Shepherding Humanity


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During the ancient tribal era, the world was vast and inscrutable.

Through constant exploration, the ancients were horrified to discover that God walked the land. The Wise Beast stood ten-thousand-feet tall, trampling mountains and shattering the earth.

Hundreds of years later, in that dangerous environment, mankind triumphed against the giant beasts and finally built the glorious Sumerian civilization.

On that day, the Wise Beast suddenly descended, trampling over mountains and rivers and destroying the entire nation. The land and the sky crumbled. Cities collapsed.

Has God descended to punish men for their sins?

“I’m sorry, but you’re just ants living in my yard. You’re all over the place, and I accidentally stepped on you while passing by. That’s all there is to it.”

This is the story of a slightly disappointing Creator and his hyper-competent creations.

Associated Names
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Chăn Nuôi Toàn Nhân Loại
Nurturing Humanity
Related Series
Low Dimensional Game (4)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. God Protagonists
  3. 3rd Person Viewpoint World Impact
  4. Godly Misunderstanding
  5. Stories I adore

Latest Release

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10/02/20 Webnovel c23
10/02/20 Webnovel c22
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30 Reviews sorted by

Doge salad
Doge salad rated it
September 15, 2020
Status: c54
(To be perfectly honest I mainly write this review to say, dear translator... can you please have some way of directly contacting you like an email as, I can’t comment on your site without being redirected to a page telling me I’ve been suspected as a bot! And, with how there’s no way of directly contacting you I can’t even talk to you about this issue without writing a review which you might not even see...)

A great and fun series that I just binged through all the currently... more>> translated chapters despite how late it is right now heh.

The series follows a human main character that gained the power of the god of his own world. So I recommend this to people interested in a plot centered around the main character raising his own world with interferences here and there that affects the trajectory of said world in various ways. This series also has humor, frequently referencing various games even Spore shockingly enough to me and various humorous happenings that elicited laughs out of me.

Although, this is a series about evolution so it definitely does have it’s dark moments and certain characters you will see die so don’t get too attached to the characters the MC is raising that’s for sure. The series also includes quite a lot of religious symbolism directly reenacting one scene from the bible at one point, so those that are sensitive about religion be warned. (Last warning is that the novel also does have some ironic chuuni/cringe teenage fantasy humor)

All in all it’s a series that has a lot of goods and tickles a lot of my fancies I’d wholeheartedly recommend me people that, like me, enjoy stories about the MC raising/creating his own world while also keeping a balance of interference so the world develops in an interesting direction while also not being completely controlled by the MC. Also being the type that spent too much time nerding out on mythologies and fantasy novels when we were younger to appreciate references the novel makes about those stories like the sword of Damocles! (^∇^)

(p.s. translator please let me comment so I can leave funny message referencing the chapter I’ve read) <<less
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mamaha09 rated it
March 29, 2024
Status: Completed
"It's a unique feeling when reading a similar world-building theme but developed in a non-common direction. When I started reading this, I deduced some plot points that might happen (like an arrogant young master, suppression of the country towards the MC, uncontrollable harem, MC getting caught imitating as the god of creation, etc.), but none of this happened.

The story started with a guy in his middle stage of cancer. Despite having treatment to cure the cancer and using up all his money, he gives up and returns to his hometown... more>> to take care of his deceased parent's orchard. He is supposed to live out his final days there, but his life changes when he accidentally finds a broodmother/nest of the Zerg race. The story then unfolds from there.

All the plots are unique (although somewhat repetitive, they develop slightly differently than expected). My reading experience is quite peaceful without having a "WTF" moment where a brainless young master barges in and messes up with the MC just to end up with his ass whooped.


As usual, there are a few plot holes/unsolved mysteries.

Although I understand it's hard to keep up with the background of all introduced characters, there are a few characters introduced nicely but later forgotten, like his girlfriend (childhood friend) who takes care of the MC during her study holiday. There are also genius players who are less mentioned near the middle-end of the story, like Alchemy Emperor, etc., just to have them say a few lines to ensure the reader that they're still around but not seen.
The things about Zerg bloodlines. In the last arc of the final battle, the queens somehow get a power boost and magically can use their bloodline to trace the nest, although they're a few generations before. BUT YEAH, just accept the story.

More about the final arc, somehow Diqi (we know that he's a master at copying talent) is irrelevant and can't join the final battle, while magically the resurrected ancient heroes from the Longevity Palace get a big boost and hundreds become more powerful and can barely defeat the MC. It's like forcefully adding plot armor. The leader of the new race is powerful, hundreds of light-years in size, has unimaginable computing brain power but is overwhelmed by the queen Zerg?? Even the Longevity Palace master Shi Zhi (survivor of the dimension race) is weaker than the queen Zerg, although he's the one who defeated all the resurrected ancient heroes??"


Overall, it's a good read. There are some bad (boring/repetitive) and good arcs. The bad ones I usually sped through. One thing I think it needed was a little more controllable harem. <<less
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Asura god
Asura god rated it
April 19, 2023
Status: c1474
I really liked the story despite not having a romance, it's a lot of fun, there are a lot of misunderstandings and absurd coincidences but it's a pleasure to watch and certainly one of the strong points are the players who go from the problems they cause and their interpretation to discover the truth'. Xu Zhi for me was one of the best MC's and as I said there's little romance but it's not boring, I think the only problem is the lack of description in some chapters which ends... more>> up being quite generic and although it has development in several important characters, unfortunately, most of them end up not developing so well. But the story is sensational, anyone looking to relax but want to have an apprehension of what is going to happen from time to time and get excited is the novel I recommend. And to complement

"sitting in the orchard, eating an apple and sipping tea, his relaxed posture." This is the attitude of a Lord

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CrownedTraitor rated it
May 9, 2022
Status: c41
Oh my lord, I have never been so impressed with this novel, I gotta be honest though the MC is generally not likable he is like an observer of placeholder/template MC, if that's fine with you go ahead.

