Rebirth: Different Way


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“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” – Nietzsche

For ten years in prison, Shen Xi, a son of a wealthy family, felt that he was living in the abyss every day.

Killed during a prison riot, Shen Xi awakens at the moment when his fate has turned at the age of eighteen.

In this life, Shen Xi vows to drag everyone into the abyss with him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
(重生) 殊途
Related Series
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  5. It's 2024 and I still love you

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glitteryjoon rated it
June 7, 2022
Status: --
I don't even really know how to start this.

This had a lot of potential to be interesting because from what I can remember, it's the first and only novel I've read where instead of wanting the company, the child wants to topple it. I liked that plot because it's always been something I think I'd have been more inclined to do in these sort of novels. Because of pure pettiness I'd much rather get rid of what you love rather then take it over because there will always be someone... more>> that thinks they can do the same to you/people within the company trying to help the other side again.

So destroy it completely.

It's an interesting concept. And tbh, the novel does it well, however at some point I started wishing they just snipped the romance because it truly disgusted me for more than 1 reason.

On one hand, it's because they're cousins. Not just any cousins either, first cousins. Ml's mom and MC's dad are siblings. that's gross. it made me wonder if familial relationships are seen differently in different cultures. I tried to imagine myself falling in love with the first cousin I'm not close to and the ones I am close to and I can't imagine it at all. The only way I could even remotely understand something like this is if they didn't know they were related at first, but I digress.

Secondly, the relationship between them feels so elementary and boring. They don't know anything about one another and it's basically been a physical attachment on both sides yet the ML is ready to risk it all for his FIRST COUSIN; including his "brotherhood" with his other first cousin, mc's brother... What?

does that make sense? am I the only one that like doesn't get it? I've never been this annoyed by a couple in all my reading career, but it's like the moment these two start kissing or touching I skip it immediately just because I can't get over how annoying they are as a couple.

The translation is fine, but the use of exclamation points annoys me. it's a pet peeve of mine, exclamation marks are meant for like exclaiming something so having them go "'Cousin!' MC mutters quietly" does not make sense for my brain because as I read it, it's read as in an exclaimed, loud urgent sort of tone. when that is, in fact, incorrect. it's bothersome but I can deal with it enough to finish...



Got to the end and realized the author is a bit insane. That's my take away. The overall plot of rebirth and revenge kept me interested and allowed me to skip over the in*est of first cousins. Then the end happened and I realized that no. it's the author that has a thing for in*est.

The two cousins wasn't enough, even the brothers had problems. okay cool.


Lol partially annoyed I liked it and upset it was ruined by that. I should have read the tags more closely. that's on me. <<less
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buildaB rated it
May 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I've been looking for stories with shitty parents and I found this.

It was an ok read. I like the how the MC got his revenge and stuff. I'm also aware that this novel has in*estuous relationships since it was included in the tags BUT ... more>>

BUT the relationship between Shen Ji (MC first brother) and Shen Cheng (MC 2nd brother) in the end got me shookt like bruh wtf they're blood brothers!! Same mum and dad

i think in*est between MC and ML were already enough (they're cousins btw). I just didn't expect that the author would still add another in*est couple


ps. Our ML is such a good boy, he loves our MC so much <<less
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bluedrop rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I was going to give this 5 stars despite never wanting to reread it again. But the extras ruined it for me lol. I wanted to rate it lower but I decided to just try and discard it.

The reason:

... more>>

I thought the in*est tag was going to be a misleading tag and we were gonna get pseudo in*est. There's a point in the story where MC and ML are possibly not blood related but it gets clarified that they still are related lol. I'm one of the sick few who don't mind it and kinda enjoyed the smut. They're first cousins.

What really ruined things for me was the extras that contained unnecessary in*est between MC's two brothers. Like they're full on blood bros. And it just came out of nowhere like wtf. Apparently that was where I drew the line lol.

