Record of the Missing Sect Master


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A major event happened recently to the demonic sect – their powerful sect master suddenly went missing.

Everyone comforted each other: “Don’t worry, the sect master must be out pursuing fun, and so on.”

“Well, that makes sense.”

They waited.

Waited and waited.

Waited and waited.

Waited and… Everyone slammed the table: “We’ve waited so long! The sect master must have met with a mishap! Look for him!!” Numerous disciples therefore ran rumbling down the mountain.

On a certain day of the month, a certain sect master opened his eyes and thought in confusion: Hey, who am I?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Giáo Chủ Lạc Đường Ký (Tiếng Việt)
Jiao Jhu Zou Shih Ji
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  2. Danmei I've read part 1
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  4. Danmei
  5. To Read Novels That Are Completely Translated

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84 Reviews sorted by

StarPhia rated it
December 1, 2020
Status: Completed
Gosh I love this novel. 5/5 because its great. First of all, let me say this, I love the MC with all my heart and soul. Gosh, he's the best. He's hilarious, smart, cool, gorgeous (well I can't see him since its a book, but who cares), and a disaster. Haha he's great. I love how clever he is and his acting is amazingly hilarious (for us readers especially, we know that he's acting and it makes it funnier). Also, all the other characters are phenomenal! The ML is just... more>> great, we love him, Ding Xilai is everyone's favorite idiot, uhhhhh the Demonic Sect Elders are the best, I love them, well I love all the Demonic Faction people because they all like to cause trouble and be silly. I will reiterate, the Demonic Sect Elders are the best.

The characters aren't even the best part! I absolutely loved the plot as well! The entire plot is just one massive scheme. There is a huge amount of foreshadowing and hinting at things in earlier parts of the novel. I love how many things could be guessed simply by looking at the language used and the small little things done by the characters. Although I will admit that some of the hints are just impossible to pick up on unless you have already read the whole novel, I still think its really cool that there are even hints at the beginning at all! I also appreciate that even though the MC and ML knew what was going on at some points, they still didn't spoil it for the readers and we were still kind of left in the dark for a while on some things. Goodness, I can't stop thinking about how awesome the schemes are though, everything feels like it all ties together and almost every character has a purpose. I especially love how the author actually explains a lot of the details that were left ambiguous in the earlier parts of the book. I have to say that I think the scheme / revenge plot was incredibly well written and I really enjoyed following along for the ride. It really made you feel for the characters.

Was anyone able to guess who the third accomplice of Ye You was? I will admit that I was a little sus of them when they were first introduced. I thought that they knew a little to much, but I kinda forgot about it. Although when I was guessing who the third accomplice would be when the translator asked in the translators notes, I will say that they were in my list of suspects. I couldn't really think of anyone to begin with and mostly used the process of elimination to weed em out, I still technically guessed who it was. Proud of myself.


I really appreciate how the author made a white piece / black piece metaphor for us readers and the characters to better digest the plot. It was also just a very well done metaphor and it really made sense. Although, at times, I was thinking in my head that some of the things that Ye You deduced for this chess game could really only be deduced via insider knowledge, no matter how smart. I think this because there are really many ways that the situation could have been set up and a chess board wouldn't fit for every type of scheme (plot). However, I definetly think that the chess board (Go?) explanation truly fits the kind of schemes being played out. Also it kind of bothered me that no one really suspected that the black piece could just be making things up and that the chess board wasn't as Ye You explained it, though they probably did have some suspitions, they just were made known much to us readers.

I do admit that I didn't really like all of the characters, I especially hated the Wei family. Such as Wei Jiangrou and Jiangyue. (of course I didn't really like the other bad guys either, but that's besides the point). I didn't like Wei Jiangyue because he was annoying. I get that he's supposed to be all rightous and all and that it makes sense for some of the later developements of who he ends up liking, but I still didn't like him. He just bothered me and I thought he was whiny. I don't really like characters like him. For Wei Jiangrou I don't like her for obvious reasons, but part of it is because of the author. I personally don't think anyone is born 100% good or evil. People change depending on environment, but I won't deny that some people have somewhat natural dispositions that seep through. Although I won't deny that Jiangrou is not a good person by any means and definetly can be considered a bad person, I wouldn't blame it solely on her natural disposition like other characters do. She was raised to get everything she wants and probably never developed a sound sense of right and wrong. So if she was raised properly, she probably wouldn't be such a douche.

