Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks


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Ning Shu had dropped dead. But in a burst of good fortune, she became a task-taker in charge of counterattacking for the pitiful cannon fodders. Thus, Ning Shu, in one world after another, took all kinds of life roles and encountered all kinds of “you’re heartless, you’re ruthless, you’re making trouble for no reason” people. She encountered all sorts of white lotus flowers, green tea b*tches, scheming b*tches, by the batch.

“Does any true beauty still exist in the world?!” Bellowed Ning Shu angrily. “You annoying tr*sh! I’m just here to counterattack, please don’t get in the way of me completing my task.” Transmigration main character, reincarnation main character. There’s only a lazy task-taker, no indestructible main character halo. Ning Shu had no choice, but to painfully gather moral integrity in each of the worlds.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks
I Make Scum Men Cry (manhua)
Related Series
Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke (27)
Sinister Ex-Girlfriend (20)
Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack (17)
My Disciple Died Yet Again (10)
Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! (10)
The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Calm Books
  2. Capture Target Novel (BxG)
  3. TOP of the toppers, BEST of the bestest
  4. (GxB) World hopping
  5. want read

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176 Reviews sorted by

Ziavory rated it
May 17, 2020
Status: --
This is such a good novel. It's so satisfying to see dumb tropes subverted BUT sometimes I feel so fustrated for our MC.

... more>>

Imma stop reading because of the shitty system. I mtld it and that backstabbing mf leaves with all her hard work, embezzled her points and turns out some of the worlds he gave her as missions were considered 'illegitimate' by the origanization so she had to start all over. It makes me so angry. Sometimes I just wanna see the MC beat the crap out of some characters, especially the system and doctor.

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rolandswift rated it
January 18, 2020
Status: c3302
one of the best story, already surpassed my lust for release the witches.

a okish female protagonist, she is not good person or bad person. more like chaotic neutral or neutral position. simply helping fulfill the wishes of people who were innocently miserable. the female protagonist will go to a far degree to give them a identity and cut off the evil that stands in their way of life (which means killing them off or torturing to satisfy the person who got hurt by them.) as we progress though multiply chapter... more>> the story view will change from quick transmigration but to more about universe, creating world, act of god and plane wars. you will see less of quick transmigration and most of all result of the quick transmigration.

as for romance.... maybe or maybe not.

im giving it 5/5 cause, this story is kind of rich in story building up character/telling and have lots of different genre. and it gets better and better atleast to 3302 chapter.

i have also tried to find a similar story to this, but I can't find one, so im starting to believe there isn't one. although I feel "release the witches" is kind of similar to this story except romance and male protagonist, but it kinda is short compare to this. <<less
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arashi-chan12 rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c125
I like this. I got interested enough to MTL it through google translate from the RAWs I found and have been reading them the last day or so. I'm following a couple "transmigrating to cannon fodders via a system and helping them faceslap everyone who has wronged them" but like the translator said, it takes a cynical approach on romance. Don't get your hopes up if you start getting attached to a possible ML haha

It also does something I haven't seen before in these types of stories:

... more>>

She ends up traveling back to a past world she was in and meets one of the important characters again, in a drastically different world setting though...


Author also follows up with PoVs of characters who's bodies she was in. It's interesting to see how she changed and influenced them and their lives, and to get a glimpse at how the story continues with the original personalities coming back.

Anyways, I don't regret going through the mind-scrambling MTL just to get a peek ahead.

Btw, if anyone else feels these chapters are really short, the RAWs I found on 69shu are longer so the TL might be splitting chapters? Not sure why tho. Will keep reading the TL regardless, since google translate hardly does this story justice haha <<less
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Blithe rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: c2202
Honestly I have a love hate relationship with this novel. This novel has taught me patience and virtue. Amitabha. I couldn't hold it anymore so I just read the spoilers of the ending instead.

What I love:

Very very unique novel with little to no cliches. Really liked the MC. She isn't OP at ALL. LOVED the fact that there is little to no romance in the entirety of the plot. She climbs little by little to the top which she hasn't reached by the end of the novel. This novel made... more>> me address my hypocrisy and know more about the hypocrisy of the world. I won't ever be able to look at other novel with cliche plots the same ever again.

