kind of repetitive, detailed descriptions, that read almost like a game log, you mind find it a relaxing. But if you're looking for action and intrigue you'll quickly find yourself skipping half of the text in each chapter. There is an actual story between the fight descriptions to look forward to, but you'd have to check for yourself if it's worth of your time. <<less
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February 28, 2019
Status: c135
Very slow paced. Repetitive grinding.

The MC is very flat and no character development.

MC illogically hides his abilities from his own s*aves even when revealing it may produce better results for growth and battle capacity improvement.
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RahulREG rated it
August 29, 2018
Status: c221
The novel isn't so bad as many say (I know different people have different opinion).

TBH MC keeping his powers secret and over-careful attitude did annoy me. But you know, it's better than a MC who holdback a lot (hint Death March).

Aside from the MC there are many interesting s*aves (aka waifu) characters too (read it to know it).

I would suggest reading this and by chance you didn't like it, well bad luck I guess ;)
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juanjo_dpr9 rated it
August 16, 2018
Status: v10c3
The story is interesting, it goes slowly, we can know many details about the girls, how the labyrinths work... The MC and the harem are getting stronger but not fast but slowly and we can see a slice of life here. I wouldn't be surprised if the ending of the novel is about all of them being together having spent like 50 years or so like that.

Is the novel on hiatus now or something? I see it got stuck at chapter 221.
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