The romance is by no means forced, but it is a bit abrupt. It makes 100% sense why the characters ended up together, and the fine line between them getting together or the MC just straight up pushing away the ML to protecting him. However, I would really have appreciated some more of the time when they were sect brothers to be brought into the main story and for some more developement when they were adults. But then it makes sense, this isnt a romance novel (explained more in the next paragraph). I think the ship is cute and I love it, but there probably could have been more.

Anyways, I will say this, I wouldn't read this novel for the characters nor the romance. This novel has its strong suit in the really really really good plot and foreshadowing. Although the characters are fantastic and the romance is adorable, I would say that it is almost an insult to the novel to read solely for those purposes because I feel that so much of this amazing novel is lost when you only focus on those two things.

All in all, this novel is amazing!!!!! I don't think I praised it enough for its PHENOMINAL PLOT!!!!! truly! I love this novel whole heartily! I totally suggest it! If you aren't really into BL or anything, then this book is still rather okay because it is not focused on the ship. But I guess all the characters are kinda gay.... But the romance is a little more low key. However, if you do love BL, then this novel is also great because not only is the romance absolutely adorable, you have a really cool revenge story!!! Did I mention how much I love this novel's plot??? No? I love this novels plot!!!! <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
October 2, 2020
Status: c120
What a high IQ read. Not sure I'm just dumb, but a lot of plot twists/reveals surprised me. Perhaps it was the author pulling things outta nowhere, but I don't think so. Things at the beginning connected to the end, and side characters mattered!

The love was subtle, not super passionate all the time, but more like the occasional fluffy moment that got intense. I feel like the plot/intricacies/schemes were more interesting than the romance, which wasn't that developed in my opinion.

The side characters are fun! Bless the elders who aren't... more>> actually elderly. They're hilarious.

There isn't a lot of political stuff, but do read this if you want a revenge story that isn't super bloody and has a MC who uses his brain and cares about people. I really appreciate that the MC isn't some kind of frail weakling who has to depend on the ML. I do think that the ML isn't as fleshed out as he could be, but I think that the author managed to make a large cast of characters memorable and lively.

I'd say read this for the plot (a slowly unfolding mystery+cold revenge), not for the BL. It's interesting seeing the mystery (slowly, mind you.) unfold. The wait was worth it, even if it did get slow sometimes. The ending felt good to me. <<less
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Melange rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: Completed
I read this novel along with a friend and it had us cackling like two mad witches. Having read some of this author's other works, I can say that they are a comedic genius. The translation is absolutely superb, kudos to the translator. This is a novel in which MC seeks revenge in his own way while hilariously wreaking havoc on the entirety of Jianghu. He could have done things in a number of different ways, but what's most important is that he has fun while doing it. This comes at the expense of ML, his sect members, other sects' members, and just about everyone else who happens to come across this walking disaster.


His poor sect elders, they were tormented so much that they even made the phrase "becoming an elder" in a secret code for death.

I can't believe the author named one of the elders Miao Wang just so they could trick people into making cat and dog noises.


At a glance, it might seem as if MC is somewhat lukewarm towards ML, but don't worry, they do in fact have deep feelings for each other. This becomes more evident as the novel progresses.

Of course, there is an underlying plot that is wrapped up nicely in the end. Without spoiling too much, it has enough intricacies and mysteries to keep the reader engaged while not being too esoteric to leave one feeling confused.

Highly recommend reading this if you're looking for an action-packed and well rounded BL novel.
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Likalily rated it
September 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Extraordinary! I didn't stop being surprised when I read this story. Ye You (MC) was amazing at planning all this and he was great at enduring all the pain without knowing who he had to tell his past. Some chapters made me cry, that little child endured all the pain alone. However he was slowly becoming strong and relying on himself, even Wenren Heng (ML) didn't know about it. I am grateful that he met many good people like the demon sect elders. Demon sect elders are very cute even... more>> they are better than true sects, they all really care about MC like seeing their own children even though they still fear and respect MC. This story kept me from laughing and crying. Actually I am still curious about the past of other demon sect elders but I am very happy that they are happy.

The story is great! I spent all day reading this story even though it is strange why the score of this story is quite low. And for the low markers below, you should read the whole story first because it's not visible at the start. And to say that this is more to wuxia than yaoi, you are wrong! This story is very tempting. <<less
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Cocole rated it
June 12, 2020
Status: c58
Such a great novel. Am really enjoying all the mystery, humour and slow burn. Translator had put in a lot of hard work and dedication. I sincerely appreciate the great enthusiasm and efforts. Will definitely read and traverse this journey till the end.
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Nana_ rated it
January 22, 2024
Status: c40
Well, I've only read 40% of this novel but I don't believe it will get any better...