What I hated:

The first 1000 chapters MC was weak af. Anyone can trample on her type of weak. It was so frustrating to read. It didn't deter me from continuing the novel though.

However halfway through the novel MC is still average in strength. You think finally she can rest a little but someone stronger than her comes to beat her up.

. I didn't like their endings. MC let them off too easily. MC is a passive character till the very end of the novel. She is a cannon fodder in her own life as well. In her own words she's an ant. By the end of the novel she just becomes a stronger ant that can't be killed off as easily. There is no sense of triumph in this story.

Is this story worth reading? Yes. Is the plot good and the writing excellent? Yes. Do I ever want to read this again? A hundred times no. I might die from my blood pressure spiking. <<less
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epexegetic rated it
November 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Every time I come to this page hoping to be linked to new stories, I see these s*upid reviews and I want to vomit blood. It's okay to be an idiot, but don't implicate others.

First: this is no CP. NO CP NO CP NO CP. I would even go as far to say that the author is anti-romance. The people who are imagining a romance saw a powerful man and thought, 'well that's our security! that's our ML'. No.... that's the enemy!

Second: As a no CP fast wear that the... more>> original returns, it's one of the few 'true' fast wears around. CP fast-wear is usually the same boring relationship in front of different situational green-screens: He is so powerful (CEO, Emperor, Sect leader!), She's so beautiful (Good face, good bod, genius!). Could I make in anymore obvious? It's not about OP beauties winning the national champion barararara, but about helping these people get into a position where they can live happily in accordance with what they want and what they can do. Ning Shu is hard and soft when in comes to these matters. On the one hand, problems that can be solved with violence are not problems. On the other, she will put painstaking care into positioning people into their happy lives.

Third: The cannon fodder does not just refer to the characters Ning Shu is helping, but Ning Shu herself is a massive cannon fodder. This has one of the most developed systems explaining the 快穿 system, and it's pretty clear on the interests of the involved parties, and Ning Shu is struggling to survive in this business model. She suffers and struggles a lot. If you want a narcissistic wish fulfilment power fantasy, it's difficult to find here. It takes thousands of chapters before she has someone who can be called a friend, and even longer before an actual ally comes along.... and they don't like her.

Forth: I see reviews sawing the author hates women and is racist and.... To the racism part, unless this is literally the only Chinese literature you've ever encountered, this is a nonsense accusation. What is it... I don't dislike it when the FL's beautiful pale jade skin is adored, only when it's pointed out? To the hating women part, if this is the only literature you've ever encountered, maybe this would make sense. Maybe. But it isn't, and it doesn't. This work is heavily invested in women's rights. It has worlds that mock fictional mainstream romances, but many worlds that deal with real-world issues of r*pe and domestic violence. The only story I would unequivocally tell people not to read is the '男友是弯的' story. They're bad people, but why, in Chinese stories, is the gay-to-aids pipeline so entrenched???? It's not worth the pain, please trust me.

Fifth, and finally: I've read so many 快穿, it's probably my favourite genre; and this is my favourite story in this genre. Both the system she lives in and the worlds she travels to and developed in interesting and innovative ways. The first world she enters is rough and embarrassing: she has no power. You can skip it and go the the second world; the only point of going to the first is to understand humiliation. The big story is good, and the little stories are good and inventive. <<less
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July 12, 2021
Status: Completed
AHH, worth it. Reading 4333 chapters for almost a month, non-stop, completely worth it. Such a great MC with ideologies and actions almost completely in line with how I would presume a normal person's perception of life. Similarly, the world and the way of transmigration into different worlds is brilliant, as well as the visited worlds and characters in it. It is ironically a novel with almost 70% romance yet the MC never got together with anyone. Just awesome. READ IT, NOW!
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Piknos rated it
February 20, 2020
Status: c862
I have to say, for a novel based around going into different worlds the author really knows how to make each character distinct. Every arc has it's own set of rules and plots, but the side characters are truly fleshed out. Although the basic premise of getting a task to accomplish stays the same, the story doesn't become boring at all. New situations and plots are presented in 13 arcs so far, and they are all well thought out, even the typical male/female leads that she obliterates have different quirks.

