She’s The Protagonist’s Sister


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My eldest brother disappeared for six years, and returned home with chuunibyou disease.

My second brother claims that he regressed from the future.

My youngest brother, who went to do volunteer work and is a headache just thinking about him, so let’s move on.

As they each claim, they are returnees and regressors. It is a remarkable story that is not lacking even if you are active as the main character in any novel right now.

In response, Lee Bo-Bae roared as the younger sister and the head of the household.

“You good-for-nothing mealworms! Go out and work right now!”

The girl leader holds the back of her neck again today.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Am The Main Character's Little Sister
My Brothers, the Protagonists (manhwa)
The Protagonist’s Sister
주인공의 여동생이다
Related Series
How a D-Class Alchemist Avoids Death (1)
The S-Classes That I Raised (1)
S-Class Except Me (1)
The Rankers Guide to Live an Ordinary Life (1)
I’m Sorry, but It’s Because I’m an Ordinary Person (1)
The Female Lead Saves the World (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Isekai w slow life no harem tags
  2. Romance in dungeons | Romance nas masmorras
  3. Dungeon Novels With Female Leads
  4. my tbr
  5. System Manhwa

Latest Release

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7 Reviews sorted by

New Diamunde rated it
May 11, 2024
Status: c279
Finished reading. I usually dont like open ended stories and yeah, this is too open ended for me... It felt like there's still a lot of explanations not given.

If you think the the story has a definite ending at 100%, the novel felt like it open ended at 30-40%. Its like I'm still waiting for the next chapters..

But aside from that, I love the novel, the story progression and the characters are so well made and the slice of life is so good. I wish the author still continued even... more>> at 500 chapters and I still would read it. People who dont like slow story progression might not tho. <<less
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June 27, 2021
Status: c4
It's interesting that the fact that all his three brothers are main protagonists and that she's just an ordinary person. I'm also curious to their past, before the regression thing. Overall it's an interesting story, that makes you want to read it more~
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 9, 2021
Status: c5
Promising. The entire premise about the lead being the little sister of three OP protagonist type of brothers is unique. I hope there are more translated chapters. Looking for korean mtls and reading them is a pain and confusing as heck. Ugh. Too early to give stars but I guess for now I'll give it a 4.5. =/
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Brasdf rated it
September 28, 2023
Status: c105
TL;DR: A nice comedy with some wholesome brother-sister relationships in the context of Korean dungeon fantasy, unfortunately translation quality is lacking nocking this from 4/5 to 3. Still enjoyable.

Story concept:

The premise is to reverse the trope of the regressor/returnee/reincarnator MC of the Korean fantasy novel having a little sister he cares for as an important element of his character, but the little sister herself having little presence or impact. Here, the FL/MC is the little sister having three brothers each of them fitting one of the categories and they do... more>> each have a characters and the family relationship is the focus of the story, saving the world comes second (but is heavily intertwined in the family drama).

In particular, at the start of the story, the eldest brother who was the main support of the family returns six years after being abducted into another world and this initiates the other events. The second brother becomes a regressor and the third brother eventually wakes up from his 10~ year old coma. In the meantime, the little sister, our MC, worked hard together with the second brother to earn money and pay the medical fees of the in-coma brother, which are quite expensive. So the most loved and spoiled little girl became the responsible and hard working head of the family. This is the start.

Much of the story is tongue in cheek, but the family interaction does hit some emotional notes, especially if you yourself are a younger/older brother or a little sister. Each of the siblings is different and their relationship to the others is different. The fact they even have character is refreshing for the genre. On the other hand, most of the dungeon conquering action is off screen since the MC is an alchemist making potions and can't fight.

Unlike what is implied by the description, the book isn't about the brothers becoming weird Hikikomoris and the MC shouting at them in a slice of life wacky episodic 4-koma kind of way. While there is some of that, it is a reasonably explained phase the story goes through quite quickly and continues along.

Some minor spoilers to outline the main plot as revealed thus far in case you are still unsure where the story is going:


In about the first 10 chapters or so, it is revealed the first brother is actually the demon lord that would have destroyed the world in the future. He was corrupted by some evil force that made him extremely powerful and insane desiring nothing except the destruction of intelligent life, but in the current timeline he just barely holds on to his humanity (1%) that is composed entirely of his love of his siblings and returns to earth earlier to begin the story.