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CasBrin rated it
May 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay, so, originally I really liked this novel. However the more I think about it the more I feel that the MC is very entitled. He took the drugs, he drove the car, and he aimed at his enemies. There were other influences, but he still chose that path. He deserved the normal consequences for what he did. That said, the victim's family's extra puishment and his family's abandonment was unfair. But when getting revenge I felt like he really went too far. Not to mention he never thought he... more>> was in the wrong for what he did. Here's my question, when driving under the influence of drugs what if he had injured or killed someone innocent? His actions were reckless, held human life in contempt and he denied his own responsibility.

If the original timeline hadn't been because of his own choices, and had his family been more malicious and with evil intent, instead of apathetic, I might have supported his subsequent actions more.

Later on when the story gets into the issues of the previous generation I just found it confusing and sad and a little unnecessary.

ML was great though. And so was his brother. <<less
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MongMongMonaLi rated it
March 6, 2024
Status: c1
I thought it was going to be light face slapping novel, that I could read on the Side.....

Me at 3 am in the morning because I couldn't put it down.... Me crying at times because of Mac's situation...

It is a rebirth story, about MC who had a terrible childhood, and later went to prison because he drove his car into people because he was under influence and heard sth that made his heart break. After 10 years in prison and killed. He awakes here the night he previously committed the... more>> crime, with the deep craving for revenge on his family, so he moves abroad to plan.

Fast forward to 5 years later the story really begins as he comes back to China.

The ML is a walking green flag!!!! Trying to be understanding and not putting his views on MC.

MC is just so sad, I cried more than once.

The story is full of intrigue. It's not a quick and easy face slapping but more of a slow intricute masterplan for revenge. All whilst also uncovering hidden truths about his (MCs) Father and Mother.

I can only rate this 5/5 and I wished there were more extras.

Thank you author and translator for such a wonderful novel!!!! <<less
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September 19, 2022
Status: --
As far as I read this it been a great journey. The plot is very interesting and the characters is complex to the point I am not debating if I fully support the MC or not. Revenge on his father is a must because that man is scum to the core. Its all because of this man that his whole family is messed up and hate each other istg. That being said while reading this I been hoping for such a cliche cartoon ending where the 4 sibiling could finally... more>> apologize to each other and let go of what ever hate they have with each other. Especially the older sibling sheng ji I keep rooting for his character growth and for author to spare him from this whole revenge plot.


I could absolutely understand sheng ji perspective he just a child that persistently want to believe in happy family. He used to denied to see his father flaw because of how he want to protect his own believe of perfect happy family. And even his hate to sheng xi is very reasonable I mean sheng xi's mom almost killed 2 years old sheng cheng. Of course anyone would immediately hate someone that tried to killed his own blood related sibling. Not to mention she explicitly said he doesn't care about sheng ji and sheng cheng because they arent her biological children. Cheng xi mom definitely isnt the best adult too she also the big reason for emotional trauma for cheng ji while growing up thats why cheng ji build an image that his father is innocent. Poor child dont understand 2 wrongs doesnt make 1 right.

Sheng rong is like sheng xi but put in worse situation. Ngl if it was other story it would be him that be the protagonist probably like black lotus or whatever.

And cheng xi is like cheng ji but instead he build such a perfect image about his mother that he refuse to see flaw of his mother in defense that his mother has killed herself thus she has paid whatever wrongdoing she did in the past. Hun its not as simple as that


Honestly f*ck the father

All in all I really think the word "think evil see evil" more suitable for our MC sheng xi. Its because as he said he been to the abyss that why he want to drag everyone in but he is very inconsistent with this idea of his. If he could forgive the ML in the 2nd live why cant he forgive his brothers in the 2nd live ? I could definitely see cheng ji able to "change" if given the chance to but MC just refuse to take that step. Cheng ji isnt evil by nature he just hate MC due to past resentment with MC's mom (and very reasonably so) and he wasnt the one to put MC in jail in first place he just decide to close his eye to help MC get out of jail. He never bullied MC whatsoever he just pretend MC didn't exist just like ML in 1st live but in his case he has very solid reason to why he hate MC existence. Tbh I feel like he deserve a second chance the more the writer wrote about him the more I sympathize with him. Sheng xi hate the sheng ji and sheng cheng because he is mad that he received no affection in the family but seriously

did he expect sheng ji could treat him like a normal brother after his mom almost killing sheng cheng ? At this point sheng xi is hoping for the impossible. I do believe they will never be able to have normal sibling relationship but they also shouldn't be hating each other because of the mess the previous generation has made. The children by all means are innocent but idk why the author keep making it seems like sheng xi the only one innocent all the children are. Sheng rong did turn bad but if its not because of his mom and that foster father influences.