There's... more>> also an element of mystery through the whole thing, the further you get into it the more you understand that things aren't what they're supposed to be. Although this is typical of transmigration stories the difference here is that the incidents only occur very rarely, and by that I mean literally only a few times throughout all these chapters. It gives significance to the overarching plot, and gives a bit of a break from the otherwise lengthy mini-series.

I highly recommend reading. <<less
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Annise rated it
February 25, 2019
Status: c468
I read this in the Chinese version and it’s basically a twist in the views of the other characters in mess up popular Chinese novels. The translation is numbered differently from the Chinese one to prevent theft. I realize how mess up my three views are after reading this and decide I should stop reading Mary Sue novels with the mess up plots
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Shadowminion rated it
September 16, 2018
Status: c254
Honestly, I read the other reviews before reviewing this, and I guess I can see some of their points. But I'm in favour because the MC is actually quite my type. This story is actually all about the perceived cliches in light novels, particularly Chinese light novels. (The really tr*shy, full of one-dimensional villains type.) If you really want to put a genre to it, it's basically: Con. Sis. Tent. Face. Slapping!

And it's also the one story where there's no such ML that follows the FL through her reincarnations. (Or... more>> at least, there isn't one yet except for the twice mentioned "Uncle".) It's seriously amazing how little actual 'romance' there is in this story. I mean, yeah, you get a little disappointed at the lack of romance but it's actually f*cking amazing how the author can depict the difference in treatment when the MC is in an attractive body or a non-attractive one.

Like wow, there is SO MUCH satisfaction in her princess mode than when she's a flat-chested fodder. It's also great that she CAN end up without a partner and still be a successful person.

Her timing for ending the 'jobs' are also really realistic. I mean, once the job is done, get out. That's how it's supposed to be, right? And if you did a shoddy job, then get out quicker. No waiting on side missions, this isn't an MMORPG! You might get a completion bonus, but you'll just end up taking another job later.

Well, this is obviously slated towards female readers, because there's a lot of man hate here. BUT! With the huge number of pro-men stories around, with even those transmigrating females having to rely on male leads to do anything, this is a rare gem that should be savoured. I feel bad for the amount of ball-busting there is (I didn't really like the slap-happy arc) but this story is an overall win in my book. <<less
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Avalanche Fall
Avalanche Fall rated it
May 28, 2018
Status: c131
Really? First arc was not bad at all. I like it a lot. I don't really like novel that begin with strong character. It make the story cliche and less surprise point for reader. Like, we must learn to stand before we could walk, then start running right? And when the character rise from fall, and repay the bully, that make the story interesting. I like this novel because its different. Worth your time reading with real value of life included in my opinion. Because not return back what people's... more>> said or did is my characteristic, I never regret it in my own life because it bring me self satisfaction. But I like Ning Shu's character a lot because its irony. Cruel Ning Shu are awesome too. <<less
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March 26, 2018
Status: c3034

So far, I rate this story 4 stars. The reasons are as follow:

+ Good story line with moderate character development

+ Moderate logic and not so many plot hole. At least, the author try to hide the plot hole.

+ The story shift focus at some point and are now not as enjoyable to see her doing mission. However, it is not that bad as the focus is now more on "how the main char develop". In the past, it is more focus on how she do the mission and you would enjoy the reality slap. Now you enjoy how other view her as she become what you would call a goddess. Well, she still as weak as an ant in the eyes of some other special characters but in the world that she created, she is basically a goddess now.

- The character are forced to be dumb at some point for no reason.

- The transition of the story are forced at some point and are very noticeable, this make the story look dumb if the reader are not forgiving for these mistake.

I recommend this novel if you have read other reincarnate novel, transport to another world novel or some sort of one more chance at life novel because most of the mission she did in this novel is to give the main characters from the novels above a dose of reality. It would give you an extra point at enjoyment.

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Eyesfullofwonder rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: c21
It's a well written story that goes in depth in the arc and takes it's time to build up. The world is not too easy and just the to show how great the MC is. The MC is relatable and hard working. I can't wait to see how the plot progresses. Please continue timely translation and thanks for introducing me to this.
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JKingSniper rated it
October 19, 2023
Status: c477
It's extremely damn frustrating to read.