The story starts well, with an interesting idea with great potential, but the author didn't make the most of it.

At a certain point in the novel (still at the beginning) we are given a great mystery, but at no point does it make us WANT to know about it, there is nothing that makes us sympathize with the story that is being told, and when it seems like it is starting to showing a... more>> little of the past or something like that the author cuts the line of reasoning to "preserve" the mystery in an attempt to make the reader curious (which I think only ends up frustrating the reader who doesn't feel connected to the story).

Also, as time passes, the MC ends up becoming more active in his actions and speaking more in meetings with the cult leaders, and it is at this very moment where you realize that the cult leaders don't have a single brain cell, other than be super naive to always wait for the MC to say something without even suspecting that he knows something, even after the MC has given an exhaustive and detailed explanation of a "possibility" (which was certainly right) about a situation that it was too broad, and it didn't make sense for him to jump directly to the conclusion he had, without other knowledge (it happened more than 5 times), plus any suspicion could be easily avoided with a word or two and a confused expression.

Anyway, I didn't finish reading it, but I ended up reading a review because I was hoping it would improve, but the most plausible review, which seems to synchronize with my way of thinking, basically gave me confirmation that, in fact, it doesn't improve and it's possible that it just get worse.

I feel like none of the characters seemed real, all the conversations seemed like rehearsed scripts for a movie where the characters start talking to give us extensive information about things we have no interest in knowing, and even if the interest is there, the conversations still seem very strange to me.

Even so, if you consider just what I've read, this story isn't really one of the worst, it's just a silly story with no character development and a boring script, it can be considered reasonable considering other novels. LOL

Sorry for the writing errors, English is not my first language, and even if I understand it well, writing is still complicated. <<less
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Kisumi rated it
June 28, 2023
Status: c1 part1
A complete cerebral delight, the protagonist is a jewel with his personality, the secondary characters are terribly hilarious, the comedy scenes are very well done, as well as the plot of the story is very well constructed and at least in my case, because of the The author's way of writing was not heavy for me.

It definitely deserves a chance.
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April 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm a reader that rates a story based completely on enjoyment. So for this story, I don't know if it's just me but it's kinda dull? I don't really know how to describe it but I can't find myself to read 10 chapters consecutively and I need to reread some novels before coming back to this. Don't get me wrong, the twists and reveals are good and the comedy is there specially because of the elders. I rated this story 4stars because of the characters themselves. They're so unique and... more>> I love each of their personalities. <<less
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Indelible Faith
Indelible Faith rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: Completed
This is very much a mystery-solving wuxia story, complete with taking revenge for a past crime – and Ye You is honestly a perfect character for it.

Starting off as an amnesiac (there's a valid reason for this), Ye You immediately gets drawn into a posioning & theft case that slowly spirals into a treasure hunt before revealing itself to be a game of chess between two unnamed individuals that the entire jianghu decide to call "black piece" and "white piece". It is here that the story really picks up, with... more>> new characters getting introduced as and when required, secrets getting revealed one by one, and the slow process of revealing who the villain they're chasing actually is.

What is truly wonderful is how the author really manages to balance so many side characters. They may all just have a small role, but they certainly manage to leave an impression. The humour was also splendidly sprinkled in throughout the entire story, and there isn't a moment while reading that I would consider myself bored.

A little unpopular opinion: I truly didn't care much for the ML, Wenren Heng, especially as a romantic interest. Any of the MC's other friends – Xie Junming, Lady Tao, any of the Demonic Sect Elders, or even Wei Jiangyue – would have been nice! Wenren Heng manages to garner a little interest in the beginning, because of his reactions and actions regarding an amnesiac Ye You. But as we go ahead he simply feels like an extension of Ye You, not bringing anything new to the table, only acting as Ye You's support or playing out a romantic lead's part.

Regardless, this was a truly enjoyable read from start to finish! Demonic Sect's sect leader Ye You is marvelously created character, but what truly makes this story so good is it's actually memorable and hilarious cast of side characters. And last but not the least, the translation is also wonderfully done, kudos to the translator!

4🌟 <<less
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JaniePup rated it
September 29, 2021
Status: c68
I just wanna give some credit to the translator - excellent job!

As for the book, it's alright I guess. I'd give it like a 6/10. I appreciate how outgoing and self-sufficient the MC is. I wish the ML was more present though. The plot definitely takes precedent over the romance, and hey, some people prefer it that way. I can't say I love it though.