The only problem I dont like about this story

is how the author keep trying to whitewash the MC mom. Stop it while she isnt the main source of problem she still the reason why all this problem happen.

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shadow1716 rated it
May 6, 2022
Status: c41
I originally gave this 5 stars at c. 41 but at c. 86 its barely 2 stars. Author changed the MCs entire personality in three paragraphs. At c.94 it became 1 star for in*est.
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March 24, 2024
Status: Completed
It is a very good story. Revenge is very satisfying. This was not an immediate satisfaction face-slapping story but a more well-paced and well thought out revenge.


Did NOT get guess the in*est tag was Shen Ji and Shen Cheng!!!! I did not read the author's note at the end of ch95 and was SO damn surprised at ch97

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cas_ciel21 rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: c101
First, one of the reviews said that the MC is ruthless and cruel and I like to ask... where? Maybe their bottom line was crossed, but honestly the MC's actions might be cruel but not enough for it to make the MC irredeemable. Plus... this might be a spoiler, ... more>>

the downfall of MC's family isn't solely cause of his schemes, it kind of spiraled out of control


This novel is heavy on the revenge, not enough faceslaps, mystery is evident but also obvious and the in*est is strong in this one.

Feel like every character has a filter in their mind, cause either they real blind and clueless or in denial. But one thing this novel does make sure, love is blind.

The relationship of the MC and ML is complicated, from start to finish its a bumpy ride, and with this being more heavy on the revenge side, the growth of the relationship felt incomplete but acceptable.

The translation is great, but a little thing that I wished was either removed or replaced was the exclamation marks. It made my reading experience hear shouting all the time, it was funny at first but jarring while reading. But overall translation was good and understandable, no mistakes were noticed so I had fun.

So the in*est, I knew it was there, I was uncomfortable about it but I knew what I was in for, but that extra though.... oof.

But boy this novel is drama! drama! drama! So messy and dirty I loved it. The family drama is one of my guilty pleasures, though it didn't scratch the itch, it does feel like reality tv messy. <<less
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Jinx_1 rated it
June 5, 2022
Status: --
This had so so much potential but was ruined by 2 things. First, this story is truly the super buffet all-you-can-eat melodrama. Every bad melodramatic trope you can think of, it's here and then some. This would've been fine but what really ruined it, is the absolute lack of emotional pay off and climax. The MC's journey was built up pretty well but I felt cheated from any sort of payoff after reading pages and pages about his endless suffering and revenge for it all to lead to nothing.

... more>>

There was no conversation or confrontation between the MC and his brothers after all they went through. I'm assuming they're fine with each other since the 2 older brothers did show up to MC's wedding but it's like they skipped over an entire story there. I also felt the 2 older brothers got off pretty easily compared to the 4th brother who they made the scapegoat for everything. But I don't think anything the 4th brother did to the MC in either life was any worse than how the other 2 treated him.

And then there was the lack of payoff between MC/ML too on certain points. For example, MC's fear of all his loved ones leaving him and then the ML breaking up with him seemed to confirm his fears. Of course, ML came back and I don't blame ML at all for needing some time to think about things but they never discussed it afterwards. In fact, the author somehow made it seem like it was ML who was more afraid of MC leaving him and forgot about MC's hangups. Then ML kept having dreams about MC's original life in jail and again, they never talked about it between them. So why bother having ML know about MC's original life and thinking it could be true if it didn't lead to anything? Taking out that plot point would've changed nothing.