Constant r*pe with no consequences and MC doesn't really come to an satisfying conclusion.

I only lasted up to chap 400+ but can't take it anymore. MC feels always weak and can't do anything while the evil ML/FL of each world survive and not really punished
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olivrr rated it
August 19, 2022
Status: c2025
LOL, never done any reviews for my reads before, this is a first... Starting I love how the MC (Ning Shu) started from a swaddling innocent kid to what she currently is, I agree that she might come of to be a punching bag at first, but there's plenty of reasons for that, like how she had basically lived her whole life in a hospital, there's also what you call adapting, not every thing should be challenged head first, you ought to gouge out the possibilities and as such, Our... more>> MC isn't some kind of super man, she wasn't a professional task-taker too. Very much growing in your environment, she is what she is because of her environment, the kids growing up in our current generation are like so because they've all been cultivated in environments where they get thrown at the internet at an early age, this is what Ning Shus's back story is, she was a patient that lived her whole life locked up in a hospital ward with nowhere to go to but the internet, which led to her having known more beyond the confines of her ward, her view of the world should be stable since there wasn't that much influencing her but the internet, her only educational foundation was her elementary level knowledge at first and it took time before she could finally achieved a higher level of knowledge. The author mocks the usual tropes that authors (specially Chinese authors) make by giving us a different POV lololol They insist on giving us hints that not everything can be answered with love, not everything should be considered with only your view but with also the perspectives of others, they hinted us that love can aslo hurt others, that even if small, our acts maybe hurting or implicating those that are very much undeserving, This work is so fantastic and keen on shaping the readers morals, it's a favorite of mine, and it reminds me every time of how I should also sometimes question my morality •́ ‿, •̀. I know that some peeps doesn't actually have the patience to read this much but I advise that you should read this master piece little by little and carefully take in Ning Shus's Monologues (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) that's all I can say, I think... (This are only my opinions, and everyone deserves to speak up theirs too.) Ty for reading ಥ_ಥ <<less
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March 14, 2022
Status: c1805
You see, the main character is pretty much just a vessel for the author (and at the same time the readers) to retort cliche you usually find in other novel. As result, Ning Shu (mc's) view point would change on every world that she encountered. The only one characteristic that stayed is that she will have to survive by herself without ML that suddenly appear and lift the sky for her.

There's many reviewer that mention that this novel is feminist/anti-feminist. The thing is, the novel have never been about feminism... more>> or what not count as one. Ning Shu view is a mix of old and new value, which tbh, is more similar to how people think and reflect society the author was in. So expect some contradiction on her views. Since it's based on largely mono ethnic China, note that their standard was always based on han people. Example, when talking about skin color- the author probably didn't even consider that other race exist.

The novel is very long and as of 1000+ chapter the story haven't even reached half of the main stoy yet. It's better to think of each world as separate episodic story. <<less
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soba_oden rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: c3000
I read the translation, then went to read the raw because I got impatient.

This is definitely rather weird series. It tries to have the MC act logically with no OP cheat despite being tied to a system. However, once she starts getting powers it immediately falls into the OP trap. Like, acupuncture can damage nerves, I guess, but in stories set in modern day somehow the damage caused acupuncture still cannot be detected by modern medicine. I object to this because the acupuncture is described as normal acupuncture. It only... more>> has catastrophic results because the MC is "skilled". It's one thing if modern medicine detects nerve damages and refused to treat it because it's too severe. However, not being able to find anything wrong ia asinine. Normally I would just shrug and move on, but the author makes a point to have the MC act logically with logical "realistic" consequences, so this woowoo nonsense sticks out painfully.

On that note, this author also falls into the typical pithole of underestimating the time and effort it took to gain certain skills. Many transmigration authors do this, and it's very s*upid. I guess this is the one thing that the author isn't actually aware as being s*upid. Ningshu encounters a Heroine who brings modern skills to the "prehistoric" setting, and I don't think she ever accuses this as being absurd. And as such the author happily went and had Ningshu do the same.

Ningshu could easily reproduce multiple lengthy novels off the top of her head to compete against a man whose system cheat allows him to view the entirety of the text in his head. Like, sure, the setting allows for lower standards so she doesn't hace to reproduce the novels perfectly. It's just still too much material to be able to be written out from memory. I am a fan of Harry Potter but I wouldn't be able to reproduce even one Harry Potter book.


