Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks


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Ning Shu had dropped dead. But in a burst of good fortune, she became a task-taker in charge of counterattacking for the pitiful cannon fodders. Thus, Ning Shu, in one world after another, took all kinds of life roles and encountered all kinds of “you’re heartless, you’re ruthless, you’re making trouble for no reason” people. She encountered all sorts of white lotus flowers, green tea b*tches, scheming b*tches, by the batch.

“Does any true beauty still exist in the world?!” Bellowed Ning Shu angrily. “You annoying tr*sh! I’m just here to counterattack, please don’t get in the way of me completing my task.” Transmigration main character, reincarnation main character. There’s only a lazy task-taker, no indestructible main character halo. Ning Shu had no choice, but to painfully gather moral integrity in each of the worlds.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks
I Make Scum Men Cry (manhua)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Calm Books
  2. Capture Target Novel (BxG)
  3. TOP of the toppers, BEST of the bestest
  4. (GxB) World hopping
  5. want read

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176 Reviews sorted by

Peachyxist rated it
November 2, 2019
Status: c951
This story is like amazing. Tbh I thought it'll be some cliche sh*t but with intriguing plot, so as I read more and more this turns out way better than you'd imagine. I didn't regret reading this at all. ≪3
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MrTaco rated it
October 26, 2019
Status: c733
I really love this story. The female lead is super capable, strong, and independent. Every victory she achieves is usually due to her own strength and wisdom. Moreover, she is also not overpowered like in many other of these sort of system stories, and instead relies on her martial prowess and intelligence. She realizes that you can only truly rely on yourself in this world, and thus usually levels up her strength. Moreover, the female lead also always tries her best to strive for self-improvement. This translator is also pretty... more>> speedy, and their translations are excellent. All in all, it's an amazing read. <<less
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AniahVu rated it
October 15, 2019
Status: c17
Oooh boy. I like the stong will-power of the MC but I can't take this anymore. The MC is an extremely pushover type. Won't even say or do anything to protect herself or dignity. Adding to the fact that literally, everyone is an as*hole and then the next chapter and then the next chapter and the next chapter and then the next cha- you get the idea. The so-called system is useless and terrible and only adds to the terrible reading experience. Even when it f*cks up on the very... more>> first thing it does, it somehow doesn't take the blame but places it on something else as well and have no reasoning what so ever. Oops, sorry I ruined your life but oh well you just got to deal with it. It's only chapter 17 and it's a pain in the ass for the last couple of chapters. I can see the good quality in this but the road to get there is not worth the troubles for me at least. Read it if you're a masochist or can take a serious amount of beating to the head otherwise 2/5. The suffering ain't worth it. <<less
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auraizen rated it
August 17, 2019
Status: c644
I'd give this about 4.3? 4.4?

The arcs are LONG. ~50-100ish chapters long. I binged all the translated chapters in less than a day though so it's not too bad. The MC starts out from when she died in her original world after being in the hospital for a decade so her personality starts out meh but it gets way better as it goes on. MC has no romance and there's no ML

... more>>

The only significant character apart from the MC and system is Psycho/the School Doctor Uncle since he's already appeared across three different arcs. Especially since he was in the place where planes are nurtured and MCs system couldn't sense him so he's definitely important. If there will be any ML it'd have to be him.


Overall, there's no harm in giving this a try. The first arc was kinda eh but MC just started out so it can be forgiven. I absolutely adored the second arc. The third arc made me so frustrated, there wasn't a single character that was sane, I think they were all on drugs. The arcs all have their ups and downs.

The system's personality was enjoyable.

The people who's bodies MC tookover got them back after and got to see how much their life improved thanks to the MC so that was heartwarming.

This novel doesn't have any major faults but I don't think I'll be coming back to this anytime soon (for worldhopping novels that I enjoy I read the new arcs as soon as they're finished) Only reason I finally read this was because I had nothing to do aha <<less
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This novel is fantastic. It takes a while for the MC to develop, but that only makes it more realistic. The first arc is kinda slow and the MC is a total punching bag, but once you get past that the story becomes even more interesting. The MC is really practical and sticks to her values. Definitely worth reading!
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Daisydacrazy rated it
February 10, 2019
Status: c400
This is a really good book. Not the fall in love at first type kinda crap or the hella op female lead one. This one is where she starts weak and gets stronger. However, The first Arc is going to annoy the crap outta you, it did to me. So read the first half of it and skip to the last couple of chapters in the arc and fill in the blanks of what’s going to happen. The other arcs are amazing. You get to watch as she gets stronger.... more>> Although There’s an arc that’s gonna mentally hurt your head. Anyway it’s a really good story so check it out.


Im not sure which it is but she’s gonna have to go into a hentai world and become the Heroine in it. Her task is to escape all the r*pes and MLs. Oh and also to give them trauma

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Fitzy rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: c435
Simply hilarious. MC is no OP, even can be called weak at first. She fight with her wits and the interaction between her and the system is one of the reasons I keep engaged to this novel.

1 important point is there's no romance, no ML, lol. So refreshing that for once we dont need to curse annoying ML, or grieving for pitiful second ML.
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RipeApricot rated it
December 12, 2023
Status: c310-402
Was reading until 310 but I can't find the next chapters. When I click next it brings me to chapter 393.