But what really ruined the story for me is the twist about the "hidden boss" which really cheapened MC's entire journey for me. I'm totally confused as to how the author could write a great revenge story for MC only to ruin it by this other revenge story going on. To have MC's suffering, and subsequent revenge and scheming be overshadowed by this Walmart copy it ridiculous.


MC basically suffered for 30 years in his original timeline with not a single moment of happiness or peace. Wang Changlin the so-called master behind the scenes at least enjoyed a happy life with his mom before her death. A single moment and act in time started his crazy decades long revenge that was way way excessive compared to MC's suffering and his revenge. In fact, his revenge seemed to be more directed towards a completely innocent family, MC's maternal family, which didn't do a damn thing to Wang Changlin. They were just collateral damage but all of them suffered way more than what should be his targets of revenge.

As far as I can tell, he didn't do a single thing to his dad or stepmom who tried to kill him? He just waited around for 30 years to go after his half-brother and family but all he accomplished was driving MC and MC's entire maternal family to their deaths. He said he wanted to ruin what his dad cherished but umm, the dude was already long dead before you started kicking your grand schemes into gear so it's not like he would be aware of any of your plans. How does that make any sense?? Seriously, he's a clown, and the writer made him out to be the mastermind of everything...

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January 11, 2024
Status: Completed
damn... for the first time my reading speed was so damn fking fast LOL.

I finished in a day, and usually I take 2/3 days for 60 chaps. but this novel got me hooked.

the ML is really a very communicative and has strong empathy. he speaks very well and managed to speak his mind to the MC really well and I appreciate that. he was really devoted and super in love lolol.

I'm happy that there wasn't the troupe of 'bcs you love me, I'll give up my revenge' bcs MC... more>> does have more than a life of resentment.

I find the retribution for each of them quite worthy.

I will admit, I felt bad for the oldest brother the most for having a narcissist for a dad and a spoiled younger brother.

I know this is in*est and the extra got me going DAYUM.

shen jin (elder) and shen cheng (second) got together and even has a f*cking dom/sub kinda vibe. I did not expect it... LOL.

and I hate to say that I fking enjoyed it and wish I could find a story like that... yes I'm rotten. :')

I did feel like the ending was super rushed and we could've had another chapter to smooth out how the MC and ML continues forward.

it was kinda weird that the author decided to make ch 57 a proposal chapter LMAO. it came out of left field for me. I read it aft I was done w the whole novel but it's prob supposed to be read in this order: the main story then the brothers' extra then 57 then the MC and ML's extra then the rest.

I will say, the plot itself or rather the reason why the MC had to go through this sh*t was kinda boring (?) or not that interesting for me. I like this novel bcs of how the author wrote about the MC's and ML's inner monologue/thoughts. I liked that part.

other than that, the plot is super straight forward and nth really deviates from what you might think would happen. it's quite predictable.

I was actually quite shocked when the MC chose to believe/trust the


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Miyuki_Asami rated it
December 12, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't even know what to say, 2/5 is already very generous... Lin Mingxuan is really pathetic, Sheng Xi despite being sooo distrustful of everyone readily believed and trusted Wangli too much, despite this their emotions are ok I guess, like how they were depicted and all just how it was written the whole thing that idk I just skipped a lot of filler text cuz I was so fed up and wanted to finish quickly cuz it was boring '-' In the end this is really so-so, also I... more>> found funny how the translator put again and again an warning of in*est in the extras when the whole thing was in*estuous since the beginning LMAO Anyways, finished this 10min ago and I'm already forgetting the plot. It's whatever recommendation, wouldn't say "do not read" but at the same time there's so much better books out there, is it worth spend your time reading this? Idk... LOL <<less
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October 23, 2023
Status: Completed
The story was excellent, translation was top notch and I really enjoyed it.

My only problem is how the two brothers get to live happily. I hate them. I would understand if only the ignoring happened during childhood but no, their whole adult self decided to be pricks. In my opinion, the should've fallen harder. I cannot forgive them for what they did to MC.