She also once became a full fledged lawyer with highly acclaimed reputation in just two years. Knowing that lawsuits can drag on for 5+ years, I don't know what this author thought was doable within just 2 years.

Another issue is the weird juxtaposition between female empowerment and very conservative Chinese ideals. In nearly all the stories that involved the requester escaping a horrid partner, the stories never ended with the body finding a new love. It's a progressive "I need no man" mindset. On the other hand, the MC often berates the targets of her counterattacks for not adhering to Confucian or other Chinese traditional ideals. It's not like both can't coexist, mind you. You can be a strong independent woman who still adheres to conservative ideals, but it's just not held together well in this series.

There were moments where it came across as "Chinese magic is better than Western magic". Ningshu might just be a higher tiered agent by this point, so her skills are above normal. But the Taoist exorcism methods and the Martial Arts technique she had trumps the Western style magic employed by the story universe she entered, so it just looks a bit off in many ways. Also, the "logic" eventually crumbles altogether once the MC powers up enought. She becomes a typical unapologetically horrid overpowered heroine just like the other typical series. At first she seemed to really stick to her morals, like in the early arcs it was repeatedly pointed out that she doesn't want to go overvoard with the counterattack. But eventually it just goes poof, and she juat casually destroys entire towns to feed her own powerbases. Her excuse is that "these people are evil anyway". Again, typical poorly written overpowered Mary Sue trope.

I know this is a webnovel with no editors so I shouldn't expect quality writing. It's just that the MC keeps on lampshading how s*upid "other" transmigration MCs and/or stories are (a lot of the stories being "attacked" in these series are actual existing novels) that the shortcomings in this novel becomes obnoxious and hypocritical. <<less
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awesomehuman134 rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: c2333
I think it's a great 4 stars (I can't change the rating, Idk why) novel, and below are why.

  1. although some people may complain that there's no romance here, that is the biggest reason that I love this story best amongst other system novels. There's no "all stronk, perfect guy with 10 abs and infinite power falls in love with FL cuz FL spEsHIaL!!!", like other novel and the explanation on why it doesn't is the same as what I think when I read this kind of novels. When the task is completed and the task taker has to go to another world what will happen to the guy and the girl, the girl does not have the same personality or charm, so will the ML still like her? he obv won't and when he doesn't the poor girl, who you, as a task taker supposed to make her happy, etc is going to have her heartbroken because she's just a replacement for the awesome, special white moonlight that the task taker is??? and if the guy doesn't notice that it's not the same person wouldn't it show that his love is not deep.
  2. An awesome and badass protagonist with growth in her character and power. The protagonist doesn't start and awesome and OP like other novels often does, on the contrary, I think she wouldn't even pass the first task if she doesn't get help from the doctor. Some people complain about the first task, saying that why can the protagonist just easily face slap her like other novels, but wouldn't it be illogical if she can??? This is the protagonist first task, the protagonist, a girl who spent her life in a hospital bed is a baby, a noob in this world with an unhelpful system VS a girl from the cultivation world with FL halo, that is supported by the whole school and all the stronk and sparkle-sparkle ML with 13 abs, who do you think would win? she improves but not rapidly IMO since if you compare it with other task-taker Ning Shu is not as good, her point is little, and she always takes the long road, by her hard work and experiences since she can't charm everybody pants off since her charm point is laughable, also, Ning Shu does make mistakes, and sometimes it's not the "little, won't affect the story at all but it's just there so the prota can solve it and show how superior she is" mistake, the on that I remember the most is when Ning Shu lost her points and fail her mission because she did not follow the task-giver wish, like other novels, don't do this?? other novels FL is so special they feel 2d, but Ning Shu doesn't she learns from her mistake and some of the lessons she learns does help her character a lot.
  3. Interesting side characters, other side characters are so s*upid and evil beyond reason but most of the side character is very interesting and realistic, some of the other side characters can be redeemed and some can't, not all beautiful FL are terrible and perfect.
  4. It gives the antagonist (98% of the time) realistic and logical karma, ex: harem world karma is because there are no other or little female in the new world the for OGFL and te scum male harem is that there are not enough woman to make a baby with so prota, whether she likes it or not have to have s*x with everyone cuz they need to repopulate the clan, which turns out, is not so.. great. the domineering CEO of that Sado-Maso novel karma is, sad, and abuse trigger warning for those willing to read this review since Ning Shu revenge is to destroy his company, the CEO who is sexually abusive turn to physically abusive as well and hurt the OGFL, but the OGFL can't leave because she becomes too dependant on CEO, even when he hit her and force her to work for his gambling problem.
  5. interesting and varied story with most of the time, uncliched storyline.
But, of course, the novel is not perfect.