This book seems to do that thing I've seen a lot, where the side characters just take a break to think about the CP. Like, whoa... more>> whoa, stop the plot, you're telling me the MC looks THIS good and the ML isn't gay? (Spoiler alert: He is. You're reading danmei)

One of the ways I rate books personally is how well they hold my attention. My ADHD seems to like certain books over others, see. And well, I've already gone searching for and reading other novels. There are certainly worse books out there, and I don't want to drop this one, but I'm so tempted...


Prob a spoiler - Another thing is the plot. I'm just over halfway done and the mystery has already been mostly solved it feels like. I can more or less guess who the villains are, especially when they spell it out for me. Who knows, maybe there's a plot twist. I feel like, out of 120 chapters, where we are now in the plot should be about 20 chapters later. I'm stuck between saying that things went too fast or that it wasn't a bad speed overall.


If you're looking for some evil sect vs righteous sect star-crossed lovers story, this isn't it. I know that's what I came looking for originally, anyway. Conversely, if you're looking for an alright mystery novel with some gawker side characters, you're in the right place. Have fun kids. <<less
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rayraybites rated it
April 24, 2021
Status: Completed
The Shrimp Chip translation was amazing (how did she do that whole novel alone o.o) ! So this rating is mostly out of respect for her.

No explicit smut though, unfortunately, and the characters were a bit two-dimensional; dumb characters (which was actually almost all the characters o-o) were just innately dumb, apparently, and everyone seemed to have been given a few characteristics/presets with no deeper explanation whatsoever. There was little character development. Literally, the whole story was only about the MC being smart and exposing all the hidden villains in... more>> one big scheme.

A pretty enjoyable read, regardless, if you don't expect any substance.


And ooh, the spoiler section on Aila's review is just too true (but she forgot one; plans involving honeytraps or pretending to have fallen in love c':)

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Jinx_1 rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: Completed
You know the stereotypical nouveau riche types walking around with designer names stamped on everything they have in big neon letters? This novel is like that. Feels like every other plot is screaming "look at how clever this is, isn't this point clever? I'm so clever" etc, instead of actually being clever. It tries way too hard to be all smart and plot twisty but there's a ton of nonsense going on. This then has a blowback effect on the characterization of MC. Instead of a clever mastermind MC, I... more>> thought he was just a pretentious prick. There are way simpler ways to get to his endgame and it just seems like he chose the most difficult, pretentious route possible to show off and amuse himself. And because there's some collateral damage along the way, he comes off callous and unlikeable.

I also have a big problem with the relationship with ML (and for once ML isn't the problematic one)


Supposedly to "protect" the ML, MC got him drunk, had s*x and then called it/him? Disgusting so that he could leave and begin his "grand" revenge plan. Leaving aside how problematic that is, MC has no problem years later showing up and throwing ML into the middle of his plan without telling him what's going on. How does that make sense? You leave to protect him but then have no problem pushing him smack dab into the middle of things once he's useful to your plan?


There are some good things. The translation is great and easy to read. Even though there are a lot of side characters I like most of them and they're amusing. I wanted to read more about them and their antics. There is an actual story/plotline that is interesting if you can ignore how pretentious it is. <<less
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ikitty03 rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: c36
At beginning the story start of as good then confusing. There was two person missing. One from 10 years and other few months. The story tell the both are the same person. That person junior sec find clues and turn to be true. I don’t get it. This story more about martial art than yaoi. I don’t think it yaoi. Tell lest about the main couple. Be warned
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Naili210 rated it
March 19, 2023
Status: Completed
This BL novel is totally 10/10. I really enjoy reading it.

... more>>

Please (Ye You) MC is soooo smart. Like there's Plan A (where the elders hit his death point) and if Plan A failed then there's Plan B (where Miracle Doctor Fang will hit his deathpoint) if Plan B failed, its okay cause there is Plan C (Wei Jin [captain of "Moon Shadow"] will hit his death point) . Like ooof man, MC really was well prepared to get his revenge on his family slaughter. He is sooo badass. I totally am going to worship this handsome, clever MC. 😩🔥

Please the twist at the last few chapters got me sh00k. Like bruhhhhhh MC just exposing everyone's identity, even himself. Bruh I swear this plot twist and storyline is soo freaken well written and sooo good. Respect for the Author man. The Author really planned this whole story very well. I was very surprised. I also love how MC helped other people get their revenge too. 💝😊 There wasn't really much character development for MC and ML because this story focus more on revenge and also MC has already turn into a powerful person so there shouldn't be much character development in this novel. This is also another reason I love MC because he is super OP. 😚 I think the only development was the romance between MC and ML and how MC open up to ML about his feelings and so on

ML became known as Demon Sect Master wife aka called Madam by the Demon Elders lol.