The ML too. I like him and this might just be me, but your lover was tortured by those people you call family, you brother. After getting... more>> together with the MC, I wish he would've dropped the MC's brothers and father. The MC's was mistreated his whole life by his family and you still are close with them? No way. I hated that.

I'm so happy MC got his revenge and a happy life though. <<less
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rorowingaway rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: c95

  • uhh the author has a really weird obsession with in*est relationships uhm #concerning #gototherapyforcure
  • it was a low key let down cause I thought the author was goin to reveal tht MC & ML are not same blood but uhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • the plotline of revenge was okay I just feel bad & upset that the shen family dad really be thinkin that he can aquire anyone who looks like his first love and it be the same which is BTW pretty fked up
  • the revenge overall was fun to read MC is really smart & cunning in his second life and ML is well doting to the MC ig
  • the main so called villian was also very unsatisfactory like how come the MC who can craft all this cannot identify him when the clues are right out there like "mom first love" or "close to hud gdpa then to his dad" total bs tbh the author really tried doin the plot twist with this one but end up making it look like tht pathetic white show called Pretty Little Liars it just makes you go like what in da hell?
  • And also not one BUT TWO in*est couples back to back... author-nim what is your brain made of?? I understand people say that got the in*est tag bluh bluh but does not excuse the fact that this whole fascination of pairing between cousins and EVEN BROTHERSSS is NOT OK at all like seriously... if that part would have lifted off this story would have been much better
  • I hope author-nim reflects a bit so they can bring more plot-ful stories?
rating: 6/10 originally wanted to give it an 8 but cos of the in*est minus 2 points
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November 9, 2022
Status: c60
It started out really well and was interesting to read. But, after chapter 30, it stopped making sense step by step. Because of the unnecessary details, incidents that were there just to show justice to the previous wife, and the rushed revenge, I wasn't possible for me to enjoy it.
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Eueu rated it
September 12, 2022
Status: --
Quite mediocre. Tbf, I went in with high expectations on the intricacy and brilliancy of the revenge bec of some reviews but the actual scheme fell through. The defeating of the enemy was so easy it was kinda boring. Lyk, for a leading domestic company, it was ruined really, really fast and so so easily.

Though, I did enjoy the tension between the MC and the ml.
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ylial rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: Completed
The story is really good and the characters are realistic.

Probably, I'm shocked by the extra chapters since I didn't expect it to happen. I'm not against in*est story as long as there is no r*pe, it only felt abrupt to me. Technically, it is possible but the narration is a little lacking.
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xXLicorneXx rated it
August 21, 2022
Status: --

It’s a revenge novel set in modern times but I actually quite liked it. It’s the usual rich family drama with the neglected son making a come back but it differs because the MC is clear: all he wants is revenge; not recognition. There a clear division of like and dislike and the ones targeted... all deserve it. It’s cold, cynical and real with a dose of self-introspection. The author actually gave depth to his characters! So while the plot is ordinary, the emotional development and the dynamic were... more>> quite interesting. <<less
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merinnan rated it
February 11, 2024
Status: Completed
Very satisfying rebirth revenge story. It was nice seeing the reborn MC slowly learn that things were a lot more complicated than he thought, as well as the unfolding karma against everyone who deserved it. If in*est is a big no-no to you, then do not read this - the MC and ML are cousins, and there's a side pairing featured in the extras who are biological siblings.
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51Fool49 rated it
December 5, 2023
Status: --

This is absolutely ridiculous. Cousin gay. Brothers gay. Step brother gay. Best friend gay.

MC literally has no reason to plot revenge anymore. As all the brothers are gay, there's naturally not going to be any 4th generation heir. Shen company will be handed out to board directors and Papa Shen will die from stroke after finding out all his pups are gay.

I mean I get it its supposed to be a dog blood soap opera but at least try to keep it within the bare minium required to make it feel realistic.

Oh and I absolutely hate the ml. He will magically appear whenever MC is in trouble. Despite already being in a relationship with the MC, he will go out of his way to make mc's best friend jealous by feeding him dog food. The author portrayed him as a saint since the start so that douche move was quite contradictory. This was the final blow that made me drop this.

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