  1. the conflicting feminist message, which is well explained by kimchi759 and procastination_day.
  2. the use of r*pe as punishment which is uhhhhhhh......
  3. the micro-homophobic dialogue or portrayals. Like I understand it would be uncomfortable and weird for a weird cis girl that changed into a boy to sleep with a girl, and it's fine if she doesn't like it but like, I may have misremembered it or misread it since I half MTL and half translation so take it with a grain of salt, "girls shouldn't sleep with girls" and also one of the punishments for the gay 3pp, don't get me wrong the gay 3p is a bunch of scums, through and through, you guys will hate them too and I get why his GF wants revenge since they got her fired, r*ped and killed for no reason, other than that she is the yaoi-mob prota girlfriends, but why must the revenge be giving them aids tho??? like why...
but then again this is Chinese novel, no matter how great it is there will be little misogynist view and h*mophobia view sprinkle around the story, which is thankfully the percentage is not as a lot or as noticeable as other novels
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BillionJellyfish rated it
June 3, 2019
Status: c586
A very well written transmigration system novel!

For once! There is no romance!

Summary: The MC (Ning Shu) died and is tied to a system meant to help cannon fodders fulfill their last wish.

... more>> MC: Ning Shu is a very pragmatic protagonist with a bottom line. To fulfill the system's missions, Ning Shu prefer to use her wits and strength instead of attempting to get male leads to fall in love with her.

Overall: This novel is very straight forward as the readers follow the MC to each world and witness how the MC fulfill her mission tasks. It's a good change of pace away from all those transmigration novels that focus on revenge and love, so I highly recommend this novel for those who are looking for a relatively relaxing read to pass the time. <<less
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Lexandrine rated it
November 10, 2018
Status: --
I don't know but maybe it's the translation that makes the story worse? Like maybe it was translated word per word or the writing was just too bad. I have no idea but it doesn't make me feel anything.

... more>>

At the first arc, it was like I was reading a non-canon arc lmao it was really weird since the story progresses from here to there in a snap. And the ML in that arc did not have any character growth? As well as Ning Shu herself? Her mother and father was the same. It feels like they were all background characters.


Edit 1: I came back and maybe I now have increased tolerance (either the translation getting better or I just read way too many QT web novels) but the story is now tolerable. So from 1/5 I'll rate this as a 3/5. <<less
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11thAgent rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: --
For future readers... don't get turned off by the 1-star reviews. Most of them gave up in the middle or just after the first world the MC experiences. I don't blame them, I almost gave up too. The fact that the MC started with a hard mission for her first experience after dying in a hospital really made things difficult for her. Because there are so many chapters, I decided to stick on for a couple more worlds before deciding if I wanted to continue the book (I read the... more>> raws). It is totally worth it. This is a story about someone with no experience in life (since she spent most of it in the hospital) struggling and surviving in a cold-hearted universe. She eventually gets pretty good at helping the owners of the bodies she uses. When she is doing a mission, the MC knows the story, how to react, and generally the most powerful person there. It is when she is not during a mission, the MC struggles. Which makes sense. Most of the powerful beings are pretty cold people who thinks of her as nothing more than an ant they can crush (which they can). Due to her missions and the people she meets outside, our MC is very pessimistic, which is sometimes a good thing but is being hinted on as something that can ultimately hurt her.

So new readers or people who plan to give up... Please stick around for a bit longer! There is a reason so many people love this novel and really think the MC is amazing! At least read the story where she transmigrates into a princess who is in love with a general! She starts becoming a badass here! <<less
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