Anyways the real juicy part about this novel is the characters involved, the system is quite diverse and the explicit details on how it affects the real world with witty banter makes it quite enjoyable!
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demongordon rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: c83
0- Why 4 stars summary

I recommend the reading. Is a great sand-box story that incorporate diferent tropes from east and west very well on the story, with a solid power lvl progression and evolving setting that create interesting twists and characters. But by nature of being able to see a civilizations evolve is fast paced with succinct character details and relationship. However, the MC personality of laid back non-intervention make him very passive and hope that the sand-box evolution is enough to carry the story, a more proactive MC would... more>> been better in my opinion.

1- What the story is about?


Dude get terminal cancer and now live his last days on the countryside farm. Get power from a dying alien queen that let him evolve any carbon-creature but he has no blueprint and have to do with trial and erro, with the use of knowleged to know how to build better creatures. They more or less divided between Magic creatures and Technological creatures. So he decided to turn they smaller than ant size and observe

then play on his farm and evolve their genes and civilization, while he do minimal intervention. This will evolve into a variety of civilizations, well-incorporated tropes and increasing powerlvls, with later emplying the help of the world to make their own gene creatures as if was a game.


2- The problems

  • The MC personality is the greatest problem, he is almost useless story-wise, because he spend 90% of the story just watching things unfold and so the story shift to following the evolved creatures and players that are teleported to the world. Sadly most players like the MC also are of the opinion of hidenly build up before exploding with power, however they are far more interesting than the MC himself because they are alot more invested on the world.
  • The players, the sand-box characters and later aliens, seen to lack any type of sense of doubt when is related to the MC bullsh*t and will gladly twist and do logic leaps to make the MC words make sense to reality that can get weird, and I just put on the "setting logic" category of suspension of disbelief.
  • The sandbox characters lack of proper development, because the very nature of the story you only see the most important moments of the world and characters and they may feel one dimensional at times. Despise they being good characters overall that seen to lack screen time to show how they are and are still able to pull incredible and emotional feats.
  • (that may be my own weird vision) Weirdly treatment of the Male Leads compared to the female leads. And not because there is a specific lack of Male Main character, as the author do more or less 1 arc for each gender to lead, but when I find weird some tropes that the male characters suffer that don't seen to happen. Males for a time are s*x s*aves to powerful witchs, Male player is almost used as s*x toy because his slime race, the male player go to a planet and is forced to turn into a girl, male players are forced to breed children (by kissing), male player are captured by pixel raider and r*ped (but is just magic transfer). I guess is comedic, but always struck me as odd

3- Good Points


Don't take the small size fool you, the story has more good points than bad, but I find easy to point the things that bothered me.

This must be one of the best Sandbox/god-game themed story, that lead to incredible mix and match of eastern and western ideas of Fantasy that is well grounded on the rules of the setting. Meanwhile the sandbox characters despise their brief moments seen lived with their own ideas and agenda, and aren't just generic NPCs. While the new powers and evolutions seen to be organic grown from the previous setup and aren't just arbitarry given to the system after a "lvl up". This is a very "organic" story in more sense than one.

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Karma rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Quite a good story, In the beginning it is more about "raising humanity" but later on in the story it goes more into fighting. But it all relates back together to the main power the protagonist gained and how he uses that power to win in the end.

This is pretty general cause I don't want to spoil the story.
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Nevermore101 rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: c38
I like how the story is going. There just aren’t enough stories like this (that I can find anyway). I was skeptical about the ‘Spore’ feature At first, but I like it. Cant wait to see how the story progresses
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No Idea Stupid Brat
No Idea Stupid Brat rated it
September 7, 2021
Status: c104
Just wanted to say, this book is amazing. I like this book because the MC does litteraly very simple stuff, and the ands on his sandbox think those actions are actually a divine feet, but even so he has to actually go after this that are divine, so his ants don't notice his a fraud and try to kill him hehehe. If you like an MC that says a lot of Bulsh*t and everyone belives it, then this is the novel
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Kdv210 rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: c10
Reading this book, got me so hooked!

Well I say that this book is like "creating a sandbox world" and "lower dimension game" but quit better, with less power and great control over a small great world, a height of a human is tens of thousands of meters high, civilization is as big as ants and biggest is a cat.

The way the world was made is less expansive and evolutionary than LDG but is way better than CSW.
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EFermi rated it
December 17, 2020
Status: c41
It's a rock solid 4+ stars up to ch. 41 where I'm currently at. I can't yet give it more than 4 since chinese novels are usually looong (easily going over 1000 chapters), and they tend to get monotonous/repetitive/cliched after 500-600+ chaps, but to this point it was delightfully good.

When you read the description, the idea seems kinda weird, and you wonder if it's even possible to make a novel in this sub-genre entertaining and captivating, but trust me, once you get over the first couple chapters, which are kinda... more>> sorta just explain where MC got his "backyard civilization generator" and give him some backstory so he doesn't seem like a flat image of "I wanna play god" type of character, it gets better to the point of sometimes hitting 4.5 stars easy. The only annoying thing is that just like over9000 other chinese novels, author chooses the easy way and reworks existing real mythology without even burdening himself with changing character names. Also, if you hope to see actual real evolution on a smaller scale, it's not here - it serves the same purpose as reworked mythology, that is to create background.

From what I wrote, it might seem like I give a lot of criticism, but when it all is put together, it creates a very decent entertaining story. Try it, and you might really like it. <<less
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