Tried using the link from Novel Update and the TOC of the translating site but still can't find 311-392. So I continued until 402 but I am confused now so I will stop temporarily. This is not a proper review. Just treat this as me, bookmarking this incase I decide to reread or continue it.

I'll give it four star because it's actually well written. I like the plot but I... more>> don't feel like I truly enjoyed reading it. It lacked the characteristics that I want the MC to have. But that's just base on my taste on QT.

The novel is good. Ngl.

I just don't know who our ML is. Maybe it's our SDU. Maybe not. Idk if he is Big Bro Emperor or not as well. There's no clue showned as far as I reached.

Yeah, I am bad at making reviews.

- RipeApricot <<less
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Babobaya1712 rated it
November 2, 2022
Status: --
I've read the first 5 arcs and I still like arc 1 the most. Arc 3 and 5 are unreadable while the rest are insignificant and should have been shorter.

Xiao Ming is so adorable, the most likable male character in this novel so far. The uncle guy is fine but I doubt their relationship will go further.
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Chiyo2772 rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: c1638
It's well different from the typical romantic quick transmigration novels. I take breaks reading this with romance novels in between or else I might have...

The first arc was meh especially compared to the others. Glad I continued it


The r*pe in the arc when she took over as the old mother and sadomasochistic arc kinda pain me. The r*pe wasn't the fault of the MC but that was dark. Her thoughts about the girl in the sadomasochistic arc was terrible.
I also hated that this novel is hard on females more than the males. It puts more focus on us to hate the fl, if you read it you'll get it.


I want more novels where it's a transmigration but no romance.
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HealingMoon rated it
February 19, 2022
Status: c2013
Although most people are hoping for a strong female lead, like CMMD, this is as realistic as you can get for a quick transmigration series. Most people forget this later on, but ... more>>

the MC was diagnosed with a terminal illness, which resulted in her living living in the hospital ever since she was fifteen. This is why she is not as educated as other female leads. This novel is slow progression in making someone go from an even weaker-than-normal girl grow into someone strong. I think this is as realistic as you can get to if you were the one transmigrated. Not only that, she is trying her hardest to just survive in each world when she has an incompetent system that doesn't even respond to her when almost dying.


Also, there is no romance, and MC sticks to her morals. <<less
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ivanlyw7 rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Great quick transmigaration story, where the MC actually gets character development.

As the story progresses, the focus slowly shifts to the world around MC, and MC turns from someone who is somewhat serious and restrained to a downright bully to anyone she meets.

Great translation quality

My only gripe is with that super open ended ending that's not really an ending with the author just leaving the story with multiple loose ends. Seems the author just got fed up with the story.

... more>>

They never actually get into what happens after the darkness re-emerges, if uncle is dead and why MC even saw him on certain planes.

There's no actual ending for anyone.

MC just continues living her life wothout an arm?

Cheongsam man never gets anyone?

Her world just continues as a deslolate place?

What about the world tree and Li Wen

So many loose endings...

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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Everything seem a-OK until I see dead people the truths.

... more>>

1. Translating speed is around 3 days per chapter.

2. Lastest chapter translated is around 1100th.

3. Original novel is currently at 4, 400th chapter !!

So there is 3, 300 chapters to go for the great translator. Also 3300/3 or 1100 days or 3 years before the translator could catch up the 4400th current chapter. Hope the folowing reader could endure until year 2023..

But.. The novel is not end yet !

The novel starts from 2014. Now is 2020 and the author still keeps on dragging..


So I decide to drop.. <<less
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famine rated it
May 27, 2020
Status: c1054
For a QT story, this is not the best. Its more of an adventure story than romance.. I don't really love it but I don't hate it either.

Ning Shu is considerate and have moral, logic, and compassion.. To characters that deserve it. She is not overly cruel, but will be if the characters betrayed or attacked her. The only problem I have is she is too reckless and solve everything by punching it type.. I got a feeling she missed a lot of things because her intellegence is.. Not lacking... more>> too much, but sometimes common sense passes her by. Fortunately, she is lucky. There is no specified backstory to her past, but we got a lot of glimpses, and I read in spoilers section, that there are the transmigrator headquarter of some sort. Ning Shu's life seems chaotic there too. I wonder where this story is going, but I am sure its not going to be romance.. Ever. <<less
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Krystaize rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: --
Story development: 4/5

Love the arcs but the overall story just doesn't seem to have a goal. The overlapping story arc of the zombie and school was nice. But after all that I've read, there's no implication of any connections between the worlds. It just feels like the Heroine is going to be lonely all her transmigrations.

Characters: 4/5

... more>> All characters other than the MC are foil characters. However I like how varied the side characters are, albeit the "main characters" tends to be the same.

Translation 3.5/5

Its grammar structure is acceptable but I did stumble a few times trying to understand a sentence.

Badass female character: 5/5


Ability to draw out several emotions: 3.5/5 <<less
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caslie rated it
March 19, 2019
Status: c468
Something to pass time. Not overly op lead and not over the top plots. I do suggest you just follow the translator's site outline for chapters because they don't match up to the posted links. Leads to confusing points if you left in between parts of a arc.
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