It takes a bit of time to collect the pieces, but the main plot is how the siblings try to heal the corruption of the eldest, while making sure he doesn't destroy the world in the meantime. There is a moral quandary here that is taken somewhat, but not very, seriously about how reasonable it is to risk the whole world just for the life of one member of their family. The eldest himself was willing to allow himself to be killed, to make sure the world, actually just the other siblings, survive the disaster that he is.



The first seven chapters by redhive are poorly translated, the translation by Nopa15 is better and importantly improves with time to become readable. It still isn't great, but it is okay. I'm still grateful for the translation, even if I critique it.


I actually don't agree with AvidRottenWaterReader this is a typical story, it is actually quite atypical spin on the genre of a world with dungeons. Leveling up the skills and killing monsters are relatively minor parts of the story, that focuses mostly on what it would be like to live in such a world for the protagonists and their close relations on the human level. They still have to do the same things overall, but the focus is very different and quite fresh.

And the MC works overtime for the increased pay, because she needs the money and her situation is so precarious she is terrified of losing her assured paycheck, no one forces her to. It is part of her trauma caused by how close they got to being unable to pay the medical fees in the past and is dealt with in the story and is resolved. In another twist on the tropes of the genre, the company she works for is actually a good (just not heavenly) place with nice, well intentioned people.

6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 13, 2024
Status: c279
It's fun to read, and though the ending is supposed to be an open ended, there's much issue or rather plot lines that were completely left hanging which should not really be an open ending. The romantic interests, I can still understand but what about the others like her 1st brother and the system's real scheme? They just abruptly eneded and that just left me disappointed for the ending. BTW, bless the soul of the translator who came up with a fanfic for the romantic insterests. I'm sure a lot... more>> of readers appreciate it. <<less
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AvidRottenWaterReader rated it
August 23, 2023
Status: c40
Fairly typical Dunegon monsters hunter novel with a female lead. Perfectly OK, just gets quite repetitive after 40 chapters of the same same Korean speak.

If you like the other kr novels of the same blend, then this will be good


... more>>

These Korean novels with females leads always have them acting like actual servants to their workplace and government. Bruh, you have God damn super powers, why are you working overtime and complaining you can't do anything about it?

This troupe is fine at the start, but when you read the same sh*t across several novels. It does get boring / on your nerves.

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Evellyn rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: c279
I changed my review. When I was at chapter 50's I said it was a it boring but honestly after 100 chapters it became really interesting and now I'm at chapter 270 and I adore it. My only problem actually is that I don't know how the story will finish in 10 chapters and I'm wondering if this got abandoned or anything because there are so muuuuch things to do.

So for my review :

If you want someting like Solo Levelling, you can pass this novel. It indeed have... more>> guilds, rifts and monsters but it's more about the family of the heroin than anything. Even the heroin herself is an alchemist and not a combatant. It indeed have progression but the progression itself is too rapid each time and then you have 50 chapters when there's nothing big going on. I myself became frustrated a lot of times bc of wanting her to progress etc. BUT this is not the focus, the focus is the happiness of a family of 3 brothers and one sister who went through a lot and try to become happy. As for the romance, don't be mistaken by the reverse harem tag, the romance is veryyyyy poor and each times you only have glimpses of it

As for the candidates, none of them attracts me very much for the heroin honestly. I perharps dislike Yohan the most bc he said once that he tried to became close to the heroin to spy on her family and I don't really see his true love for the heroin, he probably likes Park Mano better, but right now he is the most probable one. Han Wyoo is a good person but as readers we can all see the heroin has 0 feelings for him. I personally prefer Arachne the most bc even if he also wants to spy on her family, he accepts her as she is and likes her : lazy, protecting her family's secret, not wanting to save the world : unlike Han Wyoo (or whatever is his name, sorry) who thinks she's an hardworking person or Yohan who is too cunning and dislike her secrets and would want her family to work. But unfortunately Arachne is also the one we see the least so it's a bit dead... If only this novel had like 200 chapters more ; (


Side characters such as Park Mano are good and the story is quite good but honestly the writing or the translation is not that good. I'm really sorry to say this bc I'm really grateful for the translation and it's way better than MTL but some parts are not easy to understand. So well, it's a good novel, but not an extraordinary one and it deserves further developpments so you will surely be disappointed by the fast end like me.

PS : sorry for my mistakes, I'm not talking english that well.


As I was worried, the novel don't have an end... The novel just seems to be stopping at a moment which seems like the middle of the novel...

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