There were cute couple moments about MC and ML but there really wasn't much as I wanted but it was fine because this story is a revenge story and should focus more on it. The romance was just the sub plot I guess.

The only thing I could say about the plot and story was that it was really well written and the Author planned the whole novel very well and I liked it very much. <<less
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LH_12 rated it
February 4, 2023
Status: Completed
First of all, I must say that the translator is amazing. Not only was the translation good, but the notes were detailed, and the comments were really cute. So thank you! ❤ About the novel: It was quite good. This is a story about revenge; the story line is interesting, and there are a few unexpected plot twists. Despite the novel being about revenge and having a heavy and serious plot, I had too much fun while reading it. I laughed too many times, and all because of side characters who... more>> have questionable IQs. Their way of thinking is peculiar. I know that MC is too clever, and it is hard to guess what he is thinking about or why he is doing certain things, but the demonic sect members were too hilarious. Their conjectures are hilarious.

I loved both MC and ML; their relationship was sweet and not toxic. They truly care and, at the same time, love to tease each other. The story is mainly focused on the investigation, but there are many romantic scenes too.

In my opinion, it is light reading. I think the author deliberately chose to write many funny situations so as not to make the story too heavy and hard to read because many characters had a truly tragic past, but it wasn't to the point where it was impossible to read. The novel was well balanced, and the plot was fast paced. In short, it is a really nice story worth reading. <<less
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December 14, 2022
Status: c117
status: completed


  1. Mystery & Thriller filled novel
  2. MC ranked as top 6 fav for me now
  3. MC = really clever, cunning & powerful + backstory is really heartbreaking

    like his whole family got killed for no reason just because a bunch of useless rich big masters wanted to attain more power and they heard that there was a book that can make them more invincible and elevate their skills then aft tht he gets a master right then tht master also gets killed by the same grp of people smh

  4. ML = very sweet & doting to MC
  5. Spoiler

    MC - ML are actually under the same master

  6. I hated wei side's gurl kid sm

    she is literally so evil she wanted to destroy the MC face and then like omg all this cos the one she was crushin on AKA the ML rejected her and showed more affection towards fhe MC so fked up fr I wanted her to get killed in the novel asap but the author kept dragging her till the end urgh but at least her face got destroyed DESERVED. HA.

  7. last 30 chapters = dragging, the author cld have been more straightforward instead of dilly dallying. Ruined the vibe of the novel
Overall rating: 9/10

  • 100% recommend yall to give it a try
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ScarletCat rated it
December 8, 2022
Status: Completed
The plot and its tropes aren't anything new, but its done really well. What kept me reading was the mystery aspect (the typical "who done it?") and then how everything would play out. Amnesia is often done terribly but this was well thought out and served a purpose.

The characters are on the flat side, but enjoyable. I wish I got to see more from before the book starts. But it would have ruined the set up the author did, and made me like it less.
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Hellios rated it
November 24, 2021
Status: Completed
To tell you the truth, I LOVE THIS NOVEL!

I like how the story flows, how the characters developed and introduced in more details. The way when author shows us each time a new piece of information is really good here. I didn’t feel to overwhelmed by the story. It was just the perfect pace of developing the plot.

The characters are so good! I love almost every one of them. They nicely explained during the story and when you, as a reader, start to understand them more and more its so... more>> intriguing.

I was satisfied with the story, characters, romance and plot development pace. The ending was also quite nice. I definitely will read it again. <<less
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Aniv2008 rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: c115
Great story, I had a lot of fun reading it. It's an epic revenge story with lots of twists. MC is soooo OP (which I really loved!) and very smart. He led the plot the whole way, dragging everyone along with him and kept everyone guessing. Very mischievous and charming MC. All the demonic sect masters/ elders are so funny (lol).

ML is sweet & very supportive but character development-wise, it's kinda flat. Translation is good but you might have to be patience in the beginning as the plot builds.
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jasmin1028 rated it
July 29, 2021
Status: c120

i was confused about what was happening and almost gave up reading this novel bc I read first few chapters from the previous translator.

I later realised that other updates were from shrimp chips so I gave it a try and now I'm crying bc I've finished reading this novel. I can only say that this was absolutely wonderful. The mystery and the whole journey was intriguing and obviously such wonderful characters?? All of them except the enemies.

for more please read Attica's review bc that's exactly how... more>> I feel about this novel. <<less
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